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what do you do if your car disappeared in gta 5

what do you do if your car disappeared in gta 5 - win

Cyberpunk 2077's world looks so next gen yet feels so last gen.

At first i noticed the terrible driving and vehicle physics. Car deformation also sucks and is not even close to how GTA IV and V handled it on the Xbox 360...
I ignored it by telling myself this isn't meant to be played like a GTA game so that aspect shouldn't matter that much. Although the driving just feels bad, and even worse with M+KB. And there's a LOT of driving in this game.
But then i started noticing even bigger issues with this game's world.
NPCs, these are some of the worst NPCs i've seen in a current gen open world game. Their reaction to your actions is terrible and they are basically braindead. Crouching and half-assed running with terrible animation followed by a sudden stop are the only things they can do. Or better, they do absolutely nothing especially some bartenders and shopkeepers. Things like this made me try to take a deep look into the AI in general and my god it's so outdated:
NPC cars are following set paths. If you park your vehicle in front of them they just stop there. Not like in GTA where they can honk at you, move around it or even run through your car. There's no AI in the open world vehicles. They just follow predetermined paths. And this leads to another issue, police chases.
Police chases in this game are an absolute joke. At first i thought they were simplified because CDPR didn't want them to be too annoying. But you think back at the the npc cars' behaviour and how basic it is, and you see that the same thing is happening here. Police just spawns behind you, they can't even do proper chases. They can't chase you if you're a block or two away from them. It's like they're just glued to you when they spawn initially. Which leads to these dumb 10 second police chases. How is this called a next gen open world?
Cars also move like they are following rails if you look closely at how they turn. There are races in the game and if you lead the race, look behind you and you'll see some serious Matrix shit as the cars start teleporting behind you to keep up with you.
NPCs just spawn in and out randomly without order or meaning. CDPR said they handcrated over 1000s NPCs with different behaviour and daily routines. But then you follow any random NPC and they just disappear after a while. Cars also feel the same.
I was looking at at an argument going on between an old white man and a young white girl, i turn around for a second and the dude is now a young black guy talking to another black girl.
These are just initial impressions. I haven't even tried to immerse myself in Night City that much, yet i still saw these glaring outdated design issues. The world feels like smoke and mirrors.
I remember one of the recent trailers ending by "Welcome to the next generation of open worlds" or some shit like that. But guess what? This is not a next gen open world. Hell it's not even on par with current gen open worlds. Watch Dogs 2, GTA5, RDR2 all had a much more believable and alive world then this fake world. It LOOKS next gen, especially if you max the game out with RT, but it absolutely feels so last gen. The world's logic just feels wrong and not what you'd expect out of a AAA game.
I think everyone is being distracted by the bugs and surface issues right now. So with this post i'm trying to bring these bad design issues out, as they are much harder to fix, if they even get fixed.
submitted by InternationalOwl1 to pcgaming [link] [comments]

Most of the trailers were misleading

In the end that's my main issue with the game, I don't mind the bugs because all games will always have some bugs when released. Game is cool, but it's not at all what I have expected because that's not what they showed us through the years and this very year.
"It's a RPG game" ==> No, it's rebranded as an adventure game now. Overall your choices don't really matters and you cannot really be the V you want, you have to do what the game want you to do. You can't even find a barber in the city, you can't customize your appartement, you can't have companions. Games like Fallout 4 and Dragon Age Inquisition were much more RP despite all their flaws and I am sad we still cannot have a decent single player RPG with plenty of RPG mechanics after the all those years.
"Lifepaths matters" ==> No they don't and that's a huge waste. We could have had 3 differents prologues leading us to differents playstyles, perks, even differents appartements and differents friends. They made a whole trailer about Lifepaths but it's almost nothing in the game aside few optionnal dialogues lines that does barely change the outcome of a conversation.
"Night City is the main character" ==> The city feel really lifeless most of the time. I don't know how but in others gta-like games you don't see people and cars just poping out of nowhere and then disappearing when you go sligthly away. You feel too much in the game the whole city is desert except if you are around. In some trailers they said you can do some activities for fun, well I did not found them. NPCs looks like undead people hanging around without purposes. RDR2 is not a recent game anymore and you can see people doing stuff in the streets, in bars, gathering and talking, you can interact with them in differents ways. In Night City you can't barely interact with the City and its people, it's a very huge wasted opportunity to create a living environnement with dynamic events around you involving NPCs.
'It's playable on old gen consoles" ==> I have no console, but if you can't maye your game run on those consoles then don't sell it on old gen and don't show false gameplay videos where everything is fine when it's actually unplayable for people owning consoles. I have saw videos where the games looks goofy af and I feel sorry for people who bought it on console because they were told the game would work on those.
The game as a game is cool, don't get me wrong. It's just it's not the great game I was expecting and I was expecting a great game because I trusted CDPR and I trusted their trailers and videos.
submitted by Mephalae to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

So I'm about to finish the story and honestly I'm pretty fucking disappointed. (no spoilers)

I bet you thought this was going to be a post bashing the COUNTLESS BUGS. NOPE! Their are plenty of post detailing that. My problem is with the meat and potatoes of the game because I am seeing a whole fuck load of cope posting on this reddit, talking about how "the game would be a 10 if only they added a barber shop" NOPE.
This game is disgustingly average. The campaign is railroaded hard as fuck it is NOT an RPG. The gunplay is fucking 'eh' at best. The gun customization was better in fallout like this shit is a joke. THE HEALING SYSTEM IS GARBAGE, I'm playing on hard and I seriously don't get who signed off on me getting shot once then having to LARP as an asthmatic child for a few seconds and then get back into the fight. Seriously I suck these green healing inhalers down every 3 seconds and I have a mountain of them falling out of my ass like 70+ at all times. I am not complaining about the damage that the enemies do, but it feels dumb that their is no severity to playing reckless, especially with how fucked stupid the AI is. THE AI FUCKING TRIPS OVER EACHOTHER LETTING YOU SHOOT THEM ON THE FUCKING GROUND ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????????
The cops just spawn out of no where when you commit a crime. The drones I guess could make sense but fucking officer smith just traveled interdimensionaly to blast me in my fucking dome for jacking a car? Get the fuck out of here.
The driving feels like GTA (released in 2013). Legit think their is only 4 car engine noises like they gave no fuck about this aspect of the game. The shop and crafting system feels so not fleshed out. Also if you don't like what the shop has? wait 24 hours outside the shop and go back for completely randomized loot with random bonuses. Also the gear swapping is outrageous while leveling up. I'm changing my top ever 3 seconds for something with more armor and the lack of clothing variety for a game that was announced in 2013 is just unacceptable.
If you were having performance issues idk what to tell you download a graphics driver and learn what your settings do because I had no complaints here once I turned off raytracing and turn on DLSS if you have an RTX card. The game is gorgeous and ran fine for me.
I was charmed just like you guys were/are. walking through japan town and just looking at all of the npc's interacting is really fucking cool man. Like this world that they have built is fucking incredible. But the game that is attached to it is a fucking joke. It feels like a weird amalgamation of borderlands, destiny, fallout, and GTA and not in a good way.
Finally the bugs. Dude the amount of bugs I ran into doing side missions was pathetic. I finally said fuck it because I was getting so mad at the abundance of them that I decided to stick to the main story. Low and behold. Not any different. The misplacement of items in NPCs hands is hugely distracting. I had NPCS that were driving me places just fucking disappear while driving only for the conversation to continue just without their side. Like I want so badly to enjoy this game.
If anyone from CDPR magically sees this. Which even if they did they wouldn't give a fuck. They got their money time to add haircuts and dip. If they do see this though. Add an Early Access sticker to the game, apologize, and get back to work. This game is not even close to finished.
Also to everyone on reddit. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE AND BE RUTHLESS. Stop with the barber shop or bust shit. This game needs a whole lot more than hair change, car customization, and gun customization It needs a game that actually feels ground breaking and new.
submitted by TitoBoombap to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Cyberpunk at its core its an amazing game, despite its flaws and bugs

So, I just completed the game from A to Z, cleared everything apart from the baseball bat police icons. And while the game is not a perfect game, due to lack of polishing in many of the existing mechanics, bugs and "missing" features, it was an amazing emotional ride. I just feel like talking about all (since I feel I've exhausted the content but need more), the good and the bad, and what we could expect in the future.
I'll be talking about many things, especially story related. If you don't want spoilers, please stop reading now.
First off the bad.
Now on to the good.
Now to what they could add and refine to make the game we have now better.
Anyway, I just felt like talking about it even though only 3 person will take a look at this wall of text lol. Let me know how you feel and what you agree/disagree, etc!
submitted by Nightmare2828 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

A breakdown IGN’s Days Gone review

Ms Lucy O’brien’s (referred to as Lucy) Days Gone review on behalf of IGN shows utter disrespect to the game’s creators. Considering IGN's reader base, it needs to be taken down immediately in order to stop damaging Days Gone further.
In her text, she shows numerous signs of struggles when playing Days Gone which hindered her ability to evaluate the game. Evidently, she couldn't follow the story or remember key moments. Gameplay was too difficult for her as well. As a result, she wrote down frustration instead of objective analysis and the text has lots of errors and problems. The game should be re-assigned to someone who is capable of playing it decently and then getting the most of it, goods and bads.
From a technical point of view, the text is vastly erroneous,
  1. false description of game elements
  2. misleading information
  3. exaggeration of nuisances
The text also suggests that her understanding of Days Gone’s narrative and settings is very poor. She focuses on the wrong aspects and holds unreasonable and unrealistic expectations.
Among those she (wrongly) focuses on, the text is very shallow and superficial. She can’t identify the key elements in Days Gone’s design, much less evaluating them.
She often applies binary thinking to her judgement and resorts to extremes when trying to make a point which is mostly unfair. There’s little middle ground analysis or weighting between pros and cons, etc.
Disclaimer: In my opinion, Days Gone shows a lot of quality work and creativity but also has many flaws. Its great work deserves recognition to which Lucy fails. Rating it with 6.5 is underappreciation. I fell victim to these so-called “critic reviews” when the game first came out so I didn't play it until recently.
Lucy's full "review"
Days Gone Review
... For a gruff biker dude ..., Deacon St. John is an endearingly gentle and sweet-natured protagonist. His gruff charm and unassuming ‘I ain’t no leader’ demeanor ... in more frantic sequences.
This is vastly misleading. Deacon doesn’t appear to be gentle or sweet overall; he only shows little of it during certain moments (e.g. when handling Lisa’s situations). For the most part, he’s a tough survivalist after 734 days gone. (Hell, even Boozer is softer than him when he tries to protect a dying dog which Deek puts down without hesitation.) “unassuming ‘I ain’t no leader’ demeanor” is really out of nowhere so I can’t further elaborate on it.

... Days Gone insists on tedious, barely interactive flashbacks of Deacon and his wife Sarah which play out like bad high school drama - her demand that he “promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike” at their wedding is a line that sticks in the mind -
Sarah specifically tells Deek NOT to have such a wedding where he says the line. (She later surprises him by saying it herself.)
Besides, Days Gone does NOT “insist on” those flashback quests. These are only one type among the sufficiently large variety of quests.
Yes, they are barely interactive but it’s very reasonable: they took place when there’s no need for the Survival Wheel. If players could use it or take other actions, there’d be all sorts of funny videos on Youtube. It’s supposed to tell the story. Had these limited interactions taken away, they’d become long cutscenes.
Besides, many games adopt this technique during story-telling moments so that players aren’t entirely passive in receiving the message.
And no, the story between Deacon and Sarah isn’t grand, complicated or convoluted. It’s simple love which makes it realistic and relatable but it’s certainly NOT bad high school drama which is a bad label to their story.

and repeating missions which begin and end with a stationary Deacon spouting overly-long monologues about their love.
The monologues are NOT about their love; it's about what's happened recently.

