Football Match Results Prediction Using Artificial Neural ...

soccer match result prediction using neural networks’’

soccer match result prediction using neural networks’’ - win

Question regarding PyTorch article

Hi there!
I recently started reading about neural networks and found this article regarding soccer match result predictions using PyTorch: (Part 1) (Part 2)
I think I understood most of the code he is using but there is one thing I'm unsure about - the actual result of the prediction. In the first part of the article he is extracting specific features and this is the step where he also removes the team name. Later the data is shuffeled so there is also no relation between consecutive lines (which was there in the source data). The network is trained on features like assistances or receivedBalls.
The thing I don't get is this: In my understanding this means that if I give the trained network an input for a team it will try to evaluate if this team can win - comparing it to the whole list of teams we started with?
Shouldn't we try to evaluate the performance for this team against a specific opponent? How could this be achieved?

Thanks in advance.
submitted by Dropger to neuralnetworks [link] [comments]

What is tilting? A scientific analysis and explanation

Tilt. That dreaded four letter word. We’ve all experienced it, some more than others. We’ve certainly all seen it occur in other people. But what exactly is it, where does it come from and why do we experience it? This post aims to examine the scientific evidence behind this psychological phenomenon and what tools we can deploy to mitigate, if not outright conquer it.
Logically, we know (or we should know) that staying calm, controlled and dispassionate will lead to more victories and less losses. Yet we all still fall prey to it from time to time - even professionals do it. In fact, it is often professionals in any sport who experience the worst form of tilt. So why do we still experience this even though we know we should avoid it?
This post has evolved and grown as I've written it and it seems to have become rather lengthy - grab a coffee and settle in for a read! I have included a contents page if you want to skip over some of the background and focus on the questions involving tilt.
  1. Introduction
  2. What is tilt?
  3. What causes tilt?
  4. Overcoming tilt
  5. Conclusion
1. Introduction
1.1 The history of Tilt
Tilt is not a new phenomenon and it is certainly not confined to online computer games. What we call ‘Tilt’ is in fact just another label for an extremely well known psychological effect which occurs across all sports and indeed, many parts of human life.
The word “tilt” itself first originated among pinball players. The frustration from seeing the ball follow a path towards the gap between the flippers led some players to physically tilt the machine in an attempt to guide the ball to safety. Manufacturers quickly figured this out and added tilt-sensing devices to their machines. Moving or tipping the unit too much would then cause the machine to flash the word "TILT" and freeze the flippers, resulting in the ball being lost for certain.
The word spread then to poker, to mean over-aggression due to frustration, leading to severely detrimental playing techniques.
In traditional sports, tilt is most often called ‘Choking.’ Here in the UK it is sometimes called 'Bottling'. In some sports it has other specific names - ‘The yips’ in Golf, 'The bricks' in basketball and so on. From here on in I will simply refer to this effect as tilt.
I will be drawing heavily in this post upon a book written by an English professional Table Tennis (Ping Pong) player, Matthew Syed. The book is called ‘Bounce - The myth of talent’, and is well worth reading.
Syed was an Olympic level player and the top ranked player in Britain for 10 years. He suffered a spectacular bout of tilting during his performance at the 2000 Sydney Olympics against a much lower ranked opponent in the first round. The tilt was so extreme Syed could barely even hit the ball across the table, let alone win a game. This caused devastating embarrassment for himself and abject sympathy from his opponent. After he recovered from the shock of this and the destruction of his Olympic dream, he dedicated himself to researching and finding out what tilt was and how sportsmen could combat it. His book is both a fascinating personal insight into the life and pressures of a professional sportsman, as well as a scientific study into the psychological issue of tilting (among other topics).
2. What is tilt?
A crucial point which we must be aware of is that tilting is not merely getting angry or frustrated (although being tilted can cause us to feel these emotions.) Fundamentally, tilt is a breakdown in the way in which our brain processes information.
Before we can fully answer the question 'what is tilt' we must first understand the question properly, and to do that we must take a little detour. That is – how does the brain learn information and perform complicated tasks?
2.1 The preamble - A tale of two brain systems
This part of the post is lengthy and may not seem immediately relevant to the concept of tilt, but the background information here is important in understanding exactly what tilt is.
