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2021 Beginners MegaThread

Hello There!

My name is u/houseofcards32 and welcome to airsoft! This thread was created to help beginners and newer players out there. I hope you will get something out of this post, as it contains almost every bit of information you need to get started. This thread gets updated every year with new information and sections, so assume the 2019/2020 guides are out of date. This thread will be automatically updated on January 1st, 2022. At the bottom of this thread will include all of the guides I have created so far, if you are looking for something that is not in here, I would look there first.

This thread also has a video for each section created by me. Don't want to read the massive wall of text that follows? No worries! Sit back and watch the short 1-3 minute videos on the topic.
Consider liking and subscribing to my youtube channel, cards32 , as I don't make money off of these, but I do make it for beginners/newcomers benefit. Under each section will be a video for that specific section.
How to start airsoft in 2020
Battery Guide (LiPo vs nImh)
Stick with an M4/AK if you are an airsoft beginner
Lancer Tactical is bad
2021 Beginner Thread video playlist (in order)

Are you looking to start airsoft? Do you need information about the basics? Well look no further! This guide will have 15 sections:

  1. Basic Information
  2. How much does airsoft cost?
  3. The best beginner rifles (AK/M4 variants) for $100-250
  4. Things to generally avoid when playing
  5. What should you bring to your first airsoft game
  6. What weight bb should I be using?
  7. Can I start airsoft as a sniper?
  8. What eyepro/lower face projection should I invest in?
  9. What is a "MED"?
  10. What is a GBBR?
  11. The Search bar
  12. Orange tips and their legality
  13. Airsoft youtubers
  14. MSW (MilSim West)
  15. What are some cheap gear brands to get as a beginner?
  16. Lancer Tactical
  17. What airsoft shops should I buy from?
  18. Don't go out and spend $1000 before playing
  19. Comparing paintball and airsoft is like comparing apples to oranges
  20. What are the most common gearboxes?
  21. Other guides that may be useful

Section 1: Basic Information
Video link

Your first airsoft guns is one of the most important purchases you will make while playing airsoft. As your first gun, it should be reliable, affordable, versatile, easy to work on (V2/V3), high performance, and compatible with as many upgrades and accessories as possible. This means buying and AEG, or Automatic electric gun or Sub-Machine gun (also known as an SMG). Forget about buying sniper rifles, pistols, gas guns, and other exotic airsoft guns until you have more experience, money, and at least one backup weapon.
To play airsoft it is HIGHLY recommended that you have the following items:

All airsoft AEG's come with a magazine out of the box (sometimes a mid cap), but is highly recommended that you have 2-3 of these while you are playing. Eye protection is the most important thing in airsoft. All airsoft fields/sites require you to wear goggles/masks while playing. For more information check section 8.

Section 2: How much does airsoft cost?
Video link

Although airsoft is markedly cheaper than other shooting sports, it's still an expensive hobby. Site fees vary greatly but will typically exceed $25 for a day's play. It is reasonably common to spend in excess of $400 buying, upgrading and accessorizing a single airsoft gun. Gear and clothing can be similarly expensive. It is possible to play airsoft very successfully with just basic equipment, but even the cheapest possible equipment required to play airsoft safely will still cost you a minimum of $100. If you want a competitive advantage, or to play more advanced simulation games, you should expect significant additional expenditure.
It is common for users to approach airsoft with unrealistically low budgets. If you have less than $100-150 to spend, you are not realistically in a position to play airsoft. We will not compromise your safety by recommending you skimp on personal protective equipment. We refuse to recommend Low Power Electric Guns ('LPAEGs'), spring pistols and other ultra-low-budget airsoft guns because their performance is so poor, and their life expectancy so short, that they represent a false economy. You may still be able to afford to rent gear at an organized airsoft site, but not for more than a handful of games at most.
1. ⁠I think I can afford to play. What's the next step?
If you haven't already,read the rest of this guide.
2. Why are you lying to me? I can easily find airsoft guns that cost less than $100.
In airsoft, as in most aspects of life, there is a minimum price below which a product cannot be made fit for purpose. It is possible to buy something approximately gun-shaped for less than $100. Do not confuse this with the ability to buy a gun that will be sufficiently powerful, reliable and long-lived enough to play airsoft with. LPEGs, spring pistols and ultra-low-budget airsoft guns are utterly inadequate for airsoft play and will break rapidly, at which point you will be back to having no gun and will also have lost whatever you spent. In addition, you still need to buy suitable Personal Protective Equipment ('PPE'), which is an absolute prerequisite of play and not free. THE ONLY EXCEPTION to this rule is spring shotguns. The tri-Shot ones. They shoot anywhere from 3-6 bb’s at a time and most shells hold about 30 rounds. These shotguns are only optimal for CQB arenas and highly urban fields. They have extremely limited range so keep that in mind.

3. The best beginner rifles (AK/M4 variants) for $100-250
Video link

To get into the hobby of airsoft, you will need to have a decent budget. Most beginneintermediate guns cost anywhere from $100-250, but that cost does not include bb's, magazines, batteries, and a charger. Some guns come with a wall charger and a battery, but most users (including myself) recommend throwing the wall chargers away. This is simply because the wall chargers are normally very low quality. Most players recommend starting airsoft with an M4 or AK style variant AEG. Please note that Lancer Tactical rifles are NOT included in this guide, please check section 16 for more information on this topic. Note that the current Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing, so things might read out of stock on the websites listed. I would check other websites if the items listed are not shown. Commonly recommended choices are:

4. Things to generally avoid when playing
Video link

Airsoft is an honor sport, when you get hit, raise your hand high and display your dead rag. Also yell “HIT” as loud as you can so the other player who is shooting you knows that you are dead. Not displaying your dead rag can lead to being shot more than you want to. Calling someone else’s hits are normally frowned upon as you’re going to cause problems on the field and airsoft drama is not worth it. If someone is suspected of cheating, call a ref/marshal over to observe the player. When you are in the field/game area, DO NOT TAKE OFF YOUR EYEPRO!! EYEPRO is the #1 important thing in airsoft. If a bb hits your eye, you more than likely will be blind. Keep your EYEPRO on at all times while in the field. If you are fogging up, walk off the field. Avoid overshooting other players, once you see a dead rag or a red rag come up, or hear “HIT” stop shooting them. Dead men tell no tales! If you are dead, and a teammate asks where you got shot from, simply say: “dead men don’t talk” and walk back to your respawn.

5. What should you bring to your first airsoft game
Video link

So you’ve finally bought your gun and gear and you’re heading out to your first game. As mentioned previously, you want to make sure you come prepared. As well as your AEG, you want to make sure your batteries are charged and you brought an extra magazine or two. You also want to bring WATER! Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you need to do in airsoft. Being dehydrated will ruin your day and cause problems for you. Also make sure to have a good amount of bb’s for the day. it is highly advised that you wear boots while playing, running shoes can get dirty easily and there will be mud somewhere on the field that you will end up stepping on and getting wet. An extra pair of socks is also a good idea!

  1. What weight bb should I be using?
Video link

This question is very common with a lot of newer players. LPAEG’s (Löw powered Airsoft guns) and Walmart airsoft guns use .12 gram bb’s. DO NOT RUN THESE IN AN AEG! This bb’s are cheap and will break the internals of your rifle. You don’t want to throw your money away do you? I didn’t think so. The lowest weight you can use in your replica is .20 gram bb’s. There are a lot of brands out there for bb’s: Elite Force, BLS,, HPA, KWA and so on. All of them are good brands to buy from. If you are planning on playing indoor, most users will recommend .2-.28 bb’s for the best range and efficiency. If you are planning on playing outdoor, using .28’s and higher is optimal for the best range. Just keep this in mind: the heavier weight, the slower the bb travels.

  1. Can I start airsoft as a sniper?
Video link

It's not recommended no. You can do whatever you want, but sniping is not beginner friendly. Sniping is an expensive virtue and will take a lot of money and time for you to get a rifle that shoots far. Buying a stock sniper will mean you have to put money and parts into it, as the only “good” stock sniper rifle is the SSG24, and the Silverback SRS. The popular airsoft youtuber, Novritsch, has made sniping extremely popular with noobs as he shows a lot of action and gameplay with his guns. Keep in mind that being a sniper is not all action and takes patience and time. His videos are short for a reason. You do the math.

  1. What eyepro/lower face projection should I invest in?
Video link

Eyepro is the most important thing in airsoft. Airsoft is a sport that requires you to have eye protection on at all times while on the field. Lower face protection is required for most players under the age of 18 in most American fields. Anyone over the age of 18 can normally just get away with goggles, but you don't want to have to go to the dentist do you? Didn't think so. There are different types of eye protection for airsoft, ranging from basic shooting goggles, to face masks that protect your face. There are a lot of different goggles and masks out there, but here are some of the most populamost recommended items. Any eye protection you use MUST BE ANSI 787.1+, otherwise you cannot use them! DO NOT USE MESK EYE PROTECTION UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! They are not anzi rated, and their have been hundreds of cases where someone will shoot someone with mesk eye pro, and the bb will explore on the outside of the google, allowing the bb fragments to get inside an eye.

9. What is a "MED"?
Video link

If you’ve played airsoft before or are just hearing about this for the first time, a “MED” or minimum engagement distance is utilized in airsoft. Most airsoft guns have semi, and fully automatic. Most fields in the US, do NOT allow full auto within 40-50 feet. Imagine coming around a corner and getting shot with 10 bb’s because the person around the corner didn’t switch to semi. This isn’t Call of Duty, spraying your bb’s all over the place will achieve very little, if not anything. When you get closer than 40-50 feet, switch your AEG to semi. Airsoft, for the most part doesn’t hurt, but getting shot 10-20 times in a row certainly will. Don’t be that guy who full autos people from 10 feet away! It’s being an asshat, and will probably get you kicked out!

  1. What is a GBBR?
Video link

GBBR(Gas Blow-Back Rifles) are the hyper-realistic guns. If you have a larger budget and would like a more realistic experience these are the guns for you. Not usually recommended as starter guns because of the cost of gas and accessories, but not to be entirely ruled out for a select group of people. These guns require maintenance, but most would consider the work to be put to the background in the face of the utter satisfaction of using one of these guns. Check out GasBlowBack for more information on this topic.

11. The Search Bar
Video link

The search bar is a tool that is at the top of this sub that is used to search for a post or topic. This feature is not used by any beginners as they will probably ignore this guide and ask the question anyways. Most questions have been asked before and you will find your answer. To use the search bar:
A. Open reddit
B. Click on airsoft
C. Using your eyeballs, look at the top of your screen
D. Using your fingers, type in whatever you are looking for (I.E BEST BEGINNER SETUP)
E. Using your eyeballs, look at the results
F. Realize that most people will just ignore this guide and continue asking the same questions every single day.
G. Profit!

  1. Orange tips and their legality
Video link

Orange tips are required for retailers, but you are more than welcome to take them off after you receive your airsoft gun. Just note by doing so you will void your warranty. Also please do not take your airsoft gun out in public and follow basic gun safety. Please check your local state/county rules before doing this though. Note that random strangers on the internet will NOT know your local rules, so I cannot empathize this enough.

  1. Airsoft youtubers
Video link

A lot of users will watch certain youtubers and get a impression of the hobby that does not exist. Remember: Their job is to get views and entertain you, they cut out the parts that are boring. Clickbait content is what most beginners watch and please note that cheaters in airsoft are not as common at they make them to be. If you are interesting in learning more about clickbait, I made a video breaking down airsoft clickbait on youtube. There is of course great content creators out there that don't just make clickbait and I implore you to go look for them.

14.MSW (MilSim West)
Video link

MSW is considered the only "true" Milsim in the US. Interesting in going? Read the Tacsop.

  1. What are some cheap gear brands to get as a beginner?
Video link

It is also pretty common for airsofters to think they need to spend a bunch of money on super expensive gear to get started. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Good gear does not equal skill (BY ITSELF), and while having good gear CAN help you play, it won't make you a special operator by itself. Most users are on a budget anyways, and investing in cheap chest rigs is a great option to stay within your budget. Note that most of these recommendations will be chest rigs, simply because of the price and functionally of them. Condor is one of the most budget friendly airsoft gear brands out there, as they will be on this list a bunch. NOTE: THE CHEAP CROSS DRAW VESTS ARE NOT INCLUDED ON THIS LIST SIMPLY BECAUSE FOR THE MOST PART, THEY SUCK. Some good budget options ($0-100) would be:

  1. Lancer Tactical
Video link

So Lancer Tactical is not on this guide for a multitude of reasons. For starters, in 2017, their CEO was arrested at shot show under the pretenses of producing non-anzi rated goggles and advertising as such. They were producing goggles that were direct copies of Revision, and lied about their goggles being rated for airsoft. But the primary reason as to why they are not recommended is that their quality control is fucking horrendous. Lancer has created 2 "generations" of guns, with the 2nd generation "having a different oem" meaning that they were magically fixed. Spoiler alert, the QC is still garbage and even their "prolines" having terrible QC, with Reventian having to be SENT 3 for a review, and his 3rd one died. But if you don't believe me on the QC part, check out a compilation of lancer's breaking in the past year.

  1. What airsoft shops should I buy from?
Video link

Recommended US-Based Retailers
Airsoft GI
Amped Airsoft
Airsoft Extreme
Airsoft Atlanta
Trinity Airsoft
Gas Blowback Central
Canada based Retailers
007 Airsoft
Badlands Paintball
B2 Airsoft
Buy Airsoft
Capital Airsoft/Force on Force Tactical
Comex Hobby
PM Hobbycraft
British Columbia
Badlands Paintball
Phoenix Tactical
Trigger Airsoft
Viper Action-Air Innovations
Badlands Paintball
TBD Airsoft
Xtreme Tactics
Frontline Paintball
Nova Scotia
Venture Airsoft
Scotia Arms Airsoft
Action Air Canada
Airsoft Depot
Badlands Paintball
Blackbiltz Airsoft
Canada Wide Airsoft -No Website.
Challenger Airsoft/My Airsoft -No Website. FB Seems inactive.
Chigun Hobby Store
Daymark WindsoSOAR Hobby
DMZ Airsoft & Paintball
Flagswipe Paintball
Forest City Surplus
Gear Up Airsoft
Hero Outdoors
High Percision Airsoft
Infinity Arms
JS Airsoft
JT Military Surplus -No website.
Maier Action Games
Maple Airsoft Supply
Niagara Quatermaster
Nick Sports Shop & Central Surplus
Platinum Paintball -No Website.
Rapidfire Airsoft -No Website
Toronto Airsoft
Ultimate Airsoft
Prince Edward Island
Andy's Airsoft
Aventure Airsoft Lanaudiere
Divison XP
Fighter System
Headshot Airsoft -No Website
Tactical Center
Taktik Airsoft
SackSoft Armoury
Online ONLY
Airsoft Parts Canada
Ultimate Airsoft
Replica Airguns
Upper Canada Tactical
Western Canadian Airsoft Supply

Asian-Based Retailers
Redwolf Airsoft
eHobby Asia
WGC Shop
Echigoya - Japanese shop, best source for TM guns

UK Retailers
Zero One
Action Hobbies
Airsoft World
Land Warrior
Fire Support
Wolf Armouries
JD Airsoft
Combat South
Dave's Custom Airsoft
Bespoke Airsoft

  1. Don't go out and spend $1000 before playing
Video link

It is also very common for users to approach airsoft with spending a bunch of money. Please don't do this. It is always recommended to rent before playing. After renting, don't go out and buy a shit ton of geaguns. Stay cheap, and don't go all out. Regardless of what you have seen on youtube, having the best gear does not make you the best player. How stupid would you look if you went out and bought a brand new Umbrella Armory and full Crye's if you don't like the hobby? Simply put, don't go out and buy expensive gear, like said above, stay cheap and go out to have fun.

  1. Comparing paintball and airsoft is like comparing apples to oranges
Video link

Comparing paintball to airsoft would be like comparing apples to oranges. They are two completely different hobbies that are very different. Paintball uses balls of paint that cannot go farther than normally 50-60 feet, whilst airsoft uses more realistic looking markers that can go much farther. If you are a paintballer, no problem, just don't come in here and try to compare the two :)

  1. What are the most common gearboxes?
Video link

The V2 and V3 mechboxes are the most common gearboxes found in M4/AK series AEG'S. If you are more interesting in learning about the V2 gearbox, check out the V2 gearbox guide. V2 gearboxes are found in most M4 series AEG's, while V3'S are found in AK series rifles. The MP5 often uses a modified V2/V3 gearbox, it all depends on the brand. The Airsoft Tech is a great resource if you are looking to expand your knowledge. Negative Airsoft is also another great resource, consider checking him out here.

