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How I gained almost 1000LP in 2 weeks - a guide

Hi everyone, my name is Slade and I've been a lurker on this subreddit for a while now, but I've played TFT since it's release, and before that I played dota autochess. I didn't play much of set 2 and 3 because I disliked their design, but I've really enjoyed set 4. I was 0lp master around 2 weeks ago and now I'm just shy of 1kLP in challenger.
Anyways, onto why you're reading this. You want to know how to also gain a massive amount of LP in a short time? Well look no further.
I shall bequeath my secrets onto thee.
Firstly, and this is something I can't stress enough...slam your fucking items, stop holding them for BiS for every champ.
At the moment, the way alot of top players like Bebe, Keane and others are slamming items as early as possible to save as much HP as they can. An underrated(ish) item I slam in a good majority of my games is ludens. You can run ludens early game on so many different things. Early 3 mages are op imo, just don't fall into a reroll veigar trap if someone is contesting you.
Next, hoj is also a fantastic item. Probably the best in the game. It is so unbelievably versatile in every single comp that it's almost an always-slam.
Unless you are hard forcing a specific comp and know exactly what items you want (i.e. gunblade/qss for katarina warlord comp), it's always good to slam aura items as well. Chalice,Locket and Zekes are all fantastic at saving HP.
A couple more items I think are worth slamming early game a good majority of the time are Zz'Rot, Sunfire, Bramble(if you only have double vest), GA(if it will win you the fight), I've even slammed zephyr or dclaw in some of my games if I think it will help me winstreak through stage 1.
You also need to learn what BiS items for each potential carry are and what you can use to substitute that if need be. For example, slamming a ludens round 1 can go on any unit with cc later on, or something like a riven if you need it. You need to be flexible with your item choices and placement, you can't just be rigid and only use the same items every game on the same units.
Honestly if it's all you have and the lobby has a few keeper players, I think even shiv is worth slamming in some scenarios.
Enough about items. I hope reading that helped a little bit.
Next is playstyle. I myself favor a very aggressive playstyle where I sacrifice econ to get an early leveling advantage and win more rounds. Some people prefer to open fort and econ to 50 then force moonlights every game for 50 games, and there's nothing wrong with that. I definitely don't think less of them as a person. I'm going to be talking about how to play aggressively and why you should in the majority of your games.
Firstly, leveling at 2-1 is important. If you have the gold, pre-levelling at 1-4 is also very good. Both turn you over to level 4, giving you a 40% chance (taken from here to hit a 2-cost chosen.
The difference between a 1-cost chosen and a 2-cost chosen is pretty huge. If you hit something like a teemo chosen on stage 2-2 you're sitting pretty for the next 3 stages. Although I say this, in around half my games or more I buy the first chosen I see and play around that, sometimes selling on 3-2 and rolling down for a 3-cost chosen or just something a bit stronger if I'm weak.
My favourite openers are: Anything cultist chosen, anything mage or anything 2 cost. I'm personally not a fan of duelist comps but that's mainly because I dislike reroll comps in the first place since I think it's too heavily reliant on luck.
Running a moonlight chosen early on and pivoting out later is also a good strategy. Helps you cuck the moonlight rerollers too hehe
You need to take notice of your items and realise what comp you are going to play for with them. For example, if I hit duelist yasuo chosen and my item bench has a rod, tear and cloak, you can bet your sweet nellie I'm not buying that.
Another important thing is deciding when to sell your current chosen and roll. You need to have good game awareness to do this well and the best way to do that is to scout. Every round, make a habit of just pressing your 'R' key (or whatever you have it set to that goes to the next player) and just quickly scouting out the other boards. You don't have to be too thorough. Over time, you'll be able to quickly identify what comps other players are running and your relative strength in the lobby. Keeping track of that is important.
This is my first time writing any sort of guide like this, so tips are appreciated. I feel like I have more I could write but I'm not sure how to put it into words properly.
I've just started streaming, looking to climb to rank 1. You can find my stream here
and my lolchess here:
submitted by SladeTFT to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

Consequential Ideas on a Budget

I'm fully aware that in all likelihood I'm wasting my time trying to post a worthwhile thread on reddit. Nonetheless, it doesn't hurt to try.
People always had and continue to have excuses for shooting down ideas. If they were part of the development process there would be no game and after there was a game it wouldn't change. Anyway, when a game is in an "ok" state I suppose it's practically ok for ideas to be brushed aside, but Heroes of the Storm has clearly experienced a dramatic decline to the point of being allotted few developmental resources by its company. It turns out sometimes there's a price to pay by developers for willfully surrounding themselves by inert positivity like the content of this subreddit. So, ironically, one excuse for shooting down ideas nowadays is that the failure of past developers with substantial means to implement consequential ideas has deprived the game of current developers and substantial means to implement consequential ideas. It's like an episode of Yes, [Prime] Minister.
However, the game hasn't been entirely abandoned:
We still plan on regular gameplay updates, and will continue to experiment with ways to make Heroes a better game, so you can count on that still happening.
The game's relatively few remaining players continue their proud tradition of lacking a clue, as do its current developers evidently, so humor me.
Fixing Troubled Battlegrounds
One of the things this game has going for it are the various battlegrounds. Not only do different settings evoke different feelings, there are gameplay differences too. Battlegrounds bring a refreshing quality to the game as a whole. One particular subset of battlegrounds has been defiantly unsuccessful - the dispersed objective battleground. In particular Garden of Terror, Blackheart's Bay, and Haunted Mines. This is highly unfortunate because a dispersed objective gives players more flexibility, more choice in where and what kind of fights to pick. Theoretically these battlegrounds should add dynamic gameplay, yet in practice they have and had been the most boring to play. Garden of Terror was standardized, Blackheart's Bay is not playable in ranked, and Haunted Mines was removed from the game entirely.
Fixing them requires logic, not originality, creativity, great effort and resources, or any other type of nonsense. The less effort in implementation the better given the circumstances.
Garden of Terror
Professional players used to avoid fighting, split seeds 90-90, simultaneously grow a Terror during the next night phase, and then even mirror their pushes. The battleground was blamed for the scared and passive way in which they played it that rendered it boring. The solution isn't to make it like other battlegrounds, it's to tweak it into forcing teams to engage. Seed counts not carrying over alone could induce fights, but if that is insufficient then reasoned randomness gets the job done. Growing a Garden Terror is a zero-sum game - it doesn't matter which team may be closer to an imbalanced distribution of seeds as long as it can't easily collect 100 seeds. The point of an imbalanced, uneven, or skewed distribution of seeds is to prevent both teams being willing to split the battleground and thus induces fighting.
Furthermore, if teams were splitting the battleground top and bottom when their natural sides are left and right there is an implication that they knew the timing of the objective and were team-splitting their little candy-asses accordingly. Making the timing randomly variable could reinforce a lane-split or dispersal-split dynamic different from the usual team fights.
Lastly, the "vehicle" objective is too rare and there is no reason to replace it. I take it that the developers had already addressed the pot-dropping and running around.
Blackheart's Bay
The state of this battleground is borderline tragic as the brightness and fanciful nature of the battleground makes it one of the most uplifting in the game.
On this battleground professional teams would clear camps and again avoid fighting. Somehow they managed to turn in doubloons in the process. The battleground could also really snowball as collected doubloons were dropped upon death to be picked up by anyone. Contesting a second turn-in could be impractical. No opinion on how the bombardment works at the moment, don't see it as the central problem.
Haunted Mines
Woop-ti fing-doo. Problem solved in less time than several years.
Greatly Expanding while Monetizing Hero Access
I'm embarrassed to write that it has taken me this long to understand exactly what Blizzard did with its "HotS 2.0" monetization changes.
  1. Stuffed the game with low effort content in the form of banners, sprays, announcers, voice lines, emojis, and portraits.
  2. Introduced loot boxes that due to the degree of dilution (further augmented by the deliberate fragmentation of formerly whole skins and mounts) and control of yield types would not be means for players to get what they want but would serve to draw player attention to the game's Shop, which was amusingly renamed to "Collection". This is why, counter-intuitively, you can't buy loot boxes except as a disproportionately expensive gold sink. Blizzard know they are crap-filled; they deliberately filled them that way themselves. The loot boxes aren't the star of the show for once; they are meant to get you looking at the Shop and waste the gold you've been accumulating for years (the rerolls are pretty hilarious too). They are meant to give you the impression of being rewarded without really being rewarded. I bet someone or some people think they're super clever!
  3. Greatly reduced the buying power of gold through its conversion rate into shards relative to shard buying power and introduced a third purchasable currency to replace gold. The point was to reduce the capacity of veteran players to obtain things through the only currency that had previously existed and they had accumulated with playtime.
Do you know what this is? It's a let's-milk-the-s-out-of-the-game's-dwindling-playerbase scheme. Blizzard saw the writing on the wall as the game was failing and pivoted. Smart halfwits get paid serious money to come up with destructive nonsense like this, and even get educated to do so! I wonder the type of things that exist in the so-called industry literature.
[So it turns out I misremembered a key "detail" and the "conspiracy theory" is out the door. Gold wasn't usable to obtain the vast majority of skins and mounts before so its conversion to shards actually favors players/consumers, veteran players in particular. Likewise, insofar as heroes for instance are cheaper in gems than they used to be and with some gem bonuses awarded for bigger purchases that currency appears to be Blizzard's idea of lowering prices. Of course, this occurs in the context of the new dilutive content and the loot boxes, so go figure what exactly they were thinking. Certainly it's beside the point in my opinion. As for loot boxes, initially apparently you could buy them, which ones I'm not sure, but that was changed without explanation in 2019 I believe. Given loot boxes remain the only item to buy in Overwatch I don't think it was an exclusive matter of legislation. They just suck.]
The hilarious thing is that if only these muppets had actual business acumen they could have identified a let's-not-punt-on-the-game-and-arrest-or-reverse-its-decline scheme. What is the one item in Heroes of the Storm that really has value? It's in the damn name of the game. Heroes. Gameplay.
Mediocre as these people are their idea of what to do with heroes is make them quickly obtainable to a new player, up to the point where they pull the bait-and-switch and it's time to show players how much they're missing without reaching deep into their pockets as the in-game currency accumulation rate is reduced and the cheap heroes are gone. The Free to Play model makes its money on the back-end by charging big time for the remaining individual items.
In addition to acting cute/following the convention of this so-called business model they fail to realize their place in the big scheme of things. Many potential players have experience in League of Legends, Dota 2, and Smite. They are used to the gameplay and having large rosters. Given Heroes of the Storm's failure to compellingly differentiate itself they are not going to put up with the typical restrictions of F2P games. They want to be able to jump into the game with all the meta heroes at their disposal even as the meta changes and they want to have extensive reliable access to explore, experiment, and enjoy. This is a buyer's market.
As discussed here, introduce a currency - silver - that unlocks any chosen heroes for a month. $2 any 3 heroes, $5 any 10 heroes, $10 any 25 heroes, $15 any 50 heroes. Bundle this currency with the player's rough hero ownership money's-worth in gold - $2 2k gold, $5 5k gold, $10 10k gold, $15 15k gold. In other words rent-and-buy in a "coin purse". Won't be everyone's cup of tea but as Blizzard is keenly aware you don't make money off a game like this by having everyone pay. This idea is a sensible way to open up gameplay to anyone who isn't a broke bratty 12-year-old. Simultaneously players will be accumulating gold by playing and increasing their ownership pool of heroes.
An additional idea has emerged - replacing both current Hero Bundles with a Choose Your Own Nexus Bundle. This would be as dynamic of a bundle as it gets. The savings percentage would be fixed, say at 70% (might as well just do it in gems), but both the size of the bundle and the heroes in the bundle would be up to the player. Minimum size of 5 heroes, maximum size of 40. This would be of great use to both new and returning players. Once the Nexus Bundle is formed by the player, however, it’s done. Only one shot at it.
Changing Abusive Chat
Due to the report-driven automation of this report category, the lack of accountability for false reporting, and the childishly lackadaisical behavior of Game Masters in the "appellate process" this report category has been undermining the game's playerbase for years. Things have gotten so bad players are routinely advised to mute chat or not participate to avoid getting suspended. This is not a My Little Pony niche success story of a game, you can't cater it to the sensibilities of 7-year-olds with post-traumatic stress disorder, although that may be one of the hiring criteria at the company. That and if you're a Chad who doesn't get having a public ladder in Call of Duty.
If initially nothing more can be done the penalty needs to be returned to silence-only rather than a suspension from ranked too. I believe it was former game director Dustin Browder's explanation that the penalty was expanded to suspension from the ranked mode due to being able to participate in the chat being so important to gameplay. Browder thought Heroes of the Storm was a game based on heavy communication. Most of us knew this was total nonsense even at the time but now the ironic absurdity of not communicating at all or even disabling the chat for protection against the system has become a reality. The reason for upgrading the penalty to including ranked mode suspension has been thoroughly discredited. Writing in the chat is clearly non-essential. Most people who play this game and/or have seen streamers play it know this. Stop killing this game in every way imaginable.
I've been thinking of a way to reform the system too. There are two key elements to my idea that separate it from the previous concept.
  1. Clear standards for what constitutes Disallowed Chat.
  2. Punishing players who falsely report other players.
The way this system would work changes at the enforcement level. Players would still be filing reports as before, although now it would behoove them to include an actual reason too, and a penalty would still kick in automatically. Under this system the penalty could still include a suspension from certain game modes. The difference is that upon filing an appeal the suspended player would immediately and automatically have the penalty be temporarily lifted pending review.
The Game Master would then use the defined standards to check the logs of every game in which a report was filed. Three games with legitimate reports and the penalty is not only upheld but doubled - the appealing player has decided to waste time and resources for a review he or she should have known better than to invoke. Simultaneously the Game Master is assigning a strike to every reporter in a game in which no transgression occurred. The false reporting strikes will exist in the background. Upon three false reporting strikes the false reporting player is issued a warning. After two warnings suspensions for false reporting commence.
The idea is to eventually unburden the system by punishing everyone who decides to disrespect the system by not taking it seriously/understanding it. Players who commit chatting penalties would think twice about appealing and players who get other players in trouble just because they want to will start thinking twice about filing reports. Hopefully this would lead to a shared understanding of what is and isn’t allowed in Heroes of the Storm and to greater compliance without the current haphazard purging of players.
Standards for Disallowed Chat:
Insults directed at a person
Vulgar language
Everything else goes
This is a solid start. May be all that is needed. You penalize the purely derogatory and inappropriate stuff, leave people to chat otherwise. If someone still offends you or annoys you you can mute them. Even literal kindergartens are more permissive than the Heroes of the Storm status quo. What an embarrassment this company and its players have turned into. Something that should be an afterthought has been weaponized against the community and no one knows what to do. Over-sensitivity has hollowed out your brains and no adults seem to be in charge.
Expanding Core Gameplay
Even as it's abundantly clear that the game is failing there are myopic fools who maintain there is nothing wrong with it. Unfortunately they are also the survivors of the player exodus and the predominant members of its half-abandoned communities. Add in the maturity and intelligence levels and I might as well be picking a verbal fight at an elementary school recess in summertime. I don't even know who, or more accurately what, I'm going up against. It's the most hopeless kind of fight. So I don't even want to get into it. If you want to read about the idea you can do so here.
submitted by sticks14 to heroesofthestorm [link] [comments]

