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Daily betting soccer predictions fixed matches 100% sure submitted by jacksonchristy to u/jacksonchristy [link] [comments]

An in-depth look at why Dream has always been right.

As I have said before, I adore the villain Dream plays. He's manipulative, cruel, and knows how to get what he wants by stepping on others. True perfection in a chaotic evil individual. I see those traits making a successful character who gets his way no matter what. Now, most see Dream as the bad guy, destined to fall soon. However, while he is chaotic evil, sometimes chaos is the better choice over law. This is more than true in Dreams' case. Ever since the beginning of the server, Dream has been destined to win. Let me explain.
In the beginning with the Disc Sagas, Dream had the right idea by immediately going for the discs. Tommy was foolish for showing that he had any attachment to them at all. If he had just left them in his ender chest and not said anything to Dream, none of what is going on now would be happening. All of the problems on the server stemmed from those discs. By taking advantage of Tommys' blatant foolishness and trying to keep the discs from him, Dream was trying to keep his server safe from breaking down into chaotic anarchy due to an obsessed maniac child with a hyper fixation on music discs and the nerve to stand up to him.
During the L'Manberg Revolt (I refuse to call it a true revolution for reasons following), Dream convinced Eret to betray the rebels and join his side in return for kingship. This is the first showcase of Dreams' evil tendencies showing through. He took a dark path to reach the light. He knew Eret could be good and wanted to protect them from the massacre he would cause. In the end, the Dream SMP belongs to Dream, and Wilbur had zero right to establish his own claim on the land Dream created. The true enemy of the revolt was Wilbur all along. But, Wilbur won the war, you say. No. He didn't. Dreams' army decimated L'Manberg and defeated Tommy in the bow duel. Had Tommy not manipulated Dream into allowing L'Manberg to have independence by surrendering the discs to him, L'Manberg would be nothing more than a memory. Keep this disc exchange in mind. This moment is what backs up Dreams' current argument that the discs belong to him, not Tommy. This is the only point in the server where Tommy willingly handed the discs to Dream. Ever since then, Tommy has been trying to steal them back. The discs officially belong to Dream.
During the Election process and following war era, Dream backed up Schlatt at first, then turned on him and supported Wilbur, then returned to Schlatt again, then finally settled on having Wilbur betray Pogtopia. This is another showcase of Dreams' chaotic evil side. Although Dream went back and forth, supporting the side that would cause more destruction, he consistently chose the side that would destroy any threat to his powers. In the end, Dream was always against L'Manberg. A nation he never recognized. This battle is the first fight that Dream technically won. He achieved every last goal he had except for one. The only goal he seemed to share with Technoblade: end the government. Otherwise, Dream was able to tear down any threats to him and keep them down for quite a while before any new trouble arose.
After Tommy and Ranboo tore down Georges' house, Dream was angered. Why? He cares about George very much (A DNF arc was genuinely possible for a while). Dream also saw this minor griefing incident as a chance to truly eliminate the single last threat to him left. Tommy made an incident completely unrelated to the discs about that, which was his biggest mistake. Had Tommy left the discs out of the situation and, for once, shut his goddamn mouth, Dream might have conceded to the probation. Instead, Tommy acted selfishly and placed himself in front of his nation. Tommy challenged Dream with Spirit, which was a stupid move on his part. Tommy should've known that Dream had lost all care for anything except for the discs and, most likely, George. This move also makes Sapnap a fool, but we'll get to that part later. Tommy was rightfully exiled and is suffering, but is learning his lesson. I'll come back to Tommys' rather enjoyable depression later.
The subplot going on currently (aside from the whole bloodvines chaos, which I won't go over here as we don't have enough information to connect that to Dream of one of his potential allies yet) is the Mexican L'Manberg/El Rapids story. To paint Dream in a good light in this plot, we have to go back to when Dream dethroned George. Dream did this to protect him, yet George whined because both he and Sapnap misinterpreted Dreams' speech to Tommy about him not caring. When Dream said that he didn't care about anything but the discs, he meant that he didn't care about any other material item. Spirits' leather was useless to him. His actions towards George spoke way louder than his words did. George and Sapnap we're foolish for not realizing that Dream was doing everything, not just for his own gain, but for his friends' gain as well. Running off with Quackity and Karl to start a protest was a baby move. Once Mexican L'Manberg gained enough power to stand on their own, they immediately became a terrorist organization. Eret earned the throne by betraying L'Manberg, but it wasn't a mistake on Dreams' part to dethrone him. Eret chose to side against Dream, even when they were asked to at least remain neutral as a king. Dream crowned George king because he was the most neutral man on the server at the time. He then sent George off to build his cottage to protect him from the war because he cared. After the war, George became more involved in the politics of the server, therefore making him not neutral and a massive target. Eret, having been dethroned before, learned his lesson and returned to his neutral ways. Dream saw this and gave him back the crown after George babyraged over unimportant matters. Mexican L'Manberg then proceeded to attack Eret and their castle, stealing his physical throne in an attempt to return it to George. Dream and his allies were willing to fight, but Mexican L'Manberg fled to the Holy Land instead and immediately tagged Dream as the terrorist. Now, I'm sure that Alex is a good debater in real life as a lawyer, but holy fuck was Quackitys' defense terrible in that fight. Dream was right to label them as pussies for not even trying to fight and instantly camping in the place where they couldn't legally be killed. Dream caused no mayhem that night, only Mexican L'Manberg with the destruction of Erets' castle. Who's the terrorist then? Finally, Quackity used the defense that Dream has no right to be pulling the strings of every event in the server. That's horse shit. It's Dreams' server, it always has been, and it always will be. It's his job to make sure everything goes how he needs it to go. If I were Dream, I would just take Quackitys' last canon life early and cut the resistance short. Quackity poses no true threat to Dream PVP-wise, but he's dangerously good at convincing powerful people. He's a loose cannon that needs to be eliminated swiftly and ruthlessly.
Back to the main story with Tommy. Dream has been visiting Tommy every day and doing repetitive activities with him. The most notable two being blowing Tommys' things up whenever he makes any progress and stopping him from committing suicide. Since this plot has yet to show a true end in sight, I have to theorize. I have come up with two theories, both of which lead to a victory for Dream and keep him on the good side. First theory, Dream is keeping Tommy alive and training him to be his loyal drone. Over time, Tommy has grown more and more used to Dreams' hilarious torment (no seriously, I laugh every time Dream steals from him. It's funny af) and concedes faster and faster to Dream. Dream using Tommys' dying sanity as leeway to teach him to obey his every command. But what about the skins Tommy will be using that progressively look more and more dead? Those make more sense in the second theory, but I have some ideas about them in this theory as well. When Tommy reaches the mental condition depicted by the final skin (extremely ripped/dirty clothing and baggy, bloodshot, and gray eyes), he will obey any command given to him. Dream will use Tommy to kill Tubbo for the disc he has, then either let Tommy live while still in exile so he doesn't remember his attachment to Tubbo or the discs, or he'll kill Tommy right after to eliminate all threats. My other idea is that he'll let Tommy die in the state of the final skin, but he'll come back, either as a vengeful ghost or an undead zombie and, because he's used to Dream calling the shots, will obey him and take Tubbos' life for the discs. Time for the second theory. Dream has been stopping Tommy from killing himself early on because he wants to make a spectacle of his death. He could do this in one of two ways. The first way is that he could threaten Tubbo into giving up Tommys' disc by taking Tommys' life. That would be more violent and less on the good side, so this second way is what will likely happen if the plot shifts this way. During World War I, soldiers held a Christmas Armistice, where all fighting was paused to celebrate the holiday. From what I remember in class, enemy soldiers played soccer in No Man's Land and chatted like friends, even though they were off killing each other not long after (google this for more, it's really cool). I predict that a similar thing will occur this Christmas on the Dream SMP. After the irl actors spend real Christmas with their families and whatnot, everyone who can will log on for a Christmas party. All fighting will be paused and everyone will come together and share good memories, gifts, and jolly. Tommy will still be in exile and will not be allowed to join the party. During said party, Tommy will kill himself. Everyone will see the death message in the chat and chaos will ensue. Amid this chaos, Dream will take his opportunity and attack Tubbo for the disc, either killing him for it or sparing him. Either way, Dream takes his discs back and the threat of Tommy, who was a traitor to Dreams' rightfully earned poweland from the very beginning, will be gone.
One final idea I'd like to add that may or may not play into the main story: Dreams' plan with the prison. There is no way that Techno isn't gonna be in there eventually. Techno did hint at something bad happening soon when he said he was writing an arc, ya know. Although the server is on 1.16 and Dream, according to the duel, is better at axe PVP than 1.8 like Techno (don't come at me for that I don't fully understand the logic of Minecraft PVP as well as the guys do, I'm just making observations based on what I saw), Techno grinds harder on the server. He doesn't just make one set of maxed out netherite, he makes 10. We don't know what all Dream has under his belt since we haven't seen where his current base is (and we probably won't any time soon), we know that Techno will be a rough match if the two have to brawl. Now, there are two reasons why Dream might want Techno locked away. One, he's a threat to Dream. Two, Dream wants Techno alive and safe for reasons unknown, so Techno will consent to being locked up for his own safety against Tommy or the Butcher Army. Number one is more likely, since Dream appears to be pro-government. Dreams' best bet with imprisoning Techno would be to take Phil hostage. Since Phil is a hardcore boi, he is constantly on one life. If he canonically dies, he's out. Techno loves his dad and will do anything to keep him alive, including running headfirst into Dreams' grasp. I'm not sure how this will play into the main plot, but I wanted to discuss my thoughts on it while I can.
That's pretty much all I have to say on this. I identify as chaotic evil myself, so that's probably why I'm so adamant about the bad guys winning. If you need a tdlr, essentially I'm trying to say that Dream has every right to everything on the server and he is always in the right. It's just that he is chaotic evil, so he takes dark paths to reach the light. If you've made it this far, please leave a comment and share what you think about my ideas. I love debating dsmp theories with others. Please keep debates civil and remember that this is all just roleplay. Thanks everyone!!!!
Have some blue: 💙🐦🐬🦋🌊🧦💎📘🔵🦕🔷💙
submitted by FuriousFlame74 to dreamsmp [link] [comments]

Helped and given many chances by my Family yet I'm relapsing time and time again.

Posting this on a throwaway account but I think my beginnings into the world of gambling started the same as many if not most others. I started with small sports betting, betting on soccer and I was really good at it. I went from $200 to $55,000 in a couple of months and initially I was really calm and composed and made smart calculated bets and never really went crazy and I had gambled within my means/budget.
In fact, I even cashed out multiple times telling myself I'd never gamble again and to be satisfied with my winnings. But with sports, sports news are everywhere and I'd see news and highlights of soccer matches and I'd feel the regret in not gambling especially when I saw that the results would be something that I would have predicted. This was how I gradually got back into gambling and eventually became out of control. I started going on a losing streak and doubled each of my bets and slowly but surely dwindled all my winning. I then started using my credit cards taking advances and loans telling myself, surely I wouldn't be THAT unlucky and sure enough I lost everything. At this point in time I was about 20k in the hole, I told my mom about this and she helped with the credit card debts. Everyone around me persuaded me to cancel all my line of credit but I was so so confident that I wouldn't go back to gambling again and that I could and should keep my credit cards so that I could make use of cashback and rewards and what not.
Unfortunately, this wasn't the case and again I went through the exact same route and gambled everything using my credit cards again and I got bailed by my mom again. I think I am about 45k in the hole at this point in time. I started working towards repaying my debts but that long dreadful feeling of having to give my monthly paycheck towards paying my debts was just a painful thought and process and AGAIN I relapsed and gambled and gambled and gambled again. Now I owe another 40k and I had to get help from my estranged Dad to pay the banks. I wasn't expecting him to help but he did and at 85k down, surely I'd stop gambling right? This is the 3rd time I got bailed and I ought to learn my lesson, so I looked into other form of making money such as investing into stocks and crypto and I was doing well.
I took out about 30k to buy bitcoin at the beginning or midst of the bullrun when it was at approx 15-18k and as of the time of this post its about 34k? I guess I essentially doubled my money and I told myself you know what? Since I made some good profit, I guess I could spare a little money/sats and I decided to go online gambling and this time on Roulette with my btc and poof before I know it, it's gone. At one point, I lost half of my btc and I told myself If i won everything back I would stop and I actually did!! But I never stopped and kept on gambling till I lost everything. I am currently in debt of 85k to my parents and 30k to the banks and I have little to no way of repaying my debts.
I feel so sorry and horrible but I have totally no self control over myself. On many occasion I actually managed to recover what I had lost or at least a portion of it and every single time I'd tell myself I'd stop after recovering my losses but it never happened. So to the people out there, please quit gambling and cancel or take away any access that you may have to spare cash or line of credits because you will gamble it away. When you're deep into gambling it's no longer about the money but rather the thrill that you get from gambling. All for that short high and by the time you lose everything, you'll feel like shit and filled with immense guilt.
I am at a loss with myself and I don't know what I can do about my debt situation. I'm even contemplating killing myself because I feel so helpless. Even if by some miracle I manage to slowly clear my debts, what's there to say I won't relapse again and start gambling everything and anything I can like the past couple of times? My family has already done all they can financially to bail me out of my gambling debts and yet I've disappointed them again and again.
What should I do?
submitted by Cold_Speaker_4154 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Apr. 4, 1988

