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New crowdsourcing app helps you earn money by testing big brands new apps- New to the UK and available in Italy too

As a testing platform with a community of over 30.000 members, Crowdville went a step further by giving money to its contributors.
As a content producer, your job is to find bugs and to give your feedback on the apps you're testing in order to improve upcoming releases. Crowders can earn money while lying in bed in their spare time. In this sense, this website could turn some of the time you spend on your phone into cash.
Crowdville was first launched in Italy only but has recently been launched in the UK and in Portugal. It's been a big success and is looking to spread further across Europe, and beyond.
Crowdville’s Global Community Director Tommaso Lucentini says "Crowdville is an inclusive community and absolutely anybody can sign up – whether you’ve got experience working with apps, you love tech, or just want to pick up some extra cash*.* [...] This is the first time real people like you and I get to have a say in shaping new products and what’s more? You get paid for doing it too"
Sign up here to take part in the next mission
submitted by substantialcats to WorkOnline [link] [comments]

Complete DD on HCMC Share Structure: Clarification on Share Dilution, Outstanding Shares, Float, Authorized Shares and the Meaning behind the letter from the CEO.

Complete DD on HCMC Share Structure: Clarification on Share Dilution, Outstanding Shares, Float, Authorized Shares and the Meaning behind the letter from the CEO.

1. Introduction

This is a post aimed at clarifying some misconceptions that have been arising over the past day(s) throughout Reddit/StockTwits/Telegram/WhatsApp/Facebook. Everyone was concerned over the recent apparent "dilution", and many many sources were deemed as either false, or not cited and just taken as is. There are a few concepts worth going over, especially for the newer investors who have taken part of this community, and for the more experienced ones, you are welcome to amend my list by letting me know.
This has been written in an attempt to not let new investors panic when "new information" arises, and to raise awareness of what is going on with HCMC and the associated terminology.
P.S. I have a TLDR in here for people who already know the definitions and want to skip
P.P.S. the tables I have added might not be fully visible on a mobile device, so if you want to have an in depth view of the numbers it is strongly suggested view this post on a computer instead.

2. Different Type of Shares and Dilution

These are a series of terms that are needed in order to understand the content of many sources, they are mostly pertaining to different share types and the mechanics of dilution.

  1. Authorized shares: are the maximum number of shares a company is allowed to issue to investors, as laid out in its articles of incorporation.
  2. Outstanding Shares: Shares that are issued or sold to investors from the available number of authorized shares are known as outstanding shares.1 This is the total amount of shares available to the public including employees and insiders.
    1. Restricted Shares: Stock owned by insiders, employees or major institutional investors, that is under some sort of sales restriction (such as a lock-up period - you cannot sell the shares until a certain date)
    2. Float: The term float refers to the regular shares a company has issued to the public that are available for investors to trade. This figure is derived by taking a company's outstanding shares and subtracting any restricted stock. 2
    3. Unrestricted Shares: When a lock-up period expires or a certain condition is met, restricted shares turn into unrestricted shares which in turn increase the float.3 N.B. Sometimes unrestricted shares are used as a term to indicated float + restricted shares that have been converted to unrestricted
    4. Shares Held at DTC: are the shares we can buy on our brokerage platforms such as Trading 212, TD Ameritrade, E*Trade, Charles Schwab etc. and represent the real float as DTC stands for Depositary Trust Company and most of the biggest broker-dealers in each country are DTC-participants. DTC offers settlement services for trading securities in the markets.
  3. Main Categories of Stock:
    1. Common Stock: (Ordinary Stock) is a security that represents ownership in a company, i.e. shares of a stock that we buy on brokerage platforms such as Trading 212, TD Ameritrade, E*Trade, Charles Schwab etc.
    2. Preferred Stock: are shares of a company’s stock with dividends that are paid out to shareholders before common stock dividends are issued. These are different from common stock as they are issued primarily by banks and other financial institutions, and were originally intended as a way to raise capital without diluting value for their ordinary shareholders. Not the shares we invest in. 4Preferred Stock - Purpose:
      1. Access to dividends before common shareholders
      2. Seniority over common stock in the event of liquidation or bankruptcy (seniority in this case means that preferred stock holders get paid before common stock holders
      3. Limited upside potential/capital appreciation meaning they don't get to participate in the profits as much as common stock holders if the share price increases.
  4. Dilution: Common stock holders own the corporation, and dilution reduces that level of ownership. As owners, common stock holders benefit from corporate earnings through dividends and/or higher stock prices. Any security that reduces the ownership percentage of common stockholders is dilutive. 5Dilution can happen in the following ways:
    1. Issuance of New Shares (Dilutive-Secondary Offering or Follow-On Offering): involves creating new shares and offering them for public sale. This type of secondary offering happens when a company's board of directors agrees to increase the share float for the purpose of selling more equity. 6
    2. Through Convertible Securities: These are securities that have been already issued in accordance to previous filings that can be converted into common stock and have a dilutive effect even if no no new issuance of shares occurs.
      1. Convertible Preferred Stock: Holders of convertible preferred stock can exchange their shares for a specified number of newly common shares. Convertible preferred stock is dilutive since conversion increases the number of common shares, thereby reducing the ownership level of each. 7
      2. Employee Stock Options: are a type of equity compensation granted by companies to their employees and executives. Rather than granting shares of stock directly, the company gives derivative options on the stock instead. These options come in the form of regular call options and give the employee the right to buy the company's stock at a specified price for a finite period of time.8 Once these are converted into shares, they are dilutive.
      3. Stock Split: a stock split increases the number of shares by splitting 1 share of the company's stock into x shares, therefore diluting the shares.
  5. Accretion: is the opposite of dilution, whereby the it increases the level of ownership of a company by decreasing the number of shares outstanding. A company can accomplish this either through
    1. Share Buy Back: A share repurchase refers to the management of a public company buying back company shares that were previously sold to the public. 9
    2. Reverse Stock Split: a stock split decreases the number of shares by unifying 1 share of the company's stock into x shares, therefore decreasing the number of shares shares.
  6. Market Cap: (Market Capitalization) is the value of a all company's shares of stock and is computed as number of shares outstanding x current stock price

An IMPORTANT note on Dilution: A company has to file an 8-k (more on that later) in order to inform existing shareholders of dilution. Every dilution is done by expanding current outstanding shares ONLY. The theoretical possible maximum of shares is the authorized shares which is unlikely to ever be reached as one of the purposes of issuing new shares is to raise capital, so if a company would reach its maximum capacity (of authorized shares) it wouldn't be able to raise more equity capital without buying back their shares.

3. TLDR - Different Type of Shares and Dilution

  • Authorized Shares are the MAX total number of shares a company can issue ever

  • Outsanding Shares are the current number of shares available to everyone

  • Float = Outstanding shares - restricted shares (held by insiders or under lock-up)

  • Unrestricted Shares: is when restricted shares become unrestricted (may be used to indicate float + unrestricted shares)

  • Shares Held at DTC: are the real float for us as the majority of brokers-dealers are DTC-participants

  • Common Stock is what we all are buying on our respective platforms

  • Preferred Stock is are issued primarily by banks or other financial institutions

  • Convertible Preferred Stock is when preferred stock gets converted to common stock (causing some dilution)

  • Dilutive Events: Issuance of New Shares or through Convertible securities previously issued or stock splits

  • Accretive Events: (Opposite of dilution) share buy-backs and reverse stock splits

  • Market Cap: number of shares outstanding x current stock price

4. HCMC Share Structure - As of Feb 3 2021 at market close

Why are the above definitions important to understand? There has been a picture, or a couple for that matter that show the above terms applied to HCMC that have either been called "fake" or misquoted.
Disclaimer: All this data is directly from their website, OTC Markets data and Yahoo Finance from the date and time this DD will be posted, so please no comments on how the data is inaccurate, Reddit does not have dynamic tables that update themselves with the most recent prices. All further calculations will be explicitly shown.
  1. HCMC Share Structure from HCMC Website - Feb 3 2021 at market close
Authorized Shares. (Max. Shares Possible) [from OTC Markets]* 750,000,000,000
Outstanding shares 194,780,848,017
- Restricted Shares (Insiders only) 29,750,000,103
- Unrestricted Shares (float + restricted shares turned unrestricted) 165,030,847,914
Shares Held at DTC (amount we can access through our brokers)** 117,468,270,189
Closing Price $0.00165 (rounded at $0.0017 on website)
Market Cap unrestricted shares x closing price = 272.201 million
Screenshot evidence:
HCMC Website Stock Information - Feb 3 2021 5:00 PM ET
2. Yahoo Finance Data:
Below we will analyse the data directly from Yahoo Finance's website for HCMC:

Outstanding shares 105.11B
- Float (Outstanding shares - Restricted shares) 86.84B
Closing Price 0.00165
Market Cap 173.43M

Yahoo Finance - HCMC Stock Info - Feb 3 2021 5:00 PM ET
Why are we seeing differences in Shares Outstanding and Market Cap?
  • If we take a closer look at the notes on the market cap field (note 5) we can see Yahoo Finance's method of calculating the market cap: Shares outstanding is taken from the most recently filed quarterly or annual report and Market Cap is calculated using shares outstanding.
This means that the figure used for the Outstanding Shares has been taken directly form HCMC's most recent 10-Q filed on 11/18/2020 with the SEC. \*
In terms of real float, i.e. shares accessible by us from our brokers (held at DTC)
the float accessible to us by our brokers is the shares held at DTC which is 117 billion
How much of a difference is there between the last company's 10-Q and the most recent data from the company's website?

Outstanding Shares (11/18/2020) - Official HCMC 10-Q 105.11B
Outstanding Shares (02/01/2021) 194.78B
Difference 89.67B
So we have an 89.67 billion Share difference between the two dates.
This has been due to convertible instruments being converted into stock, as illustrated in the CEO's message in response to the increase in shares outstanding.
3. Taking a look at the CEO's Message:

Message from Jeffrey E. Holman - HCMC CEO
As we can see in the CEO's response:" All shares issued over the past two months were done so pursuant to convertible securities previously included in our 8-K and periodic filings."
  • Therefore, the 89.7billion increase in shares outstanding was due to either:
    • Preferred stock converted to common stock
    • Stock options converted to common stock
    • or both.
  • The CEO also stated that the number of shares is updated on a monthly basis by the OTC markets.
  • Therefore, the increase in shares outstanding has been done in accordance with the previous filings before HCMC started to get all of this attention.
4. Conversion:
As stated in HCMC's 2020-09-25 8-k:
  • A notice of 20 calendar days must be given upon intent of conversion
  • This means that when any holder of a convertible security want to convert their instruments to common stock they would be required to send a 20-day notice period

What Does This All Mean?

I will give my own interpretation of what happened, this represents my own personal opinion as I am not a financial advisor.
  • Given that Preferred Stocks grant you limited exposure to potential upside, this means that holders of Preferred Stock have their capital gains capped and therefore do not make money when the share price increase as they mainly receive dividends and have seniority over common stock
  • Given also Stock Options give you the right to convert the option to shares once a certain period has expired
  • The original date that Phillip Morris was supposed to respond to the lawsuit was end of January, it has been extended to the 26th of February on the 19th of January.
  • In order for holders of convertible instruments to converts these into shares, a 20-day notice period must be given.
  • As stated by the CEO, shares outstanding data is updated each month. As of January 2021 we had the original shares outstanding and as of February 2021 there was an increase due solely to convertible securities being converted.
  • Any material events must be disclosed in the proper filing, therefore there will be no dilution coming from anything other than convertible securities unless HCMC explicitly files the appropriate 8-k (relates to corporate events).
Tying Up All the Key Points
My assumption is, and again to reiterate, this is my own personal opinion after hours research, that:
The holders of these convertible shares knew that the lawsuit would be end of January. For several years the share price remained stagnant at $0.0001. The holders of the convertible shares gave a notice period 20-days prior to the lawsuit response because they knew something we do not or they were very certain about the outcome of the lawsuit (again just conjectures) that they wanted to convert their convertible instruments to common shares in anticipation of the share price increase we are seeing now and in anticipation of a positive outcome for the lawsuit.