For the first half, this storyline at least forms a consistent emotional throughline ...,
At least? Really? Are they really this bad that can barely meet Lucy’s standards? Look, there’s a big difference between high standards and disparaging.

... the focus shifts toward new characters and changing relationships with old ones, ...
The overall focus seems to be that Deacon wants to find out if Sarah is alive. However, Days Gone is structured such that finding Sarah is actually a side quest so to speak; the main quest (for the first half) is to keep Boozer alive and sane. He ends up working for each camp leading to the emergence of different stories and characters. These stories carry weight but the focus doesn’t shift towards them.
I suppose changing relationships refer to Rikki being attracted to Deek while with Addy but this is hardly the case. The quest line doesn’t progress as such: they know each other because they rode together before (with Boozer as well), not because they had a romantic history (which they didn’t). Throughout the quest, she is still with Addy and only at the very end does Rikki show her affection to Deacon which isn’t reciprocated so it's hardly “changing relationships”. Most of their conversations only explain their history and friendship.

... there were a couple of times I had an extremely brief conversation with another character that would net me XP. It’s hard to be invested when its drama is so tied up in cold, numerical achievement.
Some main quests are indeed very brief and give rewards soon afterwards. But exaggerating this issue as “so tied up in cold, numerical achievement.” is a false accusation.
Days Gone is story-driven in every sense. It doesn’t have extensive role-playing elements for players to develop, distancing itself from “cold, numerical” pursuit so that they can focus on stories and gameplay. It’s not like you need to earn much XP, credits or trust in order to progress.
It’s totally acceptable to be not invested in a game’s story but unacceptable to put a bad label on it based on the wrong premise.

... The human antagonists, on the other hand, are as interesting as cardboard cutouts: they’re virtually all roughly sketched bad guys who are bad for bad’s sake. One, who is introduced in the later stages, feels particularly redundant, ...
Lucy’s “antagonists” are presumably Skizzo, Carlos and Colonel Garret (her redundant character).
Skizzo is an asshole but he’s not “bad for bad’s sake”. Despite his demeanor, he’s not entirely unreasonable: trusting Rippers is highly risky. It's just that Mike wouldn’t listen. It’s a clash between two ideals. Without Skizzo, Mike wouldn’t be as colorful. He likens himself to Deek which is not entirely wrong either: they do what they must to stay alive.
Noticeably, for the past two years, Skizzo has been “keeping everyone safe”. He is actually quite capable for that matter. It just turns out Mike’s dismissal of his aggressive thinking results in his full revenge. He isn’t bad for bad’s sake and he’s well-designed. Like Mike said, everyone’s got a problem there.
For Carlos, his backstory is brief and he is a bad guy. However, his storyline is also very brief: he is rarely mentioned and only during the end of the quest line are his identity and backstory unfolded. However, I’d argue his short storyline only makes him a bad guy but not an “antagonist”.
Colonel Garret is not a bad guy at all. His desire to restore human civilization and order is just. He adds another dimension among settlements by caring about the future. Though his ruling shows signs of dictatorship, there’s only little such development. He’s unwise to listen to Skizzo so easily considering his visionary thinking. With all said, he is not a bad guy, uninteresting or redundant and could barely be seen as an “antagonist”.

... Though you can’t hide bodies in Days Gone, enemies are spread out enough that you can stealth kill one and often leave a body in broad daylight without it being noticed. As long as they’re not facing you, they’ll rarely become aware of your presence.
This is NOT true. If an enemy comes across a dead fellow on their patrol route, they will notice the body and be alerted even in nighttime.
Days Gone's stealth system is well-made and shouldn't be trivialized as such. Here're some examples of the good elements of it. Note that it can be both well-made and forgiving.
  1. You can tag enemies but only with your binoculars. Doing so may expose you as you’ll be standing instead of crouching. And tagging is only possible if the reticle lands on an enemy that you can shoot through. Simply put, if an enemy is behind a wall, you won’t be able to tag them. Tagging is not automatic or risk-free, like in most games.
  2. Survival Vision doesn’t automatically tag enemies but there’s a skill that allows you to only reveal their outline within Vision’s range.
  3. Human enemies have 3 levels of alert, indicated by white, yellow and red icons visible only after being tagged. The level of alert falls gradually (shown on the icons) if you remain hidden long enough.
  4. Even if an enemy isn’t the one shot by a silenced gun, if the bullet passes them in their close proximity, they will be alerted.

... This involves a several-mission-thread of sneaking into NERO-occupied areas and eavesdropping on them from behind obstacles or within long grass as they explain world lore, which is not particularly interesting and annoyingly repetitive if you fail ...
When you fail a quest, normally you'll repeat it until you succeed. This process will be repetitive unless you give up.
The said lore has been widely adopted cliche so it's not interesting. That’s why the main narrative isn’t about it but about Deacon and other characters.

... Deacon can also unlock a focused shot ability ... It’s a somewhat inexplicable skill for a regular guy (that he served in the military is the somewhat shaky rationale, ...
Not all game elements need to be “explicable”. This skill in particular is plausible to exist in Days Gone. It’s not something crazy or ridiculous. I think she should explore Days Gone's skill system as a whole before commenting on specific ones.

... Even with strong combat, things get boring after a while because Days Gone’s missions suffer from repetition across the board. ... These jobs tend to be variations on tracking down a traitor or rescuing a hostage or clearing out a camp, and all tend to play out in a similar fashion. A few dozen of hours of this same mission structure took its toll on me.
In Days Gone, there’s quite a variety of quests to play out in different fashions. Only a few are required.
  1. Hordes, a very unique type of quests requiring a vastly different approach than the others. They are very intense and horrifying.
  2. Bike chases where your bike may be damaged or run out of fuel.
  3. Rescue quests, requiring a headshot in the end so a full melee approach won’t succeed.
  4. clearing ambush camps, which may feature helmet-wearing enemies so headshots take extra efforts. Additionally, they resist Freakers which may confuse you for stealth approaches.
  5. clearing ambush camps occupied by Rippers, who are topless meaning headshot is always available, may burn themselves and run into you and don’t resist Freakers. This already delivers a very different experience from the previous item.
  6. NERO checkpoint quests to boost your stats. While avoiding roaming Freakers, you need to find oil to fill up the power supply (both of which can’t be located easily). You’ll want to locate and destroy as many speakers before turning on the supply too. All this thematically aligns with Days Gone. This is already more interesting than simply killing something to get something, like in so many games.
  7. No-contact stealth-compulsory quests. Many games only treat stealth as optional.
  8. Random encounters
  9. Fetch items
  10. Search and burn nests
  11. Listen to Deacon talk to Sarah’s gravestone. The significance is not Lucy could comprehend.
  12. Listen to Colonel Garret’s theatrical speeches which are quite funny (but “barely interactive repeating missions with Colonel spouting long monologues” by Lucy’s standards).
Broadly speaking, almost all open world games have quest repetition in terms of structure. In the Witcher 3, most Contracts are of the “same mission structure” to “play out in a similar fashion”. It’s not structure that matters most; it’s the content and experience delivered. For Days Gone, I think the list is pretty long, even if you just look at the structures.
But the problem is why she spent so much time to an extent that she couldn’t bear.
She says she’s melee-based and considers the stealth system forgiving so the need for good guns shouldn’t be that much, meaning she only needed to purchase bike parts. Only two camps have good parts so she should’ve only worked for them. For a given camp, the highest trust level (3) is hard to achieve early on. But Level 2 will do just fine which isn’t hard to achieve.
She neglected to upgrade the bike early on so I presume she bought some wrong parts as well.
If that's the case, her problem is that she made some bad investment but complained about grinding it back.

... but Days Gone doesn’t really give you an indication of just how crucial it is to focus on speed and fuel upgrades to make getting around less of a chore ...
This is INCORRECT. Every time you hop on your bike, there’s an icon and a number showing the fuel level. Also, that it runs low frequently is an obvious indication that upgrading it is crucial.
As to speed, firstly, early on, there aren’t many mandatory bike chases. Secondly, you can PARTIALLY upgrade speed, not just choose between fully or no upgrade. Thirdly, I personally don't think they are so difficult that fully upgrading speed is crucial. If she really needed a fully upgraded bike, that may suggest she struggled when doing these quests.
Importantly, Days Gone is a survival game. Everything is supposed to be a chore.

Unfortunately, I never discovered a rare or cool upgrade in the field, which would definitely have given me more of an incentive to explore.
This is the de facto challenge worthy of extended discussion whereby Days Gone adds open world to survival. Briefly, the former encourages exploration but the latter suppresses it. In a sense, they are incompatible and hence the challenge.

... Tracking down NERO checkpoints in order to earn vital upgrades to your various stats - ... - is laborious, as they always required power to properly infiltrate. That means scouring the area to find a gas tank to fill a generator, occasionally replace a busted fuse, then rinse and repeat. It’s never a good sign when you hear your character remark on the repetition of a game mechanic – it suggests the designers are well aware that they’ve played a card too many times – and at several points, Deacon is heard to remark: “Okay lemme guess: outta fuel, of course.” “Hilarious!” I thought, as I went through the same routine for the eighth time.
As explained, Days Gone features a pretty wide range of quests.
So after several times, she still didn’t know the power supply would be initially out of oil and still pressed the button. Now THAT’s hilarious.
NERO checkpoint quests are all optional. For the stat boost, you can just look for the box in NERO research sites. The sites DON’T require the said procedure.
She says she’s melee-based so not much Focus was needed. For Health, having played in normal, I personally deprioritized it because the “very forgiving” stealth mechanics allowed me to stealth kill many enemies, and Medkits and Bandages were not hard to find so mostly, Health wasn’t an issue.
Suppose she cleared all sites as well as 8 checkpoints (out of 11 available). That’s a lot of injections.
So Lucy needed a lot of injections. And she previously bitches about repeatedly running errands so she needed very good gear as well. She also made some wrong investment. All this suggests she struggled very much.
In general, it’s perfectly fine to struggle at some games and in some moments. Either you give up, or go through the process to make yourself stronger usually involving grinding. Grinding is tedious in general but for Days Gone in particular, it really isn’t grindy.

Elsewhere, dozens of Freaker nests scattered throughout Oregon, which Days Gone urges you to attack by blocking off fast travel access on certain infested routes until they’re cleared. These are satisfying at first - it’s a relief to drive down a Freaker-less highway - but eventually the sheer number of them without any real sense of variety from nest to nest made me lose interest ...
Again, these are optional. If she lost interest in them, it’s a good sign she should’ve skipped them rather than let them hamper the experience.

Its repetition and excess are exacerbated by Days Gone’s fragile bike, which suffers severe damage from contact with just about any object, ... There’s a reason cars in GTA V, for example, can take unrealistic amounts of damage before they catch fire and explode; ...
I don’t know if “suffers severe damage from contact with just about any object” was true for early versions of Days Gone. If it wasn’t, Lucy’s exaggeration could've turned off a lot of potential players. This is a serious matter.
Early on, the bike is fragile but when you progress, naturally, your riding skills will improve. Even if your riding doesn’t improve much, you still have bike upgrades to allow more tolerance. Therefore, overall, I personally don’t think it is that bad.
Regardless, together with fuel management, upgrades for different parts and aesthetics, the bike provides a theme-fitting and realistic transportation that very few games dare to implement (for fear of complaints about the inconvenience). Its multifacetedness makes it a mini role-playing system: fuel corresponds to stamina; bike health to character health; parts to character stats and aesthetics to face creation. This level of complexity just for transportation is more worthy of highlighting than shallow complaints about its health which is pretty manageable.
Lucy states there's a reason behind the high tolerance of cars in GTA 5. So too is the bike’s fragility. Deacon’s own bike was parted out at the beginning of the game so he can only use the crappy one given by Manny (leading to the entire bike upgrade system). More obviously, Days Gone is a survival game; the genre already legitimizes the need for resources for most game systems (e.g. Scraps for the bike’s maintenance).

