Varus runes - League of Legends

lethality varus mid runes

lethality varus mid runes - win

Each Special move used in the entire series so far (As of Prowling Anxiety) in order.

Crippling Depression (Varus)
First Appearance: New Varus Build
Use: Buffering the Ultimate while flashing to get more range on it
Fun Fact: Varus' special move list is called The Arsenal of Abnormalities

Psychotic Anxiety
First Appearance: Understanding Botlane
Use: Using flash to curve Pyke's e for style points or to gain more range to catch enemies just out of range

Autism Zone
First Appearance: Lethality Pyke
Use: Allows Papa to increase his Chromosomes tenfold for a short amount of time but is useless unless Papa already has a large amount ready.
Fun Fact: The name was later changed to Asberger Syndrome due to Copyright and Papa wanting to make a callback to the Nexus Blitz filler episode and was changed to only be allowed to access one at 80% or more autism level.

Forgotten Dememtia
First Appearance: Lethality Pyke
Use: Papa dashes with his E and uses his R to curve the phantom so it hits his opponent.

(Not a special move) Pink Pyke Cloak
First Appearance: ppp
Use: While wearing the Pink Pink Cloak Papa gains the power of gayness becoming so powerful that no words in the human vocabulary can describe him forcing the narrator to go silent while Papa wrecks his enemies
Fun Fact: I will be including characters different forms on this List.

(Not a special move) Blood Moon Pyke Skin
First Appearance: Blood Moon Pyke
Use: While in this form Papa's chromosome power is boosted however it requires a large amount of chromosomes to remain in this form.
Fun Fact: In order to gain access to this power Papa had to join the Blood Moon Clan and perform the ritual of paying the 5$ lifetime membership fee.

Crippling Depression (Pyke)
First Appearance: Pyke is very weak and definitely needs the buffs. Thank you League of Legends!
Use: Using flash to buffer the use on Pyke's q to get more range.

Menacing Menpause
First Appearance: Pyke is very weak and definitely needs the buffs. Thank you League of Legends!
Use: A 3 hit combo of Q, E backwards, Tiamat (or just a regular AA depending on the season) to proc Electrocute to get his target low enough for an execute with his R.
Fun Fact: This move probably changed the most during the series as its core component of Tiamat and sometimes even Electrocute were removed depending on how viable they were on Pyke. It is also the most usable of Pyke's Weapons of Disorder as it doesn't require flash or too many chromosomes.

Epileptic Epitaph
First Appearance: Clean Combos
Use: Allows Papa to see 10 seconds into the future. Papa can spend more chromosomes to see farther. Papa must already be at high chromosome levels to use Epileptic Epitaph although the exact level vary based on different translations, manga, or anime.
Fun Fact: Although it first appeared in Clean Combos Epileptic Epitaph was only scarsley used in episodes like The Duty of a Carry, Tenacity Stacking etc. and it didn't even get its name until Auto win at level 16. (It was just called precognative ability until then).

Chromosome Stealing
First Appearance: BAN SYLAS
Use: Being only usable by a select few characters It allows them to steal the chromosomes of other characters and gain the power of them.
Fun Fact: This ability was first used by Sylas and is the main reason he is my fav character. No other character (yes even Evil Morde and Evil Papa) made me feel so much dread when they appeared. The way he just ruthlessly stole WhyGuy's chromosomes still gives me chills each time i watch the episode. There are only 3 characters who have demonstrated having innatley having this ability (Sylas, Papa. Evil Papa).

The Snap
First Appearance: Tenacity Stacking
Use: At the Cost of 50% of the League playerbase WhyGuy can skip his Promos. This only works if Papa has been in The Hardstuck Zone for atleast a month and if Papa recieves a comment asking for more cliffhangers.

Shining Jaundice
First Appearance: Well Designed Item
Use: Using either the Stopwatch or Zhonya's Hourglass the user's skin becomes golden protecting them from any harm for 2.5.
Fun Fact: Anyone can use this special move and it was used throughout the entire series but first got a name in the episode Well Designed Item.

Lazy Editing
First Appearance: Return to Masters
Use: At the cost of 88% Autism level WhyGuy can erase the process of a game skipping it entirely.
Fun Fact: Papa's most costly move which has only been used once in the entire series so far.

Death Realm Warp
First Appearance: Well Designed Rework
Use: Usable only by the current Ruler of the Death realm (Currently Mordekaiser) it allowes them to warp themselves and 1 other person into the death realm for 1 on 1 combat within a confined space
Fun fact: It's time for most peoples favorite villain: Evil Mordekaiser! While I personally like Sylas more, the sheer power Mordekaiser presents from here on out towards the entire series unquestionably makes him a very close second.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (or ADHD for short)
First Appearance: Well Designed Rework
Use: A move created by Papa specifically to counter Morde's Death Realm Warp which puts his body in constant motion becoming UNCONTAINABLE.
Fun Fact: One of Papa's most worthless moves due to only being a counter to 1 specific thing makes this move very weak. But the fact that someone forced Papa to create an entirely new move speaks volumes for Morde himself. What a shame that this move is very easily countered.

Tourettic Transition
First Appearance: Pyka and Sona Bot Lane
Use: At the cost of Autism Levels Papa can skip anywhere betweeen 10 seconds and 20 minutes of a game.
Fun Fact: Like Epileptic Epitaph this ability appeared a long time before it actually got its name in Harvesting my adversaries with Dark Harvest Pyke.

Crippling Anxiety
First Appearance: Pyka and Sona Bot Lane
Use: A combo move where Papa and Varus combine the moves Crippling Depression and Psychotic Anxiety to form a new even more powerful move.
Fun Fact: This is the very first combo move used in the series and I must say that it's pretty cool.

Dead Weight
First Appearance: Mordekaiser's Revenge
Use: This move enhances the users desire to strategically iINT without getting banned
Fun Fact: This move is most often used in the series by villains and very rarely by allies of Whydra.

Radiating Retardation
First Appearance: Dominating with Domination Runes
Use: The users chromosomes increase by 3 for every second that passes while in this state.
Fun Fact: This move can be techincally used even at low Autism Levels but due to it's high cost when you leave this state it's very unsafe to use it while below 90% Autism Levels.

(Not a special move) Project Pyke Suit
First Appearance: PROJECT: Pyke
Use: When wearing this cybernetic form Papa stays at a permanent 80% Autism level and has a permanent Epileptic Epitaph installed. The suit also has a built-in casette player and a navigation assistant.
Fun Fact: Papa rarely uses this suit after its first appearance even after it was cleansed of the virus due to the fact that Papa prefers the risk of losing Autism levels for the reward of more than 80% than the safetey of a permanent 80%. Evil WhyGuy also wears a pink chroma on his suit to combine the powers of the PROJECT Suit and the ppc (Pink Pyke Cloak).

Cybernetic Anxiety
First Appearance: Mama vs Papa of Realm 51
Use: PROJECT Pyke's version of Psychotic Anxiety.
Fun Fact: We don't know which of the 2 moves is stronger but my guess is it depends on the amount of chromosomes the current user has.

Technostressing Depression
First Appearance: Mama vs Papa of Realm 51
Use: PROJECT Pyke's version of Crippling Depression.

Diminishing Discrimination
First Appearnace: League of Legends makes me sad
Use: After landing her Q Mama smashes her keyboard with utmost finesse dealing massive damage and enlightening teammates that Supports should not be underestimated.
Fun Fact: Mama has decided that instead of focusing on various diffeerent moves for different situations she will just perfect 1 move that can be used in any situation. I am still sad that this means we will most likely never see the other moves in the Feminist Movement though (Whining Wamen, Bobcut buster, Entitled Endurance).

Cultural Appropiration
First Appearance: Swain OP! Must ban instead of Pyke
Use: By becoming a bird himself Papa enducated uncultured 2 birds with his might showing them the power of Swain.
Fun Fact: I only put this on the list due to a YouTube comment as I don't even really see this as a special move.

Vision of Whydra
First Appearance: YouTube comments made me a better Swain player
Use: Thanks to the help of all Swain mains within Whydra Papa unlocked his 2nd move in The Communist Manifesto where he hits an enemy with his full power W changing the game according to his vision.
Fun Fact: Welcome to Swain's own set of special moves: The Communist Manifesto.

Cold War
First Appearance: Game Changing Snipes
Use: With the help of a german science device, Papa shoots out icicles while in his ultimate form running at them with Appreach Velocity.

Death Defying Time Skip
First Appearance: Deadliest Weight
Use: With the help of an Ad Papa skips his own death
Fun Fact: Once again I am hesitant to even include this as it is more of a flashy way of using Tourettic Transition.

Blighting Vasectomy
First Appearance: The Arrow of Retribution Returns
Use: Hitting an enemy with a fully charged Q while his W is up to completely destroy a far away enemy

Crippling Vasectomy
First Appearance: Autofilled Varus Mid
Use: Similar to Blighting Vasectomy but now with Flash added in for more range.

Sniping Seizure
First Appearance: Sentinels of Light vs Shadow Isles
Use: Senna shoots a blast of combined Light and Darkness at a far away low hp enemy killing them with so much power that PaMa (Papa and Mama) undergoes a short seizure from the satisfaction.

Reverse Your Kill
First Appearance: Insane Healing with Fleet Footwork
Use: Using Piercing darkness while imbued with the power of Fleet Footwork, taste of Blood and Adent Censer, Senna overcomes the weakness of being squishy with massive healing powers.

Wildfire Windup
First Appearance: AP Maokai with Ocean Rift is Free Win
Use: A combo of TreeGuy's non-ultimate abilities starting with Twisted Advance, Brambly Smashing his target near his Sapling burning the target's body on a molecular level so fast like a Wildfire
Fun Fact: Behold TreeGuy's special moves: The Armaments of Nature!

Forest Grump
First Appearance: AP Maokai with Ocean Rift is Free Win
Use: TreeGuy's version of Crippling Depression where he flashes and then Twisted Advances for a suprise root.

(Not a special move) Reforest Frustration
First Appearance: AP Maokai with Ocean Rift is Free Win
Use: A passive ability where WhyGuy's chomosomes sync with nature giving him more options to plant empowered saplings while frustrating his enemies.

Rheumatic Roots
First Appearance: AP Maokai with Ocean Rift is Free Win
Use: Using Nate's Grasp out of vision to catch the enemy off guard and root 3 or more enemies.
Fun Fact: This move is best used when contesting Objectives.

(Not a special move) Amazon Bushfire
First Appearance: Bites the Bush
Use: Used by Evil Papa to burn the entire Rift reducing the amount of bushes and limiting TreeGuy's power.

Bites the Bush
First Appearance: Bites the Bush
Use: Using Epileptic Epitaph Papa forsees someone entering a specific bush at low health and plants a Sapling in preparation to utterly annihilate them.
Fun Fact: This easily lands in my top 5 moves just for the amazing effects the anime used to show it's power.

Psychotic Assault
First Appearance: Getting my Pyke back in shape
Use: A variation of Psychotic Anxiety where he hits someone with his q before his e to do more damage.

Forgotten Dementia: Ultima
First Appearance: OMNISTONE
Use: A variation on Forgotten Dementia which involves Pyke's Q

Pedophiliac Predator
First Appearance: OMNISTONE
Use: WhyGuy's pedophiliac tendancies spread across the Rift warning any nearby enemies that enter his vicinity.

Sedentary Stroke
First Appearance: Easy Executes with Dark Harvest
Use: By standing completely still Papa managed to perfectly blend into the background

Crippling Counter
First Appearance: Omnistone Sett
Use: By filling Sett's testosterone gauge up to 75% papa blasts his enemies in a wide radius dealing true damage to those caught in the middle
Fun Fact: Meet Sett a.k.a. Testosterone Furry

Paraplegic Pursuit
First Appearance: Hexflash Powerspike
Use: A fully channeled Hexflash followed by a burst of movement speed from Nimbus Cloak, Celerity and Sett's Q

Prowling Anxiety
First Appearance: Prowling Anxiety
Use: Extending the reach of Psychotic Anxiety with the use of Prowler's Claw
submitted by OneBigFox to WhyGuy [link] [comments]

[theoricraft] analysis of Jinx new build and combo

Preliminary word.

It’s a lot of text so I choose to not add all the math, and I have to change a few things after the last hotfix that nerf Guinsoo. I don’t explain how to magically gain 200 LP.
Jinx has been hit hard by the crit nerf. She lose nearly 20% damages in a full build.
I will start this post by saying there’s a lot of fake “good idea” so I will try to explain them. I will start with explanation on the Ravenous Hydra + Runaan combo, then Guinsoo versus IE and after that I will detail some item (Mythic and Legendary).In the ends, I will suggest some build..

Part 1: analysis

Ravenous Hydra + Runaan Hurricane combo

Ravenous Hydra is a item with AD & Omnivamp that deal an splash damage around the main target. It’s now available to ranged and synergies well with Runaan like most on-hit effect. The AoE range is 350 units and the damage scale from 60% to 12% based on distance from the center.
Runaan Hurricane get some base AD and is now scaling from 40% to 70% based on level.
The combo is exactly like Jinx’s rocket combo but everythings is in the difference.
  1. It work well with Fishbones: 110% main target and 170% to 122% splash damage. The AoE is bigger than the main damage.
  2. It work well with PowPow: 100% main target + 60% to 12% splash damage.It benefit from Switcheroo! AS bonus (up to 130%).
  3. Fishbone’s Rocket AoE is only 150 unites. Ravenous + Runaan combo is way more easier to do than Jinx combo. *sad*
  4. Ravenous splash damage can’t crit but work well with Guinsoo.
In game, the combo work well in teamfight and for waveclear. But it’s much better on Guinsoo user like Varus more than Crit champion. Also the damage isn’t that big because the scaling drop quickly with range and the overlapping is near max range, limiting it’s power.
Finally, the lack of Critical Strical make it an item too build when full build.

Guinsoo Rageblade versus Infinity Edge

The big crit nerf change a few things. It take 5 items to get 100% crit and the base Critical Strike Damage is only 175. It’s slower and less effective to be effective with a crit build.
Even more, Infinity Edge’s effect is now scaling from +50% to 8% every 20% crit, capping at +40% at 100% crit. It means that crit will only do at best 215% damages instead of 250%.
In short, most soloQ will end before capping crit.
Guinsoo Rageblade introduce an interesting change. It change Critical Strike Chance to be an on-hit effect instead of a damage scaling buff. With the last hotfix, it do 2 damage per 1% Critical Strike Chance. It still have the double on-hit every 3 auto-attacks.The down side is that it don’ have any AD.Guinsoo is also relatively cheap at 2800 golds (after hotfix) making it really effective early items to buy.
But Jinx’s rockets on-hit effect (+10% AD and splash damage) don’t work with the Phantom Hit that double every 3 attacks. It’s not a bug but a balance choice. A 220% AoE that can crit can be difficult to balance when you can cast 1.5 rockets per second.
Their is a theoric break point when IE began to be better than Guinsoo. And for Jinx, it’s a 3 items (Kraken+Runaan+IE/Guinsoo) with 437 damage versus 400 damage (against 0 armor). And thee choice of Kraken is in Guinsoo favor.
For completion, I also test Guinsoo+Runaan+Hydra. The result give 319 damages per attacks but the lack of AD really show in Rockets form and with Zap.