This is just my own opinion, but if this does hold, it is very good news to us all, as insiders converted their instruments to common stock in order to ride the share price increase the same way we are doing, in anticipation of the response to the lawsuit.

The Shares held at DTC, the ones that we are allowed to trade on our brokers are 117 billion, as opposed to the outstanding shares of 194 billion.
submitted by acchello to HCMCSTOCK [link] [comments]

Trump under criminal investigation in Georgia

Welcome to… a series I don’t have a name for. Tracking Trump? Trump Watch? Do titles really matter?


Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron again ruled against the Trump Organization, ordering the company to turn over more documents to New York Attorney General Letitia James. In December, Judge Engoron required the Trump Org to produce records it had tried to argue were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The judge went further this time, ordering that the company’s communications with a law firm also had to be given to AG James.
Some communications that had been marked as privileged, he wrote, were “addressing business tasks and decisions, not exchanges soliciting or rendering legal advice.” He also said that communications related to public relations were not of a legal nature and that privilege was waived in some circumstances where third parties were involved in the discussions.
James’ office is conducting a civil investigation into whether Trump inflated his assets in financial statements to obtain bank loans and understated them elsewhere to reduce his tax bill. While the probe is wide-ranging, the rulings from Engoron focus on Trump’s Seven Springs property in Westchester County, New York. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance is also looking into the property as part of his criminal investigation of the Trump Organization.
Now that he is no longer in office, the IRS is expected to advance its review of a $72.9 million tax refund Trump claimed and received in 2010. The tax agency has not given any indication of how it may rule and it’s possible the public may never learn of the outcome either way. If the IRS determines the refund was not issued appropriately, Trump could be required to pay it back with interest - a more than $100 million debt at a time when his biggest properties are “suffering severe revenue losses”.
  • Note that the commissioner of the IRS is still Charles Rettig, appointed by Trump in 2018. His term is slated to end in November 2022. Rettig has numerous conflicts of interests, including a 50% share of two units in a Trump building that has earned him $100,000-200,000 a year since 2006.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) told the Washington Post that he will continue to seek Trump’s tax returns. Ultimately, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen can unilaterally surrender Trump’s tax returns to the committee. There is a court case still open on the matter, but the judge is waiting on the Biden administration to take a position before moving forward. In other words, the Biden administration can decide to no longer fight the committee’s request.
  • Trump-appointed judge Trevor McFadden ordered the new administration to give the former president’s attorneys 72 hours’ notice if it decides to give Trump’s tax returns to Neal’s committee. The Treasury and DOJ have until March 3 to submit a status report to the court; lacking a Senate-confirmed Attorney General may lead to another month-long delay in proceedings.
Prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia, have opened a criminal investigation into Trump’s attempts to overturn the state’s election results. On Wednesday, numerous officials in state government - including Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger - received requests to preserve documents related to “an investigation into attempts to influence” the election.
Of particular note in Ms. Willis’s letter was the wider scope of the investigation. Potential violations of state law include “the solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration,” the letter states.
While the probe reportedly focuses on Trump’s Jan. 2 call to Raffensperger pressuring him to “find” enough votes to reverse Biden’s win, unnamed officials told the New York Times that Trump’s calls to Governor Brian Kemp, AG Chris Carr, and state election officials, as well.

Money and properties

Before leaving office, former President Trump issued a directive allowing his four adult children and two of their spouses to receive Secret Service protection for six additional months, at no cost. Normally, only the president, wife, and their minor children are entitled to the security. In addition to Trump’s adult children, he ordered Secret Service protection for three former officials: Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin, chief of staff Mark Meadows, and national security advisor Robert O’Brien.
The perk for the Trump family is expected to cost taxpayers millions of dollars and further stress the elite federal security force, which in the past four years had to staff the largest number ever of full-time security details — up to 42 at one point...
An analysis by watchdog group CREW found that the Trump family took twelve times as many trips with Secret Service protection than the Obamas did: “On average, Obama’s family took 133.3 protected trips per year, while the Trump family has taken an average of 1,625 annually.” Many of the trips taken by Trump’s adult children were to benefit their private business, costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars in the process.
In February 2017, Eric and Don Jr. flew to Dubai to open a Trump-branded golf club, which cost the Secret Service more than $200,000. The same month, Eric flew to the Dominican Republic to potentially relaunch a failed Trump-branded resort project, which cost $20,000. Eric Trump has visited Uruguay twice for Trump Organization business, costing taxpayers $97,830 in 2017, and $80,786 in 2019. And those are just the receipts we have obtained so far.
After losing the election, Trump managed to shift over $400,000 of donor funds into his private business. The majority - $331,000 - came from his campaign’s joint committee with the RNC. The remainder was donations directly to Trump’s reelection campaign. In total, the joint committee spent $4.3 million with the Trump Organization; his reelection campaign spent $2.8 million.
Two days after the election, on November 5, the joint-fundraising committee paid $11,000 to Trump’s hotel empire. A week later—after the Associated Press, Fox News and other major media outlets had already called the race for Joe Biden—the same committee put another $294,000 into Trump’s hotel business to rent space, order catering and pay for lodging.
Room rates at Trump’s D.C. hotel have more than doubled around March 4 due to a Qanon conspiracy. According to the baseless theory, Trump will be sworn in for a second presidential term on March 4, the day presidents took office prior to 1933. It gets crazier than that, but the main takeaway is that the Trump Organization wants to profit from the Qanon movement by changing the room rates from $476 a night to $1,331 a night on March 3 and 4.
Trump seems likely to reside at his private Mar-a-Lago club despite challenges issued by neighbors after an attorney for Palm Beach sided with the former president. In his 1993 agreement with the town, Trump agreed to change the property from a residence to a private club, barring him from making it a full-time residence. However, Palm Beach attorney John “Skip” Rudolph accepted Trump’s assertion that he’s an employee of Mar-a-Lago who just happens to also live there, which is not prohibited in the town’s zoning laws. Rudolph recommended the town council allow Trump to live at his club; no decision has yet been reached.
Marion, Trump’s attorney, has tried to counter suspicions that Trump is not actually a bona fide employee of the club by telling the council that the former president now walks around the grounds acting as if he’s “the mayor of Mar-a-Lago.” He also showed the council a list of Trump’s jobs at the club, including the sort of greeter job that senior citizens take at big-box stores: “welcomes/thanks those attending” events.
Scotland’s Parliament declined to open an investigation into how Trump obtained his golf courses in the country, saying it was a matter best left to law enforcement. Some Scottish lawmakers have been calling for the government to issue an “unexplained wealth order” to probe whether any financial crimes were committed in the course of purchasing or operating his business. In the 16 years since Trump first incorporated in Scotland, none of his companies have made a profit. In fact, they’ve run up losses of $75 million and owe around $216.5 million to U.S. companies and trusts in Trump’s name.
...[Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick] Harvie said the purchase of Menie and the Turnberry golf resort were part of Mr Trump's "huge cash spending spree in the midst of a global financial crisis".
Mr Harvie said that the House of Representatives had heard testimony which stated: "We saw patterns of buying and selling that we thought were suggestive of money laundering" - with particular concern expressed about Mr Trump's golf courses in Scotland and Ireland.
Illinois Judge Sophia Hall ruled that Trump’s Chicago hotel is liable for violating environmental laws by using Chicago River water without a permit. The state attorneys general office brought the case against Trump’s hotel in 2018, stating the property uses more than 19 million gallons of river water a day to cool its air-conditioning systems. Judge Hall has not yet set a penalty, but the AG is asking for the maximum $50,000 each for two violations, plus an extra $10,000 for every day of the 3 years the violations persisted.
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s final financial disclosure reports reveal that between January 1, 2020, and January 20, 2021, the couple earned between $23 million and $120.6 million in combined outside income. $1.4 million of the total originated from Ivanka’s involvement with Donald Trump’s D.C. hotel. Furthermore, despite agreeing to divest his $25-50 million stake in Cadre, Kushner never followed through.


Far-right platform Parler was in negotiations with the Trump Organization to give Trump, then the president, an ownership stake in exchange for his membership. According to Buzzfeed News, former Trump campaign manager brought the idea to Trump last year as a way to counter Twitter and Facebook. Parler reportedly offered the president a 40% stake if Trump began posting exclusively on their app.
Four sources told BuzzFeed News that Parscale and Trump campaign lawyer Alex Cannon met with Parler CEO John Matze and shareholders Dan Bongino and Jeffrey Wernick at Trump’s Florida club Mar-a-Lago in June 2020 to discuss the idea. But the White House counsel’s office soon put a stop to the talks, one person with knowledge of the discussions said, ruling that such a deal while Trump was president would violate ethics rules.
...Discussions were revived in the weeks following the election, according to two people involved, but the deal fell apart after the Capitol invasion. Following that event, Apple and Google removed Parler from their app stores, and Amazon kicked the company off its cloud hosting service, forcing the site offline.
Trump resigned from the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) last week with an irate letter after the group voted to hold a union disciplinary hearing over his role in the insurrection. SAG accused Trump of inciting the attack on the Capitol and “sustaining a reckless campaign of misinformation aimed at discrediting and ultimately threatening the safety of journalists,” ultimately seeking his expulsion from the union.
Trump’s letter (pdf) to SAG President Gabrielle Carteris opens with: “I write to you today regarding the so-called Disciplinary Committee hearing aimed at revoking my union membership. Who cares!” He then says he is “very proud” of his work on movies “such as Home Alone 2, Zoolander and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps…” After declaring “[y]our organization has done little for its members, and nothing for me,” Trump resigns from the union.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

Who Paid You For/In January? Here is my list.

Ahh lovely February is upon us. The January swoon is fading.. and I have to totally redo my reddit code table.. damn... Glarg... All this as I wonder if anyone is reading this or if you all are over at wallstreetbets doing crazy stuff.     January sucked for me in this realm of beermoney. (Yes I copied and pasted that line from last month) This again is on me. My focus is shifted away from the beermoney realm to a different realm that could be very big for me. I hopefully have more details on that next month. I mentioned last month about selling game resources (legally) and that exploded this month. So thats been sustaining me some while my focus is elsewhere. Ive gotten asked many times what game it is. Its 12 year old facebook game that I thought would be dead 5 or 6 years ago. Hasnt been updated in that long.. and there are about 100 people still hanging on and spending money.     But despite my January malaise (copied that too from last month. Im rushing for time. Threw_it_to_ground punishes me severely when I get this post up late. ) im still working toward my goals. Im still working on the day trading. Slowly but surely. Thinking about starting a daily youtube stream showing me struggling to day trade and throw in some beermoney talk. Thoughts on that gang?     This month I have my main focus on my thing Ill mention nexxt month and doing beermoney as much as I can. Sleeping about 4 hours a day right now on average. Sometimes you have to sacrifice for your goals and dreams. Enough about me. This isnt supposed to be about me. And I made it about me. And im sorry.     Reply with your earnings and tell me what was hot and not this month. Are you seeing a Jan slowdown? Tell me what the pulse of beermoney is like right now.
  How did you all do in January?    
Program Jan 2021 Total
Mturk $650 $650
Swagbucks $141 $141
PhonePayCheck $44.59 $45.59
Prolific Academic $41.99 $41.99
InstaGC $5.75 $5.75
PrizeRebel $2.21 $2.21
Totals $905.54 $905.54
  FOOTNOTES 1. Does not count Ref earnings 2. Registration is closed for this app  
So thats my list. How did you do in January??
I live outside the USA. How can I earn? Unfortunately most of the stuff I do is either USA only or US/UK/CA/AU. So its hard for me to advise whats available to people outside of those areas. If you live outside those 4 countries I really dont have advice for you. And I dont have much advice for even outside the USA.
How Much Time do you spend with this? Its Hard to quantify. I am in front of a computer ALOT but its not always focused on making money. I have games I play and have scripts that watch for HITs ON Mturk so if something pops thats good I switch over. Plus Im often doing multiple things at once. That said.. there are people who make more then me with less time. Im actually very inefficient.
  Why dont you get a real job? Health issues.. and I can nap at 1PM.. and I dont have a boss looking over my shoulder... and I can work naked (I dont.. or do I....)
  You must have a ton of referrals to make that much! All the totals above represent only personal earnings. I seperate out ref earnings.
  OMG! You must cheat somehow to make so much! I do nothing outside the TOS of any of the programs. I consider this income to be a blessing and wouldnt do anything to jeopardize that. Plus cheating just kills programs and defrauds the companies that are allowing me to make this income.  
Do you have to pay taxes on all of this Yes on most of it. There are some exceptions but the majority of this income is taxable. Most of these companies dont issue 1099s but that doesnt mean you dont have to pay taxes. Please consult a tax professional if you have questions on how to handle taxes on "beermoney" income
submitted by themightyox to beermoney [link] [comments]

Doctor moving to the UK, what to do with the money?