There’s something ill-fitting about requiring a badass biker with a sweet bike to ride slowly and carefully to avoid scratching the paint.
It’s not a sweet bike; it’s crappy given by Manny to make up for parting out Deacon’s own sweet bike.
There’s a large spectrum between scratching the paint and crashing the bike entirely. The bike is not THIS fragile that can’t tolerate scratches.
Importantly, you can drive fast without damaging your bike. It’s a matter of skill. I didn’t have much so I slowed down on narrow roads and sped up on open roads. As simple as that. It’s not binary between riding fast all the time or crawling all the time, or the bike being intact or utterly destroyed.

... Its gutted buildings are particularly dull, shells to house resources without much sense of history. Who lived here, and what happened to them? They left no trace, ...
What happened to them? They’ve become Freakers! They’re still out there.
The outbreak happened just 2 years ago and everyone’s been trying to survive and human and non-human alike scavenge as much as they can, naturally ravaging every corner. So no, no history or traces because of destruction.
As mentioned, coupling open world with survival is challenging and it’s already commendable for a studio to try, not to mention the experiment turned out pretty well.

... Even areas populated by humans, like camps, feel curiously characterless. When an NPC in a camp does utter an incidental line, it’s likely one that you’ve heard multiple times before, and though there are optional conversations to be had with a camp’s various mechanics/cooks/bounty collectors, I found very few compelling enough to stick around and listen to ...
No matter how good these lines are, they are bound to repetitions because of the technological limitation (it’s impractical to implant Siri to every NPC).
While conversations with those NPC aren’t compelling, the way they treat Deacon subtly reflects their attitude towards him, indirectly showing their uniqueness. For example, the mechanic in Wizard Island looks up to him.

Its world is also inconsistent. During missions, your bike’s fuel and damage gauges - ... - will often disappear as if suddenly unimportant, as will NERO-soldiers in a research area you’ve just finished scouting. These are small complaints, but they break the rules of survival that Days Gone otherwise doggedly lives by, and with them the spell of a cohesive, lived-in world.
Only during MAIN missions are the gauges removed. And NERO-soldiers fly away, presumably out of Oregon, after the field research.
“they break the rules of survival that Days Gone otherwise doggedly lives by, and with them the spell of a cohesive, lived-in world.” is not “small complaints”.
One reason behind removing fuel and damage gauges during main quests is that managing the bike during main quests may be too demanding for some players. For example, some may struggle in bike chases. If they're tasked with managing the bike as well, they’d be unable to complete the quests.
Another reason is that it may break immersion for some quests if the players need to manage the bike like they normally would. Here’s an example.

I can’t help but wish there was a more rock-focused soundtrack to really complete the biker vibe.
It’s ill-fitting to do so. Oregon is desolate. Every trip is dangerous. The atmosphere is lonesome. Consider this quest and imagine using a rock-focused soundtrack instead.

When treating Days Gone, she’s irresponsible because she didn’t fact-check, disrespectful because she played absent-mindedly, and worse of all, imprudent because the creators’ reputation and the game’s sale can be damaged.
submitted by ethanh196516 to DaysGone [link] [comments]

The new Cayo Perico Heist DLC has some problems...

UPDATE: Thank you for everyone who gave me useful tips. I didnt reply all of you, but I'm thankful for you guys, especially for that cool person who told me about the cutting torch. After a month I can confidently say this heist is the best thing that could happen to GTA online. The update somehow was still a let down, but the heist itself is easy as hell if its not bugged. I made like 80 million dollars solo, since the Cayo Perico heist dropped out. I still curse on the concrete plants, but I love the vibe of the island, the new music, and just cause of this I decided I start to learn spanish again. Disclaimer for my previous post: 1. You dont need the demolition charges, get the cutting torch. 2. You dont need to do the disruption preps, even if so, just use the guided missiles. 3. Some preps are still pain in the ass, like the plasma cutter, but if you were an armor and go in the Toreador and not with the Sparrow you will be fine. If you want to enter the drainige tunnel, you dont need to suffer with the Kosatka prep just go by the Longfin, choose the main docks as inflitration point and pilot to the tunnel. Since then the preps bugged for me too sometimes, I hope the expanded and enhanced version of the game will fix this. Ps: I thought I can play Cyberpunk now that they patched it, but it still bugged as hell, and I thought the story will get dynamic from a point but it is still boring.
So guys, before I start this, I fix I want to start conversation about GTA Online, because at this point I feel Rockstar Games is way too cynical. I just uninstalled the game, what used to be my favorite videogame, now just gives me headache and toxic feelings. Firstly I give the list what I was hoping from this DLC: 1. Patching the session bugs when you can't deliver heist prep or business battle goods or the heist prep objective disappears: i dont know about this one yet, but the cayo perico preps seem working for me. Considered half done. 2. Good land vehicles like a new japanese beast, cybertruck, etc. The leaked list of unreleased cars are quite disappointing. Considered undone. 3. A brand new radio station with rock and synthpop songs, and with the KULT FM I got this. Considered done. 4. A not just theoretically solo-friendly, but also a practically solo-friendly heist, and this is the point where I really gave up my hope on Rockstar.
This new heist is not that profitable as a solo player. I dont want to complain 1-1,5 million is still good cash for a solo player, but all the sweat and effort is just not worth is. The preps are easy, but the disruption preps have problems. The heat seaking missiles don't lock on the enemies, which makes these preps incredibly difficult, considering the fact the accuracy of the enemy MPC-s is more punctual and brutal than ever. Theoretically I can loot those secondary targets alone, that don't require the keycard system, but getting the bolt cutter and the guard clothing that spawn randomly each time, is just too much. The stealth system is still horrible in the game, and the heist should be done in stealth, otherwise you end up in huge gun fire, even if you disrupted the weapons of El Rubio's guards. It's just too toxic. And let's be honest: pulling off this heist undetected is extremely difficult. The lack of logic is still in Rockstars veins: there is one mandatory prep where you have to kill in a mission the O'neil brothers who you actually killed all back in 2013 with Trevor in story mode. Whats the sense behind this? The gameplay mechanism is still bad: the bushes, some light branches are made of concrete, what makes the hiding and taking cover unconvenient in this heist, not talking about how bad is the handling, brakes and speed of the offroad vehicles on the island. I don't get it why Rockstar keeps us spawning with underpowered vehicles that have zero value. Sometimes the waypoint and point of interest simply don't work on the mini map and normal map on the island, or the waypoint just vanishes. It is extremely annoying on a territory what you cannot explore properly, cause it's not available in free mode. Speaking of unconvenience: it takes hella lot time starting the heist offshore and bringing the equipments offshore too. Even with the Sparrow (which i dont understand why we couldnt get the Sea Sparrow) and the Pegassi Toreador its still unconvenient. Theoretically the submarine spawns close to the prep location, but practically fast travel is needed, if you dont want to travel all across the map sometimes (which you have to do each scoping time cause the game sends you to the top of the map to take the velum and flying till the bottom just to have a loading screen to cayo perico). Personally it's not about the money, I dont care about the 2000 dollars for fast travel, its simply unconvenient, like the interaction menu. Sending the Sparrow back to storage then request it again, the same goes for the Kosatka, its not user friendly at all. I was expecting new missions, mind blowing land vehicles, but none of this happened. I bought some nice clothes, a new tattoo, the submarine and the toreador and thats pretty much everything that interested me. I finished already the antenna collectibles I did the new heist several times, I've been to music locker and been the delivery girl for Moodyman (woowoo) and thats pretty much the biggest DLC ever of this game. The effort, the tidious grinding, the toxic community is just not worth it anymore to play this game. I was really hyped for this DLC, but I've been let down by Rockstar at the end... but it doesn't matter, cause Cyberpunk is here and I feel like it's time to let the GTA frenchise go. Let me know below guys if you agree or disagree, what are your thoughts on this DLC, etc. Take care and stay safe,
submitted by PsychologicalBaby719 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Every problem with this game laid out in a review

