
what is the meaning of gambler in hindi

what is the meaning of gambler in hindi - win


Some people believe Casteism is part of Hinduism and bharaman, kshatriya, sudra, vasiya are caste but they are not They are qualities (Gunas) It doesn't have anything to do with birth Anyone can become any of them I am giving Verses of Bhagwad Gita (As it is one of the most authentic Text of Hindus and It's widely accepted)

Varana (Gunas), Qualities system is explained in Bhagvad Gita

Bhagvad Gita 18.41: The duties of the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras—are distributed according to their qualities, in accordance with their guṇas (and not by birth).
Bhagvad Gita 18.42: Tranquility, restraint, austerity, purity, patience, integrity, knowledge, wisdom, and belief in a hereafter—these are the intrinsic qualities of work for Brahmins.
Bhagvad Gita 18.43: Valor, strength, fortitude, skill in weaponry, resolve never to retreat from battle, large-heartedness in charity, and leadership abilities, these are the natural qualities of work for Kshatriyas.
Bhagvad Gita 18.44: Agriculture, dairy farming, and commerce are the natural works for those with the qualities of Vaishyas. Serving through work is the natural duty for those with the qualities of Shudras.
If you are a seeker teacher or guru you are bharaman If you are solder, diplomat, government official you are a shatria If you are business man, farmer you are a vaiya If you are a labour you are a shudra It doesn't mean you can only have same quality You can change your Profession anytime

Some Historical Facts

a. Aitareya Rishi was son of a Daasa or criminal but became a Brahmin of highest order and wrote Aitareya Brahman and Aitareyopanishad. Aitareya Brahman is considered critical to understand Rigveda.
b. Ailush Rishi was son of a Daasi, gambler and of low character. However he researched on Rigveda and made several discoveries. Not only was he invited by Rishis but also made an Acharya. (Aitareya Brahman 2.19)
c. Satyakaam Jaabaal was son of a prostitute but became a Brahmin.
d. Prishadh was son of King Daksha but became a Shudra. Further he did Tapasya to achieve salvation after repenting. (Vishnu Puran 4.1.14)
Had Tapasya been banned for Shudra as per the fake story from Uttar Ramayan, how could Prishadh do so?
e. Nabhag, son of King Nedishtha became Vaishya. Many of his sons again became Kshatriya. (Vishnu Puran 4.1.13)
f. Dhrist was son of Nabhag (Vaishya) but became Brahmin and his son became Kshatriya (VP 4.2.2)
g. Further in his generation, some became Brahmin again (VP 9.2.23)
h. As per Bhagvat, Agniveshya became Brahmin though born to a king.
i. Rathotar born in Kshatriya family became a Brahmin as per Vishnu Puran and Bhagvat.
j. Haarit became Brahmin though born to Kshatriya (VP 4.3.5)
k. Shaunak became Brahmin though born in Kshatriya family. (VP 4.8.1). In fact, as per Vayu Puran, Vishnu Puran and Harivansh Puran, sons of Shaunak Rishi belonged to all four Varnas.
Similar examples exist of Gritsamad, Veethavya and Vritsamati.
l. Matanga was son of Chandal but became a Brahmin. (Mahabharat Anushasan Parva Chapter 3)
m. Raavan was born from Pulatsya Rishi but became a Rakshas.
n. Pravriddha was son of Raghu King but became a Rakshas.
o. Trishanku was a king but became a Chandal.
p. Sons of Vishwamitra became Shudra. Vishwamitra himself was a Kshatriya who later became a Brahmin.
q. Vidur was son of a servant but became a Brahmin and minister of Hastinapur empire.
r. Vatsa became a Rishi though born to a Shudra (Aitareya Brahman 2.19)
s. Many verses of adulterated Manu Smriti (10.43-44) state that certain castes were earlier Kshtariya but became Shudra later. These verses are adulterated but prove that concept of Varna migration did exist. The castes mentioned are: Paundrak, Audru, Dravid, Kamboj, Yavan, Shak, Parad, Palhava, Cheen, Kirat, Darad, Khash.
t. Mahabharat Anushasana Parva 35.17-18 adds the following to above list: Mekal, Laat, Kanvashira, Shaundik, Daarva, Chaur, Shabar, Barbar.
u. Several gotras are common across Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Dalits implying that all of them hailed from same family but rather got entrapped in the stupid casteism.

Historical Facts from Mahabharat

Their are some historical examples like Parshurama cursed Karna because he was a kshatriya (warrior) and lied that he is a bharaman (Teacher) but Parshurama only give bharamastra teachings to bharaman (Teacher, Guru) so it can't be misused in War. The important thing to note here is Karna was born in a Shudra family (I know he is son of surya) But according to People he is shudra because no body knows he is son of Kunti Still Parshurama gave him Curse for being kshatriya (Because he have warrior qualities) not because he was born in a Shudra family. Also some people say Dronacharya is casteist because of wrong teaching of Mahabharat
Karna was a student of Drona and was taught with others. Only Drona did not teach him Brahmastra. That he gave to Arjuna when he passed the crocodile test. Seeing Arjuna topper in his class Karna who was also friend of Duryodhana went to Drona and directly asked it to compete with Arjuna. Now just as it is Institute decision to bestow scholarship on worthy student , similarly it is Guru decision to give such weapons. He wanted to protect Arjuna as he was to some extent aware of Duryodhana intentions and his friendship with karna. Drona then tells that only who has observed vows of Brahmin(compassion, truth, austerities) and qualities of kshtriya(protecting weaker people and honor) can use such weapons. People take this criteria as related to caste but what he meant was qualities. Karna then left him and went to Parshurama. Proof of this relationship is in MB Adi Parva, Vana parva where Karna states Drona as his mentor with Parshurama and Shanti Parva too.