Hi all, this might be long, idk yet. Any input is extremely appreciated.
I will be moving to the UK (from Turkey and I'm a Turkish citizen) to work as a doctor in the NHS in a couple of months, hopefully. I don't want to bore you all with the details. I really don't mind if you correct me at anything, I'm trying to adopt to a whole new culture & country so it is quite possible for me to make mistakes.
I am not sure of all the details yet but I need some serious financial advice.
I will be working as a junior doctor in the NHS, still looking for jobs but considering my level and possible work-load, I assume I will earn around £2-2.5k after tax per month, maybe close to £2.7k if I have the energy to do extra shifts. Sorry I am so used to calculating my salary monthly, I think I need to get used to mentioning it before tax and annually, this is how it is in the UK right?
I will be in England, not sure about the city yet but it will not be important for my questions. My goal is to just adapt the new culture, try to fit in and become a citizen of the UK but in the first years I will be on a working visa.
I have saved up around £15k in 2 years while working as a doctor in Turkey. It may not be much but considering I was earning around £1-1.2k and I have already spent around £5k to the exams and travels, you can understand how important this money is for me. I literally didn't spend on anything unnecessary in the last 2 years to start my new life in the UK.
I want to move this money to the UK. I don't know what's the best way to do that. I have already paid taxes in Turkey so you can understand that I don't want to pay them again in the UK. Should I just shove it in my suitcase as cash and declare it at the customs and then deposit it in a bank in the UK? To be honest, I don't know if I can just walk into a bank and deposit it as a cash to my bank account (I could do this in Turkey, no questions asked)? Should I accept the bank transfer fees and transfer it digitally as soon as I open a bank account in the UK? Should I use money transferring websites (I used transferwise with ease before)?

My next question is, I want to buy a house in the long run in the UK and I don't like taking risks with my money. I will be renting initially but as soon as I find the city that I like, I will consider buying. What's my best option to do with the money that I have already saved? I hope to be able to add to that regularly as soon as I get settled. I was thinking of sparing £5k for emergencies but where should I save it, what type of account am I talking about? What should I do with the remaining £10k?

Other question is about pensions. I have read that NHS offers a decent pension. Is it possible to contribute extra to that? Do you recommend it or should I do something else if I have any money left?

Other related financial information, I will need to withdraw around £4-5k in 5-6 years for some personal matter.

I knew how to spend my money so far but this is something new and I am really open to any suggestions, even as simple as "don't use bank x, their iOS app is not good". I have been very interested in my payslips, my bank contracts, my pension contributions, taxes etc. and I gained quite a knowledge on those in Turkey. I am not trying to brag or anything but I feel really sorry that all that knowledge will be useless now and I will somehow lose all my savings (or not be able it use them well).
Money is not the priority in my life, I just want to have some help in the beginning.
Edit: Is there a source that I can have a look to understand about different bank accounts and simple economic terms of the UK?
Edit 2: I can’t thank you all enough. UK has the best community on reddit for sure. All your replies and messages mean a lot to me. I am glad with my decision and I hope that I can also help you if our paths cross in the future, just ask every doctor from now on if they are the one asking for a financial advice on reddit :) Jokes aside, thank you and have a great day!
submitted by Hoyakemono to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

Bitcoin Newcomers FAQ - Please read!

Welcome to the /Bitcoin Sticky FAQ

You've probably been hearing a lot about Bitcoin recently and are wondering what's the big deal? Most of your questions should be answered by the resources below but if you have additional questions feel free to ask them in the comments.
It all started with the release of Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper however that will probably go over the head of most readers so we recommend the following articles/books/videos as a good starting point for understanding how bitcoin works and a little about its long term potential:
Some other great resources include Michael Saylor's "Bitcoin for Everybody"' course, Jameson Lopp's resource page, Gigi's resource page, and James D'Angelo's Bitcoin 101 Blackboard series. Some excellent writing on Bitcoin's value proposition and future can be found at the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute.
If you are technically or academically inclined check out developer resources and peer-reviewed research papers, course lectures from both MIT and Princeton as well as future protocol improvements and scaling resources. Some Bitcoin statistics can be found here, here and here. MicroStrategy's Bitcoin for Corporations is an excellent open source series on corporate legal and financial bitcoin integration.
You can also see the number of times Bitcoin was declared dead by the media (LOL) and what you could have earned if you didn't listen to them! XD

Key properties of Bitcoin

Where can I buy bitcoin? and are helpful sites for beginners. You can buy or sell any amount of bitcoin (even just a few dollars worth) and there are several easy methods to purchase bitcoin with cash, credit card or bank transfer. Some of the more popular resources are below, also check out the bitcoinity exchange resources for a larger list of options for purchases.
You can also purchase in cash with local ATMs. If you would like your paycheck automatically converted to bitcoin use Bitwage.
Note: Bitcoin are valued at whatever market price people are willing to pay for them in balancing act of supply vs demand. Unlike traditional markets, bitcoin markets operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

Securing your bitcoin

With bitcoin you can "Be your own bank" and personally secure your bitcoin OR you can use third party companies aka "Bitcoin banks" which will hold the bitcoin for you.
Note: For increased security, use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) everywhere it is offered, including email!
2FA requires a second confirmation code or a physical security key to access your account making it much harder for thieves to gain access. Google Authenticator and Authy are the two most popular 2FA services, download links are below. Make sure you create backups of your 2FA codes.
Avoid using your cell number for 2FA. Hackers have been using a technique called "SIM swapping" to impersonate users and steal bitcoin off exchanges.
Google Auth Authy OTP Auth andOTP
Android Android N/A Android
Physical security keys (FIDO U2F) offer stronger security than Google Auth / Authy and other TOTP-based apps, because the secret code never leaves the device and it uses bi-directional authentication so it prevents phishing. If you lose the device though, you could lose access to your account, so always use 2 or more security keys with a given account so you have backups. See Yubikey or Titan to purchase security keys.
Both Coinbase and Gemini support physical security keys.

Watch out for scams

As mentioned above, Bitcoin is decentralized, which by definition means there is no official website or Twitter handle or spokesperson or CEO. However, all money attracts thieves. This combination unfortunately results in scammers running official sounding names or pretending to be an authority on YouTube or social media. Many scammers throughout the years have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin. Websites like bitcoin(dot)com and the r / btc subreddit are active scams. Almost all altcoins (shitcoins) are marketed heavily with big promises but are really just designed to separate you from your bitcoin. So be careful: any resource, including all linked in this document, may in the future turn evil. As they say in our community, "Don't trust, verify".

Common Bitcoin Myths

Often the same concerns arise about Bitcoin from newcomers. Questions such as:
All of these questions have been answered many times by a variety of people. Here are some resources where you can see if your concern has been answered:

Where can I spend bitcoin?

Check out spendabit or bitcoin directory for millions of merchant options. Also you can spend bitcoin anywhere visa is accepted with bitcoin debit cards such as the CashApp card or Fold card. Some other useful site are listed below.
Store Product
Bitrefill, Gyft Gift cards for thousands of retailers worldwide including Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Whole Foods, CVS, Lowes, Home Depot, iTunes, Best Buy, Sears, Kohls, eBay, GameStop, etc.
Spendabit, Overstock and The Bitcoin Directory Retail shopping with millions of results
NewEgg and Dell For all your electronics needs
Piixpay,, Bylls,, LivingRoomofSatoshi, Coinsfer, and more Bill payment
Menufy and Takeaway Takeout delivered to your door
Expedia, Cheapair, Destinia, Abitsky, SkyTours, the Travel category on Gyft and 9flats For when you need to get away
Cryptostorm, Mullvad, and PIA VPN services
Namecheap, Porkbun Domain name registration
Stampnik Discounted USPS Priority, Express, First-Class mail postage
Coinmap and AirBitz are helpful to find local businesses accepting bitcoin. A good resource for UK residents is at
There are also lots of charities which accept bitcoin donations.

Merchant Resources

There are several benefits to accepting bitcoin as a payment option if you are a merchant;
If you are interested in accepting bitcoin as a payment method, there are several options available;

Can I mine bitcoin?

Mining bitcoin can be a fun learning experience, but be aware that you will most likely operate at a loss. Newcomers are often advised to stay away from mining unless they are only interested in it as a hobby similar to folding at home. If you want to learn more about mining you can read the mining FAQ. Still have mining questions? The crew at /BitcoinMining would be happy to help you out.
If you want to contribute to the bitcoin network by hosting the blockchain and propagating transactions you can run a full node. You can view the global node distribution for a visual representation of the node network.

Earning bitcoin

Just like any other form of money, you can also earn bitcoin by being paid to do a job.
Site Description
WorkingForBitcoins, Bitwage, Cryptogrind, Coinality, Bitgigs, /Jobs4Bitcoins, BitforTip, Rein Project Freelancing
Lolli Earn bitcoin when you shop online!
OpenBazaar,, Bitify, /Bitmarket Marketplaces
/GirlsGoneBitcoin NSFW Adult services
A-ads, Advertising
You can also earn bitcoin by participating as a market maker on JoinMarket by allowing users to perform CoinJoin transactions with your bitcoin for a small fee (requires you to already have some bitcoin).

Bitcoin-Related Projects

The following is a short list of ongoing projects that might be worth taking a look at if you are interested in current development in the bitcoin space.
Project Description
Lightning Network Second layer scaling
Liquid, Rootstock and Drivechain Sidechains
Hivemind Prediction markets
Tierion and Factom Records & Titles on the blockchain
BitMarkets, DropZone, Beaver and Open Bazaar Decentralized markets
JoinMarket and Wasabi Wallet CoinJoin implementation
Decentralized exhanges Decentralized bitcoin exchanges
Keybase Identity & Reputation management
Abra Global P2P money transmitter network
Bitcore Open source Bitcoin javascript library

Bitcoin Units

One Bitcoin is quite large (hundreds of £/$/€) so people often deal in smaller units. The most common subunits are listed below:
Unit Symbol Value Info
bitcoin BTC 1 bitcoin one bitcoin is equal to 100 million satoshis
millibitcoin mBTC 1,000 per bitcoin used as default unit in recent Electrum wallet releases
bit bit 1,000,000 per bitcoin colloquial "slang" term for microbitcoin (μBTC)
satoshi sat 100,000,000 per bitcoin smallest unit in bitcoin, named after the inventor
For example, assuming an arbitrary exchange rate of $10000 for one Bitcoin, a $10 meal would equal:
For more information check out the Bitcoin units wiki.
Still have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments below or stick around for our weekly Mentor Monday thread. If you decide to post a question in /Bitcoin, please use the search bar to see if it has been answered before, and remember to follow the community rules outlined on the sidebar to receive a better response. The mods are busy helping manage our community so please do not message them unless you notice problems with the functionality of the subreddit.
Note: This is a community created FAQ. If you notice anything missing from the FAQ or that requires clarification you can edit it here and it will be included in the next revision pending approval.
Welcome to the Bitcoin community and the new decentralized economy!
submitted by BitcoinFan7 to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

Valentines Day Drop Info & FAQ

1st, apologies for being AFK recently.
2nd, thank you to FatAmericanFuck for gathering info into a neat organized comment while I was gone :)
Tester has been added, germination complete, added a mini description for cosmic revival, check below.

Added new userflairs :)





Link to new thread for descriptions.