I'm gonna preface this by saying in terms of hype for this game(that I had), I sit comfortable in the middle. I was keeping tabs on it but not digesting every ounce of media before it's release. I watched the trailers, small amounts of gameplay footage and such basically.
Character Creation
The character creation is severely lacking. As the game was originally advertised as an RPG(before cdkprbg pulled the bait-and-switch) and you expect a certain level of character customization. Even more so as this game has had nearly a decade of dev-time and was supposed to be the next-gen, ground-breaking RPG.
I can literally go back to 2008 and play Oblivion on launch day and make more unique characters(And I mean just using 1 race option as human). Fable has more character customization then this and they don't allow you to customize before play; just player actions that will change your appearance.
The sliders are uninspired, bad dev design and obsolete for the genre and year. The options are severely limited with only around 20 for most options; eyes, hair color, makeup, piercings, and genitals having even less.
There is no way to customize your height, weight, muscles or any options for deeper character design. You cannot choose a name(Just have "V" be your street name, no?). There is no options for voice(This is always gonna be a sacrifice for voiced protagonists but can easily still have pitch or other effects added in post.)
Simply put this is outpaced in every way from games that are over 20 years old and is unacceptable.
The backstory makes no real or even slightly significant difference on the story or the overarching gameplay. The first 20 minutes are different and that is all, you still meet the same people, have the same missions and have the same experience. (Was V always a street rat? Who's to say?)
The game forces you to have Jack as your side-kick which is really annoying cause I(The player) does not care about him in the slightest. You have this really awkward, 2 minute, adventure-montage that I guess is supposed to make you care about him. This terrible design and blatant rail-roading just annoyed me and made me dislike him more as I'd have liked to just play through that and organically like him.
You get around 3 quests with him totaling around 10 hours if you take it slow and do all the optional shit.
Voice-Acting For Characters/NPCs/Dialog
I'm going to start by saying I'm running a high quality pair of studio headphones into a Amp/DCA and by and large; the voice acting sounds very hollow and uninspired. Action/Adventure games that have good voice acting: Metro Series, Portal 2, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Dark Souls, Doom, fuck even Fallout 4's voice acting was better then this.
I'm just gonna use Metro 2033/Portal 2 as my comparisons as they are quite old at this point and have some of the best voice acting I've ever had the pleasure to eargasm to. But, in those two very different games; they nail voice acting in two very different, yet, distinct ways. That I really think Cyberpunk 2077 could take notes from.
Metro 2033 very accurately takes environmental and physical context into account when a character speaks. If you are sneaking theywhisper, if you are gunning down Nosalis in the snow-rad storms, they shout. They give you important info accurately and quickly. They don't annoyingly repeat themselves and they seem to understand what voice they need to use as current environment calls for it.
The characters have very short times with Artyom but you care about every single one, they go out of their way to help your mission and those around them. They are bad-ass soldiers that are specifically tailored to enrich the story. The supreme voice acting serves as yet another way to immerse the player in the world.
In Portal 2 the characters voices very clearly show emotion. The way the characters articulate and the unique way their voice sounds fits their characters to an absolute T. There is simply no game that can pair characterization with voice so well.
As Portal 2 is much more scripted they don't talk depending on the context near as much(or well) but if you take the time to do all the bonus things throughout the story the range of emotion on these actors is astounding and could not fit their characters better.
In Cyberpunk 2077 the characters lack context. Jackson repeatedly saying the same things over and over again kills the immersion. If I am sneaking he will very loudly "whisper" that an enemy can spot me and he will say it again, and again, and again, and again, and again; every. Single. Fucking time a camera is on me or an enemy even has line of sight for .0000001% of a second.
Most of the NPC's dialog is limited to around ten of the same voice-lines whenever you interact with them. The game was advertised as an open-world, RPG; where you can talk to anybody. The voice acting for minor characters is on par with the first Fable and the voice acting for main characters is a cut above garbage. The only exception is Dexter Deshawn. His voice acting was actually very damn good for the short amount of time you get to enjoy it.
The dialog is very forced with no matter which way you talk to someone you have to answer how they want. Seriously, why is V such a cunt? Dialog is this: (What they want), (More info 1), (More info 2). No matter what you have to answer how they want. This feels more like a low-budget TellTale game mixed with the worst parts of Call of Duty, GTA, and Borderlands.
Design For Characters/NPCs
I gotta give credit where credit is due. Overall the character design is top-notch. They look and seem like the exact types of people you would see in a Cyberpunk world. The random citizens, the gangs in their dens, the high level security officers, the characters throughout the story and the random npcs you have minor convos with. They all fit their respective "mini-themes" very well and could honestly not be better.
Not much more to say about this, I don't got a long winded paragraph as, well, it's good design and it fits. Ideally every category would be this short. I gotta wonder why these random ass npcs, quest characters and others all seem to have had access to a much better character creator then the player though.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Characters Progression/Skills/Etc
The leveling system is a joke. You are unable to respec your attributes and that alone makes respecing talents obsolete. Most of the perks are just... Not good. They do little to help and it's usually some minuscule number increase for some random thing.
The looting system is terrible and you're mainly just grabbing junk and bullshit as much and as quick as possible while people talk and walk around you. The crafting is uninspired. The armoweapon system is bad. You can't transmog stuff so it turns into a Fashion Souls balancing act. Players won't care about weapons, equipment or armor at all if every encounter you replace it with another piece that is a .0001% number bump. And there isn't a way to look good and have armor that works.
The skills are okay though, for the stealth system/hacking/combat the bones are there but in it's current form it needs more work. There needs to be a distinct way to increase your stats beyond perks/attributes or change it up so there is more of a reason to choose 'x' over 'y' it really feels like the best thing is to just rush every single stat to 7 at least and you can basically do anything.
Ooooh boy here we go. The AI. Ohmyfuckinggod so bad. So so so so bad. For starters the random NPCs in town seem to have no real schedules like what was promised, you can literally pick anyone and follow them after a certain point they 180 and walk back to another spot and repeat.
They only sometimes seem to react to combat around them and if you come to their rescue during a crime it seems like they forgot that they can stop cowering. If you attack them, sometimes they employ a very big-brain strat of running straight through walls. Can't kill them if they are unreachable, GG kek.
Jackson in combat will routinely vault over things that don't need to be vaulted over. Sometimes he vaults over something that makes sense, will change his mind; and vault right back again. Repeating as needed. The enemies seem to exhibit this behavior as well.
They lack the ability to contextualize how fights work. Halo: CE came out in 2001. Enemies in this game do not have the ability to flank, they don't realize if they have a shotgun they should get closer to you. Most enemies stand right out in the open because they know it takes five clips for them to die. Sometimes they stand there and muse about the wonder that is life; not caring they are being shot. Sometimes melee enemies continually attack where you were just standing even if you left a solid 45 seconds ago.
There is no driving AI of any kind. The cars seem to go along set paths and if you interfere in any way they freak out and go down the path with zoom. If you block their way they patiently wait. I was curious and sat in place for around five minutes and they didn't seem to mind either.
I've already touched on it but the enemies are mega-dumb. Throwing grenades at each other, standing in the open, not reacting to combat and unable to understand where the player actually is.
You don't receive an indicator when you are being shot and on the hardest difficulty it seems to take about 2-4 shots(depending) to kill you. And you don't realize you're low until you are very low. At that point you must heal right then, right there or you die.
The enemies aren't actually harder either, the difficulty just does the Bethesda thing where it really means these enemies have a lot of health, you're gonna be standing here for days shooting this dude. And then they 2 shot you.
The cover system doesn't seem to work well at all. There is no way to do anything except crouch and lean. They really could benefit from crouch, prone, and lean controls like RS: Siege or sum. And where is the wall running they advertised? The players should have more options for how to approach direct assault combat. Sometimes the cover can be shot through and it's hard to tell what is and isn't intentional. For instance at the hotel I was able to kill the "boss" robot by spam shooting him through the window with an LMG while he just stood there and his bullets hit the wood partition, but did not penetrate, yet, mine did.
Driving/Vehicle Missions/Missions
The driving is bad. I'm using mouse+keyboard so I'm obviously not expecting much, it doesn't have to be as good as GTA: V or anything. I was just expecting something slightly better then Jet Moto from '96. It's very tight yet loose at the same time.
If you are moving very slow the turning is so tight I have to routinely make 800 degree turns or back up and retry my entries like I'm driving a 46 wheeler or something. If you are at speed even tapping 'a' or 'd' makes you fly to the right/left at mach 100. Coupled with the fact that, pedestrians, buildings, decor and other cars routinely pop into existence directly in front of you, as you drive; makes for a very difficult mini-game experience.
The missions with vehicle combat could not be more scripted. I tried to reload my driving mission as I wanted to shoot out the motor bikes wheels before he jumps on the car and no matter how many bullets I put into it, he still does it. Doesn't matter if I turn down to the easiest difficulty and only tap his dome. He doesn't die till the crash.
The Keanu Reaves mission in the helicopter glitched for me and one of the soldiers managed to get wedged between two pipes in a very hard to reach spot for the helicopter's gun. Causing the mission to take much longer then necessary on that part. The helicopter followed the same path everytime so I could only shoot him 1-2 times, then have to wait to re-sweep around. When you got that long to focus on the vehicle missions the pre-set paths are laughable in quality.
The fact that there is no driving AI explains why the police pop into existence behind you, it is very sad to see a game with so much 'GTA' potential ruin one of the best parts, fighting cops and being in crazy gun-fights in cars. They lose you the second you turn the corner and don't even try to attempt a pursuit.
Most of the missions feel very copy/pasted with it usually being go here, kill 'x' return, go here get 'x' return, go here escort 'x' return. There needs to be more uniqueness in the side quests to give players entertainment off the main story.
Furthermore even just driving down the road to do a mission you are getting constant phone calls every few seconds for many different missions, and the player can't not answer the phone. Which is asinine. Why can't I refuse to answer? It rail-roads you into the character they want you to be, it rail-roads you into their quests, it rail-roads you into the story. As soon as you 'accept' a new mission(even if you are currently doing one) it tracks the newest mission as your current one one. Which forces you to re-track your current mission. Every. Time. This leaves the player feeling like this
NPC Interactions/Romance/Crime
This is kinda of a mix-match of the AI/NPC shit and the driving. You can literally rob an NPC blind and they don't care. The fact that there is no jail/prison system or some sort of punishment for crime is a huge oversight for an RPG. The fact you can't pick-pocket/hack random people is a huge oversight. The fact that cops can exist and teleport at will is poor design and about as immersion breaking as games can get.
With only 4 different people to romance(A huge selection of 1 person for each person on the sexuality spectrum) I can't help but feel cheated. Maybe Skyrim and Fable spoiled me but I'm used to games allowing us to romance whoever the fuck we want. It's asinine, lazy and bad game design.
World Design/Exploration/Adventure/Downtime/Player"Services"
I'm gonna start by saying there is a distinct difference between seeing the art and the ability to interact with the art. Most if not every building is just that. A building. You can not go into it, you cannot interact with it. There is no exploration to be had with it. There is a lot of places you can go, yes. But I'd say most areas you get to go, most places and most settings are simply empty backdrops for a cutscene/dialog.
The world from what I've seen is a vast emptiness with no real reason to explore. You don't get anything out of it and it all looks the same and leads to some dead end alley with another assault underway. You are decentivized to explore, in every sense of the word.
There is a very jarring lack of services for the player. I was under the impression(and I'm sure many others were) that there was gonna be loads to do in your downtime. There isn't. Only a handfull of stores all selling around the same shit, can't buy from most vendors or vending machines. No way to get haircuts, body-mods(I mean cosmetic not ripperdocs), plastic surgery or anything really.
There is no way to spend your downtime. No games, no gambling, there are no activities, you can't work out, you can't play fetch with dogs(are there even dogs?), there are no sports. No braindances(literally infinite missed possibilities with this one). No drugs(seriously wtf was this design decision?). Only 2 prostitutes(that I know of, has to be said give me the bonk if you must).
There is no taxi system(Delamain is just for the missions?) No subway system that spans the city that we were promised in leu of fast travel. It sucks that the only way around is to run, fast travel(I fucking hate fast travel) or the shit tier driving. Immersion breaking, bad, bad design.
The sound is very hollow and lifeless, it feels like the sound isn't really "3d" it feels more like a faux 3d or someone shoehorned stereo to fit headphones. I can't ever really tell which side a sound is coming from if it is behind/in-front of me. It is either a very hard right or a very hard left.
Disappointedly the atmosphere sounds are quite bad, I don't think wind is even in the game and weather seems to only be triggered by certain missions? The rain sounds like the noises that come from a child's toy from the wallmart isle. Very hard edges if that makes sense.
The radio is very well done with many stations full of absolute bangers. The Cyberpunk music is absolutely gorgeous to my ears and makes my cock rock hard everytime I hear it.
The graphics on the other hand are quite bad. Everything is blurry and every single light sends shafts directly into your brain.(I recommend turning off: Motion blur, Film Grain, Chromatic Aberration, Depth of Field, and Lens Flare. These are mostly just preference but it makes night city look much better without all this blurry bullshit blocking your way and lights don't interact with your eye like it's a camera.)
It takes a while for graphics to "snap-in" when you enter a new area either through a loading screen or at speed in a car. And when they do I still can't tell if I'm looking at original doom or the newest triple a title from the year 2020. And this is at max settings 4k mind you.
We've all seen't it by now. It runs like ass on last-gen consoles despite being a last gen game. It doesn't run much better on next-gen either. With good cards like the 3080 even struggling to run above 50 frames.
It's sad, stupid and unacceptable from a game being made for so long and from a large studio. The lag is real, people can barely play on any graphics. Personally I have to play 1080p on my 1080ti which sucks ass. Game just can't handle 4k and that's that. It needs to be said. It's a legit criticism.
Bugs. On par with some bethesda games and that's really fucking saying something. Personally I've seen: Tits/dicks clipping through clothes, being naked when I have clothes equipped, T-poses, People walking on nothing. Floating objects, obstacles that aren't corporeal, floating guns that shoot themselves, dead ragdolls exploding when bumped too much, a guard died when he walked into a pile of bodies I made. Multiple crashes. Jackson didn't give me the reality chip. Having underwear on in the showephoto mode(can't tell if this is censoring on purpose or an actual bug). Mouths not moving when people talk. Many combat bugs, being stuck in scan mode. Unable to change equipment sometimes. Floating UI that won't disappear.
Just all over the place with bugs really. I'm 100% sure there is more. Bugs are just part of a game but this shit is unacceptable from a triple a studio at launch of a game in development for 10 years.
The UI is very bad, the bright red color is annoying and a good QOL would be allow us to pick the color and scaling because, the text is very small sometimes and hard to read. The minimap is pretty bad and too far zoomed in to be of any help outside. I find myself constantly having to look through the map when I'm going somewhere.
Lies/Deception/Illegal Marketing Tactics/Left Out Content.
It has to be said. This game was said to be an RPG. They hammered this point home, again and again and again. Now they've quietly relabeled it as an Action/Adventure game. This is a bait and switch and is illegal.
Here's a good list of missing features.
Here's a good overview of the deception.
In conclusion; this is something you would expect from an Indie studio that hates their fan base. It has no soul, no love. And it seems the only people on the team that cared were the art and music department. Major props to you guys. Sorry you had to hard carry the group project.
I'm tired of typing so I got to give this game a final score of.....
And don't mistake my hate for rail-roads being the reason for the low score. All RPGs rail-road you into the main storyline. That's kinda their whole schtick. Cyberpunk takes the 'RPG' and shoves it firmly into a trash compactor. The are doing the one thing an RPG should never do... Rail-roading you into approaching the story how they want.
But it has Keanu Reaves so that actually makes it a 10/5. Happy gaming.
submitted by PerCat to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

I just noticed, that I neither fast travel nor skip dialogue in this game

Part 2:

First of all: I'm sorry for the players on last gen consoles, from what I heard this game really shouldn't have released for them. But knowing the aftercare from CDPR for Witcher 1,2 and 3, I'm confident that the game will be patched to a playable state in the near future.