There is a huge area of neuroscience dedicated to understanding the supposedly simple question of how the brain learns and the truth of the matter is, a lot remains unknown. However, in the interests of brevity and to ensure this thread doesn’t turn into a book, I will keep it high-level and simple.
The brain is composed of two major components – the conscious part of the brain and the subconscious part of the brain (also referred to as the implicit and explicit parts of the memory). Each part of the brain is good at different things and specialises in them. The conscious part of the brain, where the ‘self’ actually exists and thinks on a day-to-day basis, is analogous to the RAM in a computer. It is designed for short term data storage and to quickly review, process and discard new information. It is also the gateway to learning, through which all new information must pass. When you begin to process new information, your ‘RAM’ will take it onboard and with enough exposure, a portion of this information will be transcribed, or ‘written’, to the subconscious brain, which can be thought of as a much larger ‘hard drive.’
This is process is also called 'automation', whereby complex information is encoded from the explicit memory into the implicit memory. This is a physical process, with neurons re-aligning and re-arranging themselves to store this new information. Not all information can be stored immediately. It takes multiple exposures to new information in order to fully capture it, especially if the information is complex. This ‘information’ can be anything – from the text in a book you are studying for an exam, or a physical process such as kicking a football. From the brain’s point of view, information is just information.
After enough exposure, you will gain proficiency and eventually mastery at a skill, as a greater and greater amount of information is written to the long-term subconscious memory. But why does storing this information in this manner lead to the application of skill? This is the CRITICAL question and ties back in to tilt.
The conscious part of the brain is excellent at performing single uncomplicated tasks, or carefully analysing detailed information with a narrow focus. In effect, it acts as a serial processor. It can only do one thing, or a small number of things, at any one time. The subconscious brain is MUCH more powerful and can perform an enormous number of complex processes all at once. It acts as a series of parallel processors. However, it cannot do this until the information has first been written into it through repeated practice. As an example, we will use walking - probably something which we consider very simple, since we can all do it and have all been doing it since we were very small children.
But walking is not simple - as an action it is actually incredibly complicated. Ask any robotics designer who has tried to program a walking robot! There are dozens of interconnected variables to take into consideration. Let’s imagine you are walking down some steps. You need to process your speed, the height of the steps, the gradual release of pressure onto the foot as it lands on a step, the effect of gravity, the slipperiness of the surface, the type of footwear you have on, the complicated series of interconnected body parts all acting in perfect unison – the toes, the foot, the ankle, the knee, the leg muscles, the hips, the back, the shoulders, the neck, the head – and then tie this in with the barrage of complicated sensory feedback information being received via the eyes and your internal balance sensors. Phew! Exhausting, right? Tiny corrections and changes are also being made at the millimetre level to ensure a steady downward pace, without you ever consciously thinking about it.
So why does this complicated process feel so simple to us? This is because the subconscious brain is fully in charge of the process, through years of constant practice. Most of us can carry on conversations or read our phones while walking up stairs. The stairs themselves don’t even enter into our heads - we don’t even have to think about them.
Now, compare this to a baby or a small child taking their first steps. They are wobbly, clumsy, un-coordinated liabilities. They fall over, they stumble, they veer from side to side and they cling on to things for support. (They are bronze level players at this game. We are Top 500!) This is because their conscious brain is still processing the information and transcribing it into the subconscious. Unlike us, they are having to think VERY VERY hard about walking, and the conscious brain simply doesn’t have the processing power to link all the variables together.
This is EXACTLY what happens when we attempt to learn any complicated skill – in this instance, Overwatch. On the face of it, it is a relatively simple online shooter. You move your character about, press a button on our gun, and the enemy man/woman/ape falls over. (A side point – almost all of us are ALREADY EXPERTS, in comparison to most of the human population, at online shooters. We can move a mouse, aim a cursor, take in complicated 3D information and sound presented via a 2D interface and react accordingly, through years of playing computer games. Imagine how much harder it would be to play Overwatch if we had never handled a mouse before or played any other type of FPS!)