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words, continuing in the footsteps of daprice82. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
The Complete Observer Rewind Archive by daprice82
1-4-1988 1-11-1988 1-18-1988 1-25-1988
2-1-1988 2-8-1988 2-15-1988 2-22-1988
2-29-1988 3-7-1988 3-14-1988 3-21-1988
3-28-1988 * * *
  • ”This is horrible, Gorilla.” These words open the issue this week, because Wrestlemania IV is in the books and, well, it was not pretty. Dave is flabbergasted by how bad a show it was, wondering if this was a dream or a nightmare that he hasn’t woken up from. Wrestlemania III was the best wrestling production of all time. It may not have had the best card, but it was entertaining all around and the fans loved it. It set Vince up as the king of wrestling, all-powerful over the business. He’s still the king, but he’s definitely not all-powerful, and Crockett absolutely kicked Vince’s ass on March 27. Financials will take time to come in, and of course McMahon will win that measure, but we can flash back to January 24 for an analogue: The Royal Rumble won even though the Bunkhouse Finals made more money.
  • Preliminary info Dave has gotten from phoning cable companies and hearing from fans at closed-circuit site is that Wrestlemania interest was down by nearly half of last year’s. The buyrate for ppv could be as low as 6 percent, half of WWF’s expected 12% and still way down from last year’s 10.3%. Even so, the PPV gross would be $10.8 million, of which WWF can expect no more than $3.5 million, plus an estimated $2.3 million from a minimum 175,000 (last year had 375,000) at closed-circuit and a live gate of about $ million and an undisclosed site fee from Donald Trump for putting on the show. The early (and I mean early, don’t get attached to these numbers) overall estimate is a total gross of $14 million, with WWF netting maybe $6.5 million, a far cry from the $18 million they were predicting their take would be. How much was because Crockett ran the Clash? How much was because WWF just has been less interesting? It’s hard to say, but Crockett hurt McMahon way more than anyone could have anticipated.
  • As for the shows themselves, just absolute night and day between them. Crockett’s Clash was a really solid show. It wasn’t as polished a production and only had 30 minutes of wrestling in the first 90 minutes of the show, though this was to allow Sting/Flair to work without commercial breaks so it was an overall benefit. The matches, minus the barbed wire one, were all good. The crowd was into it. Two excellent matches. Probably best to never let Steve Williams talk again, though. The Jim Cornette and Eddie Haskel bit was great and made Bob Uecker and Gene Okerlund look worse than they were. Meanwhile, Wrestlemania made Starrcade 1987 look like Starrcade 1985, and that’s too nice to say even. WWF’s guys, rather than working harder because it was Wrestlemania, opted to phone it in instead because Wrestlemania itself would carry the day. Even Jesse Ventura had no good lines and coasted while Gorilla was like soundbites of his Wrestling Challenge commentary.
  • Anyway, Dave breaks down the major problems for WWF, as he sees them. 1) Hogan - he’s too over, to the point he overshadows everything else and by booking him as just one of the guys in the field, they completely devalued their star attraction. And instead of putting Randy over at the end, which they need to do if they’re going to try and have him be even close to as over as Hulk has been, they put Liz and Hulk over. “It’s like Randy can’t even order a taxi cab unless Liz tells Hulk to flag down the cab.” 2) Hindsight is always 20/20, but Trump Plaza was a terrible venue for a Wrestlemania, and the crowd just wasn’t a wrestling crowd, so they were not invested at all. 3) Steroids. Dave supposes he’s probably the most hated person in the world among the heavy steroid users in the business because of all the nicknames he gives them, but in all seriousness it was embarrassing to watch so many guys get blown up in a minute or two to where they couldn’t even pace out a five minute match. Like, take out the health issues, take out any sense of blame on the guys, Dave says. The tournament was embarrassing. It wasn’t funny to see the guys fail like this. It was just sad. 4) The tournament as a concept flopped. It gave fans no specific issue to focus on because belts in modern wrestling just don’t mean anything to fans - the real draw is the big personalities, and WWF proved it with this show: the only matches anyone cared about were the ones with Hogan and, to a lesser extent, DiBiase and Savage. 5) Spoilers. Too many people knew the outcome, and giving Savage the title is almost a mistake after you’ve given so many spoilers of your own show. ABC News did a report the morning after, saying “Randy Savage was the winner at Wrestlemania, but of course everyone knew it since the WWF magazine had printed the result three weeks ago. The WWF claims the magazine report was simply a typographical error.” Anyway, Dave is sick of people blaming him for their wrestling promotions not being able to draw fans at live shows when they aren’t interesting enough. Newsletter subscribers are maybe 0.002% of the viewing audience - if all Dave’s subscribers quit watching nobody would notice in the viewing numbers. Meanwhile, the fans who read newsletters are probably the most dedicated and put more money into the business than the “marks” do and will be the ones stubbornly holding on to the end if the business somehow were to die. So don’t blame Dave if your show sucks and your creative is bad and you give away your finish weeks ahead of time and don’t even bother changing it.
  • Anyway, Wrestlemania preliminary numbers time. About 540,000 homes on PPV, plus 195,000 through closed-circuit, as far as the U.S. goes. They did just 95 closed-circuit sites in the U.S., 39 of which had less than 2,000 capacity. No word on Crockett’s ratings, but if they hit a 5 on TBS that’s about 2 million homes.
  • So all that said, time to look at the Wrestlemania card. Good production, particularly the opening graphics, but not as far ahead of Crockett as last year now that they’ve upped their game. Battle royal started hot and quickly became your standard boring battle royal. The Hart/Badnews angle at the end saves the match from a dud and gets it half a star. DiBiase vs. Duggan was real slow for a five minute match, and Duggan no longer resembles the worker he was in UWF/Mid-South just a couple years ago. Very little heat. 1.5 stars. Muraco vs. Bravo gets half a star, and both were blown up by the double clothesline like they’d wrestled a hard 20 minutes, but the whole match was under 5. Valentine vs. Steamboat saw Valentine look tired and old, and just not have his famed longevity anymore. Good finish, solid work even with the timing issues. Steamboat coming out with his son and being able to be lost in the moment of just being a proud father was “a tremendous sight” for Dave. 2.25 stars. Savage vs. Reed got a pop for the finish but nothing else, really. 1 star. One Man Gang vs. Bam Bam Bigelow wasn’t good. It was obvious how bad Bigelow’s knee was, and that takes away his agility, which is the thing that sets him apart. Dave says this is a -1.5 star match in a vacuum, but considering Bam Bam’s condition he’s not going to rate it that low and calls it a dud instead. Rick Rude vs. Jake Roberts was a 15 minute draw and Dave hated it. He hated Rude’s tights, the many long rest holds, the fact that there just weren’t any moves in there to pop the crowd, and the fact that the crowd chanted boring. Worst match of the year candidate. -2 stars. Ultimate Warrior blew up before he entered the ring for his match with Hercules and the match was bad. -1.5 stars, and Dave says it was worse than Rude vs. Roberts, but gets a better rating for knowing when to be done quick and not overstaying its welcome like the other match did.
Watch: Cleanse your palate with Hogan’s weird promo from Wrestlemania about faultlines and Donald Trump caring about his family
  • Wrestlemania continued, because holy shit that was a really long paragraph and we needed an intermission. Round two saw Hogan and Andre go to a double disqualification to start off. Andre could barely stand by two and a half minutes in. Lots of shenanigans, Virgil took a nasty suplex on the floor where Hulk didn’t protect him at all, but there’s a glimmer of a future face push for him at least. Maybe his father’s a plumber, Dave quips. Half a star if you ignore the posing at the end (dud if you count the posing). But really, the crowd came to see Hogan pose. DiBiase vs. Muraco had no heat but decent action for its short stay. 1.5 stars. Savage vs. Valentine was good, well-paced with good action. 2.5 stars. Beefer vs. Honkytonk Man amazed Dave since neither was over at all when both usually are decently over. Sherri Martel made more noise than the entire audience. Loads of shenanigans, Beefer’s new haircut makes him look like a Davey Boy Smith with less wrestling ability, dud. Islanders and Heenan vs. Koko and the Bulldogs had some decent comedy and started okay, but got boring quick. 1.25 stars. Savage vs. One Man Gang was watchable but the finish sucked. Half a star. Demolition vs. Santana and Martel was solid throughout, although the crowd seemed on Demolition’s side. If the crowd had been responsive this would have been a really good match rather than just pretty good at 2.5 stars. DiBiase vs. Savage saw the crowd missing “two top-flight guys trying to work a good match” because they were watching the entrance waiting for Hogan. Savage sends Liz to get Hogan, Hogan evens the odds, Savage wins, Hogan must pose. 2.25 stars. Once round two started, the show was pretty decent, Dave thinks, just the first half of the show wasn’t RestholdMania, but Rigor Mortis Mania.
  • Over in Crockett Country, it’s a whole different story. They drew 6,000 fans to the Greensboro Coliseum, and all six thousand were champing at the bit for the show, which created a great energy that the wrestlers fed on for their matches. Rotunda retained the TV Title against Jimmy Garvin in the amateur rules match with a one-count pin, pinning Garvin a minute into the second round. 2.5 stars. The Midnight Express beat the Fantastics by DQ to retain the U.S. Tag Titles in a classic Memphis style brawl that was so action packed the cameras missed a lot of it. Dave gives them 4.25 stars, saying the action earned it 4.5, but the overused finish with the over the top rope throw and the referee reversing the decision lost it half a star, but then the post-match action with Corette lashing Bobby Fulton’s back with a belt got it back a quarter star. Dusty and the Road Warriors (the Rhode Warriors, I almost typed) beat Warlord and Barbarian and Ivan Koloff in a real short barbed wire match, and Dave notes the resemblance between Dudty wearing facepaint and a black t-shirt and Dump Matsumoto (with the notable difference that Dump is prettier). Ivan was bleeding after 20 seconds and Dusty after 90. Dave hates these matches - everyone gets all cautious and careful and stays in the center of the ring, so nothing really happens. 1 star. Luger and Barry Windham beat Arn and Tully for the NWA Tag Titles. Good match all around, 3.5 stars. Flair and Sting had a 45 minute draw for the NWA Title in a match of the year candidate. Slow pace to start, but the heat kept up and they weren’t dull and Flair sold the hell out of every rest hold. Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone did fantastic work on this, particularly Ross who sold the intensity and importance of the match, which was critical for the first half (if only he were still able to do that today). There were supposed to be three judges, but there were five people at the table, only two of them didn’t vote, so no idea what the point there was. Anyway, Patty Mullen (Penthouse Pet of the year and who had been on Ric’s arm the night before on tv) picked Flair. Gary Juster, former NWA promoter, voted for Sting. Sandy Scott then ruled it a draw, and nothing came of the judging gimmick which made it utterly pointless. 4.75 stars
Watch: Clash of the Champions. I’ve set it to start with the Steve Williams promo because it needs to be heard to be believed
  • During Clash of the Champions, after the first match, there was an ad on TBS for the WWF 900 number advertising play-by-play for Wrestlemania. WWF managed to get an ad on TBS during Crockett’s big special, and that’s hilarious. They also ran the first ad for the new Four Horsemen vitamins, which was hilarious but unintentionally so, and Dave thinks they aren’t going to sell a lot of those vitamins.
  • Last week Dave teased a big story, and it’s that Crockett has been negotiating with Ken Mantell of World Class Dave didn’t give any details beyond the tease last week because he was hoping to get more before press time. He promises to never note a major story the way he did again without giving more details up front, because he expected more details to break before he had to print copy but it didn’t. Anyway, negotiations have been ongoing for ten days and there are conflicting reports. Crockett’s goal is taking over World Class the way they did Florida, getting the valuable channel 11 time slot on Saturday nights in Dallas. They’re going to need Fritz on board to complete the deal, though. If it does go through, Kerry and Kevin will have guaranteed work and a push in the NWA, but neither really seems to want the travel, so they’d likely get a deal for local stuff and maybe occasional work in St. Louis. The bottom line everyone needs to consider, though, is that Mantell and Michael Hayes may be the most creative bookers anywhere right now, but they aren’t turning WCCW’s business around and it just may not work out that they can. Dave doesn’t expect a deal done now, but he thinks Mantell and Hayes may give themselves until May to see if their hard work will pay off before considering any offers.
  • An example of that creative booking is the WCCW title change on March 25 in Dallas. Hayes was at ringside with Kerry while Black Bart and Buddy Roberts were for Parsons. Iceman King Parsons is one of the least likely champions in wrestling history, and the match wasn’t particularly good, but the finish saw the lights go out after Terry Gordy came down, at which point Bart and Roberts used flashlights to blind the fans in the front row so nobody could see what happened. When the lights came back on, Kerry was knocked out in the ring, Hayes was bleeding on the floor, nobody knew who hit whom, and Parsons pinned Kerry to win the belt. They even had Kerry carted out on a stretcher. Dave doesn’t think (and actively prays against) Parsons will hold it for long. Hayes looks like the best prospect (nope. It’s going back to Kerry in May at the Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions). Also, I just learned that King Parsons is his real legal name. I always thought combining Iceman and King was a weird combo of gimmicks, so that solves a mystery for me.
Watch: Iceman King Parsons wins the WCWA World Title
  • Eddie Gilbert is leaving Memphis to book for Continental beginning April 10. Continental’s business is bottoming out and it’ll be interesting to see if Gilbert and Missy can get things going there again like they did in Memphis. This also puts Memphis in some dire straits, since the Gilberts were basically all their storylines and they were drawing triple what they had been by giving the Gilberts such big spotlight, so they’re in trouble.
  • Lanny Poffo, brother of WWF Champion Randy Savage, has a book coming out called Wrestling with Rhyme. It’s a book of poetry coming out in late April and will be available at Walden Books. Man, I remember when Walden went out of business. It was a sad day for me.
  • The only news Dave has from Japan right now is that Bruiser Brody beat Jumbo Tsuruta for the International Title at Budokan Hall on March 27. Tenryu also retained his PWF Title against Hansen.
  • Roddy Piper’s latest project is a new film going into production called They Live.
Watch: They Live trailer
  • A correction on the Bruno Sammartino stuff. WWF isn’t trying to ban Bruno from using his name. They’re trying to ban him from using the trademarked nickname “The Living Legend” in contexts outside WWF. There’s a lot of talk about his radio interview , and some excerpts in the mail section of this issue.