Attack Speed cap

Jinx will hit the Attack Speed cap (2.5 att/s) earlier than in previous season.The cap can be reach at 2 items (Mythic item+Runaan) and boots, with any AS boost (ardent, etc), Lethal Tempo or Get Excited.
And with Kraken Slayer, the 3 attack/s (with Lethal Tempo or Get Excited) can be reached with only 4 items.
In that case, there’s a few do/don’t:


There’s little change for Jinx’s rune, along what I said just above.
I think Gathering Storm might be a little better over the free boots for 2 reasons. First, with Galeforce, boots will be optional past 3 items. Secondly, Jinx need to snowball or wait the late game. In this case, the free AD from Gathering Storm will help a lot.

Part 2: items explanation

Mythic items

First, a word on Eclypse. It’s an items that give you 55AD, 10% Omnivamps, 18 Lethality and a scaling of 4% Armor penetration per Legendary item (16% with 4 items). The effect give you a shield, on-hit damage that scale on enemy’s max HP and 15% MS.It’s actually the best offensive Mythic Items by far, even after today hotfix.I don’t take it into account here because it don’t have crit and it shouldn’t be an ADC item. But Riot 200 years of collective knowledge have say better. I will give a build for it at the end.
Kraken Slayer is the mythic item to choose by default. Good stat, best scaling (10% AS per Legendary) and true damage to be pass tank armor.
Immortal Shield-Bow is the defensive choice with Life Steal. The shield will save you from an assassin (not from being too greedy) and it give 5 AD and 50 HP per Legendary. The AD is good but the HP have a down side because of Dominik’s passive.
Galeforce look interesting on paper but is lacking in-game. The dash might save you and the proc damage is good. But I think using it offensively is just suicide. The scaling MS is the worst.Everyone seem to forget that there’s 2 caps on movement speed (at 415 MS and 490 MS). It can help in team fight but compared to 20% AS or 10 AD/100HP, I’m not sure it’s worth.
  1. Kraken Slayer - best choice
  2. Immortal Shield-Bow - defensive choice.
  3. Galeforce - situational choice.

Legendary items

Runaan Hurricane: it’s our 2nd items. It now give AD and the bolt now scale up to 70% at level 18. But the prize is now 3400 gold.
Stormrazor: don’t change but is way cheaper at 2700 gold. It’s a good option to get some poke with Energize. But it don’t give any movement speed.
With crit on everythings, there’s a lot of new option.
RFC and Phantom Dancer, like Guinsoo, don’t give AD. So it change them from good items choice to situational choice.
Here’s a few option for 3rd items
Infinity Edge: it’s the core 3rd items but it can be delayed for other item if needed. It’s less mandatory than before.
Lord Dominik’s Regards: The Giant Slayer effect is back. I think it’s nearly mandatory as soon as there’s 2 ennemis with more than 3500 HP and at least one armor item.
Bloodthirster : IT now give crit and that change everythings. The life steal and the shield stack with Immortal Shield-Bow.
The Collector: this new item is the greed choice. It give AD, crit and lethality. Contrary to Dominik’s who is good against tank, The Collector is better against squishy. It gave an execute effect that kill champion under 5% HP. The synergies is obvious with Mega Death Rocket but it work with every things (Zap, Chompers, Red buff, …). The 25 golds on kill make it the perfect 3rd item for snowballing.
Defensive items do have interesting change too.
Mercurial Scimitar: it now give Crit instead of Life Steal so QSS tax is really limited.
Mortal Reminder: It don’t give Armor Penetration but AS, Crit and 7% MS. So it can be build along Dominik’s. In some match-up, it might be the best 3rd items.
Guardian Angel: it gain 5 AD.
Death’s Dance : big change, it won’t heal alone. Buy a BT first.
Last items are options for very late when the game can be win or lose over 1 teams fight.
Ravenous Hydra: The combo with Runaan is huge.
BOTRK: I put it here because it don’t have crit and it’s not the best items on Jinx. But the 10% current HP on-hit is huge, even more with all those tanking item with ton of HP.

Part 3: builds

2 items Core builds

The 2 items core build is a Mythic + Runaan + Berserker boots. It’s not cheap but Jinx isn’t really an Early-Mid champion.

3rd or 4th Items

The keyword here is adaptation.

Full builds

The most damaging 5-items build:
  1. Kraken Slayer
  2. Runaan Hurricane
  3. Infinity Edge
  4. Lord Dominik’s Regard
  5. Bloodthirster or The Collector
  6. Berserker’s Graves
If you want to sell boots:

Part4: Eclipse build

Thanks Riot for broken OP item. Until it’s fixed, everything's explained is wrong if you use Eclypse.
Armor Penetration is multiplicative but the mythic scaling is additive.
So with 4 legendary item and Dominik’s, the Armor Penetration is :
1-(1-0.25)*(1-0.16) = 1-0.63 = 37%
So here’s a build for Eclipse:
  1. Eclypse
  2. Runaan
  3. Guinsoo
  4. Dominik’s / Ravenous Hydra
  5. Dominik’s / Ravenous Hydra
  6. Berserker Graves
edit: Eclipse isn't that broken because the effect cooldown is 12s on ranged.edit #2 : crit is still better at 4 items and later.

Part5: Conclusion

Please Riot, buff Fishbone’s rocket slash damage range to 300 or 400 units.
There’s other things can be done, balanced, etc but 1 item is putting the signture combo of a champion to shame.

edit for Wit's End, Sterrak and Black Cleaver:
submitted by Nathyiel to leagueofjinx [link] [comments]

New Build Path

Hey Guys,
I'm a low Diamond Varus main that frequents this subreddit. Lately I haven't been playing much of our boy because of the pitiful state he was in. After the buffs, however, I think it's time I come back to him. Since the buffs dropped on Wednesday's patch, I've been screwing around with some new build paths that utilize the new CDR available and I think I've found something... well pretty special.
For those of you who haven't read the patch notes, Varus' blight now returns 12% of your Q+W's cooldown per stack, for a max of 36% CDR upon the proc. What this means is that his 3 aa + spell trade pattern is much more readily available. However, there is still enough downtime between spells --3 or 4 seconds-- that you are often forced to retreat and wait for cooldowns in the middle of fights. I also was running out of mana in like 90% of my games and going tear really messed up my lane. Wouldn't it be nice if there was an item that gave you mana, CDR, and AD: Essence Reaver. But sadly, you are functionally locked out of essence reaver, as you can't get enough sheen procs to justify it. This really sucks because ER has literally all the stats Varus could want right now, between CDR, lots of AD, and Crit. So I explored other CDR options for ADCs, hoping I could find another build path that would work. I explored Tear paths, but they just didn't seem to have enough CDR and I kept dying instantly, plus it felt so awkward to build Tear any other item combo. Eclipse tear was ok, but tear gimped the lethality's early game. Shieldbow tear took way too much time to ramp, gives almost no damage until 3 items, and has a pretty unsatisfying spike So I tried something new. I don't know how many of you have built Navori Quickblade yet, but I really think you should try it. You may be thinking, sure quickblade gives lots of CDR, but how does that fix your mana problems? Well, it actually gives you SO much CDR that you CAN build Essence Reaver. The spell cooldowns get so short that you literally have JUST enough time to auto three times before your next spell comes up. Additionally, your range gets SO long you can play more like a Jhin or a Senna type.
Here's what I've been building and why.
First: Shield bow. Varus needs this item, I haven't found anyways around it, you just die otherwise and lethality builds are just not that great against tanks, which hurts a lot in this meta. It also gives you attack speed and crit, which will become very important later.
Second: Quickblade. How this item works is Crits reset the cooldowns of non-ultimate spells by 1 second. It also happens to give the most AD of any ADC crit item, other than IE. On top of that, gives you 30 ability haste, which is roughly 20% CDR upon completion. It has a sold build path that includes caulfield's, allowing for a smooth power curve to completion. This makes the price tag a lot more bearable. This item is the core of the entire build. With the new changes, it allows you to completely reset the cooldowns of your abilities the moment you get three blight stacks on a champion, give you crit once or twice. I do not recommend building this first, because you will miss out on the defensive stats of shieldbow, plus this item doesn't come online till you have a bit of crit stacked up anyway.
Third: Essence ReaveRunaans. Ok so I know I hyped up essence reaver a bunch, but I did want to just include runaans in here so yall could look at it and try it out for yourself. Essence Reaver is going to give you a ton of CDR, AD, and Mana sustain. Plus the sheen proc actually does a pretty nutty amount of damage, considering how much AD you are stacking in this build. BUT. There is an alternative. I call it the URF Build. This is because it plays like URF. Seriously. Go test it. If two enemy champions group up under your E, and you manage to get the full stacks off on them --meaning 3 stacks + 1 from the buffered auto-- it will fully reset all of your basic cooldowns. This is because all procs reset cooldowns by 12%. So if you get two targets with 4 procs each, that's literally 96% CDR. 96 percent. Go test it if you don't believe me. Even with 2 autos, it puts the CD on your e and q at about 1.5 seconds. Its insane. You print dps and the best part is that it combines all my favorite pieces of lethality varus with all my favorite pieces of attack speed Varus. With that being said, with runaans you may have no CDs but you run out of mana after like 5 seconds of a team fight, and you don't get CDR on your ult from Essence reaver. I've been really liking the ult cdr and mana sustain, so I've been building ER, but I think both are very very strong and runaans DPS is actually unreal. Essence reaver allows for this very fun engage combo where you go R>Q>Q. This is because the extra CDR from essence reaver allows you to nearly fully reset your Q on targets by virtue of just landing your q. This is why you can play like a jhin or a senna. When you land an ult, you can just stand at 1200 range and charge q, fire it off, and charge up another, this time with the W active. If they're a squishy, that's probably gonna mean death or close to it. With runaans, you need to auto to make up for the lack of cdr, so you need to play a little more close range. Test both out and lmk what you think.
Fourth: Just build whatever you didn't build third. If you need a defensive item instead, you can do that.
Final thoughts: I think there may be a way to work tear into this build. I still find myself pretty mana starved in the mid and late game, but that might just take some getting used to. I may also start taking manaflow band + PoM to lock down the mana needs even more. I also have been bouncing between lucidity boots and bezerkers. Unsure of which I like better at this point. As for runes, I think lethal tempo is still the move, as it gives you attack speed, which this build needs but is lacking from itemization. I suppose you could try phase rush, comet, dark harvest, and hail of blades a try --maybe even glacial?--, but I am really liking the way lethal tempo feels for now. Some items that intrigue me are seryldas, black cleaver, botrk, and rageblade. For now, I feel they don't add as much to the build as the other items mentioned. Rageblade perhaps late, but I hardly ever find myself reaching to 6 items.

Let me know what you've tried, and let me know your results on this build!
Edit: Don’t build rage-blade, as the comments pointed out. It doesn’t work with QB.
submitted by BecauseZeus to VarusMains [link] [comments]

I wanted to learn more about Varus!

Hi, well I have had a lot of fun playing Varus, I started playing mid with him, then ADC and support but all of them with lethality or attack speed. I wanted to learn more about how Varus ap works for example, or which items / runes are most effective.
submitted by Rocket0039 to VarusMains [link] [comments]

Upcoming changes for 10.12

Riot Scruffy Tweeted the upcoming changes for patch 10.12
Patch Preview for 10.12:
More changelists coming tomorrow and iterations as we finalize.
Image version of the changes:

>>> Systems <<<

Cloud Rift

NEW: Movement speed in winds areas increased to 35% when out of combat
NEW: Scryers Bloom outside of base gates
NEW: Scryers bloom near tri-brush

Infernal Rift

NEW: Blast cone near Gromp camp
NEW: Blast cone outside of base gates

Ghost summoner Spell

  • Movement Speed: 28-45 >>> 20-40%
REMOVED: 2 seconds ramp up
  • Cooldown: 180 >>> 210
NEW: Adds 4-7 seconds to the duration on takedown


  • Range 175 >>> 350
  • Trigger Condition Any damage >>> 75-200 damage in the last 2.5 seconds or lethal damage
  • Shield: 70-150 >>> 80-200
REMOVED: Movement Speed


  • Cooldown: 150-100 >> 100-70
  • Damage: 60-180 (+.4bAD) (+.25 AP) >>> 30-90 (+.2 bAD) (+.1 AP)
REMOVED: Start of Game Cooldown
  • Grants 67.5% reduced to 45% movement speed >>> Accelerates to 45% bonus MS over 1.5 seconds while moving towards enemy champions
REMOVED: Channel activation
NEW: Only deals damage and ends the hunt against enemy champions
  • Hunt Duration: 15 >>> 10 seconds


  • Gain 10% tenacity and slow resistance, increases to 30% based on missing health (Max benefit at 30% health)

Taste of Blood

  • Now has a buffbar icon tracking it's cooldown state

Approach Velocity

  • Gain 7.5% movement speed moving towards a movement impaired enemy champion; doubled moving towards an enemy champion you have impaired

>>> Nerfs <<<

  • Varus
  • Yasuo
  • Cassiopeia (bot/top)
  • Fiddlesticks (we went a bit too hard last patch)
  • Trundle

>>> Buffs <<<

Volibear (hotfixing 6/1)

  • Movement speed: 10-30 >>> 15-35%
  • Bonus damage: 60-180 (+7-13%) >>> 80-200 (11-15% of target's max HP)
  • Non champion damage cap increase by 50 at all ranks
  • Akali
  • Senna ADC
  • Xayah
  • Brand Mid
  • Viktor

>>> Other <<<

NEW: Clash loading screen and scoreboard shows team banners
submitted by MonstrousYi to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

The only buff Kaisa needs is not fucking ranged.....