However, on top of that, Overwatch also has increasingly complicated layers of additional depth to it, namely the tactical and strategic depth provided by hero abilities, cooldowns, interactions (tactics) and ult economy, feeding, team mechanics and so forth. (strategy). This is why professional players seem so amazing to us mere mortals. They are able to process MORE INFORMATION about the game and FASTER than we can. They are not intrinsically better than us - they were not born with better gaming skills. They acquired them through dedicated practice, and they can do this because they have a greater proportion of the information required to play the game hardwired into their subconscious memory rather than their conscious brain. This frees up large portions of their conscious brain to focus more on strategy.
2.2 Back to the main event - so you still haven't answered “what is tilt”!
So how does all this background information tie into our main subject? As mentioned briefly before, tilting is when the brain uses the wrong processing system. Tilting is NOT a lack of focus, nor is it a lack of effort or courage. In fact, often trying too hard is a cause of tilt! Fundamentally, tilting is a problem of psychological reversion, the flipping of a brain system used by experts to the brain system used by novices. It is a form of neural glitch.
When an expert tries to perform a complex task - be it a tennis stroke, kicking a soccer ball, or attempting a team fight in Overwatch - any tendency to focus too much on the mechanics involved is likely to be catastrophic. In a high pressure situation, when you try too hard to focus on your own mechanics, you are more likely to tilt and make tilt-based mistakes, which can often lead to a snowball effect as you try harder and harder to correct them, completely taking over your subconscious brain and trying to force your conscious brain to take its place - a disastrous result.
2.3 Processing power – why professional sportsmen always seem to be one step ahead
Many of the best FPS players simply say that they know they are going to hit their shots and just trust their aim to be true, without putting themselves under too much pressure. Through constant hours of practice, they intrinsically believe and know to be true that they have good aim and do not question it or try to force it. This enables them to play with a relaxed yet concentrated mindset.
Many sportsmen often describe of occasionally being 'in the zone' - when everything seems to go right, the game is easy, and you see the situation ten moves ahead. This is almost the reverse of tilting. This is when you completely let your subconscious brain take full control and allow it to direct your actions with great results.
Before we return to the concept of tilt we are going to take another detour into an example from real world sports to illustrate the points above.
Case Study 1 – Roger Federer
“What do you want me to do?!” - Andy Murray shouting to his coaching team, after running out of ideas against Federer at Wimbledon 2015
Roger Federer is generally regarded as one of the most successful tennis players of all time. As well as his fitness, power, speed and tactical play, one of his greatest skills was recognised as his ability to return impossibly fast serves from even the most powerful of servers.
His reactions to powerful serves were analysed by researchers at the University of Liverpool and the fascinating find was that on the face of the results, he was reacting to events faster than it should be possible for a human being to do. He was literally performing a movement faster than the time it took an electrical signal to be sent from his brain, down through his nervous system and into his muscles. How is this possible? Was Roger Federer a genetic freak, breaking the very laws of physics to allow him to send electrical signals like some kind of superhero? Or was something else going on here that was not immediately obvious?
Clearly, there was something the initial analysis had missed. After going back over the footage and carefully watching Federer’s eyes and body movements in conjunction with the body movements of the opposing player, something became clear. Federer wasn’t REACTING at all – he was PRE-ACTING. By observing incredibly subtle body movements and positioning in his opponent – where his feet were placed, how he held the ball, the arc of his racquet, where his eyes were looking – Federer was able to determine ahead of time where the ball would likely land even before it was struck - by up to as much as 100 milliseconds before the ball had been released from his opponent’s hand. Considering that the average speed of a nerve impulse in a human being is around 90-120ms, this gives him an enormous predictive advantage, effectively almost doubling his reaction time.
His brain had such processing power that it was able to extract a huge amount of information from the data available. It is a type of skill that extends into every sport. How often have you heard of an elite level sportsman – Pele, Messi, Gretsky, Jordan – that they always seem to have more time and space than their opponents?
So how does this fascinating fact tie us back into Overwatch? I will use another example to illustrate.
Case Study 2 - Seagull : the gull sees the future
‘Dvadvadvadvadvadvadva!’ – Seagull, Overwatch Contenders match
I will use Seagull for this example. Almost everyone here will know him – probably the most popular Overwatch streamer and a (former) professional player for the competitive team NRG.