The Keeper as a whole is a flawed, broken, and RNG-heavy challenge compared to everything else. (Essay/Discussion + Mini-Rant)

tl;dr, The Keeper promotes a playstyle that's too unreliable, RNG-based, and gimmicky to be a proper challenge character.
After finally beating Hush + Delirium as Keeper after a negative 24 win streak, I realized to myself that it wasn't fun. My run was saved a lucky combination of Fanny Pack, Head of the Keeper, Swallowed Penny, and Piggy Bank, and despite the fact my Keeper gets a penny and I get a bent penny in my item pools, I didn't feel satisfied nor felt like I had any real fun playing as the Keeper, I was just taking out my frustrations on the monsters when I finally got a good run. It then hit me like an out-of-control the truck, the Keeper is flawed, like really flawed. Compared to Edmund's other games, the difficulty there is also paired with a high amount of fun, momentary highs, and excitement to boot, and usually it comes from learning the game and mastering the challenges thrown. Even when looking at other challenges like The Lost, it still brings a similar amount of fun and adrenaline sided with its challenge or never taking a hit (or 2 with holy mantle). Despite of this, the Keeper exists. In this little text post/essay, I will discuss every aspect of the Keeper there is, and possibly ways to fix it. I may say hopeful of a challenge character being buffed, but Bethany is getting a rework that makes her more interesting to play and the Lost got some buffs when Afterbirth came out, so I hope my heart will be in the right place.
Comparison to the Lost + Benefits:
The Lost and Keeper both fall in the category of challenge characters, where they have incredible and detrimental downsides that change how you play the game, similar of a "Can you beat X without doing Y run" from VGMyths. Binding of Isaac doesn't really have a way to "master" it, just become an expert in it because of the procedural generated layout of the floors + room, so the game doesn't really expect the impossible out of you, and because of this, these two characters do have upsides.
For the anyone unfamiliar with the Lost, their stats are:
And for the Keeper, their stats are:
Because the Lost has no health, this means that he doesn't get the common health upgrades in the game (especially those in boss item pools), but luckily get devil deals for free, effectively forcing him the route of taking Devil Deals, sometimes at a better payout of a pair of 2 heart deals vs. not having 1 health upgrade, compared to normal characters who can't frequently take the amount of deals at that cost with the boss item. The Keeper however doesn't get such luxury, he can usually only take a single 1 heart deal, and usually only if he can ever get to a devil deal since he cannot hold soul hearts, and if the boss item is an HP up, otherwise he'll be stuck at death's door 1 health. What that accumulates to is that if you want a devil deal as the Keeper, you'll need to play perfectly (no hit whatsoever), while having weaker stats, no flight or spectral tears, and you'll have to be lucky to get an HP up from the boss pool or sometimes the treasure pool. It's legitimately insane, and I cannot even believe that Edmund was able to beat Delirium without getting insanely lucky as me.
In a bullet hell game like BOI, speed is everything. Remembering enemy patterns, avoiding hazards, going from room to room, even speed running to reach boss rush or the Hush, its one of the 3 main traits every RPG focuses on alongside offence and defence. The Keeper has -0.15 speed, and alongside a bad starting DPS thats worse than the default triple shot, you need to be lucky and hope you get a good speed upgrade to help you with everything in this game. The worst part is that he doesn't have flight, so he will waste more time than usual avoiding floor hazards and manoeuvring around pits, but he's still getting a vanity noose.
Coin Health + Decay mechanic:
Keeper's Coin Health is the name of the game, and that game is heavily weighted on luck. The main problem with coin health as a whole is the limitation of the 2 hearts + you cannot have any other type of hearts, making you susceptible to lack of devil deals. It was already discussed that the Keeper can't take devil deals often because he has health that isn't shielded and he only can really take devil deals if he can supplement with an HP up, but what's worse is the bad implementation of the Decay mechanic (where the pickup hearts are converted into flies). Let's say the Keeper picks up and HP upgrade while at his max 2 coin heart limit, how many flies would he get? Would he get 10 since 1 eternal heart is 5 flies and an HP up is essentially 2 eternal hearts? Maybe it's just 3 flies because its 1 heart? Nope, nada, not a single flying fuck. While most players exchange their HP up for an item in the devil deal, and the Lost doesn't even get an HP up but can take free devil deals, the Keeper cant utilize the coin health or the decay mechanic properly unless you get lucky. Also while this seems petty, the amount of flies from each heart seems cheap. 6 flies from a golden heart, if I was able to get a golden heart that'd be a godsend for the Keeper, but here its literally 2 uses of Guppy's head.
Starting Items:
The last thing I can talk about are the Keeper's unlock-able starting items; his wooden nickel and his store key. The wooden nickel is basically a 1 room charge 50/50 of dropping any coin, usually a penny. The wooden nickel is practically the only way you're able to play as the Keeper, and it's insane to think that this has to be unlocked by beating Isaac first as him. What's worse is that because its a 50/50 (luckily unaffected by the luck stat and the Keeper's -2 luck) it usually allows you to take an expected value of 0.5 hits a room, compared to the Lost who is guaranteed to take up to 1 hit a room with his holy mantle. This also means curse rooms are a no-go unless you have enough bombs to go in or have some contingency plan for your black carpet visit. The store key isn't as great either, and for a few reasons. If you take a look at the item pools in BOI, you'll notice two types of item themes they'll follow, gameplay, or cosmetic. For example curse room item pools are associated with curse or evil-like items, angel rooms focus on defensive and holy items, golden chests have items that are part of the head, are a head, or bags, and devil beggar items focus on drugs and evil items. The shop however focuses on items that support builds rather than make them (and also has items that are common to find in the real world), similar to the game-play affect of trinkets, with very few combative items. If you played TF2, Overwatch, or really most MMOs or DOTAs, you'll know that stacking nothing but supports with no defence or offensive capabilities is not going to result in victory. While the Keeper's wooden nickel usually can give out a nickel or a dime, and typically he is able to get more many than most other characters early game, whats the point if he can't buy good items?
Conclusion + My balance suggestions:
To summarize what I said, the Keeper has shit manoeuvrability, shit offence and ways to get offence, shit defence and ways to get defence, shit starting items, all of which can only be remedied by being lucky most of the time. Out of all of the challenges Edmund has thrown in his career (Super Meat Boy, End is Nigh, DLC-less Lost, Delirium), this is by far the worst due to how only luck is able to save this character unless you are an absolute god at this game, which is near impossible due to the randomized floor layouts, items you get, rooms, and sometimes, the enemies themselves. When you watch a streamer or youtuber play BOI, you'll see them play one of the characters for fun, like Judas for glass cannon strats, Azazel for a good early run, ??? or the Lost for a game constantly on the edge, but I bet that you have NEVER seen someone play the Keeper for legitmate fun and not for their completion marks. So what would I do in order to remedy this salted lemon in the potato-peeled wound? Well I have quite a bit of buffs and nerfs I would apply if I had access to Isaac's game, whilst still making him a relatively tough challenge character.
Really if only one of these suggestions were to be implemented, I'd want it to be the maximum of 3 coin hearts so 2 heart devil deals are an option and so it isn't immensely brutal to be on the edge because of the 50/50 wooden nickel, and maybe the change in the decay mechanic, but I feel I'm getting too hopeful for a character designed to be challenging getting buffed, despite that challenge coming from all the wrong reasons. Really I'd like to hear what you all think about the Keeper and ways he could buffed (either as something for Repentance or as an idea for a workshop mod), and I hope you enjoyed my analysis on the Keeper, and why he flat out sucks to play. All I can hope is that the Keeper, while still being a difficult challenge character, can atleast be fun to play as sometime.
submitted by armscratch to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

When a game controls your life

I was just 11 when I was about to meet, Imo, the best game ever. It was a weekend, I visited a cousin (ten years older) because I need help with math, but It was just a excuse to play N64 on his computer, later that day we were bored of N64 and he started to play Dota 1, I still remember this legendary loading screen.