It's revert her god damn Passive. Period, that's it. That in conjunction with the guinsoos nerfs is why she's been put into such a weird spot where she doesnt seem to outscale anybody or feel really strong at any point in the game
Before she was a versatile ADC who still offered great skill expression through her risky playstyle which is a direct result of her short range, it's part of her identity, buffing her range is simply stupid.
Her 3 main styles are:
2 out of 3 of those styles have been completely removed due to her passive/guinsoos being nerfed. Now with a full 6 stack guinsoos, you can't dive backline and just assume you're gonna pop off before and you also can't shred tanks half as well as you used to.
Which leaves only the AP build as the viable one which does what exactly? Make her a shittier ezreal?
She simply does not feel stronger than any other ADC at any stage of the game. Why would you pick her now when Vayne for example has a stronger mid game and far stronger late game? Why pick her over Ezreal who seemingly beats her at all stages as well, even late game due to how insanely tanky he gets.
There's simply no reason to pick her. Right now, with the insane amount of tankiness/sustain in the game with items like Deaths Dance for example being used on everybody, there's no reason to not revert her passive or even guinsoos. No reason at all. I get why they nerfed it before, but that was before this disgusting sustain creep that has been slowly coming into the game with runes like Conqueror, with items like Deaths Dance and with cancer champs like Yuumi.
Shit, reverting guinsoos would even fix champs like Varus/Kog'Maw who have been forced off the more traditional on-hit builds and pushed into super cancer off screen poke builds like lethality Varus and AP Kog'Maw. It just makes too much sense and that's why Riot won't do it. Instead, they'll nerf more ADCs (because ADCs being strong is the problem /s) and keep slowly buffing Kai'sas numbers until she becomes the only strong ADC who is now overtuned which will result in her getting gutted again.


submitted by Bigben0505 to kaisamains [link] [comments]

It took me 841 games to reach Gold as ADC main (story, what I learned, what you need to do)


I started playing League of Legends in Season 10 on EUW because of the lockdown as friends started playing again and invited me. It took me 841 games (660 solo queue ranked games) to go from complete newbie to Gold 4 as ADC main.


I played another MOBA 10 years ago called Heroes of Newerth (HoN) for 6 years, where I reached 1800 MMR (top 0.1%). So I started LoL knowing the basics of MOBAs (importance of income, experience, kills, deaths, vison and how different roles should play in a teamfight), but HoN is more similar to DotA and DotA2 in the sense that you lose gold on death, you can pull neutral camps to manage your lane, you can deny creeps and it has different mechanics in general. Therefore, League of Legends was very new to me as I didn't know any heroes, wave management or jungle clearing strategies.
By the way I'm 27 years old, so maybe I'm not as sharp as when I was 20.

How I started in ranked games

Getting to level 30 was enough to have a feeling of how most common heroes behaved. I didn't know much about runes and items, so I followed what was recommended. I already knew the basics like last hitting as much as possible, not dying, placing wards whenever possible, be present in teamfights. In lane I wasn't trading heavily nor was I completely passive, but I didn't have a sense of the difference between short trades, extended trades and all in. I didn't know either which heroes were strong at all-in or which were strong at poking, so I could often lose by not reacting properly. I didn't know powerspikes either so I had very bad recall timings. Finally, I didn't realize the importance of drakes and herald, so I would give it enough attention and presence.
If I remember correctly, this was enough for me to be placed around Bronze 3. With a bit more practice (learning more about the heroes, items, runes, the importance or drakes) I reached Silver 4 probably around 150 to 200 games. And then, I was hardstuck between Silver 4 and Silver 2.

What you need to get out of Bronze as ADC

How I got out of Silver as ADC

What I still lack as a low Gold player

General tips


It was a big objective for me to get Gold and I played way too much to get it (18 days and 7 hours in-game time over 4 months). I think League of Legends can be very addictive and I know I have an addictive personality. I sometimes prioritized playing LoL over social life and spending time with my girlfriend. I've decided to stop here (obviously I can't make a career of this game), maybe I'll play again but only with IRL friends with voice chat (because it's way funnier) or limit myself to a maximum of 2 games in a day to take a break. This game was very fun but also very frustrating.
When I used to play HoN (DotA2 equivalent) I thought LoL was less skill intensive because there is no creep denying. In fact it's just a different game with different mechanics, even if there are many similarities.
In the end, now that I'm Gold nothing has changed much. I told my friends I hit Gold and was congratulated. I'm still less experienced than some other players so I still get flamed (and I suppose even Diamond players get flamed by Master players). The game is a bit different because you play with more experienced players. There are still trolls, inting teammates and AFK. It's just harder to win.
Thank you for reading this far ! My IGN is Goursorama on EUW, here are my stats. If you're high Gold or above, I would be really nice of you to correct me in the comments or give advice on how to get higher than Gold.
English is not my primary language so sorry for the many mistakes there must be.
submitted by Cyfar to summonerschool [link] [comments]

3300 MMR EUW aram tips

Just reached 3376 mmr today and this is my aram only smurf, My main was D2 in SR but I enjoy playing aram much more.
I'd like to share a few less known tips for those who try hard or simply enjoy winning. I'm not gonna list the basic tips so if you don't understand how to engage vs a poke comp or why you should not stay alive at 30% hp mid-late game this thread is not the right one for you. I mostly play adcs in aram so I'll start here:
As for ranking, Sivir is the best adc in aram in most situations. If you don't have a support, mf, lucian and quinn are all very strong individual carries. With one or more enchanters, kogmaw, vayne and jinx and on-hit varus are the strongest. Cait is, contrary to common belief, not always good because when enemies constantly engage on you she doesn't have a lot of damage mid game. Ashe is pretty good because of the utility she offers to the team. Corki and Ezreal are also strong individual carrys but their power spike comes later at 3 items because tear mostly stacks up when they have 3 items (muramana, trinity force, death dance), and most high mmr aram games end around 3 items. Senna is super strong too but you'd want to have another dps on your team, and aphelios is still 200 years in aram :)

And here are some general tips. Again, these tips are aimed at people who already have a decent understanding of aram.
submitted by magicleman to ARAM [link] [comments]

Current state of Lucian - Worse than ever? (10.11 Getting even worse?)

Hey guys,
Adc/Lucian-Main here:
After a comeback to rankeds and several trys with Lucian I just feel like my/ our Main really is in the worst spot he ever was. Even though I enjoy playing Lucian, I currently feel like I´m not or just can´t enjoy playing League with him. I mean - he´s created to be a Spellcaster-Adc, a mobile Adc and a lanebully. Guess at least the last one is definitely not true anymore.
Wo is he actually supposed to bully? Every current meta Adc/Supp is going outrange - hell, even outdamage - him and the lack of Sustain (old Relic/Runes etc.) is hitting him so hard. Forced to build Botrk even though I would say other Items would synergize better with him cause he can´t get max out of his passive (missing Ad/ Cdr - I would really like a item with lifesteal, ad and 20 cdr).
I tried Bloodline+ER recently, but guess it just can´t compensate the huge disadvantages you are facing in lane. Even though I like the AD-spike from EIE.
Senna, Ashe, Caitlyn, Vayne, Lethality-Varus. Mf. Jhin. It´s just unsatisfying unless your enemy offers you some mistakes.
I just feel like he´s at his worst he ever was and there´s like no way he will come back soon. Looking at patch 10.11/12:
Nearly every adc - except Lucian - is going to receive additional 30 HP(+ 2/lvl). Seriously? A lane bully, being at the bottom, now has to face even early stronger enemy adcs? Why not remove him completely?
Is there even a way to get him back where he should be without going the way of a rework? Guess else he will be abused in Mid/Top over and over again, so Riot just decideds to hold him down as far as possible, because his kit has the potential to go crazy too fast?

Actually I just can´t believe it´s the same champion I tried and learned to love again after release. Riot just liteally shut down every single ability from him and since months I didn´t even hear a single sentence that they are looking forward to bring him back into a position which will allows him to face current botlaners on an equal level again.
I just wish they could bring a single one of his nature abilites, but seems like the offrole-usage of Lucian somehow finally killed him. Look at his abilites now and years ago:
Q - This ability back in the days had 50 more Castrange and 200 (!) total range. Compared with the early, slow animation his kit actually has no way to even trade safely anymore.
W - Why they removed the AD-Scaling and changed to AP? Isn´t he meant to be a caster? In combination with the mana-cost this spell is only used to maximize damage in an all-in scenario. I wouldn´t care if they`d removre the movespeed of sec instead.
E - This skill was once upon a time his signature move. A skill which made him the most mobile adc in the game and even could remove slows. Maybe some won´t even know that it also had no manacosts. Mabye this was a bit too op. But now it´s just so hard to punish when he uses his E and without 40 CDR, which only will come with some trade-off, there is no live where he even nearly is the unique mobile adc Riot promised.
R - When comparing early days and now this ability actually feels like it got veven hit the most. Which is a statement compared to the other changes. But they literally shut down this ability to nearly one of the weakest ultimates ingame. Nerfing range. Nerfing attackspeed scaling. And damn - even nerfing the damage of his damage vs. minions? U could just randomly disappear behind one or two melee minions and guarantue you are safe. This whole spell could also be removed. No damage. No utility. No range. No Dps. Nothing. Only usage is a situation where you are running out of mana and can´t hold ur spell rotation.
Attack range - Hell yeah. And guess what really hit him was also the nerf to his attack range. 550 down to 500? Come on - is he going to be a melee champ in future?

He literally has no range to be any threat from distance. He hasn´t by far the mobility to get in and out fast as he actually should be. And he has no damage to be a real threat to several other adcs at many stages of the game. Isn´t he supposed to be a duelist?

What is his actual role in this game right now? How are you guys able to enjoy Lucian and League at the same time right now?
And do you think he will ever find a place at the top tier list again? How you think Riot could achieve this? Or maybe someone even knows if Riot is looking deeper at him right now?
Cause personally it feels really sad to play your main champion who lost everything which made him unique and ofc also strong back in the days and I really hope he will find a meaningful way back into meta soon.
submitted by Huzkeer to LucianMains [link] [comments]

FAQ - Check this before posting!

So we've got multiple questions asked time and time again so to not have many questions be scattered around, leaving information everywhere, we've gathered the most frequently asked questions that many players have regarding Aphelios in this one post to clear most of your doubts!

Important info:

Questions will be arranged in specific topics for easier reading:

- Beginner Information

Unlike Riot first said, Aphelios is not a mechanically difficult champion; his difficulty lies in the need to manage his weapons and use the best combos for every situation.
Aphelios' kit is quite simple, one only needs from 5 to 10 games with him to understand how his weapons and mechanics work.
Aphelios' kit allows him to combine up to 4 different weapons in combos which are difficult in planning and execution, plus adding perfect weapon management to the skills he needs to work at a high level makes him a very difficult champion to master.
Best weapon for single target damage is Crescendum (White)
Best weapon for AoE damage is Infernum (Blue) specially because of its synergy with Runaan's Hurricane.
Yes! If the current weapons you're holding wont be useful for the upcoming fight, waste their ammo and get better ones.
Weapon rotations have been crafted to maximize Aphelios' combo potential and damage, so a specific order will almost always be a better option.
As Aphelios depletes his main-hand weapon, it will go to the back of the line and the next weapon in the queue will replace it; you can hold weapons without using ammo, and this will cause your order to change all throughout the game.
Most Aphelios players maximize AD > AS > Lethality. Some professional and high elo players from all regions prefer adding 2 or 3 points into AD and then maxing AS > AD > Lethality. This will depend on the player's playstyle.
Yes, combining 3 or 4 weapons into one combo can be a pretty difficult to plan and execute without the prior practice to it.
For further beginner information, check this YouTube guide: Beginner's Guide to Aphelios

- Gameplay

Aphelios' level power spikes:
- Level 2: If you obtain it before the enemy laners, you will have 2 Q abilities to use.
- Level 6: You unlock your ultimate
- Level 13: Your abilities are at their highest scaling numbers.
Aphelios' item power spikes:
- First item - Infinity Edge
- Second item - Runaan's Hurricane
Aphelios' early game is pretty weak, you should look to farm as best as possible and get to your item spikes the quickest. Try to follow up your support for kills or lane priority.
Aphelios' mid game is decent, you should keep your farm up to obtain more items since Aphelios scales great into the late game, and group up when your teammates need you to contest objectives.
Aphelios' late game is good, you should try to avoid being alone in a lane away from your allies and always stay grouped up, his damage provides a lot to teamfights so it's important to stay in a safe position and not get caught.
- Aphelios is a really good scaling ADC.
- His power increases the better the player is at him.
- His multiple weapons provide him flexibility no other ADC can match.
- He has great teamfighting potential.
- Aphelios is very weak early game.
- Aphelios is almost completely immobile.
- Aphelios needs peel to not be bursted or CC.
- Aphelios requires knowledge to be played at a high level.
Unlike most ADC's, Aphelios has to combine abilities and auto attacks to maximize his damage output.
It depends on the weapon:
- Calibrum (Green): Damage with range.
- Severum (Red): Self sustain.
- Gravitum (Purple): AoE root with Gravitum Q.
- Infernum (Blue): AoE damage. (this will only be powerful when hitting more than 3 enemy champions).
- Crescendum (White): Mini chakram stacks.
Severum Q (Red) + Crescendum (White): Really good for 1 v 1's and dueling.
Crescendum Q (White) + Calibrum (Green): Really good for damage from range.
Crescendum > Calibrum > Gravitum > Infernum > Severum
This rotation provides the best combo potential and damage output.
Only if you duo, Aphelios needs good peel to carry.
Not really, he performs best in environments where his teammates are more coordinated.
No, he is vulnerable to being bursted, CC'd and Exhausted.
Depends on the matchup, Aphelios is immobile so he can be an easy target for most junglers, this will only work if you can dominate the matchup.
For further information on Aphelios' best weapon rotation, here's a video: Perfect Weapon Rotation

- Itemization and Runes

Currently, Aphelios' best performing rune is Conqueror.
Not always, PTA is a better option for single target burst damage but wont work well in extended fights or against multiple targets. Conqueror is preferable.
Not always, this rune is mostly powerful for the late game, so having a rune that wont be as helpful for the early game can make him weaker against powerful early laners. Conqueror is preferable.
Not really, these rune setups would be more off-meta and don't perform as well as Conqueror does.
Not really. Aphelios' abilities require AD to scale and do better damage, on-hit builds focus on more auto attacks and Aphelios requires both auto attacks and abilities for damage.
Not really. Some of Aphelios' weapons have special properties when using crit. A Lethality build won't increase the damage over the crit build.
Yes but after his core items if you really need it.
Manamune can be picked up early game as an alternative to rushing Infinity Edge. You will still require to build Runaan's Hurricane second and Infinity Edge third for it to work.
Not really, this weapon doesn't provide what Aphelios needs and ends up delaying his crit power spikes.
Not anymore, Aphelios used to have higher numbers when this item was built first, he will need Infinity Edge to compete against other ADC's.
First item: Infinity Edge. This will boost all of his crit damage by a good amount.
Second item: Runaan's Hurricane. This has great synergy with his weapons.
Preferably, it's to good to not buy it. It may only be delayed to third item when Phantom Dancer is required earlier.
Depends on the enemy champions. If the enemy team has a lot of poke and damage over time abilities, buying healing items can help him mitigate most of this damage.
Almost all of them. Aphelios has clear weaknesses that he will need to take care of with items against certain comps.
For further information about itemization and runes, check this YouTube video: Runes and Builds

- Matchups & Support Synergy

Kai'Sa and Vayne. Aphelios does great against these two in the early game and his late game damage is better in terms of AoE.
MF, Caitlyn and Varus. It's difficult for Aphelios to win the DPS duels vs these champions and they are very powerful in the early game.
Only if you know which support you're gonna go with. Do not blind pick him without a sustain support or a tanky engage support.
Its preferable to ban his worst matchups, so MF, Caitlyn and Varus are all good bans.
Bard, Janna, Lulu, Nami and Zilean. All of these champions fix all of Aphelios' problems and boost his potential even further.
Senna and Brand. These two don't fix Aphelios' problems and instead can worsen them.
You shouldn't pick Aphelios against teams with a lot of CC or burst damage with mobility.
For further information about matchups, check this YouTube video: Matchups
Extra information on support synergy in this other video: Support Synergy

- Tips & Guides

- Experience will help you a lot in learning the champion.
- Focus on only using two combos per game and waste the ammo of other weapons to learn how to do game.
- Practice last hitting with every weapon as their behavior is different.
- Try practicing some complex weapon combos.
- Limit your weapon options to a specific weapon rotation you enjoy.
- Look to use your R in more aggressive ways.
- Perfect your complex combos.
- Be aggressive in the early game.
- Plan your weapon R uses and combine them with abilities to hide projectiles or animations.
- u/CatKowska (Kenjō) 's Mastering Aphelios Playlist - Series of in-depth guides.