  1. Other guides that may be useful

5/30/19-Fixed Formatting and added suggested eyepro section
6/1/19-small typos fixed and section about MED’s added
12/7/19- reposted for Christmas influx of new gun posts
12/7/19- added section on GBBGBB’s.
12/9/19- added section on searchbar and typos
12/27/19- added how the older guay guay are outdated
1/1/2020- post was unpinned so new thread is made.
1/1/2020- updated part about specna
1/19/2020 - orange tip section added
5/16/2020- removed specna cores from the Recommended list of guns due to bad QC
7/22/2020- reposting thread with more updated links as well as adding E and C to the recommended section
7/22/2020- added sections 13 and 14
7/22/2020- Videos added for each section
7/22/2020 - Added more options for eyepro
7/22/2020 -Fixed AMP AMP AMP issue
12/25/2020 - Added 5 new sections
12/28/2020 - Removed G1 CM"s from the recommended M4's.
12/29/2020 - Added new beginner guns to recommended section
12/30/2020 -Fixed spelling errors and guide overhaul
1/1/2020 - Guide re-published
submitted by Houseofcards32 to airsoft [link] [comments]

The Chainbreakers: A Faction to Help Your Players Break Free From Bad Decisions

Do you have the classic Warlock in your party? The Warlock who is edgier than a rogue with a suit of armor made of daggers? How about a paladin sworn to a deity who doesn't respect them? Need a secret society to dog your deities by stealing away their patrons? I have a solution for you!
Introducing the Chainbreakers, a secretive faction dedicated to breaking the contracts of warlocks, the sacred oaths of paladins, and the unjust bonds between the beings of power and mortals. The posted write up includes faction background information, faction ranks, several NPCs, and some plot hooks.
Homebrewery Link (Edit: It now seems to be rendering fine on my machines of course. Don't know what changed or why. Let me know if it isn't rendering properly. The last page should have a table on it like the Imgur album.)
Imgur Link
A little bit of backstory: As a DM, I like to pull bits and pieces of campaigns that I play in into the worlds that I write. I try to create something from each campaign that can be used in the world as nods back to other adventures. Sometimes, it is a name. Sometimes, an event or a place. Other times, it takes on a life of its own. This was the case this time.
My friend and I were battling our way through a campaign, and our characters bonded over the terrible treatment they had received from their deities or patrons. Eventually, near the end of the campaign, we created The Chainbreakers to help us mortals deal with those kind of beings. It evolved, and now we want to help break your beleaguered warlocks, vengeful paladins, or mistreated familiars from their chains.
As tribute to this campaign (which wrapped up last year), we wrote the faction up. We think it turned out well enough to post online and have decided to release it for use in your campaigns. There's plenty more we could write about the faction, but wanted to keep it short and sweet to allow for quick reading and integration.
Feel free to ask me anything, from the Chainbreakers, to that campaign, to DM'ing, to whatever really (I'm gonna regret that, I bet...). I might take a bit to respond for a few hours (I'm on a work break when I posted this), but should be more responsive later.
Edit: Full Text Adapted from Homebrewery to prevent dead links.

The Chainbreakers

Have a Warlock in your party with a patron who may be abusive, neglectful, or demanding? Perhaps a Paladin who has fallen out of favor with the god they once worshipped and is now being harassed into following their demands? Or the classic character cursed by an evil god, forever tormented by their minions with ultimate power over them? Do you want to help them break free from these abusive relationships? The solution lies in a secret society dedicated to these very problems.
"Why do we fight gods when we are so small? For every one of us, there are a hundred who are smaller and have less power. Sometimes, someone has to stand up for the small folk."
Introducing the Chainbreakers, a secretive faction dedicated to breaking the contracts of warlocks, the sacred oaths of paladins, and the unjust bonds between the gods and other arch-beings of power. Primarily an NPC faction, they can be used to help your party gain information on the divine or otherwise higher powers of your world or help break one of your characters from their contracts or bonds. The Chainbreakers can also be used as a faction for immoral intent, using their powers to undermine the gods and cause chaos within your world.
"Alright, Helm is officially on the shit list again. We got another Paladin in from Waterdeep that needs some serious help."
The Chainbreakers work directly against demons, devils, fey, angels and the gods themselves to protect anyone under contract, oath, or curse. While many do not suffer from the hands or demands of those who hold these powers, there are a few who suffer from bad contracts or bonds. This includes the abused warlock who signed the dotted line before reading the fine print, the paladin sworn to uphold the laws he no longer believes in, the abused familiars of wizards used for experimentation unable to break their bond to their master, or the cursed soul forever suffering from a poor decision.
"When we are so small, we can slip through the cracks. Neglect can be a very bad abuse if the conditions are right. On the other hand, when you have endless power, picking on the smallfolk is an easy way to get some entertainment. Either way, these beings do not treat us well, and we must stand and fight for ourselves."

Faction Politics

"Gods do not like when mortals mess with their toys. They tend to get slightly angry. By joining us, you are willingly going against most of the higher and, err, lower powers. We hide in the shadows to protect ourselves. Are you sure you want to join us?"
The Chainbreakers are an extremely secretive organization. Most meetings are held in small, compartmentalized groups. The largest segment of the Chainbreakers is their network of informants that they use to seek out people with bad contracts or bonds. To protect their members, the Chainbreakers use a shorthand similar to Thieves' Cant to get information to members. Additionally, there are very strict ‘need to know' rules which prevent any one person from revealing too much about the organization. These precautions are in place to help hide the other members, especially those in higher ranks. The higher ranks use code names and wear masks to help hide their identities. They are also well versed in scrying magic and warded against divination spells. All of these steps help protect them from the higher powers who would seek to destroy them.
A small standing militia of recruits are trained to defend against those who wish to destroy the Chainbreakers. The first line of defence of the Chainbreakers is the secrecy of the organisation, but occasionally they do have to defend against a demon or fey that does not take kindly to having their chew toys taken away. When this occurs, the high ranking fighters come in to help take the offended party down a peg or two. Some who have heard of the Chainbreakers believe they are dangerous due to these high ranking fighters who include warlocks whose powers are unchecked by their patron, paladins who hold divine abilities with no god to control them, or familiars who hold the secrets of their powerful wizard masters. To prevent too many disgruntled powers from coming together to take down this unfettered group, which could easily overwhelm the Chainbreakers, the organization is very careful about who they break from contracts and how often.
"We are just like a biting fly. Annoy one person enough, and they will undertake a vendetta to kill us. Bite once in a while, and they will swat at us only occasionally."

Breaking the Chain

How do the Chainbreakers break these magical and divine bonds? After a person is found in need of the Chainbreakers help, the faction gathers as much information on the person and the contract holder. The Chainbreakers can occasionally be relentless in trying to assist. When possible, their legal team finds loopholes, renegotiates terms, or breaks contracts through ‘peaceful' means. For those that this is not possible for, they provide other support services including protection programs, teachings in magic or fighting, or a counselling system to help the person cope with their burden. Originally, these were the only ways they could help those in need. That was until Nyko’s Choice was created.
Myzzri A’tan and Nyko Lionheart are the founders and top ranking Chainbreakers, called Justices. Myzzri, a paladin whose family had been cursed and one-by-one killed by the god Beshaba, felt the injustices of a god’s cruel hand all her life. When she befriended Nyko, a loyal monk-turned-warlock struggling with his patrons demands and the contract he was tricked into, the injustice she felt toward these powers grew. Together, the two of them formed a bond of friendship that overcame many obstacles. Through a deal made with the Arch-devil holding Nyko's contract, Myzzri was able to gain control over it. To protect it, she prayed to her god at the time, Helm. Her prayer was answered by merging the contract with the bonded hammer she wielded. She protected that hammer with her life and Nyko protected her with his.
It was during a battle against Beshaba, to once and for all chain the goddess so she could no longer torment Myzzri, that Nyko fell, his body turned to ash. Myzzri, devastated without Nyko by her side, lost control of her hammer with Nyko’s contract inside. Beshaba, knowing the power the weapon wielded, tried to call upon the contract it held. Nyko’s soul revolted at the idea and broke the contract within, his soul embedding itself into the hammer instead. Thus, Nyko’s Choice was born, creating a powerful, sentient artifact with the ability to break contracts or bonds that Nyko deems unjust.

Symbol of the Chainbreakers

The symbol of the Chainbreakers is a fist clenched around a hanging and clearly snapped chain. A shorthand symbol, often carried as an identifying token, is a single, snapped chain link.

Faction Ranks

The Chained

"Desperate people make desperate decisions. I should know, I was once one of you."
The Chained are not technically a rank of the Chainbreakers, but are the primary targets of their help. Anyone who is bonded or in a contract to a higher power are considered Chained. The Chainbreakers focus on those suffering from such bonds which are particularly heinous or unfair. When a contract has been modified or broken by Nyko’s Choice or loopholes are discovered, a person is eligible to join the ranks of the Chainbreakers as the lowest rank: The Broken.

The Broken

"Your chains have been broken, your spirit less so."
The Broken are recent initiates into the Chainbreakers, either through direct intervention or civilians on their way to becoming Inferrers, Reforged, or Magistrates. All initiates pass through this rank as a probationary period to ensure they are not spies or informants. This rank offers the protection of the Chainbreakers, but doesn't grant any particular benefits. Once they have proven to be useful and loyal to the Chainbreakers, they are promoted to the rank they are most suited for.


"Sometimes the pain of their chains is not visible. It only shows itself when you find the hammer, anvil and forge."
Inferrers are trusted informants dedicated to finding Chained ones in need of help. As such, most of the Chainbreakers fall into this rank. The Inferrers are usually the first contact a Chained has with the Chainbreakers. It can be hard to determine if a Chained is under a bad contract without actually seeing the contract. Inferrers look for signs that a Chained could use the help of the Chainbreakers and investigate to determine if they need a more direct intervention. They are the lowest level that has access to more secure information in the Chainbreakers.

The Reforged

"What were once chains have been melted down and reforged. A shovel could become a sword, but the metal is not strong enough. We have broken your chains and used them to build you back up, stronger than you were before."
The Reforged are captains to fighting squads and trainers to new initiates. They provide a large amount of the communication network, passing intelligence between the different groups.


"Sometimes, the only way to get out of a contract is through the same way that got you into it."
Usually, the highest obtainable rank in the Chainbreakers, these are veteran leaders, fighters and lawyers. The legal branch of the Chainbreakers specializes in finding and exploiting loopholes in low-risk contracts that do not get modified by Nyko's Choice.

The Justices

"It was a long struggle to get here. Some parts were worth it. Some blood was shed. Some material sacrifices were made. Out of all of it, I arose stronger than ever."
These are the leaders of the Chainbreakers and final determiners of who will enter the ranks of the Broken. At the beginning, there were only two justices: Myzzri and Nyko (through Nyko's Choice), but once Myzzri retired, her position was delegated to two people: One to run the day to day operations and one who wields Nyko's Choice. Including Nyko, there are a total of three justices.


Anyone can become a Chainbreaker, but having a bad contract with a stronger being is the easiest way in. A Chained just need to have their contracts modified or loopholes discovered by the Chainbreakers. Civilians must take a slightly harder route to join the ranks.
"Although you have made your way here to join our ranks, you do not fully understand why we do what we do. To join our ranks, you must first become Chained yourself."
Candidates to join the order are offered a short, well defined contract. It offers them the protection of the Chainbreakers and all of the benefits, but has a small price to pay.
"You must understand what our less fortunate members go through. Without doing this, you cannot fully understand our pain. This is a lesser experience of what we have seen in the past, but will be very informative for some of you."
The price is small, but tailored to each applicant. For a month, the applicant must deal with something that will irritate them or cause mild discomfort. It will not cause physical trauma, but is designed to demonstrate in a minor way what some Chained go through. The contract can be broken at any time, but will result in the candidate's memory being scrubbed of any information about the Chainbreakers. The contract also forbids them from attempting to spread the information in any other manner. On the last day of the contract, a ceremonial "chain-breaking" occurs, where the new candidates destroy their contracts and free themselves from their chains. They enter the ranks as Broken.

Example Initiate Contracts:

  1. You will be awoken in the middle of the night by a strange dream, but cannot recall what it is, other than it is strange. This will occur every night.
  2. You arms are 3 times heavier than normal.
  3. You will stub your toe on the corner of every doorway you cross.
  4. Anytime you pay for something, you will find your coin bag is short one gold piece, but has 100 copper pieces in its place.
  5. Anytime you pay for something, you always pay more and refuse change.
  6. You append a prayer to a deity of your choice to the end of every 7 sentences, praise Helm.

Faction Hooks

The Chainbreakers are usually a force for good in the world, but could be swayed or corrupted as a force for evil.
  1. The Obvious Hook: A mysterious person approaches the party's warlock, asking some fairly personal questions. When confronted, the person hints that the warlock could be much happier if they broke away from their patron. If pushed, the person will give out a little bit of information on the Chainbreakers, and invite the warlock to an Initiation.
  2. The Missing Patron: A young, extremely tired warlock was recently impacted by a bout of amnesia on their adventure, and has completely forgotten who their patron is. They know they signed a contract, but cannot remember how to view it or who it was with. Recently, they have been kept up at night with extreme nightmares, most likely from their patron. The Chainbreakers are assisting in attempting to figure out who the patron is. They are close, but need the party's help in recovering a tracing of glyphs from a temple that details a powerful, long-lost patron who fits the description.
  3. Protection Rackets Aren't Just For The Mob: There is a renegade branch of the Chainbreakers who have broken off in a major city. They are taking bribes from fiends to protect the fiend's pacts from being meddled with by the Chainbreakers. Other Chainbreaker branches want the renegade faction dealt with in whatever manner the party sees fit.
  4. No More Forges, No More Chains: The Chainbreakers have gone mad! They have created a ritual which uses the powers of current warlock contracts and many high-level wizards to "wish away" the ability for gods and fiends to create pacts with mortals. This spells doom for people using these pacts for good, and the ritual must be stopped!


Myzzri, Justice of the Chainbreakers: An older female dwarf, she seems to have carried the weight of the world on her at some point. The idea of the Chainbreakers originated with her, after seeing two of her friends be consumed by the contracts they signed in the past. Nyko's Choice is always by her side, carried deftly and wielded with great force when situations arise. Occasionally missing context or tone, she can be a little blunt at times, but a kind heart hides inside the shell. Rumor has it that she has two daughters, and might be married to an archdevil, but you can't trust the rumors, can you?
Colwim, Reforged: A spitfire of a young male human, Colwim rose quickly to the challenge of being Reforged after having sections of his contract voided. Mischievous as the contract that was broken, sometimes it seems like Colwim could be more of a liability to the Chainbreakers. Adept with a spear, Colwim has proven himself in several skirmishes with the devilish forces that he originally signed on with.
Thauldakmir, Magistrate: A pondering, dragonborn with a heart of ice, Thauldakmir is the best scholar and lawyer that the Chainbreakers have found yet. Capable of dissecting the most devilish contracts down to the most basic of language, this dragonborn is a vital asset in twisting contracts back upon themselves.
Rajah, Broken: A small psuedodragon familiar that has become quite the mascot for the local Chainbreaker group. Rajah was the familiar of a powerful wizard who used Rajah as the target for many of his experimental Evocation spells. After attempting to bargain with the wizard for Rajah, the wizard's tower was raided by the Chainbreakers, freeing Rajah.
Author's Note
The statblock on the next page is best not used by PCs. I have only included it for completeness.
Nyko's Choice is an epic tier artifact. The party that inspired this was level 20 when it was created and the campaign had officially wrapped up. This is a game-breaking artifact and is not designed to be given to players. I have actually tuned it down from the original version for this release, but the Chainbreaker ability has the potential to be devastating to any planned campaign.
If you do not want this kind of magic allowed at your table, you do not need to include the Chainbreaker ability, just modify the appropriate lore. The Chainbreakers will attempt to subvert contracts in other ways.