  • There’s a film in the works about former Olympic and pro wrestler Chris Taylor. Taylor was a 450 lb wrestler from Iowa who won bronze in the 1972 Olympics and died in 1979. A book about him called “The Gentle Giant” is being adapted into a film, currently called “Lean On Me.” That does not wind up being the title, and I can’t find a movie based on him so this might have gotten scrapped. In other biopic news, no word from Hollywood on any upcoming Hulk Hogan movie.
  • WWF went up to the number 4 slot in the syndicated ratings for the week ending Feb. 28. They had a 10.6 rating, an increase on the previous week. Crockett’s network fell to number 9 with a 7.6.
  • Paul E. Dangerously firing Joe Pedicino, Gordon Solie, and Boni Blackstone on Pro Wrestling this Week aired this past weekend. It was fantastic stuff, and Paul has cemented himself as one of the top managers in the business. This is all part of a reformatting of the show to a 30 minute format with Pedicino and Patrick Schaeffer (who was the mastermind behind Global doing an IPO to build up a million dollars of operating capital) at the helm, with Schaeffer as the heel commentator.
  • Crockett had a big angle taped on March 21 that they aired this past Saturday, involving Magnum T.A. Magnum was doing an interview when Tully and J.J. came out, then Barry Windham came out and Tully popped Windham with a hit, then hit Magnum. J.J. was behind Magnum and helped Magnum gently go to ground, then Dusty barged in with a baseball bat and swung for the fences on Tully, then knocks out Jim Crockett without realizing who he’s swinging at when Jim and David Crockett and Rob Garner try to restore order. Jim Cornette did a tearful interview about his “good friend Jim Crockett” and Magnum even bladed, though that last didn’t make it to tv. Later on, Magnum came out and hit Tully with a bat in a match to cause a disqualification. Dave loved the concept here at first because you have to imagine Magnum hates being on the sidelines and wants to be involved to some extent and this gives him something to sink his teeth into. At the same time, “the idea of beating up a cripple, which unfortunately is the reality of the situation” is just kind of pathetic. That said, it’ll draw, and it’ll let Dusty (with Magnum in his corner) push himself as top star once again, and it may even be enough to put heat back on Dusty vs. Tully. Dusty will be suspended for 120 days come Saturday’s tv (taking us into July - will we see the Midnight Rider face Flair at the Bash, Dave wonders), Dusty will return as the Midnight Rider with Magnum at his side, and he’ll likely get the U.S. title in the tournament they’re going to hold in May.
Watch: Tully suckerpunches Magnum
  • The Oregon State Athletic Commission held a public hearing on March 18. Topics mostly stuck to safety concerns such as cleaning the mats, barriers at ringside, security, mats on the floor by ringside, etc. A lot of wrestlers were there, along with Billy Jack Haynes and Don and Barry Owen. Most of the wrestlers were negative about the Owens’ promotion, with only Tony Borne and Art Crews saying anything positive. Borne testified against the idea of using mats outside the ring, saying it’s not going to help as much as it hurts the visual effect of a spill to the floor. He also said the commission’s drug testing proposal went too far by including painkillers and marijuana on top of cocaine. The commission indicated they’ll be looking at action like the use of chairs in the future and potentially issuing fines. They also clarified their stance on blood: hardway is good, blading is bad. It’s pretty absurd to say that the more dangerous way of getting color is good but blading is bad, but this whole blood thing has become a thing for commissions around the country because blading sounds absolutely insane to people outside the industry, and even Dave has mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, blading is a minor safety issue at best, especially compared to rampant steroid and drug use and nasty bumps. On the other, Dave’s not sure fans are really drawn by excessive bleeding either, and probably actually turns off a large number of potential casual viewers. It doesn’t hurt if kept rare, but it doesn’t help if half the matches have it. And more dangerous to the wrestlers in a blood match than AIDS (they’re more likely to get that from outside activities) is scabies, which Owen’s wrestlers had an outbreak of not too far back. Rip Oliver said he’s gotten scabies four times since July and wound up giving it to his wife and kids on top of it. The outbreak led the Commission to pass a ruling against wrestlers working while they have communicable diseases and that they must notify promoters.
  • Eddie Gilbert vs. Jerry Lawler on March 21 drew 6,000 fans for Memphis. Gilbert won in what’s being hailed as a great match (and Dave’s heard their match the week before was even better). On tv on March 26 Gilbert acted like he was going to throw fire at Lance Russell, which got Lawler out from backstage in his first tv appearance in a month. They wound up brawling into the parking lot and Gilbert slammed Lawler on the hood of a car, shattering the windshield.
  • Scott Rechsteiner, using the ring name Scott Steiner, debuted as a babyface in Memphis recently. No mention of peaks or freaks yet.
  • Some random trivia about AWA Tag champ Paul Diamond. His real name is Tom Boric, and he was born in Winnipeg, you idiots, on May 11, 1961. He played soccer for the Tampa Bay Rowdies in the old North American Soccer League and was drafted sixth in the 1980 collegiate draft by the Calgary Boomers, before getting traded to Tampa in 1982. He stayed until the NASL folded, which is when he got into wrestling.
  • Anyway, Diamond and Tanaka won the belts because the Midnight Rockers wanted $500 a week guaranteed to stay and Verne doesn’t believe in guaranteed money. They don’t appear to have left yet.
  • [Continental] Looks like Eddie Gilbert is replacing Robert Fuller and going to be sole booker.
  • [USA] The other spinoff from the old Continental promotion ran its first big show in Knoxville, drawing a $10,000 gate. Previous sellouts there hit $27,000, to give an indication of relative value there. Not a lot to report about this. Moondog Spot is there as “The Dog.” He’s not a big dog. He’s not a little dog. He’s The Dog.
  • WCCW drew 1,700 on March 25 for their Dallas show, where Kerry dropped the title to Parsons. The other main event had Michael Hayes vs. Buddy Roberts, and Roberts kept trying to apologize for hitting Hayes, but Hayes wasn’t going to let it slide. Terry Gordy did a run in and broke things up, and told Hayes they sold Angel of Death’s contract so they can all be friends again. Hayes walked out on Gordy, though.
  • [WCCW] Fabulous Lance keeps getting booked for shows but hasn’t returned. His agent still doesn’t want him to be a heel because it’ll cut down his opportunities for tv and modeling work.
  • To illustrate how bad business is for World Class, here’s the biggest gate they drew out of three shows last week in Mississippi: $783.
  • A man named David Peschel of Washington, New Jersey is suing Randy Savage for a million dollars. He alleges that Savage punched and bodyslammed him when he got out of his car at a light to ask Savage for his autograph. He describes Savage as 6’4” and 280 lbs, prompting Dave to ask if this was maybe a different Randy Savage.
  • Rumor has it that Angelo Poffo put a $1 bet on the Wrestlemania tournament. Apparently, his bet was on Ted DiBiase.
  • According to a sumo journal in Japan, Futuhaguro is 99% certain he won’t go into pro wrestling. Koji Kitao will debut near the end of 1989 in the AWA, so I’ll put my dollar bet on the 1% chance.
  • Reader Mike Rodgers attended the Oregon commission hearing on March 18 and writes about his take. The commission is making big improvements to safety that he thinks are great, but thinks they’re overstepping by wanting to legitimately fine wrestlers who use foreign objects or chairs, and says they don’t understand “that promoters do what they can to fill up arenas.” Banning the blade but not blood is just going to increase the chance of legitimate injury, and it’s part of the proof that the commission really isn’t smart to what wrestling really is about.
  • We get a really long letter on Bruno’s radio interview. The writer taped the second hour and is hoping to get tape of the first hour. But before getting to the good stuff, he first wants to note that lying and silly gimmicks didn’t start in 1984 (was Gorilla Monsoon really from Manchuria? Didn’t Bruno employ gimmick wrestlers when he booked Pittsburgh? How about when he’d blade and claim to have spent the night hospitalized receiving transfusions) and that Bruno’s not really got a leg to stand on for “wrestling must be credible and it is an insult to the fans’ intelligence to lie to them.” Fans knew then just as they know now that it’s a work, but that doesn’t matter - you watch the show because it’s entertaining and you want to see the magician do their tricks. Also, the writer weighs in that the real story with the Main Event will be told by the demographic breakdown rather than the overall rating. In other words, is Hulk Hogan the Demo God? Anyway, after all this preamble, we finally get some quotes from the interview:
  • Bruno denies blading happened in his day but says “today, nothing would surprise me.”
  • Says he’ll never work for the NWA. “I wouldn’t touch it with a 50-foot pole.”
  • He breaks kayfabe on George Steele and says he’s been a teacher for years.
  • He thinks Bobby Heenan is a “dud and a disgrace” to wrestling.
  • He compliments Ric Flair as a guy who can give you an exciting 30 or 40 minute match, but the NWA “have an awful lot of bizarre nonsense in there that, to me, is no good.”
  • He says David wanted to be like him and he tried to warn David that these days they aren’t interested in “guys who just want to wrestle” but he’ll be going to Japan where they appreciate that better.
  • He didn’t like doing commentary. He just clocked in, did his job, and left as soon as he was done. He was very uncomfortable and unhappy doing it.
  • Bruno says WWF didn’t really have anything great to generate interest in the tournament for Wrestlemania.
  • A caller asks if his wrestling was all real, and Bruno says “Well, it was in my day, at least I thought it was.
  • We get a letter that feels so much like it could have been a post here on /SquaredCircle when Dave rated Omega/Okada 6 stars that I’m posting it in its entirety. Be warned, it is long, kind of racist, and absolutely bonkers, but that’s not unfamiliar around these parts. It gets the headline “Sick of praise for Japan.”
I get so sick of the way that people talk about Japanese wrestling. There’s no question it should be covered extensively in the Observer because it is a significant part of the wrestling world. However, when you start printing letters that criticize the American society and the jazz scene, then you are going way too far.
Anyone who thinks the Japanese never forsake quality for showmanship is full of it. The rock group KISS has enjoyed phenomenal success there because of their wild appearence [sic] and stage show. In fact, when they stopped wearing their makeup in the United States, they waited almost two years to do the same in Japan because they knew they wouldn’t be accepted there without it. And what about the movie industry? Do you think Godzilla movies are popular because of great acting?
As a student, I find teachers constantly comparing the American intelligence with that of the Japanese. I’m sure that the wrestlers love being compared to Japanese wrestlers as much as I love being compared to Japanese students. The Japanese do well at everything because they become obsessed with it. For them, it’s a matter of pride. If they screw up, it’s not only a mark on themselves but also on their entire family. You may think that’s great, but it puts a lot of pressure on everyone. They spend hours studying and I’m certain spend hours learning wrestling skills and have no time for themselves. Cut the North American wrestlers some slack. They’re just trying to make a living and preserve their bodies in the process. Look at what trying to wrestle like the Japanese did to Tommy Billington. Everyone would love matches filled with nothing but high spots, but working them is a great way to destroy yourself in a hurry. Now there is no excuse for total duds like Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant either, but there are many non-Japanese who can hold their own without going crazy about it. I wonder how many Observer readers can honestly say that they work as hard at their own jobs as the Japanese in the same profession do. If they do, then I think they would quality [sic] as workaholics.
If there is anything wrong with our society, it’s the lack of national pride, which is so evident in the pages of the Observer. You seem to hate everything that wasn’t imported from the other side of the world. I have absolutely nothing against the country of Japan or Japanese wrestling, but I don’t think it’s up to a bunch of wrestling fans to dictate what’s wrong with our country just because they prefer the Oriental style of wrestling. I think the Observer is great, but I’d like to see you stick to writing about wrestling instead of how rotten our way of life is. I’m sure that’s what a Japanese journalist would do.
  • Anyway, Dave responds to that letter, giving the writer only 4 stars because it’s not in the literally-only-opened-a-couple-weeks-ago Tokyo Dome:
DM: Have I ever written about how rotten our quality of life is or done any cultural comparisons between the U.S. and Japan except to where it pertains to the wrestling business? If I lived in Japan and made a comparison of the quality of the football product and wrote the U.S. product was superior, I hope people wouldn’t take it as an indictment against an entire society.
  • Lastly, it’s about that time of year, I guess, because we have letters arguing about whether Dave should include GLOW coverage or not. Two letters this week on that theme, the first noting what the writer calls a progression in the letters calling for more coverage of women’s wrestling. First were the calls for more coverage of “conventional” women’s wrestling. Then the calls for GLOW coverage. Then POWW. Guess the next will be coverage of the apartment house wrestling scene, the writer supposes. The other writer claims to speak for 90% of subscribers and says Dave would offend that much of his readership if he covers GLOW and POWW and says that if you even consider GLOW to be pro wrestling, you’re incapable of understanding what makes a match good or not. This one asks if Dave’s going to be asked to cover mud wrestling next. There’s no misogyny problem in wrestling fandom. Move along. Nothing to see here.
  • Back to news, the Kentucky Athletic Commission has put up some new rules. There are to be guard rails around the ring now. Throwing an opponent over the top rope will result in a fine or suspension. Ditto for any referee who doesn’t immediately stop the match for it. The top rope rule is now state law, as insane as that sounds.
  • Dave should have national numbers next week, but in Atlanta Clash of the Champions drew an 11.7 rating, with the FlaiSting match hitting 14.5 National numbers will not be nearly that high, but hitting that 5 Dave mentioned earlier that would mean 2 million viewers doesn’t seem so far fetched anymore. Clash beat the NCAA tournament on the networks in Atlanta. TBS is reportedly looking to do another in prime time on a Wednesday early in the summer.
  • Stampede set up an angle where Johnny Smith (kayfabe Davey Boy’s cousin or brother or something) argued with Diana Hart Smith, which got Owen out to defend his sister. Davey Boy was supposed to come in after Wrestlemania to work with Johnny, but Vince put the kibosh on that. There were also considerations for some Stampede guys to participate in the Crockett Cup, but politics (Vince) made that a no-go. So it’s probably no coincidence that when Owen did the job for Hercules it was just outside Greensboro. Anyway, the real takeaway is that Owen is probably coming over to WWF by the end of the year.
NEXT WEEK: Clash vs. Wrestlemania poll results, Clash ratings and Wrestlemania buyrate, an assload of mini headlines because news is apparently thin next week, and more
submitted by SaintRidley to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