Misconception About Manu Smriti

Nowhere in Manu Smriti it's mentioned that only you will be bharaman if you born in a bharaman family In manu smriti Steps are given to goverment so they can manage civilisations not restrict anyone to change quality
Also Manu Smriti even allow interquality marriages Bharaman can even marry shudra according to manu smriti

Some verses from Manu Smriti

10.65 asserts that Brahmin can become Shudra and Shudra can become Brahmin. Similarly Kshtariyas and Vaishyas can also change their Varnas.
9.335: If a Shudra (uneducated) serves the educated ones, is polite, devoid of ego and stays in respectful company of knowledgeable ones, he/ she is considered as having a noble birth and stature.
4.245: A Brahmin acquires brilliance through company of noble persons and avoiding bad company. On contrary, if he indulges in bad company, he becomes a Shudra.
2.104: A person who does not worship the Supreme Lord twice daily should be considered a Shudra.
2.168: A Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya who puts efforts in other areas except understanding and following the Vedic precepts becomes a Shudra and his future generations also suffer from ignorance of Vedas
We can clearly see it's a quality
2.126: Even if he is a Brahmin otherwise, a person who does not politely respond to a greeting is actually a Shudra (uneducated person).
There are several shlokas in Manusmriti that state that a person belonging to high Varna falls down to level of a Shudra (uneducated) if he does not conduct noble deeds.
The original Manu Smriti which is lost contains which contains 1lakh verses Now only 2500 verses are available So current version is not even summary of original.

Even Shudra can Teach

Though Shudra means an uneducated person, a Shudra can also become a teacher for specific knowledge that he has. For example,
2.238: One should acquire knowledge even from a person born in a low family otherwise. Similarly, one should accept a noble woman as wife even if her family is otherwise not up to mark.
2.241. If needed, one may acquire knowledge from one who is not a Brahmin; and that he shall follow and serve such a teacher, as long as the instruction lasts.

Status of Brahmin is acquired by deeds and not by name

As per Manu Smriti, one has to earn the qualification of Brahmin. During childhood, parents are supposed to send their children for specialized education of Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya depending on observed nature of children. So many Brahmin parents may desire that their children also become Brahmins. However that is not sufficient. One becomes Brahmin only if he completes the education and not merely by taking birth in a Brahmin family or taking admission in Brahmin course of a gurukul.
2.157: A Brahmin devoid of education is equivalent to an elephant made of wood or a deer made of leather. They are merely namesake and not real.
2.28: The body is made fit to be called Brahmin only through study of scriptures, discipline, noble selfless deeds, study of duties, science and meditation, charity and goal oriented actions.

Education is true birth

As per Manu, actual birth happens after completion of education. All human beings are Shudras or uneducated when born. Those who complete their education are supposed to have a new birth. Thus they are called Dwija or Twice Born. Those who were unable to complete the education remain Shudra. This has nothing to do with birth or heredity. This is pure meritocracy.
2.148: When a teacher who is well-versed in Vedas teaches a student the science of Gayatri (that summarizes all principles of Vedas and rational living), then the actual birth of the student takes place. This birth is free from risks of death or destruction and leads the student to immortality.
Thus, forget about being a Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya, one is not considered even a human unless he/she receives education.
2.146: The teacher who provides education is a father who is much greater than the father who gave birth. The knowledge provided by the teacher remains with the soul even after the death and leads him to immortality. But the body provided by father destroys when death comes.
2.147: The birth that happens from womb of mother after parents desire for procreation is an ordinary birth. Real birth happens when the person completes his education.
Thus, citing lineage to showcase casteist superiority is an extremely foolish act as per Manu Smriti. Instead of quoting the clan, one becomes superior by showcasing that he is more educated.
10.4: Brahmin, Kashtriya and Vaishya take second birth after education. Shudra who could not complete education is fourth Varna. There is no fifth Varna among Arya or noble people.
This also means that merely because a person did not complete education does not make him a villain. He is still regarded as a noble person if his deeds are noble.
And if he completes the education, he can become a Dwija as well. Thus Shudra is an adjective and NOT a nomenclature for any castes.

Never insult anyone born in lower family

To further ensure that one is not insulted or denied opportunities merely because he/she was born in a family where others did not excel in education, wealth or other parameters of success in society, Maharshi Manu laid the rule very clearly:
4.141: Never deny respect and/or rights to a person who is handicapped, uneducated, aged, not handsome, not wealthy or coming from a lower family. These are NOT the parameters to judge a person.

Respect for Shudras

Manu was a great humanitarian. He knew that not all Shudras miss their education deliberately. He also understood that just because one ignored education in early part of his life does not mean that he should be penalized for that mistake for entire life. Thus he ensured that even Shudras get their due respect in society. Thus he never used any insulting adjective for Shudras. On contrary their are several instances of Manu using respectful adjectives for Shudras.
Being vulnerable due to lack of education, Shudras deserve greater sensitivity in treatment from rest of the society as per Manu. We have seen some examples of these earlier.
Here are some more:
3.112: If a Shudra or Vaishya comes as a guest, the family should feed him with due respect.
3.116: A householder should eat from remaining food only after he has fed the scholars and servants (Shudras) to their satisfaction.
2.137: A very old Shudra deserves more respect than anyone else regardless of their wealth, company, age, actions or knowledge. This special provision is accorded only to Shudra.