Valentine's Drop 2/12 at 12:01am Eastern Standard Time

Valentine's Drop

Hey guys, Daz here! I'm sure most of you are aware that things have been delayed with the licensing process at my new spot, resulting in delays in the release of my new photo x auto projects. Well, I hope this makes it up to you! I've dug deep to try and bring a little bit of what everyone has asked for to the table for this Valentine's weekend drop! Collabs with Ronin, Full Duplex/Mandalorian, and a Premium exclusive collab with Binary Selections (Ronin and Magic's line of shared work)!!! I've brought out the last of the Space Station Orange v.1, the last of the Squanch Stomper, the last of the Shekinah, and the last of the Cheech Biggums. I'm introducing a new CBD cross, Cosmic Revival, and releasing the last of the F3 Legacy Regs of both Wizard's Apprentice and Zamadelica Express (*pending current germination testing)... Not only that, every order will receive Seedopoly game pieces, brand new Night Owl plant ID stakes, Night Owl jar and jar lid label stickers, Valentine's day sticker set, and Valentine's day keychain (keychains may run out, all goodies are while supplies last) as well as the usual slaps you know and love! On top of that, if you grab 3 Secret Owl Society packs you'll receive a Secret Owl Society patch. If you order 4 Secret Owl Society packs you will receive the patch and a new glow in the dark Masked Owl ashtray! I'm also working on having the new black on black shirts in time for the drop, but as is life, all of this could change at any given moment. If you made it this far and are still reading, thank you. This drop is the last of my stock, and the next drop will not be until, realistically, July. If you need any Night Owl after this drop please go support the seedbanks that support me, and also show some love to the other auto breeders that are doing real work. I appreciate the continued love and cannot wait to continue on this journey with you.


Every order will come with Valentine's pin, keychain, and sticker combo, lid and jar stickers, nightowl limited or secret owl society stickers, and night owl plant ID stakes.
The Collaboration drops will include everything above and come with their own corresponding stickers.
For every pack ordered, earn 5 plant stakes.
If you order 3 packs of secret owl society to earn a SOS patch.
*USA ONLY\* Order 4 packs of secret owl society and you'll get the patch and a glow in the dark night owl ashtray too.
Spend $250 total value from order(s) to earn a tester pack, Pink Panama x Cosmic Queen.
*USA ONLY\* All premium packs come with 2 seedopoly scratch off cards per pack, all regular packs come with 1 scratch off per pack.
The new secret owl society packaging will go out with this drop.
And please be patient with this drop, there are so many moving parts, it's gonna be hectic!
The crew is coming out to help, but still...

Premium Drop 2/10

Exclusive to Premium Members:
Tester pack If you spent a total of $250

Valentine's Drop 2/12

Tester pack If you spent a total of $250

Drop Descriptions

Link to new thread for descriptions.
Cosmic Revival - Cosmic Revival has not been tested, but I'm hoping to find some nice 1:1, 2:1, and 4:1 examples once I pop them for further line work and based off of what some hemp breeder mentors have been telling me. Currently they should run the gamit. Her flavors ranged from earthy, kushy, and there was even a milk chocolatey finisher in the mix, along with the beachy flavors found in Cosmic queen.

Seedopoly US Only

Link to Seedopoly's board, rules, prizes.

Photo X Auto Project Info

Copied from Daz's IG post.
Thank you all for your patience with me these past few weeks. I've been handling a lot of business behind the scenes in preparation for big things next year. 2020 was the year of staying off the radar with most of my big projects and not drawing any unnecessary attention. 2021 is the year of getting licensed and really showing you what it's all about! Thank you for your trust and faith in me during my overly cautious past few months/years. I won't let you down.🙏🌱🦉🌱🙏New photo to autos scheduled for the first half of 2021:
Pre '98 Bubba Kush x Auto Skywalker F4
Dosidos x Forum Stomper F4
Purple Punch x Forum Stomper F4
Sunset Sherbet x Forum Stomper F4

Secret Owl Society Text Club

The old phone number 474747 isn't in service anymore. If you'd like to join the Secret Owl Society Text Club, then text "nightowl" to (760) 670-3130. This feature SHOULD work for international users, use +1 if you're having trouble! If it still doesn't work with your telecommunications provider, it's rumored to work with a separate messaging application like Whatsapp.

NightOwl Sweaters New-ish Info

Although the new photo x auto crosses are still on hold, I will have some new collabs and maybe even a new SOS variety for the Valentine’s weekend drop. I’ll probably put up the last of the Shekinah too. 🙏🌱🦉🌱🙏
Daz's recent comment two weeks ago

NightOwl Sweaters Older info

Since they were so well received, I'm planning on having more Varsity hoodies made in a different variant. I'd like to make one with the blue and white portions switched, and/or one using the burgundy/maroon color from the Secret Owl Society logo. I'm swamped right now but should have some time to dedicate to new merch after Christmas. 🙏🦉🙏
Daz commented in a thread asking about sweaters

Seedbanks Carrying Nightowl

Halloween Leftovers
So far Hembra Genetics and Insane Seeds has received some leftovers from the recent Halloween drop. They only have a limited quantity of certain cultivarI so check their sites, both ship internationally.
Seedbank Exclusive Culitvar
New vendor exclusive limited-edition drop, live now!! I've spread these three new varieties out to my vendors in hopes of giving all of you a greater chance at getting them! They are a small batch and WILL NOT BE REMADE. Go support them because they've supported me. AT LEAST 4 SEEDS IN EVERY PACK, keychains, and slaps (while supplies last).
Strain Descriptions
Foot Cheeze (Northern Cheeze Haze (UK Cheese pheno) x Tyrone Stomper)
Extra frosty medium-large plants with sturdy side branching, dense golf ball nugs running up each branch, and a cheesy fruity smell ranging from citrus to red fruit. She finishes around 75 days from sprout, yields 2-4 ounces, and has a heavy narcotic affect.
Head Cheeze (Northern Cheese Haze (Haze pheno) x Tyrone Stomper)
A sweet lemony, uplifting pheno of Northern Cheese Haze met up with an extremely greasy Tyrone Stomper resulting in long greasy colas of piercing grapey haze flavors and effects. Heavy indulgence can lead to a lingering paranoia, so plan accordingly ahead of time. Finishes in approximately 70-75 days from sprout and yields around 2-4 ounces.
Squanch Queen (Samsquanch OG x Cosmic Queen)
Some people say creamy sweet gas doesn't exist, but it can be found within these large plants. Satellite branches will take off almost immediately and will require staking or training to make the most of them. Dense disco ball nugs climb up her branches, leading to beautiful flower clusters at the tip of each. Stepping back from the plant, you will see her overall crown shape right before your eyes. This is a heavy-hitting hybrid. The more you use the less productive that you will be. Happy and euphoric in smaller doses, she can create heavy eyelids and a severe lack of motivation when overdone. Finishes around 75 days from sprout.

SeedBank Squanch Queen Foot Cheese Head Cheese Payment International Carry Mephisto Freebies
Neptune Seedbank No Yes Yes Credit Card (US Only), Bitcoin, PMC Gold, Cash Yes Yes *Need User Input
Supreme Seedbank No Yes Yes Money Gram/ Venmo/ Cash App/ Zelle, Money Order, Debit/ Credit (US ONLY 3.5% fee), Custom payment, Bitcoin, eGiftCertificate Yes Yes *Need User Input
Treestar Seedbank Yes Yes Yes Credit Card, Bitcoin, Money Order, Cash, Western Union, Cash App, Zelle Yes Yes Yes
Harvest Mutual Site Renovating, Not open No Yes Yes Cash, Money Order, Credit Card, Paypal Yes Yes Yes
Insane Seeds No Yes Yes Bitcoin, Cash, Credit Card Yes Yes Maybe
DC Seed Exchange No Yes Yes Debit Card, Cash, Money Order, eCheck, Cryptocurrencies No Yes Sometimes / Use "5%DCSEEDS" for 5% off
Oregon Elite Seedbank No Yes Yes Cash, Money Order, Cryptocurrencies Yes No *Need User Input,
Hembra Genetics No Yes Yes Cash, Cash App, Venmo, Bitcoin, Yes No Check site for promos
RMH719 SOLD OUT No No No Cash, Bitcoin No No Sometimes
RMHCA SOLD OUT No No No Cash, Bitcoin, No No Sometimes


"Do seed bank packs have more than 3 seeds?"

You will get what you paid for 3 fem seeds, there's a chance you could get more than 3 seeds unless it says otherwise.

"My pack has a blank label, how do I know what I have?"

Those are the "Secret Owl Society" packs, they come labeled with UV ink. Daz almost always provides a small blacklight keychain, use it to reveal the pack name.

"Is there any freebies?"

Like Mephisto, Nightowl will give you 2 extra seeds on 3 seed pack orders. Same cultivar. No freebie tiers like Mephisto.

"I got a confirmation email, it still says "processing", should I be worried?"

As long as you have a confirmation email, then there's nothing to worry about your order has been received.

"Received tracking, no movement on the order since being scanned into Denver, or not scanned at all"

Email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

Order related issue?

Email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

"Do I need TSB Premium to make a purchase, or do I purchase through Premium?"

No, you don't need TSB Premium to make a purchase. This was an option for paying members to get a chance to access the drop early. Nothing was exclusive to premium, everyone has access to all the strains. Go to the regular store page

"How do I register for a free account?"

There should be a sign-in button at the bottom of the page, or the NightOwl Store page. Look at this image to help.

"What do I do with my scratch card?"

Mail it in for the next drop, or any future drop NightOwl has specifically on TSB. When checking out select "mail-in cash/ money order". Once you complete the order, you should then get an email with mail-in details.
submitted by BlueJayin to nightowlseeds [link] [comments]

Know Thy Enemy: Kenneth C. Griffin, the Barbarian Behind the Gates of the Citadel

Привет идиоты,
I have returned to inflict more psychic damage upon you about the sick fucks that make up the worldwide disease that is Big Capital. Today, I would like to talk to you about Kenneth Cordele Griffin, the founder and CEO of a little company called Citadel LLC.
Now unless you have been living under a fucking rock for the past week or have drank yourself to the point of amnesia for one reason or another (forgivable), you are probably by now at least vaguely aware of what Citadel does and how it relates to current events surrounding GameStop and WSB's new favorite hedge fund, Melvin Capital.
Seeing as how there's a few million more of you here now than there were last month when I was emptying the contents of the bowl of oatmeal that is my brain on these pages about present day financial crimes perpetrated by Citadel and their ilk and the ouroboros of Western intelligence agencies and Big Capital, let's do a quick recap. I do hope you take the time to read the full posts, because you may learn something interesting. PSTH = Stripe 🚀🚀🚀
  1. The markets and the flow of capital around the world are rife with financial crime.
  2. The vast majority of this crime is perpetrated by large institutions like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and Deutsche Bank. Some of this crime takes the form of laundering money for drug cartels, terrorists, pedophiles, and sex traffickers. Some of it involves manipulation of the markets.
  3. The regulators in charge of dealing with these fucks are utterly spineless, to the point that any honest person must wonder out loud if they're in on it and getting a take. This phenomenon is known as regulatory capture and is a particularly insidious form of political corruption.
  4. The CIA, since its inception in 1947, has acted as a sort of parallel government within the broader United States government, and has been the primary ideological engine of its foreign policy through its ties to Big Capital. That foreign policy has always kept the interests of business as its top priority. One might even call this the Deep State.

Who is Ken Griffin?