- In case your question is not in this post, ask the question below and we can answer it for you or if its too complex of a question feel free to post about it and we'll discuss it.
- If you wish to have your guides or streams featured in this post, please check my comment below!
submitted by CatKowska to ApheliosMains [link] [comments]

Lethality(somewhat) Varus Mid

I'm mastery 7 on Varus after playing him mid a lot, finding I really don't like ADC, even if I'm decent at it. I'm Silver 4, fairly new to the game(3 months). A massive point of contention however, is my choice of items.
My runes, I run Dark Harvest, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Ultimate Hunter, Manaflow Band, Gathering Storm, +10% Attack Speed, +9 Adaptive Force, then ArmoMR based on who I lane into.

My first item I go Sanguine Blade. For those who need reference, it gives 55 AD, 10 Lethality, and 15% Lifesteal. It's passive however, gives an additional 8 Lethality, and 20-80% Attack Speed, if no more than one enemy champion is within a certain range of you. People have told me countless times that this is foolish and is a waste of an item. I disagree; for another item like ghostblade gives the same amount of damage and a passive that's just a few seconds of decaying movement, and 8 more lethality w/o the need of basically dueling someone. My argument is that the lifesteal early helps with sustain, and in a solo-lane I can use its passive more, and even without the passive its still a valuable item.

For any further needed reference(s), my full build is: Berserker's Greaves, Sanguine Blade, Duskblade, BoRK, Bloodthirster, EoN. At about the BoRK portion, fourth item including boots, is when I find the combo of lethality+attack speed to become ridiculous, and even people who build armor usually get melted down real quick. Additionally, the last 5 games I did this, my KDA went: 22/7/11(Victory), 12/7/10(Loss), 9/2/3(Victory), 8/5/18(Victory), 7/2/4(Victory).

In understanding everyone has their own style of play, and I've found this works out extremely well for me, people still will look at scores like that and tell me I'm doing something wrong. In most games with that, I am top of the damage charts. I personally believe this build is a disgustingly good combination taking full advantage of lethality(41 Lethality, jumps to 49 w/ Sanguine Passive), Lifesteel(47%), Attack Speed(70%, jumps to 150% w/ Sanguine Passive), and AD(400-ish at full build max level), also dealing bonus max health HP from BoRK. Using a fully charged Q+W Deals 915 Damage with lethality plus 21% Missing HP plus 5% Max HP/Blight Stack.
I've taken a fair amount of pride with doing away with most build sights or suggested builds in favor of this, and I wish to know what you all think would be a decent enough counter to it, or ways to improve it. Autoattacks are insanely strong, but people like teemo or jax who can negate it still get absolutely melted via the Q, and ult generally reaches a 29ish second CD. If someone builds tank, even with grievous, I find that I still can outheal the damage. CC Lock in teamfight can absolutely wreck it though, but that applies to any champ on any build just the same.

Edit While Writing: Just been informed a slight nerf to Varus Q and E is coming. I max E last and take it mostly out of the equation but to spike blight stacks after ult. Max Varus Q is only a change from 150% AD Ratio to 145%, so I don't think it makes a massive difference with lethality and all.
submitted by BonesOfTheWorld to summonerschool [link] [comments]

The only "Buff" Kai'sa needs

Kai'sa has been in an extremely weird spot since Worlds 2019 really and no matter what minor buffs Riot sends her, her win rate remains unchanged.
That's because nerfing her passive in conjunction with the Guinsoos nerfs just completely removed 2 out of her 3 previous playstyles. Before she was:
2 out of 3 of those styles have been completely removed due to her passive/guinsoos being nerfed. Now with a full 6 stack guinsoos, you can't dive backline and just assume you're gonna pop off before and you also can't shred tanks half as well as you used to.
Which leaves only the AP build as the viable one which does what exactly? Make her a shittier ezreal?
She simply does not feel stronger than any other ADC at any stage of the game. Why would you pick her now when Vayne for example has a stronger mid game and far stronger late game? Why pick her over Ezreal who seemingly beats her at all stages as well, even late game due to how insanely tanky he gets.
There's simply no reason to pick her. Right now, with the insane amount of tankiness/sustain in the game with items like Deaths Dance for example being used on everybody, there's no reason to not revert her passive or even guinsoos. No reason at all. I get why they nerfed it before, but that was before this disgusting sustain creep that has been slowly coming into the game with runes like Conqueror, with items like Deaths Dance and with cancer champs like Yuumi.
Shit, reverting guinsoos would even fix champs like Varus/Kog'Maw who have been forced off the more traditional on-hit builds and pushed into super cancer off screen poke builds like lethality Varus and AP Kog'Maw. It just makes too much sense and that's why Riot won't do it. Instead, they'll nerf more ADCs (because ADCs being strong is the problem /s) and keep slowly buffing Kai'sas numbers until she becomes the only strong ADC who is now overtuned which will result in her getting gutted again.


submitted by Bigben0505 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Season 10 Pyke Guide. Everything you will need to know about Pyke