I myself am playing on a PC with a RTX 2060S on ultra-ray.

And - I somehow feel like I should ad this, because of the state of dicussion surrounding this game:
I'm 35, my first gaming memory is sitting on the lap of my father, while he read the dialogue of Monkey Island 1 to me.
I played Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, when they released. I played ALL GTA games - including 1,2 and London. I played every Deus Ex game. I played every Fallout game, including Tactics and Brotherhood. I played ES Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. I played every AC main title but Valhalla. I played some Ultima games, I played the old Arkania Trilogy and of course all three The Witcher games. My all-time favorite game, which I still replay every other year, is Planescape: Torment.
In short: I think I could have some experience with RPGs and Open World-Adventures.

Did I have bugs? Yes, of course.
There were people yeeting into the sky, Panams voice sounding like a radio call, when I was sitting in the car right next to her - fuck, during the aftermath of The Coup suddenly alle facial animations and voices disappeared (before 1.04 - and to this day I do not know if restarting the game or the patch solved it - but it was solved). And every time I use mantis blade one of my fingernails is floating in front of me.

Do I think there should be more content?
Well, I was really bummed out, that there was no barbershop, like really, in a game about self-customization, no in-game-barbershop?
And I would have loved more distinct lifepaths and to play the intro sequence with Jackie (I'm hopeful, that this will be included in a future free DLC, given that CDPR aready has a history of completely overhauling intros).

But man, this game has me so sucked in.
Every NPC-Dialogue is on cutscene level. You can read the emotions of the people speaking, if they are lying or are uncomfortable, but still joking around. The first time meeting E in the club with the disco lights behind her, just stunning. Usually I tend to skip dialogue in my RPGs because I'm a fast reader and easily bored. Often the presentation of the dialogue does not intrigue me and the NPCs are just repeating what I already read (looking at you Fallout). But not here. I didn't realize it at first, but the conversations are just so engaging for me, that I just let the NPCs talk. It's the little details, how they are changing position, moving through the room, looking to the side - I feel that there are few games, if any, with so human acting NPCs in it.
The city itself is gorgeous, I just don't fast travel - something that I would usually do in a game with this map size - just because it's so much fun for me to ride through the city. Heck, I'm even driving in 1st person, something I would NEVER do in a GTA game, just because I like the feeling of beeing V and cruising through the streets. Maybe it's because there are so many great scenes happening in cars while speaking to other NPCs, but somehow it feels just more natural for me to drive in 1st person.

I'm about halfway through (Streetkid) and so far the story is great. Just for the fun of it, I reloaded and tested how different missions could play out, only based on my dialogue options. First of all there are many circumstances, where selecting the blue speech options can provide you with extra information which is at least mirrored by a NPC later on. And while I can understand, that some people say, that your choices don't matter because the outcome of some missions is the same - independent of your dialogue choices - I have to disagree. Yes, the outcome may superficial be the same, but the NPCs reaction defintely is not. And for me there is definitely a difference in experience if NPCs, like Panam for example, can barely stand me or are my choombas. But maybe I'm just more a "the way is the goal"-type.

I will end this here, but will possible update later when I played the first time through or feel like it, including some words on V's personality, the gameplay and in-game progression/ RPG mechanics. This text is already much longer than intended, and I'm loosing too much precious game time - I still got a city to burn!

tl;dr: Love the game
submitted by NeedsMoreRope to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

GTA is missing something and here’s my solution

GTA is so fun because of your ability to cause chaos and start shit shows but I feel like it’s missing something, and I have an idea for how that can work.
Basically my idea is that the game has become more peaceful and true unadulterated chaos is more rare to see. You’ll see the occasional jet griefer but as a whole you don’t see people having fun just blowing stuff up anymore like you did in the old days.
So my idea is called chaos points
Chaos points are a weekly thing that rotate a wheel of redeemable items or abilities that can be purchased, so every week there’s a different thing available and that said thing will not be available again for some time until it goes back in shuffle.
Here’s how they work.
When you get a wanted level, every minute you survive is worth 10 chaos points, and this multiplies for every level of star you have.
Wanted levels from missions, sales, jobs, etc. DO apply, but only at 1/10 efficiency. So 1 minute in freeplay is 10 minutes of grinding, this is to encourage people to actually mess around and have fun the old fashioned way and not try to maximize earnings or whatever. You also get chaos points for kills, which are once again at 1/10 efficiency in jobs.
PVP jobs and heists are the exception, because these are meant to be fun activities. So kills on those specific jobs will award double points every other kill or every other minute, so you’d basically end up with about 1.5x chaos points.
Chaos points show up as a little number just like RP, it would be a little CHP bubble upon a successful trigger of a chaos point
You can store up some chaos points for the next week, but you can never have more than 5000 CHP at once. The reason is because the items you can redeem CHP for is about 3k CHP. So it protects people from over grinding if they can only have 5k. Which is exactly enough for 1 items and 2/3 of the way there for the next item them want to buy.
So here’s the various ways to get chaos points
NPC kills
Every hostile NPC kill you get will range from 1 to 4 points, needing 10 hostile NPCs to get a point if doing this in a mission or job or what have you. Points are awarded based on the “fun factor” of the kill. Only hostile NPCs that are currently aggroed onto you count toward this.
Anyway, that’s like 750 NPC kills to get 3000 points, which is achievable if you consistently are going on tank rampages or whatever but you’re unlikely to want to do that in one sitting.
Player Kills
These work the same way, except you’d receive 3, 6, and 12 points respective to the individual categories. This is to encourage player vs player interaction. Plus pvp against real players just requires more skill to begin with. You would not however receive points for killing players who are doing free mode events or sales or anything. I don’t think there should be any extra incentive to be mean to people who just won’t to grind.
This would mean 250 player kills to get 3k CHP. Which isn’t bad, I probably get 25 in a single playing session if I’m feeling like PvPing so if I wanted to grind that I bet I could get that done in a weeks worth of play
Some absolute bottom of the barrel cheap tactics will not award anything, like for instance orbital cannons, kills using the mk2 homing missiles (free sim missiles are fine), killing the same player more than 4 times in a 2 minute period, using a weaponized vehicle (aside from plane bombs) on players who aren’t, killing players on the AFK timer, etc.
I’m not saying to straight PUNISH these people, let them play the game how they want, but they just wouldn’t get to use those methods of killing to earn CHP. If they want free kills they can just fight npcs this way. If they just want the kill that’s fine but it should take some level of skill to grind out your CHP
PvP completion
After completing an adversary mode or death match, you will receive 100 chaos points as winner or 20 as loser.
This, as I mentioned, is 1.5x player kills, so you’d need about 167 high quality PVP kills in a week, plus the bonus you get for winning. So now reaching 3k points is seeming pretty achievable, because if you consistently win 50% of the time with an average 9 base level kills per round, that’s like 30 rounds of play to reach 3k points. That’s totally doable. Way more so than just free mode, so maybe people would actually play those pvp modes if it was good for grinding
You get 1 point per checkpoint plus 50% of your score for finishing the race in its entirety without DNFing, and you double this amount for receiving first place with at least 2 other opponents finishing
So if you finish 67 of a 68 checkpoint race you get 67 points and that’s 45 of those races to get 3000.
If you finish that last checkpoint you’re looking at 22 races
And if you consistently finish first that’s only 11 races, perfectly doable
Heist completion
You will receive a bonus 50 chaos points per completion rank. So bronze gets 50, silver 100, etc.
Completing a heist challenges will double any and all points gotten on the heist. So if you got 200 points between the heist and the completion ranks, you’d get 400 when it’s all said and done if you did the elite challenge. Or 800 if you got a first time bonus with that. Stuff like that.
So in theory, just by setting up and finishing prison break with all platinum and an elite (thats 4 setups and an elite challenge finale) you get 1200, over a third of the way to 3k
That’s also perfectly doable
Be warned! You will not receive as much CHP if you are not playing with other players. The whole point of the idea is having fun with other players by competing or playing with them. So if you do a 1 man Cayo perico, that will only be 50 points as a completion award instead of 200 because there’s not 4. Plus casino and cayo only give completion awards for the finale anyway so grinding those is less efficient.
It’s a fair balance since those heists are so good for money but not chaos point grinding whereas doomsday and the apartment heists are really good for CHP
CHP spending would have about 5 items per week, they cannot be bought for money, ONLY CHP. Costing 3000 CHP each, which means it might take a long while to get it but you can certainly get it done in a whole weeks worth of time if you care enough
The types of things you’d see on the list would be in the same vein as the following, obviously there would be much more. Like 20x the amount of suggestions I have down below. But these are just some ideas I had for the types of things you’d buy.
The way these work is when you’re actually customizing an item you’d find an option that wasn’t previously there, kinda like how holiday horns will show up then disappear.
As you can see, these are all mainly free mode items that make messing around more fun:
This works by allowing you to put KERS on a zentorno for instance, or a kuruma, cars like that. This is not a strong boost like the f1 cars more like the Lectro KERS. It would be incompatible with the most elite cars of the division like the pariah in sports for instance, but in compatible cars like the T20 in supers for instance you’d be able to use this weak KERS boost in races.
This ONLY unlocks it on the car you buy it for, you have to buy it again to put it on another car
Like the previous suggestion, you pay the fee and then it unlocks the glass on that ONE specific car you bought it for. It’s the kind that takes several shots to break. You can put this on the specific armored cars that don’t have it, such as the insurgent or nightshark, or the side windows of the halftrack, or on arena wars windows, etc. not just any car only armored ones
These would be double whatever your hard mode pay is set to, so instead of how hard mode pays out 1.5x on the apartment heists this would be 3x, or on doomsday it pays 1.25x this would be 2.5x
Extreme mode would only be unlocked on the individual heist you pay for, and it would be incompatible with casino or cayo perico. Which is in part because that’s OP and also, you can’t really set the difficulty for those game modes in the first place.
as for difficulty, You’d have 0 lives, auto aim works like free aim assisted did back in the day, npcs have doomsday act 3 AI, and the weapon you choose to start with is the only gun you have in the entire heist unless the mission requires you to use something in addition such as a flare gun. No snacks or body armor.
As a cherry on top, all stats are reset to base levels regardless of if you maxed them out, and stats like gun recoil, bullet spread, aircraft turbulence, are increased
Your ammo resets back to max every check point reached, meaning that if you so choose to do this mission using special ammo types you won’t be screwed when you run low on ammo
Setups on extreme mode will pay the host as compensation for the difficulty, otherwise people would do setups on easy exclusively which wastes a lot of the point
This would be like a halloween week item. You’d have the jump, and the super punches like director mode. Just no invisibility, access to guns, or access to vehicles like you can in the free mode event. Your health is 3x normal and you heal double speed up to full health.
Fun thing to mess around with but you need to consider it’s not really OP, as some dude with a pistol could 1 hit you. It’s much more like being a walking arena war issi than anything.
You’d be able to buy these in the character appearance menu. They would be 99% cosmetic but a few animations might have some utility to them given the fact they make your character move different
You could buy, say a thief animation set which lets you have a Franklin lock pick animation, you could sneak in a full crouch.
You could buy a cowboy moveset, which replaces the animations with the red dead animations where they fit, so you’d do a slide rather than a roll, you run different, you have different fight moves. The tackle or choke animations wouldn’t transfer I imagine but maybe they could be used as the stealth takedowns for this moveset
Last item idea I have for you today will be:
This works kind like the skydive cheat animation mixed with the oppressor mk1 glide. Basically you hold your arms out, there would be flaps between your arms from the suit, and you’d be able to glide off of buildings and land in a roll. The suit would be unable to access certain vehicles such as motorcycles
So as you guys can see, it would be worth it to save up for the featured items, but at the same time it’ll be very difficult to buy more than 2 per week and you’ll have to wait a long time before it’s back in the CHP cycle
The most fun parts of the game, like pvp, or heisting would be played more. You’d see more people in planes fighting other people in planes rather than in planes getting cheap kills off level 2s. Sure you’d see some of that but it’s just gonna encourages more even playing field battles. Like maybe you’d see more tank fights and less jet griefing if the pvp community were focused on unlocking the new Chaos Point item instead of just leveling up their KD
Heisting would be more fun, having a goal behind it instead of just getting more money to buy more nothing.
Late game players would have something to grind toward, because they can’t just buy whatever items they want. They need to actually play the game, in fact it’s IMPOSSIBLE to save up a ton of CHP and you’re forced to play the game.
It also adds a bit of rpg mechanics, like unlocking the rare and exclusive special items and stuff. I feel like there’s a little bit of that like RP rank unlocks and stuff but it’s not enough to keep late game players interested. So having cycle based unlocks that it’s REALLY hard to unlock all at once could solve this issue
submitted by TheCoochieSnatcher69 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