50% verses of Manu Smriti are added later and are corrupted overtime

How can the same Manu Smriti have both verses defending as well as rejecting birth-based casteism? This means that Manu Smriti demands a closer scrutiny. We shall also do the same in a future article. But in summary:
a. The current Manu Smriti is full of interpolated/ adulterated verses that were added much later for various reasons. Almost 50% of Manu Smriti is actually fake.
b. Interpolation is not a problem with Manu Smriti. Apart from Vedas – that are preserved through a unique Patha and Swara method – all other texts of almost all belief systems are prone to modifications, interpolations and deletions. These include Ramayana, Mahabharat, Bible, Quran. Not to talk of texts like Bhavishya Puran that continued to be modified till printing press arrived!
c. Three editions of Ramayan are available today – Dakshinatya, Pashchamottariya and Gaudiya which are different. Even Geetapress Gorakhpur has indicated many chapters as adulterated (Prakshipta). Most scholars agree that Balkanda and Uttarkanda are grossly adulterated.
Similarly Mahabharat is known to be a grossly interpolated text. Garud Puran Brahmakanda 1.59 states that in Kaliyuga many frauds are posing as Brahmins to remove certain shlokas and add new ones in Mahabharat.
Mahabharat Shantiparva 265.9, 4 itself states that Vedic texts clearly prohibit alcohol, fish and meat. All these have been propagated by frauds who have added such verses in scriptures through deceit.
Original version of Bible does not exist today! We only have translations of translations of some translations of the original Bible which no one has ever seen.
Quran also is claimed to be a modified version of original teachings of Muhammad. Refer http://satyagni.com/3118/miracle-islam/
Thus no wonder Manu Smriti – the oldest text on social systems – is also prone to modifications. More so because Manu Smriti historically had the greatest influence in day to day life of each citizen as well as politics of the nation. After all it was like the constitution for centuries. Thus the incentives for a crooked one to interpolate Manu Smriti were very high.
d. When we review Manu Smriti, we find 4 kinds of interpolations: to bring completeness, for selfish reasons, to exaggerate and to bring defects. Most of these interpolations are blatantly obvious. Dr Surendra Kumar has written a detailed translation of Manu Smriti in Hindi that analyzes each shloka on various parameters to weed out those verses that are obviously interpolated.

He has deduced that of the 2685 shlokas of Manu Smriti, at least 1471 shlokas are adulterated. He has classified the adulterations as :
– out of subject
– out of context
– contradictory
– repetition
– difference in usage and style
– blatant contradiction with Vedas
We recommend all keen students of Vedic texts to procure a copy of Manu Smriti by Dr Surendra Kumar (published by Aarsh Sahitya Prachar Trust, Delhi) which would make this point as transparent as air.
e. Dr Surendra Kumar is not the only person to point out adulterations in Manu Smriti. Even many a western indologists like Macdonnell, Keith, Buhler etc have expressed the same.
f. Even BR Ambedkar accepted that ancient scriptures have been adulterated. He has alleged adulterations in Ramayan, Mahabharat, Geeta, Purans and even in Vedas. He cited contradictory verses from Manu Smriti. But he tactfully desisted from calling these verses of Manu Smriti as adulterated.
This myopic act of Ambedkar did make him a hero of Dalit movement. It did stir up an anti-Manu movement and created political careers for many a politicians including Ambedkar himself. But this selective honesty only worsened the caste-based hatred and made Manu – a true hero – a popular villain.
Even so-called Arya Samaji Sanyasis like Agnivesh burnt copies of Manu Smriti and disgraced the great Rishi only to score political brownies. Though he very well knew that Swami Dayanand himself had asserted that Manu Smriti has been interpolated but the unadulterated verses of Manu Smriti form the foundation of his Vedic ideology.
And now people expect such enlightened people to be instrumental in eradicating corruption from the nation by being masterminds of Anna Hazare movement! We seem to never learn from history! But thats a different story.

So Why Casteism Exist?

Now some people claim that if it's not part of Hinduism then why people do that?
Answer) Because people are corrupted after 1000 years of Islamic rule and casteism does exist in Islam
Casteism started in India after 1000AD
Its just a social problem and can very easily be resolved just if you give clearity to people that Our sacred text say somthing else. I did it with my whole friend section my family my relatives

How can you contribute and Fix our Society?

You can teach your Parents, Family, Relatives, Friends About the Bhagwad Gita Chapter 18 Where it's clearly explained that they are Qualities also you can explain using historical facts which i provided.
The most easy way is if anyone say you should not marry outside your caste just ask in which Shastra it's written?
And then teach them bhagwad Gita

Edit 1:

When gotras came to india they mixed up : Varnas(4 varans), jatis(20k+ jatis) and gotra.
gotra system is there to stop inbreeding.
jaatis: are basically tribes who are historically sharing some 'niche' style of life style. e.g. Thug jaati was attacking most brutally against the british that's why they turned Thug jaati into a bad/negative word.
Smritis are just bunch of thoughts. anyone can share their thoughts under this text and we can reject it. people shared those ideas based on their kala(time) and desha(place). we don't have anything stuff like 'blasphemy' so people can say whatever what they want.
If any of you disagree with us Comment section is open ask anything we will answer

Sadhguru Explanation on Caste System



Some of the text from Manu Smriti to prove it doesn't discriminate
Manu Smriti and Shudras
Manu Smriti and Womens
Replying to some bunch of ignorants who belive its Hinduism philosophy
May the Supreme Bless Us With his Knowledge May we break the ignorance and Get fruits of Enlightenment
submitted by fringehindu to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