So, how difficult is it to bounce back from relegation from the Premier League? I picked around a little bit in historical trends [OC]

As the new season gets underway, there's no lack of predictions being thrown around. While we all know that Manchester City are winning the Premier League again and Liverpool are getting relegated because they haven't spent any money only spent £11m on a backup fullback, what of those unlucky few who were banished to the netherworld that is the Championship?
Around the internet, there does seem to be a consensus that Bournemouth, Norwich, and Watford are all among the favorites to come right back up, whether this is coming from Scottish Teens betting markets or "journalists" like 538. I’m not here to litigate the validity of 538’s modelling process for soccer outcomes, though I’ll admit I enjoy reading them every now and then. What spurred me to do this is seeing just how much all three of the freshly-relegated sides are pretty heavy favorites in their model, with only Brentford coming close.
So, I was curious how long it usually has taken teams since football started since 1992 (as a convenient cut-off spot). I’m sure the information did exist somewhere in a moderately-accessible format, but I was sitting around waiting for people to reply to my emails so I thought I’d just go ahead and build the following list of relegated teams in chronological order:
Year Relegated Years outside of the PL Ever Promoted?
1993 Nottingham Forest 1 1
1993 Middlesbrough 2 1
1993 Crystal Palace 1 1
1994 Sheffield United 12 1
1994 Oldham Athletic 29 0
1994 Swindon Town 28 0
1995* Crystal Palace 2 1
1995 Norwich City 9 1
1995 Leicester City 1 1
1995 Ipswich Town 5 1
1996 Manchester City 4 1
1996 Queens Park Rangers 15 1
1996 Bolton Wanderers 1 1
1997 Sunderland 2 1
1997 Middlesbrough 1 1
1997 Nottingham Forest 1 1
1998 Bolton Wanderers 3 1
1998 Barnsley 23 0
1998 Crystal Palace 6 1
1999 Charlton Athletic 1 1
1999 Blackburn Rovers 2 1
1999 Nottingham Forest 22 0
2000 Wimbledon 22 0
2000 Sheffield Wednesday 21 0
2000 Watford 6 1
2001 Manchester City 1 1
2001 Coventry City 20 0
2001 Bradford City 22 0
2002 Ipswich Town 20 0
2002 Derby County 5 1
2002 Leicester City 1 1
2003 West Ham 2 1
2003 West Bromwich Albion 1 1
2003 Sunderland 2 1
2004 Leicester City 10 1
2004 Leeds 16 1
2004 Wolves 5 1
2005 Crystal Palace 8 1
2005 Norwich City 10 1
2005 Southampton 7 1
2006 Birmingham City 1 1
2006 West Bromwich Albion 2 1
2006 Sunderland 1 1
2007 Sheffield United 12 1
2007 Charlton Athletic 15 0
2007 Watford 8 1
2008 Reading 4 1
2008 Birmingham City 1 1
2008 Derby County 13 0
2009 Newcastle 1 1
2009 Middlesbrough 7 1
2009 West Bromwich Albion 1 1
2010 Hull 3 1
2010 Burnley 4 1
2010 Portsmouth 12 0
2011 Birmingham City 10 0
2011 Blackpool 11 0
2011 West Ham 1 1
2012 Bolton Wanderers 11 0
2012 Blackburn Rovers 9 0
2012 Wolves 6 1
2013 Reading 8 0
2013 Queens Park Rangers 1 1
2013 Wigan 9 0
2014 Cardiff City 4 1
2014 Fulham 4 1
2014 Norwich City 5 1
2015 Hull 1 1
2015 Burnley 1 1
2015 Queens Park Rangers 6 0
2016 Newcastle 1 1
2016 Norwich City 3 1
2016 Aston Villa 3 1
2017 Hull 5 0
2017 Middlesbrough 4 0
2017 Sunderland 5 0
2018 Swansea 3 0
2018 Stoke City 3 0
2018 West Bromwich Albion 2 1
2019 Cardiff City 2 0
2019 Fulham 1 1
2019 Huddersfield Town 2 0
* In 1995, the PL went from 22 teams to 20, and so they relegated 4 teams. In other years, Palace would have survived. I think.
The first two columns are pretty self-explanatory, it’s the year in which the club got relegated (pulled from Wikipedia). The next one is how many years a team was outside of the top flight, with 1 meaning they were promoted the very next year, 2 meaning they were promoted after their second year, and so on. For clubs who to this point have not managed to get promoted back to the PL, this third column is the minimum amount of time they’ll spend in outside of the PL. So for example, Stoke was relegated in 2018 so they’ve got a 3 because at a bare minimum they’ll take 3 years outside of the top flight if hell freezes over they manage promotion this year (sorry Stoke, you’ve actually got a decent shot tbf). For teams lower than that, a la Charlton who are currently in League One, this number assumes back-to-back promotions, as unlikely as that is. Not a perfect system, I know.
For Wimbledon, I’m considering AFC Wimbledon the continuation of Wimbledon FC, because fuck MK Dons.
So what’s the data look like? Here’s the distribution of how long it has taken teams to return:
Years outside the PL Count
1 21
2 10
3 6
4 6
5 6
6 4
7 2
8 3
9 3
10 3
11 2
12 3
13 1
14 0
15 2
16 1
17 0
18 0
19 0
20 2
21 1
22 3
23 1
24 0
25 0
26 0
27 2
Across 82 instances of relegation, 45 separate teams have suffered the sting of relegation. The median time between relegation and promotion is 4 years and average is 6.75, though obviously these are moving targets because a lot of these teams haven’t been back yet and some may very well never be back.
On 21 occasions, a relegated team has come right back up the following year. Birmingham City, Leicester, Newcastle, and West Brom have all achieved this feat twice, and no one has ever done it more than twice. Sunderland and West Brom have each managed bouncing back after two years twice, and Sheffield United interestingly enough took 12 years to get back both times that they’ve been relegated.
In ’93, ’97, ’06, ’09, and ’15, two teams that went down came right back up. There has never been a year when each team relegated from the PL managed promotion immediately. Most years do have at least one club come back within 1 or 2 years. The year with the longest gap is 1994 at 12 years for, you guessed it, Sheffield United. The other two clubs relegated that year are Oldham and Swindon, both of whom don’t look like they’ll be rejoining the top flight any time soon. The next-largest gap is 8 years, with Watford, Charlton, and once again Sheffield United being relegated in 2007. Watford made it back to the PL in 2015.
1994 was definitely the toughest year for the relegated teams, with other notably difficult years for re-promotion being 2000:
Team Years outside the PL
Sheffield Wednesday 21 (currently in Championship)
Watford 6
Wimbledon 22 (currently in League One after a wild few decades)
Team Years outside the PL
Leeds 16
Leicester 10
Wolves 5
And 2007 which I touched on earlier:
Team Years outside the PL
Charlton 15 (currently in League One)
Sheffield United 12
Watford 8
The strongest relegation groups (at least in so far as how long it took them to return) were in ’93, ’97, and ’06. Each of these had two teams bounce right back up with the third in each group taking one more year. Honorable mention to 2003 when West Brom came right back up and Sunderland and West Ham managed the feat in 2 years apiece.
To bring it full-circle, it seems to me like models like 538 may be slightly overestimating the likelihood that multiple of the relegated sides make it back, but the better takeaway from their predictions is probably that it's highly likely at least one of the teams makes it back, which did happen in roughly 60% of years I looked at here. I personally can't see Bournemouth bouncing back given their "off-season", but who knows. Certainly not me.
All this data is sitting in an excel sheet on my computer now, and I successfully killed an afternoon-ish of my time. If anyone has any other little factoids they're wondering about, let me know and I'll happily jump back in.
submitted by vNoct to soccer [link] [comments]