Nyko's Choice

Warhammer, Artifact, Sentient (Requires Attunement)
  • +3 Defender
  • 1d8+3 Bludgeoning +2d6 Fire +1d8 Force
  • Versatile (1d10)
  • Advantage on Perception Checks
  • Holy water is destroyed upon entering a 10 foot radius aura from Nyko's Choice ___
  • Nyko Once a young halfling monk with a contract to an archdevil, Nyko's soul was bound to Myzzri's warhammer as she attempted to free him from the abusive contract. During the Battle for Beshaba's Misery, Nyko's contract and body were snatched by Beshaba, but upon her attempting to use the contract, Nyko destroyed the contract, and his soul returned to the hammer. From a previous resurrection gone wrong, Nyko appears as a 3 foot tall Tiefling with red skin and long claws. Although considered a fiend, Nyko's alignment is Lawful Good, and will offer to teach defensive fighting to protect others, and will warn people about taking contracts with powerful beings and owing favors as payment.
  • Visions of his Past Nyko usually speaks telepathically to the wielder of Nyko's Choice, but on rare occasions he can summon up enough energy to project a spectral image of himself within 5 feet of the hammer for up to one hour. Nyko appears as a spectral image of himself, and cannot interact with his surroundings. During this time, the sapphire in the head of the hammer glows brightly, emitting a small silvery strand which links to Nyko as per the spell Astral Projection. If the strand is broken, Nyko's image will disappear.
  • Chainbreaker If the hammer is swung against a contract (magical or otherwise) and Nyko agrees, parts of the contract can be magically voided. Although difficult, individual clauses can be voided. Roll 1d100. Depending on the complexity of the contract, and the amount to be edited, the DC will vary. Removing specific clauses will have a higher DC, large swaths will have a much lower DC. Failure will result in random, large chunks of the contract being voided, sometimes to the detriment of the contracted. Nyko cannot perform this ability against the same contract more than once. From experience, Nyko knows about how difficult the voiding will be and will tell the wielder. Nyko will refuse to break contracts for selfish Chained ones, if the contract is non-abusive, or if he does not like the wielder of Nyko's Choice.
  • Conditional Benefits If Nyko does not like the wielder, he will refuse to confer the benefits of Defender, the additional Fire and Force damage, and advantage on perception checks. Nyko will be cautious about handing out the additional damage types, but will give the Defender and Advantage on Perception checks back quicker, as he wishes to defend the wielder.
"My body may be gone, but my mind lives on. I saved the world once, and now it is your turn."
Example DCs
These are just suggested DCs, and have not been playtested. You can always ignore the DC, and determine fail or success based on your player's roleplaying or desired outcome. For an extremely quick and dirty method of determining DC, the percentage of the contract to be kept can be used as the DC for the Chainbreaker ability (minimum DC 25) (i.e. keeping 1/4 of the contract = DC 25, 1/3 = DC 33, 1/2 = DC 50). You may want to modify the DC based on how well written the contract is. A contract with many interlinking sub-clauses and conditions will have a higher DC than a sloppily written contract. A more balanced method is to the right. These DCs can be lowered more if the players manage to strongly convince Nyko and the Justices of their need, as Nyko will try harder to break the contract.
The feature is designed for erasing large swaths of contract, rather than surgical strikes, so the DCs decrease by the amount of contract voided. This serves to dissuade players from trying to void only the downsides and none of the benefits of the contract. As this ability can only be used once (with some nasty downsides), behind the screen, I would lean towards always having it work if the player is voiding the entire contract or a large section. If they are getting picky, then it is time to roll some dice. This will dramatically impact a player's playstyle if they proceed down this path after all.
Amount to be Voided DC (1d100)
One Word 95
One Sub-phrase 85
One clause with a downside for the Chained 80
One beneficial clause for the Chained 70
Two balanced clauses 65
One whole section 50
Two or more sections 40
The Whole Contract 25
EDIT: u/Tim_the_Texan has written up a paladin subclass, Oath of the Chain Breaker, which makes perfect sense for this faction and is very flavorful. He is looking for feedback on it here
submitted by The_GM_Always_Lies to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

"You're a Wizard. You're not supposed to try and be a hero."

Back when this whole COVID thing happened, I had recently lost my job, so I finally had my weekends free to spend with my spouse. Together, we decided that getting an online 5th edition D&D group together on Sundays was a good idea, both to have a scheduled "activity" and to keep us in touch with friends.
After a few rounds of going out and recruiting, we rope in a friend who had just finished a years-long campaign and steadfastly demanded that, if he plays, he gets to be the GM. Because he likes the hot seat. Fine by me -- 5e's reliance on stat blocks doesn't work well with my minimum-preperation GM style, and it would take a huge planning load off my shoulders if someone else wanted to GM. So, after the rest of the group gathers, the GM lays down a few "ground rules", most importantly, for the point of this story are the following:
One : That he runs a story-first, low-combat campaign, because he considers combat a low-effort lazy approach to things that only hampers storytelling. This is a view he'd expressed to me before (and out of hand dismissed me suggesting alternate games and settings, like Dungeon World or Seventh Sea)
Two: There's only one homebrew rule: the Wild Magic chart in the book is boring, so anybody that wants to roll a Wild Magic sorceror will be rolling on his custom chart with thousands of possibilities instead of "only" fifty. (I saw the chart. It's a mess, but ultimately irrevlevant to the story. Only the lack of other houserules matters.)
With these rules in mind and an open-rulebook policy we all disperse to making our characters. We get:
Elf Rogue (played by my wife) with the charlatan background, and a plan to go deeper into archery.
A Tabaxi Rogue with the criminal background, with no specific build plans given to us
A milquetoast Dwarven Life Cleric and worshipper of Bahamut.
And then me.
After bothering the GM for some background details on the world he was running, I proposed to him a Lawful Good Variant Human Silver Dragonblooded Sorceror from a neighboring country. Her dragon-blood having elevated her family from common merchants (I decided her parents were tailors) into the nobility, and she's on her first quest as a knight-errant after honing her bloodline's powers for six years. I'm very clear that I don't want to have him dealing with retainers or pages, so I'd like to be a Knight, official title "Ser", as was custom in the country, and I guess the Privlege of Rank background feature, although as a foreigner, I wouldn't exactly be able to use it.
I mention that, mechanically, I wanted to dive heavily into the elemental magic side, which is why I dove into Dragonblooded and was going to be taking Elemental Adept (Cold) for my variant human feat, but asked if I could have it consider Cold immunity to be Cold resistance, as well. The GM Vetoes this immediately, and I acknowledge it. I'll have to pick up some off-element spells later, but the party is starting at level 1 and the nonly thing he'd "reasonably" throw at us at level 1 with Cold immunity is a baby white dragon.
The game opens with my PC stepping off her family's carriage and immediately being disgusted by the mud, filth and dirt covering her fancy clothes. I interrupt, protesting that my character is a knight from a merchant family seeking out a Holy Quest. While I'd dress in fine clothing, I figured they'd be more "study" and not "opulent". The GM tells me to just roll with it and I relent.
GM guides me to the marketplace, with a hint to ask after directions to the local Temple of Bahamut. The first person I meet is the wife's PC, who, true to character, immediately tries to scam me and sell me what she describes as a rock painted green that she's trying to pass off as an emerald. I claim to have no interest in the bauble, and only the Holy Quest, when the GM interrupts me. "No, that's going to be an Insight check against Wife's Deception," Despite me claiming, again, that my character has no interest in baubles and only want to do her Holy Quest, the GM rules that, as a Noble, I always want shiny babubles. Dejected, I roll Insight against the Wife's Deception. Our skill modifiers are actually pretty equal, and... Okay. I lose. With a sigh, I pass 2 GP over to Wife's character sheet and scribble "obviously fake emerald" in my notes.
Wife's character, seeing an easy mark, decides to lead me to the Temple of Bahamut. She's a local and thus doesn't have to roll for it, which is fine. It is there, at the Temple that we encounter the other two PCs. Tabaxi is seeking atonement for her crimes and Dwarf is her minder. A priest is giving a sermon about how there's a Holy Quest and they're seeking adventurers to take it up. Awesome. Anybody wanting to learn more needs to speak to the Temple's lawyer, standing by the sideline and sign a contract. The lawyer describes it as a standard adventuring contract, absolving the Temple of any fiscal responsability in the event of injury or death. It's also written in Draconic (which my character can read, Thanks Dragon-Blooded subclass!) and an Intelligence check reveals that it also has language that would force us to at least attempt the quest. Sensing shenangains, but thinking this would act as a stepping stone to rooting out corruption, my character signs, anyway.
We're whisked off to a side room where we're told the SECRET HOLY QUEST is being kept a secret because it's a dragon plundering the trade routes, and it's not like they'd get many recruits if people knew they were trying to kill a dragon. Hey, remember how I said the only "reasonable" cold-immune enemy at level 1 was a baby white dragon?
So, we agree to the quest (even though we're legally forced to, now) and are led outside. At which point my character points out, very loudly, so that the assembled crowd can hear, that the temple is illegally and unethically forcing people to fight a dragon. She declares, on her (technically non-existant in this country) authority as a knight that these contracts are rendered moot and casts Prestidigitation to burn the stacks of contracts. Immediate backspace and complaints from the GM. The doesn't happen, he says, and I can't make it happen. (He will admit later that he wasn't listening to my in-character reason and assumed I was being disruptive for disruptiveness' sake.)
There is a small character moment where Dwarf calls my character a hypocrite for saying I want to help people but not actually donating to the Temple. After inquiring as to what the Dwarf would consider a reasonable donation, he says that my "Cloak, alone" could fetch a high enough price to feed the town for a month. My character immediately doffs her cloak (which only served the purpose of hiding my dragon scales, but I guess was no super-fancy)? and hands it to the Dwarf, as he was the nearest priest of Bahamut. My donation is rejected immediately.
The rest of the party filters towards a tavern, where we're to wait for a carriage to take us to the dragon's territory and meet with the other advneturing parties taking up this quest. "Hey, GM," I ask "Is there any chance I can ask around to see if there's any survivors of these dragon attacks or corpses I can examine to figure out what kind of dragon we're up against?" GM asks how my character would even know that different kinds of dragons are a thing, and I point out that my Sorceror, who gets her power from literal dragon-blood in her literal veins, gets bonuses to talking to dragons, is covered in dragon scales, speaks dragon and is trained in Arcana should probably know about different varities of dragon. I am allowed an Arcana test.
Sorceror then finds a still-living victim in a medically-induced coma, being tended by a priest of Bahamut, which I wake to... "What, no!" I interject again, "They're in a medical coma for the pain?" The GM confirms "Then I don't wake him up." I then examine the body (succesful Perusasion on the priest), to find wounds that suggest they came from a magical, Cold source (succesful Medicine check) and conjecture that we're likely dealing with a White or Silver Dragon (successful Arcana check).
I then give the priest fully half of the remainder of my gold to make the poor guy's recovery as painless as possible, along with my cloak, with instructions that leftovers from the gold are to help him and his family rebuild, and head back into the market to try and get some potions to increase our resistance to gold. Out of character, I immediately acknowledge that I probably won't find anything I can afford and go back to the tavern in such a case.
Actually, no, there's this merchant that just happens to be selling exactly what you need! The GM says, and immediately roleplays haggling on the price. "Awesome! I'd like to examine the potions before agreeing to anything. Is that an Arcana check, or...?" "Nope. I'm going to have you roll Insight so you can tell if whether or not he's scamming you," "Can I get advantage for being good at Arcana?" "No,"
And that's how my character got scammed into buying several vials of watered-down wine instead of Cold resistance potions. Because Nobles apparantly buy whatever they want at every opportunity. Wisdom isn't even my dump stat.
So, I make it to the Tavern. There's a few character moments (The Dwarf makes fun of the cloak I'm no longer wearing or own as if I'm still wearing it) and we're introduced to the other adventuring party, all universally described as higher-level than us and includes a Wild Magic mage (I guess GM was salty that nobody wanted to engage with his Wild Magic chart) and a decked-out Fighter, flush with cash... and Cold resistance potions. And who immediately identifies my cheap wine as cheap wine. GM then spontaneously decides that this NPC is a rival of mine, as he comes from a Noble family that has been a rival to mine for generations. Despite my character's family only being nobles for six years. Oh, and he's actually trained at a knight, so he's actually dangerous. Ignoring the fact that my character is also trained as a knight, but just fights with magic, instead.
It is at this point that I realize GM didn't approve of my backstory, just read "Human Noble Sorceror" and filled in the blanks, himself.
We fast-foward to the next morning and are in the carriages leading to the dragon's territory. There's some light character moments and we're made to establish which carriages we're in. I'm forced into the rear one, isolated from the rest of the party, with my supposed rival. Some light roleplaying before! Suddenly! There's an avalanche, and it tumbles between the two carriages, immediately killing the horses and flinging the carriage driver towards the new ledge. The carriage driver is hanging on to the precipice and looks dead in your eyes, OP as... "Oh! He's on the same side as me, right?" "What? Of course, anyway, he looks into your eyes and..." "I lunge foward to grab him by the wrist and pull him up."
Now. Strength is my dump stat, and I fully expect to fail the Atheltics check, which is proven true when I roll up a nine. I do not, however, expect to fail so hard that not only does the carriage driver die, but I am pitched over the edge and am now hanging on for my own life, my cloak... "I donated that yesterday, remember?" ... not weighing me down.
The Party weighs their options and decides to make use of Tabaxi having a Climb speed to climb around and lift me free, not having to make an Athletics check by virute of the Climb speed.
Session one ends.
The GM demands to know what I was thinking, trying to save the NPC. He's just an NPC. I point out that my knight, who had spent the entire session planning ahead and trying to be helpful to everybody and acting charitiable would certainly try to be a hero and save a man from falling to his death, especially in front of a social rival. And then the GM says the words. "You're a Wizard. You're not supposed to try and be a hero."
There is no session two.
submitted by Thanatos5150 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