Hello, my name is RickChum and this is a Pyke Guide. I am a Pyke main with over 1.1mil mastery (currently) and have peaked challenger in season 9 playing Pyke Support
For a TL;DR, read the Tips, Tricks, and How to: at the bottom of each section
This guide is targeted more for Pyke Support, but feel free to take away any Pyke related info!
Table of Content: Basics to Pyke, Pyke specific tips, matchups, items, runes, counters, playstyle, laning phase, late game, and a lot of other information!
Basics to Pyke
So, what is Pyke? Why should I play Pyke over other supports?
Pyke is an assassin support, with lots of damage, mobility, and the ability to give him and his team gold.
What order do I max my abilities?
Q>E>W. Q is main ability, W gets lower CD, and E just increases damage
What runes should I use (Here's what I recommend)?
I'd recommend: Aftershock, Font of Life/Demolish, Bone Plating/Second Wind, Unflinching, Presence of Mind, Legend: Tenacity.
There are a lot of good keystones and secondary options, take the ones that fit your playstyle!
Solo Lane Pyke still viable?
Yup, he’s quite strong right now (as of time of posting). Dong Huap recently made a video on it.
What items do I build?
Lethality is go-to. Umbral, Youmuu's, Duskblade, Edge of Night. Items like Triforce, Death's Dance, GA, Maw, are also good
Bonus HP will be converted to AD in a 14:1 ratio (only gains health through level up). When Pyke takes damage from an ENEMY CHAMPION, he'll store some of that damage as gray health. While out of sight, he'll recover that gray health over time.
Tips and Tricks
  • Scales extremely well with AD. The maximum stored health increases with AD
  • If you think you're out of sight, but you aren't healing. The area is either warded, a champion is there, or you're being spotted via sight gaining ability
  • Healing Power increases the speed at which you heal at (doesn't increase how much you heal), whereas Grievous Wounds causes you to heal slower
  • Sweepers, Pink Wards/Control Wards, Duskblade and Umbral help to control vision on the map. This allows you to stay healthy even during fights. TIP: Stay near bushes to lose vision quickly and recover health
Hold Q (press and hold): Pyke charges a harpoon, gaining range as he charges. Pyke is slowed while charging. If the harpoon hits an enemy, the enemy flies towards Pyke a fixed distance (about 300 units) then are slowed briefly.
Tap Q (press once): Pyke stabs an in front of him, the closest unit is damaged and slowed. If an enemy champion is in front of him, the champion is hit instead (closest one).
Tips and Tricks
  • You can Tap Q + Flash as Pyke, if you do, the stab will follow the direction it was in. If you stab forward, then flash, it'll stab in front of you after you flash.
  • At the end of your hook, the hitbox extends perpendicular to how you threw it, so it can catch enemies behind creep waves and enemies trying to run sideways.
  • You can Flash during your Q channel
  • If you get silenced, knocked up, knocked back, stunned, you will stop channeling
  • it's possible for your Tap Q to get cancelled it you're CC'd right as you cast
  • If an enemy is close, you can hook them behind you or even over a wall
  • Move sideways while charging Q to avoid skillshots. This is better when you're not certain of the play
  • If you don't throw the hook, you get 50% mana refund back
  • The Q cooldown starts after you throw the hook
  • There is a 2-frame trick (like 1/30 of a second) to animation cancel your Q with E. If you do, you can Q and E at the same time.
TIP: One way to have an easier time landing hooks is running past a creep wave, then channel your hook, that way the creeps don't block your hook
Why stab over hook?
Although holding Q does do more in terms of CC, tap Q is easier to hit when close range, and the slow lets allies hit their CC. Tap Q also works in a creep wave, whereas Hold Q works better when catching an enemy. Both do the same damage, so find which one works best for the scenario.
Gain camouflage and decaying movement speed. Nearby enemies are signaled while camouflaged (around 1000 units). Enemies within a certain range can see you (around 400 units)
Tips and Tricks
  • Movement speed on W scales off of Lethality (more Lethality, more speed!)
  • Use W to get to traverse the map faster. Use W right out of fog of war to maximize stealth
  • W from fog of war to bushes to maintain hidden
  • You can use actives and summoner spells during W. Activate Youmuu's while invis to catch enemies off guard
  • The cooldown doesn't start until after the ability is finished
  • You can cancel your W with recall, starting it's CD faster and stopping the signalling
  • Pinks wards counter your W and your Passive, take them out!
  • With Duskblade, you can start your combo with W into an auto attack
TIP: W can be used during Ignite. You'll heal at a slower rate, but most of the times it'll mitigate the Ignite damage
Dash and leave a phantom behind (from where you casted it), after a delay, the phantom will stun everything in its path (Works similar to Ekko’s Q). If enemy champions are hit, they are also damaged.
Tips and Tricks
  • Use E to get to traverse the map faster
  • E can be used to dash ALMOST EVERY wall (You'd be surprised at which walls you can dash over)
  • The Stun duration scales off of Lethality (more Lethality, longer the stun)
  • You can E then Flash to: change the direction, increase the distance, or extend your dash
  • E can be paired with Ult. Ult can be substituted with Flash, but you won't have an ult (This is a difficult trick and it's risky)
  • Can combo Q with E for a CC combo. Beware, you'll have fewer tools to escape
TIP: E minions to stop creep aggro. Can be used to lessen the damage while fighting or freezing a minion wave
TIP #2: You don't need to always dash forward! You can dash sideways or at an angle
Mark an area with an X, if an enemy is below a certain health threshold, they are executed and you gain gold. The most recent ally that damages the target also gains gold (or the most recent supporter if no1 deals damage). If an enemy is hit, but not executed, they take reduced damage from the ability
Tips and Tricks
  • If you hit an enemy with your ult, you teleport to the CENTER of the X
  • More AD and Lethality, the bigger the threshold. Easier to execute enemies!
  • In a pinch, you can use Ult as an escape tool. Doesn't always need to be used to execute
  • Pair E or Flash with Ult to land long range executes
  • You can ult in a wall to hide the visual (hides the X)
  • Aim R using the points/legs of the ult. Overshoot your ult in the case your enemies try flashing/dashing away.
TIP: Ult an enemy right before they die, they usually won't move (as much), making it easier to land.
TIP: Wait for the target to be CC'd before ulting
How does the gold share work?
If you kill with the ultimate, you and the most recent damager or supporter; any ally that has shielded you, healed you or given you a buff, gains gold equal to the kill. If you ult, and they die before you land, you gain 2x the kill gold and the killer still gains kill gold essentially gaining 50% more gold!
Why do Pyke's keep taking my kills?
If they execute with ult, if you hear the ding sound, they actually generated more gold than if you just killed them without it. It's a key part of his kit and using it effectively makes him and his teammates richer! You can help Pyke by damaging enemies or even sacrificing your life so Pyke and execute. If they are actually and intentionally trying to steal your kills then... I can't help :/
END OF BASICS Those were the basics. Let's move more in-depth
Closer look at Pyke (Matchups)
Champion Specific Tips
Against Blitzcrank and Thresh, if you get hooked, wait until after they E before you dash. Their E can cancel your dash, and you'll probably be dead.
Against Morgana and Sivir, you can bait out spellshields by charging Q and going full dodge mode. Don't throw it. You get 50% Mana refund and maybe bait out their spells. Your Q cooldown is a lot shorter than their defensive abilities
Against Yuumi, if she is detached, dash in the direction of the ADC. If Yuumi tries to return to the ADC, the E can catch her mid-flight and put W on CD. Rushing Exe is nice
Against Soraka, W up close and short-channel a hook. It's harder for Soraka to react to. Rushing Exe is nice
Pantheon's E can block Pyke R if you're in front of him. Either wait out his E or go behind him.
Against Draven, aim your hooks where his axe will drop. This is very niche and elo dependent
Be very careful against Cho'Gath and Darius, their ults do true damage. You have little health and resists don't do a whole lot. Be wary
Against Sylas, if you time your E right as you get hit by Sylas chains (2nd part of E), you can almost guarantee a stun on him
Against Master Yi, if you time your E right while he's in alpha, you can guarantee a stun, it's quite hard to pull off
Against: Amumu, Yi, Sylas, Talon, Vi, Ekko, Lee Sin, if you time your E right, they are almost guaranteed to get stunned. If you E right as the dash starts.
Against: Warwick, Zed, Kayn, Rek'Sai you can pull them towards your team by E'ing towards your team while they are attached/following
Against Leona, E right as you get hit by Leona E to pull her into your tower. Not a great way to escape
W may or may not be used during the combo
(W) > Q (Hold) > E > AA - Used for engaging at a distance
Q > R - Since your Q (Hold) pulls a set distance, you can almost guarantee where the enemy will be after landing a hook. Knowing this, you can preemptively R as your Q is mid-flight to secure the kill as the enemy is being pulled.
(W) > E > Q (Stab) > AA - Used for all-in, better for engaging from close range
(W) > Q (Stab) > E > AA - The slow from Q into an E makes it very hard to dodge the stun
Q (Hold) > AA > E - If you hook a nearby enemy, you can weave an auto in between your standard combo.
(W) > E > Flash > AA > Q (Tap) > R - This is Pyke's kill combo OR all-in combo. Flash may or may not be needed.
Runes, in-depth
SHARDS - For Shards take 2 Adaptive Force Shards and Armour OR 1 Adaptive Shard and 1 Armour and 1 MR.
Health shard is a bait
  • Aftershock, Font/Demolish, Second Wind/Bone Plating, Unflinching
  • Glacial Augment, Perfect Timing, Biscuit Delivery, Approach Velocity
  • Hail of Blades, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Relentless HunteUltimate Hunter
  • Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Relentless HunteUltimate Hunter
(Spellbook, Fleet, Dark Harvest, Predator are all decent keystones with nicher uses)
Good secondary runes are (In no order)
Precision: Triumph, Presence of Mind, Legend: Tenacity
Resolve: Font of Life, Demolish, Bone Plating, Second Wind, Unflinching
Domination: Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Zombie Ward, Relentless Hunter, Ultimate Hunter
Inspiration: Perfect Timing, Future's Market, Biscuit Delivery, Cosmic Insight, Approach Velocity
Sorcery: Nullifying Orb, Celerity, Absolute Focus, Waterwalking, Transcendence, Nimbus Cloak
Take ones that fit your playstyle. Sorcery and Domination are good for roaming and traversing the map. While Resolve and Precision increase your survivability. Inspiration being a mix of utility and works pretty much in every game
Items, in-depth
Shoulderguard is the best starting item, no contest. Mobies should be rushed, then Umbral, then Duskblade OR Duskblade then Umbral. Starting Sweepers helps you get early bush advantage; it has amazing synergy with Zombie Ward.
Get 2-4 Lethality items then go for GA/Death's Dance/Maw for survivability
Note that items should be built accordingly from game to game. Build what is needed for YOUR game specifically.
Early Situational Items
  • Stopwatch is great for keeping large bounties (Can be built into GA)
  • Executioner's Calling is good into healers like Yuumi, Soraka, Sona
  • Hexdrinker is solid into heavy AP comps
  • QSS is great into hard CC's (example Morg Q)
Damage Items
  • Duskblade gives you early kill pressure and knowledge of wards
  • Youmuu's gives you mobility
  • Edge of Night is great for when they have one CC ability (Vayne, Varus, Jinx, etc)
  • Umbral gives you insane vision control
  • Sanguine lets you split push, but isn’t great for support Pyke
  • Triforce is like second Duskblade, great burst, and AS helps to take towers and CS. Expensive purchase
Defensive Items
  • Death's Dance, is great for stats and survivability
  • GA helps to keep large bounties from being lost as easily
  • Maw is good against AP or magic damage
  • QSS is a great item for avoid hard CC's
Tank Items
  • Frozen Heart is good into heavy AD and provides lots of CDR
  • Zeke's Convergence, makes you slow targets after you ult, provides resistances
  • Knight's Vow, great armour item
  • Deadman's Plate, basically tanky Duskblade mobility, armour, damage, well-rounded item
Why not Black Cleaver?
The stats are great for the champion, but the item is not great. You want the Lethality stat on Pyke, since your abilities scale off of it. Pyke doesn't hit enough to make Black Cleaver's armour reduction worth it.
Synergies and Counters
With Pyke you want aggressive laners, champions with CC or damage. Scaling ADC's don't pair too well with Pyke.
Champions that have spellshields, high mobility, or quick CC usually make for strong counters.
  • Draven - Aggro lane, your ult procs his passive
  • Xayah - CC chain
  • Trist - Aggro Lane
  • Lucian - Aggro Lane, can play off of CD's
  • Syndra - Great burst damage and CC
  • Veigar - Cage can help set-up kills
  • You don't want Ezreal and Kog'Maw, trust me. You're better off dodging than playing with these ADC's
  • Draven - Too good at fighting
  • Sivir - Spellshield
  • Veigar - The cage prevents your dash and can burst you
  • Soraka - So much HEALSSSSS
  • Morgana - Anti-CC Shield, can counter your all-ins
  • Alistar - Fast CC, strong at fighting
  • Thresh - Fast CC, strong at fighting
  • Yasuo - Very hard to play against this champ. Windwall and mobility
  • Zilean - Revives, can stop call-ins
How to Counter Pyke
  • Pyke plays around vision denial and isolated targets. Items such as Stopwatch, Zhonyas, Gargoyles, PD and armour items in general are good counters to Pyke.
  • You will want to save dashes (if possible) to avoid his ult. By avoiding his ult Pyke and his allies will have a harder time snowballing.
  • Flash, Heal, and Ghost all help to either avoid or deny his ult from executing. Pyke's ult bypasses shields, so use them before you get low.
  • Control wards will reveal Pyke in his W. Put them down in chokes, bushes, or in the lane to catch him out.
  • Pyke without his E is a fish on land. He will pop like a balloon.
  • Move behind your creeps when he is engaging.
How do you want to play Pyke? (Early to Mid-Game)
You want to play aggressive off CDs. If they use a key ability trying to push waves or baited using your hook, try to fight off those timers. During laning phase you want to engage after the creeps have crashed, a moving creep wave will make it difficult to land hooks. Engage with W, then channel hook. If the enemy is isolated or low, then engage with E plus W. Usually you want to only engage with W so you have an escape.
You can look to roam after getting mobies. Look to ward the river or enemy jungle to secure vision. Though sometimes staying in lane and getting 6 is better than roaming.
  • Use W and E to move around the map faster, but be wary that W can give off your position. Early Sweepers is great to take control of lane brushes. Pink wards/control wards also help a lot. Look to make picks and secure objectives or take a gold lead.
  • Buy Stopwatch/GA if you have a large bounty. Pyke wants to go for big ults, usually requiring you to dive in and risk your life
How to play Pyke in teamfights?
Pyke has a different playstyle when it comes to supports.
You can look to peel for carries, then look to execute low health targets, usually starting with frontline. Weave in and out of vision to recover health. You usually want to be around your carries peeling until you can execute.
You can look to assassinate from the start. Stay in bushes with Control wards/Duskblade/Umbral and sneak up to carries, it's better with ally assassins, and look to execute. This is more risky, but could pay off. Most likely going to trade 1 for 1, unless you're really fed.
Random Useful Tips
  • High mobility champs are super hard to hit. Charge Q to pressure and mostly just wait for them to blow their abilities before trying to fight them. Stabbing is also effective against high mobility targets
  • Watch the scoreboard for players with Stopwatch. Try to bait it out then ult, or ult from the start
  • Watch the map for any players that are low, jump in and get free gold
  • When running from lane to lane, dash through walls, it's much more efficient.
  • Easter Egg! Pyke gains +1 move speed in the river
  • A rule I sometimes follow is, when engaging, try to keep either W or E up. Use one for engaging and the other for disengage. This rule applies more towards when you have little vision and not chasing enemies for ult kills.
  • Timing Flashes is not only a good skill, but it'll let you roam and land your ults easier on those targets
If there's anything you're not sure of, go ahead and ask. Hope this guide helped!
submitted by RickChum to pykemains [link] [comments]

A List of Every Keystone in the Game, and What They Specialize In


Not gonna bother updating this anymore, because Coach Curtis just came out with one of the best guides for EVERY rune, not just Keystones. The only problem is that he describes these from a mid lane perspective. But Coach Curtis is a multi-season challenger and coach.
Check these out.
This isn't a guide on what runes you should take, this is why people take them. If you're looking for runes to take, go on U.GG. It's almost never strictly wrong, and is a good guideline of what runes you should take on a champion if you don't want to do more research. Also, this list is still being updated by me right now, so make a comment if you think I should change something.

Fleet Footwork

This is either for champions who really need sustain (e.g. Kassadin) or ADCS who don't use the other two keystones(Caitlyn and Corki right now)
You used to see this a lot on champions like Vayne, who need the lane sustain. However, it's been changed so melee champions get a lot more sustain from this keystone than ranged champions, so that's why you don't see it on Vayne as often anymore.


Almost only for melees because of the duration being lower on ranged champions. Urgot and Draven do pick it up sometimes though.
Good for bruisers, probably the best 1v1(dueling) keystone in the game.
Anyone who can stack it fast also likes it.


This is on ADCs who want to bully lane. It makes your all-ins super strong. This is because of the base damage of the explosion after 3 hits (it has higher base damage than Electrocute level 1). The % increase in damage is a strong add-on, but unlike Lethal Tempo, PtA is still fairly strong even in short trades, which many early game trades are.
You also sometimes see this on champions like Kled, Camille, and Renekton, who can proc it super easily and like short trades. It gives better short-trade power than Conquerer, but in extended trades Conquerer will be better. (Conquerer has 5 stacks, PtA has 3. Sustain is better in extended trades. Also, the burst damage from PtA matters less as the fight gets longer and longer)

Lethal Tempo

This is for high attack speed late game carries. It's weak early game for a few reasons.


This is great for anyone who can proc it easily. However, lots of champions can't proc it easily. e.g. Ziggs, who's main damage pattern is just throwing Q and E, which won't proc Electrocute, would rather pick up a rune like Comet.
It's just great for bursting, but Conquerer is better for extended battles.
  • Zed (can proc it from range with W -> E -> Q)
  • Leblanc (procs it super easy with Q + W + AA)
  • Fizz (procs it easy with Q -> AA -> W)

Dark Harvest

The base damage on this is low. The good part about it is the resets makes it great for teamfighting, which is why you sometimes see Brand and Katarina pick it up.
  • Karthus (Loves using his ult when people are low to finish them off, which is perfect for Dark Harvest. He's also a jungler, so he doesn't mind the super long cooldown. Aery gives more pressure in lane and you'll sometimes see mid lane Karthus go Aery)
  • AP Shyvanna (Doesn't really have another keystone to go except Comet. And again, junglers love this keystone)
  • Kayn (Only with Shadow Assassin. Kayn can actually assassinate multiple people at a time, so the reset mechanic is really nice.)

Hail of .Blades

It's a weird mix of keystones. It's a burst keystones, but it's AA based which is usually DPS. It's not a bad keystone per se, it's just that there aren't many champions that use autos but burst people.
  • Xin Zhao (Really wants the knockup as fast as possible)
  • Vi (Has mutliple autoresets and wants the armor shred as soon as possible. She can go Electrocute, Aftershock, or Conquerer too though)
  • Kalista (She loves attack speed because she gets faster dashes with more attack speed. Lethal Tempo is hard to pull off on Kalista. First of all, she's an early game champion, so she would much rather have the early power of HoB. Second, Kalista has a short range of 525. This means that she can't always get autoattacks in a teamfight, so having a short burst of attack speed is actually very useful compared to a long stretch of attack speed that she won't be able to abuse that much)


The huge burst of movement speed makes engages from Predator makes engages a breeze. It's just like how people used to rush Righteous Glory on Maokai, you turn a soft engage (Maokai W) into a hard engage (Righteous Glory from half a screen away -> W).
Anyone who loves Righteous Glory/Shurelya's typically likes this item.
Small note: no laners consistently get Predator in the current meta.
Predator makes really potent ganks, but aren't really that useful in lane. Also, you just don't have a keystone until first back, and on your first back you need to buy boots, which isn't always the most optimal choice. Even when Predator was bugged on Darius and gave you a stack of his passive, he still didn't pick it up.
Now, that's not to say Predator isn't useless on laners. Malzahar and Vladimir at one point used to go Predator in lane, they just have better options now. (Notably, Unsealed Spellbook seems pretty good as you can get ghost with it too, while also having a ton of other benefits)
  • Skarner (Runs people down to ult)
  • Gragas (Gives amazing gank setup, also sets up his engages super well. What are people going to do against a mach-20 Gragas?)


Anyone who pokes with an ability that has CC.
Ziggs has his E for example. It's his main poking tool and just so happens to have a slow.
The CC lets you hit the comet super easily.
It's overall a very good poke rune even if you don't have that much CC (Lethality Varus used to go it)
  • Lux (Procs on E easily. Lux can go Electrocute, Comet, or Aftershock right now)
  • Xerath (Procs on W + E super easy)
  • Ziggs (Procs on E)


Anyone who can
  • proc the damage SUPER often (INCLUDING DoTs)
  • is a shield/heal support
  • just has no other good keystone
likes this one.
Heal bots:
  • Sona
  • Nami
  • Soraka
Damage champions:
  • Zoe (Her Q and E don't keep them in place for Comet since her E slow is kinda low. She can also go Electrocute)
  • Viktor (Just like Zoe, doesn't have a reliable way of keeping his targets in a comet range. He can go Klepto into melee champions, and has went Fleet before too)
  • Teemo (Not only does he consistently poke down melees with autoattacks, his shrooms + poison can usually proc Aery twice with just one hit)
  • Malzahar (his DoT on his E makes it really easy to proc)
This rune used to be absurdly good, but it's been nerfed a few tiems. Previously, champions like Kennen and Pantheon who could consistently poke people down used to get this rune, but they've switched to other runes now.