Dota Allstars v6.43
Obviously, he used to play against bots, I liked the concept, like a war, where 2 groups of heroes fight to destroy the enemy's ancient. In fact I liked so much that I used to ask my cousin to play it so I can see how he plays (because I didn't know how to play at that time). Still stuck in my memory how he used to play with doom and the classic dota soundtrack.
Weeks later, I decided it's time to play, since I didn't have a computer, I went to a coffee Internet, I was a child, all I was able to afford was 2-4 hours per week. And that's were it all started, first I used to play with a friend 1 vs 1, he were more experimented I always ended up losing, Sven was his pick of preference. My obsession was too big that I started to miss school. Before dota I used to be the best student in class, but that year, 2 things came together, a new guy who got better grades and this dota losing streak thing. I went daily to play dota against bots in school time, trying new heroes, reading skills and items descriptions, I was just a child, I used to buy BF for every single hero (yep even the ranged ones), that Sven was just unstoppable, I didn't care about grades since I was not the best anymore, hard year for a 11 year kid.
One week I saw my cousin and I asked him for advice, he suggested me Mercurial (Spectre) with vanguard and radiance build, as you can guess I was very exited to play with my friend, we used to play on Mondays, at the end of the school (he didn't know I was missing school to practice). Next Monday the battle began and.... what a game! It took about 1 hour but finally I won, since then and even now Spectre is my favorite hero.
The point is, I started playing instead of going to school for about 4 months (my parents didn't notice it because they were living far from city and I was with my grandpas, cousins, uncles, or some relative who can give me a room), My mother discovered the truth one day she went to school to ask for my grades and as you can imagine... IT WAS A DISASTAH!. I forget all about Dota for 1 year, I used to play barely, until my parents bought me my first computer. Obviously I immediately downloaded Warcraft and started to play Dota again. You have no idea how much I used to play (since I was not living with my parents) I didn't sleep, didn't go out, my grades went down. That was my life in school. Do you remember the old hero voice lines?.
In college, I became a huge fan of the game, the excitement with new maps, the loading screens, new heroes, items. I meet new friends who play dota as well, the transition to Dota 2, The International, college tournaments, all my college life was tied to Dota.
One good and bad thing about the college it's the fact that parents keep away, so I started missing the lessons again, but this time I lost literally 4 years, I was never the best at anything again, in fact I'm still trying to finish the college. I'm 26 now, I'm working as teacher assistant, and today I've played my last game of Dota 2. Seems like since I knew Dota, my life got worse.
Don't get me wrong, I know it's my fault, if you have more auto control, I admire you, but I can't handle this anymore Dota was mi entire life, no friends, no hobbies, no a stable relationship, just Dota. I need a change in my life, maybe you'll say "why are you writing all of this, you can stop playing without posting it here", yes I know this will result a "shit post" for many of your, but, It's hard for me, Dota is the most beautiful and dangerous thing in my life, the best and worst moments of my life were because of Dota... how amazing was the game when I snatched the aegis with Spectre's ult and we did a comeback! I know you can relate this feeling.... oh, but how sad was when my gf broke with me because of... what you think?... how exciting was the TI5's finals, who can forget the $6M Echo Slam + Ice blast.... yeah that year you didn't pass any subject at college... the spectacular games with some friends, betting some money and wining or losing, good memories.... yeah, while you were so busy playing you brother just grow-up and you can't play or share child brother moments with him because he is an adult now... while you were playing, you grandpas died, you got fat, you little sister didn't get help when she had problems with math.
Just in Dota 2, I have about 8k hours played, reached a max of 4k MMR (currently 2900), and spent about 200$, I'm not rich, In fact I earn just enough to live, even that I spent so much time and money.
I'm posting this because I don't want you guys end up like me, Dota 2 is a great game for sure, but please control your time, sadly for me, it's almost imposible play with control, that's why I'm leaving this forever. I know you wanna up your MMR, reach the next medal, be like the pro players, but be conscious on how much time you're investing in that. Don't waste half or more of your life, like me.
That's my history with Dota, this his how it ends... maybe there is time to fix mi life, I'll try to get rid of the spectral dagger that dota left in my life.
submitted by kevv_m to DotA2 [link] [comments]