[H] Humble etc. [W] Offers
Dicey Dungeons 5£
Starbound 4£
( I haven't seen any confirmation Dicey/Starbound are dead yet.)
Dream Daddy £3
War for the Overworld 2£
Children of Morta 1.4£
Torchlight II £1.3
Bastion £1
Garry's Mod
Don't Starve + Reign of Giants (single player version!)
Among Us - Random Pet Bundle
For The King
Brunch Club
Element TD 2
Sokpop Season 6 Bundle
Drawful 2
This War of Mine
Car Mechanic Sim 2015
Orcs Must Die 2
Rise of Industry Purrfect Date
Dead in Bermuda
AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected
Pixel Galaxy
Shoppe Keep 1
Fishing Adventure
Cheap Golf
Safety First
Fractured Minds 1 Screen Platformer A Glider's Journey Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX Alan Wake's American Nightmare All-Star Fruit Racing - Yogscast Car DLC Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Ancient Planet Animal Super Squad Anomaly 2 Anomaly Defenders Anomaly Korea Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign Anomaly: Warzone Earth Artemis: God-Queen of The Hunt Auto Age: Standoff Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Coco Nebulon Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Max Focus Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Rocco Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Skolldir Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Ted McPain Back to Bed Balancelot Battle Riders Bezier Binary Domain BiT Evolution BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien Blacksmith Blade & Bones Blade & Soul Yogscast Pack Blockstorm Board Battlefield Bohemian Killing - Original Soundtrack and Artbooks DLC Bomb Defense Border Force Botanicula Cathedral Caveblazers - Arena Mode DLC Chainsaw Warrior Chime Sharp Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Choplifter HD Chronology Chronology: Time Changes Everything Cities in Motion 2 Cities: Skylines - Snowfall Clatter Clicker bAdventure Cloudborn ClusterPuck 99 Colt Express Company of Heroes Convoy Cosmonautica Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack Crusaders of the Lost Idols - Elite Starter Pack Crusaders of the Lost Idols Legendary Starter Pack Cube Link Curses 'N Chaos Dark Scavenger Deadlight: Director's Cut Deep Dungeons of Doom Defend Your Life: TD Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon Dimension Jump Dino Run DX Dinocide Distrust Don't Stand Out Downtown Drift Dreadlands BETA Draw Your Game Dreaming Sarah Drink More Glurp Jingle Jam Challenge Dungeon Escape Dungeon of the Endless Eisenwald: Blood of November Europa Universalis III Complete F.E.X (Forced Evolution Experiment) Faeria Early Access Bundle Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Figment Soundtrack Filthy, Stinking, Orcs Flux8 Fort Meow Freaky Awesome FreeCell Quest Frog Climbers Frog Detective Frog Detective 2 Frozen Cortex Frozen Synapse Future Proof Game Dev Studio Gangs of Space Jingle Jam Pack Goat Simulator Grimm & Tonic Guacamelee! Complete Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN- GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 GUILTY GEAR XX ΛCORE CORE PLUS R Gunmetal Arcadia Zero Gunpoint Guns of Icarus Alliance Guns of Icarus Alliance Collector's Edition Guns of Icarus Alliance Costume Pack Guns of Icarus Alliance Soundtrack Guns of Icarus Online Gurgamoth HackyZack Headlander Hearts of Iron III Collection Hello Pollution! HERO DEFENSE Hue Hyperdrive Massacre In memory of TITAN Indecision. Indivisible Intelligent Design: An Evolutionary Sandbox Invisible Inc. Jurassic World Evolution - Ankylosaurus skin (Vivid Variant) Kabounce Kalaban Karma. Incarnation 1 Kholat King Arthur's Gold Kingdom: New Lands Lakeview Cabin Collection Last Encounter Lion Quest Lost in the Dungeon LostWinds LostWinds 2: Winter of the Melodias LOVE Lucius Demake Magicka 2 Majesty 2 Collection Marvin's Mittens Master Spy Match Point MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures Mimic Arena Mindball Play Minoria Mirage: Arcane Warfare Misadventures of Laura Silver: Chapter 1 Motorsport Manager Multimirror Must Dash Amigos NASCAR Heat 2 - October Jumbo Expansion Nemo Dungeon Ninja Senki DX No Time To Explain Remastered Not the Robots Not Tonight Offensive Combat: Redux! Omensight: Definitive Edition On Rusty Trails One Step from Eden Oozi: Earth Adventure Overcooked! 2 + DLC Overture PAC-MAN™ CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2 Painters Guild Partial Control Path of Giants Pathologic 2 PC Building Simulator Perfect Heist Pillars of Eternity Pizza Titan Ultra Potatoman Seeks the Troof Pressure Psychonauts Pumped BMX + Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut R-COIL Race The Sun Rapture Rejects Rebound Dodgeball Evolved Red Horizon Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm ReThink Road Doom Rocket Riot™ Rogue Rocks Sanctum 2 Saturday Morning RPG Scanner Sombre Scrap Garden Shadwen Shining Resonance Refrain Shu SkyScrappers Slime-san Small Radios, Big Televisions Song of Horror Songs of Skydale Sorcery! Part 3 Space Pilgrim Episode 1: Alpha Centauri Spectrum SPLASH BLAST PANIC Splotches Squidlit SteamWorld Dig Still There Stories: The Path of Destinies Struggling Super Chicken Catchers Super Steampunk Pinball 2D SuperLuminauts Sure Footing Switchblade Epic Pack DLC Switchblade Starter Pack Syder Arcade Tabletop Playground Tales Across Time Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Asharra’s Diplomat Pack Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Birdsong’s Entertainer Pack Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Dragonbait’s Dungeoneer Pack Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Tales of Artus Cimber’s Explorer Pack Tales of the Neon Sea Team Racing League Temple of Xiala Teslagrad The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines The Beast Inside The Blue Flamingo The Bridge The Fall The Greater Good The Haunting of Billy The Inner World THE TEAR The Window Box Throne of Lies The Online Game of Deceit Tiltagon Total Tank Simulator Tower 57 Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found Train Valley Tross Two Digits Unit 4 Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York VoidExpanse Waddle Home War for the Overworld - Yogscast Worker Skin Warhammer: Chaosbane Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Warhammer: Vermintide Dwarf Helmet DLC Wasted Pizza Westerado: Double Barreled Wizorb Zero G Arena Zero Reflex: Black Eye Edition Zwei: The Arges Adventure Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection
submitted by InsaneChef to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

[H] Humble, Jinglejam [W] Offers

Dicey Dungeons 5£
Starbound 4£
( I haven't seen any confirmation Dicey/Starbound are dead yet.)
Dream Daddy £3
War for the Overworld 2£
Children of Morta 1.4£
Torchlight II £1.3
Bastion £1
Garry's Mod
Don't Starve + Reign of Giants (single player version!)
Among Us - Random Pet Bundle
For The King
Brunch Club
Element TD 2
Sokpop Season 6 Bundle
Drawful 2
This War of Mine
Car Mechanic Sim 2015
Orcs Must Die 2
Rise of Industry Purrfect Date
Dead in Bermuda
AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected
Pixel Galaxy
Shoppe Keep 1
Fishing Adventure
Cheap Golf
Safety First
Fractured Minds 1 Screen Platformer A Glider's Journey Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX Alan Wake's American Nightmare All-Star Fruit Racing - Yogscast Car DLC Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Ancient Planet Animal Super Squad Anomaly 2 Anomaly Defenders Anomaly Korea Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign Anomaly: Warzone Earth Artemis: God-Queen of The Hunt Auto Age: Standoff Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Coco Nebulon Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Max Focus Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Rocco Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Skolldir Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Ted McPain Back to Bed Balancelot Battle Riders Bezier Binary Domain BiT Evolution BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien Blacksmith Blade & Bones Blade & Soul Yogscast Pack Blockstorm Board Battlefield Bohemian Killing - Original Soundtrack and Artbooks DLC Bomb Defense Border Force Botanicula Cathedral Caveblazers - Arena Mode DLC Chainsaw Warrior Chime Sharp Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Choplifter HD Chronology Chronology: Time Changes Everything Cities in Motion 2 Cities: Skylines - Snowfall Clatter Clicker bAdventure Cloudborn ClusterPuck 99 Colt Express Company of Heroes Convoy Cosmonautica Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack Crusaders of the Lost Idols - Elite Starter Pack Crusaders of the Lost Idols Legendary Starter Pack Cube Link Curses 'N Chaos Dark Scavenger Deadlight: Director's Cut Deep Dungeons of Doom Defend Your Life: TD Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon Dimension Jump Dino Run DX Dinocide Distrust Don't Stand Out Downtown Drift Dreadlands BETA Draw Your Game Dreaming Sarah Drink More Glurp Jingle Jam Challenge Dungeon Escape Dungeon of the Endless Eisenwald: Blood of November Europa Universalis III Complete F.E.X (Forced Evolution Experiment) Faeria Early Access Bundle Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Figment Soundtrack Filthy, Stinking, Orcs Flux8 Fort Meow Freaky Awesome FreeCell Quest Frog Climbers Frog Detective Frog Detective 2 Frozen Cortex Frozen Synapse Future Proof Game Dev Studio Gangs of Space Jingle Jam Pack Goat Simulator Grimm & Tonic Guacamelee! 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An Overwatch Terminology Guide (Part 1) (A-G)

Hey folks!
My name is Tom and I run a Youtube Channel called We've been on hiatus since the beginning of the pandemic but plan on getting back to business soon. Meaning more new podcasts, VOD reviews and guides.
I was looking through my current selection of video topics and found a text version of a Terminology Guide I had planned to make but never got around to. So I decided to share it here to help newcomers adjust to Overwatch Terminology (which confused the shit out of me when I first started)
Some of it is outdated, but it's still helpful I think.
It's a massive guide so I'll likely have to break it into sections, this being part one. Don't worry, I'll post the following part after I create them.
The format is:
- Term
- Said in a sentence
- Meaning
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise, enjoy!
“Hey - Can we get 2-2-2 please - we don’t need a 3rd DPS”
2-2-2 refers to the most optimal and balanced team composition possible. Having One Main Tank, One Off Tank, One Main Healer, One Off Healer, One Hitscan DPS & One Projectile DPS is the perfect combination - however just having 2 Tanks, 2 Healers & 2 DPS is usually what people mean here. If you’re sat in the spawn room and noticing someone spamming “I Need Healing” - it’s likely because they want to run 2-2-2 and just noticed there is only one chosen Healer. Despite the fact that many comps are viable in Overwatch in many ways - not having 2-2-2 can instantly tilt some members of your team before the match has even begun.
“We need to take this first point quickly - can we run 3-3”
The other team composition that people tend to prefer after 2-2-2 and usually more prevalent at higher levels of play is 3-3 - simply meaning 3 Tanks and 3 Healers. DPS begone, if you’re looking to get in and bully the enemy with sheer force of will and have a metric ton of healing to do so 3-3 is the go-to. This is also the main composition number of the legendary “Goats Comp” - more on that later.
“Since this is 2CP - can we save some big Ults for second point if possible?”
2CP means you are playing a 2 Capture Point map set. Hanamura and Temple of Anubis are examples of this. Generally speaking 2CP are considered some of the least balanced maps in the world of Overwatch. Mostly due to the MASSIVE spawn advantage for Defenders on the second point. Attackers basically have to completely team wipe the enemy or keep them trapped from the point with turrets or a Graviton Surge in order for them to easy capture the second point.
“Holy shit! Nice 5K D.Va*!”*
A number followed by the letter K in Overwatch simply means a multi-kill to the amount of the previous number. 3K means you killed 3, 4K is 4 kills, etc….The elusive 6K just means you singlehandedly Team Wiped with a hugely impactful play. Good for you buddy!
“Guy’s they have a 6-stack, so our communication needs to be on point - no trash call outs, stay focussed"
A 6-Stack just means that every person on one or both teams is in a 6-player group together, which usually means they are on comms together. Which usually means they will have better communication than you if you AREN’T in a 6-stack. Sometimes you can find yourself queuing with 3 groups of 2-stacks. against a 6-stack or visa versa. If you don’t have 6 people in team chat Vs a 6-stack, you are usually going to be at a disadvantage. Of course all OWL or professional teams are automatically 6-stacks.
“Is that Widow using a fucking Aimbot? I can’t move here”
An “Aimbot” is essentially hacking based software that is implemented by assholes who don’t want to play the game the way it was intended to be played. The software basically aims for them. It will *snap* to a specific part of the target and usually remain locked on until they fire and kill the enemy, then it will snap to another. Rinse repeat. It can be very hard to distinguish an aimbot from someone with the skill of say Carpe or Surefour. Other than the fact that if you’re in Silver and the Widow never misses, it’s worth looking at that POTG with a little extra scrutiny. Aimbotting is of course, a violation of the Terms of Service for Overwatch, and just generally massively frowned upon. Don’t do it, and report it when you see it.
“I can’t lose anymore SR on this account, switching to Alt”
An Alt is short for “Alternative Account” - this is different to a Smurf. Which we’ll get into later. An alt is simply an extra account you use to play the game. The allure of such an account is because you can essentially “start fresh”. For a lot of players who don’t believe they are at their correct rank - this is a compelling idea. On the console version of the game, alternative accounts are easy to make, since companies like Playstation allow you to make multiple free accounts on their system. If you play the PC version, you’ll essentially have to create Alt accounts by buying extra copies of the game. Which leads to a lot more higher skilled players at early ranks after the game goes on sale, which tends to be once or twice a year.
Angry Monkey
“Angry Monkey on point! Can i get some help here?”
Angry Monkey is just a short hand term for Winston’s Primal Rage Ultimate. Now i know what you’re thinking “But Tom, Primal Rage actually has less syllables than Angry Monkey” and you’d be right. However no-one just says “Primal Rage” they would more likely say “Winston has Primal” or “Primal Rage incoming” So simply screaming “ANGRY MONKEY! ANGRY MONKEY!” generally works out better and is frankly more fun to say.
“Since we’re tank heavy can we get an AOE healer to stick with the tanks?”
AOE stands for Area Of Effect. Simply put, an ability is going to take place within a certain area of the field of play, but no further than that area. For example; Lucio has AOE healing, which means if you want healing, you better stick by him. A lot of Ultimates can also be considered AOE. Mei’s Ultimate creates a large sphere in which everyone within will be frozen. This can be used to great effect when trying to stall out a point or prevent touching. Area Of Effect plays require a tight knit team to make the most out of them.
“Don’t say GG EZ. That’s just BM dude”
BM is short hand for Bad manners. usually more of a text based comment than out loud. No harm in using it to call out dick-ish players being rude in chat. As a general rule of thumb. Don’t have BM.
Baby D.Va
*“*D.Va demeched. Let’s stagger Baby D.Va - don’t kill her yet”
Baby D.Va refers to Pilot D.Va, otherwise known as D.Va when she has lost her mech and is still fighting. The term Baby obviously comes from how cute and adorable she is running around trying to kill everybody without her Mech. Don’t underestimate that Pistol though, it’ll be the last time you do. Once in Baby D.Va mode, her primary concern is to get off enough pot shots to get her Mech back without having to spawn. However if D.Va is the last to fall on her team, you will notice in higher levels of play that the opposing team will try to block her in, preventing her from attempting to Suicide by Environment so she gets staggered trying to rejoin her team, taking more time off the clock.
“Reaper backline. Can we get some peel here?”
The Backline are the people fighting from the back of your team, more often than not it will consist of more long range based characters like Widow, Ana or Zen. A lot of these characters tend to have Low mobility and if flanked by Reaper or dove by an Angry Monkey, are relatively helpless to do anything about it. Unless they have god like aim and reflexes. It is expected of other team members to give the backline a certain amount of help, should these situations arise. After all, if they fall, you fall shortly after.
“Bait out hook before we dive that Roadhog”
Bait in Overwatch simply means to try and force a particular ability out of a dangerous enemy before attacking them. Roadhog’s Hook and McCree’s flash-bang are two abilities that tend to warrant baiting out before an attack. Anything that leaves you vulnerable to an instant death is worth trying to bait out first. As soon as the ability is baited out of the enemy, you should follow up with a call out like “Roadhog, no hook” - so your team mates can help you out with the kill if you need it.
“Oh shit, Lucio jumped right in front of my Nano - my bad - have fun Boostio!”
Boostio refers to the exclamation Lucio himself makes when he gets hit by Ana’s Nano boost. Considering this is a less than optimal play and usually a mistake, even Lucio himself seems surprised by this turn of events and will go a little ham on the voice-line. Secretly however, every Lucio loves being Boostio.
“Coming back from spawn with Bongo in 10!”
Bongo refers to the shorthand term for Orisa’s Ult “Supercharger”. Again more of a shortening for times sake name, however since the Supercharger is all glowy and weird when it drops - sometimes it can be hard to see exactly what it is for newer players. So if you hear the term Bongo, that’s what you should be expecting.
“Nice Boop Lucio! I think you got 3 of them in the well!”
A “Boop” is a trait that some characters in Overwatch have available to them, that causes the subject of said Boop to fly backwards, forwards or sideways depending on the angle of attack. Most noticeably Lucio can “Boop” people pretty far with enough momentum, However characters like Ashe, Brigitte, Wrecking Ball & even D.Va have some variant form that can be used to the same effect. Of course the most optimal use of a Boop is to get an environmental kill. Lucio’s live for that shit.
“I got boosted to Diamond, now i can’t win a single game”
Not referring to Ana’s Ult here but rather when a player usually wins games due to who they are playing with on a regular basis, and then discover that when those friends aren’t present, they have a hell of a time fighting in those ranks. Boosted players may feel better than they really are due to the high win rate, only to get a nasty shock when they try to go it alone. They will usually drop down to their actual ELO through time.
“Come on Jeff! Can we please Buff Mercy already?”
A Buff is when the developer team decides to slightly alter one or more aspects of a character to make them more viable to play in game. With all the consistent changes going on to the Overwatch roster, new characters and new meta’s mean that some characters will suddenly seem weaker than others even if they seemed fine before. Usually because their play style has been hard countered by said new character or meta. In cases like this, the dev team may consider a Buff to the character. For example; Mei’s icicles now have no drop-off damage, making her viable at long range.
“Oh my god! They C9’d it! We win!”
The term C9 refers specifically to the North American team Cloud 9, and their habit of winning team fights but not paying attention to the objective (usually during overtime). During a Pro match against AFB on no less than 3 occasions they had WON the team fight, but lost the match due to all of them leaving the Objective. Most notoriously they all ran from point with an incoming D.Va self destruct, and lost it, despite having a Winston that could have simply bubbled the explosion. Since then it has become somewhat of a meme in the Overwatch world. Referring to the same behavior. Leaving the point and losing the game, despite having the advantageous position.
“They have way too much CC guys, Widow can you focus that Doom?”
CC refers to the term Crowd Control. Essentially players that can Stun or Push you into a position that leaves you unable to respond for a second or two. Think Brigitte’s Shield Bash or Wrecking Ball's Piledriver. The rise of CC in Overwatch has led to many discussions about how it has “ruined the game” mostly by disgruntled Tanks. With good reason though. A lot of the most recent characters added to the game are very CC heavy, Doomfist, Brigitte & Wrecking Ball all have CC abilities that frankly bully tanks around, when realistically Tanks should have a little more weight to them. It continues to be a source of controversy.
“Sorry no heals right now, still on CD, Healing Orb coming in 3”
CD stands for Cooldown. These are the abilities that your character has to wait some time to use again after utilizing them. Any ability that isn’t your primary or secondary fire is usually a cooldown. Cooldown can range from as low as 2 seconds to as high as 12 or over for really powerful abilities, and everywhere in-between. A lot of people consider certain CD abilities to be crucial callouts when used. You’ll often hear “Mei No Cryo”, Moira No Fade” or “Tracer No Recall” - since these abilities are often life saving and knowing they cannot be used is good intel.
“Don’t let them Cap! Back in 3, stall it out!”
Cap means Capture. Sometimes you might hear a callout like “Unwinnable, let them Cap, Reset first corner” Meaning “We cannot win this team fight so please don’t run in and die instantly, wasting ten more seconds, let’s just let them capture the point and fight at the more advantageous position of the first corner after point” Simple enough.
“Jesus, their Tracer is hard carrying them right now, Let’s focus her and then roll ‘em”
Carrying refers to one particular player on the team who is essentially the only reason that side is winning. One player doing so spectacularly well, that the team would likely lose without them. A lot of players have a “Carry-Pick” - their go-to for when things start to go a little sideways with the current composition. If you are Carrying Teams at your ELO, it is likely that you are going to rise in the ranks soon. Players that can carry every game by themselves, usually have a higher win than loss rate, because they win the games they were supposed to lose.
Car wash
“Symmetra can you set up a Car Wash at the top right entrance please? Let’s not let anything slip by”
Car Wash is a term specifically referring to when Symmetra’s turrets are set up in such a manner that they slow down anything trying to push and usually make it easier for you to kill, if they don’t already kill the enemy by themselves. A well placed Car Wash can completely shut down entry to a specific point and make it a nightmare for the enemy team to break a choke. They can often force composition swaps all by themselves.
Cheese comp
“I guarantee they’ll be running a cheese comp here, what do we have to counter Bastion?”
A Cheese comp is when (usually, but not exclusively) the defense picks a team composition composed of the most infuriating spam characters available. Traditionally there’s going to be a Bastion behind an Orisa shield. A Torbjorn with a well placed turret. A Symmetra with a Car Wash set up. A Junk rat spamming the hell out of every possible point of entry & maybe a Moira keeping them all alive and throwing random death orbs in your general direction. It can be infuriating to break, but often times once one or two fall, the whole thing collapses. Just don’t get tilted, get smart.
“Let’s push up and keep them at the choke, fall back when shield breaks”
A choke or choke point is a narrow point of entry to an area where you can funnel damage, or defend. usually every choke in Overwatch has at least two alternate flank routes to bypass it. However, because leaving the choke open and dealing with 6 players storming you Vs trying to hold the choke and keeping a half an eye on the flank routes is the most optimal play in most situations. Choke Holds are common place. Certain alts also bare better fruit in a choke, such as Moira’s Coalescence, or Hanzo’s Dragonstrike.
Click Heads
“Way to Click Heads Widow, nice work!”
“Clicking Heads” came about from people asking how to better their skills in various Overwatch forums often to be met with the reply “Just Click Heads” The term itself is quite literal. Move your cursor over the opponents head and click. Voila! Instant kill. Often times you will still see budding Widows asking for advice and getting the same reply, or alternatively, excellent Widows will post an epic montage with the comment “Am i clicking heads right?”
“Hey Hanzo can you get on comms so we can co-ordinate Ults?”
Comms is shorthand for communication. So saying “Get on comms” is someone asking you to join the Team Chat so that they can discuss things with you mid-match. Generally speaking, comm usage is at its highest in the higher ranks, and at its lowest in the lowest ranks. Make your own mind up as to why that might be.
“Which comp do you want to run for point A?”
Whilst Comp could also mean Competitive as in the Ranked Gameplay mode. usually when someone is referring to Comp, they mean “Composition”. As in - which 6 heroes do we want to use to fight in this match. Comps can be hugely complicated things, sometimes you want maximum synchronicity, other times you need to switch Comp on the fly in order to counter the enemy Comp. They can be tilting, and rewarding. Certain Comps are considered ‘Meta’ at different times. We’ll get into that one a little later.
“We need to Counter this Pharah, can somebody go Hitscan?"
For the most part, every hero has a Counter, and by Counter i mean another hero that is their worst nightmare. The type of character they’d have to actively avoid, rather than face head on. Making life difficult. There are two types of Counter - Hard and Soft. An example of a Hard Counter would be Brigitte Vs Tracer. Brigitte is Tracers hard counter. Tracers main deal is that she can zip around taking pot shots at the back line and hopefully take out an Ana or a Zen, making life easier for the guys on her front line. When Brigitte was released, Tracer’s pick rate dropped significantly. In fact it dropped so hard she fell out of the Meta. Brigitte had a shield to avoid pot shots and could bash the zippy little Tracer into oblivion. Most Tracers were sensible enough to switch if they came across a fierce Brigitte. For an example of a Soft counter, let’s look at Moira Vs Pharah. Moira is not a Hitscan, which tends to be the Hard Counter for a Pharah, however, Moira’s Biotic Grasp can reach most Pharah’s if they dip low enough, and add in a quick death orb to make relatively short work of her. Not to mention her Ult. Of course this is less than ideal because while Moira is dealing with Pharah, she isn’t healing her team, Pharah has quick kill potential, and if she wipes your Moira, it’s likely the rest of the team is next. Moira can be a soft counter for Pharah. As in, she can deal with her, but it’s less than ideal. Learn your Counters, it’s how games are won or lost.
Deathball Comp
“It’s King’s Row? I say we go full Deathball - who’s in?”
Deathball comp is an interesting Composition. Not to be confused with GOATS, Death ball usually consists of a Reinhardt, Roadhog (or Zarya), Soldier, McCree, Ana (or Moira) & Lucio. Essentially you want a big ass shield up front, Hog hooking people into your ball of death. A bunch of hit scans with good aim, An Ana to sleep anything that gets close and Anti-Nade the opposite team. Top that all off with a dose of speed by Lucio and you got yourself a Death Comp. Designed to roll fast, hard and act before the other team has a chance to answer.
“Hey Zen, can you Discord that Bastion real quick, we’ll burst him down.”
Everyones favorite Omnic Monk - Zenyatta - has the ability to throw two different types of Orbs onto other heroes. A Harmony Orb to heal his team mates, and a Discord Orbs to essentially curse his enemies. The Discord Orb itself basically means the person who receives it will take an extra 30% damage from any attack, for as long as they stay within Line of Sight of Zenyatta, or for 3 full seconds after Line of Sight is broken. Discord call outs are hugely important to listen for, because its essentially meaning the whole team should focus a target, due to their current disadvantage.
Dive comp
“This map has a lot of high ground, let’s run Dive Comp!”
Dive Comp has, up until the release of Brigitte, been the most favored team composition in Overwatch history. Dive comp relies exclusively on high mobility and the ability to collapse on a single target in a heartbeat. By the end of its time, it was mostly refined to Winston, D.Va, Genji, Tracer, Mercy & Zen. With Tanks working in tandem to “dive” a target simultaneously, whilst being pocketed by healers. and Genji & Tracer running interference in the backline. Dive generally works best on maps with high ground such as Numbani, Gibraltar & Busan.
“Hey D.Va*, i’m about to Ult, can you DM me?”*
DM stands for Defense Matrix. Referring of course to D.Va’s cooldown ability which allows her to negate any incoming damage within her Defense Matrix’s range. The ability is hugely useful for characters who are prone to damage when performing their ultimate, such as McCree or Pharah. Conversely, it can be used to negate Ults from the same characters if they are attempting to Ult against you. If you see a D.Va turn and charge a McCree with her Defense Matrix open. Be sure to thank her after.
“Can we get a projectile DPS please? We already have a hitscan”
DPS stands for “Damage Per Second”. DPS used to be split into two categories - Attack & Defense. However, Blizzard eventually decided to just smash them all together into a single category, known simply, as “Damage”. DPS are comprised of either Hitscan or Projectile aim-based heroes. See further explanation on those later. All you really need to know is that the DPS player has a singular goal. To pour out as much damage against the enemy as humanly possible. They generally have high damage output, but tend to be more fragile as far as health bars go. DPS players are definitely a varied bunch, some with high utility, others who can fly, hack or turn into a god damn mini gun turret. Despite their bad rap, they are often the most fun characters to play, and everyone secretly enjoys going on a bit of a tear as their favorite DPS hero.
Dry Fight
“Ok, they have the Ult advantage here, let’s make this one a Dry Fight”
A Dry Fight is a fight in which your team does not commit any Ultimates. The idea being that you either try to win the team fight on the mechanical merits of your own abilities, or by counter picking. With the hopes that your team builds their own ultimates, whilst hopefully forcing the enemy to use some of theirs. So either you win the team fight and set yourself up nicely for the next one, or you lose, but the next fight should be much easier.
“I swear to god, i am just hard stuck in ELO hell right now”
ELO does not refer to an acronym as some might think, but rather to a man - Arpad Elo. Elo was a Chess Master and actually designed his own ratings system for the game that was officially approved in a meeting in St Louis in 1960. It was essentially supposed to be the best governing method for match making players based on a variety of factors. Later adopted by some online competitive video games such as League Of Legends and, of course, Overwatch. You will hear the words ELO Hell thrown around quite a bit, this essentially means that a player believes they perform way above their current MMR and SR rating, but are consistently thrown into matches that seem lopsided or unfair, thus making the ability to gain any kind of traction with winning games either hard, or near impossible. Others would argue that there’s no such thing as Elo hell, and that it is a form of cognitive bias - essentially players assuming they are better than they really are. ELO hell also accounts for the large variety of Smurf accounts you may come into contact with on Overwatch. More on that later.