Although sadly I cannot find the stream itself, there was a portion of one of his games a few months ago where he clearly demonstrated to his audience the kind of processing brain power available to professional and expert level players.
The game was in Hanamura and Seagull was attacking the second point with his team. They launched a push and Seagull was the first to die. While waiting to respawn, he called out to his Twitch audience a series of events that he predicted to happen.
‘It’s ok, we can still win this. I can get back in time. Dva will bomb now, that will force Mei to use her ult, then we can grav-combo with my Zarya, they have nano-boost but it won’t be enough, if our Rein stays alive he will have earthshatter by then too.’
While respawning and travelling back to the fight, these events occurred in precisely the manner and order which Seagull predicted, with each ult occurring in turn and the killfeed conforming almost exactly to Seagull’s observations.
How was he able to do this? His superior pattern-recognition of events, his ability to track both enemy and friendly ults and predict when they are likely to be ready AND his ability to accurately deduce order from chaos are a function of his subconscious brain operating at great efficiency to process the available data. Most of us are not at this level because we haven’t yet transcribed the necessary skills into our implicit memory.
So why have I illustrated these examples? Because they demonstrate the amazing processing power of the unconscious brain and why not being able to use that power results in poorer performance.
3. What causes Tilt?
So we have taken a bit of a detour, but we have now defined what tilt is and how our brains process information. Now we want to answer a more important question – what actually causes tilt in the first place? Why do our brains suddenly change the way they process things? This is the worst thing that could happen! We want our brains to remain cool, calm, efficient and quietly functional.
There are a number of main factors recognise by scientists as being the prime causes of tilt. The most important are ‘High pressure situations’ and ‘Thinking too much.’ Real life situations could include a nervous first date where you are unable to come up with interesting conversation, or problems talking and thinking during a big work presentation.
High pressure situations
High pressure situations are subjective and vary from person to person. What may be high pressure to somebody else may be everyday and mundane to you. A top 500 player will feel zero stress while climbing on a Diamond smurf account, yet if you are 2990 and trying to win your next game to climb into Diamond for the very first time, you might be feeling under extreme pressure. A professional player for Envyus will feel zero pressure messing around in top 500 ranked, whereas will probably feel slightly worried during the final phase of an APEX match against Lunatic-Hai in front of thousands of people!
Another example – imagine you have to walk across a thin plank of wood placed on the ground. Pretty easy eh? You could probably run across it in socks. Now imagine the plank is suspended between two skyscrapers. The physical act is exactly the same and technically just as easy – however the stakes are higher and so your mind is affected! Running across would be your last thought. Compare this to a ranked match – you may play conservatively and ‘safe’, instead of taking on a good aggressive play which you would do in QP without a thought.
Thinking too much
The problem of thinking too much is the key factor and ties back into our analysis of how the human brain works. “Thinking too much” essentially means you are actively short-circuiting your normal neural network and asking your conscious brain to take on too much of the cognitive load. By doing this, you overload its capacity for work.
Think of the golfer on the final green of the Masters, with a three-foot putt to sink. On a practice round they’d barely give it a glance, stride up and knock it in without thinking, before heading off to the 19th hole for a drink. When the stakes are higher however, there is the possibility for over-analysis. Checking and re-checking the line, the slope, the grass, your grip, your stance – as soon as you consciously start to take control of these implicit-memory driven functions, your performance is likely to decrease and it becomes easy to miss a simple putt.
And here is the key point – analysing your mechanics when you are already good at them is a waste of time and usually detrimental. The brain already knows how to aim and shoot without worrying about it and trying too hard.
Commonly quoted physical feelings during tilt are ‘seizing up’, ‘jerky movement’ or ‘wild, twitchy mouse control.’ This can easily be explained when we return to the neural model previously discussed. The conscious brain has a bottleneck problem in processing tasks, and so they are run slightly out of sync with each other. This causes our normal fluid movement to break down into individual components that are not in tune with each other. The wrist may move a fraction of a second too late after the elbow moves, the fingers clicking the buttons a fraction of a second too soon. The unconscious brain has no problem running all these activities in parallel and is much better suited for the job.