[OC]Benevolent Evil (Chapter 1) - part2

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Benevolent Evil

(Chapter 1) The End of Me - part2

Everything changed, reality itself blinked for a moment, I failed to notice when. Afterlife was strange at times, more than one would expect.
Myself now standing in front of a large stone table. Around me endless arrays of stone columns, spreading as far as the eye could see. There was no noticeable light source, but I saw everything as clearly as if I was camping outside on a summer day.
To my surprise, the familiar white screen blinked into existence.
Name: Niilo Novak
Race: Human
Status: Dead
Dark Karma: 13 476 003 501
“Wow! He was not lying!”- a single utterly ecstatic female voice came from seemingly everywhere.-“A Human with dark karma in the damn BILLIONS!”
I do not know what I had expected, but this definitely was not it.
“You are sharp! What damn thing have you done to score this high?”- the same female voice expressed its thoughts, visibly excited.
Yet, I was too shocked to answer, the sudden change of atmosphere more than too heavy on my mortal mind. What could I possibly say to someone excited about the death of billions?
“Hey, do you hear me?!”
A few seconds passed before I gathered the mental fortitude to reply.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Excellent! Can’t wait to start your reincarnation. This is so sharp! Sick sharp!” -I could not understand ‘her’ tone of voice. Who the hell could be happy to deal with a man in my circumstances.
“Sharp?”- was the first question I asked. Now when I think about it, I should have started with something better.
“Oh, it’s just a phrase I use when something is...”- she paused for a bit-” brutally awesome!”
“Many would fail to see anything ‘sharp’ about thirteen billion dark karma.”- my voice as cold and emotionless as it gets. I was psychologically too drained to act otherwise.
She only chuckled at my words.
“Aren’t you a bad-ass, ahahahha”- her laugh seemed genuine, and I understood nothing. The last ‘God’ was unlike her, I presumed she was something similar. But hell, he seemed to have been hurt by my actions more than it dared to show.
“Well, well...”- her voice continuing- “…by these numbers I surely do not need an answer to that, hhihi... ” - she giggled.
The table in front of me unchanging, no chair in sight, the endless stone columns unmoving also.
“So, here is the deal”-she spoke, finally in a more serious tone.-” You shall serve me, it’s that simple.”
Yeah, I will need more than that, was what I thought. But I was met with silence, she did not seem to sense my thoughts as the God from before. To understand me as he was and give an immediate answer.
“You will have to be more specific.”- my emotions still shattered, but my curiosity was genuine.
“What is there to be specific about?”-her words made it truly sound like something every child should know-” You will worship me as your deity, build temples and cathedrals in my glory, offer me worthy sacrifices, convert others to my faith and so on.”
She differed greatly from the last ‘God’. While he was worried about me, or at least had radiated such aura, her motives were obviously personal by nature.
“Sacrifices?”- My subconsciousness was screaming, from the moment she spoke that word. I could only imagine what she meant by it. Yet strangely, none of my worries radiated from my voice.
“Indeed... they are what feeds me. And judging by your dark karma, you will have no problems with providing them...”-something in those words froze my nerves. Their subtone truly inhuman.
“AHAHAHHAHAAH!”-followed by laughter, cripplingly ecstatic. She... she was absolutely thrilled about it.
Yet, I… I needed to be careful with her. I could sense it now, somehow, instinctively I already knew it from the second she first giggled.
I had to know more, tread lightly.
“Is this amount of dark karma that unusual?”- Was the best I was able to come up with.
Silence, it was all around me. Still, I could feel someone observing me, a confused look all over her face. At least that was how I internally interpreted the lack of a timely answer.
“Are you kidding?”-now it was she who sounded genuinely interested.
I took a large breath, though it seemed I actually did not need to breathe. Well, I was dead, so that made sense.
“Do I look like somebody who is often kidding?”- I went on full bad-ass mode, bluff to be sure, but it was obvious from the start she had a very different picture about me from the one which was true.
Now I was playing on my ‘dark karma’ card.
“It’s the record here”- the color of her voice was different now, calmer-” Nobody ever had the dark karma in billions. Let alone over thirteen billion.”-again she giggled.
Now I understood why she was so excited, partially anyway.
“Ahem… any special requests or advice?”-I said those words as coldly as I could. Still trying to pull out as much information as possible while not overdoing it with questions.
“Hmmm…” there was a noticeable pause in her words - ” No specific request yet per se. But I have plenty of advice I wanted to give you anyhow.”
Well, that was at least something. Though I had hoped to find out more about the ‘sacrifices’ without being too direct. If she expected me to be ripping out beating hearts for her glory, she would be in for a hell of a surprise.
But I was not stupid enough to tell her that.
She continued-” Show no mercy...”-I did not like the sound of it “- they might seem nice at first because trust me, they will not spare you. In the best case you will burn alive like a sweet heretic of mine you are… ahahhahahaha”- damn, her laughter was creepy as hell.
“As you can guess, my religion is not that well accepted, but I reckon you will be able to valiantly defend it. Unlike many other of my servants.”
“I’ll do my best”-the short answer seemed like the right one here.
“I am positive you will. Something tells me we will get along, heheheeheh”- She seemed sure of it, I did not.
The entire area around me ‘shook’, like there was a short earthquake. Yet I knew it could be nothing so mundane.
“Now we just need to wisely spend your dark karma”- again, I had no fricking idea what she was referring to, yet I did not dare to ask any more questions. At least not too suddenly.
The same familiar window appeared in front of me: Yet this time, there was more to it.
Name: Niilo Novak
Race: Human
Status: Dead
Dark Karma: 13 476 003 501
Accept the servitude to the Goddess of Darkness.
I was silent like a dead man… well I was actually dead, but you get what I mean.
However, inside my mind I was screaming!
Goddess of Darkness?!! This for real?! Servitude????!!... Fricking reincarnation.”
I know one should not judge a book by its cover but this was as obvious as it gets. What my common sense had been telling me ever since she first spoke to me was true. Somebody who understands what thirteen billion of dark karma means and calls it ‘sharp’ is undoubtedly a fricking murderous monster.
I was simply lucky she suspected nothing. Like ofc, she too has common sense, and the God which sent me here obviously did not tell her much, trying to protect me or something. So she too followed the only possible logical conclusion, the one which dictated I would be a perfect follower of hers.
I took another deep breath, despite the fact I was dead. My psyche warranted it.
“Oh, you need to say 'Yes'. It does not react to mental commands.”-she clarified, and then I realized something. It fully dawned on me.
She really can’t read my thoughts! I noticed it the moment she did not answer the first question I pondered inside my head, and further down the line when she failed to mind-read how disturbed I felt about her erratic laughter. But now I had direct confirmation.
Unlike the previous God I talked to. But why was it so?
In general she seemed much ‘weaker’ than him. I could really feel it, somehow.
“Yes.”- One might be ‘surprised’ I answered that quickly. But I did not want to give her ANY impression I was having second thoughts. Because I was positively sure negative things waited for those who had this much dark karma. If they did not reincarnate as a servant of some Goddess that is.
The screen changed instantly.
Name: Niilo Novak
Race: Human
Status: In servitude to the Goddess of Darkness
Dark Karma: 13 476 003 501
AAHAHAAHAHAH!!!! AAAAhhhhh!!! Hhhhhh!!!!”- It was her, and I cringed inside. That laughtesound did not seem human at all!.
“You beautiful being, to think a human would make me scream hard like this.”-she giggled, this time somehow notoriously, more than usual.
For my part, I prayed to God (the first one) that she would not figure me out. I was not sure about everything, that was a fact. But currently it took an idiot to think her and my moral views were the same.
“Now it’s time we go shopping, sharp. Heheheh...”
I interrupted her-” Shopping?”- the question slipping out of my mouth. It’s fricking hard to control your thoughts when you are dead. I will tell you that much.
“Tdaaaaaa! We are now billionaires after all. ”- I could not see her, but the way she said it made me sure she had a wicked smile on her face.
A similar-sized screen appeared again in front of me. However, the information displayed was very different.
Method of payment?
  1. Karma
  2. Souls
  3. Blood
  4. Dark Karma
Yeah… I did not like what I saw. I really did not.
“You need to say Dark Karma… naturally”- her voice brimming with happiness.
I spoke the words and an array of lists flew all over my view. Options, statistics, numbered bars, names I have never seen before. The screen was everything but simplistic; I could read what it said, but the amount of data was overwhelming.
But not to her!
Certainly not her! To this day, I still do not know how was I able to keep my nerves calm. She was screaming like a child in an all-you-can-eat ice cream shop.
“Look at all those unlocked options! There is not a single thing out of our reach hihihihi. You will... serve me well, hahaha”- Those last words were everything but child-like.
To my defense, I tried to keep my mouth shut and focus. To observe and learn.
“Now... what is your preferred style of combat?” -for some reason, I never imagined she would ask that. I really didn’t, so it’s no small wonder I was slow to come up with anything. Instead of answering to someone who was now likely my overlord I just stood there, staring into the screen like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Hellooo? Your Goddess is speaking to you.”-luckily she did not seem agitated.
But even with the obvious lack of hostility coming from her words, I panicked.
“Fists… bare hands.” -well, it’s not like I had any other ‘combat experience’.
“Oh... seriously?”-again, there was no ill-intent radiating from her words. Thus I tried to rectify the situation I had tossed myself into.
“I am actually not that bad of a brawler. But I prefer to use my brain.”- well, I was totally 100% honest there. Hell, I killed a few billion people that way, so… Ehhhh, no, it’s too soon for that joke.
“Intelligence-based build? But a fighter?”-she said it as if I knew what she was talking about. Yet, I could not let her see the depths of my ignorance.
“Yeah, absolutely...”-again, the short answer is the best answer. I am pretty sure that logic is flawless whenever you are talking to the actual fricking Goddess of Darkness.
There was so much I wanted to ask, for her to explain me the world I was to reincarnate inside of. What level of technology they had. The political situation, history, etc. Yet I was careful here. Betting on the common-sense conclusion that the act of spending those thirteen billion of dark karma will keep me safe.
“ Magic or Leadership oriented?”- another question about something I knew nothing about.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuucckkk!”-my mind was screaming. I felt like a student who did not even know the name of the class he was attending, being questioned by the professor.
“Leadership… obviously.” - I filled those words with as much confidence as I possibly could. While shocked that she mentioned ‘magic’. Damn, I should have figured something like that would pop out from somewhere.
“Okay! I can work with that. It actually makes sense when I think about it!”- that excitement-riddled reply gave me more relief than I would have thought possible. She had bought it, and it actually ‘made sense’!
In hindsight, it was pretty damn obvious she would believe the judgment of somebody who has over thirteen billion dark karma. For all I knew, that gigantic number made me the foremost expert in whatever she was doing.
And when Einstein is sitting there explaining physics to you, you frickin listen to him!
“Ehhh… quantity oriented... right?”- She was now asking me for direction? My ‘show of confidence’ really made her think my word held the weight of an expert?
I had to take advantage of it, to assert myself even more. Make her trust me that way.
“Absolutely not! The quality is a quantity of its own, when properly deployed.”- level of my ‘badassery’ overwhelming even me. What the hell was I even saying?
“Oh… wow! Never heard of such a build...”-I feared she might have become a bit suspicious there, luckily I was wrong -”...then again with this amount of dark karma you can sharply afford some unheard-of things.”
Oooo… she was eating my words like they were a dessert cooked by a master chef.
A few seconds later she said something on how intelligence builds usually need to worry about getting hurt, but I could afford an extremely resilient body. Even more so because I was able to pay a hefty fine. Supposedly, nobody was ever that rich to pay any fine.
Then she evilly giggled, that seemed to be a habit of hers.
So, I just continued standing there while data, numerated bars and everything else on the screen in front of me moved all around it. Parts of it sometimes blipping and going out of existence. Instantly being replaced by another set of information.
Then she suddenly screamed like a rich spoiled sixteen-year-old girl getting a brand new Mercedes.-” Haa!! Look at all these passives compatible with this build!”
I could swear to God (the first one) that she looked at me at the very moment with her eyes as wide as they get, although I was alone there -and could only sense her voice- But there was this distinct feeling that she was staring at me lingering in the air.
“Sharp!”- she exclaimed with playful zeal -” other choices were straight forward, but I am not sure about this. What do you think?”-the question obviously directed at myself.
The information on the screen was now simplistic, revealing what she was talking about. I could see a list of five ‘passives’. But I could not escape the notion of how ‘game-like’ this all was.
Selecting passive powers? What the hell is this!? Dota 3?”- I thought.
Compatible Passive**: Arch-summoner** (available)
Compatible Passive**: Internal Strike** (available)
Compatible Passive**: Pestilence** (available)
Compatible Passive**: Body of Shadow** (available)
Compatible Passive**: Touch of True** Eclipse (available)
Then in a moment of child like madness, I just went for the “Touch of True Eclipse”. Because it was the last on the list and sounded the most ‘exotic’. Plus I honestly wanted to make a fast decision and thus project a picture that ‘I knew what the hell I was doing’.
“Stealth passive?! I thought you would rather opt for the Arch-summoner? Increased leadership and all that. Or maybe an Internal Strike, large critical damage plus a stun?”- she immediately stated
Ouch… that might not have been the right choice?!
“You dislike it?”- I was a bit worried at that moment, but still composed.
“No, no, it’s an interesting choice really.”- sounding almost as if she was afraid she insulted me-” It makes you quite versatile. ”
“Well… if you insist another passive would be better, then...”-yet I was immediately interrupted.
“Oh! Nonsense, it’s your body… I can’t wait to see this build in action. Sharp!”
I simply nodded with my head, really slowly, and she giggled… again.
A few minutes passed, a dozen more numerated bars popped in and out of the screen, not much more happened. I held my tongue shut with spartan discipline.
Then she spoke-” Alright, I need you to confirm all of those purchases”
Total Price: 1 992 711 711 Dark Karma
Amount left: 11 483 291 790 Dark Karma
Confirm the Payment
Yes? No?
“Yes”-I spoke without thinking. Again, I did not want to give her ANY reason to doubt me. What questioning her spending of the resources would surely cause. At least that is what I thought.
Two billion? She spent two billion? I… I was not sure what exactly to think. I knew I was intellectually blind about all of this.
A hellish amount of ‘congratulation/notification’ messages spamming my view interrupted my stream of thoughts. I took a sudden and a rather clumsy step back. To make it worse, I didn’t manage to read any of them, capturing not a single drop of information by my eyes.
Maniacal sounds startled me- “AahAHHAHAHAHA!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhii!”- ‘laughter’ coming from her. Yet, I was kind of getting used to it, emphasis on ‘kind of’.
“This is sooooo sharp! Ahahahaha! So much of it! I can’t even spend it! AHAAHAH”- well she seemed to be in a good mood. I reckoned that was not that good of a sign.
Well, my father always told me the only way to make a girl happy was to have more money than she can spend. I bet that rule was worth double if she was a Goddess of Darkness.
Thanks dad, you were right all along.
In front of me stood the status of my ‘afterlife bank account’:
Name: Niilo Novak
Race: Human
Status: In servitude to the Goddess of Darkness
Dark Karma: 11 483 291 790
“You like what you see? Darling?”- her voice was now different, I sensed it coming somewhere close behind me. I turned around.
Turned around confident I would see her.
Yet there was nothing. Only empty space, the same it was the first time I appeared in this ‘universe’.
“Darling?”-she called me once again.
“D-darling?”-I questioned her choice of the word. A word like that did not feel right. Not even as a joke. Not in a situation like this.
“Hihihihih, anyone who lets me spend two billion dark karma is my darling.”- again I felt that wicked smile and her eyes on me. But I could see nothing around me, not a trace of the deity.
“Well, I am not one to question your words”- trying to sound loyal and diplomatic.
“Indeed, you are a smart one.”- it really sounded like an actual compliment.-” And soon to be handsome in that new – fearsome - body of yours… hehehehe”
Well, that was a given.
Reincarnation would make a ‘new man’ out of me. That much I have expected ever since I heard reincarnation was even an option. Therefore I did not care about it. I wanted to be alive damn it! And somehow, even while serving this Goddess, survive and maybe repent my sins.
I had to make it count this time.
“So... what do you want to do next? ”- the color of her voice strangely ‘natural’ almost as if I were on a date and we just finished watching a movie. The only problem being that she actually asked me a direct question. I had to deflect in any way possible.
“I firmly believe it’s you who should decide on our next course of action.”
“Well… I am a Goddess, but somebody of your caliber surely has few quality ideas on his mind”-her logic and common sense seemed unquestionable.
Shiiiiit! Of course she would think I had a ton of ideas. Intelligence build, fighter, leadership-oriented and all that other crap I told her” - I lost my cool for a second there; even frowned.
“Everything alright?”-she asked. Even the worry in her voice sounded genuine. Yet I knew it was far from the truth. Nobody who is ecstatic about the amount of dark karma I had can possibly be sympathetic towards others.
To my surprise that brain of mine actually worked for once.-“I will have to think everything over. Not keen to rush any decision if I do not have to.”- Yea that 100% sounded like a bullet-proof type of smart answer.
“Sure, take your time… I need to take care of a few things anyway. Will be back in an hour or so, then we can talk it over, haahahah. ”
It worked! I was a bit worried when I said it, but yea. That was some brilliant devil’s lawyer level shit on my part. I had captured the most valuable commodity one can ask for in any conflict, the time.
“See you later! Darling… hehe”-damn I would have sworn her voice sounded innocent there for a second. Yea, devil is a deceptive bastard, alright. Goddess of Darkness is surely not far behind.
I had to figure the shit out of this. To read through the same screen, that she used to ‘spend’ my dark karma. There had to be a lot... and I really mean A LOT of useful information there.
Thus, both hungry and desperate for knowledge, I quickly opened it by just saying a few words. Everything here seemed to work that way, a surprisingly user-friendly interface.
I began to read it superficially at first, just to get a general idea. What was where, how it was organized, etc. Sometimes glancing over the numbers and graphs, more focus on the written word.
However, one part soon caught my eye.
The purchase history! It was practically at the bottom, like one might expect. I rushed to look at it.
To my satisfaction, there was an orderly list of all things my ‘Goddess’ bought, starting with the most expensive one.
The purchase --------- The Price
TITLE: Dreadlord (Unlocked) ………………………. …. 513 000 000 Dark Karma
Active Ability: Herald of Darkness (Unlocked)……………… 71 000 000 Dark Karma
Passive: Immortal (Unlocked)……………………………... ……47 000 000 Dark Karma
Passive: Deathless (Unlocked)…………………………………….. 27 000 000 Dark Karma
Active Ability: Aura of Primal Fear (Unlocked)……………… 27 000 000 Dark Karma
Compatible Passive: Touch of True Eclipse (Unlocked)………113 000 000 Dark Karma
The initial list was short, but I knew not what a single thing there meant. Yet... in an awkward way it honestly looked like something I expected to find.
“What is a Dreadlord?” - Of course I was going to check the most expensive ‘Title’ first. And like every time, the screen displayed the answer.
[Dreadlord:” Ruler of Darkness, the Leader of Shadows, the Son of Eclipse, a being which transcended evil and became its master.”
Gives one the strength to carve up his very own soul and still survive unscratched. Having that kind of resource at hand, one can thus call forth fanatically loyal servants which are able to act independent, using their own better judgment. Meaning they might not be loyal forever, but as long as they are, they will serve their creator… even beyond death.
Note: “Default understanding of a multitude of languages, both written, spoken, or gesticulated is always included in high tier Leadership oriented Title.”
Further Details...]
Huh….? What the?
The description of it was like something from a poorly written fantasy. And everything below ‘the explanation’ of what it does, made no sense, except the part on being a polyglot. However, if I had any doubts this ‘Goddess of Darkness’ might not be such a bad deity, they were nonexistent now.
“Further Details...”-my words shallow, but moist with the yearning for knowledge.
Predictably, another window popped up.
[ Many who are in servitude to the Goddess of Darkness spill their precious blood to summon mindless minions that only inherit the physical traits of a corpse used for the purpose, subsequently enhancing it proportionally to the potency of the blood.
But the Dreadlord can do immeasurably more, bringing forth servants unlike any others, by giving them a piece of his soul, embedding it into the core of their being. Such an unholy act creates an abomination imbued with two somewhat chaotic and unpredictable gifts. One originating from the dead body, while the other is inherited directly from the piece of its creator’s soul, no matter how corrupt it may be. ]
Fucking excellent!! What am I exactly??? Some kind of soul-necromancer bullshit.”
It took a moment for my mind to sober up.
I inhaled deeply, my eyes rushing further down; the title ‘Immortal’ piqued my interest enormously. My mind hoped it would be exactly what it said, no strings attached.
Immortal:” The one who does not age, practically resistant to nature of death, able to fully regenerate as long as there is a single trace of his soul left. ”
Note: “Reattaching/Absorbing severed body parts instead of waiting for them to regrow significantly increases regeneration rate and preserves body mass.”
Oh, well… that was superbly useful. I could not argue there. However, seeing that I was a kind of “Immortal”, the Deathless passive seemed redundant. What could it possibly be?
Deathless:” Survival! Utterly resistant to critical injuries and capable of functioning even after suffering the most grievous damage, the Deathless one is nigh impossible to kill. No flame, poison, or bane of his race will stop its natural regeneration.”
Note: “Beings gifted with this passive possess senses and reflexes of range and scope far beyond that of any mortal. Precognition of incoming danger is like breathing to them. With spatial awareness that knows almost no bounds.”
Damn… that was, ‘sharp’. If there was one thing I did not want to happen, it was to get murdered. At least that Goddess and I were on the same page regarding that.
Still, there were many more arrays of data to go through.
I urgently went down to see all other ‘purchases’, both worried and interested in what else I might find.
My worry unexpectedly changed into confusion when I saw this.
The purchase -------- The Price
Item**: Obsidian Granite 5 000 000 tons** (stored)………. 25 000 000 Dark Karma
Item**: Pure Iridium 100 tons** (stored) ……………….. 25 000 000 Dark Karma
Item**: Pure Platinum 1000 tons** (stored) ……………… 20 000 000 Dark Karma
Item**: Silver Coins 50000 tons** (stored) ………………. . 10 000 000 Dark Karma
Item**: Emanating Marble 300 tons** (stored) ………….. 10 000 000 Dark Karma
Item**: Sacred Pearls 100 tons** (stored) …………………. 9 000 000 Dark Karma
What the hell was that, and she bought tons of it? Some kinds of materials? Huh?!.
Even after inspecting what they were, I really had no clue of their purpose. Except for the silver coins, currency obviously. But the fact that she was spending millions of human lives worth of dark karma likely meant it was necessary.
Why was she buying all of that?”
Unable to understand what I was looking at, and unwilling to lightheartedly spend the valuable time I had. My mind quickly switched to other problems, searching for any information I could understand.
A few minutes after, I saw another interesting piece of data listed under “Penalties”. I opened it on instinct, not expecting to find anything which might surprise me more than anything else thus far.
I was wrong.
More so that one might think.
The purchase -------- The Price
Paid Fine: Owns both the Immortal and Deathless passive…... 313 000 000 Dark Karma
Direct Penalty: Hunger for Life
Direct Penalty: Uncontrollable
Needless to say… I instantly went over this.
Something in the back of my mind radiating ominous precognition.
Hunger for life:” The one who needs to kill to quell his hunger. Consume the Blood or Souls of living to sustain himself. ”
Every day spent consuming neither Blood nor Soul of living deteriorates one’s condition and capabilities.
Uncontrollable:” One whose strengths are beyond him, prone to unwillingly losing authority over his own actions.”
Note:” Due to also possessing Hunger for Life penalty, the effect of the Uncontrollable slowly increase for every single day spent consuming no Blood or Soul of a living.”
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This for real??
Consuming?!? Fricking... CONSUMING the Blood or Soul of a living?
Yea, I was no lawyer, but my gut feeling told me this surely did not apply to the “blood and soul” of some animals. The beings I would have to kill, likely being far more sapient in their nature.
I had to change these settings, these purchases. There was no way I would allow myself to reincarnate as some blood-hungry psychopath.
Word by word, detail by detail, I needed to save myself.
What in God’s name did that bitch of a Goddess plan to reincarnate me into? Some immortal cannibal?
The first minute passed as I was trying to straighten my thoughts.
The following ten minutes I was searching for some type of “cancel purchase” button. To my horror, none was there.
But there had to be a way to undo this. Even if I had to spend another shit-load of dark karma.
Another fifteen minutes flew by, I was already reading the small print and any side information I saw. I already spent the last life being a murderous monster, another one was one too much.
In a reasonable effort to recollect my thoughts, I took a two-minute break, walking around the stone table. I was getting better, I understood more every second.
The fact that I was able to talk to the “screen” made it all much easier, far more efficient. You did not want to press the wrong button or something like that in this situation.
Ten minutes after I took another short break. Trying to connect dots here and there. Seeing a bigger picture, seeing a clearer picture. That would help a lot.
I was sure of it.
I was getting better at this.
Well, of course, after all, I knew how to read and speak, you did not need much more to work with this.
Luckily for me. If it was in some language I did not understand I would have been in a rather unsalvageable situation.
Twenty minutes after that I felt like bashing at the screen when the message popped out.
Please Note That All Purchases are Final, Non-Refundable and Non-Exchangeable.
Note: [Any and all purchases can only be done directly by deity].