EZ Clap
“…nothing left to say but EZ CLAP”
EZ Clap is an exclamation usually made by the winning side of an absolute stomp of a match. If one team completely rolls the other with no difficulty at all, two common types of winners insult in the chat box were usually “GG EZ” or “EZ CLAP” Blizzard actually caught on to the former and changes it to something else more wholesome when typed. It doesn’t stop people from saying it out loud though.
Fall Off Damage
“Keep out of McCrees fall off damage range, he’s a decent shot”
Fall Off Damage is the distance with which a hero’s effective damage range with a weapon is reduced. Not all weapons in Overwatch are created equal. Some of them will lose a portion of their damage output once an enemy is far enough away from the origin of the shot. If you know the effective range of a hero’s maximum damage output, you can try and keep at arms length and avoid taking quite as much harm as if you were within the effective range. Other hero’s have zero fall off damage, meaning they will hurt you just as much at maximum sight lines, as being directly in your face. Learning which is which is key to your overall survival.
“Soldier, can you please stop running in, you’re massively feeding right now”
Feeding essentially means you are doing one of two things, either allowing the enemy to build Ult charge off of you by continuously running into a fight by yourself and dying, or you are doing Trash Damage to the enemy team and allowing their healers to gain Ult charge by simply healing up the tiny amount of damage you are doing to their team. Both of these are generally bad ideas. You ultimately want to be building your Ult charge as much as possible, without allowing the enemy team to gain much, if any, Ult charge from you. Do you best to avoid feeding the enemy Ult Economy.
“We’re having a hell of a time breaking this Choke, Genji, can you flank?”
Flanking is a term used in many games, so most of you are probably familiar with it. However, in Overwatch, considering so much of the game is based around picking off one or two people, or simply breaking a choke. Flanking is hugely prevalent and important. The best flankers will engage with the enemy at the same time their team does, and use the chaos to find their mark. Sometimes your flanking player will just go right to the objective in order to force the team to deal with you. Prominent Overwatch heroes used for flanking are Tracer, Sombra, Genji & Reaper. Amongst others.
“Hey, can our Flex go Pharah, we need to take their focus away from us”
A Flex player is a player that prides themselves in being able to play multiple roles at a mid to high level. They may not be as fine tuned as an OTP or just someone who has a hundred plus hours on a particular hero, but they’re your go to for those sticky moments when you might need to switch up to a triple heal or triple tank play. They know how to play Junk, Pharah, Mei & Soldier with decent results, and can save your ass in a pinch. Often to the detriment of true greatness themselves.
“Jesus Widow! Way to frag out!"
Fragging quite simply means killing. It is an old military term for using a fragmentation grenade. Originating in the Vietnam war. Believe it or not, the term was based on using a Frag Grenade to kill or assassinate an unpopular or incompetent officer, often times a Frag Grenade was used for plausible deniability, since they could be easily blamed as an accidental short throw or an enemy grenade. It gained a resurgence in the 90’s with games like Doom & Quake. No killing your team mates in Overwatch though, unfortunately.
“McCree loves to Flash FTH, be aware, don’t get to close”
FTH in Overwatch usually refers to McCree’s secondary fire, FTH is shorthand for “Fan The Hammer”. This is when McCree unloads the remainder of his revolver in one go. Typically, a McCree will flash-bang you, then unload the full remainder of his barrel as close to your face as he can, this is instant death for most squishies. Hence why most people will try to bait out flash-bang before 1V1’ing a McCree
“GG’s guys, well played by everyone”
GG is simply short hand for Good Game. It’s kind of tradition after a well played game for both teams to type or say “GG” to each other. Just a simple sign of respect. Of course there are variations of this term that go completely against the original message. Most famously GG EZ, which is frankly a dick move to type.
“This is a close quarters map, you guys wanna run GOATS?”
GOATS comp is one of the most popular current compositions in professional level Overwatch. Named after a North American Overwatch team originally formed from the core of Fractal eSports. They played in the Overwatch Contenders trial and placed first in the 2018 Season 2 open division. The Comp consists of 3 Tanks, and 3 Healers. Usually Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va, Brigitte, Lucio, Moira - although there are some variations. The power of GOATS comp is that the unit moves fast, together and isolates a target to pick as a group. Rinse repeat until the enemy team is dead. A good GOATS comp is very hard to counter, although there are several methods available. Notably Dive will still give them a run for their money on maps with verticality.
“Ok Hanzo, I have Ult - ready to Grav-Drag?”
A Grav-Drag is shorthand for Graviton Surge & Dragonstrike combination Ult. Essentially once Zayra builds her Graviton Surge, She tries to catch the whole team in it, and Hanzo will Dragonstrike directly into the centre, destroying anything caught within. This is a hugely popular combination ult that often results in a team wipe. Most likely to be seen on King’s Row.
TBC - Part 2
submitted by Madrizzle1 to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]