New Horizons Part 6

“Xartich.” Reginald murmured, feeling a storm of emotions rolling through him, standing still and stuck. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t look him in the eyes, looking to strong paws with sharp claws as they approached. A soft touch drew his attention, slender fingers touching his wrist and snapping him to attention. “Pleasure to see you again. It has… it has been quite some time.”
“It has indeed.” A somber note colored the handsomely dressed Jakeri, pale white eyes looking down to Castias, raising a brow and letting out a low whistle. “Well… a pretty little thing you are. I hadn’t known… known that you had found another.”
“I’m Castias. Reginald is training me to become a mercenary.” Introducing himself, the young Shalgar could sense a tension between these two, feeling it in the very air as he looked up to his mentor.
“A friend… twisted my arm into taking him in.” Reginald explained finding his center again thanks to that touch. Looking to the facade of the bar, he could see the Earth influence in the very Egyptian exterior, and the allusion to Anubis as bright lights flashed the name, ‘The Scales.’ “I see you are still fascinated with one of our ancient civilizations.”
“Ah, that I am. My people find the likeness of our own on your world fascinating as well. It calls into question so many things we thought we knew of the Universe. Even the Tusktar are enamored with your Hindi culture. Enough about that, let’s go inside to discuss business.” Xartich turned, a long thin tail twisting elegantly with him, and headed inside. The Shominar moving close behind them, a hand outstretched for them to go on ahead of him.
“Come on.” Castias quietly ordered, tugging at his mentor’s sleeve, trying to get him to move. “We have work to do.”
Nodding his head, he followed after Xartich and listened to the soft footfalls of the Shominar behind them. A small smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth as Castias gaped in awe at the giant statues of black and gold jackals guarding either side. The lobby was one of opulence with a dual staircase leading up to the main room, decorated with greenery similar to what one would see in an oasis. Water trickled around a fountain of Anubis himself that had Castias gasping at the Jakeri take on the old god.
The doors opened into the actual bar and club space, Reginald freezing in place at the massive statue in the middle of the dance floor. Beautiful blue eyes stared back at them, a serene smile on the female Jakeri’s face, full of love and life. Instead of pure black fur, hers was a rich dark blue tone, just a shade or two above black. She held a golden staff ankh in one hand and a golden censer in the other.
“Latifi.” Reginald whispered, feeling like he was staring at a ghost, the memories of those eyes bringing him pain and shame. “You… you…”
“Beautiful isn’t it? I drafted the plans myself for this centerpiece of my establishment. I wanted… some way to keep her memory alive.” Xartich explained, pain and grief in his voice as he gazed up into the eyes of the statue.
“She is… very beautiful.” Her laughter ghosted through his memories, seeing the day he first met her with Xartich when they were children. New faces to the orphanage that was his home, and unlike anything he had even seen before in his life. “Your sister… was so very, very beautiful.”
Castias quietly watched as the two men stared at the statue, feeling like he shouldn’t be there in this moment. Realizing now that Reginald and this man had a tangled history and shared grief for this woman. Waiting patiently, he quietly listened to them, and waited for the talk of business.
The minutes ticked by, the men quiet and Xartich reaching over to drape an arm over Reginald’s shoulders. He broke the silence first, “Reg… I asked you here for a number of reasons and not just to work a job for me.” The tall Jakeri let out a heavy sigh, “However, we have an audience and I feel this is best spoken in private. Instead I will go over the job I wanted your help for.” Pulling back, he motioned for Castias to come closer and join them at the statue’s base.
“As you already know, I need some extra muscles to protect the place for me. What I thought was just a minor bit of trouble, really isn’t minor anymore. A mistake on my end that I don’t want costing me or my people. Your work will take place here at The Scales. Certain guests may try sneaking in that owe money, certain goods will need extra eyes watching, and more.” Xartich pulled up a holo screen with a timetable on it, “The two of you fill the holes left when two of my people showed up dead, leaving you time for yourselves like any other normal employment. I have a hotel room lined up for you nearby or I can let you stay here. We have rooms beneath the club that you can use instead.”
“That seems simple enough.” Castias looked at the schedule, seeing their shifts coincided with the operating hours, and that Xartich had set up some days off. “You seem… to really care about your people.”
A sharp toothed smile pulled across the Jakeri’s face, sending shivers down Castias’ spine as Xartich chuckled. “I do. I’ve kept my nose clean for a few decades and worked my way up to where I am now. The things I do now are questionable in the eyes of the law, but no longer clearly break it. It just seems that I’ve attracted the eyes of an ambitious new face wanting what I have worked to obtain.”
“R-right.” Standing his ground, Castias felt that icy fear in his belly from that sinister smile. He couldn’t piece together what Xartich must do for his power, but also knew that keeping his nose out would be for the best. “From the looks of it, you don’t want us starting tonight?”
“Correct. He wants well rested muscle to protect his place, not ones tired from the journey.” Reginald cut in, moving to place a shoulder on Castias’ muscle in a show of support. “With our duties laid out for us, we would like to proceed Xartich. You can send the details concerning our living arrangements to Dom.”
“Already done. I can have my personal bodyguard accompany your… rookie to the place.” Xartich motioned with his head to the hulking and the rather silent crystalline being stepped forward towards them. “I only give reason number one on why I wanted you specifically. The rest is again… best said in private.”
Puzzlement crossed over his face, watching his old childhood friend waiting expectantly, before looking down at a nervous Castias. A large part of himself didn’t want to talk with his old friend alone, the presence of Latifi’s statue matching the heavy weight of guilt he still carried around his neck, made it even more unwanted. It was all his fault she had died so young. His and his alone. “I don’t know Xartich. We parted ways for a reason,” his eyes were back to being unable to look into those pale white ones, and he rubbed at the back of his neck.
“I was wrong Reg. Please, let me explain.” Xartich insisted and the Shominar moved closer to Castias. “ Shkscari, please take Castias to the hotel next door to check in. Reginald will be over shortly, I swear it.” Left with no real choice in the matter, the young Shalgar let himself get led away and Reginald found himself alone, save for a handful of other staff. “Come with me.” The tone held a bit of a command, something that was easier to respond to, and Reginald followed Xartich into his office on the upper level.
The space still sported a heavy Egyptian theme, but felt like it was more out of appreciation than for attracting young money. Reginald watched as a drink was poured for the both of them and Xaritch indicated for him to sit. The room quite save for the sounds of water moving over a wall of stones into a small pond and the faint sounds of the club and bar outside. His eyes caught a familiar picture of Latifi on the desk that his friend had settled behind.
“You know… I almost didn’t accept your request.” He murmured, looking at the glass of amber colored liquid as he spoke. “I never thought you’d be asking to see me after everything that had happened. I didn’t even think I could see you.”
“Then why accept my job offer?” The softness in his old friend’s voice made him look up, seeing how the years had changed them both, and how those pale white eyes only held pain, not the accusations of the past.
“Castias. I needed something easy for him to learn and learn from.” Sighing, he leaned back in his seat and took a healthy dose of the strong alcohol. “That and… well, curiosity really.”
“I will admit curiosity on my end as well.” A deep rumbling chuckle left Xartich as he sipped at the glass carefully, eyes focused on the picture on his desk, before a soft smile covered his face. “Reg… I want to apologize for everything. I… was young, in pain, and could only think to blame you.”
“No… don’t apologize. You weren’t wrong. I am the reason why she died Xartich. If I hadn’t been so hot blooded back then…”
“Stop it Reg. The only one to blame for her death is the thug that stabbed her for getting in his way.” Xartich insisted, voice quiet and eyes closed. “I know that now. Everything I said, everything I accused you of… came from a place of pain and grief. I want to take that back as much as I can.”