Ken Griffin is the absolute epitome of the archetypal scumfuck egomaniac asshole that embodies everything that is wrong with the ultra-rich class of Big Capital. Ahem, sorry. Let's try that again.
Ken Griffin started his career out as a 🌈🐻 at the age of 19 while an undergraduate at Harvard, shorting the convertible bonds market and making a bunch of money off of the October 19th, 1987 crash, more commonly known as Black Monday. He graduated in 1989, supposedly returned 70% in his first year as a professional fund manager, and went on to found Citadel in 1990. Citadel has swelled to gargantuan size in the last 30 years. It apparently almost went under in 2008 during the financial crisis, but they were fine after the empty suit known as Barack Obama reneged on his campaign promises and fully sealed the transfer of the United States to Wall Street and the rest of the 1%. The hedge fund managed $35 billion as of October 2020 (probably less now LOLOLOL) and a little more than a quarter of all equity volume flows through Citadel Securities in their capacity as a market maker.
He lives in Chicago, but that's not very important. I will note that Chicago has been a historically CIA rat-infested city, as evidenced by the group of University of Chicago-trained economists that helped carry out the regime change ops and aggressive neoliberalization of South America in the 20th century. He's not a complete political partisan, but he does tend to favor Republicans. He has donated to Democratic Party luminaries like Rod Blagojevich and Rahm Emanuel, libertarian psychopaths like the Koch Brothers, and neocon war hawk freaks like Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove. His most recent political contributions were to Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, the two imbecilic former Senators from Georgia who were both busted for dumping stocks on insider information shortly before the Great Beer Virus Crash of 2020. The thread tying these fine folks together is that what most people in the United States think of as politics is more akin to a game show than a real system of governance, and the ultra-rich value their class allegiance much higher than their allegiance to any one political party. As a slight aside, Loeffler's husband is the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange. How in the fuck is the spouse of a (formerly) sitting Senator allowed to hold that position? Yuck.

The Ken Griffin Real Estate Portfolio

(Disclaimer: Griffin may not still own every property in this section and I don't care to find out which, if any, he has divested himself from, because frankly, the levels of opulence make me feel fucking sick. Also, if this is considered d0xxing or something because some of these may be personal residences, I will remove them upon request. This is all publicly available information, though.)

The Ken Griffin Art Portfolio

Many of the pieces listed here are not held personally by Griffin, but are loaned out to institutions like the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Art Institute of Chicago. For the extreme smoothbrains among you, the reason Griffin blows giant bags on horrible pieces of art and puts them on public display is so that he can use them as tax writeoffs.
Herein lies the part where you may call me a conspiracy theorist if you please, but I think Griffin's art portfolio is indicative of some type of covert relationship with the intelligence agencies. I sincerely do not believe that any person can reach these strata of society without at least brushing elbows with some glowies. The most expensive pieces in his collection come from the school of art known as abstract expressionism, which was quite literally a CIA-sponsored project meant to counter the influence of Soviet realism during the Cold War. The idea was that the Soviets would see the wacky vomitus that people like Jackson Pollock would spew all over a canvas as an expression of the ideals of freedom and individuality and break free of the bonds of Communism.

How does Citadel spend its money?

Good question! They buy politicians. Remember regulatory capture? Here's Citadel doing just that: current Secretary of the Treasury, former Chair of the Federal Reserve, and sentient potato woman Janet Yellen took more than $800,000 in speaking fees from Citadel. In fact, Yellen "earned" over $7 million in speaking fees from various other financial institutions including Goldman Sachs and Citigroup between her stints at the Fed and at Treasury. What do we think? Is she just such an enrapturing speaker that she's worth every penny? Or is she getting a kickback for helping to deregulate financial markets and a bribe to look the other way when short sellers and market makers collude to shut retail traders out of the market en masse, like they did yesterday with GME?
They also buy stakes in distressed hedge funds, apparently. Remember the $2.75 billion bailout that Citadel and Point72 gave to Melvin Capital on Monday, which they promptly pissed away doubling down on their GME short? Isn't it weird that Robinhood shut down trading on the very stocks that the hedge funds were bleeding out from and then forced people to liquidate their long positions at the very bottom of a coordinated short seller attack? Doesn't it seem a little strange that the hedge fund branch of Citadel is allowed to own part of another hedge fund that's being bled dry, as Citadel Securities buys order flow from Robinhood to illegally front-run retail orders?
There's also this, on the topic of Melvin Capital and pedophiles and sex traffickers: Melvin Capital's 5th largest long holding is a company called L Brands, which is the parent of Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works. Victoria's Secret, as seasoned Jeffrey Epstein gumshoes will know, was founded by one Leslie Wexner, who had a very troubling relationship with Epstein. Epstein was Wexner's personal money manager and Wexner was Epstein's only known client. Wexner and Epstein were so close that Wexner gave Epstein a mansion on the Upper East Side in Manhattan in 2011, years after it was already known that he was a pedophile creep. Epstein would tell the girls he was sexually assaulting that he was a modeling scout for Victoria's Secret. Jean-Luc Brunel, another Epstein-associated "modeling scout" and sex criminal who was recently arrested in France, would supply models to Victoria's Secret through his agency MC2 Model Management. Basically, what I'm saying is that Melvin Capital, and now Citadel by extension, are long sex trafficking pedophiles.

How can I poke this asshole in the eye?

It seems like there's two big things you can do to do your part.
The first is to 💎👐 GME. The institutions are clearly scared shitless at how much blowback is coming their way or they wouldn't be taking such drastic measures to try to tip the scales in the favor of the shorts at the expense of everyone else. Turn off share lending in your brokerage if you can and still haven't.
The second is to transfer your assets out of Robinhood yesterday and graduate to a big boy brokerage. Citadel Securities (remember, this is the market maker, not the hedge fund) banked a record $6.7 billion in profit last year. You can bet that this has at least a little to do with the influx of Robinhooders pressing the market order button on their phones and letting Citadel front run their orders while Robinhood gives them a garbage fill.

TLDR: Ken Griffin final boss. Citadel bad. Robinhood bad. GME go up. Stop FOMOing into other dumb shit and stick to the plan.

submitted by 420redditpornacct69 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

[Serious] Why do you think many African & Middle Eastern economies are not reaching their full potential ?

Comment your opinion or criticize someone else's opinion in a constructive way.
I will edit this table with better ideas I get from the comments.
This is my opinion, these are very simple general assessments, ideas for solutions to get us to talk & discuss these issue. Some of these things we cannot change easily or overnight, but we can make the decision that we will improve & have an improvement mindset right now.
I hope this makes you look at your issues in your own local town, city, country, region & apply this info or take it & evolve it into something better, time is running out, we have to change & improve ourselves, our countries in Africa & the Middle East now, or we will face a very bad future.
What awaits us down this current path is not good, but luckily we can change, improve & build a better future.
Everything you do matters, we are all cells inside an organism or nodes inside a network, we are all connected, literally these days through electricity & internet, just keep moving forward, evaluate, improve, but keep moving forward, don't stop.
Everything starts with a thought, an idea, imagination, they turn into words, actions & become reality.

Issue Harm Solutions
1 ) Lack Of Freedom Harm from Restricting Freedom of speech & expression affects EVERYTHING, from being able to discuss new ideas, innovations & solutions without fear, complaining about corrupt officials, taking powerful companies to court, fighting against companies connected to corrupt politicians, speaking out against corruption, dictators, corrupt police, making posts, pics & videos about "sensitive" issues, etc... We need legal protection for non-hateful, non-violent free speech & peaceful protesting. For now we can make posts, memes, comments, jokes, etc... about these issues to bring more awareness. We can choose to be free today, we must push the limits in some cases. Don't call for or threaten violence or hate, or harass people, be peaceful, but you can have different opinions & ways of doing things, that's ok. We'd still be living in trees or caves if we didn't have people who tried new things. Think free, be reasonable & enjoy yourself. Stay safe.
2 ) Not accepting people as they are, focusing on petty differences, but ignore big issues that can really harm us Harms us when some of us put too much energy in trying to control our differences, what we think, what we do, how we dress, how we look like, talk, etc... & make big issues out of small thing & shift focus away from the things that really matter. Just improve yourself, improve what's around you & if others want your advice or help, you can help them improve too, other than that, mind your own business. We have limited time & energy everyday, don't contribute with negativity & pettiness, yes, we're not perfect, but don't make it who you are.
3 ) Corruption Harms citizen's faith in the system, in their officials & in each other because corruption becomes the normal way of doing things. It deprives honest people of succeeding, keeps corrupt parasites profiting instead of earning their profit honestly like we all should. Foreign citizens & companies don't want to invest in a corrupt system they don't trust. Talk, post, discuss, make memes, videos about corrupt officials, corrupt systems & some proposed solutions. File complaints & lawsuits in the legal system. Start groups online & offline to discuss & take legal action to root our corruption & build better honest systems. If you see corruption, do not let it slide, root it out & stop it, do whatever you can & stay safe.
4 ) Crime Harms us by either taking our lives, harming our physical & mental well being, deprives us of our personal property. Makes us feel unsafe & distrustful of others when crime is rampant & not addressed by the authorities. Causes harm in every system in our countries, no one wants to live, visit, do their best or just relax & live a normal life when they don't feel safe. Our police should focus mainly on : Violence ( police brutality, murder, robbery, rape, assault, abuse, threats & anything similar ) & Non-violent ( scams, fraud, theft, property crime, white collar crime, cyber crime & anything similar ) Drugs should be decriminalized & treated as a health issue, not a criminal one. Bring attention to any issues in your area, do what you can, invest in your own & your family's self defense & home security. You are the main protector of yourself, stay safe.
5 ) Low quality Infrastructure & Public Services Harms us by making things harder for us & wasting too much of our time & energy on getting things done that should be done in more efficient & faster ways. Public transportation, education, speed of govt. listening to & fixing things, from hazards, dangers, lack of clean water, slow or unreliable internet or electricity, inefficient processes, etc... We & our govt. must find ways & new ideas to fund & improve our infrastructure & public services. Everyone should be able to get where they want ASAP, have fast internet, stable electricity, clean water, good court systems, etc... So we can get to our work & leisure without all these issues we don't have to have anymore.
6 ) Low Quality Education Harms students by not preparing them for adult life, university, technical school, job application, starting their own business or investing. By not understanding the political systems, healthcare, monetary system, science, how all these these systems affect each other, critical thinking, etc... Everything in life is about information, our own cells even, without the right information & guides we will be lost & not progress as fast as we should. For now we can supplement our education systems with things like Khan Academy & other online learning resources, we should use or start existing online system & offline systems & groups too. The knowledge is out there, we have to find solutions to make it more accessible & low cost to anyone who wants education. Last, but not least the way our students are treated has to improve, respect students & they will respect you back, if they don't, reasonable constructive non-physical & non-abusive punishment will do, then reward good behavior.
7 ) Inefficient Job Market Harms applicants & employers by not making jobs easy to post, find & fill roles with quality applicants fast. Pushes people looking for jobs into hardships & problems from lack of a stable source of income, hurts people with business by not finding the right people who will help with their business, keep it running & make it better. Create as many job sites & apps to connect business owners & govt. with job applicants ASAP. We must treat our employees with respect & pay them a fair living wage. Also root out nepotism, discrimination, racism, sexism, etc.... Hire people based on their ability & fit for the job, not who you think should be in charge & corrupt business owners & corrupt govt officials who favor certain people or companies & accept bribes for contracts must be rooted out.
8 ) Difficulty Starting Business or Registering Patents Harms entire economy by making process difficult & unclear for inexperienced business owners or patent owners. Not approving or delaying things due to corruption & fear of competition, deprives country of new businesses that could be the next international company or new ideas, patents & technology that can improve the country significantly. Bring awareness to this issue, to create an easier, more reliable & honest system for business in all our countries. Create media, from posts, to memes, videos, bring famous people on board, complain to the govt, propose new ideas, etc... The only way is to get the govt. aware of this issue & let them see that it's more beneficial for them & all of us to fix it, than it is to leave it the same
9 ) Complicated & untrustworthy investments Harms us by not having reliable,simple to understand investments that earn us interest on our money. From both the private & govt. sector. Not only for citizens, but for foreigners too, investments fund businesses & govt. instead of taking loans. Learn about local investments & write guides about them if you become an expert. Propose ideas & systems or start your own investment vehicle in a reliable & simple way with different risk levels (low/med/high) depending on what the investor wants. Report all investment scams & frauds to the police. Post about them & warn others.
10 ) Brain Drain Harms us when some of our best minds, go to other countries without all these harmful issues we have. Instead of these great minds & scholars staying in our countries, fixing these issues, improving our economy & creating new technology & solutions, they help other countries which give their people better conditions to prosper in. On a personal level, try to offer scholars & intellectuals incentives & opportunities to stay, bring awareness to this issue by creating media, so the govt. starts studying this issue, identifying the main causes & solving them ASAP, the whole economy is connected & these people who leave, see that, lose hope & leave...we have to make it a better place.
11 ) Using Foreign Currency & investing in foreign treasury securities & other govt or private investments. Harms our currency by depending on US Dollar, Euro, UK Pound, FR Franc, etc... it reduces liquidity of our currencies. Investing in their foreign govt treasury securities finances their govt, instead of ours & their govt will always issue new currency, if they default on these securities, since their currency is widely accepted. Avoid using foreign currency & investing in foreign treasury securities when possible. Use African & Middle Eastern currency or cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, etc..). Invest in African/Middle Eastern Treasury securities or other govt or private investments, not foreign.
12 ) War, Invasion & Occupation Harms us by destroying our country, the enemy seizing land, natural resources, commits unpunished violence against innocent citizens, creating chaos, destroying our lives, safety & future. Our govt develops defensive fusion & some Fission Nukes in ICBMs & SLBMs, Drone Swarms, cruise missiles, missile defense systems, satellites, Long range radars & sonars, etc... to let aggressors know, the price of attacking & attempting to destroy our country, is the swift destruction of their country. We want peace, freedom & prosperity for everyone in all countries. We want to engage in trade & leisure, business & pleasure, with everyone in all countries. Don't threaten or attack us.
13 ) Sanctions Harms us by isolating us, restricting our trading, advancement & weakening our economy further. (That's their purpose) Our govt. should stop doing anything that will get us sanctioned (corruption, terrorism, etc... ), but should not stop doing anything defensive, it is our right to develop & buy whatever defensive technology we need to defend ourselves.