Phase Rush

This rune has two uses:
Kiting people out and chasing people down.
One example of kiting people out is Ryze. Whenever he has his cooldowns up, he wants to be in your face, but whenever they're down, he wants to run away to wait for them. This is why the movement speed from Phase Rush is great on him.
An example of a champion who wants to chase people down is Vladimir. His Protobelt -> Ult -> Q combo makes your E impossible to run away from since you proc Phase Rush. Yes, you don't have a keystone basically when your ult is down, but it just sets up your combo so perfectly.
  • Vladimir (Along with what I mentioned before, his Q + mini E + W combo lets him escape ganks untargetable at mach 20)
  • Aurelion Sol (Needs to kite people out. He's a low range DPS mage, he needs movement speed)
  • Ryze (Same as Aurelion Sol)


It gives an absurd amount of resistances up front after CC'ing someone.
This makes it super good on engagers who have CC. Sejuani for example uses her ult to engage, proc Aftershock, and then is super tanky while her team follows up.
Typically great on junglers and supports who like to engage. Top laner tanks usually get Grasp of the Undying.
(It's also viable on engage mages like Lissandra)
Also, you will see it on Lux support. This is just because Lux gets hardcountered by engage, and the rune is just fucking busted. It's kinda a special case.
  • Sejuani (Procs on Q and ult, makes your engages super potent)
  • Rammus (Same as Sejuani, once you Q someone you're invincible)
  • Lissandra (You can ult someone or W, and you proc it. Lissandra loves being in the middle of everyone)
  • Lux (Loves protecting herself? But she can also go Comet too, as we saw Biofrost do against Flyquest)

Grasp of the Undying

Top lane tanks. This is the tank trading rune. The sustain + damage it gives is just great in lane, and you can also get free HP which is a nice addon.
Also, bruisers who don't benefit that much from Conquerer (e.g. Garen or Fiora) sometimes get it. Grasp makes your short trades incredibly potent. A lot of Fiora players go Grasp specifically in hard matchups since it just gives you so much trading power. It scales a lot weaker than Conquerer (on Fiora) though.
Sometimes, against ranged champions, you won't get Grasp of the Undying though. For example, at one point, Ornn used to get Grasp against melees and Unsealed Spellbook against ranged champions. However, this won't always be the case. On some champions, Grasp is just the best keystone all the time.
  • Maokai
  • Garen (can't go Conquerer since he stacks it super slowly. His E only gives 1 stack)
  • Cho'gath
  • Fiora (rare, but her passive already deals true damage so she loses some value from going Conquerer)
  • Gangplank (can proc it super easily on Q right now, and it just gives him so much sustain and kill pressure. Klepto is viable but you'll see a lot of Grasp. He's a weird case because he's the only melee champion who can proc it from range)
  • Gnar (the only ranged champion on this list, Aery just kinda sucks on him. He loves tanky runes too. This just gives him that extra poke and dueling power)


This is a really general support keystone.
Tank supports who can't proc Aftershock easily/don't really engage are one category. Think Braum and Tahm Kench, they don't really need to be that tanky since they should be just sitting on top of their carry and peeling.
Rakan too also gets it. He doesn't really need that much tankiness since he's so slippery, although Aftershock actually is viable on him and has a decent playrate.
Also, heal supports get it sometimes too. This serves as a more defensive option than Aery. Basically, if the Sona/Soraka dies on your team, you lose out on a shit ton of free HP that they give, so Guardian is potentially strong to keep them alive. You do lose out on damage so this is more common in really hard lanes.
  • Braum (He's a peeler, not an engager. He doesn't really need defensive stats. HE would much rather shield his ADC. Also, it's not as consistent to proc Aftershock, you need to get 4 autos for your passive)
  • Tahm Kench (Same as Braum)
  • Sona (potentially)
  • Nami (potentially)
  • Soraka (potentially)


Basically, Kleptomancy sacrifices a keystone for gold.
Kleptomancy has a weird powercurve. Pre-first back, it's practically useless since you can't use the free gold you got, so you basically don't have a keystone. However, as you continue getting gold you start hitting your item powerspikes faster, which for some champions is much stronger than having a keystone. Finally, late game, most keystones start doing a lot of damage, whereas the gold advantages you get from Kleptomancy start becoming more and more irrelevant.
As a result, one major factor in whether or not you should get Kleptomancy is if your champion's curve also follows this curve. For example, at one point, Kleptomancy was amazing on Nasus, but weak on Yorick despite the fact that they could both proc it easily on Q. In fact, Yorick could proc it even easier because his Q actually deals a shit ton of damage. However, Yorick is a lane bully. As a result, he doesn't want to sacrifice the early pressure he gets from a keystone for gold from Kleptomancy. Nasus doesn't have a strong early game, so he just wants to get gold for his midgame, which is why he gets Kleptomancy.
Another factor
Finally, one factor is how well you use other keystones. For example, right now, AP Kennen doesn't have that many good keystones. He used to get Aery to poke people out, but it's been nerfed pretty hard. Since he has no other good keystones, and he can at least proc Kleptomancy okay, he just gets it.
  • Ezreal (Procs it on Q super easily, has a similar powercurve to Kleptomancy since he spikes at two items)
  • Kennen (Procs it on autos against melees ezpz)

Glacial Augment

It's rarely gotten on anyone besides mages.
It's a weird build where you go GLP -> Twin Shadows.
There are two scenarios where you would go this route:
  • You do true damage (so you don't rely as much on getting Morellnomicon second)
The magic penetration on Morellnomicon is meta-warping. Nearly every mage in the game wants it. Champions with true damage, such Ahri or Vel'Koz, are balanced around the fact that they can't use this absurdly broken item as well (however, it's still so good that they used to go Luden's -> Morellnomicon like other mages). The Glacial Augment build forces you to delay Morellnomicon to third item or sometimes even skip it altogether. This would suck on a lot of mages that rely on it, but since AP champions with true damage have been surviving without being able to abuse it, they can use the GLP -> Twin Shadows build quite well.
  • You need the slows to set up your combo. For example, Ahri E is super important to hit.
  • Ahri likes the slow so she can charm -> let her team one-shot them. This makes her an absolute pick making machine. As long as she has one person near her, any squishy she charms is usually dead, and it's super easy to charm people with the Glacial build. Her Q also does true damage.
  • Vel'Koz really likes kiting people out with the GLP + Twin Shadows, and the slows keep them in range for his ult. (Also lets him hit his full combo easier)
  • Neeko needs it to get in range for her ultimate and for her E.
  • Cho'gath does true damage on his ultimate and it helps him land his Q.
  • Tahm Kench, the only one here who doesn't go GLP -> Twin Shadows. He just gets it because he gets kited out super hard. He already deals so much damage and is already so tanky that he doesn't need other keystones (although you will still see him get mostly Guardian support).

Unsealed Spellbook

Anyone else who doesn't really have that many great keystone options.
For example, right now we're seeing some Varus players go Unsealed Spellbook because since his main poke tool, his Q, doesn't have a slow, Comet is kind of meh.
Summoner spells just give a ton of utility, from ghost to heal to exhaust.
  • Orianna uses it because Aery just sucks ass right now. Dopa has been spamming this build.
  • Anivia has seen some users.
  • Vladimir has also some players who go Unsealed Spellbook (e.g. Impact has been going it a few times in solo queue last I checked)
submitted by WizardXZDYoutube to summonerschool [link] [comments]

This is The First Season I've Thought of Quitting Multiple Times

ADC mains ask yourselves did you enjoy ADC in Season 9, 8, 8 pre 8.11,7,6,5,4,3,2,1? I can say I've played since season 5 and I've never thought my role was completely irrelevant until this season, well maybe right after 8.11 which was a complete disaster and the balance team EVENTUALLY realized as much. But it's like they don't learn from their past mistakes and here we are again.
This leads us to the change these past 2 seasons of how to handle things that are clearly broken, in the past they'd be either hard nerfed example Fiddlesticks base damage or removed example Wukongs double knockup the community hates it and wants it gone. But instead of doing the right thing as would have been done in the past, instead we have additional broken things added to compete. Which means we end up with damage, mobility and CC creep and so many broken champs you can never hope to ban them all. All of which lead to excessive snowballing and more stomps instead of fun close games. How many of you like realizing the game is already pretty much decided before the 10 minute mark?
The state of the game is so bad that if my mid and top laner feed I probably won't even get to play even a single proper mid/late game team fight, this really isn't fair to marksman players who spend all their time scaling up for late game that seems to come much less often than previous seasons.
I don't truly enjoy playing farm simulator, but I try and do it better than the enemy ADC so that I'll have a advantage when we finally get to join the teamfights later. If those team fights never come then what was the point of all my efforts to farm and scale.
How to fix it first off mages either need to be much weaker early or not scale well AT ALL. For example Ludens costs less than Infinity Edge despite Ludens being a much bigger powerspike. My proposal raise the cost of Ludens to 3600 even with deaths dance since I consider the power levels roughly equal and lower the cost of IE to 3200 lower ER to 3000 etc you get the idea make mage items cost more and ADC items cost less. Protobelt is another item that clearly doesn't cost enough for what it gives. This needs to happen this season not wait until next season and whatever item nonsense they plan to do, something needs to be done before then.
How is this balanced you might ask it's simple it's very easy to build armor while it's very difficult to build MR depsite the fact that AP items have higher values than AD items to begin with. If mages are going to scale just as well or in some cases better than ADCs Kassadin for example then they need to hit their power spike at the same time or even later when compared to marksman.
I finally found a new champ I love playing with Aphelios and with DD and Conqueror he could actually carry games, but the second a marksman starts using an item or rune to carry games it gets nerfed very quickly. Where's the Mejais death cap Cassio and all the badly needed mage nerfs. It's like the few marksman who CAN still carry get nerf after nerf. It happened to both Kaisa, Xayah and now Aphelios, ADCs I'd argue these marksman have tons of room for skill expression. But simple champs like Miss Fortune and unhealthy builds like lethality Varus are deemed OK. Either nerf Varus or nerf lethality items it's really not that hard. I'm more OK with Ezreal due to the mentioned skill expression.
Instead of being a projection of power on the map whereever you go like in previous seasons, ADC is now at best just a passenger along for the ride of whether or not your mid and top has a good early game.
I've heard that games like DOTA and Smite actually value marksman players. That said I love league and would like to stay with the champions and lore that I love. IF the 200 years team can actually do something to make ADC fun to play again. If not you'll lose more and more marksman players who will move to other games and at least some percentage of them won't come back.
ps I've decided to stop buying skins even if it's the best looking skin for my favorite champ at least until solo Q is actually fun again. I suggest all of you ADC mains who are unhappy but maybe not unhappy enough to stop playing at least take this route and vote with your wallet.
submitted by KaisaorDodge to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

A complete guide to Jhin, updated for season 8 by Master Tier Jhin "I Keep It Taco". Now including every single match-up, skin specific music playlists, etc.


UPDATED AS OF August 11th. The outdated content in terms of ITEMS/RUNES/SUMMONER SPELLS CAN BE FOUND UPDATED IN THIS THREAD>>>> UPDATE ITEM/RUNE/SUMMONER SPELLS <<<<. The match-ups and so on from this guide is still relevant.
I'm "I Keep it Taco", a Master Tier Jhin player and streamer. Some others might know me by "Jordanian Sniper", "Flash 4th shot", "UnFourJhinate", or "RareBoi". Jhin is in a good spot again and I got masters back recently with a 70% win rate over 60 games in the last 2 weeks. So, I decided it's about time to make an updated guide four people who want to pick him up again now that he's stable and viable again!
Disclaimer Everything I have written down is the knowledge I've acquired through experience and experimenting. I encourage discussions, debates, etc. and If I notice I fourgot to add something to the guide I'll edit it in.
Also, small disclaimer cause of a past incident. If anyone wishes to base anything off this guide feel free to contact me about it.
Four people who are only interested in the skin-specific music playlist. I've designed these playlists to match the theme of each skin.
*Skin Tier list starts from top to down. Making the playlist was really fun so I wanted to share it in the front. :)

Jhin ADC Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Pregame Essentials: Starting items, runes, summoner spells, boot choices, and skill order
  2. Setting Your Mind in Motion: Choosing an item build that fits your situation and playstyle
  3. Our Perfourmance Begins: Understanding match-ups and how to play the laning phase accordingly
  4. I Have Elaborate Plans Four You: Transitioning from laning phase into mid and late game
  5. Mini Jhin Mid Update: Four people who still want to play him there
  6. How to use traps: As ADC Jhin
  7. Appendix: Links, item set exports, trap placement map, subreddit, and stream.