The worst part about tilt is that it can spiral and be self-sustaining. How often have you made a mistake and watched as your gameplay got worse and worse the harder you tried to fix it? The correct response is in fact to brush the mistake off and not to give it too much thought, trusting to your automated knowledge to come good. (Note however we are not ignoring mistakes, we can focus and analyse them later, after the game, in order to correct and improve habits.)
Tilt Case Study 3 – Brazil vs Germany in the Football/Soccer World Cup Finals of 2014.
"In nigh on half a century of watching football, that’s the most extraordinary, staggering, bewildering game I’ve ever witnessed." – Gary Lineker, British sports presenter speaking after the massacre of Brazil.
In 2014, Brazil were playing the semi-finals of the Football World Cup, against rivals Germany. If you are not 100% familiar with soccer, allow me to briefly explain some background - Brazil are renowned as historically one of the best football teams in world, especially in the World Cup, having won it five times previously. Germany are also considered one of the best teams, having won it an impressive three time themselves (then - four now), and always putting in strong performances during tournaments.
However, Brazil found themselves under immense pressure for a number of reasons. Firstly, they were hosting the World Cup in their own country and their fans expected them to win the tournament with ease. Secondly, although they had one of the world's best players (Neymar) he had been had lost to injury in the previous match.
Thirdly and probably most importantly, they also had an unusual stigma hanging over the team. In 1950, Brazil lost the last World Cup final to be held in their country - a shock 2-1 defeat in the final itself to unfancied Uruguay. This was seen as no mere sporting defeat, but a national disgrace and shame which haunted the players involved for the rest of their lives. So serious was the effect of this loss on the national psyche that it is hard to compare for a non-Brazilian audience - perhaps the closest equivalent I can give would be the U.S. losing the space race to the moon to the Russians, so traumatic and long-lasting was the experience for the population of Brazil.
These combined factors along with the huge pressure they placed on themselves caused the Brazilian team to tilt – and tilt bad. They lost the match in dramatic fashion, 7-1. Many observers agreed that at some points they wish the match had been called off, so brutal and humiliating was the thrashing Germany were inflicting upon their hapless opponents - like a boxer hitting someone who was clearly punch drunk and ready to be taken to the hospital.
Highlights can be seen here -
Brazil collapsed mentally, almost to a man. World class professional players were making mistakes that even amateurs would find embarrassing. Some of them could barely even kick a ball straight. But it was nothing to do with lack of effort, or lack of courage, or lack of fight. They gave it everything they could - in fact the harder they tried, the worse they performed. They had fallen into a classic case of tilt.
And this leads on us to our next and maybe most important section!
4. Overcoming tilt
So now we come to the conclusion - we understand what tilt is and we understand the reasons behind it occurring. What we really want to do now is use this information to stop or reduce the amount of tilt we suffer from ourselves. So how do we do this?
There are different stages in overcoming tilt. The first and most important and probably one that everyone reading this subreddit understands, is actually realising there is a thing called tilt in the first place. The vast majority of people that tilt while playing Competitive Overwatch will not know what it is and what is happening to them. Because Overwatch involves interactions with five strangers on your team, most people will naturally project their own failings on to others. They will simply prescribe their own frustrations as ‘Bad teammates, trolls and throwers.’ And that is why we see such a huge prevalence of these sorts of forum posts both on Reddit and the Official Forums.
Most of us here are at the second stage, which I will define as ‘Recognising – Recognising what tilt is, and trying to adapt out of it.’ However, what we really WANT to be aiming for is a third and final stage which is much deeper than the others. ‘Understanding – that is, truly understanding the nature of tilt and how to control it.’
In order to combat tilt, we can deploy a series of psychological tricks to 'switch' our brain back into the correct processing system. As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure, so not tilting in the first place is much more effective than trying to recover from a post-tilt stage. If you’ve entered a tilted mental state, the first important thing to do is recognise that you are tilted. Often this is itself quite difficult, as your emotions may be running high and your thought process already crowded.
To really prevent tilt, we need to engage in a complicated method of thinking in order to trick our own brains. To illustrate what these methods are, I will detail two further case studies.
Tilt Case Study 4 – Speedskating
‘It’s only bloody speedskating!’