“Xar… I… I don’t deserve it. If I hadn’t been so eager to prove myself… so eager to capture a criminal and feel like the hero… she might still be here.” Reginald closed his eyes, recalling that day in vivid detail. Dressing into his uniform, the laughter and attempts to keep Xartich from jumping his bones again, and getting to work. It had been his usual task, simple and boring patrol, while looking out for anything to call the experienced cops on. Fresh out of the academy and eager to prove himself to the veterans, to make a name for himself, so when a purse snatcher ran past him… he ignored protocol. Reginald gave chase, running through the streets of his old home turf by the orphanage, only thinking about the praise he would get if he captured the thug, until blood and blue eyes met his as he rounded a corner.
In an attempt to shake him and in desperation, the thug attacked the closest person he could. That person just happened to be Latifi, a woman he loved just as much as he loved her brother. Latifi had been coming back from purchasing him and Xartich a gift, her face full of joy and love, became full of fear as she fell, clutching at the fatal wound the thug had made. Reginald was with her until she died, unable to save her life, and only had himself to blame. That day cost him his relationship with Xartich. Set him down a path that eventually got him kicked out of duty and to where he stands today, wondering just why he even bothered to keep going through the motions.
“I still forgive you Reg.” Xartich broke the silence that had filled the room, rolling the glass in his hand and watching the alcohol swirl inside. “I only thought of my own pain and loss, my grief consuming me, and nothing about the pain you were feeling. I know you loved her just as much as me. I could see it in how you looked at her, that same face you made when you looked at me.” Setting down the glass, he crossed the distance between them and rubbed the pad of his thumb over Reginald’s beard with a sad smile. “I needed to let you know Reg, because I know you need to hear the words just as much as I need to say them.”
Touching the back of Xartich’s paw, he found he couldn’t speak. Old memories of the love they shared crashed through his mind as that forgiveness unlocked that part of his life. A part of himself wanted that old life back, but they both had changed too much. Smiling a little, feeling a weight lifting off his shoulders, Reginald realized that those words were what he had been wanting to hear for years.
“Now… tell me about your darling rookie. It is rare to see a Shalgar outside of Shala, especially one that looks so beautiful.” Xartich grinned, breaking the somber mood with the ease Reginald remember him always having. Sighing in false annoyance, he started to explain how he found himself saddled with Castias.
Castias frowned, staring at the calendar he had Dom pull up on Reginald’s wrist link. A week has already passed since coming to Proxima II and he felt like something had changed in his mentor after that first day. Damp pink hair stuck to his face as he pulled back from the calendar, listening to the sounds of Reginald in the shower through the thin walls of the hotel. They had just returned from swimming in one of the pools, showering off the chlorine and other chemicals used to try and keep the water clean and safe. His mind focusing on when Reginald finally joined him that first night, looking as though freed from some burden, but still so somber.
The first night on Proxima II passed in silence, feeling like he might be prying if he tried asking Reginald any questions. Quickly putting on one of the dark grey long shirts as the water stopped, he also thought about how interesting his first week at the bar had been. The first night, they were stationed at the doors to the top of the stairs, leaving the usual bouncers to screen the guests outside.
The first night they had to toss out a couple of drunks that started getting belligerent with the dancers and bar staff. An easy task, that mostly fell to Reginald since these guests weren’t easy for Castias to even try carrying. Following that night, the next two had some more excitement when a gambler pulled a knife on one of the staff members, and then a few thugs that owed Xartich money showed up. The rest of the week matched those first three days, someone would occasionally pull a weapon, someone would try picking fights, and they’d hunt down the rest as needed.
So far, he saw no reason on why they were truly needed for this kind of work. Turning his head at the sound of the bathroom door opening, Reginald walked into the room with a billow of steam behind him, and Castias gaped openly at the sight. They had lived together for almost a month now, and even with the swimming, this was the first time he’d seen him like this. A towel was being used to dry his hair while only the towel at his waist kept him modest to human standards. What had Castias truly shocked however, was the number of scars he could see. Some were minor, barely noticeable, but others looked like they should have killed the human before him.
“What?” Reginald grunted, catching that open mouthed stare and frowning. Doing a quick glance to make sure the towel was still in place, he let the other one lay over his shoulders, and gripped the ends. “Never seen a naked human?” Smirking, he reached for his bag to pull out some fresh clothes, layering them into a pile.
“No.” Quickly looking away, Castias focused on himself, and rubbed his hands into his tail idly. “I’ve just… never seen so many scars on one person before.”
“Ah. Well, get used to the idea of scars. Some mercs have far more than I do and stay in this life long enough, you’ll get your own.” Reginald replied, grabbing his clothes and headed back for the bathroom, pausing by the door. “Hey, you’ve been doing good kid. Keep it up.”
“I will!” The quick reply did little to hide his delight at the praise, feeling giddy as he tied back his damp hair and finished getting dressed. They finished getting dressed into their gear, and walked over to The Scales about an hour before opening. They moved into the back, through the kitchens, and out onto the back loading bay where Xartich’s people were moving boxes from one truck into another. Overseeing the operation was Shkscari, those eyes unblinking as he tracked the packages effortlessly.
“Good evening.” Shkscari noted, his gravelly voice soft and quiet. “Your assignment tonight is more of the usual. Instead of guarding an area however, you’ll be patrolling the club. Keep an eye out for any suspicious fellows.”
“I see. Suspecting the enemy might be trying to slip in?” Reginald noted, seeing this current work being an ideal target for any hungry rivals.
“Yes. Sir Xartich suspects a group will try infiltrating the establishment tonight. We need you two to keep an eye out for... unusual activity.” Shkscari noted something down on the holopad, and continued, “Be careful tonight. Blood may be spilled depending on what the enemy is attempting to do tonight.”
“Duly noted. Castias, I want you patrolling the booths and bar area. Less people in one space. I’ll handle the upper level and the dance floor. Got your communicator?” Adjusting the tiny little device in his ear, he looked at Castias expectantly.
“I do. Until then Shkscari, do you need us to do anything else?”
“No little shalgar. I have it on the business end. Just focus on the front.” The crystalline creature broke into a jagged grin, carrying a warmth that still surprised Castias. Reginald nodded his head, rubbing at his well trimmed beard, before stepping to see if they might be needed inside.
“You’re training has come along nicely Castias. I don't know how well a week of swimming might have done for you, but everywhere else you’ve gotten pretty good. Dom was right to get you learning hand to hand on the ship.” The casual chatter felt nice, but he could feel with weight of uncertainty in his heart. He was smart enough to know that a real fight is very different after watching Reginald deal with a nasty drunk the night before.
“I… I still don’t feel confident.” Adjusting the tie around his hair, Castias closed his eyes and sighed heavily. He’d mostly only kept everyone back, using his body length to keep the crowd back, and let Reginald do the heavy work. It was frustrating that he couldn’t get a chance to test what all this training was for in a real life situation as Reginald kept jumping into the fray before he could react.
“You’ll get your chance Castias. Don’t rush it and look for trouble. It will find you eventually.” Reginald tried to reassure him, not wanting the mistakes of his past to be repeated in his rookie.
“If you say so.” He would listen to him on this, but it still bothered him that he just lacked that ability to react. Speed isn’t an issue for him, he’d demonstrated that enough, but reacting to trouble? It was like he’d freeze up, just watching instead of moving. Becoming a part of the crowd instead of throwing himself at the trouble. It made him feel like he did on the day his mother kicked him out of the house.