On a verge of a relaps

Ok. So I have not bet for week after loosing 5k in 10 min last weekend. The urge was strong and it is still strong after 7 days. I would say 75% of it still there. But now my brain is trying to convince me to play play bet again. Especially with all the games this weekend. And I am feeling like I am about to give up. But of course, my mind come with a brilliant plan how to ... make if for the losses: 1) take a 1000$. This is the budget and nothing more. You loose - you loose. This is the end of it. You all know this feeling probably. 2) go in for online sport bets. It have a quick turn around. Can do 20-30min per 1 bet. 3) discipline yourself. No tennis because it is very unstable and no soccer from small counties because results there can ans will be bias. No if’s or boxing because one quick punch stricke can change the outcome. The fighter can be visibly stronger, just miss one last hope punch from almost defeated opponents and booom - he is a losers. You can not predict it. 4) Focus only on team sports. MLB or NFL or soccer but well known clubs/ countries. It Preferably to go with no famous players like T Brady - how would have think Tampa woudl play serous football. Team were a looser for at least last 10 years. Now - they are rocking. All the statistics you have about the team now- trash. 5) bet all in 1 bet. Do not split, 50 here, 50 there. 6) look for an opportunity. You know how online you look thru the bet and how it changed quickly as the game progresses. I often caught myself lookign at 1.15 then Jump to 1.10 and by the time I put a bet it is 1.08 now... so if you would have click it 5 sec earlier and tag it at 1.15 then watch it went down to 1.10 - you know you just beat the system for .05 (if it is all done within 10 sec, no score of course) you are already a little winner here, sort of beat the system ... 7) go with high chance of winning bets, under 1.1 they will berry more than 90% success rate. You risk all 1000 to make 100 or less but it is the suriests bets you are after. The sweet spot is 1.05 ans less is it is virtually an easy money. At some point you will loose like Eagles scoring 22 points in 4th quarter. Never happend this season per quarter. But the hope is - it will happen once you will make some and reserve for another round of this. 8) goals players scores winners doesn’t matter only chase lowest payouts and Higher percentage of winning 8) rinse and repeat. a) stage once you make total balance 2000 take 1000 and withdraw back to the account - this is your initial budget safely back. Then once you climb back to another 2000 withdraw that and this would be your next round budget ( once this fails). Then every time You accumulate another 1000 same as above to make up for 5k lost earler.
This is what my mind is keep buzzing me. I can not get thouse thoughts out. I am not sure if this qualifies as a gamble addiction or just a bad plan. Or may be even worth and I am at the very bottom of the addiction as my mind tries to analyze and justify build up a plan over gamble as it cannot see the gamble side of it.
Don’t know but the urge is strong and I am about to give up. But not like give give up. It is more of an adventure like I have a plan. Strategy. You can do. Sort of try it out, try myself out and see...
submitted by No_Calendar_6274 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

DWT20 (October 9th 2020)

DWT20 (October 9th 2020)
Testing testing; check one two – DWT is live once again on Reddit!
Terrific, terrific stuff
Alas – promotion has remained minimal; the week has been chocka-bloc with terrific activities. Had almost forgotten simple pleasures owing to the knee-deepedness type consistency of the path that had been trodden for so long. A wee arm reaching down from above - a clasp of forearms; and up out of the sludge for a wee wander about in the open. Very freeing I must say - and if not for the knee-deepedness, then maybe one would not know of the purity one feels currently. There's always been a wee pinch of reservedness when it comes to progress I'll freely admit - when brought up learning the lessons I've learnt and their implications on my own existence - its tough to be anything but humble.
No doubt the output in the wider sense has been limited compared to days of old; the wild sporadic nature of a few years back was the energy of a man who had a back and a pair of kneecaps. Still there they are aye - but the spirit has dissipated by golly (hoo mama haha - ah no);. No the end of the world - but needs must when time and budget are of a tentative nature. As each new product to alleviate pain is purchased, the need for ritual becomes even more of a necessity. Without the apparence of getting up each Satday morn, sitting at the desk, sitting the laptop atop the wee stand thing, switching on the wee bluetooth keyboard - attaching the wee mousey and usb mini-bendy light. On with the Sonos - a wee browse through the options; something infinite tapped on - a couple of tabs of opening in the browser (one for etching the new manuscript, the other for templating purposes). Then another couple of staples: the gambling page for cash out hovering (even right now haha - ah no), Twitter for linking / supporting banter. Sports news for checking the bollocks journos are saying, The Hat (obviously - an oft dark yet necessary place of virtue where many terrific observations can be made and mused over). Giphy for the gif. The Reddit ERA DWT Pictures folder open to upload the Good Ship. On the phone - Flashscore bookmarks/updates confirmed (also implemented below - each DWT selection is hyperlinked to the corresponding match preview page on Flashscore 😎. Back on the laptop a wee notepad doc prepped containing the table framework that becomes the 'current situ' comment you've all come to love and know.
So whilst worn into the carpet - this path is one I love as much as any routine activity I do. Its not the ultimate experience obviously (as yet) haha - but in much the same way as a person of religion/devotion of some nature; regardless of commentary or opinion, the desire to pursue should always be nurtured if the energy behind it proves irresistable. Sure - in terms of being an actual presence of force in the wider context - there is work to do (hoo mama - ah no); but there has been evidence this energy can exist in association with DWT. A period back in the formative year of DWT where the crest of a wave was surfed upon for a prolonged spell of months (no many - but sure it was; lets say weeks to be safe). In my mind, that sense of achievement was suffice. I like many, enjoy thoroughly gazing through the family photo albums, exploring the pleasant memories they conjure. So much so, even the memories of gazing upon the photos at a younger age are fond; the epitome of an actual happy place.
Continuing the essence of terrific memory collecting is one I have forever and always will be dedicated to creating. Forming terrific memories is a craft; sometimes the groundwork involves openly exploring the dark to reveal sections of map that would otherwise be unknown. The sacrifices of a joybringer are well documented; being the creator of something that is in its essence promoting positivity is raw for the mockery - often the message being promoted is lost amidst all the negativity people create, owing to their disdain. But as a word of advice - I will say this: a naysayer is searching for anything to infect with their own brand of poison. A born fan of your message often doesnae realise that that's what they are. Such is the dilution of material available, amazing art is lost in the translation, owing to the loss of appetite for creation. Whilst there may be periods of disenchantment, I will always pursue what rekindles joy in my soul. It may not become president, it may not land on mars - but DWT will always be welcome in my bosom for a warm embrace.
For those keeping track - last week saw a glimpse of what is possible; two last minute goals for DWT selections (albeit just to equalise)....imagine that'd had happened in accompaniment with DWT backing with last minute winners in place of equaliser. That party would likely still be happing now had that happened. Instead - a dry empty retun for much too many times now. Early season is a proper pain in the balls what with the unexpected nature of certain arseholes deciding they now with have suddenly remembered or suddenly forgotten even, how to play football. So to wrap up - when we head to memory lane, to revisit the joy and pain - we don't complain, as there's warmth in the main. Reddit Running Total (RRT) currently sits at -£122.69. Ah no.

I’m not promoting it in the slightest to be put on; it's purely to be completely transparent about where the beans I'm spilling are being pushed towards – this is after all, a Life Experiment: Can a useless old arsehole prosper under strict weekly gambling conditions? Word of warning; prior to this – not really.
The sticky clarifies - but just to reiterate - here's the format...DRS20 is Dads Recommended Spend: £20. This is a lot of money granted - and I would encourage absolute apprehension if this sort of money represents life altering for you personally if zero is returned. I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to lose £20 in a week; but confess that if I got no return for say, 20 weeks in a row - I would likely be without something I value (a streaming service or summat). I don’t take it lightly. Four bets are placed with this outlay; a £5 Treble (DWT) and three £5 Doubles. Generally if two come up, the bet is covered (up or down £2 or so). My gambling prowess is pretty much a joke; so whilst I advertise, I in no way qualify them as a given. I’m a prick with plenty bollocks to spout is all. This is how I frame it.

So here it is - the one the brings maturity into its inner circle with an extra smear of sexy spread over the buttered toast of dependibility:
Its DWT20

BRISTOL ROVERS lincoln city 14/5
MANSFIELD TOWN stevenage 19/20
SALFORD CITY tranmere 1/1

13.82/1 we get for this selection – terrific.

Over 33's last week; over 13's this week - aye, time shes up on the thirties for now - a wee return to the fold that gained us a shotty or two at predicting the improbable. A solid keystone in the form of Bristol Rovers; theres' a swodge of dependable grease dawbed on the gears working tirelessly to guide the ship into sexier waters. A wee service conducted, the cooling effect lends itself nicely to the mantra whereby a slap is received to the face. A shake of the head, wits regained - its back to beeswax and no fucking mistake - hoo mama 😎

BRISTOL ROVERS are the catalyst to real success this week; away to in form lincoln - you'd perhaps be leaning towards the thought of 'stupid old arsehole'. But here - as mused above; early season is an odd time for many as they settle into the groove of where they fit in the grand scheme. Atop the table they sit, ripe for a snatch and grab given the onus is on them to win most the time - especially at home. Bristol have had a bit of a tough one to get going with; Ipswich and Sunderland both providing opposition to them already thus far. There's an obvious gameplan to execute here. All being well - terrific 😎
MANSFIELD TOWN are doing a bit shite to be fair; no wins in 5 - starting to feel a bitty hot under the collar when nodding to the fact I selected them as league winners amongst my annual 'league winners predictions' wager. Ah no. But here - early days; a wee win the day to kick start the motorbike of hope into life. Step forward an opponent themselves with three defeats in a row - stevenage are longterm pish in the main, straggling down there in the muck. Back with a vengeace then - yippee kayak ay
SALFORD CITY are really starting to settle into being comfortable being rich bloated bastards - wins aplenty piling up over the last several. Time then to turn Salford Stadium into a fortress of Terror; regardless of name - whoever takes the field against them are deemed fodder. Todays fodder is tranmere, who've stuttered along in the main since seasons start - nothing to suggest they're coming to town in a big trojan horse ready to spring a surprise attack on a glossy healthy bunch of pricks like Salford.