It's 2002 in Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. The clock is ticking down to the opening race of the 500 metre speedskating event. The assembled competitors are pacing around, steely-eyed, or sitting down stretching and shaking out their limbs. But one competitor is not engaged in any of these familiar last minute activities. Sarah Lindsay, a 21-year-old British skater, is sitting quietly, breathing slowly, her eyes staring forward - all the while saying a phrase over and over again to herself 'Its only bloody speed skating. It's only bloody speed skating. It's only bloody speed skating!'
This is a curious thing to say, given that speed skating is Lindsay’s life and that she is about to compete in the most important race of her career - her first every Olympic experience, spending the last four years of her life building up to this moment
So, how is she overcoming tilting? Considering that tilt only ever occurs under situations of pressure, what better way than to convince oneself that a career-defining contest doesn't matter? After all, if the perform does not FEEL any pressure, then there simply ISN'T any pressure - and the conscious mind will not attempt to wrestle control from the implicit system.
Lindsay had suffered from tilting throughout her young career, but now with the help of a psychologist, she had conquered it.
It worked - Lindsay went on to place way above her personal ranking in Salt Lake City and finished top eight four years later in Turin. Tilting normally leads to a catastrophic decline in performance, but Lindsay had found a technique that actually upped her game. It is a form of psychological manipulation that takes a long time to master.
Tilt Case Study 5 – Flame
‘Hello?! Team?!? These kids man…’
Flame is a former Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch Professional player. He is now trying to build a career as an analyst and caster for Overwatch. He often streams both his own ranked games and professional VOD reviews on Twitch.
One of his commonly quoted (and only slightly) tongue-in-cheek lines is that ‘Tilt makes me stronger.’ What he really means here is, that when he gets mad at his teammates (which is a lot), it makes him play better as he channels his annoyance into carrying his team and almost bullying them into playing well. He also has a well-known meme in his Twitch channel (so much of a meme in fact, that it became part of a ‘Bingo Card’ of his most often quoted sayings) that when he is tilting, he will switch to Widow – and this become known as the ‘Tilt Widow.’ He has essentially at this point, given up on both the game and his teammates, and just wants to pop a few heads as Widowmaker.
But here’s the interesting thing. Often when he does this, he goes on to play much better and often ends up winning the game.
Why is this? He has gone from playing “properly” to playing the “tilt widow”, yet ends up winning. Did his team suddenly start playing better and carry him?
No! What Flame has done is subconsciously deploy a very effective anti-tilt strategy that he has developed (again, almost certainly unconsciously) from his years and years of playing professional competitive games. And the strategy is this – he stopped caring about his performance and whether or not he would win or lose.
And a very very important thing to note here. Not caring about your performance is NOT the same as not trying. He is still trying – he is trying in that he wants to pop heads as Widow, and he is not throwing his life away.
It is normally almost impossible for someone to simply ‘stop caring’ about their performance, without significant practice at it. The brain is an incredibly complicated and often self-contradictory piece of equipment. For example, if I tell you now to not think about an orange penguin – it’s too late, you’ve already thought about it. And the harder you consciously try to not think about it, the more often it will pop in there. But very shortly you will forget this instruction, and your brain will return to normal, non-coloured penguins based operations.
Flame has engaged in a complicated piece of mental self-subterfuge that he himself may not even recognise or fully understand, very similar to the effective strategy that Lindsay the Olympic speedskater deployed - something that often takes months or years of practice from professional sports psychologist coaches to teach to their clients. Many professional sportsmen would LOVE to be able to deploy what he does. It is a very specific kind of double-think which allows the brain to overcome the tilt situation and return to a normal, stabilized method of thought process
4.1 How can we use these techniques ourselves?
How can we adapt this technique for Overwatch? We want to contemplate our behaviour but without thinking about specifics.
A good personal cue of mine is focus on ‘back to basics’. Focus on simple, non-specific game behaviours that you know are useful. Saying to yourself ‘Ok, I will follow and help my Rein.’ Or ‘I will hold high ground and cover my supports.’ allows our conscious brain to act out a simple tactical strategy, without becoming embroiled in mechanics. Our unconscious brain is then free to do its thing without being disengaged.