submitted by ArabAtomicAtheist to arabs [link] [comments]

Who Paid You For/In December? Here is My List

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!     December sucked for me in this realm of beermoney. Less than $1k. ANd that was more of a reflection on me than a failure of the programs. I just seemed to have the energy sucked out of me most of the month. Had trouble concentrating. But thankfully I play a game where I can (legally and within the TOS) sell resources to other players and that brought in over $1k gross. I havent figured out profit.. but that helped me     But despite my December malaise, Im actually really excited for 2021. My goal is become a day trader. Which obviously isnt beer money. And im doing well with that but have very little money to use on it.. So its very slow building up that account. Im very good at it. I just dont have the capital.     I have other plans for beermoney too. Trying out new things.. People have been calling on me to do stuff on youtube or whatever.. so I may explore that. I have goals written down and going to make them happen. Do you have any beermoney goals for 2021? Post em in the replies    
  How did you all do in December?    
Program Dec Nov Oct Sept 2020 Total
Mturk $650 $700 $865 $847 $3062
Mypoints $0 $300 $0 $200 $500
Swagbucks $161 $216 $321 $420 $1777
Ebay $0 $143 $0 $0 $143
Prolific Academic $50.16 $57.64 $36.17 $51.33 $195.30
PhonePayCheck2 $42.60 $49 $47.80 $27.56 $166.96
Ibotta $36.29 $0 $0 $0 $36.29
Coin base Earn $32 $0 $0 $0 $32
Mercari $0 $0 $22 $0 $22
ESPN Fan Advisors $0 $0 $0 $20 $20
InstaGC $4.20 $3.01 $2.02 $0 $9.23
Prize Rebel $1.95 $0.26 $0.55 $0 $2.76
:-- :-- :-- :-- :-- :--
Totals $978.20 $1614.05 $1294.54 $1534.89 $6111.68
  FOOTNOTES 1. Does not count Ref earnings 2. Registration is closed for this app  
So thats my list. How did you do in December??
I live outside the USA. How can I earn? Unfortunately most of the stuff I do is either USA only or US/UK/CA/AU. So its hard for me to advise whats available to people outside of those areas. If you live outside those 4 countries I really dont have advice for you. And I dont have much advice for even outside the USA.
How Much Time do you spend with this? Its Hard to quantify. I am in front of a computer ALOT but its not always focused on making money. I have games I play and have scripts that watch for HITs ON Mturk so if something pops thats good I switch over. Plus Im often doing multiple things at once. That said.. there are people who make more then me with less time. Im actually very inefficient.
  Why dont you get a real job? Health issues.. and I can nap at 1PM.. and I dont have a boss looking over my shoulder... and I can work naked (I dont.. or do I....)
  You must have a ton of referrals to make that much! All the totals above represent only personal earnings. I seperate out ref earnings.
  OMG! You must cheat somehow to make so much! I do nothing outside the TOS of any of the programs. I consider this income to be a blessing and wouldnt do anything to jeopardize that. Plus cheating just kills programs and defrauds the companies that are allowing me to make this income.  
Do you have to pay taxes on all of this Yes on most of it. There are some exceptions but the majority of this income is taxable. Most of these companies dont issue 1099s but that doesnt mean you dont have to pay taxes. Please consult a tax professional if you have questions on how to handle taxes on "beermoney" income
submitted by themightyox to beermoney [link] [comments]

January 2021 Earning Report - £673.02

Earning report:
It slowed down a bit from December which I attribute to the holidays break. Still quite happy with the result, and I got another £180 pending.
I started using Intellizoom and joined Bunnyfoot this month.
I am based in London, UK and dedicating about 2/3 hours a day, 5 days a week to working on Beermoney.

Site November 2020 December 2020 January 2021
dscout £58.25 £326.23 £70.59
Neevo £15.40 £98.97 £78.03
Prolific £0 £38.53 £21.07
Userlytics £43.85 £28.60 £14.18
Intellizoom £0 £0 £31.06
UserTesting £0 £28.57 £70.82
Swagbucks Ref / Non-Ref £10 £10 £20
Streetbees Non-ref Ref Code: 74271L £26.30 £16.90 £36.90
Qmee Ref / Non-Ref £4.49 £5.51 £2.04
Roamler - DM your email address for referral. £0 £0 £17.64
Slicethepie Ref / Non-Ref £0 £7.19 £0
Measure App Non-Ref /Code: nNQGQr4N £0 £10 £0
Askable Ref / Non-Ref £0 £0 £10
VocalViews £65 £100 £0
User Interviews £0 £28.26 £36.40
Take Part In Research £5 £40 £0
Research Opinions £0 £40 £0
Research Helper £0 £50 £0
Bunnyfoot £0 £0 £50
UserTribe £0 £0 £50
Panel Opinon Non-Ref / Ref £0 £0 £55.08
GFK Panel £10 £5 £5
Storewards £0 £4 £2
Transperfect £0 £1 £0
Consumer Pulse £0 £10 £10
Panel App Non-Ref £0 £0 £5
Remotasks Ref / Non-Ref £4 £0 £0
Jisp Ref Code:YVCD6E £5 £0 £0
Toluna Ref / Non-Ref £10 £0 £0
University Studies £10 £12 £87.21
Random Market Research £199.69 £183 £0
Totals £466.98 £1043.76 £673.02

Sites I use and referrals:

Here are some useful sites to access University Research Studies (mostly UK):
Call for Participants (non-ref)
Goldsmith's University Participants Database (non-ref)
London School of Economics Participant's Database (non-ref)
University College London Study Pool (non-ref)
University of Edinburgh Volunteer Pool (non-ref)
University of Oxford - Get Involved (non-ref)
University of Bristol Study Pool (non-ref)
Liverpool John Moores University Participant Pool (non-ref)
Live Research Projects at Lancaster University (non-ref)
University of Cambridge Study Pool (non-ref)
University of Bath - Campaigns (non-ref)
Student Minds (non-ref)
For random market research I usually check these subreddits:
submitted by carling24 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

5 IPOs to watch for in 2021

2020 was a bumper year for tech IPOs. Companies like Snowflake, Airbnb, Doordash and Palantir* have been standout IPOs this year. Snowflake’s IPO was the biggest US software IPO in history while Palantir’s stock price has more than doubled since going public in September.
It looks like this IPO trend could continue well into 2021 with some of the biggest names in tech expected to go public. Here are 5 of the most anticipated IPOs for 2021.
\Note:* Palantir went public via a direct listing, not an IPO.

1. Robinhood

The stock-trading platform looks set to go public in 2021.
2020 has been a massive year for Robinhood. In Q2 of 2020, they made revenue of $180 million. Up from $91 million in Q1 of this year. Revenue growth of 100% in a single quarter is incredibly impressive.
Robinhood hasn’t been without controversy this year. Many people cite the app’s popularity as a big contributing factor into the high market volatility we’ve seen.
Robinhood’s growth plans seem to be centered around providing more financial products to its US customers, as opposed to expanding into international markets. It launched Robinhood Crypto in 2018 and a 1.8% interest rate savings account in 2019. This was around the same time that plans to launch in the UK and Australia were postponed. It will be interesting to see how this growth strategy plays out and if international expansion gets a renewed focus in the future.
All of the signs seem to be pointing to an IPO in the first half of 2021. A Reuters report states that Robinhood have partnered with Goldman Sachs to begin IPO preparations at an expected valuation of over $20 billion.

2. Gitlab

While not a household name, Gitlab is an impressive company that looks set to go public in 2021. Gitlab is a SaaS company that markets a DevOps platform which allows their customers to build software more efficiently.
Gitlab is an interesting company to say the least. All of its employees are fully remote. Meaning that Gitlab doesn’t have a corporate office and employees can work from anywhere in the world. Gitlab is a proponent of the “open-source” software model and sells its software under an “open-core” business model. This is where the core functionality is released under an open-source (MIT) license while the additional functionality is under a proprietary license.
Gitlab’s business has been performing very well. When it last raised money in September 2019, it announced that its revenue growth rate was 140% year over year. In January of 2020, Gitlab hit an annual revenue run rate of $120 million.
Gitlab had originally planned on going public in November of this year. But in May, they decided to hold off on these plans due to the uncertain economic outlook at the time. However with the recent performance of tech IPO’s, you can expect that they will be going public sooner rather than later.
Gitlab is currently valued at over $6 billion, after shares were sold in the secondary market in September of this year. That’s more than double its valuation when it raised money in September 2019.

3. Stripe

Stripe is a SaaS company that provides payment processing services and other financial products to businesses of all sizes.
Stripe is one of the most valuable startups in the world. Its most recent round of funding valued the company at $36 billion.
Revenue numbers are hard to come by for Stripe, but a recent interview with co-founder John Collison shows the scale of the business:
Mr Collison said that 200,000 new businesses have signed up with Stripe since March. “Those businesses, since March, have already processed more than $20 billion in revenue,” he said.
Stripe typically charges 2.9% per transaction. So a back-of-the-envelope calculation shows that Stripe earned almost $600 million since March ONLY from companies that have signed up to Stripe since March. Their actual revenue numbers are obviously much higher.
There is no hard evidence that Stripe will go public in 2021. In fact, in the same interview, Mr.Collison stated that “We have no plans to IPO”. However, a recent major partnership with Salesforce and the hiring of a high-profile CFO from General Motors seems to signal that an IPO might not be too far off.

4. Bumble

Bumble is a dating app with a twist - on Bumble, only women can make the first move when a man and a women ‘match’.
Match Group (owners of Tinder) are the major player in the online dating space. But Bumble seems to be catching up. Bumble posted revenue of $240 million in 2019 and has 100 million users as of 2020.
Bumble’s growth strategy seems similar to that of Tinder in that it offers premium features such as “Bumble Boost”. But a key part of their growth strategy also seems to be to move outside of just dating. They recently launched two major products; BFF helps you to meet new friends while BIZZ helps you to network more effectively.
According to a Bloomberg report, Bumble just recently confidentially filed for an IPO in February 2021. The expected valuation range is $6-8 billion.

5. Instacart

2020 has been a massive year for the grocery-delivery company, Instacart.
Similar to other delivery companies like Doordash, the pandemic brought on a massive spike in demand for Instacart. In March, order volume on the platform jumped by over 500%.
Instacart’s valuation has grown in line with its order volume this year. It grew from $7.9 billion at the beginning of 2020 to more than $17 billion by October.
Instacart looks set to be planning an IPO for 2021. A recent Financial Times report stated that the company is consulting with banks ahead of a potential IPO in early 2021.

What IPOs are you most excited for in 2021?
submitted by tadhg8811 to investing [link] [comments]

Why shouldn't I invest more in Peloton (PTON)?