So there we have it – nostalgia, hope and determination all apparent in equal measure. This time we do it right; wind in the sails – and off across the ocean in search of new worlds. A powerful pirate ship hunting high and low for treasures. Raise the fucking flag - the good ship DWT is back and ready to provide for its crew. If you play; play safe. DRS20 as always people.
Frustration at the amount won, is better than the heartache at the amount lost.
submitted by Dad1903 to DadsWeeklyTreble [link] [comments]

My school is still torturing children and my parents are dead

I don't really know what to do now. I'm still just a kid and in my short life, I've all ready ruined a generation of student lives. More kids than before are going to suffer because of the mistakes I made while acting without all the important information and on top of that, kids who have all ready suffered are going to suffer again.
My stomach hurts all the time and I feel like a jerk. I'm sure I'll wonder the rest of my life whether or not I did the right thing.
So my school is still torturing children and no one's yet mentioned it to the news. I'm sure it won't take long before it gets out there. It fucking sucks for them. I really wanted to do something about it but I'm just a kid and my resources were too few to take on the resources of national security.
Things got weird.
My parents are dead. My mum was shopping at the wrong mall at the wrong time during an earthquake that nobody had predicted. My dad was one of the passengers in that alien space craft story that turned out to be true.
So I'm out of juvenile hall but the army is totally looking for me. At first I thought it was just three sadistic teachers. Then I thought it was the police. It turned out it was a legal science experiment authorized by the national department of science.
Maybe you all ready know that I saw my was school torturing children. I can't go into the details, I just can't. I did it twice all ready and I get sick just thinking about it. I can't bring myself to repeat what I saw. If you'd seen it, you'd understand.
I'll tell you as much as I can but I might have to stop abruptly and leave you hanging.
Just kidding.
I've got loads of time to tell you everything.
Let's go back to the very start.
I used to go to this school and I was part of the track team. The track team always stayed after school to practice, which is what I was doing at the school when this whole thing started. I was just on my way to my locker and that's when I saw them, the girl student on whom three teachers were performing science experiments. It wasn't as bad as it could have been but it still was horrible. I won't say any more than that.
Naturally, I pulled the fire alarm to get her the hell out of there.
The next day, more than half the track team was absent after school. They cut practice short because there were only five of us and I went to see if someone would still be torturing that girl. It was worse.
I pulled the fire alarm again and they almost caught me! The only place I could hide was in a tree for eight hours. I was in a tree for eight freaking hours only a couple of feet away from freaking police officers and fire fighters. If you're wondering how they didn't see me in a tree, it's because there were like, thirty trees that you never really notice because they're just sort of there.
So I got home at midnight that same night and my mum had called the police since I hadn't come home.
The next day, they sent me to the principal's office and I panicked so I faked a suicide attempt as an alibi. They had it now on their file that I was suicidal and they could fake my death and label it as a suicide consistent with previous behaviour.
So that all happened three years ago. I actually posted about what I got up to during those three years but I don't think anybody believed me. I don't blame them. It's not the sort of thing I would usually believe either.
Three years later, enough time had passed that I could go back to my school and see one more time if there was anything I could do.
Why did I do it? many people asked me. I replied but few agreed with my rational.
So there I was, back at school. I blended in with a visiting soccer team or something and watched a couple of games in the bleachers where nobody noticed me. It was freezing, like you know, during the last freezing spell we had.
Something I never told anyone during my three year absence from school is that I learned how to blow things up. I screwed up a few times during my learning curve and several of my explosions were mistaken for domestic terrorism but don't worry, there were no casualties. The paranormal community loved it.
The news never ever mentioned any information about my school torturing children so I wondered, had it stopped or was it still going on in secret?
I decided once and for all that if I didn't see a shred of evidence that I would drop the whole thing and never talk about it ever again.
What I saw was even worse than what I had seen three years ago. I can't bring myself to tell you what I saw. It was bad enough seeing it. I don't want to relive it.
Now I knew beyond any doubt that my school was torturing children. If the school became unusable though, the kids legally couldn't go there. If they didn't attend school, maybe they would be safe, but what would I know about that?
I blew up so many toilets and sinks that I lost count. The entire science wing was ruined. If there had been a class going on at the time, they all would have died from the resulting electrical fire. Fortunately for them, it was lunch break and the science wing had been empty. Even the janitors were having coffee or a cigarette.
The damage was much greater than I could ever have anticipated. Eventually, someone wanted to use the washroom and saw the flood so they pulled the fire alarm. The school evacuated but something blew up that shouldn't have and I had to take a detour to the changerooms because by the time I got there, that was the only place not crawling with fire fighters.
Fortunately for me, the best hiding spot in the locker room was free to use. I was safe in the knowledge that I and other kids on the track team had hidden here before.
"Check that hiding spot they're always using," I heard a teacher saying to the police.
"This one?" said a police officer.
"Yes," said the teacher.
It was a different hiding place. Only someone on the track team would ever know about the one I was using. There's no way you can even enter, if you were any taller than a student.
I think I was there for eleven hours, listening to everything that everybody was saying. I had to pee so bad.
"The kid we're looking for was on the track team," said a police officer. "If that kid was going to be anywhere, it would have to be in this locker room. Tear the place apart. I don't care if you break stuff while you do it. Just find that fucking kid."
They still didn't find me. You didn't think I would blow up the school's plumbing without a good hiding spot, did you?
So I was there listening to everything everybody is saying. Some of it was casual.
"Let's hit the gym and then go for a drink."
Some of it was confidential.
"I heard that if we catch the kid, we're going to tell the news that it was a suicide."
"I heard that they're gonna cure cancer."
"No they're not."
"Why do you think they do all that fucked up science shit?"
"Who? The teachers at this school? Of course I know they're trying to cure cancer, but remember when they had to start all over again?"
"That was because that stupid kid ruined everything. Remember that time with the fire alarm? An entire network of computers was blown up during an upload and they had to start all their research from scratch."
"Oh yeah, I remember that. I felt so bad for those kids, having to do all those experiments twice."
"Did you hear the story about what happened to the kid's mum?"
"What happened to the kid's mum?"
"Holy fuck, you didn't hear about that? She uploaded like, six videos to youtube and then they placed her against her will in a witness protection program outside the continent. You remember that insane earthquake from a couple of years back? She was there."
"That sounds made up."
It wasn't made up.
"That's not as weird as what happened to the kid's dad."
This was the first time in three years I'd heard anything about dad.
"What happened to the kid's dad?"
"Well nobody knows for sure, but he was one of the passengers in that ufo abduction that those tv networks managed to film live."
"I was in the science room, the one with the freezers. They all overheated during the electrical fire. We're talking like, stuff that's supposed to be in a freezer that's now on fire."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"You guys have all cleaned the science rooms, right? Well you know the freezers that they use to pile all those old books on? That's where they store 90% of their data and they caught fire."
"I bet somebody is really going to be pissed about that."
"I heard the police talking all about it with the army and a bunch of scientists. They have to start everything from scratch again."
"Wait, so the kids are going to have to do all of that stuff for a third time?"
The janitors are dismissed and security detail is lowered to just a few cops watching the school entrances. Everybody else has left for the day.
I'm finally able to come out of my hiding spot. Yikes, the locker room is completely trashed. It's a miracle the walls are standing. I hear the cops returning and I go back to my hiding place.
"I bet you fifty bucks the kid is still hiding in the school," says one cop to another.
"I bet you another fifty bucks the kid is still in this locker room," says another cop.
They search for an hour and I still have to pee.
"The kid isn't here. You owe fifty bucks."
"After we leave, we should block the door so that nobody can enter or exit."
"Good idea. Let's do that."
I wait 10 minutes just to make sure the cops don't come back in.
It's midnight now. Obviously, I've wearing gloves this whole time. Do you really think I want to leave prints behind? I climb out a window while the clouds are covering the moon. Some army guys are patrolling the area. I wonder if they're looking for me.
When the night is at it's darkest, I leave my hiding spot and get my ass to the nearest station. Then I have to wait until it's late enough in the morning so that a kid buying a bus ticket isn't so weird.
Just as I've bought my ticket, a cop handcuffs me.
The cops only noticed me because I was wearing the same coloured jacket as missing local child in the area that everyone happened to be searching for.
They eventually noticed that I didn't resemble the missing child profile as much as they had thought, but my poster was on a "most wanted" billboard and someone recognized me immediately.
I was brought to a cold office and sat in a reasonably clean chair.
"Let's not waste each other's time and pretend like we don't know each other," says one of the cops. The three sadistic teachers are standing, watching and listening over in a corner. "We know it was you. You know that we know it was you. You know that we know that you saw something you weren't supposed to and then you blabbed about it to reddit."
I don't say a word. They've all ready brought in a judge.
"I sentence you to serve out your time in a juvenile mental institution," a magistrate declares that same day.
They give me thirty minutes to use the internet, which was the last time I talked to you, and then they're going to evaluate me over the next couple of weeks to see if they legally declare me insane and whether or not the public has a right to know.
There's talk about whether or not I'm physically fit for them to do cancer research on me.
It was in the news what I did next. It's mentioned in at least three youtube videos that are called something like "The Top 10 Weirdest Explosions Caused By Children." I'm sure you all ready know it, I was the one who used coffee whitener. Anyway, that's why I did it. I don't suggest that you do the same unless your life is legit in peril. The consequences for fucking it up are terrifying.
I'm safe (for now) and I won't tell you any more than that. For my own safety, it's best if this is the last time I talk about my school torturing children.
Thank you for asking about my well being. It meant so much to me.
submitted by coffeejazzdude to ComedicNosleep [link] [comments]

Outlook – The big challenges for 2020

Outlook – The big challenges for 2020
2020 is one of the most challenging financial years globally because coronavirus is still affecting human life. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been caused many people to die since 2019; COVID-19 poses an extraordinary threat to global public health and causes unpredictable financial loss for companies. Under the influence of COVID-19, the global economy is facing a significant recession in 2020; it is more severe than the financial crisis more than a decade ago. Although that is a strong recovery is possible next year, but only if global health improves significantly. With the world's biggest stock market collapse, the FTSE, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), and the Nikkei index (Nikkei) are down sharply. In the first three months of this year, the Dow and FTSE suffered their most significant quarterly falls since 1987.
Therefore, under the influence of COVID-19, how Sunwin Investment can help clients to earn profit quickly. The most common way is using a hedge fund. Hedge funds can make a profit soon. It depends on two factors: the first factor is the market's volatility; the second factor is policy model prediction accuracy in the sample. Market volatility gives hedge funds an environment in which to make money. Sunwin looks at different country's soccer betting odds. For example, if that is a Premier League soccer game, each country's soccer betting odds or companies will give other odds:
Arsenal win Draw Manchester City win
8.7 4.8 1.24

Arsenal win Draw Manchester City win
7.5 4.2 1.5
So how can we make money from the odds above? Our company strategy is we buy Sportspet's Manchester City win odds, the other buy TAB odds. If our target profit is 100 dollars, we can see how much money earn in calculating.
Manchester City wins 100/1.5=66.67 dollars.
Draw: 100/4.8 = 20.83 dollars
Arsenal wins 100/8.7=11.5 dollars.
Total cost =66.67+20.83+11.5=99 dollars
In conclusion, Sunwin Investment only needs to spend 99 dollars; it can make sure that earn 100 dollars, a game profit of 1% can be a lot if the company invests more money in this game. Each year has a hundred thousand sports games, Sunwin Investment will make sure to increase the current analyzed capacity from 300 per day to 600 events in the next 3-6 months, and our target would reach a total of 200,000 analysis events in 2021. Although 2020 is still affecting by a coronavirus, Sunwin Investment develops a hedge fund app to analyze different odds such as the global interest rate, presidential election, and all major sports events in more than 20 countries around the world every year. This way can make sure that our clients can earn profit without any worries.
submitted by Sunwininvestment to u/Sunwininvestment [link] [comments]

To the folks participating in the Bundesliga prediction game, here’s a reminder and a little about the rules:

Kickoff is tonight, make sure you have submitted your first predictions as well as the bonus questions until then. You won’t be able to answer the bonus questions after kickoff tonight, so get that ready until then. The prediction game will span the whole season, so make sure to get your predictions in before each matchday. You can submit your prediction for a game until its kickoff, afterwards it’s too late and you will have missed the opportunity to get points on that game.
If anyone wants to join, here’s the link again:
Participation is great so far, we must be close to 100 participants by now. However, there’s still room for another 200, so come and join if you’re interested. It’ll be a great season and the prediction game will make it even more interesting. To those still thinking about joining: yes, you can switch the language settings: click on the “DE” in the lower left hand corner. There you should be able to switch into every available language.
Now, about the rules: I have decided do abandon the classic 9-point rule. That rule would’ve been as follows: predict the right tendency, and you get 2 points, get the goal difference right and you get three points. The correct result would earn you for points. I have decided to drop this rule, as it’s fairly easy to earn points through generally likely results, and that’s boring.
Instead, I have decided to adopt the quotient rule. The quotient rule also respects tendency, goal difference and correct results, but that’s not all. Instead, it’ll also take into account the team quality and team form, so that predicting a good result of an underdog and winning pays more than going with the favourites. So...higher risk, higher payout. You’ll be able to win a minimum of four points, and a maximum of 10 points, depending on the game. In order to give you a feel for each games’ circumstances, kicktipp will show you the betting odds from the betting portal bwin, just to give you an idea of what to expect from the teams. I feel like this rule appreciates daring predictions more than the classic rule.
I’m really looking forward to this and I’m very happy about the attention this has been getting so far. Best of luck to all participants :)
Edit: I just counted, we are at exactly 100 participants right now. That’s incredible, I’ve never had such a huge session. However, there’s still room for 200 more ;)
submitted by TheCatInTheHatThings to soccer [link] [comments]

Covid-19 update Tuesday March 17th

Good morning from the UK. Happy St Patricks day. It'll be a woeful one for many Irish people around the world with pubs and bars shut in multiple US states, several European countries, several Asian countries and worst of all, Ireland itself. Here in the UK you can still go to the pub, although as of late yesterday afternoon the UK government advised against it says the BBC.