This is backed up by research across the neuroscience community. I will quote a single study here just to cut a long story short (“too late!” I hear you cry)
In 2009, Daniel Gucciardi and James Dimmock, psychologists at the University of Western Australia, performed a study of 20 experienced golfers with handicaps ranging from zero to 12. The scientists had the golfers play under three separate conditions. In the first, they were told to fixate on specific components of their swing, such as "hips" or "straight wrist". The second condition consisted of the golfers focusing on irrelevant words, such as "blue" or "white". In the third, the golfers were told to focus on general aspects of their intended movement, or what the psychologists refer to as a "holistic cue word". For instance, rather than contemplating the precise position of their wrist, they contemplated descriptive adjectives such as "smooth" or "balanced". To make the experiment a bit more realistic, and to induce some anxiety, the scientists awarded a modest cash prize to the best golfer.
Gucciardi and Dimmock got two interesting results: the first was that anxiety only interfered with performance when it was coupled with self-consciousness. Nervous golfers who thought about the details of their swing, such as how to position their hips, hit consistently worse shots.
The second interesting result was that there was a way to ward off tilting. When the expert golfers contemplated a holistic cue word, their performance was no longer affected by anxiety. Because the positive adjectives were vague and generic, they didn't cause the athletes to lose the flow of expert performance or overrule their automatic brain.
The best athletes do this automatically - they have found a way to resist the pitfalls of pressure.
The benefit of the "holistic cue word" approach is that it doesn't require performers to stop thinking entirely, as this can be excruciatingly difficult, especially under pressure. Instead, the experiment suggests that anyone can still contemplate their behaviour - they just need to do so without thinking about specifics. In this sense, focusing on a vague aspiration can be an elegant distraction, a simple thought that can keep us from thinking too much.
I hope you guys all enjoyed the read and maybe found it informative, and that by practicing and training yourselves in using anti-tilt strategies, you will be improve yourself and your games. Please discuss your own anti-tilt tactics and views below and feel free to ask me questions!
submitted by Spurros to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]

soccer match result prediction using neural networks’’ video

Predicting the football match winner using LSTM model of Recurrent Neural Networks. This repository contains the code for a conference paper "Predicting the football match winner using LSTM model of Recurrent Neural Networks" that we wrote. This paper gives an introduction to the advantages of using an LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) Cell in a Recurrent Neural Network and uses it to predict the ... Corpus ID: 52242112. Football Match Results Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks; The Case of Iran Pro League @inproceedings{Arabzad2014FootballMR, title={Football Match Results Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks; The Case of Iran Pro League}, author={S. Arabzad and M. Araghi and S. Sadi-Nezhad and Nooshin Ghofrani}, year={2014} } This two-part tutorial will show you how to build a Neural Network using Python and Pytorch to predict matches results in soccer championships. Football Match Statistics Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks, K. Sujatha, T. Godhavari, Nallamilli P G Bhavani, The predictions of the outcomes of football (American soccer) matches are widely done using the if-else case based Football Result Exp PREDICTING THE RESULT OF FOOTBAL MATCH WITH NEURAL NETWORKS. ... There are a number of advantages to using neural networks - they are data driven, ... From the graphics above can be seen from iteration to iteration there are no large shifts in the prediction. Football Match Results Prediction Using ... ML methods also dominate when it comes to result prediction (win, lose, draw) in soccer ... artificial neural networks (ANN) model using the Turkey ... Deep Neural Network (DNN) Football/Soccer Predictor. By AndrewCarterUK . Full Article: Beating the Bookmakers with TensorFlow Usage. python Index. Main application; Loading the football results and adding extra statistics such as recent average performance; Analyses the performance of a simple betting strategy using the results A Comparative Study on Neural Network based Soccer Result Prediction ... box modeling capacity of neural networks in the case of forecasting soccer match results, ... selection of input parameters. The selection of input parameters is a serious problem in soccer match prediction systems based on neural networks or statistical methods. PDF On Jan 1, 2013, Jehoshaph Chandran and others published Football Match Statistics Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The predictions of the outcomes of football (American soccer) matches are widely done using the if-else case based Football Result Expert System (FRES). The proposed prediction technique uses a neural network approach to predict the results of football matches. The neural network detects patterns from a number of factors affecting the outcome of a match making use of historical cases of training.

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