I just noticed, that I neither fast travel nor skip dialogue in this game

Part 2:

First of all: I'm sorry for the players on last gen consoles, from what I heard this game really shouldn't have released for them. But knowing the aftercare from CDPR for Witcher 1,2 and 3, I'm confident that the game will be patched to a playable state in the near future.

I myself am playing on a PC with a RTX 2060S on ultra-ray.

And - I somehow feel like I should ad this, because of the state of dicussion surrounding this game:
I'm 35, my first gaming memory is sitting on the lap of my father, while he read the dialogue of Monkey Island 1 to me.
I played Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, when they released. I played ALL GTA games - including 1,2 and London. I played every Deus Ex game. I played every Fallout game, including Tactics and Brotherhood. I played ES Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. I played every AC main title but Valhalla. I played some Ultima games, I played the old Arkania Trilogy and of course all three The Witcher games. My all-time favorite game, which I still replay every other year, is Planescape: Torment.
In short: I think I could have some experience with RPGs and Open World-Adventures.

Did I have bugs? Yes, of course.
There were people yeeting into the sky, Panams voice sounding like a radio call, when I was sitting in the car right next to her - fuck, during the aftermath of The Coup suddenly alle facial animations and voices disappeared (before 1.04 - and to this day I do not know if restarting the game or the patch solved it - but it was solved). And every time I use mantis blade one of my fingernails is floating in front of me.

Do I think there should be more content?
Well, I was really bummed out, that there was no barbershop, like really, in a game about self-customization, no in-game-barbershop?
And I would have loved more distinct lifepaths and to play the intro sequence with Jackie (I'm hopeful, that this will be included in a future free DLC, given that CDPR aready has a history of completely overhauling intros).

But man, this game has me so sucked in.
Every NPC-Dialogue is on cutscene level. You can read the emotions of the people speaking, if they are lying or are uncomfortable, but still joking around. The first time meeting E in the club with the disco lights behind her, just stunning. Usually I tend to skip dialogue in my RPGs because I'm a fast reader and easily bored. Often the presentation of the dialogue does not intrigue me and the NPCs are just repeating what I already read (looking at you Fallout). But not here. I didn't realize it at first, but the conversations are just so engaging for me, that I just let the NPCs talk. It's the little details, how they are changing position, moving through the room, looking to the side - I feel that there are few games, if any, with so human acting NPCs in it.
The city itself is gorgeous, I just don't fast travel - something that I would usually do in a game with this map size - just because it's so much fun for me to ride through the city. Heck, I'm even driving in 1st person, something I would NEVER do in a GTA game, just because I like the feeling of beeing V and cruising through the streets. Maybe it's because there are so many great scenes happening in cars while speaking to other NPCs, but somehow it feels just more natural for me to drive in 1st person.

I'm about halfway through (Streetkid) and so far the story is great. Just for the fun of it, I reloaded and tested how different missions could play out, only based on my dialogue options. First of all there are many circumstances, where selecting the blue speech options can provide you with extra information which is at least mirrored by a NPC later on. And while I can understand, that some people say, that your choices don't matter because the outcome of some missions is the same - independent of your dialogue choices - I have to disagree. Yes, the outcome may superficial be the same, but the NPCs reaction defintely is not. And for me there is definitely a difference in experience if NPCs, like Panam for example, can barely stand me or are my choombas. But maybe I'm just more a "the way is the goal"-type.

I will end this here, but will possible update later when I played the first time through or feel like it, including some words on V's personality, the gameplay and in-game progression/ RPG mechanics. This text is already much longer than intended, and I'm loosing too much precious game time - I still got a city to burn!

tl;dr: Love the game
submitted by NeedsMoreRope to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

No spoiler Review - There is no dream of V in this game. It was eaten by Keanu.

* I'm not good at English. I wrote mostly through a translator, so please understand.\*
First, I bought the Collector's edition package for this game and played for a long enough until I came to the conclusion.
My conclusion is this.
There is no dream of V in Cyberpunk 2077.
Major league = It's Jackie's dream.
V speaks with his own mouth. V's job is to make a living every day by day. He want to make more money and live a successful life, But he doesn't take it as a big, grand goal like Jackie, but he's just happy to be treated well.
In fact, this game shouldn't have put Keanu Reeves in.
So What do you mean? Everyone likes best Hollywood actor, the marketing effect is so great, and the game sold well too.
But inside the game, The Keanu Reeves, not V, takes the center of all the motivations and narrative of the game.
Jackie is the main character of the first tutorial.
V is not the main character.
Jackie connected him to a Dexter for going to major league.
It's also Jackie who imagines what kind of exciting, luxurious life after successful job.
It's also Jackie's role to deliver to players by purify the sticky desire to advance into the upper class in the cyberpunk world with affection for family and motivation for success.
V? V is nothing. He is just a camera man.
CDPR promoted V's choice as if it were going to have a huge impact on the world, but the promises were not kept.
It's more like Road Movie's audience. If you stop the car at the designated place, the video will be played.
It's well-made and looks good, but the basic structure of this game is just like this.
So when did the game start to get twisted?
Two years ago, when we looked at the E3 Game Play Trailer, it seemed like there was more choice.
It looks 'like' We can fight Meredith, or we can just take money out of a credit chip and run away.
But when you throw grenades at Meredith and Militech in the actual game, they react nothing like they're blocked by a transparent wall.
I guess the moment this game gets twisted is when Keanu Reeves appears more in this game.
Originally, Keanu Reeves wasn't planning to appear as much in the game as it is now. But at some point, the frequency of appearing more and more.
It's not V, but Johnny Silverhand, he ate all the narratives, and V's dream in Night City is disappeared.
What do you want to do if you make a lot of money?
Don't you want to feel the vicarious satisfaction of buying a good car and having a good house in the game?
But in this game, the whole story was drawn to Johnny Silverhand, and the house became a fixed thing that couldn't be changed, and a car is just a short soak of Money so that the player doesn't get full of Eddie.
It's worse than GTA V.
What about going to the moxes and buying brain dance, a 2077 pornographic version? Nope.
V, who chat with Johnny Silverhand, can't spend his time playing with something like 'virtual realities'.
What about going to the bar and drinking? No way. Well, we can pretend to buying some drink at the bar by drink in the inventory.
What about wearing expensive clothes, going to club and seducing women? Of course not.
What about stealing a car, remodeling it, changing paint, or selling it? That isn't happening.
Once again, V has no dream in this game.
V is not playing in the 'Major league'. He is just making money whatever it takes to buy equipment.
And buy the equipment with that money, V'll gonna earn another money to buy the next equipment with playing another quest as soon as possible.
It's a kind of conventional MMORPG economic cycle.
So this Cyberpunk 2077 has failed to create the deep narratives and the diverse life paths that it promised users.
V don't have a dream that player want to achieve as 'V', Even playing the Jackie's dream, 'Major League' was expression as a little better car and a little more damage to the weapon.
Even after making a world called "Beautiful Night City," which is as colorful and cruel as a painting and absorbs people's dreams.
All you can do is just run to the '!' mark or '?' mark like a Ubisoft game to upgrade your equipment.
The disappearance of V's dream means that the dream that producers showed when they first planned this game has also disappeared.
The game, the dream of Night City are Johnny Silverhand is at the center of the narrative and is overwhelmed and crushed by the Overwhelming appeal of Keanu Reeves.
It's not Keanu Reeves' fault.
It was just a fatal mistake by CDPR, who tried to put 'an actor greater than their capacity' into the game without thinking about their capacity.
Even though invested so much money and so so much time.
This game has no hair salons, no change tattoos, hairstyles, and the style what they've been showing off is make player to choose a piece of cloth with a higher defense,
Obviously, this is what they said in the interview before the launch the game that depending on the presence or form of the genitals, they can be rejected or liked by the other person's' preference,
BUT in the real game, the presence or absence of genitalia or nipple in the game makes no difference or meaning.
I didn't expect as much as a life simulator, But shouldn't CDPR at least keep what they said?
How on earth did you waste seven years of your life and gave us this unfinished game?
This kind of fraud remind me No Man's Sky Trailer.
It's disappointing, but it's also a great game. This can be changed to update in the future. And the lot of bugs, too.
However, no matter how well CDPR managed after launch, the fundamental structure of the game cannot be fixed now.
The conclusion that Johnny Silverhand's presence deprived V of the freedom to live free life and take the liberty of false fantasies in Night City is irrevocable.
The game play I wanted to play, which I gathered all kinds of game information before the release of the game, is a kind of dog of power that adapts to big companies again, and enjoys all kinds of luxury, and the good people point finger at me as traitors, so to speak, I wanted to play the bad side of D&D TRPG.
And I looked forward to the scene where Jackie Welles, together for a long time, pointed a dual pistol at the head of the main character, V, and criticized, "You're corrupt, you're stained with the dirtiness of Night City."
But there was no such option for the protagonist V, who was good, reliable, and automatically liked and trusted by important NPC characters.
So V has no dream in this game.
About game narratives, both side of internally and externally of the game.
So, in My conclusion, this game is "a great, pretty fun, beautiful game" and at the same time "a game that failed from the first goal."
submitted by Snoo36220 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

My Review/Thoughts after playing 100 hours.