Virus statistics
Several comments from redditors in past days complained the WHO stats I C&P'd did not come very close to reflecting stats being quoted by national media wherever they lived. As a result, I'm abandoning the WHO stats and going back to the John Hopkins University tracker stats for all countries. If it's good enough for the likes of Forbes, Business Insider, FT, USA Today to regularly cite it then it's good enough for me:-

Region Today (John Hopkins Stats at time of writing) Yesterday (John Hopkins stats not the WHO's) % daily change
Global 182,424 169,387 +7.7%
China 81,053 81,020 +0.4%
Italy 27,980 24,747 +13.1%
Iran 14,991 13,938 +7.6%
Spain 9,942 7,844 +26.7%
South Korea 8,320 8,162 +1.9%
Germany 7,272 5,813 +25.1%
France 6,655 5,437 +22.4%
USA 4,661 3,774 +23.5%
Switzerland 2,330 2,200 +5.9%
UK 1,553 1,395 +11.3%
Netherlands 1,414 1,136 +24.5%
Norway 1,347 1,256 +7.2%
Sweden 1,121 1,032 +8.6%
Belgium 1,058 886 +19.4%
Austria 1,018 860 18.4%

All other countries with under 1000 identified infections not listed (sorry Denmark), yesterday's threshold was 750. Total countries infected worldwide = 155, an increase from yesterday of 9. Source for all countries (as discussed above): the John Hopkins University dashboard (Link). (Personal note: Western countries infection counts are increasing each day much faster than Asian countries but that may be due to cultural differences or it may be that they're doing my testing, if anyone can shed light on this please do).
Reminder, these are identified case counts and medical experts are reporting this virus has a long incubation period with people being infections despite displaying no symptoms; the true infection figures are likely to be much higher. Note that some countries are reporting shortages of test kits which further skews the data available; assume true cases are much higher.
Finally, no, I don't believe China's official statistics either.

Selected Virus news

Warnings of shortages of regeants (ingredients) to make test kits in the US - the Fool (a high quality finance website despite the name) reports that FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn stated last week in testimony before a U.S. House of Representatives appropriations subcommittee that there could be supply chain issues with reagents needed for novel coronavirus diagnostic kits. He noted that the supply issues specifically apply to RNA used in testing for coronavirus disease COVID-19.

Shortages in US supermarkets likely to continue until panic buying eases - The LA Times says that shortages will continue until people calm down in their shopping habits. The major chains usually get shipments overnight, or perhaps twice a day, to restock essentials such as paper towels, toilet paper and water, but “manufacturers in some cases are having trouble keeping up, and that’s where the void is, they’re not able to keep up with demand,” said Bob Reeves, vice president for the West at the Shelby Report, a research firm that tracks the grocery industry. “We’re seeing shipments coming into the stores sometimes without any of those products, and it will be like that until people calm down a little bit,” he said. In some cases, chains are sending their delivery trucks directly to manufacturers — bypassing warehouses and distributors — to get the items to the stores faster. (Personal note: the same applies for all supermarket supply chains globally)

Pa. hospitals are rationing protective gear as the number of coronavirus cases grows - (Personal note, this is an example, there seems to be a general global shortage of medical PPE (personal protective equipment) - The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that hospitals across Pennsylvania are drastically limiting the use of key protective gear out of fears that a dramatic increase in coronavirus cases could diminish reserves and cause a dangerous shortage. The rationing comes as the state Department of Health maintains that it has personal protective equipment available and is working with health systems to make sure they have what they need. The gear includes eye protection, gowns, and N95 respirators, which are essential in preventing a health care worker from breathing in infectious particles when in close contact with someone who has COVID-19. In Philadelphia, two doctors who work at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania said it’s barring the use of N95 respirators “except in extraordinarily limited situations.” Penn Medicine declined to comment. Another city doctor, Daphne Owen, said in a tweet Thursday her clinic “for uninsured and undocumented patients” was out of masks. Two days later, the clinic, Puentes de Salud, said it was closed due to the pandemic.

Other Virus news in brief
- The Scottish courts and tribunals announced today that no new criminal jury trials would be commenced or new juries empanelled until further notice.
- Iran has temporarily freed a total of 85,000 prisoners, including political prisoners, a spokesman for its judiciary said on Tuesday, adding that the prisons were responding to the threat of a coronavirus epidemic in jails.
- Britain had “no time to lose” in changing tactics in order to prevent thousands of deaths and the NHS being overwhelmed, scientists providing guidance to the UK government have said. The Imperial College Covid-19 response team – which is one of several scientific teams advising UK ministers – published a paper (I've put it in the addendum below) showing that 250,000 people could die if efforts were focused only on delaying and slowing down the spread of Covid-19.Separately, England’s deputy chief medical officer, Prof Jonathan Van-Tam, could not rule out the strict measures having to last for a year but predicted they would last at least “several months“.
- Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs has advised Australians to return home as soon as possible by commercial means because overseas travel is becoming “more complex and difficult” as countries impose travel restrictions and close their borders.
- Leaders of EU states were expected on Tuesday to suspend all travel into the passport-free Schengen zone by non-EU nationals for at least 30 days in a bid to instil uniformity across the bloc after some member states, including Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland, unilaterally began imposing border checks.
- China has issued an angry reaction (by diplomatic standards) to the US president Donald Trump’s characterisation of the disease as “the Chinese virus.” (he tweeted late last night "The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus. We will be stronger than ever before!"). China’s foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said the US president should take care of his own matters first and not seek to “stigmatise” China.
- The postponement of soccer’s Euro 2020 Championship may already have been decided after Uefa last week cancelled its hotel bookings in Copenhagen.
- The UK just advised its citizens against all non essential travel worldwide in the past 10 minutes
- Mobile phone networks are struggling in some areas of the UK with significantly increased demands according to down detector. For sure a lot of people seem to be home working, my commute in this morning was like it was the middle of August and everyone else was on holiday.
- Alitalia, the Italian airline flag carrier is to be renationalised by Italy
- Cinema chains are closing in multiple countries due to shutdowns
- Kazakhstan is closing down its two largest cities (despite only having 32 cases so far)
- A preliminary calculation by a US expert suggests that tens of thousands of premature deaths from air pollution may have been avoided by the cleaner air in China, far higher than the 3,208 coronavirus deaths.
- Jordan: the army has said it will deploy at entrances and exits of main cities in the kingdom in a move officials said was ahead of an imminent announcement of a state of emergency to combat the spread of coronavirus.
- In a joint statement, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Reddit and YouTube said they would help ensure people could stay connected to each other during isolation as well as fight any misinformation and fraud linked to the outbreak. “We are working closely together on Covid-19 response efforts,” the statement said. “We’re helping millions of people stay connected while also jointly combating fraud and misinformation about the virus, elevating authoritative content on our platforms, and sharing critical updates in co-ordination with government healthcare agencies around the world.
- Almost all Germans shops are about to close by government decree; supermarkets, pharmacies will remain open (including on Sundays when they are usually closed). Separately, government press briefings there have gone online only.
- Olympic organisers in Japan are asking people not to create crowds along the route of the Olympic torch relay and not to gather near the route if they feel sick. A Boeing aircraft flew to Greece on 15 March to bring the torch to Japan.
- France: No movement allowed except for essential work or health reasons. “There can be no more outside meetings, no more seeing family or friends on the street or in the park. We must slow the spread of this virus by limiting the number of people we are in contact with each day to the strict minimum. If we do not, we endanger the lives of those we hold dear.” said the French President Macron.
- Israel’s government has approved emergency measures to track people suspected or confirmed to have been infected with the coronavirus by monitoring their mobile phones, immediately raising privacy concerns in the country. The cabinet unanimously approved the use of the technology, developed initially for counter-terrorism purposes, in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel said providing the country’s internal security agency, the Shin Bet, with new secretive powers was a “dangerous precedent and a slippery slope that must be approached and resolved after much debate and not after a brief discussion”.
- Indonesian president Joko Widodo said on Saturday that he had withheld some information about cases to prevent the country from panicking, the Jakarta Post reported. He has rejected calls for a lockdown to be imposed on hard hit areas.
- Malaysia has announced it's closing its borders prompting neighbouring Singapore's citizens to panic buy (90% of their food is imported from Malaysia).
- New Zealand on Tuesday deported its first unruly traveller flouting the country’s mandatory 14-day self-isolation rule for almost all arrivals, the health ministry said. The tourist, who had checked into a backpackers hostel in the city of Christchurch, was removed from the accommodation by the police after officials learned she did not have clear self-isolation plans.


Goldman Sachs doesn't think the stock market drops have finished - BusinessInsider says that Goldman Sachs thinks that the S&P 500 might plunge as low as 2,000 before recovering through the rest of the year, the investment bank wrote Friday. The level is the benchmark index's lowest since early 2016 and implies a 20% decline from Monday's open. Such a tumble would also place the index more than 40% below its February 19 peak. The coronavirus outbreak is responsible for "unprecedented financial and societal disruption," the analysts said, and equities have so far served as accurate leading indicators before the release of relevant earnings or macroeconomic data. That said, the analysts pointed out that "The lesson of prior event-driven bear markets is that financial devastation ultimately allows a new bull market to be born,".

U.S. factories are likely to close because of the coronavirus’ supply-chain shock - Marketwatch reports (link) that there is a very real chance that companies from auto makers to electronics manufacturers will soon begin to cease or limit production. With a downed China as the headstream of global manufacturing, mercantile America simply can’t function as it’s accustomed to. We’re starting to see this happen in official reports: The New York Fed’s Empire State business conditions index, released Monday, plunged by a record 34.4 points to minus 21.5 in March. And Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Sunday he expects a contraction in GDP in the second quarter. (Personal note: I expect similar problems across all G20 countries). The article goes on to explain that many supply chain directors may understand their first tier suppliers but often do not have full visibility of the status of their 2nd or 3rd tier suppliers

Supply impact of the coronavirus outbreak is waning, but demand shock will linger, economist says - CNBC says that in January and February, industrial output fell by 13.5% from the same period a year earlier, the weakest reading since January 1990 — when Reuters' record began. China's industrial production is likely to improve in March over a slump in January and February due to the coronavirus outbreak, but consumer demand will take longer to recover both in the country and globally, an economist said Monday. "We will see some recovery, but this recovery, I think, is being undermined by the global spread as well," said Bo Zhuang, chief China economist at TS Lombard. Meanwhile, retail sales in January and February shrank 20.5% from a year ago, compared with a 8% growth in December as fearful consumers avoided crowded places like malls, restaurants and cinemas. "We were worried about supply-side issues, but now it's becoming a demand shock issue," said Zhuang. Smaller outfits like restaurants and service-oriented businesses have "resumed work but there are no customers," said Zhuang. "I think we are going to see a delayed V-shape (recovery), and this V may be a tilted V or W, or even U. We are not sure," he added.