submitted by _Sky__ to HFY [link] [comments]

An honest review of the state of Clash Royale: make Clash Royale great again [HELP NEEDED] [HIGH EFFORT]

An honest review of the state of Clash Royale ← click/tap


Clash Royale casual player base has been reduced over the last month due to the Clan Wars 2.0.
In this Google Document:
I know that I have written a lot of text (it is taking me +5 hours to write everything), but I beg you to read it, or at least take a look at it.
Also I would really appreciate that you add comments in the Google Document in order to add new ideas, you can also ask me for permissions to edit the Document if you're willing to collaborate.
It would be awesome if you mentioned Drew in the comments section in order to bring these ideas to the Clash Royale team.


(Feel free to skip this part)
I knew about this game because it had become popular among my colleagues at the university in early 2017.
I started playing it without much hope, because I was always a console player and popular mobile games, like Angry Birds or Geometry Dash, bored me after a few hours. But when I played it, I started to like it, and I spent a couple of hours every day on it. I joined my friends' clan, where I knew about 20 people in real life. I kept playing for about 1 hour a day almost every day, but my friends slowly got bored and left the clan and the game.
By 2018, the clan was in the doldrums, our leader had not played for weeks, and we had many inactive members. There were few donations and exchanges. Since I knew him, I talked to him and asked his permission to do a cleanup in the clan, that's when he put me as the leader of the clan and left the game.
After this change, I became motivated and started making changes in the clan. I wrote some rules in a Google Drive document (if you are interested, check it out at, started doing cleanups every few weeks, and tried to keep the clan full and with players who contributed to the clan, even though it wasn't mandatory to play Clan Wars 1.0. We became in the Top 100 clans in my region, +14k war trophies, the clan always with 50/50 members, and with about 10-15 members we reached +6k trophies in ladder every season.
One month after the disastrous update of the Clan Wars 2.0, the clan I spent so many hours with is dying at a dizzying rate. Only 36/50 members (and we have a hard time filling it up without lowering the required conditionsjijiji a lot), 2980 war trophies, no player with more than 6k trophies in ladder, and very few members left with whom I started in the clan. I have also played much less this month, normally I finished the Pass Royale in 2 weeks, and this season I have only reached the tier 13.d
I am a casual player, I have played this game more than any other in my life, and I have spent around $200 on the game. I love to play many different archetypes and that's why I've never been bored...
But the Clan Wars 2.0 update has made me feel angry, then sad, frustrated, and right now, disappointed. A mistake can be made by anyone, what bothers me the most is that the designers and developers have decided to bet on this update with everything against it and wait to see if the problems are solved by themselves. And this is not going dto happen.


The broad answer is simple: designers and developers did not listen to the player community. They have to try to set aside the balance of costs and benefits, because if dthe player base drops to 0, so does the revenue. As a software developer I understand that it is important to have healthy financial accounts, but never at the cost of losing customers (players in this case).
Breaking down the answer, I want to list some notable problems:

Quality of Life updates:

There are not enough updates. I think it would be healthy for CR if bug fixes and small updates were introduced into the game every 1-2 weeks. The hardest part of accomplishing this would be having ideas on what changes to make, but Clash Royale is fortunate to have such a large community on Reddit. Developers should check the top-rated posts frequently and, instead of thinking, "CAN WE MAKE THESE CHANGES WITHOUT IMPACTING PROFITS?" ask themselves "HOW ARE WE GOING TO MAKE THESE CHANGES WITHOUT IMPACTING PROFITS?"

Benefits strongly linked to the progress of the players:

One of the main problems in Clash Royale is that a casual player like me, who has been playing non-stop for more than 3 years, and who has spent around $200 still cannot be maxed (only 26 cards maxed out of a total of 99+2). This should not be happening this way. Maxed players have a competitive advantage over other players, they can use any deck and take advantage of the strongest cards of the season.
An example of this was when the Clash Royale team decided that 2 tokens were necessary to carry out an exchange, because obviously players were being able to obtain the necessary cards to max out their favorite decks too quickly.
I suggest that the rewards increase so that a player around 6k trophies can max 32 cards a year, and a new player can max 8 cards in the first year. This would be playing all the challenges, participating in war every day, playing ladder trying to beat the maximum of trophies, etc. "Yeah sure, and how do you pay the salaries to the Clash Royale team?". I will answer you in the Solutions and ideas section (hint: Fortnite, Dota 2).

Major updates:

I understand that major updates require a lot of time and effort to execute, therefore I would be happy to receive them approximately every 6 months. The problem that I see with the current system is that the team cannot receive feedback from the players, and I understand that due to marketing issues they always try to keep it secret and create as much hype as possible; but doing so runs the risk of wasting a lot of time and effort on an update that players are going to hate (just like Clan Wars 2.0).

New cards and content:

I think that to spice up the game and make each season unique, it is important to release 1 new card each month. I think it's the best way to keep players active and without getting bored. I'll talk about the content in the Solutions and Ideas section.

Clan Wars 2.0

In this topic I am not going to extend much, since recently many users have analyzed in depth the problems that have arisen with this update, but I will focus on the main issues:


If you have read all the way along I thank you for your patience!
I want to clarify that obviously I’m not God and I don’t have all the answers of how to make this game more attractive. I’m not a game designer either, but I think that as a player and software developer I can bring some ideas.

Quality of Life updates ideas

Just a few examples:
If I’d spent more time thinking I could write down more and more ideas, but you wouldn’t read it, so better if I stop here.

Benefits strongly linked to the progress of the players

How would I solve this issue?

Major update

This could have a few solutions, but I think they aren’t compatible with the marketing of hype:

New cards and content

What do you want me to say? The solution is pretty obvious. Just add new cards, new cosmetics (at least 3-5 unique skins for each card, 3-5 emotes, etc), add new card challenges that can be unlocked when collecting the loyalty points, etc. Clash Royale team, just hire 20 more artists and flood the game with skins, emotes, and stuff.
Also it would be awesome if the shop was improved and all (but the exclusive ones) skins, emotes, tower skins… were always available for gems. Sometimes I feel the impulse of buying an emote (because some player BM me with it and it looked cool), but when I saw it on the shop a few weeks later this impulse was gone and I didn’t spend those 250 gems. This is bad for Clash Royale earnings, and for players (who are disappointed because they can’t fulfill their needs).

Clan Wars 2.0

Solutions for the previous issues:
Thanks for reading!
submitted by igonro to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

So is dota gonna forever be forcing 50% Winrate?

I never made a post complaining about this, but I just can't take it anymore, it prompts me to delete the game again.
Every time I climb ranked, after a few wins there comes the streak of FORCED losses. And I mean FORCED. Every game that I win is hard and I need to do my best to not make any mistakes to win. Every game I lose, there is NOTHING I can do. Below you can see my past games.
After the last spectre win, I reached ancient 4. What followed is nothing short of a joke. What's sad is that I already expected it. Actually if I could bet money on it, I would now be a very wealthy man.

I'm PA
First game - totally dumpstered mid (Storm vs SF), offlane Necro afk jungling for naked radiance, position 4 Bounty farming first item aghs and not ganking at all (literally I didn't get a single track kill, bh didn't come bot not even once, even when they were diving us in 4 people). Only normal player was WW. Let's take a look at game number 2.

I'm Spec
Second game - once again totally dumpstered mid (QOP vs Invoker - btw from laning qop was 1-7, later stole some kills with ulti), offlane feeding Viper and WW (wyvern had whopping 2k damage at the END of the game, most of the game afk farming orchid that he never used), once again none of cared to TP bot to help when enemy was diving me under tower with 3+ heroes. The saddest thing is, the best player here was actually position 5 tinker...I don't think I need to say more...but let's carry on.
At this point I said to myself, okay, it's happening again, they always feed mid and enemy snowballs out of control, let's play mid so it doesn't happen. So I queue for mid.
I'm Zeus
So I'm mid vs Morph and I'm doing pretty fine (3-1 vs him when I start ganking), even though pudge is sitting on me and rubick TP'd to help him a few times. Low and behold, when I take mid, I end up having NO carry - AM ends up with multiple buybacks and afk farming jungle, while the enemy is just running at us like OG. During this game, I didn't get a single glimmer from Enigma, who manages to use first black hole at 30 minutes when we are all dead, Snapfire decides that support items are useless and Cent is afraid to fight after he picks up a dagger and has 3k hp, basically sacrificing me multiple times, even though I was killing enemy with 3 spells due to my high damage output. Not to mention that I had to place all obs for myself, because pudge kept hunting me all game, probably knowing I'm the only win condition, and nobody from my team did it. I probably could buy some defensive items, but my point is I wouldn't really NEED it, if my team were playing as they're supposed to. I had my travels and K+Y so early, that my damage output was ridiculous. Sadly when they figured out, that there is no teamplay, they just kept running at me till we lost and I couldn't do anything.
So there you have it, 3 absolutely FORCED losses, where I had no way of winning. Now please tell me, how can they keep pulling this shit off? It is obvious to me, that the forced 50% winrate is there so noobs wouldn't delete the game. Noobs don't delete the game because they're trash - they keep buying hats. Keep buying hats - CHA CHING. And I end up having to carry these noobs in my hard games just to lose it all back in FORCED LOSSES. It is literally making me sick. The losses before my 4 wins were pretty much the same, and it was the same basically all games before that. I have to play so many games just to climb one rank, how is this fair? In an evenly matched game, I would be winning consistently until I would reach my skill cap, which is so much higher than 4k trash. I'm probably never gonna make a post like this again, but I just had to vent this shit out already. This is a big fuck you to Dota devs, the money-grabbing scumbags. Cheers guys.
submitted by supenoc to DotA2 [link] [comments]

Recycling Immortal Treasures for Levels will almost certainly not come back - more similar changes are likely to continue to follow unless something is done