“Hey.” Reginald stopped by the base of Latifi, looking down at those red eyes and placing a hand on top of Castias’ head. “Trust me kid. You’ll get your chance.”
Nodding his head, he knew Reginald had experience and should trust him, but it didn’t stop these feelings of uselessness and cowardice. They helped move in the new cases of liquor before moving into position for the opening of the club. The night passing by in a blur as Castias kept an eye out for any trouble makers.
“Ow! It hurts!” Castias yelped in pain, tears stinging his eyes as he hissed a deep growling sound, glaring daggers at the amused look on Xartich’s and Reginald’s faces.
“Can it Castias.” Reginald smirked, spraying the disinfectant on bloodied knuckles as Xartich shook his head with a barely contained laugh. His pale white eyes focused on the playback of the events that happened just moments earlier.
The club had been packed to almost bursting with people, Castias had always thought the place was exceptionally busy, but not quite like this controlled chaos. Fights broke out in small spats, public affection more often dipped into public indecency, and Castias started to feel pulled in every direction on his patrol. Trouble arose when a trio of thugs from Xaritch’s rival group, joked about ruining the statue of Latifi since it was rumored to hold great value to Xartich.
“Hey, I bet if we break it, people might get hurt and force him to close.” One of the thugs jokes, unknowingly catching Castias’ full attention at this point.
“Hm, that could work. Get us recognized by the boss and should get him off our backs for awhile.” A Vilterox thug murmured, feathers shifting in thought at the idea as a claw tapped at a sharp pointed beak.
“Yeah, its just some dumb statue.” A young looking Felerian added, picking up the heavy centerpiece of their table, aiming to throw it right over the heads of patrons.
The fear never came this time. Castias let out a Shalgar war cry before barreling into the first thug, a simple human that flew back from the force, hitting their head on the rails by the stairs twenty feet across the room. People screamed in shock, packing together like herd animals to watch the fight. Castias turned with that growling hiss, eyes flashing as he looked at the other two thugs, “Get out. Destruction of property, even in jest, will not be tolerated.”
The Felerian and Vilterox looked at each other and then back to their attacker before they moved into action. Castias reacted quickly, whipping his body about to block the Vilterox with a heavy tail slap, while his fists grabbed fur and threw the Felerian to the ground. Claws scrambled against his armor, doing nothing to him in return and giving Castias a chance to knock him out.
Left with the Vilterox, Castias coiled and tensed his body, seeing the remaining enemy scrambling to its feet. Feather raised as the Vilterox thug snarled in anger, charging right at him, and Castias struck out. It felt like forever, he dodged the deadly claws, body wrapping around his enemy, but he lacked the strength to squeeze enough to constrict the Vilterox’s breath. Pain bloomed in his side as a sharp beak started to try and break his armor, worried about damage to his suit, Castias started punching the thug until he stopped moving. His victory attained just as Reginald was able to make it to him, Xartich close behind.
“You should have called for me to help.” Reginald broke through the memory of what had happened, pouting and looking away with a flinch as bandages were tightened excessively in retaliation. “I mean it. You got lucky. The Vilterox could have broken through your armor and gutted you like a fish.”
“I had to stop them!” Castias countered, glaring at his mentor, and yanking his hurting hands away from him.
“No you didn’t.” Growling, Reginald moved to grab him, but Xartich interfered.
“Reg, leave the kid alone. I watched the tapes. Those thugs were promising to hurt my patrons and ruin my greatest treasure. I applaud Castias for putting a stop to it before real harm could have happened.” Xartich moved the screen so Reginald could see the still of Castias preventing the thug from throwing the weighty stone centerpiece from the table. “He performed his job wonderfully.”
“Tch.” The old mercenary looked away from the screen and headed for the door.
“Wait! Where are you going?!” Castias felt panic and fear, worried Reginald was displeased enough to abandon him here. The pitch of his voice made his mentor freeze in place, turning with a sigh and rubbing at his beard.
“You need some ice for that hand and I need to cool down.” Reginald confessed before leaving.
“Ah, that man hasn’t changed much.” Xartich shook his head, scratching at a spot by one of his pointy ears for a moment, pale white eyes watching Castias. “You did some good work kid. Don’t let grumpy ruin what should be a good moment for you. It seems all of that training you’re being put through is paying off.”
“Do you really think so? Maybe… maybe Reginald is right? That I… I should have called for him.” It hurts to say the words, feeling that sense of uselessness returning as he stared at the richly carpeted floor. “I mean… the Vilterox almost got through the armor. I have a massive bruise on my side because of it.”
“Hm… he might be right from the perspective of a veteran, but I know who he is deep down inside.” Taking a seat next to him after fetching some water, Xartich folded his hands over the nice navy blue trousers of his suit. “He’s just a touch afraid.”
“Afraid? What for?” It didn’t make sense for Reginald to be scared of losing him. After all, if he was gone wouldn’t Reginald be happier? He didn’t want to take him under his wing in the first place after all. Franc forced him into bringing him along. “He didn’t really want to take me. He was forced by Franc. I’m even in debt to him.”
“Oh, he’s afraid alright.” Xartich hummed, tail twitching slowly as he leaned back against the couch they were sitting on. “Reg is prickly on the outside, always has been kid. Growing up like we did, you develop a tough skin in order to survive. He bottles everything inside himself. It used to be a way to keep the rest of us smiling and optimistic, but when kids began vanishing out of the orphanage or just in the neighborhood in general… he changed. Aside from my sister and I, he kept everyone at arm's length, afraid to make any connection because they might just vanish or turn up dead.”
“I think it was the both of us that kept him from withdrawing fully in those years, instead we inspired him to join the law enforcement. To get some power and agency to find out what has been happening, to stop the bad guys from causing more harm.” Sighing wistfully at their bright expectations for the future, Xartich closed his eyes. “Then, Latifi died. Murdered by a thug he had been chasing after in the hopes of recognition and praise from his superiors. That it might get him promoted so he could start investigating. Instead… everything changed in one moment.”
“Xartich…” Castias murmured, looking at his hands as he listened to the story.
“I blamed him. Said it was his fault my sister is dead. I killed our relationship and the two things I think kept him whole were gone.” Silence fell, Xartich taking a few deep breaths before continuing, “I don’t know much of what happened after that day. Only that he shut everyone off and eventually got kicked off the force, and disappeared. Somehow drifting along in space, making some friends it seems, but remained alone. Until you were forced into his life.”
Quiet, feeling those eyes on him, Castias looked at his hands and then to the damaged holosuit on the floor nearby. His mind recalled the conversation from a few days ago as well, how Reginald was trying to encourage and assure him that his chance would come. Frowning a little as smaller details came to mind. Reginald hadn’t called him kid as often since they came here, seemed a touch more friendly with him, and grumbled less when he asked questions.
“Do you… really think that is the case?” Castias asked, voice soft as he folded his hands over the edge of his shirt.
“I do. Either by forced interaction or by your own charm, you’ve… slithered your way past his thorny exterior.” Xartich noted, smiling with all his teeth showing, “I think this Franc knew what she was doing that day.”
“Maybe.” Castias looked to his lap, letting out a sigh, and looked up as Reginald returned with a glass of ice in both hands. Seeing a gleam of concern on his face at the folded hands, Castias sighed and held them out. If Xartich is right… I suppose I can just humor him. Besides… while necessary to stop them… I didn’t like fighting them. Crimson clashed with blue as he glanced at his mentor, seeing a deep worry knitting his brows, and feeling his own heart skip a beat. Yeah… I can just humor him if it helps him.
submitted by Zairanthia to HFY [link] [comments]