Coronavirus Impacts Every Sector of the Supply Chain - Supply and demand chain executive reports that the global supply chain continues to experience disruption. "We have seen that in the way that it’s spreading across into different hubs where we see alternative routes to be overly burdened, such as the rail system,” says Koray Köse of Gartner. “Now with the crisis and the hubs being closed and product movements are still active to some extent, but not necessarily from those regions, will become crowded and impacted. This means that there’s an additional strain on the overall network to move material.” Some products have experienced significant upticks including Chicken noodle soup (+37%), Hand sanitizer (+65%), Disinfecting Wipes: (+353%) and Cold & Flu medications (+197%) amongst others.

Coronavirus pandemic worse than 1997 financial crisis, Malaysian ex-PM Mahathir warns - The Strait times reports on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the former premier who steered Malaysia's recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis, expects the current coronavirus pandemic to hit the global economy even harder. "This is worse than the financial crisis," he said in a Bloomberg Television interview. "This is really a terrible blow to the economies of the whole world." Dr Mahathir joins other world leaders in warning that the virus impact may be worse than past periods of upheaval (Personal note: I pointed out yesterday the NZ PM also saying this).

Supply chain news relating to Covid-19

For Global Supply Chains the Worst Is Yet to Come - Supply Chain Management review says (Link) that most industrial companies have 30-60 days of parts and raw materials either on hand, in-transit, or obtainable on short notice. After these supplies run out, we will start to see shortages of finished products as well as parts needed to produce other goods. Shortages will start to become more evident toward the end of March and beginning of April. Production in some non-Chinese factories will have to be put on hold for lack of parts. Partially finished products will remain in suspension until all parts are available to build finished products. Some companies are pressing their engineers to redesign parts that can be sourced in the U.S., or at least outside of China. Other companies are giving 3D printing a serious try for the first time. The article goes on to point out delays in sea freight ex-Asia and extremely high airfreighting costs are exacerbating the situation.

U.S. Suspends Truck-Driving Limits to Speed Coronavirus Shipments - The Wall Street Journal reports as of 2 days ago that maximum working hours for truck drivers in the US have been suspended. This applies to truck drivers moving emergency supplies such as medical equipment, hand sanitizer and food in response to the nationwide coronavirus outbreak. It comes as hospitals report shortages of medical masks and as retailers and manufacturers are straining under surging demand for everything from hand sanitizer to staples such as toilet paper and rice. As anxious consumers stockpile goods, grocers have turned to rationing, imposing purchase limits on disinfectant wipes, cleaning supplies and other high-demand products. The move is the first time the FMCSA has issued nationwide-wide relief from hours-of-service regulations, although regional declarations have waived those rules in response to disasters such as hurricanes. Federal regulations limit most commercial truck drivers to 11 hours of driving time in a 14-hour workday, restrictions intended to reduce accidents caused by highway fatigue.

For supply chain companies, U.S.-Mexico border closures could be catastrophic - Marketplace points out that Mexico’s deputy health minister says he’s worried about people coming into Mexico from the United States; currently the U.S. has far more cases of COVID-19 than Mexico. The Mexican government even said it might consider restricting access at its northern borders. For businesses that operate on both sides of the border, any shutdown could be catastrophic. The article gives a case study of a manfacturer employing 150 people in Texas. The company president says before anyone considers closing the border, President Donald Trump and Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, should discuss a coordinated response to the virus. As for now, he says all of his people can work from home, if the situation calls for it. Everyone here has a laptop, he said. But he says the independent truck drivers and contractors who work on the loading docks, they have to be on site to run things. Those people also only get paid if they show up for work. So, for now, they’re glad the COVID-19 hasn’t shut this part of Texas down, yet.

It won't be long before Coronavirus shuts down local African supply chains - The major Kenyan newspaper daily nation reports that there are imminent difficulties facing Kenyan pharma firms due to the industry importing 70% of its ingredients from India and China, both of whom have restricted exports. Studies show that the Kenyan pharmaceuticals market is worth Sh100 billion ($965m USD), 80 per cent of which is prescription drugs. Although Kenya exports 50 per cent to the COMESA region and 75 per cent to East African Community, most of these exports are re-exports from India and China.

European automotive factories shutting down - Ferrari and Lamborghini have both suspended almost all production (says the Express and Star) whilst Yahoo Finance reports that Fiat Chrysler said in a statement on Monday 16 March that it would halt operations at most of its European plants, from now until 27 March because of an “interruption in market demand.” The Italian-American automotive group said the manufacturing stop includes six factories in Italy, the EU country worst hit by coronavirus. Italy has had over 24,700 infection cases so far, and more than 1,800 people have died from the virus. The PSA group, which includes Peugeot, Citroen, and Opel, said today it will close all its European plants, including in the UK, France and Germany for the remainder of the month too. German car giant Volkswagen is also suspending production at a number of manufacturing bases in Europe, including in Slovakia and Spain. VW-owned Seat has shuttered its main factory near Barcelona for at least the rest of the month. Meanwhile, according to the Financial Times, Volkswagen may also be forced to curtail production at the main factory in its home town of Wolfsburg, because of running low on parts.
Useful parcel courier current operational status links for anyone else in eCommerce:Canada Post, DHL Express, DPD, Fedex, Parcelforce, USPS. If anyone has any other major courier links for service status, please let us all know :)

Good news section
Amazon to hire 100,000 more workers and give raises to current staff to deal with coronavirus demands - CNBC says that Amazon is hiring an additional 100,000 employees in the U.S. to meet the surge in demand from online shopping amid the coronavirus outbreak, the company said Monday. The company is looking to add extra full-time and part-time positions for warehouse and delivery workers. Through the end of April, it will raise pay for these employees by $2 per hour in the U.S., £2 per hour in the UK, and approximately €2 per hour in many EU countries. Amazon currently pays $15 per hour or more in some areas of the U.S. for warehouse and delivery jobs. Amazon encouraged employees in other industries whose jobs were "lost or furloughed" as a result of the coronavirus to apply, including members of the hospitality, restaurant and travel industries. "We want those people to know we welcome them on our teams until things return to normal and their past employer is able to bring them back," the company added.

Educating in denial older relatives anecdote
Personal story time; my 69 year old Aunt is very grumpy because despite me telling her for well over a month, it is finally dawning on her that her dream guided coach bus tour of the West USA national parks in 10 weeks time is rapidly going up in smoke whilst my 75 year old Dad has realised his third cruise of the year (this time around the med) in 5 weeks time is also about to be toast. My Aunt complained on Facebook yesterday that nobody is mentioning the 46,000 people who have recovered from the illness and that "it's just a bit of flu". It isn't, otherwise governments around the world would not be reacting as they are.
If you have an elderly relative like mine who relies far too much on social media anecdotes rather than good quality fact based mainstream media, maybe point them at this businessinsider article here where it points out that 1) flu mortality rates are 0.1% vs. Covid-19 is 3.4% and 2) for 70-79 the mortality rate is 8% and for over 80's it's 14.8%. Hopefully they might just realise the seriousness of the situation; my Aunt dismissed it as "a website I've never heard of and won't believe" despite the article clearly citing CDC figures.

Several asked if they can send me $/£/€ via Patreon (in some cases because I've saved them time or money, others for no reason at all). I don't need the cash (that's lovely though) but food bank charities are getting really hit hard with all this panic buying. Please consider giving whatever you'd have given me to a foodbank charity instead:
Thanks in advance for any donations you give. If there's foodbank charities in your country and it's not listed above, please suggest it and I will include it going forward.

EDIT: Missed out virus news in brief, added as of 12:45. EDIT 2: Added in the Dutch foodbank link (hat tip siliconfrontier)
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I am about to post the 3000 most common words in the English lexicon. Wish me luck...

a abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertising advice advise adviser advocate affair affect afford afraid African African-American after afternoon again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural ah ahead aid aide AIDS aim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol alive all alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive art article artist artistic as Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure at athlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful baby back background bad badly bag bake balance ball ban band bank bar barely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle be beach bean bear beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible big bike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl box boy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broad broken brother brown brush buck budget build building bullet bunch burden burn bury bus business busy but butter button buy buyer by cabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campus can Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful carefully carrier carry case cash cast cat catch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase cheap check cheek cheese chef chemical chest chicken chief child childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizen city civil civilian claim class classic classroom clean clear clearly client climate climb clinic clinical clock close closely closer clothes clothing cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coffee cognitive cold collapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial color column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation cop cope copy core corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycle dad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date daughter day dead deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare decline decrease deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue die diet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismiss disorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA do doctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drug dry due during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort egg eight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronic element elementary eliminate elite else elsewhere e-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage end enemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etc ethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellent except exception exchange exciting executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence existing expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure fair fairly faith fall false familiar family famous fan fantasy far farm farmer fashion fast fat fate father fault favor favorite fear feature federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence few fewer fiber fiction field fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure file fill film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fitness five fix flag flame flat flavor flee flesh flight float floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from front fruit frustration fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funding funeral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game gang gap garage garden garlic gas gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture get ghost giant gift gifted girl girlfriend give given glad glance glass global glove go goal God gold golden golf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave gray great greatest green grocery ground group grow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilty gun guy habit habitat hair half hall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hat hate have he head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello help helpful her here heritage hero herself hey hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historian historic historical history hit hold hole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honor hope horizon horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal identification identify identity ie if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensity intention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irish iron Islamic island Israeli issue it Italian item its itself jacket jail Japanese jet Jew Jewish job join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judgment juice jump junior jury just justice justify keep key kick kid kill killer killing kind king kiss kitchen knee knife knock know knowledge lab label labor laboratory lack lady lake land landscape language lap large largely last late later Latin latter laugh launch law lawn lawsuit lawyer lay layer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave left leg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lesson let letter level liberal library license lie life lifestyle lifetime lift light like likely limit limitation limited line link lip list listen literally literary literature little live living load loan local locate location lock long long-term look loose lose loss lost lot lots loud love lovely lover low lower luck lucky lunch lung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mall man manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing many map margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math matter may maybe mayor me meal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirror miss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie Mr Mrs Ms much multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual my myself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspaper next nice night nine no nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose not note nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n't nuclear number numerous nurse nut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur ocean odd odds of off offense offensive offer office officer official often oh oil ok okay old Olympic on once one ongoing onion online only onto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition option or orange order ordinary organic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook owe own owner pace pack package page pain painful paint painter painting pair pale Palestinian palm pan panel pant paper parent park parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passion past patch path patient pattern pause pay payment PC peace peak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet phase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician piano pick picture pie piece pile pilot pine pink pipe pitch place plan plane planet planning plant plastic plate platform play player please pleasure plenty plot plus PM pocket poem poet poetry point pole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution pool poor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post pot potato potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice pray prayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously price pride priest primarily primary prime principal principle print prior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor profile profit program progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proud prove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publish publisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue push put qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote race racial radical radio rail rain raise range rank rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rather rating ratio raw reach react reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruit red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace reply report reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm rice rich rid ride rifle right ring rise risk river road rock role roll romantic roof room root rope rose rough roughly round route routine row rub rule run running rural rush Russian sacred sad safe safety sake salad salary sale sales salt same sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settle settlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shut sick side sigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sink sir sister sit site situation six size ski skill skin sky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slip slow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smooth snap snow so so-called soccer social society soft software soil solar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spin spirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stage stair stake stand standard standing star stare start state statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel step stick still stir stock stomach stone stop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike string strip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tail take tale talent talk tall tank tap tape target task taste tax taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team tear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary ten tend tendency tennis tension tent term terms terrible territory terror terrorism terrorist test testify testimony testing text than thank thanks that the theater their them theme themselves then theory therapy there therefore these they thick thin thing think thinking third thirty this those though thought thousand threat threaten three throat through throughout throw thus ticket tie tight time tiny tip tire tired tissue title to tobacco today toe together tomato tomorrow tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic toss total totally touch tough tour tourist tournament toward towards tower town toy trace track trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train training transfer transform transformation transition translate transportation travel treat treatment treaty tree tremendous trend trial tribe trick trip troop trouble truck true truly trust truth try tube tunnel turn TV twelve twenty twice twin two type typical typically ugly ultimate ultimately unable uncle 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