Over the past 5 years, Valve has been greedily adding bullshit restrictions that decrease the utility for players to maximize their profits. Given that the player base has not significantly changed from one year to another, it's more than likely that these aforementioned changes are some of the notable factors driving the annual prize pool surpassing the previous years (Yes I know there are others - ie: "accidentally" allowing multiple bundle purchases 3 years in a row, TI9 having its rewards centered around the 200-400 levels, etc).
To emphasize just how much has changed, I will start with how the compendium was when it first started. I'll be ignoring the 1 week steam market purchase restriction as well as the change to gifting, as it's not just exclusive to the compendium.
  1. The compendium itself was fully tradable and marketable. This means that users could trade other cosmetics (even from other games) for it if they didn't want to dish out money.
  2. All immortal treasures and the drops in them (not just the ultra rares) were immediately tradable and marketable. This means if you were adverse to gambling and just wanted a select item, you could purchase it from the steam market. This also meant that if you were a high roller that ended up with a ton of shit that you didn't want, you could recoup your investment by selling them all on the market instead of turning it into more levels (which if you were a high level, meant very little to you).
  3. You can recycle immortal treasures that you do not want for levels. To be fair, this was here until TI9, but it's simple. If you don't really want to sell your extra immortal for steam funds but you also want to level up some more without shelling out more cash, recycling is very convenient for you. It also helps reduce the supply of these immortals out there, helping increase the value.
Now I'm going to layout every shitty thing that Valve has done since then, and how it's gone increasingly shitty every time without an appropriate backlash. This list likely is not all inclusive - it's everything major that I recall at the moment though.
  1. They banned the trading and marketing of all compendium items until after TI is over (August) excluding the "ultra rare". This has two primary negative consequences - it forced every player who wanted item X into gambling or the "black market" and it prevents the player to resell some of their unwanted gains to fund more levels (aka, you had to inject "new" cash into the system). Honestly, I can sympathize a little with this one, as there is some sense to be made about keeping event items exclusive to the event for its duration, opening up the market afterwards. It encourages people to buy from the primary market rather than the secondary, which is more profitable for Valve ofc. My main concern with this is that it forces everyone who wanted item X (ie: a normal drop from immortal treasure 3) to go into lootbox mode (1/6 chance at level 200 in the past) or dabble in "gift-trading" (filled with scams) - I would've been fine with this if they had just set up some sort of a direct reward rather than leaving it RNG-based if they were going to restrict the secondary market.
  2. They then extended that 3 month restriction and made it 1 year and 3 months. This means that all the cool stuff you got last TI? You can't sell any of it to finance this TI, forcing more of an injection of new cash into the system. This is pretty ridiculous as it has negative externalities on various other things inbetween the TI's (ie: a new game comes out that you want to buy in December - you can't sell your TI items and have to inject more cash on it) - along with all the bad issues stated in point 1, just worse.
  3. They restricted compendiums from being sold from anywhere but the dota2 store. Again, this limits market makers and forces players to either inject new cash into the system or, if they plan on getting it with items, take a 15% hit (due to the steam community market tax) which could've been avoided via trading.
  4. All in last year (TI9), they removed immortal treasure recycling, restricted the trade on the ultra rare drop for the cache set (so you have to buy a shit ton and GAMBLE if you want the ultra rare or again, go on the shady "gift-trade" markets), and restricted even the GIFTING of the 50 level drops (used to be tradable and giftable). This is, again, forcing players to drop more "new" money into the system. Want to hit level 1000 but don't give a fuck about your extra immortals? Pay $50 more now for it. Have a shit ton of 50 levels in your inventory that you don't care about (you're level 2000) but have a ton of low level friends who would love to buy (or even be gifted) one? Too bad, fuck you - they need to inject new money into the system, screw the fact that you prevent the transfer of an item owned by someone who has near 0 utility for it to someone who has immensely high utility for it (5 more immortal treasures I don't want vs someone getting their axe unlock). On top of this, they completely decimated the value of ultra rares - all 3 of TI9's ultra rares are sitting below 5USD right now with their rampant oversupplying. I'm willing to bet these dipshits are considering making them not tradable/marketable either, to hide their true value from players and make them not feel like a complete retard for dropping $500 to unbox an ultra rare that'll be worth $3 in 2 months.
Every year it gets worse and every year I try to stir up some sort of an outrage - a community effort to get them to stop doing more bullshit. And every year a wave of Valve Shills absolutely fuck that effort up with a bunch of nonsensical and unrelated points. So let me address 90% of them right now:
  1. No, this is not saying that Valve is 100% evil and bad; I love Dota 2 and the compendium in general and every year there are a lot of great things that they do too. This is meant to highlight the negative things that people are accepting way too easily, and try to rally a community effort in stopping these things from further worsening.
  2. All of these aforementioned restrictions are objectively worse for the consumer under the assumption that you being forced to spend more money for the same thing = bad (aka a rational being); there is no argument that rational consumer utility would increase if these restrictions were lifted. If you like the fact that you're being restricted in this way, having to put in additional money where you didn't have to in the past, you're either a masochist or you're ignorant.
  3. I've actually have had people tell me that in reality, their items are MORE valuable than before (refering to comparable years with less restrictions I guess) because of the changes making it more "exclusive". To those people, I say please understand that just because the entire market is closed and no one can sell anything, it does not mean the SUPPLY is any loweyour item is worth more - all it means is that all of the supply is super inefficiently allocated (ie: one guy having 2000, with 2000 guys having 0 of item X) which sucks as there's obviously a decreasing marginal rate of utility after 1. If you want empirical data to confirm that your items are in fact NOT getting more valuable because of these hurdles, please look at the value of the "ultra rares" from Ti6 to Ti9 on the steam market and let me know if there's a trend....
So this will be my annual effort to try to get the community to not stand for whatever bullshit they pull this year (and they've done this every year since Ti6) - not sure whether or not they'll just ban trading/marketing/gifting everything entirely or if they'll come up with something else as awful. I'd say there's only a 50/50 chance that this gets any notice v.s being insta-downvoted by Valve Shills. I know this is hard, but even with the hype of the pass coming out, PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ EVERYTHING THE BLOG SAYS BEFORE BUYING IT. If there's anything that's an aggressive fuck you to the consumer, please vote with your wallet - if there's a downward trend at the start with a clear reason of protest behind it, they might not actually follow through with their bullshit for once.
TL;DR Valve has done increasingly anti-consumer bullshit in their compendium and the TI9 one took the cake (ie: removing recycling immortal treasures for levels). If you want to stop incentivizing them to do more similar things, please take your time to read everything during the pass release and if there's bullshit, vote with your wallet. If you don't, it's not only almost a certainty that features like recycling for levels never come back, there will be even worse restrictions down the road
submitted by Avar1cious to DotA2 [link] [comments]

DOTA 2 (question about gamble)

Hi boys, man! I'd like to know where I can bet most of my Dota 2 item. thank you !:)
submitted by Jellcrz to Dota2Betting [link] [comments]

Ashes of Creation - How to ensure long-term WPvP

If you take a look at online games, they all have something in common: players competing with other players. League of Legends, Fortnite, Dota 2, etc. are all games that feature player vs player.
Competition is what drives online videogames.
Singleplayer games serve the role of immersion & they help you delve into a fantasy world where you can escape your real life for a moment.
MMOs are a more complete version because they combine both aspects: immersion & player competition. That's why World PvP is essential in Ashes of Creation. PvP should not be a choice, should be a necessity. You should be forced to PvP as much as you're forced to PvE. An MMO without PvE is empty, makes no sense. An MMO without PvP becomes dull & boring. Doing end time PvE content is fun, but playing vs AI isn't the goal here. Competing with others IS.
There is one element that makes PvP detrimental in every MMO: Queue System. I really hope Ashes of Creation will feature a PvP system where PvP is a necessity, not a 'queue system' or a choice. WoW has turned PvP into a 'queue system'. I queue for Arenas, or BGs, or Alterac Valley. PvP should be Stranglethorn Vale. Castle Sieges fall in the 'queue system' category for me. They are fun, and very much needed as a treat, but they should not be the foundation for PvP. PvP should be unexpected, wild, 'real' within a fantasy simulation world where you are free & entitled to do whatever you want, whenever you want.
PvP has become 'something apart'. It is not part of the game anymore, it's just 'for a certain audience'. How sad :(
PvP shouldn't even exist as a term, it should be implicit in the MMO term already: you know that as soon as you're thrown into the world, you have to fight for your survival.
Envision Ashes of Creation as Rust, open world PvP. Here's the good part though: AoC is more than Rust, it's an MMO, therefore you have: a lore, a beautiful setting, variety of NPCs & the king of all kings, PvE content. PvE & PvP should form the 'perfect couple'. If we separate them, we create an imbalance that will take things to extremes.
The moment we turn PvP into "a choice", rather than a necessity & indispensable requirement to survive in a beautiful, yet dangerous world, the game will eventually become dull.
I remember a while ago I was watching Summit1g play Guild Wars 2. The guy spent hours trying to level up, NO WORLD PVP WATSOEVER, just to end up playing arenas all day because he loves PvP and there was no other way to do it. Eventually he got bored. He was a slave of the queue system. How sad, right? So sad.
There are multiple ways to incentivise World PvP, to be continuous, to never end. If WPvP is present, queueing up for arenas or castle sieges all day won't be a thing!
Here's an analogy for Queue System PvP & World PvP: When you listen to your favorite song, if you listen to it for hours on end, on the forth day you can't take it anymore. However if you have a list of top 100 favorite songs, that can last you for weeks! So is World PvP. It lasts for a long time...
Caravans are a good way to incentivize it, but here's my fear: if caravans follow the same path, the same roads, PvP will only be available in specific caravan routes. How will that impact the chance of doing PvP in what's left of the open world once max level has been reached? (Tbh the fact that Nodes level up HELPS a lot, which is great!)
Possible ways to implement more WPvP incentivizers in the game:
E.g. 1. An item drop / set that unlocks its special set traits not only upon set completion but by getting kills. For example, a set called 'Assassin's daggers' that consists of two daggers. Special traits: Your agility is increased by 10% (trait works once you have both daggers) / You have 5% chance to throw a Shadowbolt when you hit an enemy (trait unlocks once you've completed "0/50 kills" in the open world). It turns out the Assassin's daggers are cursed daggers that thirst for blood, and each one of the daggers contain the souls of the two most famous assassins in Verra. Once you obtain the daggers, they can be bound to a quest chain that indicate locations on the map. You could be sent on a mission to assassinate people in different zones & locations to appease the spirits that possess the daggers & they grant you more power (aka they unlock the final trait). In this way you build a lore around a single piece of set & at the same time incentivize World PvP.
So the big question is: Why world PvP? Why not just Queue PvP? It's simple, WPvP can happen under a beautiful tree, in your favorite zone, in the desert while you're riding a camel, next to your favorite dungeon, next to a Node! Maybe by the sea, or maybe while you're gathering herbs in the heart of the forest. WPvP aids immersion & makes you FEEL things. Queue PvP is more... mechanical. It becomes mechanical, dull, boring.
That's why it is important for Castle Sieges to be SPECIAL events only, then they become something beautiful. Like Node wars, they won't be very frequent, but whenever they happen they are exciting. If they happened everyday, you'd get bored of it, and they might become the PvP standard, which isn't good. Arenas too, they should be reserved for the best, the fittest, the strongest, or for a bit of fun. Make Arenas so that it has spectators (real players) that bet on other players. They can make money if they bet on the winner! Also, Arenas could become a tournament zone where winners have a chance of having their names written on boards & everybody can see it within the game, or winners are given houses! They become rich! Idk,Arenas could be really nice, but they should never become the center of PvP, they should simply be part of it. (A requirement to enter arena could be: 0/100 kills in the open world, which is more than enough from lvl 1 to max lvl to achieve it. This is an incentive for WPvP).
Thanks a lot for reading, I know it's long but I think it was important to mention & give you guys some ideas.
submitted by TheLondoneer to AshesofCreation [link] [comments]

Trying to continue my life mmr

Hello I just wanted to rant here because I’ve once again hit the lowest of my lows. So my backstory is like you all, I aspired to be a pro player so that I can do what I love and earn from it. The journey semi-ended when I started college as I needed to focus on my academics as I am pressured by my parents. Due to this pressure, I lost the will to grind mmr and pmay dota as I needed to pursue academics. (i atleast achieved 6133 mmr). I’m halfway through college and trying to make a living by doing little jobs(waiter and carwashes) but due to the pandemic, I’m trying to play it safe. So I tried the safest(where i can stay home) yet illegal way(not that illegal). So I got hooked on item gambling wherein i put in my old items and try to bet on matches. I racked up at least items worth 1800$ in a span of a week! I’m tryna sell the bundle of items for at least 1000$ to get a fast buyer. Someone already sent me a msg and I was so excited that I already told my parents and my girlfriend that we’re gonna eat out my treat. As soon as we were closing a transaction, he began acting sketchy. I didn’t know that the website auto rolls the items after an hour. I lost the 1800$ worth of items in a blink of an eye. I’m still trying to figure out the words that I’m going to say to my family and girlfriend. I’ve officially hit the lowest of my lows. I just want advice from you all. I’ve lost my purpose. Thank you for the messages if ever
submitted by AppleDoto to DotA2 [link] [comments]

To all the DotA is dying post/videos i've seen recently.