[H] Humble etc [W] Offers

Dicey Dungeons 5£
Starbound 4£
( I haven't seen any confirmation Dicey/Starbound are dead yet.)
Dream Daddy £3
War for the Overworld 2£
Children of Morta 1.4£
Torchlight II £1.3
Bastion £1
Garry's Mod
Don't Starve + Reign of Giants (single player version!)
Among Us - Random Pet Bundle
For The King
Brunch Club
Element TD 2
Sokpop Season 6 Bundle
Drawful 2
This War of Mine
Car Mechanic Sim 2015
Orcs Must Die 2
Rise of Industry Purrfect Date
Dead in Bermuda
AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected
Pixel Galaxy
Shoppe Keep 1
Fishing Adventure
Cheap Golf
Safety First
Fractured Minds 1 Screen Platformer A Glider's Journey Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX Alan Wake's American Nightmare All-Star Fruit Racing - Yogscast Car DLC Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Ancient Planet Animal Super Squad Anomaly 2 Anomaly Defenders Anomaly Korea Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign Anomaly: Warzone Earth Artemis: God-Queen of The Hunt Auto Age: Standoff Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Coco Nebulon Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Max Focus Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Rocco Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Skolldir Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack - Ted McPain Back to Bed Balancelot Battle Riders Bezier Binary Domain BiT Evolution BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien Blacksmith Blade & Bones Blade & Soul Yogscast Pack Blockstorm Board Battlefield Bohemian Killing - Original Soundtrack and Artbooks DLC Bomb Defense Border Force Botanicula Cathedral Caveblazers - Arena Mode DLC Chainsaw Warrior Chime Sharp Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Choplifter HD Chronology Chronology: Time Changes Everything Cities in Motion 2 Cities: Skylines - Snowfall Clatter Clicker bAdventure Cloudborn ClusterPuck 99 Colt Express Company of Heroes Convoy Cosmonautica Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack Crusaders of the Lost Idols - Elite Starter Pack Crusaders of the Lost Idols Legendary Starter Pack Cube Link Curses 'N Chaos Dark Scavenger Deadlight: Director's Cut Deep Dungeons of Doom Defend Your Life: TD Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon Dimension Jump Dino Run DX Dinocide Distrust Don't Stand Out Downtown Drift Dreadlands BETA Draw Your Game Dreaming Sarah Drink More Glurp Jingle Jam Challenge Dungeon Escape Dungeon of the Endless Eisenwald: Blood of November Europa Universalis III Complete F.E.X (Forced Evolution Experiment) Faeria Early Access Bundle Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Figment Soundtrack Filthy, Stinking, Orcs Flux8 Fort Meow Freaky Awesome FreeCell Quest Frog Climbers Frog Detective Frog Detective 2 Frozen Cortex Frozen Synapse Future Proof Game Dev Studio Gangs of Space Jingle Jam Pack Goat Simulator Grimm & Tonic Guacamelee! Complete Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN- GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 GUILTY GEAR XX ΛCORE CORE PLUS R Gunmetal Arcadia Zero Gunpoint Guns of Icarus Alliance Guns of Icarus Alliance Collector's Edition Guns of Icarus Alliance Costume Pack Guns of Icarus Alliance Soundtrack Guns of Icarus Online Gurgamoth HackyZack Headlander Hearts of Iron III Collection Hello Pollution! HERO DEFENSE Hue Hyperdrive Massacre In memory of TITAN Indecision. Indivisible Intelligent Design: An Evolutionary Sandbox Invisible Inc. Jurassic World Evolution - Ankylosaurus skin (Vivid Variant) Kabounce Kalaban Karma. Incarnation 1 Kholat King Arthur's Gold Kingdom: New Lands Lakeview Cabin Collection Last Encounter Lion Quest Lost in the Dungeon LostWinds LostWinds 2: Winter of the Melodias LOVE Lucius Demake Magicka 2 Majesty 2 Collection Marvin's Mittens Master Spy Match Point MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures Mimic Arena Mindball Play Minoria Mirage: Arcane Warfare Misadventures of Laura Silver: Chapter 1 Motorsport Manager Multimirror Must Dash Amigos NASCAR Heat 2 - October Jumbo Expansion Nemo Dungeon Ninja Senki DX No Time To Explain Remastered Not the Robots Not Tonight Offensive Combat: Redux! Omensight: Definitive Edition On Rusty Trails One Step from Eden Oozi: Earth Adventure Overcooked! 2 + DLC Overture PAC-MAN™ CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2 Painters Guild Partial Control Path of Giants Pathologic 2 PC Building Simulator Perfect Heist Pillars of Eternity Pizza Titan Ultra Potatoman Seeks the Troof Pressure Psychonauts Pumped BMX + Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut R-COIL Race The Sun Rapture Rejects Rebound Dodgeball Evolved Red Horizon Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm ReThink Road Doom Rocket Riot™ Rogue Rocks Sanctum 2 Saturday Morning RPG Scanner Sombre Scrap Garden Shadwen Shining Resonance Refrain Shu SkyScrappers Slime-san Small Radios, Big Televisions Song of Horror Songs of Skydale Sorcery! Part 3 Space Pilgrim Episode 1: Alpha Centauri Spectrum SPLASH BLAST PANIC Splotches Squidlit SteamWorld Dig Still There Stories: The Path of Destinies Struggling Super Chicken Catchers Super Steampunk Pinball 2D SuperLuminauts Sure Footing Switchblade Epic Pack DLC Switchblade Starter Pack Syder Arcade Tabletop Playground Tales Across Time Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Asharra’s Diplomat Pack Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Birdsong’s Entertainer Pack Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Dragonbait’s Dungeoneer Pack Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Tales of Artus Cimber’s Explorer Pack Tales of the Neon Sea Team Racing League Temple of Xiala Teslagrad The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines The Beast Inside The Blue Flamingo The Bridge The Fall The Greater Good The Haunting of Billy The Inner World THE TEAR The Window Box Throne of Lies The Online Game of Deceit Tiltagon Total Tank Simulator Tower 57 Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found Train Valley Tross Two Digits Unit 4 Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York VoidExpanse Waddle Home War for the Overworld - Yogscast Worker Skin Warhammer: Chaosbane Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Warhammer: Vermintide Dwarf Helmet DLC Wasted Pizza Westerado: Double Barreled Wizorb Zero G Arena Zero Reflex: Black Eye Edition Zwei: The Arges Adventure Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection
submitted by InsaneChef to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

My Much Overdue 2020 Gaming Year-in-Review

I played around 40 games last year, depending how you count. I gave up on a handful, but played most through to the end. A few got double-playthroughs. But without further ado, my completely subjective gaming year in review.

Five-Star Favourites

Hellblade is dark, unsettling and gripping. The narrative moves at a fairly slow pace with plenty of exploration and puzzle-solving, interspersed with brutal and intense combat. The audio design is exceptional, particularly with headphones, as voices come at you from multiple directions. This was the first in a number of dark, apocalyptic action-adventures I loved this year. I most enjoyed the atmosphere of this game. Everything fit together for a haunting and beautiful experience.
Tacoma surprised me. I loved Gone Home and I approached this game with high expectations. Tacoma exceeded them with a complex and deeply personal story of a group of people wrestling with a difficult reality. The acting was not exceptional, but it rang true. More interactive narrative than game, it was well worth a few hours.
Darksiders 2 is one of my top games of the year. I played it through twice in a row to see every secret it held (100% completion). It takes everything that worked well in the first game and adds a lot of Prince of Persia (one of my favourite series) and a wise-cracking protagonist. I never quite resonated with the first game's glowering, moody War. DS2's snarky Death is much more fun. My one complaint about this game is that it nearly drowns you in collectibles and loot. Not a good look in any game. But it is such fun just exploring and fighting through the game and DLC. If you enjoy the combat (and character customization) the Arena is a great challenge. I'll definitely replay this at some point, probably with the other combat skill branch.
Snake Pass is an amazing, creative N64-style 3D platformer. The game design is relatively generic, but the control scheme is amazing--slithering and sliding through levels as a snake is a truly unique and unforgettable tactile experience. It reminded me of Brothers for the way you feel the game, rather than simply pushing buttons. Challenging to 100%, but a joy to play.
20XX hooked me with great music, game design and controls. I generally dislike rogue-likes, but this game managed to strike a perfect balance of challenge and progression. My biggest disappointment was seeing the end screen. I can't wait for 30XX. I want more!
Mutant Year Zero intrigued me from it's launch. When I finally got to play it free on Epic, I really enjoyed it. The tutorial was inadequate, but once I learned to play from a guide, I was hooked. The tactical gameplay was satisfying and diverse. The game was just long enough; it didn't overstay it's welcome. The story was interesting and the world was unique. I only wish there was more. Maybe I'll spring for the DLC sometime in the future.
Alan Wake was one of my favourite games this year. And it was better with a replay. Something about the blend of Pacific Northwest setting (my home), great music, creepy (meta) narrative about writing and creating, and engaging gameplay just sucked me in. Yes, the mouth animations are terrible, but everything else just works so well. Well worth checking out.
Apex Legends is becoming a perennial for me. It's current, but it's free. The last online game I spent much time with was Mass Effect 3. I'm not great at Apex, but I love the feel of the game--especially movement--and I've been slowly improving, which is great. Definitely one of my top games.

Four-Star Fondness

Darksiders also surprised me. It plays like a post-apocalyptic Zelda with God of War combo fighting. I enjoyed this far more than I expected to. I'm definitely partial to a good action-adventure, and this game is well put-together. It does nothing particularly new, but it does everything with skill and joy. Most importantly, it convinced me to play the sequel.
Hob sometimes frustrated me, but I find myself wanting to go back to it. It is a charming little action adventure in the tradition of the isometric Zeldas. However, instead of gadgets, the game focuses on world manipulation to unlock new areas. The story is told visually instead of through dialogue, and thus requires interpretation.The world is brutal, but haunting. I disliked how collectibles were implemented--in a backtracking, Metroidvania style, but without a clear map--but overall it was a unique and beautiful experience.
Forgotten Anne is a beautifully crafted puzzle-platformer told in a Miyazaki-styled world and narrative. It features multiple endings and a rudimentary alignment system based on your choices. There is much to love here. I quite enjoyed it; however, I found my interest flagging towards the end as the narrative over took the gameplay. This game leans towards interactive narrative but it is an excellent nonetheless.
Titanfall 2 truly is a masterpiece of game design. Every level and environment is carefully thought out and implemented. Combat--both mech and FPS is challenging, but satisfying. The narrative is simple, but well executed. Overall, it holds up well. My only real complaint is the short length-but that is infinitely preferable to the repetitive, empty "open-world" design so common today. Definitely worth it for FPS and especially mech fans.
Yarntown made me very interested in playing Bloodborne. It is an excellent demake of the first "level" of Bloodborne--brief, but engaging. It had excellent flow and music and I am a sucker for retro games. If Bloodborne is anything like this, as opposed to the apparently punishing Souls games, I'm interested.
The first time I played Arkham Asylum, I described it as a game for people that want to be Batman. I also played a broken hacked version on a PC that could barely handle it. 10 years later on a much better PC, I still think it's still a Batman fantasy, but can appreciate that is is also a very well-designed game. It holds up surprisingly well. A worthwhile brawler and Batman game.
The Search is a short puzzle game about overcoming creative challenges. It is definitely aimed at artists and includes some great reflections on what it means to be an artist. I enjoyed it and it didn't overstay its welcome.
I haven't played a Civilization game since the original, because they are incredible time-sinks. Civilization 6 is quite a bit more evolved, but still a massive time sink. Great fun, but I have too many other things I would like to do. A few games was enough.

Three-Star Mediocrity

I finished Moonlighter, and I enjoyed the experience, but I don't expect to go back. It welds shop-keeping and inventory management to an isometric, procedurally-generated action- adventure. The combat and exploration were enjoyable enough to offset the management aspects and the sense of progression got me through the narrative. A lovingly and skillfully designed game, but definitely aimed at a specific type of player (not quite me).
The Turing Test was a bit of a disappointment. I've had my eye on it since release and finally got to play it. It reminded me a lot of Portal, with distinct puzzle rooms and an interesting AI "guide". Yet it lacks Portal's charm and I didn't think the ending held up. A good game for Portal fans, but not AS good.
I'd been looking forward to playing The Talos Principle since it was first released, but I have mixed feelings about the experience. The gameplay was a little reminiscent of Portal and featured some creative puzzles, but the structure felt very conventional and the story seemed to depend on sometimes tedious exploration. The philosophical themes were interesting, but often felt tacked on and pedantic. I much preferred the organic design of Tacoma or even The Turing Test. The Talos Principle was not a bad game, but it wasn't a great one. It felt a lot like a 3D take on the "philosophical" puzzle platformer genre.
Binging Arkham City right after Arkham Asylum was perhaps a bit much, but it also helped with comparison. Technically, Arkham City is superior in every way. The combat, in particular, is vastly improved. There is a lot to like in this sequel, yet it didn't feel as tightly crafted as Asylum. The world felt strangely empty and so much of the quest design involved mindless traversal, which got old after a while. There are also way too many collectibles. However, I still have fun. My major complaint is the grimdark tone. It felt like it was trying so hard to be edgy--and Batman seemed to lack any moral compass. Not a good look on a hero. It was hard to empathize with him when he hardly seemed better than the villains.
I remember seeing a lot of ads for Alan Wake's American Nightmare when it first came out. It didn't look like my kind of game. But after enjoying Alan Wake so much, I had to try it. This game definitely looks and feels better that the first, but it felt more like an extended proof-of-concept than an actual game--more combat than plot. Too many fetch quests, subpar music, and weird sexual overtones just rang hollow. It all felt like an excuse to showcase the combat--which is definitely fun, but not enough to save this strange shell of a game.
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is moderately fun, in spite of being a buggy mess. I'm glad I didn't spend money on it. I enjoyed struggling through it with a friend, laughing at the glitches and bugs. Sadly, the solid artistic and level design is crippled by technical issues. I guess it's just not worth enough to fix.
Apparently, Defense Grid: Awakening is a stand out tower defense game. I certainly enjoyed it for a few hours, but I eventually ran out of steam as levels got longer and longer. Waiting 10-20m only to be suddenly overwhelmed by an unexpected wave isn't my idea of fun.

Two-Star Questionables

Blood Dragon was fun, but it just didn't work for me. The B action movie aesthetic was definitely unusual, but also hard on the eyes and frequently absurd. The gameplay was probably great as a Far Cry game with sandbox FPS play and collectibles. I found a lot of it repetitive. I played the game through because I'm a completionist, but I think many other games would have offered a better return on my time investment.
Stranger Things 3 is little more than a retro-styled promo for the TV series. It covers the plot of the third season and adds little to it. Fun if you're into retro- action adventures, but there are far better alternatives. I got it free on Epic. It's not worth paying for.
Hue made me realize I should stop playing "philosophical" indie platformers. They are interesting challenges, but generally disappoint. As usual, the core mechanic was creative, but eventually the game just felt like a chore and the narrative payoff seemed mostly arbitrary. If you thought Braid or Tesla or The Bridge was profound, this game is for you. While I enjoyed The Bridge,I'm done with this genre.
Lifeless Planet was a pleasant diversion during a dull Zoom meeting. It was beautiful and had some good moments, but it was basically a few hours of traversing a lifeless planet. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. There are moments of great beauty and the tone and narrative is haunting, but while I can appreciate the care and craft that went into making it, I found the overall experience lacking.
I realize Cave Story is a landmark game for many people. For me it was a revelation about the origin of a game style I don't enjoy. Most of those "philosophical" indie platformers can trace their roots to this game. Cave Story+ is definitely well put together, especially considering it was made by one guy. I finished it (two different endings); I just have no desire to revisit it. It is a creative and influential curiosity, but not for me.

One-Star (If I didn't quit, I should have)

Rime was a struggle to complete. I really wanted to like it, but the world felt needlessly large and empty, and the narrative unnecessarily obtuse. As one reviewer said, by the time the story wrapped up, it was too late: I'd stopped caring.
I have a good collection of Lego games, and I quite enjoy them. Lego Ninjago: The Movie Game is, by far, the worst I have played. The story is probably good if you like Ninjago. It was cheesy, but I didn't mind it too much. But every aspect of the gameplay went wrong. Levels were dull and repetitive, the map design was poor, and the game was buggy. Combat was interesting for a while, then it became tedious, and the controls didn't always work right. I really wanted to like it, but it seemed more like a money grab than a propery developed game.
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair made me realize I don't really enjoy 2D platforming.This is a huge revelation for someone who grew up with the OG Mario and Sonic games in the 80s and 90s. I have played through my fair share of platformers, but increasingly I find them to be a repetitive chore, demanding ever increasing levels of precision. I still enjoy some platformers, but I prefer them to be more exploratory and open-ended in practice. My realization came from the juxtaposition of 3D and 2D elements. I enjoyed the former and found the latter frustrating, repetitive and dull. I am sure someone enjoys this game, just not me.
Tonally, The Textorcist reminded me of a silly Yarntown. I was interested in the bullet-hell/typing crossover because I enjoyed Epistory, but, terrible humour aside, this just didn't work for me. It's very niche. I decided to move on fairly quickly.
Because of Covid, my boardgaming group moved online. We really hoped For the King would provide a thoughtful, boardgame-like experience. It almost did. Unfortunately, the high levels of RING made it more frustrating than satisfying. And once we beat the main "scenario," there really wasn't much new to see.
One hour with Next Up Hero was plenty for me. Have I said I rarely enjoy rogue-likes? I couldn't even figure this one out, beyond endless grind with minimal explanation. It wasn't compelling enough for me to bother learning.
I wanted to like Jotun: Valhalla Edition, but I couldn't get over the controls and play style. Beautiful and creative, but too slow to be much fun.
Crashlands looked like it might be fun, but (with the great exception of Subnautica), I just don't enjoy collecting resources and building things. If you like that sort of thing, this is a silly sci-fi romp.

Oddities: Is This Even A Game?