1. Pregame Essentials

Starting items
Jhin's has great diversity in starting items
  • Doran's Blade + Potion (x1): The extra 80 health and 8 AD is helpful if both you and the enemy botlane have early all-in potential. Thanks to Jhin's AD scaling, the 3% lifesteal is pretty efficient.
  • Long Sword + Potion (x3):: This is a great choice against poke match-ups who have no all-in potential because you have access to start with three potions to deal with poke. It'll also provide a decent chunk of AD 10 but, provides no additional HP (they don't have all-in so, we're fine). It also builds into Essence Reaver, Ghostblade, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, etc.
  • Boots + Potion (x4): The downside to boots rush is that you'll have no combat stats compared to the other starting items. However, rushing boots is a good choice against a botlane whose laning phase relies on skillshots and getting close, if you think you can safely bully them by auto-weaving. Reliably dodging skillshots in certain match-ups allows you to negate most of their kill potential. Rush boots to...
    • Move out of range of Thresh's Flay or dodge hook.
    • Dodge Morgana's Q.
    • Out-trade Ezreal by playing inside your creep wave. When he tries to farm, the extra movement speed will allow you to weave 3rd and 4th shots onto him while avoiding his Q.
    • Capitalize on Jinx's laning immobility. Whenever she tries to farm, you can safely trade, and she will be unable to run out of your auto range.
  • Doran's Ring + Potion (x2): Take Doran's Ring against shove and poke match-ups (like Caitlyn and Sivir) or in lane where you have no kill pressure, as it will allow you to safely rely on spamming Q to farm, harass, and shove lane. Bouncing Grenade has fairly low mana cost (40/45/50/55/60) and a 60% AP Ratio, so it works well with the stats from Doran's Ring. Doran's ring restores FOUR mana upon killing a unit and gives 50% base mana regen. The 15 AP will also trigger an adaptive rune AP bonus befoure your first back.The two potions will also help sustain against the push/shove/poke match-ups. I take Doran's ring a lot if my support is extremely passive.
  • Doran's Shield + Potion (x1): If the enemy does not have hard push/shove power and all you want to do is stay safe with sustain, increased HP, and farming. Then this is your item. It'll help you from dying in engages and keep the HP bar full.
Rune choices
  • The Scaler (Fleet Footwork + Sorcery): I would recommend this rune page if you're playing Solo Q. Fleet Footwork has different uses in this page. Its first use comes in the laning phase. While the healing has been nerfed, the movement speed part has gone unchanged as it is still 30% movement speed four 1 second. If you use the movement speed from the proc properly in lane, you can use this to your advantage to land a couple 4th shots on your enemy laner. If you reach 100 stacks and have two bullets left; use your 3rd bullet to proc it. Then use the move speed to land your 4th shot and run back after the trade with the Whisper’s movement buff. The movement speed also helps in lane in random scenarios where you're chasing, kiting, or running away. Onwards to the rest. Fleet Footwork's healing also gives you good heals in the mid-late game when you start using it on champions. The Overheal + Bloodline combination gives you a mini version of Bloodthirster. So when you start stacking a lot of AD, you'll appreciate the synergy. Alacrity is an option if you want to increase your AD. Most champions have greater than 150 HP over you out of lane so Cutdown's minimum 4% damage increase is very reliable. You can take coup de grace four extra finishing potential and if you like the temporary AD it gives after a kill. Next is absolute focus and celerity. If you feel the extra movement speed will go a long way in mobility or auto weaving in lane, then take celerity. If not, take absolute focus four the AD. This will be amplified by your passive and crits. Gathering storm gives you AD per 10 minutes and it scales well with your passive.
  • The Laner (Comet + Precision): I would recommend this rune page if you're playing Clash, Tournaments, or ** are really confident in your Solo Q team. **Why you ask? Because this rune page focuses on the laning phase and early game. If you as a team cannot secure leads and end the game early; this page will fall off in usefulness to you in the mid-late game. When you combine Arcane Comet, Mana flow band, and Scorch; you're bringing a good amount of extra poke and damage to the lane. You will be using this to strengthen your laning further. The win condition of this rune page is to perfourm well in the laning phase. Whether that's going even in lane or winning the lane itself. I do not like this rune page in Solo Q because it relies heavily on your support and your team to use properly in lane and the early game. However, you have a few choices to make in rune selection if you do wish to go this route. If you want to amplify your auto weaving capabilities and add mobility, you go celerity; otherwise you can go absolute focus four the extra AD. Four the other set of choices: you can choose scorch to have more poke; or gathering storm four its nice AD gains after laning phase is over. When you're going into the secondary precision tree, you have quite a few choices to make. You have FOUR runes to pick from and it's up to you to choose which combo: triumph to give you some healing in aggressive laning/early game skirmishes; coup de grace to help in early killing potential and fights; or bloodline/alacrity if you want to have a small safety net to have scaling in the late game..
Summoner spell & Boot compliments
Flash and Heal will always be the summoners you run as ADC. Unless the adc barrier ardent heal support botlane comesback PLS GOD NO Flash is important because of the mobility and play-making potential. You're laning with a support in the botlane, so being able to heal yourself and a teammate -normally your support or jungler- in skirmishes is very valuable.
  • Berserker's Greaves - 1100g: It gives +35% attack speed. Because of how Jhin's passive works, he is able to convert that +35% attack speed into AD and additional movement speed on Crits. Essentially, you would buy Berserker's when you want AD.
  • Boots of Swiftness - 900g: It gives +10 movement speed over the other choices and reduces the effectiveness of slows by 25%. This is good if you want to save gold and gain early mobility.
  • Ninja Tabi - 1100g: It provides 20 armor and reduces auto attacks by 12%. Even with the nerfs, it’s still a decent buy against AD assassins, full AD comps, or just to reduce the amount of damage you take from autos in lane. This is a must buy vs Draven. Just not as effective as it used to be, but nonetheless, still a solid choice.
  • Mercury's Treads - 1100g: Gives +25 magic resistance and reduces the duration of all CC effects by 30%. All except Suppression, Stasis, and Displacements. It's a good buy if the enemy has 4-5 magic damage comps. So four example, you would build merc treads into a Maokai, Viktor, Elise, Lulu and Varus. It's a rare case, but nonetheless, a solid option.
Skill Order
From level 1-6, it should be Q>W>Q>E>Q>R. Afterwards, you prioritize R>Q>W>E.
Do not skip traps. Take them at level FOUR not level 3. The traps will act as extra wards. You'll want to place them in bushes, in the entrance of dragon pit, or in chokepoints in the jungle. You don't have infinite trinkets in the laning phase, and supports get sightstone at a later point, so vision is much more valuable than ever befour. Take advantage of the vision radius and waveclear potential your traps have. There are many other uses four them as well: slowing people down when they're chasing you; using it to extend your reload timer; placing them in lines to zone the enemy from an objective just to name a few.**

2. Setting Your Mind in Motion

Choosing an item build that fits your playstyle.
Types of builds
Like the previous guide, I'll be using the import system on all of the builds. If you'd like all of these in your client, you can download this item set file from google drive. Go to "League Client" > "Collection" > "Items" > "Import Item Sets".**
These are all choices and in no specific order. You'll choose the item build that best fits your playstyle. Some old Jhin item sets will not be making a return because the state of the items or meta has changed and therefoure made them unviable or ineffective
These are the four most optimal builds on Jhin ADC. The Rageblade order in these builds are subject to change.
  • Infinity Edge > Rapid Fire Cannon > Essence Reaver > Situational items: By starting off with Infinity Edge instead of Essence Reaver, you give yourself an extra damage boost that you wouldn't have had otherwise. With IE, your critical strike bonus damage is increased by 38.5%.. This includes your 4th shot, regular crits, and 4th shot from your ultimate. Essentially, it is just pure raw damage opposed to CDR. Next, you'll be building Rapid Fire Cannon because of how well it compliments Infinity Edge with the added 30% Crit chance, utility, and attack speed. This brings Crit chance to 50%. Next, we'll be getting Essence Reaver because it gives +80 AD and +20% crit chance, much like IE. That gives us a sizable chunk of damage due to the way AD and Crit chance gets converted into bonus AD due to Jhin's passive: Whisper. This is the Solo Q damage-focused build. You're prioritizing damage first and damage only over everything else. By going this build, you'll have space four 2 situational items. You'll be delaying that until the very end of the build.
  • Essence Reaver > Rapid Fire Cannon > Infinity Edge> Situational items: This is almost identical to the first one. I won't explain the synergy again since it's already been explained in the previous build. However, the important thing to take from this order is that you are rushing Essence Reaver first. This means you are prioritizing CDR (team utility) over Crit damage increase (solo damage).It also provides mana regen through Crits so you always have mana available to use your abilities. However, Jhin is not mana intensive so this goes unnoticed a lot. Essence Reaver is the most rushed item on Jhin in competitive and challenger because of it's team-related uses. However, in Solo Q your team won't always utilize the Essence Reaver rush and might not try to make constant picks with Jhin's lower cooldown abilities. I recommend rushing Essence Reaver first if you're playing in Clash, Tournaments, or have trust in your teammates. Usually better off carrying Solo Q games with raw damage
  • Infinity Edge/Essence Reaver > Rapid Fire Cannon > Rageblade > Situational items: Since the reasoning to rush Infinity Edge or Essence Reaver was explained, I'll be grouping the two into one choice in this build. After you rush Infinity Edge or Essence Reaver, you'll be getting Rapid Fire Cannon cause of its nice synergy through the range increase, crit chance, attack speed, and movespeed. Now here is where the reasoning behind getting it early comes. Since you're getting it as a third item, this means whatever item you get after Rageblade will add to your AD through the item’s stacks and your passive. So we're getting Rageblade early and not getting a 3rd Crit item in the build. Your build will have only Infinity Edge or Essence Reaver four crit chance but not both. While this route leads to less damage throughout the game, this allows you to buy more situational items and gives you an extra slot dedicated to them. So a good example of this is if you had to deal with tanks and needed lifesteal. You now have space to purchase a last whisper and a bloodthirster. If you had gone the other build, you would only have space four 1 situational item and you would’ve had to delay it till the end. Or you would have to delay rageblade till the end and rush your situational item. **This build is aimed towards a mix of raw damage and situational items.** THIS BUILD IS RETIRED
  • Ghostblade > Infinity Edge > RFC> Situational items: This is one of Jhin's classic builds that's still here and viable. If you want the most impact in the laning phase and early game then you can still get lethality through ghostblade. With this you can use the armor pen to give yourself the highest snowball potential in the laning phase and early game. After Ghostblade you'll get Infinity Edge and Rapid Fire Cannon so you can Crit when you transition into the mid-late game. After you build these two Crit items you'll want to look at Situational items. Sometimes you can get Essence Reaver after Rapid Fire Cannon if you're not in need of Last Whisper or other situational items early. However, you must get Infinity Edge after Ghostblade because of the damage and snowball potential synergy.
Situational Items
  • Rageblade: Get this as a 5th/6th/7th item. 7th item means you'll get this after you're full build and replace boots with it. Only take Rageblade if you're in the late game and can affourd to buy raw damage over anything else.
  • Mortal Reminder: When you need armor penetration and a reduction of healing on enemies. Notable champions: Soraka, Vladimir, Fiora.
  • Lord Dominik's Regards: When you need armor penetration and they focus on health. Notable champions: Any tank ever.
A special note about the Last Whisper items: Try to time the purchase of them when the enemy gets tanky enough (150~ Armor) to warrant it. Not too early and not too late.
  • Death's Dance: When you feel you need lifesteal and want to increase your survivability. It'll delay burst damage so it allows you to stay alive longer and fight longer. So you should be able to lifesteal enough to counter-act the burst damage and live. It pairs well with Ninja Tabi and Phantom Dancer.
  • Mercurial Scimitar: When you need lifesteal, magic resist, and a way to get yourself out of CC. Also, it gives a nice 50% movement speed buff four 1 second.
  • Bloodthirster: Gives 20% lifesteal which is quite a big deal when Jhin's AD reaches absurdly high levels ranging from 800-1.5k AD. In addition to this, it grants a shield if you overheal. So when you combine bloodthirster with bloodline and overheal in your runes, then you get a ton of sustain and constant shielding of yourself.
  • Phantom Dancer: Gives very nice kiting as well as reducing damage taken from your target by 12%. Gives the highest amount of AD out of all attack speed items because of its +45% attack speed. Replace boots with phantom dancer in the late game.
  • Statikk Shiv: Nice extra burst of magic damage if you combine it with RFC and a full Crit build. That way Shiv always Crits when charged. Recommended as a 4th Crit item after Rageblade + IE/RFC/ER if you don't need situational items. The waveclear got nerfed hard in patch 8.6.
  • Runaan's Hurricane: This item is a pretty good replacement four Statikk/PD if you are trying to defend your base against a massive wave of mega minions. Or even if you are playing against a grouped team of tanks and want to maximize your DPS with the multi-target 40% AD bolts.
  • Guardian Angel: It gives armor and AD. Recommended to buy against low-counter play Assassin champions where building defense stats is the best way to counter-play them. Looking at you Kha'zix and Rengar.
  • HexdrinkeMaw of Malmortius: These are your go-to items when dealing with magic based burst damage champions. It gives good magic resist and damage while its passive blocks a certain amount of magic damage.