Firstly i would like to start with introducing myself, just to make you sure i am nowhere nearly new to DotA, even tho i only recently chose to take it seriously. After a couple of months of actually trying to improve my gameplay, and aim for not just the Immortal rank, but the competitive scene as well, even if im a bit "older" for a professional gamer let alone one who wishes to start his career next year, as i started aiming for that goal, i atually started reviewing reddit posts and youtube videos, stuff like gameplay, meta videos, even some tutorials. I started coming across videos and posts on reddit and some popular streamers and generally people known in DotA community posting hatefull stuff about DotA, mainly focusing on these things:
  1. Community is toxic Im sure that is the one thing you will find in each kind of these videos and posts, even in those that praise the game, people usually say these kind of stuff. IT'S NOT TRUE!!! Sure, every 3-4 games people can start fighting in the draft because someone picked something that isnt in the meta or doesnt seem to be popular in that mmr bracket, i've came across these people and situations, and my first respons is why are we fighting? The game hasnt even started yet? Usually after that kind of question both sides would well make claims and theories about why are they right, and the other player isnt and we lost gg. After which i calm down the situation by saying yea sure that hero is bad because of those reasons but its good because of those right? They would agree and be like sure lets go on see how the game goes. I learned to ease the tention at the very start of the argument, especially in those that happen before the first wave of creeps even spawns, i guess people do treat each other better later in the game if they allready had one argument and seemed to overcome it. Then find more empathy for the future mistake that the other side might be making. I cant explain this but i feel like if the first fight happens that fast into the game and we manage to overcome it we somehow build a better bond and actually play as teammates throught the first 10 minutes of the game, which leads to even better mid game and that usually does the job in winning the game in the first place. If the fight happens because someone is feeding or some kind of ackward gameplay that results in a teammate dying, and then the flame starts, i would recommend just asking the player attacked to switch lanes, or help you out with something and be sure to congratulate that person so everyone can see that hes not that bad after all. It helps the flamed player to release preassure of not making further mistakes, and it helps showing the flamer that everyone can make good and bad moves and they shouldnt just focus on the bad ones. You would be surprised at how many times this works. 9/10 would recommend. People being toxic because some speaks their native language??? So as much as it seems distortive to listen to a language you dont understand while focusing on last hits, im sure it cant be that bad, and im sure that those people (russians mostly) are talking to their party friends with whom they lane together, which means they are cooperating and that just leads to you having not to worry about that lane cause its gonna be won. Not everyone is good at english, some dont even know how to speak it at all and yet they want to play and communicate like the rest, let them be focus on your own thing or lover the voice audio option for that game its not that hard. Also most of these people are not even using the voice chat, and if you dont have a problem having LAKAD MATATAG on your screen every second im sure you wont have a problem with a sentence that you cant understand. The main reason why i feel this toxicity problem is not true is also because of the player base that DotA as a game has, and i feel its unique, nowhere in other games will you find that many older guys and girls playing than in DotA. This is actually very contradictory to the post itself as it suggests that there are no new young people playing the game but im sure they are here they are just not used to using the voice chat that much. Im saying this out of personal experience. Now that im older i usually use only voice chat, while when i was younger i was well shy i guess to talk. I dont know if im right about this, but i feel like i am. My point is that those older players have been in gaming communities for years, they developed friendships and relationships with other players though out the years and i think all of them-us realised that being nice to other people online is making you feel better about yourself aswell and it might result in making some online friends even. I even developed a desire to learn russian language just by playing the game and will be focusing on that in the future, those russian servers are gonna be helpfull once i start learning, something i never thought is gonna happen, intentional queing russian server :D Finally what i want to say about the toxicity in the game, and you can notice i didnt mentioned it as an option in how to deal with the toxicity that i find very rare in the game is the mute button. Yes i feel like that should be an option but lean onto figuring stuff out before muting someone, because that toxic person will still continue to flame your teammates and they are gonna tilt, which will result in loss even tho you werent hearing any of that.Instead talk to them for 20 seconds and im sure most people will chill out and be nice. But if someones a jerk and nothing you do helps them stop, f%%k him ignore him forever.
  2. Player base keeps dropping month after month So yes, the statistics do show this, and yes its pandemic out there which should most definitely result into people getting into their favourite game even more however.... I want to think differently. For me DotA before pandemic didnt exist for lets say 4 years, ive been a very active player since the start of 2013 untill 2015, by very active i mean 5500 games played with over 7000 hours on steam, yes for the 2 years period of time. In that time DotA at the start felt like fun. I was a DotA 1 player for years, but i didnt really get things i used to play clockwerk with 2 perservances maxing out the rocket and spamming it, played qop with the blink for the fun of it and never understood how someone can play meepo or invoker because the amount of skill i felt needed for that hero to be usefull i thought i never possesed or never will posess. DotA helped me than, im talking about DotA 2 make lifelong friendships from lan partys i had with people, i even have a friend from Russia since that time whom i still play with today, all those people from lan partys also played DotA 1 and still play DotA 2 today. In that time i remember the hype around 1 million dollar reward for winning the TI, i remeber possesing the green compendium not battle pass and how cool were the predictions back than. It was massive i even heared some news irl talk about how massive reward is going to be for an online game. If someone was to tell me that 5 years later the prize pool would be over 20-30 millions, i would drop everything and started working on becoming the best player in the world. So my point is, the prizes are growing every year, and the best part is that the community itself is making them huge, i overheared today how that is bad, i dont see how that is bad. How many games are out there that do not give a 25% of the cost of all the cosmetics back to the players that deserve it the most? I havent heared of any and if im wrong please tell me otherwise. It is an awesome thing from valve to do, and i would like to defend them in that case. Its also genius. This makes me sound like everything is about money, but if you rate DotA as a success or a game that is doomed to die out, at least rate it by the statistics that show constant growth in the competitive scene, which keeps a game alive. Games like fortnite for example dont have this and those are the games that i believe everyone will eventually play however no one is gonna stick to it because there doesnt seem to be that goal of actually becoming a paid professinal in something you put so much time in. Thats why those games are more popular than dota but do not have players commiting to them for the long run. I want to go back to the start of why i started telling you this, the reason why i quit dota in 2015 is because it started to feel like a chore, i hit 5k mmr and back then it was a big deal okay? It wasnt easy, and life around me kept happening, the games were hard and i could chose beetween playing for 4-5 hours in order to maintain the skill lever or play for even longer to achieve higher ranks or go outside and do stuff, party make friends find girls. I chose that and was coming back to dota for a game or two ever 2-3 months. Then 12 months ago i came back. I saw a huge competitive scene, larg sums of money in play, streams with over 10k views, game itself changed and progressed on the levels i couldnt even expect, they added talents, some new heroes, new neutral camps, everything was the same but everything was also different, the meta wasnt trilanes anymore it was 2 supports, the mmr system changed, the medals were a new thing, map was different, but the best part is that all the best things that i remember from 2013-14 still stayed. I could still see Dendi play, i could still hear some of the casters back then in the game still doing that, and the progress i made with my mmr climb still felt so good. The feeling of winning and losing didnt change i still found many old friends online still rocking it as they were. I fell in love again and i thought nothing new could happen. Oh yes i only felt bad because the name compendium doesnt exist anymore and is now battlepass, it just sounds more pay to win even if its not, and compendium sounds like a tournament pass/ticket. Anyway i was wrong, just as i got hooked again and got my rank, it was 2.4k Archon medal, later i even dropped to crusader at one point, the 7.23 came out, with it the new hero, completely new meta, new map, and yes the neutral items. Aghanim upgrades to each hero was huge to me, i remeber i thoguht people are gonna play clockwerk pos1 now because of the 8 seconds attack speed boost, how dumb right? But my point is the game developers found a way to again make something new out of a game that was allready complex enough, and yet it didnt go over the levels where we as players wont be able to fit it in in our allready very heavily occupied skill level requirements. The game is alive thanks to the devs and players, the game keeps evolving, and i dont know why everyone feels like its over, if i learned anything from this game its that it will keep chaning in ways we cant even imagine, but because it did changed so many times throught my lifetime, and even found its way as independent game the one thing im sure of is that it will not die out, it will stay with us throught our lifetimes, and it will keep growing and changing, i cant wait to show my kids my steam account and the screenshots i have.
  3. Bpass content sucks levels cant be gained through playing Okay so your favourite hero didnt get the new arcana this year, or you dont like the pudge persona because it looks silly? Or am persona isnt sexy enough? Well its normal that you like last years invoker more than this years pudge, but hey the content cant be always perfect, out of five arcanas and personas we all have the ones we like the most and the ones we dont like, its cool that WK got his old hero looks back through arcana, i think its genius because of what ive said about player base, i loved it because when i was playing dota as a kid its how he looked and when they changed him and his name i felt terrible, and now thats back, i think thats their way of rewarding the legacy players, and the ones that are in here for that many years, also a thing many of redditors and youtubers complained about. He also says something like im back which is cool if you ask me. Skeleton king is back in the "flesh" ( get it?) Pudge persona looks silly because its supposed to be a toy! Its not supposed to look scary its supposed to look goofy... Anti mage Wei isnt sexy because anti mage presents a balanced personality hero even his voicelines say so, and i guess thats why she also looks very confident and not like qop who is a sidistic bitch and i hate her and all the players that play her (dendi im talking to you as you are my favourite player and the fact that shes your favourite hero isnt looking good on you) im just kidding but i feel like most of you guys didnt see beyond your personal desires when it comes to cosmetics, they are keeping them up to heroes spells, lores, and i guess voiceliness in terms of personalities. The hype around waiting for the bpass contest is also something i would like to say a few words about even tho i found myself wanting more content and logging every day in hopes to see the new thing. We had a big amount of content in this years bpas, and the bpas itself lasted around 3 months. Now thats 90 days, even tho the amount of items and prizes are big, you cant expect to get the stuff on daily bases. It would spoil the feeling of getting the prize in the first place, and it wouldnt have the same value. Yes valve does taunt us indeed with this wait and with the order they get things out for us, but thats normal, look at any company with any product, and in reality thats what DotA is, its a product for you and me to use, and in order to keep that product alive and make both sides happy it is required to use some strategy to create money and in the same time to keep players in need of supply and keep them a little bit in the dark for some time just so they can feel special when they get something they wanted for some time, its much like in life if you think about it. So my guess is lower your expectations a little bit, we cant love every single thing that comes out and we cant have new things every week playing this game, then the game would truly die out. Instead focus on what happened to this game in this year or the last and realise much have changed and many new things were added. Finally the bpas leveling. I got my lvl1 bpas and i got 2 bundles of levels which is in total 241 leves, my bpas is now 459 lvl which im sure is also gonna go up by at least 120 more levels with the rare bundles and 2 weeks of tokens betting. That all costed less than 70$ for the span of 3 months of bpas which makes it 23$ a month. Thats less than the cost of 1 arcana. And you get so much value. And the bonus treasure that were included in the bpas bundle is also a very cool thing. Now i dont have a huge rate of success with betting, its around 60% so it means it couldve been higher, but what i do have is constant grind of guild contracts and clearing the cavern crawl, completing the achievements collecting bountys, and i have to mention i played 1 game of aghanim labyrinth so i imagine it wouldve been at least 30-40 levels higher if i chose to dedicate that much time in grinding, but i didnt. In the end of the day, yes that stuff isnt free but its not suppose to be i allready mentioned its both amazing and genius that valve made a decision to give away 25% of all the sales to the prize pool, and in return you get so much stuff, that is also exclusive and will forever be so. Again for 23$ a month.
Anyway much more i would like to say now that im reading this, but i realised i spent almost two hours writing this and ive never comitted to doing this kind of thing online, i was just bored from the ranked games and didnt have much to do so i thought to share my thoughts, and also see your responses to what i think, i was thinking about making youtube videos and content about dota since i played if for so many years, but im second guessing that now that i realise how much time it actually takes, shoutout to all the people that do make these kind of posts daily i wont take that process lightly in the future. Also in my defence i havent stayed on crusadearchon medal im now at the peak of reaching divine. Yes that happened in 6 months from crusader to almost reaching divine, and i wanted to speak about that as well since many of you are saying how the matchmaking system doesnt work, but im sure if you deserve the medal you think you do, you would have it in a couple of months if not either quit or git gud.
submitted by 13adLuckeee to DotA2 [link] [comments]

what happened to us?