After playing the game for 100 hours and completing it here are my honest thoughts:
In short: It’s a good game but it just feels incomplete or cut down. I love it but It feels like someone took an amazing game and tried to trim it down into something it wasn’t supposed to be, transforming it from game of the year into game of the month. It makes me think the game started as a massive RPG but was then changed to a more linear action/adventure game part way through production. I feel like I got a taste of night city but didn’t get the whole meal.
My praise: I really, really enjoyed my play through of the game and I’m probably going to make a new character and do it again. I loved the world, loved the setting, loved the lore, and loved both the story and characters. The core bones, concepts, and ideas for this game are some of the best I’ve ever experienced. Night city is intoxicating and the writing is top notch for what’s there. CDPR continues to amaze me with the types of worlds they can build and how good their writing is.
My critique: The best way I can describe the shortcomings of this game is this: If a bunch of execs came into the room and said “Hey we really like this Witcher 3 game but we want you to try and trim it down and streamline it in order to appeal to the short attention span COD type of playeconsumer.” It just feels like the game started as an in depth RPG, was designed to be a massive RPG, and then part way through production they decided to change direction into a more linear action adventure game. Like someone said: “Let’s take Witcher 3 and make it more like an Assassin’s creed game.”
There are things you encounter that are awesome, amazing, incredible like a shooting range competition but then there is just one go of it and no more. There are things you encounter that show the city’s gritty, darker side like joy toys but again there is just one experience with them (1 male or 1 female) and that’s it for the whole city. There are strip clubs and sex shops everywhere but you can never have the experience or get an adult BD. You’ll encounter characters and have an initial very detailed, well written, and well designed experience with them through the storyline and side quests....but then they just disappear and are gone, that’s it. It’s an experience that says to me “Hey we did the initial work to have all these cool characters, experiences, and features but then cut out any further work on them and decided not to expand those things or make them a part of the game at all but we left in what we had done.”
You’ll see things that almost tease you with what the game is capable of but that you never actually get. You see that your apartment can change and have decor added but you’re never able to control that. You see that a better house/pad/apartment is a thing that’s in the game but you can never buy one. Again it feels like they started making a more in depth system for player housing and then cut it and turned it into something more linear and simple part way through production.
I don’t mind the first person shooter perspective of game play it’s fine and makes the city feel more real but I wish the third person cut scenes and interaction would have been left in the game and finished. Hardly ever seeing my character outside of the menus made it harder for me to become attached to my character and kinda made the character creator feel empty and pointless. There are few points in the game where you do briefly get a third person scene/perspective and again it makes you think, well this must have been done before they changed direction. It really feels like they scrapped third person perspective/cut scenes to save time and get the game out faster. It’s a shortcut that is very, very noticeable and takes away from the overall quality of the experience. To anyone from CDPR that might if ever read this; if you were hoping scrapping these things wouldn’t be noticeable or take away from the player’s experience, it is very noticeable and it does.
Friendships and romance with NPC’s are well written but kind of feel shoved together and blurred. As male V I felt like Judy was trying to develop a romantic relationship with me and I couldn’t tell if Rivers thought my character was female at several points. Again it felt like they tried to rush and use the same dialogue and expressions regardless of whether there would be a romance interest or not. This would have worked if every close NPC was romanceable regardless of gender but it just comes across as kinda weird with the walls they put up on this. They took the idea of Assassins creed type same dialogue regardless of gender to save time but then put walls up at the end depending on gender. Panam felt natural romancing as male V but then afterwords outside of a few phone call dialogue options, which are exactly the same if you go see her in person (super lazy if not a bug) it went back to a more neutral feeling like these are the same lines regardless of relationship making you feel like it was just a hookup as friends as opposed to an actual romance. There was never the feeling of heart that we got in Witcher from T or Y. You also basically get one and just one romance scene, that’s it a drop off in content from Witcher. Again, it feels like corners were cut here to save time and again it’s very noticeable takes away from the quality of the experience. The better thing to do here if they wanted to save time would have been to just make all the Romanceable characters available to all genders. The romances in this game feel like mid-game Witcher good but half-way finished.
I honestly didn’t have too many problems with bugs despite being on a PS4 Pro. I was lucky and my game only crashed about once for every 8 hours of gameplay I know people who had more problems on PS5 and PC than I did on my PS4 Pro, I was also playing it off of an external hard drive plugged in via USB (not sure if this makes a difference somehow). The main issues I had was the game lagging when I ran too fast through densely populated areas or drove too fast through them. The phone calls were also either buggy or not well done as I had on occasion the same people trying to call me at once creating double conversations or D. Guaranteed to call me to look for a lost cab without fail whenever I was in the middle of doing something important (I’m never accepting that questline -ever- again).
The city while stunning felt populated but on a Covid lockdown. I can’t take a train or get a cab unless it’s part of the story, and I can’t do much of any side leisure activities at all. I can get vehicles and the detail put into them is amazing but I can’t customize them?!?! Again it feels like an idea that the bones are there for but was cut due to time and again it’s noticeable and effects game experience. There are many vehicles I would buy but I hated the color so I didn’t and didn’t get the experience.
The ending of the story felt....weird. It wasn’t bad but it also wasn’t great. It felt like there was more to do, more to see, more to experience. If the future DLC is all mid-game content then the ending will become bad for me and another sign of a game that changed direction and cut content part way through development that hurts the experience. Sadly given the ending options it’s going to be difficult for them to do any post ending DLC unless they say “This is the cannon ending” but I’m afraid we are going to get pre-ending mid to late game DLC because that’s the easy road.
All in all my frustration with this game isn’t that it’s a bad game, it’s a good game and it’s worth the price tag without a doubt. My frustration with the game is what it shows me it could have been or was suppose to be. It’s a good game that constantly reminds you that it could have been great. It’s not a feeling of “Oh they should have done this.” But rather It shoves in your face what they were trying to do and didn’t finish. I would have rather they taken another year for release than give us what we got. It feels like GTA and Assassins creed had a baby while watching mass effect and then that baby was missing limbs and slightly deformed. I’m left with having no other conclusion to draw then at some point the game tried to change direction from what it was originally intended to be. They morphed it from an open RPG to a more linear action/adventure. Whether this happened to save time and release sooner or to try to appeal to a larger consumer base with a shorter attention span I don’t know, maybe both. The result however is just a good game with a confused identity that reminds you it could have been one of the greatest games ever but isn’t almost every moment you play it.
The optimist in me wants to believe that one day we’ll get the game it was meant to be. That CDPR will take the never before seen step in the industry of going back and finishing the features that they should have and re-releasing the game with a real identity. Bring back the 3rd person convo and cut scenes, put life back into the city with public transportation and leisure activities. Let us customize our cars and alter our character appearance. Expand the romances and friendships to what they should have been. All those brain dancers are just standing around, those two poor joy toys can’t walk anymore servicing the city by themselves. Let us buy better houses and apartments and customize them. Incentivize the longevity of this game! I’m really hoping we just don’t get bug fixes a few extra things and some mid-late game DLC storylines.
I don’t fault the developers and I’m not throwing shade on anyone at CDPR. I understand the last year has been a mess and the problems of working from home. I get that there was probably immense pressure from idiots pushing a release and some kind of change in direction that took place for marketing/time purposes, which was an awful idea from higher up. Im not frustrated because it’s a bad game. I’m frustrated as a gamer because I -know- how good CDPR is and what this studio is capable of and I want to see that.
submitted by Square_Zer0 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

100 Hours in - Finished - A Quick Review from a Witcher 3 Stan

So I've finally finished the game...
With 100 hours logged in, I wanted to give my stupid opinions on this game for any of those who have been only seeing the very negative, (or even very positive) on the title. I also want to preface with I think The Witcher 3 is the greatest game ever made. The story, the scope, the gameplay, the characters, the performances, the world, I could go on for days on this modern masterpiece. But instead I want to discuss my time with CP2077 and how it's not Witcher 3.

Warning! There may be spoilers ahead!

i7 9700k 4.9ghz
RTX 3070 +100/+600
64GB RAM 3000mhz
Played from M.2 NVME SSD
By now it's no secret that Cyberpunk is amazing looking. If you have the appropriate hardware, of course. I played this game initially with a GTX 1080TI, which looked stunning and ran at a steady 60fps in 1080p with Medium/High graphics. Around 1/3 the way through my RTX 3070 arrived and I was able to play at 1440p DLSS Performance, Ultra Settings, Ray tracing on with Lighting at Medium. Going from the 1080ti with RT OFF, to 1440p with RT ON was such a vast difference, it was almost a different game.
It's easily the best looking game I've every played. Night City is filled with a ton of artificial lighting, natural lighting, & neon, which all throw soft shadows throughout the world giving you this amazing grounded feeling. The reflections dance off each surface with the correct type of refracted image depending on the roughness or smoothness, furthering this "realism".
All the main characters are modeled in high fidelity which add to their performances. Being able to truly "feel" their emotions just by looking at their faces (without needing cutscenes) was refreshing. But what was even more shocking was the amount of side npc's that had the same level of detail. Almost everyone you run into - aside from the literal random NPC's - have been modeled with an extreme amount of detail and care.

Wakako rocks
The sound design is also great. You can "hear" the city at all times, and it's all done so with an accurate representation. All the weapons "sound" the way they should, NPC constantly chatting about nonsense, and I'm really in love with the almost grating soundtrack. Unfortunately, sound is where the presentation takes a hit.
Not because of the quality or detail. But because I often ran into sound bugs. The amount of times the audio would just be "missing" was staggering. There were numerous times slamming my car door didn't make a sound. There were numerous times where the sound was "desynced" from the characters mouth. There were numerous times sounds would get stuck and play repeatedly indefinitely, until I reloaded. Patching this stuff will of course remedy the issue, but I would lie to you if I told you it didn't hamper my experience. As soon as an audio glitch happens, I'm ripped out from the immersion - almost more so than many graphical glitches.
And speaking of which, we all know about the graphic glitches that can occur. If I were to ride too fast on my motorcycle, I'd see a T-posing V ghosting atop my bike at times. There are plenty of NPC's getting stuck. Pop-in is a big concern when driving. Actually, it seems a lot of issues come from driving. But luckily for me, the graphical glitches were few and far between, and nothing was too "immersion breaking".
Now detail is still technically "presentation" but I wanted to give it its own section. To me, one of the greatest things about Witcher 3 was its attention to detail. Firstly, the world itself had so many little touches that added to their setting. The types of weapons you'd find, the characters you meet, the places they lived in, their friends, the fauna, the foliage, there was so much to get enthralled in. Well Cyberpunk takes that attention to detail, and multiplies it by 10.

Wake up and smell the Genetically Modified Coffee Beans
The world of Night City is so fucking incredible, it's almost hard to imagine. Every district, every street, every alley, every apartment, every warehouse, hell - even the desert, everything is packed with so much detail, it's like each aspect of Night City was crafted by hand. This was something I was kind of expecting from CDPR, again, because Witcher 3 had this much attention paid to it. But not at this level. It's truly stunning.