3. Our perfourmance begins

Understanding the different match-ups you'll go against and how to play the laning phase accordingly.
Going to need to explain a few things first befour we delve into match-ups: The way you play botlane is not just determined by which ADC the enemy picked, but which ADC+Support combo you are facing in addition to your own support. So I'm going to pair individual ADCs with support groups when I explain the match-ups. Grouping will be based on how they play the lane and what they do. I need to group some ADCs with very identical laning phase styles otherwise I'll run out of character space.
Ex: Lucian + The Hookers (Thresh, Blitzcrank, and Nautilus) /OR/ Weak Lane Strong Late ADC (Twitch/Tristana/Vayne/etc) + The E-girls (Janna, Soraka, Sona, Lulu, Nami)
I'll begin the grouping.
  • The Hookers: Thresh, Blitzcrank, and Nautilus. ------------------------------ If your support is a Hooker, look towards all-in and aggression.
  • The E-girls: Janna, Soraka, Sona, Lulu, and Nami. ------------------------- If your support is an E-girl, look toward playing safe, poking, passive play.
  • The Mages/Poke: Vel'Koz, Zyra, Brand, Karma, and Xerath. ----------- If your support is a Mage/Poke, focus on aggressive trading, poking, and all-in.
  • The Tanks: Alistar, Leona, Taric, Tahm, Braum, and Shen. ------------- If your support is a Tank, trade occasionally and focus on following-up the CC.
  • The Playmakers: Bard, Thresh, Rakan, and Alistar. ---------------- If your support is a Playmaker, try to enable each other to stack and follow-up CC.
  • The Unfun: Morgana. - If you have the Unfun on your team. Hope she uses E to counter engages and make sure to follow bindings if she lands any.
    Top 4 Supports Four Jhin: Alistar, Thresh, Vel'Koz, Tahm.
There are other supports that aren't mentioned but those are either too underplayed or too cheesy. Example: Sion, Trundle, Veigar, Poppy, Miss Fourtune, etc.
You will want to compare the ADC + Support combination from below with your support from above and play the lane according to that. The match-up infourmation below will help a lot. Some match-ups will have more depth than others because those ADCs aren't as linear as the others.
  • Example: Draven + The Hooker vs Jhin + your support is an E-girl = Avoid all-ins, passive play, poke, and farm.
Draven - The Glorious Executioner
Trading tip: Best type of auto trading is 3rd+4th shot vs Draven. Do not use full clips aka 1st-4th on a single trade. Do quick and meaningful trades.
Good Starting item choices: Doran's blade, Doran's ring, and Doran's shield.
+The Hookers: This is a hyper aggressive lane. As a Jhin I'd dodge this match-up in champion select because in Solo Q your support will get hooked and get the Draven extremely fed. However, if you decide to go through with the game then you need to play it carefully. Rush Tier 2 Ninja Tabi to have the armored protection and very early movement speed to weave autos, create distance better, and dodge/run from the Hooker. You should try to freeze the lane in front of your tower or let them constantly push you in. Make sure to place traps in your jungle incase they ever plan to dive. Primarily focus on trades through your Q poke and try to avoid direct auto attack trades. Don’t fourget that if you get in range to auto a Draven, he can use E to slow you and the Hooker will catch up to you.
+The E-girls: Very boring lane. Draven will try to fource trades with his E-girl shield/heal whenever possible. Avoid trading or trying to poke if you don't have sustain in your lane. Play the farm game and set up ganks with control wards because in these sort of lanes, the Draven will shove a lot four his stacks. Because of the use of his Q four more stacks, he will push the lane 24/7.
+The Mages/Poke: Avoid getting caught by abilities and avoid the poke skillshots. If you are able to poke them down with Jhin Q's and occasional auto attacks, then you can all-in them after you get one low. They have no sustain or shields. Take advantage of this.
+The Playmakers+Tanks: These match-ups are dangerous after level 6 because of the hard-engage but they're fine pre-6. Don't get too close or you will get hit by CC. Weave in auto attacks whenever the Draven is a little far from his support. This will allow you to get in a quick trade without getting CC'd. Once they get to level 6, try to freeze lane or let them push. Set up vision around your inner jungle in case of dives.
+The Unfun: Trade only when your positioning doesn't open you up to Morgana bindings.I do not recommend shoving or pushing into this lane, because if you are at their tower and the jungler is around, you could get ganked and die. Or even if they decide to 2v2 since you would have a higher distance from the safety of your turret. You will not have a minion wave to use as a shield and Morgana will most likely hit one of you with her binding. No sustain in this lane so trade whenever it is safe. I'd recommend slow poke while not shoving the wave. Outscale.
  • Win Condition: Don't feed. Go even and outscale. If you have all-in, poke him down first or wait four the jungler.
Weak and Immobile in lane
  • Ashe - The Fourest Archer
  • Jinx - The Loose Cannon
  • Kog'Maw - The Mouth of The Abyss
Trading tip: Try to walk up to them often to auto + w combo. They're immobile so there's always a high chance of hitting the W. Once you hit the W, you will gain bonus movement speed and can proceed to trade more. All the while snaring them so your support can follow up.
Good Starting item choices: Doran's blade, Boots, Long Sword.
+The Hookers: Play around your minion wave and try to bully the enemy ADC constantly. These ADCs don't do much damage in the early levels and they're immobile so they're vulnerable to your W and support combo. Be brave and walk up. Make sure to use the minion wave and distance from the hooker. The kill pressure isn't high, but getting hooked will still be very disadvantageous because of the health you'll lose from a hook combo + ADC follow up.
+The E-girls: Their pre-6 all-in potential is non-existent. Try to engage and fource all-ins often. Do not try to trade too often because they'll have heals/shields to mitigate a good chunk of that. But on the other hand, they can't do much against constant all-ins but burn summoners or get killed.
+The Mages/Poke: As long as you dodge their abilities then you'll be able to bully them both. The Mages can't do much when their abilities are on cooldown if they miss, and since the ADC is weak this early, try to all-in either one when a strong ability is on cooldown.
+The Playmakers+Tanks: These guys rely a lot on landing their abilities in this lane to win fights or trades. Do your best to dodge them or keep distance and continue poking/trading. If their CC misses or is on cooldown then look to fight or take an extended trade.
+The Unfun: Play around the minion wave to avoid Morgana bindings and try to trade often with autos and Q's. If Morgana cannot land her binding then they do not have kill pressure. Everytime Morgana gets close, and you have a minion wave or your support to block any potential bindings, start trading with her. If Morgana's Q is on cooldown, likely from missing it, then use this as an opportunity to bully and trade hard.
  • Win Condition: Play aggressive. Trade often and try to all-in or take extended trades. Make sure to be cautious about CC if they have any.
The Hard Shovers
  • Caitlyn - The Sheriff Of Piltover
  • Sivir - The Battle Mistress
Trading tip: Don't trade Caitlyn with Auto attacks. Poke with Q's and shove back. Trade with Sivir because with her short range you can still bully her.
Ideal Starting item: Doran's ring
Alright, I'm going to take a different approach to these two. Their laning phases aren't very interactive. You know the drill. Push. Shove. Farm. Push. Shove. Farm. Poke. Push. Farm. Shove. Poke. It's really fun when all they do is farm, shove, and try to poke you while they're doing this. Regardless of the support they have, you'll want to get Doran's ring here. That way you can give them a taste of their own medicine. Push. Shove. Farm. Right back at them. Since Jhin will be able to spam a lot more than the other two if he gets Doran's ring, then your poke power is greater overtime in comparison. If you have a kill or all-in support and would really value early AD, then you do not need to go Doran's ring. However, Doran ring is the safest and most reliable choice into these match-ups. If you're against Sivir then apply the same things as above except play more aggressively and try to trade more often to take advantage of her short range.
  • Win Condition: Don't allow them to have infinite shove power. Shove back and don't fall behind in CS. Stay healthy and try to poke them back in order to get kill pressure.
The Meta
  • Xayah - The Rebel
  • Kai 'Sa - Daughter Of The Void
  • Varus - The Arrow Of Retribution
Trading tip: Take short trades with 3rd + 4th shot and back off using the 4th shot movement speed. Do not take extended fights or trades where they can use their stacking systems and abilities.
Good starting items: Doran's blade, Boots, Doran's shield
+The Hookers: These ADCs have great base damages in the early game so if you get hooked it'll be extremely punishing. These ADCs aren't very mobile in lane, but they aren't weak either. I would recommend getting boots to better dodge and keep distance from the Hookers. The movement speed advantage will help you to weave autos into the trades you sneak in against these ADCs. They prefer extended trades with their stacking systems. The damage types and stacking mechanics between these three vary: Varus has his W, which does max health magic damage when activated by an ability; Xayah with her passive and E interaction that snares and deals damage upon impact with 3 feathers; and Kai ‘Sa’s passive that deals missing health magic damage. Take short trades and fource them using your movement speed advantage. Also, try to land the auto + w combo every so often to try to get your support to follow up in a nice trade or all-in.
+The E-girls: If these ADCs are paired up with E-girls it'll just end up being a boring farm-fest unless you have an aggressive all-in support on your side. Focus on farming and staying healthy in the HP department. Set up ganks four your jungler using pink wards and lane control to freeze it close to your tower.
+The Mages/Poke: Any of these three combined with a mage or poke support won't have that much all-in potential pre-6 as they will after. So try to poke and trade often with them pre-6 to get them low. Doing this will lead to potential leads through early recalls or kill potential. Once they get to level 6 you must be careful because now they have a lot of access to all-in potential. Start playing safe from level 6 and onwards. Avoid fights if they have their abilities up.
+The Playmakers+Tanks: Your priority in this match-up is to avoid being CC'd at all cost. If you get caught the follow-up potential from any of these three will lead to death or summoner spell usage. Stick close to your support so you don't give the enemy easy openings to engage onto you.
+The Unfun: If you get hit with a bind at level 6 you're dead m8.I recommend getting tier 2 boots early in these specific match ups because it'll allow you to be mobile in and around the wave as well as to dodge/sidestep different abilities. Trade whenever her binding is on cooldown because that’s her entire kit as a support outside of her spellshield.
  • Win Condition: Take trades when opportunities show up. Don't overextend and get caught in doing so. If you get CC'd the follow-up damage from them will hurt, more so if they are level 6 and higher. These champions are quite easy to catch in lane with ganks or roams with the exception of Xayah post 6. Try to set up roams or ganks with team + Jhin's abilities.
Weak Lane Strong Late ADC
  • Twitch - The Plague Rat
  • Vayne - The Night Hunter
  • Tristana - The Yordle Gunner
Trading tip: Take short trades with 3rd + Q + 4th shot and back off using the 4th shot movement speed. Do not take extended fights or trades where they can use their stack systems.
Good starting items: Doran's blade, Long Sword, Boots.
We won't be going over each support group match-up with these ADCs as they're very linear. You're going to want to play the same way vs all of these 3. They all rely on right-clicking extended trades to get damage off their stacks. Their specific stack damage abilities being E four Twitch, E four Tristana, and W four Vayne. They don't have skillshots or abilities that are unrelated to their auto attacking. Their damage is directly connected to their autos. Avoid extended trades and aim four quick ones. Keep in mind your reload system when trading or fighting as they will use that to their advantage. Poke them down and bully them. Do not attempt to 1v1 any of these out of lane unless you're ahead with a solid lead. You do not win the auto attack war out of lane. Becareful of invisible Twitch or Vayne flanks.
  • Win Condition: Bully them in lane and take quick trades only. Apply pressure onto them since they're very late game focused. Keep mind of your reload system. Do not attempt to 1v1 them after the laning phase is over.
The Neglected
  • Lucian - The Purifier
  • Kalista - The Spear of Vegeance
Trading tip: These two have some of the lowest ranges as ADCs: Lucian with 500 and Kalista with 525. Abuse their low range when trading. Use the 3rd + Q + 4th bullet trade combo when they're close to you trying to farm with their short range.
Ideal starting item: Doran's blade
In their current state regardless of the supports they will have you play the lane the same way. You bully them through the range difference and short trades. Do not try to all-in them until they are low and do not get super close to them otherwise they'll try to all-in you on the spot. Lucian's dash then combo as well as Kalista's infinite E stacking still hurt if they are able to pull it off on you. If you make sure to avoid those then the lane is yours to win.
  • Win Condition: Use range difference to your advantage. Get lots of short trades in and keep your distance from their all-in. They lose their usefulness out of lane and their laning is not the best to begin with. You can choose to bully and get leads in lane or play safe and let them fall-off in mediocrity out of lane. I'd recommend the latter.
That Q hurts!
  • Ezreal - The Prodigal Explorer
  • Miss Fourtune - The Bounty Hunter
*Trading tip: Pay attention to the minion wave! Use it to block Ezreal Q's. And constantly change position in the minion wave to avoid Miss Fuortune Q's! *
Good starting items: Doran's blade, Long Sword, Boots
These two are probably the most straight fourward match-ups out of the bunch.When you are against Ezreal, use the wave to block his Q's and try to trade with auto attacks by utilizing the wave to negate most of his damage. If you're against Miss Fourtune watch your positioning as to not stand behind minions the Miss Fourtune can potentially Q to harass you. Both of them have really good all-in with their ultimates once they hit level 6, so make sure to be cautious of that when trading or fighting at that point. Try to play aggressive in the laning phase while avoiding their Q's.
  • Win Condition: Use the minion wave to play around their Q's. Trade and bully befour level 6. Be cautious post 6 of their all-in power. Jhin outscales them. However, it’s preferred that you play aggressive pre-6 because you're the better bully.

4! I have elaborate plans four you

Transitioning from the laning phase into the mid and late game.
Mid-late game focuses: Keep your CS up to scale and pay attention to potential picks with your team. Use the minimap to find where you can catch minion waves and make sure you're farming close to at least one teammate. Jhin is a very easy champion to pick off so if you're caught farming alone you're extremely vulnerable. Your Mid-late game and further is strong right now with how Rageblade interacts with Jhin, so do not pressure yourself to do any fancy outplays or getting solo kills. The most common way a Jhin dies at this stage of the game is through flanks from various blind spots. Proceed with caution and look towards using your traps to gain vision around the fog of war and your backsides.

5. Mini-Mid Jhin update

Four people who still want to play him there.
I'll only be explaining the new item build and runes since everything else from the Jhin mid guide still applies this season.
Item build: ER>RFC>IE>Rage>Situationals
You'll need Essence Reaver to push, shove, and protect your mid lane. Jhin lost a lot of solo kill potential mid since midlane is all about being safe and farming. So you're going to do just that. Buy survivability items like hexdrinker or ninja tabi if required in match-ups. Rest of details are relevant from the Jhin mid guide.

6. How to use traps

As ADC Jhin
I'm legit about to hit the character limit. So here's a video and some clips.
In-depth trap explaination video
Clip 1: Placed 2 traps in my jungle and Rek'sai kites into one while counter-jungling
Clip 2: Placed 2 traps in bottom bushes. Sivir gets slowed and can't get in range to hit Q. Trundle hits the 2nd trap and can't reach me. 100% would have died here if it wasn't four the traps.
Clip 3: I place a trap in front of the brand while we're killing him so it makes it easier to secure the kill and makes it hard to run away from us.

7. Appendix

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lethality varus mid runes video

Full Lethality Poke Varus is back! (Q every 3 seconds ... Varus Mid vs Ahri - NA Grandmaster Patch 9.6 - YouTube ABUSE THE META 3. Full Lethality Varus Mid! - YouTube LETHALITY VARUS vs ATTACKSPEED VARUS - YouTube KOREAN LETHALITY VARUS BUILD IS INCREDIBLE!  CHALLENGER ... KINDRED MID S+ FULL LETHALITY DARK HARVEST SHADOWFIRE  40 ...

Hey there, you curious Varus lover! I am Jochnes aka. Lissandragon, playing League of Legends over 6 years now! I loved to play Mid Lane Varus back in season 5 and 6, he got a lot of buffs lately and I think he is playable again! This is also helpful for Adc Varus players that chose to go for a poke build! Varus build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 11.3 Varus build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in Varus has gotten a large buff for his W Blighted Quiver that will make AP Varus much stronger. It doesn't make him a meta pick right now, but it gives you a lot of unexpected burst and makes him a lot of fun to play. He has a lot of combos and can burst down tanks because of blight's percent health damage. METAsrc LoL 11.3 Varus AR URF Build Guide, best items, mythic items, runes, build order, starting items, summoner spells, boots, trinkets, counters Varus build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in This is a guide on how to play Lethality Varus, one of the most popular and successful ADCs in League of Legends Season 10 so far. Previously dismissed as a troll build or picked solely in the mid lane, Lethality Varus has suddenly risen in popularity and is now the preferred set-up when playing the Arrow of Retribution. With no tanks on the enemy team and zero bonus armor to worry about, the marksman’s long-range Piercing Arrows can be deadly. This is a guide on how to maximize Lethality(somewhat) Varus Mid. Varus. I'm mastery 7 on Varus after playing him mid a lot, finding I really don't like ADC, even if I'm decent at it. I'm Silver 4, fairly new to the game(3 months). A massive point of contention however, is my choice of items. My runes, I run Dark Harvest, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Ultimate Hunter, Manaflow Band, Gathering Storm, +10% Attack Speed, +9 Adaptive We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Varus İntikam Oku. Check Varus's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more.

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Full Lethality Poke Varus is back! (Q every 3 seconds ...

Kindred Mid Gameplay Guide Full AD Burst 0:00 Build 0:06 Runes Twitch: Enjoyed? - Like 👍, Comment & Subscribe with 🔔 ... If you enjoy the video, subscribeKorean Lethality Varus - Challenger Varus ADC Full Gameplay - Patch 9.13 S9 Season 9 2019 - League of Legends (LoL)OPGG: htt... Lethality Varus VS Attack Speed Varus, League of Legends 1vs1, Varus Montage, Varus Best Builds Welcome to my Channel SoloCarry! Subscribe for weekly Leagu... #Varus Mid played by Ñexu, #NAGrandmaster 261 LP.Highlights: information:- Runes: 00:18- Damage dealt: 26:26- Ability (skill... Poke Varus is back in the top 3 ADC win rates. Let's try him out... Level 5 Q has a 10 second base cooldown. 40% CDR knocks it down to 6. Consuming an enemy'... Patch 10.1 lowered Varus' Q cooldown by 2 seconds. Full lethality Varus is back. Poke out your opponent and gain freelo. This strat will easy get you into Gold.

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