every year this game is turning into a shit hole , the whole point of video games and online gaming was a place where people forget about their sad life and wanna have fun with friends and other human beings.
meanwhile companies like valve try to steal your money with their new tricks every year. gaben took dota from icefrog and turned it into a casino , players turned into gamblers. no one actually cares about the point of dota was having fun, buy bp so you can gamble and to get that treasure so u can gamble by opening it to get rare skins but you dont get it. you have to buy more and more so finally you can look better than other players.
gamble to get voice lines in order to tilt other players with it.
this whole dota 2 and valve makes me sick , me and my friends didnt play a single ranked match since bp released cuz they are spamming turbo to finish guild challenges and contracts so they get bp points to get that fancy look arcana.
but we had fun before TI , we were playing ranked we played for win but we lost so much. we thought about plans , drafts to win. getting better in team work , improving an actual useful skill that humans need for better life. but now ...
i bet everyone , deep down in their hearts just want bp to over soon.
valve dont even care that if you dont know how to play the game , he is like " you are losing too much? dont worry maybe its because you dont look good enough , buy dota plus so you can earn shards to buy fancy look items. you may get better if you feel better about yourself in that look "
literally 0 education for new players or even players who stuck in a certain rank. but hey there is a fucking dragon knight tutorial you can play and learn. yeah sure , how the fuck i can learn that pugna's ward deal damage right after i press refraction with Templar assassin so people wont laugh at me in TI final.
gaben didnt see your heart is bumping when you are playing dota back in dota 1. he just coudnt stop looking at the money in your hand.
hey fucker , the game you are turning it into a gold factory , we used to love so much that we escaped school to play it.
Edit : doesn't matter how much people hate me for this post, gambling money to get skins is disgusting and i fucking hate it. Rise price of all skins as much as you want but dont turn this game into a casino. I'm sure people would pay 200$ to get ursa ultra rare instead paying 50-100$ to get it by gambling. I tell you folks gambling is bullshit and it's bad for you. Hate me if you want but gambling is not a good thing for humans
submitted by Obydan to DotA2 [link] [comments]

Aphelios is incredibly problematic right now, dominating high elo pick-ban and plaguing front page with clips of global one shots. I've identified some of his core issues and created a program to simulate his damage values for his general combos (he does a lot more damage than expected).

So we've all seen the "Aphelios one shots an enemy from across the map with sentry Calibrum" or "Aphelios deletes someone from 3000 range with no warning" or "200 YEARS EXPERIENCE" clips that hit the front page. I've played a fair bit of him and have identified the problems in Aphelios' design and kit that allow these clips to exist, along with his underlying issues that cause his > 200% ban rate. To demonstrate the problem with Aphelios' numbers and interactions I also decided to code up a program that shows exactly how much damage a certain combo does from Aphelios (pro tip, it's a lot more damage than you and Riot thought). This is a long post so I'll give a TL;DR now for those that don't want to read.
TL;DR: Riot forgot that Calibrum marks, Sentry with Calibrum marks and Calibrum Ulti all apply FREE AUTO ATTACKS. Calibrum Q already has good base damage+ratios and then gives a FREE AUTO. Sentry with Calibrum can give anywhere up to 3-4 FREE AUTOS GLOBALLY on top of the autos the turret performs. The Ultimate already performs a FREE AUTO, and a Calibrum Ultimate gives not only a free auto but then an extra super empowered FREE BONUS AUTO AGAIN. The problem is exemplified by the fact that with as little as 6 Crescendum Chakram all of Aphelios' attacks do double damage before crit, which means he can crit up to a 4x (4.5x with inf. edge) crit. Calibrum-Crescendum also ignores the penalties of Crescendum which requires close quarters combat. Aphelios does way more damage than you think at over 1400 range.
First, the numbers. I love numbers, simulating scenarios to quickly produce formatted results and writing programs, so I created a console line program that simulates an Aphelios with his items and levels, along with Gathering Storm and Adaptive Runes to choice (all other runes ignored, only wanted to focus on AD changes). This simulated Aphelios can perform any combo with Calibrum-Crescendum, with the assumption that you consume all Calibrum marks immediately and put points into AD as a priority. The sentry can attack up to any number of times, and the ultimate can hit any number of champions.
I ran 3 different Mid-Game builds in 3 different scenarios. The builds varied from:
The Scenarios are:
For each scenario the program estimates roughly how much Pre-Mitigation damage should be done, with lower and upper bounds accounting for Critical strike randomness. The program also gives the minimum range away that Aphelios must be to perform the combo (it's very far for all the scenarios). This gave the following results in the following format ~Expected (Minimum-Maximum) or just ~Expected for 100% crit.
DAMAGE Single Target Sentry Attacks Full Combo
Weak Build ~1984 (1563-2498) ~2700 (1786-3815) ~5373 (3827-7263)
Moderate Build ~2324 (1600-2565) ~3396 (1833-3916) ~6578 (3924-7462)
Strong Build (100% crit) ~2850 ~4360 ~8308
Full Images of program output with item builds can be found here. Every combo could be performed at over 1450 range, with Sentry combos being completely global based on sentry position. Notice that Aphelios was never even close to attack range for all of this damage, it's like Caitlyn on steroids. Keeping in mind that while these numbers are pre-mitigation, they are hilariously high for an ADC at mid game. Even a behind Aphelios can put out well over 2000 damage with a few long range abilities. Three sentry autos can do 3400 damage on a moderate build Aphelios, that's insane. Even I think these numbers are higher than what we see in actual gameplay, but this is what the maths says. Factor in PTA, Coup de Grace and item effects like Energized or Runaan's AOE and you even more utility and damage.
The program can simulate any ability combo at any level and item combination, if there are different items+combos you want to see just let me know. If I actually knew css and JS I'd made this into a website for everyone to test, but since I don't the best I can do is put the source code up on github if people wanted it. Guinsoo's is not implemented yet, neither is energized effects and some other obscure things that I thought didn't matter too much.
Some problems.
  1. Too many free autos. It seems Riot forgot that Calibrum can perform free auto attacks when they gave his ult a free auto attack. They didn't put a cooldown on how often the sentry can mark someone, allowing for mutliple global attacks. They gave his Calibrum Q (Moonshot) a decent base damage and ratio before allowing it to perform a free empowered auto. Calibrum Ulti also performs a super empowered free auto, totaling 2 free autos from one super long range ability. Granted that Moonshot and Ulti are skillshots and you won't always have Calibrum up, but these are still super strong abilities for one weapon, let alone his entire other kit.
  2. The Crescendum damage multiplier. Looking at the wiki for the stats on Crescendum Chakrams, it stacks up very quickly into over double damage on all crescendum autos. 6 stacks is all that's required to get double damage on all autos, which multiplies into crits giving 4x or higher critical strikes (4.5x with inf. edge). This is a massive damage increase which can be performed somewhat globally with Calibrum or just with any weapon at point blank range. Infernum can stack Crescendum up almost instantly on a good minion wave, you could start these Calibrum-Crescendum combos at 10 chakram stacks if you play it right. The bonus damage is insane, it's Phantom Assassin level for those who played Dota.
  3. Calibrum bypasses Crescendum's supposed weaknesses. Crescendum is supposed to be an up close and personal weapon, so why can Sentry apply multiple Calibrum marks which apply Crescendum attacks at massive range with no penalties. Calibrum marks allow Crescendum to function both as a close range weapon and as a long range champion deleter. Each mark stacks a chakram as well which further boosts the damage. Due to the nature of how well Calibrum abuses Crescendum, Crescendum seems impressively underwhelming for virtually any other scenario. This issue needs to be addressed so Crescendum can be fixed.
  4. The Gangplank problem. Gangplank used to have a core problem in his kit which was a exacerbated form of the key problem with critical strike. Back when Gangplank was 100% pick-ban, with triforce and IE it was as simple as "if he crits, you die". This means that although his critical strike chance may be low, you cannot risk the fight as you cannot plan for the randomness of his crits. It would be too devastating to lose someone to a random crit so don't risk it at all. Play as if he had 100% crit chance. This has tapered off with Gangplank but has risen in other champions like Caitlyn or Jhin somewhat, and it's now being exploited by Aphelios. If he crits the Calibrum Q auto you die. If he crits the Infernum RFC Auto, you all die. Now as an ADC Aphelios is more likely to have 75-100% crit chance, but even at first or second item you still have to play as if he could accidentally delete you without meaning it. Critical chance seems to have this concept of being an overall damage increase, where the crits and non-crits average out into a consistent DPS increase, but it's actually creating credible one shot threats that shouldn't exist. The concept of Critical Strikes needs a rework.
  5. He's just better than any other ADC. He does just so much damage at any point in the game, with no glaring weakness besides no mobility and little CC. Most ADC's can be put so far in the ground by the jungler and mid laner that they will never be a problem in the game. You can basically turn the game into a 4v5 by camping bot and sending rift herald into their tower. Aphelios is never out of the game, he will always pump damage by just standing far away and using Calibrum-Crescendum.
A problem that isn't actually a problem.
  1. "I don't know what his kit does, it's too complicated". Go and learn it. Look at the wiki. Watch some gameplay of him. Play him if you have him. Just read what his kit does and how it functions. It's not that complicated, honestly. The difference between the good players and the bad players is that good players make the conscious effort to learn what they are playing against and how the champions and interactions work. Did you know Ornn has 4 passives, have you learnt up on all of them? I bet you know at least 2 of them just from games with him. Go and learn.
Solutions. These are just some solutions I have come up with but different solutions exist and some of them are probably better than mine.
Less free autos, or reduce base values where free autos exist. The Ultimate should not perform a delayed auto attack on everyone hit, just do the base explosion damage and then apply weapon effects. Calibrum Q should not have 60% bonus AD as a bonus ratio, it should just do flat damage and then the empowered auto.
Timer on Sentry applying Calibrum marks or the sentry should only apply a mark to the first champion hit ONCE. You should only get one free auto with this ability, the sentry already does enough damage as it is. The Sentry should probably have reduced attack range as well, it's incredibly hard to avoid and most champions can't kill it before stepping in range and eating a ton of damage.
The weapons actually need weaknesses. Jinx has to trade attack speed for range and splash with Q. Aphelios has no weakness for using any weapon, only strengths. Infernum does too much splash damage. Crescendum should have abysmal attack speed at max attack range. Severum should have minor reduced attack range in general as the in-lane sustain is huge. Gravitrum just sucks so I guess it's fine. Calibrum has increased range so probably trade some attack speed for it. Caitlyn has reduced attack speed by default for having so much range, so should Calibrum.
Crescendum bonus damage probably shouldn't be able to crit. It's overwhelming at the moment with the long range. Either the long range Crescendum attacks go or the bonus damage goes. Can't have both at the same time and long range attack is somewhat fundamental to Calibrum marks as a concept.
Rework crit. It's been a controversial statistic in virtually any competitive game, it's about time to get rid of it for something more predictable. This benefits everyone, from the person with crit to the person trying to face someone with crit.
Conclusion. Aphelios isn't poorly designed, he just doesn't have well defined weaknesses and his strengths can be ridiculous, especially when shown in the form of one shotting someone from across the map. These strengths must be toned down and weaknesses placed into his weapons, much like Jinx and her choice between minigun and rockets. Naturally some combo of weapons will always be stronger than others, it's up to Riot to try and bring them as close as possible and to eliminate points of abuse like Infernum Ulti and Calibrum-Crescendum one shots.
Too many free autos and bonus AD ratios where free autos already exist. He's an interesting and really fun champion to play, I'd rather see him balanced than gutted to Kalista levels. Until these core problems have been addressed (instead of the shitty cooldown nerf they gave him), Aphelios will remain as a super high pickban champion that will dominate the ADC meta.
Extras. If you crunch the numbers and get to different damage values from my program, let me know. I've used values straight from the wiki and have tried to keep it as accurate as possible. Nothing annoys me more than when I do my maths wrong and get incorrect conclusions.
I'm just a code monkey, I'm not a game designer let alone champion designer. There are people out there far more skilled than me at identifying problems in games and game concepts, this is just my attempt to shed some light on what I think the problems are using maths. They're not easy numbers to crunch so sometimes an idiot with little sleep and plenty of time to waste on coding a program can identify the severity of problems that were thought to be minor.
submitted by KogMawOfMortimidas to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

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