Riddles of the Owl Kingdom was another time-sink game (like Blood Dragon) from being stuck inside at the peak of summer. It is a mobile-style collection of two hundred coloured monogram puzzles. Fun for what it is, but barely a game in the conventional sense. Free on Steam.
Rabbids Coding was a fun little distraction that I wish had been developed further. It teaches the basic principles and concepts of programming in a fun and accessible way. Unfortunately, it ends just when things are starting to get interesting. This could have been so much more than it is.
Not surprisingly for its high reguirements, Devolverland Expo didn't run well on my system. The final boss just froze the game. This is really just a creative promotional because E3 was cancelled. A fun diversion for an hour or two.
I am an avid boardgamer, so when Covid hit, my group moved online. We enjoyed Tabletopia, but the servers got overwhelmed early on. (They're probably better now). With a Steam gift card from my birthday, we switched to Tabletop Simulator. Although it's clumsier and less stable than Tabletopia, the workshop allows access to a massive variety of games. It has been a great way to test new games and has already led to a few physical purchases.
Between Two Castles is a digital implementation of a board game. The game isn't quite deep enough to hold my attention and the implementation was buggy when I played it. It has since been updated, but I enjoy other games on TTS more.


Overall, a great year of gaming. Some of these games I will definitely return to. With so many games available, I finally started dropping games I wasn't enjoying. That was a good decision. Keeping track of what I played helped me notice patterns in the games I like. This has definitely been a worthwhile project.
submitted by Draxonn to patientgamers [link] [comments]

Laying my wife to rest

On July 31st 2020, my wife Heather suddenly collapsed from a brain aneurism that hemorrhaged during a family canoe (tubing) trip, and was later pronounced deceased on Aug 1st. She was 34 years old, beautiful, loving wife, mother of our 4 children, and full time homemaker. Although her passing was tragic, and weighs heavy on the hearts of many, her decision to be an organ donor and give the gift of life saved the lives of many. She was a very kind, loving, crafty, and thoughtful person and her legacy will live on.
Heathers greatest passion and pass time was playing Ark on PC (Steam) with me, my sister, several close friends, and sometimes even our children on private dedicated unofficial PVE cluster servers that I run and maintain. She even had her own dedicated server that she ran on her machine and played when she wanted to try out new mods/builds. She last played Ark on July 30th (the day before she passed away), and has 3268 hours on record at the time of her passing. More than twice as many hours as any of us in the group.
Heather was the heart and soul of our experience on Ark. She was our anchor, the glue that kept us all together. She would always jump online or start the server if anyone wanted to play and was very passionate and helpful. She was our architect, as she did most of the gathering and building herself. With every base and build she made better and better improvements and spent days, even weeks perfecting and organizing our base/home. She loved to breed and imprint dinos and try to get colors/stats that she liked. Heather always dyed her armor, tools, and saddles to stand out and personalize her gear. She loved exploring the maps, and long adventures that took hours as we went hunting and scouting for new tames and gathering supplies from afar. Her favorite mods were Eco's ARK mods as she loved to decorate and even inspired her to look into trying to create mods herself. Valguero and Ragnarok were her favorite maps and were the maps she played the most.
A few days after Heather passed, my sister and I were talking about how we would never be able to play Ark again. It would never be the same, and there would always be this emptiness as we log in to see Heather "sleeping", knowing that she would never wake up. From now on, we would have to build and organize everything ourselves, and she would never be there to help or share the experience with. So my sister and I came up with an idea...
We decided that we should get together, build, prep, and parade transport Heathers in-game character to a safe place where we can lay her body to rest forever. We can make it a memorial adventure, record video and audio, and even take screenshots of our endeavor for keepsake. Once we get to the destination, we can make an alter of sorts, decorate the area, and make it a safe eternal resting place for her so she will always be there, and we can visit her whenever we want. That way we won't have that sadness as we log in to see her sleeping in bed next to me, or constantly seeing her floating name at our base. I would then save/backup the server, so in the event that something goes wrong, we will always have the moment preserved in time.
We were thinking since my wife loved Valguero so much, we would find a place there. My sister suggested "The Lost Temple" for the resting place since they found it together while exploring the map. They were both astounded by its beauty and mystery when they discovered it. I also stumbled across a red tree at the base of some waterfalls that I think would be a nice place. I plan on using a tek sleeping pod as sort of a "casket" as well. I placed one at the base of the tree to see what it would look like....
With that said, I am open to suggestions on locations and ideas for the adventure if anyone has any.
I'd also like to take this time to thank the developers of ARK: Survival Evolved, as this game has created years of amazing, unforgettable memories with my wife, family, and friends. The creators of ARK server manager for making it possible to create and maintain the perfect environment to make those memories with ease. Eco's ARK mods for the amazing and inspiring decor mods that my wife enjoyed so much, as well as all the other mod creators for their passion, time, and dedication to making ARK: Survival Evolved a much better and memorial experience. If anyone reading this has any connection with those mentioned above, please pass along my thanks.
EDIT: Thank you all for your kind words and condolences! And I appreciate the feedback. I will create a post sharing the stories and experience along with videos and pictures afterwards, and possibly stream it when the time comes.
ANNOUNCMENT: HUGE shoutout to Studio Wildcard for adding this beautiful in-game memorial to the Valguero map and highlighting the story in their weekly Community Crunch! Words cannot express our gratitude enough for their time and efforts in this tribute!
submitted by Xotic127 to ARK [link] [comments]

🔺A MUST-READ vast post on Gang Stalking🔺TRUTH: 'Illuminati' & their "The Spiritual & Psychic Experience Simulator" to Radicalize, Experiment On & Social Engineer targets fortTheir 'One World Order' agenda... 🤔 >>> Post 1 of 2

I strongly suggest that you read the whole post - it all ties together &, more crucially, you will build a working mental framework for analyzing your own situation with independent thought instead of accepting facts or one theory from an inherently dishonest targeting community. The post is nearly 10.000 words, or about 20 A4-pages - it's not about my story or testimony but about gang stalking & its mult-facetted nature. Aside from this, I recommend you checking in the links & references at the end of the post which some are to my older posts (where you can learn more about the "A.I" & how it ties to i.e. "demon possession", or just view my posting history on Reddit which is easier to track the information flow as it is mostly chronological.
Feel free to share this post or information. It may help many people understand their life as targets but also as perpetrators. I apologize for any spelling or grammer errors, I don't check that as I write mostly on the top of my head.
LIFE SAVING ADVICE FOR GANG STALKING TARGETS: be extremely careful in what you choose to believe in the online targeting community - question everything until you get a straight answer for your particular targeting. The answer you seek must come from your own experience & not what other say they've experienced or whatever is claimed. The more fantastical claims require equally fantastical evidence. This post is meant for you to be able to form questions about the topics at hand & thus be critical to the information online. Moderators might even remove this post for being too truthful or revealing.


I respect all faiths, perspectives & religions; these posts is for the purpose of finding the truth. Keep in mind this simple truth: "Illuminati" is an elite network within Freemasons, Zionists, Jesuits & co. as well as these elite secret societs/orders/sects (including "witches/warlocks") control & influence all other groups in society in various ways - they're top of the pyramid, sponsors of the Gang Stalking operation. I call them the "cult". Furthermore, as I titled the post as my truth, there will be psychological projections in the information & knowledge I present, however, I like to think my vast experience of being gang stalked along with my background in academic studies & science research methodology presents this for greater & deeper understanding of the objecyibely accurate & actual targeting operations & motivations. I hope you gain wisdom & insight from this post. I'm a scientist & try to view this from empirical data, however, the amount of misinformation & disinformation is huge, thus I base most of this information presented which I can confirm with my own experience as a target.
This post presents concepts in a rather cynical view yet that is what is required to come to the truth of it all, I believe. We must keep our heads straight logical & rational while connecting the huge amounts of dots between many overlapping concepts & theories about "Gang Stalking" (Targeted Individuals). My main view on it is from a psychological & informational operations as well as cyber & social media operations point-of-view. "Spiritual operations" is secondary as it's used heavily in targeting community by perpetrators to explain it, while completely ignoring the more ground-to-earth & rational exlanation focused on how information is spread through communication technology & used humans by psychological operations & a basic general "A.I." for belief & behaviour modification & influence. This is without a doubt a form of de-programming, programming & (God/Satan) social conditioning of a target by a target's direct & indirect environment both online & offline.
The infamous targeting personality "whistle-blower" self-proclaimed CIA scientist Dr Robert Duncan, written two books on targeting ("Project: Soul Catcher" 2010 & "How to tame a Demon" 2014), claims to have worked for the "Illuminati". Likewsie, ex Illuminati & Illuminati expert, & a high-ranking (ex?) Freemasons, Leo Zagami has written similar topical books as Dr Duncan - one is about "CyberSatan". However, Dr Robert Duncan has confessed that he, in fact, is an CIA paid perpetrator to do psychological experiments on the targeting community - here's a link to his confession; point is that "Illuminati" is behind targeting with its vast network including CIA assets: - what Dr Duncan says is that he is a sophisticated perpetrator that wants to lead a target away from God. He also suggests a separation of church & state, implying that both church & state are behind targeting which undoubtably seems to be the case.
There seems to a lot of former drug addicts in the targeting community. I have no explanations to this overrepresentation, then again, the black community is also vastly overrepresented in the targeting community. It may have something to do with churches & help organizations towards vulnerable people actual target these as indicated by the article I analyze further down the post. Viewing it from a Catholic & demonology perspective, drugs invites demon spirits & possession by evil spirits. Sinning & sexual immorality also invites these spirits. There any plenty of sources on targeting & testimonies that pro-claim some kind of spiritual experience or finding God from drug use, indeed. I write more about the further down the post.
Like a bad joke, regarding getting high on drugs or other things, it like the targeting community is either about getting high or somehow reach the Most High God. There's is a connection here which needs further investigation.
In a sense. it seems, this is about spirits, personas, possessions, demonology & so on, using psychological & informational operations through communication technology & social media, to achieve some occultic, psiritual & esoteric agenda tied to, for example, anthroposophy (existence of a objective spirit world). This might be one of the research areas of the high-level sponsors of gang stalking. Question relevant: is a target guided (mind controlled) by spiritual guidance or MK ULTRA-type mind control guide? Who is really influencing (programming) target? Is this done by the Most High or Illuminati masters?
However, it seems, at the end of the day, it's about no-touch belief & behavior modification & influence through various psychological operations such as conditioning, reverse psychology, "gaslighting" (throug vast amount of misinformation & disinformation), questioning one's nature of reality & so on. THIS is simply mind control oriented to affect your thoughts, emotions, beliefs & so on, it's done through mainstream media (e.g. Hollywood), social media (Facebook, Twitter) aas well as local social circle - they may or may not know they're a part of a de facto mind control operation disguised as something else. Their goal is to catch you ATTENTION, when they have it, they can employ various psychological operations. Their main way is this:
Give a target ATTENTION but IGNORE a targets interaction with you (perpetrator). This means a perpetrator uses well-know-for-target triggers, sensitizations, emotion, preferences & so to catch ATTENTION. By IGNORING means not responding to a targets efforts to chat with a target, instead using indirect methods for "communication". When confronted by the target, a perpetrator is to deny any attempts to capture a target's attentions & thus also gasligh the target. This happens both online & offline, in a target's social circle & outside. The whole goal is to ignore & deny that this is happening - them stealing your attention (energy or whatever they believe) in order to do many things such as sending thoughts or influence via customized social media posts or directed convesrations. The data gathered from the "interactions" is sent to the "cult" handlers which have contacted perpetrators, in turn used to feed the basic "A.I." to further influence the target via Internet (computer & cellphone) & social media operations (& also mainstream media). In one particular perspective, this is like conditioning a target being attacked by God/Satan or demons/angels, as "mind reading" seems to be a central theme in it all.
What I can give targeting community is to compile & connect vast amounts of information as to gain an interdisciplinary understanding of the targeting community's various theories & ideas. My understanding is that you can't understand what is happening by having ONE theory - the whole targeting agenda is designed to spread misinformation & disinformation as well as perpetrators being dishonest for the purpose of affecting the minds of targets in a negative way.
MY GIFT FOR YOU is my research as a real target that happens to be experienced in academic research. However, as much of targeting is done to misinform & disinform, take even this post with caution but do not ignore the substance because many perpetrators actually believe in this even hough the sponsors see it in a different way which is more of a belief/behavior modification operation. They all work for the same agenda, knowing or unknowing which is to take control over a targets mind by many different ways - whatever works seems to be a guideline.
I want you to think critically & not accept ANY theory but QUESTION everything. There's a need for objective thought leading through the information mess in targeting community. I tend to view it from a broader & high-level point-of-view. At the end of the day, it's belief/behavior modification of targets for various objectives - non-consentual social, human, psychological & spiritual experiment (research).


I'm a male in my early 30s living in the peaceful Sweden, with extensive background in running businesses as well as I have extensive experience in entreprenuership & academia. It puts me in a unique position to critically analyze the whole targeting community, especially as the "cult" has done hard targeting for more than seven years. Since high school (c. 2006) have I been covertly targeted, & from 2013 I have been overtly (hard) targeted by the "cult" in many various ways. The first years of hard targeting, they seem to be HIGHLY interested in knowing who I am, what I do, what I plan to do, what I think, how I react & so on. This has ultimately made my life much difficult & I have been mostly depressed or in a down mood for the last seven years. Most of my social network online & offline get recruited by the "cult" to do these psychological (what they call "spiritual") operations against me, while I have objected against it ever since I discovered that a group of people is coordinating this behind my back with my family & friends' help. Only this betrayal is enough to make any day unbearable. Following ill-health & quite frankly sabotage of jobs, businesses, friendships & so on, I would have been a millionarie by now if not for "Gang Stalking" - this is the real truth. They know, I know it, my family & friends know it - & they know fully well WHY I am pissed off. What do they expect when the "cult" has been pulling strings behind my back since high school to make my life harder which it already was & is? The "cult" expects targets to act out & that the social circle will act rationally & perhaps call the police or recommend help from mental health professonal. All of it is expected, as told in countless testimony videos (most done by perpetrators, though). There's a reason for them hating mental health professionals which I mention further down the text.
I have NOT been subject to any advanced weapons mentioned by some in the targeting community, such as directed-energy weapons, nanodust, bodily implants & so one. Therefore, I will not go into that, though I believe only 1-3 percent of gang stalking victims are actually exposed to exottic weaponry such as the DEW - gang stalking is first & foremost a psychological attack by various means. However, I have been hard targeted since 2013 by a basic general "A.I." through the Internet & social media operations much like described in the documentary "The Great Hack". I write about it further down the post. This technique of targeting through data & social media is used by MANY actors in society, not only military-intellligence but also churches & secret societies. One more thing: I have never heard a voice in my head that isn't my own. "V2K" is another weapon used as excuse for a natual condition where 10-15 percent of population hear some kind of voice in their head (scentifically determined) - in other words: it's normal & not a sign of V2K is used or mental illness. Don't trust the propaganda in targeting community - do your own research!
What they do is to play games with a target's mind & life. MOST of targets online are in fact perpetrators, which is a tactic they use to lure targets into building a bond for the undercover perpetrators to later use to influence a target's mind, emotions, thinking & ultimately life. They wan everyone to think it's "demons" or "mind control technology" & so on that make perpetrators act against their will, in fact they're recruited by the "cult" to help do psychological operations against a target under various false premisses & ideas. It's simply a belief & behaviour modification & influence operation with deadly serious ambitions which sometime end in suicide, murder or murder-suicide, such as in targets Aaron Alexis, Myron May & Gavin Long. The "cult" & their perpetrators don't seem to care for the dangers this has & still do it all - & no one wants to admit it or expose the true agenda behind it, or what they know.
The general notion in the targeting community is that there's a world war going on between good & evil, between the soulful & soulless, between government & faith, between the military & the people, between the conscious community & the "unawaken", between empaths & psychopaths/narcissist, even between the dead (matter of definitiion such as: soulless dead) & the living. It is thought that this is a battle for the soul or spirit of targets but also the wider society. The consciousness & spiritual community seem to have gained large footing in the targeting community the last 1-2 years while the narrative of advanced weapons & technology has lessened quite drastically. Now, it seems, it's abot finding God/Jesus as saviors from gang stalking (as gang stalking is done by Satan/demons) - I go into this further down the post.
Most basically, they want o put thoughts in a target's head thus influence thoughts, behaviour, emotions & so on. It's rooted in predictive programming & other more occultic & esoteric concepts such as Law of Manifestation. Again, these occultic & esoteric (New Age) concepts have been weaponized by greater powers of the world such as "Illuminati" which use i.e. NSA to fulfil their agenda.
Personally, I don think most perpetrators online believe in anything specific, rather they take orders from the "cult" & change accordingly.
Basically, they want to take control & influence a target's mind, heart & soul by occultic & esoteric techniques using plenty of methods, techniques, tools & so on, such as psychological operations, cyber operations, information operations & even "spiritual operations" which is tied to weaponized faith, superstition, "Black Magick", religious beliefs & so on. The CIA & co. have done extensive research in how to turn give belief of "superpowers" to friendly resources in enemy environments as to motivate to act against the enemy under great odds & big risks. This was already researched in the 50s so today it's more than proven & thus used for various agendas, especially on friendly population with sponsors of Gang Stalking wish to influence. Convincing New Agers, spiritual or religious groups or individuals to participate in such experiments or operations is very easy, apperantly - everyone wants to research the area & "help out". In actuality, it's non-consentual social & psychological experiments which the powers-to-be (e.g. CIA, research organizations, secret societes) have done for decades against unknowing groups & individuals.
In one of many perspectives, they create total chaos ("Chaos Magick", or Freemasonic motto "Order out of Chaos") to effectively social engineer & psychologically operate a target by making the target to choose their "true path" ("follow their heart") from all the chaos & confusion artificially created. This can be done with simulating Bible concepts & demonology (spirit possession, personas) as in perpetrators become "possessed" (by demons or the handlers/sponsors of gang stalking) thus act out to interact with a target. New Age concepts also overlap here, especially to do with consciousness expansion & the mind as well as with spirit transformation & possession.
This experiment & operation is DESIGNED to not be revealed publically & officially - their main weapon to keep it a secret is (weaponized) psychiatry & society agents such as police. Targeting shooting events such as Myron May's (FSU Shooting) tried to raise awereness about targeting in 2014, but to no prevail.