Peloton released its latest earnings last night, and is of course firing on all cylinders ( dd43f8b8-acc9-443a-bc51-fd26433ec549 ( ) I have a position in Peloton so I might be biased, but I like every single line in the earnings report. Some of my personal highlights:
Their story reminds me a lot of Netflix, who have built up a highly competitive platform with great financials despite a huge increase in competition. Peloton's competitors are barely just getting started and I don't see them catching up.
I want to put more money in this company, but would be great to hear some contrarian opinions. Bonus points if you write more than "it's a fad" or "they will crash when Covid is over".
submitted by dusterhi to stocks [link] [comments]

Who Paid You For/In November? Here is My List.

First off.. I wish each and every one of you a very happy healthy holiday season     My month of November was up and down. Mostly because real life was up and down. I was moving slower as I was dealing with the feelings of being overwhelmed with real life. As many of you know this is what I did for a living before my amputation. And I was good at it and it sustained me. But the problem is.. when this income stops there is no safety net. And debt quickly piles up. And nasty calls come and all that fun stuff. So life has been a challenge. I need to suck it up and get into dscout and other programs that require talking or being on camera. I said this last month. But now I need to stop being a pussy and actually do it. If I could generate an extra $1k a month I would be able to start digging out.     I tell everyone the above not to get anyone to feel sorry for me.. but to show im human and that we alll deal with challenges. As I overcome these challenges, hopefully I can motivate some others as well. Im actually starting a blog to chronicle my recovery... the physical, mental and financial parts of it. I will start publishing that this week.     Anywho.. decent month of November. Big offers on Mypoints (vuse vapor) and some ebay sales helped boost me over last month. December is usually a slower month for mturk.. as the week between Christmas and New Years is the deadest of the year. I expect it will be worse this year with the pandemic. But I dont think thats a bad thing if you do this just for extra money.. put down your devices, step away from the computer.. and enjoy family time.    
  How did you all do in November?    
Program Nov Oct Sept 2020 Total
Mturk $700 $865 $847 $2412
Mypoints $300 $0 $200 $500
Swagbucks $216 $321 $420 $1616
Ebay $143 $0 $0 $143
Prolific Academic $57.64 $36.17 $51.33 $145.14
PhonePayCheck2 $49 $47.80 $27.56 $124.36
Mercari $0 $22 $0 $22
ESPN Fan Advisors $0 $0 $20 $20
InstaGC $3.01 $2.02 $0 $5.03
Prize Rebel $0.26 $0.55 $0 $0.81
:-- :-- :-- :-- :--
Totals $1614.05 $1294.54 $1534.89 $5133.48
  FOOTNOTES 1. Does not count Ref earnings 2. Registration is closed for this app  
So thats my list. How did you do in October??
I live outside the USA. How can I earn? Unfortunately most of the stuff I do is either USA only or US/UK/CA/AU. So its hard for me to advise whats available to people outside of those areas. If you live outside those 4 countries I really dont have advice for you. And I dont have much advice for even outside the USA.
How Much Time do you spend with this? Its Hard to quantify. I am in front of a computer ALOT but its not always focused on making money. I have games I play and have scripts that watch for HITs ON Mturk so if something pops thats good I switch over. Plus Im often doing multiple things at once. That said.. there are people who make more then me with less time. Im actually very inefficient.
  Why dont you get a real job? Health issues.. and I can nap at 1PM.. and I dont have a boss looking over my shoulder... and I can work naked (I dont.. or do I....)
  You must have a ton of referrals to make that much! All the totals above represent only personal earnings. I seperate out ref earnings.
  OMG! You must cheat somehow to make so much! I do nothing outside the TOS of any of the programs. I consider this income to be a blessing and wouldnt do anything to jeopardize that. Plus cheating just kills programs and defrauds the companies that are allowing me to make this income.  
Do you have to pay taxes on all of this Yes on most of it. There are some exceptions but the majority of this income is taxable. Most of these companies dont issue 1099s but that doesnt mean you dont have to pay taxes. Please consult a tax professional if you have questions on how to handle taxes on "beermoney" income
submitted by themightyox to beermoney [link] [comments]

FAQ Megathread - Compilation of all possible questions you may have about NEXO

Table of contents:

General Information about Nexo

What is Nexo?

Nexo delivers the The World’s First Instant Crypto-backed Loans, thus resolving a crucial inefficiency for the crypto world. Up to this very moment, no alternatives existed for digital asset owners to enjoy their crypto wealth except selling them. The innovative model of Nexo brings to the crypto community the best of both worlds - retaining 100% ownership of their digital assets while having immediate access to cash.

What are Instant Crypto-backed Loans?

The Instant Crypto-backed Loans are an automatic, flexible and cost-efficient way of obtaining liquidity that is secured by the value of the client’s digital assets. The whole process is completed in just a few simple clicks. No hidden fees, no capital gains taxes, no credit checks. Transparency is guaranteed through the use of blockchain technology, smart contracts and algorithmic processes executed by the Nexo Oracle.

Notes for US (United States) Customers

How can I buy NEXO?

Currently, until the Exchange comes out, you will have to use a third-party platform to purchase NEXO. You can use the following:

How is Nexo connected to Credissimo?

Nexo is powered by Credissimo, a leading FinTech Group serving millions of people across Europe for over 10 years. Credissimo has always operated under the highest regulatory requirements and strictest supervision by multiple European Banking and Financial Services Regulators. Now the same Team and its Board of Advisors, empowered by the ever-growing community of Nexo supporters and the enormous demand for the Instant Crypto-backed Loans, are unlocking the value of the digital assets in a rapidly expanding token economy that will alter the very fabric of a $5 trillion dollar market.

Who are the Nexo Founders?

Nexo was founded by the Credissimo team who have been in business for over 10+ years and awarded as one of the top 100 Financial Tech companies in Europe.

What happens when NEXO doesn't have enough cash to loan out?

They can't loan out without raising money, of course. So either they have to loan themselves with better terms, raise money through other means, or steadily process the loans facing a supply drought and customer loss. I could imagine that it would be technically legal for a certain % of the collateral to be sold, just like banks are not required to keep 100% of their customers cash in liquid form, but I have quite frankly no clue how this applies to nexo and crypto assets.

What happens to the deposited BTC/ETH if NEXO fails? Who holds the private keys to them coins?

Since nexo is properly registered in the EU, and given the EU's tendency to protect customers rather than company's, Id honestly assume we would have a novelty court case over this issue, with the expected result that the collateral has to be given back out, if it is still available. But as it often happens in crypto, if the coins are sold illegally its hard to reverse that kind of damage, and its even more tough to access them if they were sent to another wallet. I do not really think that there is a reasonable possibility of this happening without nexo deliberately destroying their business/turning criminal, because of the nature of this business and the contracts, and I would assume that not turning criminal is a much, much more profitable strategy in the long run, because nexo is well positioned to assume dominance in this market for what we know so far.

What happens if people fail to pay back the money, but at the same time the deposited BTC/ETH loose value and are not able to cover the loan amount any more? (With people then realising their collateral is valued at less then the money they have to pay back, thus being incentivised towards defaulting rather than paying back to get their crypto.)

If the collateral does not cover the loan due to falling prices, the loan agreement as far as I know will be automatically terminated, with the collateral held in the nexo account. The customer must either default through the prices not covering the loan amount, or with failure of payback itself, its not really possible that both the customer fails to pay back the money AND the collateral declines in value below the worth of the loan unless the market crashes so spectacularly that the collateral cannot be automatically sold. However the outcome is technically the same, nexo itself does not lose money if the client defaults (unless prices crash faster than nexo is able to sell, or the volume is gone, et cetera., which I think at this point is relatively unreasonable to assume.), and I think the "take a loan -> buy more crypto -> take more loans" scenario is incredibly unreasonable given that you can easily margin-trade with much higher leverage and less trouble than what nexo could loan out to you, so I dont assume loans are being taken for actual crypto investments, I rather think people believe in the collateral assuming value and see it as a locked up investment with extra short term utility

How is NEXO profitable?

Lending is the most profitable crypto market segment. Businesses are now parking their idle cash with crypto lenders. This trickle will soon become a flood. Nexo is arguably the most profitable lender. NEXO made ~$20 mill profit last year, paying a $6mill dividend.

Is Nexo trustworthy?

Considering that the founders of Nexo are some of the same people behind Credissimo an established successful award winning FinTech Group founded in 2007 which is still around gives gives me reassurance that my coins are somewhat safe. At the end of the day we're all taking a risk here. I'd be very surprised if Nexo just runs off with all our money in the process tainting all the work they've put in from Credissimo to here. It is poor that they haven't done much to reassure us that our crypto/money is as secure as they say but they have a track record that seems to speak for itself. Not many other defi platforms can do the same and we are seeing that almost every second day with the hacks occurring in the ecosystem.
There are actual people behind this thing that we can hold accountable. People who have Forbes articles written about them. People who have been on the news. I'm not saying it's still not possible for a security breach but again their track record seems to speak for itself.

What happens to my assets if NEXO goes under?

In the unlikely event that Nexo goes under, yes, your money is gone. There is no insurance in the world that covers something like that I'm afraid. It's the same for Cel, CDC, or any wallet provider.. remember, not your keys not your crypto. There is always a risk.

How can NEXO afford such high interest rates?

Simple, they borrow your money for ~8% and they lend it out for ~11.9% (no loyalty, this used to be 24.9% but I guess they changed it because it made them look like loan-sharks).
The concept behind Nexo is to make Crypto as liquid as possible for clients. Instead of selling crypto you can temporarily supplement it for a small loan.
Their average loan is well above the 5.9% minimum and more people are using the service to borrow rather than lend.
They are profitable, but don't expect the stablecoin interest to remain at 8%-12% long term, it's to attract new customers! Just like did.
One thing to note, the business model is SOLID, but only in a stable or bullish market. If for some reason Crypto market tanks, then it'll be an issue.

What happens if the market crashes?

The Loan-to-Value (i.e. ~50% for BTC and ETH) is dynamically determined by the Nexo Oracle algorithms, depending on the current and historical volatility and market liquidity of the asset. If the assets decrease significantly in value and you do not contribute additional assets to your Nexo Wallet after receiving a warning from the Nexo Oracle, Nexo may initiate small liquidations to cover any insufficiency.


Nexo announced a Buyback, has it been done, how can I track it?

The buyback has started, it seems like they are doing the buyback bit by bit instead of the full amount all at once. They purchase these tokens from the open market, where there is liquidity (Huobi for instance). You can check how many tokens have been bought back so far here:

License and Regulations

Is NEXO compliant with the SEC?


Could SEC investigate NEXO the same way they did with Ripple (XRP)?

Nexo is registered and compliant with the SEC when they did their ICO (Initial Coin Offering), there is nothing to worry about.

What is NEXO's insurance?

Nexo use BitGo ( as their cold storage provider. This includes a $100m policy that covers third-party hacks, theft, loss of keys, etc.
The safety of clients funds is the main priority for Nexo. Cold storage Wallets are provided by BitGo, the leader in digital asset financial services. BitGo Custody carries $100,000,000.00 in insurance protections through a syndicate of underwriters through the Lloyd's, the world’s specialist insurance and reinsurance market. And this premium service comes in at no additional cost (details can be found here and here).
The $100 million policy covers digital assets where the private keys are held 100% by BitGo in the event of:
  • Third-party hacks, copying, or theft of private keys
  • Insider theft or dishonest acts by BitGo employees or executives
  • Loss of keys
Nexo has chosen BitGo as its custodian because BitGo provides 100% cold storage technology in bank-grade Class III vaults and the BitGo platform is SOC 2 Type 2 certified. Advanced authentication mechanisms are employed to ensure the authenticity of data, and assets are distributed geographically and organisationally.
It is the account holders’ responsibility to safeguard their accounts by means including but not limited to using a strong password, enabling two-factor authentication and controlling all login credentials to Nexo. Clients remain owners of the crypto assets placed into Nexo accounts.

Why is their insurance only for $100m if they have $4B+ in assets under management (AUM)?

They don't keep the all of their assets in the one wallet.
Their custodian, BitGo, keeps funds in many smaller wallets - the likelihood of all those wallets being hacked at the same time is something approaching zero.