Which films did you watch last week? (03.05.17 - 03.11.17)

Hello, FG Reddit. The weekly thread is back. Let the festivity begin!
All my viewings were based on the works of novelist Ira Levin:
A Kiss Before Dying (1956) (Dir. Gerd Oswald)
A Kiss Before Dying was Ira Levin's first novel. And it is a damn good read. It is divided in three sections; first being the strongest written and most thrilling, second is rather mundane but with a good plot twist and the third is, like the first, quite tense. Please go read it if you haven't - it is available online.
The film version, like the novel, has an excellent first half but dips considerably in the second. This partly stems from the quality of the novel as I mentioned earlier. But the rest of the blame falls on of Virginia Leith who hasn't got much notion of what good acting means. She is unable to portray grief, happiness, vulnerability or suspicion. This is particularly evident when matched with Joanne Woodward who is the lead in the first half and who would win the Best Actress Oscar the very next year for The Three Faces of Eve. A better actress could have propelled this way above.
Otherwise, it is a decent time-killer. Neither among the best nor the worst of the noir era. To think of it, it's a little shame that they chose to film it in colour - B&W would have contributed more to the mood.
A Kiss Before Dying (1991) (Dir. James Dearden)
This one has a poor reputation and for a good reason. The first half is flat-out unwatchable. Nothing makes any sense. The murders are poorly shot, Matt Dillon and Sean Young have zero charisma individually and zero chemistry together, there are plot holes galore and no sense of mounting dread about something inevitable as there was in the original.
However, towards the climax I found myself warming up to the film in spite of myself. The reason was the excellent acting by Diane Ladd who plays Dillon's mother. Her story is very tragic and heartbreaking, which made her the only character in the film I cared for.
But it's still a shame how a potentially good plot is executed so blandly. Especially considering that the writer-director had written Fatal Attraction before which was a worldwide smash hit.
Baazigar (1993) (Dir. Abbas-Mustan)
NOTE: Baazigar means "gambler".
Abbas-Mustan are known copycats. Their specialty was borrowing B-grade foreign thrillers, Indianizing the plot elements (i.e. muting the sex and violence and adding a comic side plot with Johnny Lever) and presenting it as an A-list film. They were also known to be entirely unapologetic about it. Or at least were, until the rising influence of Hollywood studios in Mumbai film industry forced them (and many others cut from the same cloth) to actually hunt for written scripts instead of raiding the nearest VHS library, afraid of copyright lawsuits. Their work has been of varying quality but there was a time when they used to catch lighting in a bottle once in a while - Baazigar is one such case.
Abbas-Mustan make a lot of improvements over James Dearden's original work on A Kiss Before Dying. The action scenes are competently staged and shot, particularly the bloody climax. The anti-hero's obsession with a rich family is given the solid basis of a revenge plot. The emotions are heightened which make the characters more relatable.
But the masterstroke, of course, is the casting of Shahrukh Khan in the lead. Matt Dillon cannot even hope to compare with this juggernaut of a performance. SRK is quite a divisive figure among Hindi film fans and quite unknown to the west but this film is as good an introduction to him as any of his other hits.
The Boys from Brazil (1978) (Dir. Franklin J. Schaffner)
The story is ludicrous - Levin seems to think that Nazi paranoia is enough to justify whatever BS he chooses to add in the name of a plot. Legends like Olivier, Peck and Mason make utter fools of themselves hamming to the hilt. The only soothing aspect is Jerry Goldsmith's stellar score (albeit still not a patch on his heart-stopping work on Patton). When it comes to modern-day Nazi conspiracies, give me Frederick Forsyth's The Odessa File and its film adaptation any day.
The Stepford Wives (1975) (Dir. Bryan Forbes)
I can understand and appreciate the message this story is trying to send. It is a good representation of the 70s cinema of paranoia and the message is relevant even today. However, the film does require the viewer to suspend lot of disbelief as well - cannot deny that. And unlike the novel which was short and sweet, the film is slow-paced, belabouring obvious points and themes for the sake of it. I usually like Paula Prentiss but her bipolarity is excessive in this film. It irritated me instead of endearing.
Still, if you wish to see a good film about backlash against feminism, check it out.
The Stepford Wives (2004) (Dir. Frank Oz)
The worst of the entire lot. At least the two previous films that I disparaged had something going for them in terms of camp value. This one was intentionally going for that effect and yet missed by a huge margin! The idea to turn the dark, depressing story into a loud black comedy is nothing but tragic. This creative turkey turned out to be one in moneymaking as well and we are lucky for that!
submitted by Hurdy_Gurdy_Man_42 to IMDbFilmGeneral [link] [comments]