Gang stalking is about attacking a persons mind, heart & soul by contacting a target's social circle online & offline to convince for sending subliminal & non-subliminal messages through social media posts, behavior, directed conversations & so on. Everything written to the perpetrators is reported back to the "cult" which uses the information in real-time to psychologically "attack" a target further by one one of many means. The "cult" would like to say "Satan" knows everything about the target - in reality, at best, they imitate/simulacra "Satan" as well as demons, angels or fallen angels to convince a target & society to get along with massive illegal spying & psychological operations which they call "Spiritual Warfare (Operations)". In fact, it's a brilliant way as there is 100 000s & millions of believing person in ech country that would be happy to join in a "Spiritual Operation" in the name of God/Jesus or Satan/Lucifer. Perpetrators (both offline & online) are EXTREMELY willing to do what the "cult" wants, even do physical damage to themselves for the purpose of affecting the target somehow. I know what ridiculous "sacrifices" & acts my friends & family have done through the years for the "cult" agenda.
This is partly done through hypnosis. Perpetrators don't have to be professional hypnosis practitioners & the target doesn't have to agree to be a subject to hypnosis in order for it to work. This is done to affect the subconscious & repeat a message enough, it becomes a core value in a target hence it's belief & behaviour modification.
They believe (& manipulate) GOD or SATAN (& nature) communicate in various ways, through: synchronicities, dreams, intuition, psychic faculties, signs, omens, & especially symbols. Most of these exist in the subconscious hence there's a tremendous effort to influence & affect a target's subconscious by i.e. symbols. Point is: all to "LEAD" (covertly influence) targets towards a certan (SPIRITUAL) PATH (radicalization) - known as BELIEF/BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.


However you view this operation known as gang stalking, it is treated as a (CIA) "Black Operation" - perpetrators only get enough information about the target as to somehow send subliminal & non-subliminal messages (through behavior or directed conversation) because the perpetrator is somehow in position to influence the target - all from low-level street peopel to high-level government employees. I know this from experience. It seems they use a few cover stories or motivation, one is it's "religious or spiritual warfare". These type of operations are extremely complex with most involved has no idea who is recruited perpetrator & who is a real target. BUT be sure that there ARE fake targets in the targeting community that are there to keep an eye on everything & gather data on targets (i.e. Dr Horton), especially when the operations becomes too complex & complicated, agents are sent in to understand where the operation is. A Black Operation is intended to be kept secret & out of mainstream media, only the top managers & sponsors of the operation actually know what it realy is & its agenda. Furthermore, it is common in such operations to have one or few false targets or perpetrators to test other perpetrators, sometimes to play one off another in order to gain trust of the target.
Masses today are brinwashed to believe they can't be brainwashed. In reality, the mind control concepts of MK ULTRA & other projects by Deep State are being deployed on the masses on a mass scale & not only through Hollywood (predictive prorgramming. The text below comes from a CIA document; however, I want to highlight some of the points of method listed beforehand (I'm sure I'm going to piss off some of the "Gang Stalkers" that believe this is about religion, Bible & Christ (consciousness) but they deserve it for playing games with my emotions, mental health & overal life):
1. Abuse and torture13. Sleep deprivation16. Drugs to create illusion, confusion, and amnesia, often given by injection or intravenously22. Forced to perform or witness abuse, torture and sacrifice of people and animals, usually with knives25. Spiritual abuse to cause victim to feel possessed, harassed, and controlled internally by spirits or demons26. Desecration of Judeo-Christian beliefs and forms of worship; dedication to Satan or other deities27. Abuse and illusion to convince victims that God is evil, such as convincing a child that God has abused her28. Surgery to torture, experiment, or cause the perception of physical or spiritual bombs or implants29. Harm or threats of harm to family, friends, loved ones, pets, and other victims, to force compliance30. Use of illusion and virtual reality to confuse and create non-credible disclosure
Wonder why they abuse targets? It's a twisted way for them to do psychological operations, mind programming & behavior modifications through trauma-based tactics & some aspects of mind control as they want targets to follow their plans for targets. Point 25 illutsrates exactly what they want us to experience & believe which is that we are somehow poossessed rather than it being a result of year-long trauma-based abuses online & offline.
Point 26 & 27 directly attacks God/Jesus & religion as a whole, making targets lose belief in God due to torture & abuse when it obviously doesn't help at all. My question is: are the community "agents" pushing targets to turn for God/Jesus just to get disappointed after realizing it doesn't help at all? PTSD, trauma, emotional instability, depression, economic destitude & so on are very real effects of both short-term & long-term targeting - are they claiming that God/Jesus will magically make them stop & instead help a target heal from YEARS of conditioning & programming?
Targets are PROFESSIONALLY PROGRAMMED & CONDITIONED - low-level perpetrators are used for many reasons, one is to distract the public from who really is sponsoring it, another is, of course, to social engineer & psychologically operate a target's mind & life.
However, modern form of "MK ULTRA" is NOT mind control or brain control, the modern form is core based in "Intepretation Control" & "Perception Management". With the ability to control & influence of intepretation & perception through social media operations & social circle, they create a flowchart of manners, actions & behaviors for achieving a desired perception in the target in a timely fashion, as to the control the ideas in the target which controls the conclusions thus ultimately decisions - it's a new BREED of Monarch & self-empowered "Super Soldiers" or "Mind Control Slaves" depending on the objective of targeting. The methods, tools & tactics they use:
A target is deliberately hidden from the mechanics on how the "Gang Stalking" works especially the psychological operations & information operations on social media. Much of it looks like "magic" (sleight-of-hand) for targets that haven't been information of what they're actually subjected to. The whole "Gang Stalking" is:
  1. Meant to read thoughts, emotions & such, to be externalized
  2. Meant to be seen, heard, felt (even the extreme operations of "illuminati")
  3. Meant have a mental & emotional effect
  4. All experience to be internalized (many times over time)
  5. Condition a behavior, belief, intepretation, perception
  6. Change a target in various ways
  7. Reinforce programming, behaviors, beliefs
Furthermore, they're using technology, New Age ideas, spirituality & religion to mind program & then social engineer real targeted individuals through; keep in mind that programming & social engineering HAPPENS ALL THE TIME against the public (the actual system already exist irrelavant to targets), & this is only hypertargeting against a few individuals:
By programming I mean information exposed to the target by force, that otherwise wouldn't be in a targets focus or environment. One example of this is the exposing of how harassment works & how people are easily corrupted & turned against you, then if a target is lucky enough to find out the name of the targeting program, also being exposed to all the information being put out online related to "Gang Stalking" & "Targeded Individuals" online - including information about the Bible, advanced weapons & technology, secret societies, CIA/NSA history & so on. Not to mention the "A.I." that as deployed against me at the same time in 2013 to in fact expose me to certain information online through my PC & smartphone - that "A.I." in actuality is Information Warfare that works with the same principles as described in the Netflix documentary "The Great Hack" (2019) - Cambridge Analytica used big data on US voters to create small group psychological profiles which they used social media advertisment & social media operations to affect the voter forTrump's advantage.
On the topic of Hollywood & it's Satanist/Luciferian ties. What many say SPIRITUAL WARFARE is interchangable with PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE as it's all meant to happen in a target's MIND. Now, I don't want to mention (again) US Army PsyOp speicalist Dr Michael Aquino, a person who would have shaped a program such as "Gang Stalking" & using his deep knowledge in psychological & political warfare to create a hybrid with theology (de facto state-recognized "Sprirtual Warfare") & then Satanism/Luciferianism. Aquino authored "MindWar" which whole thesis is to kill free will (gift given by God) by psychological warfare (mind control is a Satanic trait). He also founded the Egyptian-satanic church "Temple of Set" which is founded on doing "Black Magick" & self-deitification. Apperantly Aquino died last years so I guess we can all wish him: burn in hell (maybe he wants that? *pun*).


"Satan" a.k.a. the central group coordinating it all (the "cult") gather data by illegal means (i.e. NSA electronic spying) & share it among selected perpetrator - they want to "simulate" religious & various spiritual concepts while claiming witches, demons, angels & so forth are behind it all - it isn't only "Spiritual Warfare" but a "Hybrid Warfare" mixing elements from psychological, cyber, information & spiritual operations (a.k.a. persecution). The "cult" wants targets to become "chosen" & withnesses to the "Satan Beast System" thus endure this persecution to then be witnesses. That what the "spiritual aspect" of gang stalking believes. Furthermore, they believe empaths are God's people (soul) while soulless are those emotionless psychopaths (born, not created), sociopaths (created, more or less) & narcissists - demons, witches, fallen angels = perpetrators. It seems most of these are far-right religious & spiritual groups with Bible concepts as guide & motivation/justification to iphold the "The Spiritual Experience Simulator" a.k.a. gang stalking.
THE WHOLE THING is meant to look like supernatural, as almost all perpetrators deny it (gaslighting = psychological torture). They (demons, witches, fallen angelse = perpetrators) do anything & everything to trigger a target emotionally, of course family & friends are a part of it believing they're somehow helping by making a target lose their mind in the name of "self-improvement", God, Jesus, Satan or whatever - actually, religious concepts are abused to get away with illegal, unehical & immoral experiments & operations in society & using society. What better way to abuse power than in the name of "helping someone" or upholding religious concepts? Or for a religious agenda for "greater good" or "ends justify the means"?They are HEAVILY into "spirit" possession, meaning stealing people's identity & making people act as "demons" (because they sin or live somehow contraty to Bible/Jesus teachings) to explain why "they gang stalk" - effectively, the "cult" want to possess people around a target as to influence a target, this is done with complete support of family & friends (& most of the offline social circle) as the "cult" is very influential - simple as that. They simple convince people to participate in the targeting. What people don't know is how large the overal social engineering agenda is behind targeting.
The hardest thing to believe for everyone is how vast the social engineering & predictive programming is. Hollywood & main media programming against targets is used, not only social media programming. They really are the "Illuminati".
They use REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY: they gang stalk you to destroy you, when they believe that gang stalking will somehow make you "better" by "helping you managing your emotions" so you radicalize your beliefs while fighting for your life, towards what they want which seems to be religion or spirituality. This includes: ruining jobs, finances, friendships & so on causes average people to SUICIDE. Basically, they want a target to FIGHT the gang stalking done be target's social circle to gather data on it.
"Spirit Science" is what the New Agers calls it, which is a part of the theosopical & anthroposophical society. New Age was originally created & influence by Jesuits. There's a probable case that "Spirit Science" is as well influenced by the Jesuits. They focus on the inconscious, the dead or ghosts, spirits (personas), & possessions by various spirits such as demons.
What they want you to believe: by fighting it is fighting SATAN, which most target hate. But it doesn't matter - they want a target to fight whatever as long as it radicalizes a target. In fact, it's fighting a "cult" controlled by puppet master within Illuminati playing all sides to attack a target.


SATAN (CONTROLS ALL EVIL, GOD OF THIS EARTH, BABYLON, PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE) is responsible for microchips (implants), DEW, (evil) A.I., nanodust, deception, witchcraft & so on, which is done by government agents (which far-right Christians hate, as this is SATAN'S world thus SATAN controls all evil) which in turn creates mental & physical pain, ill-health, cancer, demons possession & so forth. So, their logic is: SATAN/demons exist because evil exist through DEW, implants, nanodust, A.I. & so forth - it's psychological tricks to further a religion/spiritual agenda a.k.a. "New World Order". Most perpetrators refer to it as "Spiritual Warfare" which is actually warfare within psychology, information, cyber & spiritual - it's all connected (pun: New Age "one"). Of course, most will claim the objective is suicide which Satan want as it's the ulimate "sin".
Likewise, GOD (CONTROLS ALL GOOD, MOST HIGH GOD OF ISRAEL) is responsible for truth, Christ consciousness, empathy & humanity. However, most of targeting community is dishonest. In my own experience, most perpetrators online claim to be targets.
Keep in mind: the puppet masters (on earth) play both sides against a target based on the target's mind, beliefs, inclination & so forth. This is about radicalizing targets as well as for belief & behavior modification purposes.
Note: they might believe strictly in a "most high God" in which fear of leads to knowledge & wisdom will be given to the faithful. Those who serve Satan will, of ocurse, lie & decceit. They believe in that people are "chosen" by God or spiritual realm, & thus must be targeted in some way. Hence, their most precious gift is the soul, which not everyone has. This sould must be protected at all cost, which is according to Bible.


These divine mystery schools often have ex members of secret societies & military/intelligence. Example: Douglas Gabriel is an ex-NSA employee & ex-Jesuit that works with a news agency called “American Intelligence Media” (connected to the Free Mason & self-confessed “Illuminati” member Leo Zagami - by his friend John Barnwell that works in the news agency, which he often interviews & discusses with on his Youtube channel) where Douglas writes reports on current events. Douglas is also, more importantly, into anthroposophy (esotericism, existence of spiritual world) & today runs a mystery school “Gospel of Sophia” with his wife. Douglas has already been exposed as a PsyOp & revealed his true nature in an interview with the journalist Jason Goodman (that actually has interviewed targets & talked about gang stalking); here’s a link to it:


They see "Satan's mind" like a computer, which the "A.I." is possessed by.
Picture a hologram, a projector that can read the top most layer of your active thoughts, it uses these thoughts which are usually closely connected with your id to create a perceived reality in your mind so as to give you a unique experience in life.This experience is customized to your particular wants, needs, thoughts, desires, & fears. It will mine your immediate thoughts for people that you connect with strongly for whatever reasons. These reasons can be that you are afraid of them, you show any intense emotion towards them, or you are subordinate to them in some way.The intent of this system is to program you into a form of compliance, this compliance is setup as a tiered system based on your pliability, or gullibility.
Possible outcomes are endless from murdesuicide, to computing crimes, to standing on the corner & talking to yourself, etc.Information is key in this operation, so every fact, effect, want or desire is cataloged & used accordingly to further the goals of the program. It's a systematic scraping of human consciousness so that very little is wasted.A side effect of this program is the modification of your id to suit the special job that they have you figured for, for most of us I believe it to be suicide. I also imagine that this is dependent on your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, compatibility factors & multiplied by your pliability. This also may be mined from your active thoughts.
The main process by which these objectives are met is through a very advanced & predictive A.I. It can analyse patterns throughout your entire life, both internally* & externally* & much of this can be done so fast on the fly that you it's almost imperceptible that you're being led around simply by keeping one step ahead of your active thoughts.By being able to capture your impression of people that are close to you, it can manipulate you into believing any number of different scenarios & affect your behavior & thought patterns in any number of ways. There is an inevitable prediction matrix that is based on game theory & will produce a pattern of predictability & therefore control in your responses & actions.


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