Is there details on Nexo's bank license?

Not yet, Nexo is not a bank yet, but it's possibly coming soon, as they just switched banks to IBS Lithuania UAB. (Not announced but since Lithuania gave Revolut a bank license it's very possible!)

What does an ISO/IEC 27001 certificate mean?

Nexo’s information security management system (ISMS) has been successfully audited by CISQ, a member of IQNet and the world’s largest provider of management system certification, and by RINA, who have decades of experience in certifications, ensuing in an ISO/IEC 27001 compliance certificate. This guarantees that Nexo's security infrastructure is of the highest standard and carries minimal risk to clients and investors thanks to rigorous security policies, impeccable risk assessment, data protection, and state-of-the-art cybersecurity.
Nexo’s ISO/IEC 27001 certificate was issued to it's Estonian entity, the subject of this certification is Nexo’s information security management system, rather than a specific registered entity. As such, it is irrelevant which Nexo entity the certificate was granted to.
Please also note that information provided on is valid for all Nexo services and operations, as the aggregate of companies within the Nexo group. These include entities registered across the globe, all of which are fully compliant with local regulations.

Licenses and links

Estonia's Business Register:
Estonia Approval (Allows operations to all non-estonians):

Interest / Earning with your Crypto assets

I transferred my assets yesterday and have not gotten any interest yet???

You get your first interest payout the day AFTER you deposit. This is normal, to avoid people cheating the system.

I am not getting my 10% interest!

It may not be clearly explained within the app, but in order to get the full potential for rates, you need to max your loyalty level as well as get paid in Nexo. Depending on how much NEXO is part of your portfolio, your loyalty level changes, so to achieve Platinum, you must have at least 10% of your crypto portolfio in NEXO. The bonuses for each level are as follows:
  • Base = 5%* on Crypto, 8% on Fiat/Stablecoins
  • Silver (1-5%) = 5.25% on Crypto, 8.25% on Fiat/Stablecoins
  • Gold (5-10%) = 5.5% on Crypto, 9% on Fiat/Stablecoins
  • Platinum (>10%) = 6% on Crypto, 10% on Fiat/Stablecoins
Crypto = BTC, Etherium, etc.
Stablecoins = USDC, Tether, etc. Fiat = Euro, GBP.
They get converted to their equivalent stable coin after depositing!
Remember, you get paid extra if you decide to receive interest in NEXO and not in-kind (same asset, so BTC to BTC for instance). This bonus is not available for US customers.

Example of interest earned:

Assuming you have 1 BTC in your Savings Wallet on NEXO, you would accumulate 5% per year if you do not hold any Nexo as well. 6% if you hold 10% worth of a BTC as Nexo in your account.
And additionally 2% more if you choose to receive the interest in Nexo and not BTC, so then it would be 7 or 8%, but this is not available for US customers.

I am not getting my 7% every day?!!!

Just like pretty much everything in this world, interest is shown PER YEAR. This means, you get 7% per year, not per day. ANY company, regardless if it's crypto or not, that tells you you can even make 1% back per day, is a ponzi / scam (unsustainable business).

How do I calculate what I should get % per day?

Simplified, and not 100% accurate, but very close, you should take the spot price of the asset at the moment of daily payout, multiply it by your loyalty / bonus level, and divide it by 365.
A more advanced, accurate calculation would be as follows (thanks to masashi_t):
Example: BTC interest is 6% in-kind and 8% in NEXO.
If you choose to earn in-kind, take into account of compounding interest, it would give you [(1+0.06)1/365-1]*100 = 0.0159% per day, or 6% APY
If you want to earn in NEXO instead, you will get (0.08/365)*100 = 0.022% per day, or 8% APR.
BTC and NEXO are both appreciating assets, you are free to pick which one you think will give you a better return in the future.

Small note regarding compounding interest:

The daily interest rate you receive for the like-kind reward already takes into account the fact it compounds to end with the stated annual interest rate. The interest rate you see for like-kind reward only is achieved if you keep it for 365 days. If you keep it for a lesser time, you actually get a lower interest rate.
I am not sure why this isn't mentioned in the app, as far as I know.

I am not getting back interest on my NEXO assets?

You do not get interest on NEXO token assets you hold in NEXO. Instead, you get dividends. Nexo give out 30% of their profits back to their customers that hold nexo tokens. Read this article for more information.

Do my assets on Nexo get locked-up / stake period?

NO! Unlike, CDC, you do not need to lock in your assets with Nexo, you can withdraw them at any time.

Do I get interest on my collateral?

Any assets in your Credit wallet do not get any interest, so you can not borrow 0.5BTC with 1BTC as collateral and make interest on the 1BTC at the same time. The only asset that "technically" makes % while being in the Credit wallet is Nexo tokens, where you get dividends regardless of which wallet the tokens are in.


What is a dividend?

To "reward" loyal customers who support the project and Nexo token itself, Nexo have decided to do (yearly*) dividends, this means they give 30% of the benefits (profits) the company earned since the last dividend back to the nexo holders. Based on how many tokens you have and knowing there is currently a fixed supply of 560 millions tokens you can calculate what % you should get. Furthermore, they have an extra "bonus" for those who have held onto the tokens for a long time. This bonus is small, but it helps differentiate those who are holders and those who purchase nexo tokens before a dividend to cash in. Read the question below about frequency.

How regular are dividends, when is the next one?

So far, dividends have been yearly, in August. There have been mentions from Nexo that they'd like to do it more regularly. As any business/stock that do dividends, the price of the token/stock decreases drastically after dividend payout. Do not be alarmed.

Do US customers get dividends?

Yes, but paid out in BTC. EDIT: Apparently, you can receive it in NEXO as well, but you must be an accredited investor. Read this

Do I need to verify/kyc to receive dividend for my NEXO tokens?

Yes, advanced verification is necessary.

Where do I need to hold NEXO Tokens, in order to receive dividends?

NEXO Tokens must be held/staked in your Nexo account (doesn't matter if it's in the Credit or Savings Wallet) at the ex-dividend date. The ex-dividend date will be communicated in advance.



Summarized: Celsius do a much better job at engaging with their customers, and their token CEL has performed better than NEXO, however, NEXO appears much more professional (imo of course), by taking things slowly but surely. Everything works perfectly, everything is tested, no downtimes, no trash-talking by the employees. CEL at this point seems like a cult, Nexo seems like a business.

Why is CEL so high compared to NEXO?

Visibility, marketing? Various reasons. IMO looking at their trading volume, its VERY low. If even a small-sized whale decided to sell their bags, it would crash. Basically, it's artificially inflated due to low liquidity.
Also keep in mind, Coinmarketcap and Coingecko show incorrect Market Cap data for Celsius. You can see the real value by visiting the Celsius website. It will crash soon, and hard. Again, my opinion.

Frequently asked questions:

Are there any airdrops/giveaways/freebies?

No. There are currently no giveaways. If you get contacted via Facebook, Twitter, Telegram or anywhere else, it's a scam. The only "giveaway" that is currently running is the fact that you can win 100k Nexo tokens for voting for which coin should be added next to the platform (You can do this via the app, on the home screen, scroll the top banners to the right until you find the one about voting.)

When will the Card (Crypto Credit Card) be released?

There are no official announcements yet, but all we know that is it currently in a private beta. A select few European (non UK) customers have been given cards to test the upcoming platform.

When will the Exchange be released (Buying and selling crypto within the Nexo app/webapp)?

Just like the card, there is no official news yet. All we know that there are a select few IOS users who have been given early access to test the functionality of this exchange. Currently, users are reporting a 1.5%~ spread on the exchange, which is quite high.

How long does Verification/KYC take?

Generally, it takes about 2 business days, although lately with the increase of users signing up it can take a big longer. If you don't hear back after a week I'd suggest contacting their support.

Support is not answering my emails?

One tip is to go on their website, open the live chat and type in "speak with human" "talk to agent" "human" to get transferred to a real person.

Are deposits and withdrawals free?

Yes, withdrawals are completely free, although deposits depend on which exchange you use to send your assets to Nexo with.

Difference between CREDIT and SAVINGS wallets

You must take into account that you have TWO wallets per asset within the Nexo platform. One for SAVINGS, which will give you interest on any assets you hold in it, and one for CREDIT which is basically your collateral, which you use for taking out crypto-backed loans.

Will Brexit affect UK customers?

There is no official information so far.

Does NEXO have a bonus/referral system?

No, you can not get $ or bonus for referring other users right now. The only thing you can do is share a link to the CARD page, to increase your position in the waiting list.

When are payouts made?

Usually around 12:00AM UTC, daily!

What coins are accepted as collateral?

BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, XLM, BCH, EOS, LINK, TRX, stablecoins, PAXG, NEXO and BNB. More information

What is Collateral?

Collateral is crypto assets you would put up for a loan (if you don't repay they will sell it to cover the default). You do not earn interest on crypto that you use as collateral. If you are not borrowing from Nexo then your funds are held in a "savings wallet" where it can earn interest until it is either moved off the platform or used as collateral on a loan.
Nexo tokens do not earn interest the same way as other tokens, but do provide dividends from the profits of the company.

What are the loan-to-value (LTV) rates?

A Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio is an indicator representing the size of a loan compared to the value of the assets securing the loan.
The Loan-to-Value percentages of each asset are dynamically determined by the Nexo blockchain oracle algorithms, depending on the current and historical volatility and market liquidity of the asset.
More info

How many confirmations does my transfer need?

  • BTC deposit require a minimum of 6 confirmations
  • All ERC20 deposits (ETH, PAXG, NEXO, USDT, TUSD, USDC, PAX, DAI) require 50 confirmations
  • LINK deposits require 40 confirmations
  • XRP (Ripple), XLM (Stellar), BNB, NEXO BEP2 and EOS - near-instant
  • BCH deposit requires 16 confirmations
  • LTC deposit requires 6 confirmations
  • TRX (Tron) deposit requires 20 confirmations

How can I find a list of important announcements, information?
On the sidebar, you can go back to 2018.

When will NEXO be listed on Coinbase?

It's very unlikely, because they are considered competitors. Furthermore, Nexo token is very clearly a security, based of the dividend payments and now the buyback program, these big exchanges aren't licensed to deal in securities, hence they will not list Nexo.

Will the (possible) upcoming bill regarding regulating self-hosted assets affect US NEXO customers?

No, Nexo is not self hosted. BitGo is their custodian.

How often does NEXO add new coins?

Not regularly at all.

Can NEXO be mined?

There is a fixed circulating supply of Nexo, the remainder the Team have said are locked until TBA.
So there isn't a dilution, as there are no new Nexo created - the dividend paid in Nexo needs to be bought from existing circulating supply by the company in order to be paid to holders.

Important information

NEXO's Roadmap?

  • Banking license: Nexo is trying to either acquire a company or get their own banking license (like Revolut and Monzo) so they have more flexibility in their operations. It would be a huge step for a crypto company to get this and shows their ambition
  • Credit Card: This will be similar to CDC and they'll offer generous cash back incentives of 2% when you get your credit card.
  • Referral Scheme: Currently Nexo has done this massive growth without incentivised referrals, and when they turn this tap the company can likely see a lot of users pouring in for their great savings rates and crypto credit lines. But take a moment to think.. who do you trust more, a company that acquirers users based on their services/product, or a company that gives out bonuses to those who promote/spam their product..
  • Exchanges and more Coins: The ability to exchange crypto within the eco system will go a long way to keeping users within the system. The plan is to let users buy and stake virtually any legitimate crypto asset.
And with this massive roadmap, the core principle they started with by sharing back with the community, they keep everyone's incentives aligned.

Where can I view statistics and information about Nexo?

How can I compare the earn rate of Nexo vs BlockFi/Cel/CDC/...?

Important reads:

AMA from the Co-founder Antoni Trenchev:
Nexo Help Center:

Telegram Communities

Official Telegram

Small thanks?

Took me quite a while to gather and write all of these if something is missing please let me know! Feel free to get me a beer if you'd like :)
(NEXO): 0xa6a87d29c362d63df60cf7667cacdfe411ee30e0
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