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Hindi meaning of gambler. gambler / noun / गैम्बलर; जुआ खेलनेवाला; ताश के पत्ते खेलनेवाला; जुएबाज़; Synonym player; spieler; gamester; Gambler meaning in Hindi : Get detailed meaning of Gambler in Hindi language.This page shows Gambler meaning in Hindi with Gambler definition,translation and usage.This page provides translation and definition of Gambler in Hindi language along with grammar, synonyms and antonyms.Answer of question : what is meaning of Gambler in Hindi dictionary? Hindi Word जुआरी Meaning in English - Gambler - जुआरी अंग्रेज़ी में अर्थ. जुआरी Meaning in English is Gambler, which is also written as 'Juārī' in Roman. Other Juārī Meanings in English include Backer, Bettor, Bookie, Bookmaker, Player, Plunger, Shill, Speculator, Cardsharp Here's a list of translations. Hindi Translation. जुआरी. Ju'ārī. More Hindi words for gambler. गैम्बलर. Gaimbalara gambler. जुएबाज़ noun. gambling meaning in Hindi with examples: जुआ द्यूत द्यूतक्रीड़ा जुआ खेलना click for more detailed meaning gambler. जुआरी ; gamble away. जुए में बर्बाद कर देना ; gamble in . दाव पर लगाना ; gamble on . निर्भर होना Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Gambler. Side By Side Mixed Mode Vertically. Lyrics: Translation: Dil aaj shayar hai, gham aaj nagma hai: Today my heart is a poet and my sorrows are a tune: Shab yeh ghazal hai sanam: Beloved, the night itself is a song: Dil aaj shayar hai, gham aaj nagma hai: Today my heart is a poet and my sorrows are a tune : Shab yeh ghazal hai sanam: Beloved, the night itself is a song: Gairon ke sheron Meaning of Gambler in hindi Noun जुआरी ( Juari, juaaree, zuari)

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