It's crazy this is a city that doesn't actually exist
Unfortunately, this level of detail isn't put to much use for those who like to wander. I'm going to dig into this further in the "Things to Do" section, but I wish this detail had a reason other than setting.
Now I want to start to get to the meat and potatoes of the game. This is very much a story driven RPG. And man, is it a good one. The main story involves you figuring out how to solve this "issue' that can end up killing you. Throughout this story, you'll meet a cast of characters that help you piece together a plan to tackle this issue head on. In order to get those characters to help you, you of course need to help them with the many different scenarios that trouble them first. All of which lead you down this web of side missions and stories that all have their own life in them. It's a story of mortality, decisions, and legacy.
Many modern games do not usually have a story gripping enough to keep me playing 100 hours straight. The story of V, in my opinion, is not just engrossing, but every side mission had so much depth to them I couldn't leave my PC. I needed to figure out what happens to these characters, which I did end up connecting to in the end. While it's not as "Grandiose" of a story as Witcher 3, it's much more focused and grounded, which never puts itself at odds with the futuristic setting.
For instance, there's a mission where you need to >! save someone from this Russian torture porn operation. In order to find them, you need to download illegal BD's (like a VR movie, kinda) from the dark web, find clues in the BD to locate the operation, and then infiltrate this place to find your friend. !<
It's a side quest that involves many themes of futurism, but never delves outside the realm of possibility. Unlike Witcher 3, where many of its fantasy themes can sometimes err on the side of ridiculous. This of course isn't for everyone. But I really enjoyed this side of Cyberpunk.
I'm also VERY grateful CDPR isn't afraid of mature themes. Like nailing someone to a cross to film their suicide for others to "experience", or dealing with themes of domestic abuse, grooming, sex work, it's all very reminiscent of a Rockstar title - but without the side of parody & sarcasm. Something I certainly appreciate.
Gameplay & Things to Do
So what's the game like? What do you do? This is where things start to take a turn for the worse. So other than doing missions - where things are certainly varied and place you in really fun, engaging, and intense situations - there's really....not much.
The main story has you either blowing your way through enemies, or applying hacking and stealth, maybe a mixture of both, to complete your goals. You'll find cool Cyberpunk weapons to use on the way. I enjoyed using handguns and revolvers to make critical hits on my enemies heads and employing my hacking to employ crowd control techniques. I also enjoyed leveling up my Blade skills to face bosses in a dueling of the swords.
But unlike Witcher 3, there isn't a plethora of different types of weapons you can find. From what I've seen maybe 4-5 of each different weapon variety. So 5 different revolvers, 4 different AR's, 4 different Snipers, etc. On top of that, there isn't much variety in the weapon stats. You can add bleeding, chemical, thermal, or electrical damage types. I think thats it? This was easily the most depressing aspect to come to grips to.
The Witcher 3 had so many unique and fun weapons in the world. There were different Witcher sets you could find to give you really unique traits and abilities. There's really none of that here in Cyberpunk. You could wear this "ICONIC" T-shirt, which is a Tank-top that adds a bit of evasion. Or you could find a Legendary weapon which has a cool color scheme, but only really adds electrical damage and headshot multiplier. There's nothing that freezes your enemies. There's nothing that gives you unlimited sprint, there's nothing that allows your enemies to spontaneously combust. There's really just nothing that much fun to find in the world.

Panam is a stupid name, imo
This is compounded by the stupid crafting mechanics. With crafting you need to gather "materials" (literally stuff called materials), and if you have the blueprint, you can craft it. Crafting Epic or Legendary gear costs a high amount and I'm not sure the juice is really worth the squeeze. I found finding weapons through missions and exploring the world much more satisfying. Again, this was a depressing notion to come to terms with.
So what do you need money for if you're not really buying weapons and not really crafting weapons? Well you can buy cars. Cars in this game are pretty fucking cool. I wish more attention was paid to weapon variety as there are car variety. I did find myself driving point-to-point than fast traveling.
That's...about it.
You do missions. You collect the same type of weapons over and over with slightly different skills. And do more missions / quests. There are gigs which amount to easily eliminating 5-6 dudes and collecting their loot. There are gigs where you need to fight these tough "Cyberpsychosis" dudes who can disappear, or dodge all your attacks and require a bit more thinking to defeat. After which they give you the same weapons you've already seen. And then you can, idk, go GTA & start shooting up the city to defeat the onset realization this game is quite hollow.

This makes Cyberpunk much more action/adventure than RPG. Easily the most disappointing aspect of the game.

I really hope CDPR continues to add different gameplay mechanics in the game. There's such an amazing foundation built. But for now, you really just have the story and their side quests to do. At least that aspect is really good.

Talk to the hand, bitch
More Bad:
On top of the hollow nature of the game, is the AI. It's just....not good. I really don't know what else to say about it. You've seen the spawning police. But it's more than that. Enemies really just sit in cover, shoot at you, and throw grenades. That's really it. Sometimes you'll get an enemy that will charge you with a melee weapon, without regard to their own body. They don't employ any tactics. Stealth? Literally walk behind someone and you can take them out. As long as you're not in their line of sight, they won't notice you. Smash bunch of bottles by accident because they added a "Double Tap to Dodge" mechanic on a fucking keyboard? Well don't worry, they won't hear it. Gangs don't call in back up, squads don't try and flank you. It really, really sucks.
And there's almost no driving AI. There will be multiple times you'll see cars end up just stopping in front of each other indefinitely, because they don't have the ability to "go around".
CDPR, if there's one thing you need to fix first, it's the AI. Without it, the game just feels...amateur. The Witcher 3 didn't really need to have amazing AI, because there were so many different types of enemies. Ghosts, ghouls, bears, werewolves, they all had their own attacks, strengths, and weaknesses. Here - it's bad guy with gun, sit behind cover, shoot. There's nothing good to say here, really.
The story is really great, and I think this needs to be said. I wouldn't have tolerated 100 hours of non-existent AI, and nothing else to do, if it wasn't great. So don't think I'm saying it's not worth experiencing. There were easily some of my favorite moments in gaming, embedded in the story of V in this game. I loved almost all the performances, and the characters all have such depth its hard to not get attached to them. Unfortunately, if you're looking for a deep RPG with tons of hidden goodies, loot, lore, and secret missions, you'll be sorely disappointed. There's some deep flaws that face this game that go further than just bugs, and I only hope CDPR addresses them. Luckily, if there's any dev to do so, it's CDPR.


7.5 / 10 aka 1/2 Witcher 3's

Some Tips I wish I Knew Before Playing
Playing on Very Hard made enemies more lethal and quicker to spot you - and I recommend EVERYONE play on this level. I can't imagine playing on anything easier since I found Very Hard to be...well...not that hard. Crank the difficulty, I promise it will make the experience more enjoyable.
I overclocked my PC just for this game, and found it improved 1% lows tremendously. I was getting a lot of drops beneath 60fps 1440p, until I turned on XMP on my memory, and cranked my CPU to 4.9ghz. Also, DLSS in this game is truly great. It doesn't affect image quality that much, and drastically improves performance. I went from 15fps RTX ON to 60-70fps driving through city RTX ON, with DLSS PERFORMANCE. The slight aliasing is worth the added Raytracing effects. It makes such a big difference.
Lastly, save. A lot.

EDIT: I don't know why I titled this "Quick"
submitted by Enyawreklaw to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Cyberpunk at its core its an amazing game, despite its flaws and bugs

So, I just completed the game from A to Z, cleared everything apart from the baseball bat police icons. And while the game is not a perfect game, due to lack of polishing in many of the existing mechanics, bugs and "missing" features, it was an amazing emotional ride. I just feel like talking about all (since I feel I've exhausted the content but need more), the good and the bad, and what we could expect in the future.
I'll be talking about many things, especially story related. If you don't want spoilers, please stop reading now.
First off the bad.
Now on to the good.
Now to what they could add and refine to make the game we have now better.
Anyway, I just felt like talking about it even though only 3 person will take a look at this wall of text lol. Let me know how you feel and what you agree/disagree, etc!
submitted by Nightmare2828 to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

Thoughts from a relatively bug-free 20 hours

I'm about 20 hours into the game and since I've had a surprisingly bug-free experience, I wanted to share my thoughts on other aspects of the game. I had alright expectations for the game, but really I just wanted an immersive cyberpunk open world city. I'm running the game on high performance mode on Stadia, so 60fps. High visuals looks really nice, but I prefer a smoother gameplay.
First of all, real scummy move on CDPR's part with what they did for consoles. We all sensed it with that last delay, but wow I didn't expect it to look that bad on PS4 and Xbox One. Looks worse than games that came out with those consoles in 2013. It's like they made this game for PC for the past few years, kept upgrading it, and then ported it to those consoles as an afterthought following the last delay. And then they only gave out PC review copies and didn't allow recorded footage in the reviews... literally worse than EA.
Disclaimer, I'm not a hardcore gamer so I'm sorry if I state anything that's incorrect. This is from a fan of the Cyberpunk genre who really enjoyed games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Fallout 4, etc.. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the game. Overall, I love the game so far and am glad it'll only get better from here. I'm rushing to write this because I want to get back to playing, so I might've missed stuff.
You can tell this is where they focused the most. I don't want this story to end (and I'm nowhere near the end). I get that many reviewers pointed out that the story doesn't really focus on the elements of a cyberpunk world that you'd expect, and I agree with that so far. Instead, the story really seems to focus on V's relationship with those around them. This means you get some really quiet heartfelt moments that I honestly miss in most games. The story missions have crazy variety in them and it does not feel like the old Rockstar formula of driving somewhere, shooting, driving back. Just like RDR2, I feel like I know these characters in real life.
Soundtrack and music
Oh my god. Probably the best part about the game. They did an incredible job with the ambiance and atmosphere whether you're racing through the Badlands or on a mission in City Center. Every story moment is so immersive and actually makes you feel things because of the score. Sitting in a car talking to a character about your backstory while the music sets the mood feels amazing. Amazing job here, I want it all as my study music.
The world
What a gorgeous city, it's exactly what I wanted. I love that larger-than-life feeling when you look up at the skyscrapers or the lights of the skyline in the distance while sitting in the badlands. I love walking through a park in the middle of the city with huge buildings poking out from behind the trees. Reminds me of Central Park. It's extremely detailed and I believe them when they say they placed even garbage by hand. Way more explorable interiors than any other city game I've played at this scale. The world-building is of course, fantastic, because they had a lot of material to build off of. I love waking up in my apartment (sideways lol), grabbing something to eat, taking the elevator down to the garage as I watch the TV, and getting in my car to head to the next mission. Really appreciating the first-person perspective and the immersion. I literally dreamed about Night City last night and I feel like I've been there.
I do wish the NPCs weren't so simple and had actual intelligent AI, and that I could sit in a restaurant and see an animation of me eating. I know a lot of people hated how slow RDR2 was, but man I love menial stuff like that in games haha. There aren't even any mini games like Gwent, just things like NCPD contracts, racing side missions, etc.. Keeping myself busy with actual missions makes up for that.
Side missions
People make fun of Ubisoft for checklists of missions but sheesh the second you finish the prologue your quest log gets filled up. To be clear, there are smaller events like NCPD contracts and then larger side missions like a character asking you to do something. I wish the smaller stuff came up more naturally, like if you were exploring the area, than being on your quest log from the get go. These smaller missions are the repetitive kind, but I like having them as something that makes the world feel more alive and full of stuff. The real side missions, now those are on a whole different level. On par with main story missions and I can see how they would affect main story outcomes. I really like how natural they feel when a character calls you asking for help and you can choose to do so or not and it affects your relationship with them.
RPG elements
Like I said, I'm not an expert on this so I probably got a lot of stuff wrong. Compared to Fallout 4, I really appreciate that I'm not always stuck with 4 options for dialogue each time (kind, asshole, funny, etc.). My character backstory and skills have often given me additional dialogue options but I don't think those ever led to a different outcome. Choices do make a difference, though there are many times where we only have one real dialogue option and the rest are just additional options.
I like how my character's skills means being able to do missions in different ways (though stealth isn't that great in this game), how I can't just break open into any car, how I can level up my experience with guns, etc.. During the prologue of the game, enemies definitely felt super spongey to me but that is no longer a problem after I got this tech weapon.
Looting also doesn't feel too satisfying because there's so many repeats of weapons with only slightly different stats and generic junk components. I miss the crafting and gun customization from Fallout 4 where, for example, I'd have to go to a soup factory so that I could loot cans for aluminum for my new scope. Doesn't feel as satisfying in Cyberpunk, for some reason. I also just realized that I completely forgot about body mods. Really expected them to feel more important, but maybe that's my fault.
Driving mechanics
After a month of suffering with Watch Dogs: Legion's driving, I really like the driving mechanics in Cyberpunk 2077. This is coming from someone who loves racing games. Driving in games like Watch Dogs and GTA, the cars feel too light and oversteer like crazy. Racing games, on the other hand, are more realistic and the cars feel almost too heavy and difficult to turn. I think they struck a nice balance in this game, but of course it's subjective.
Was disappointed by no car customization, but I got over that a while ago. Fixers selling unique cars works pretty well, feels natural. I still wish there was the ability to buy or customize apartments. Would be a nice sense of accomplishment as I made my way through the story. What bugs me now is that there are no barbers in the game? I'm stuck with some ugly facial hair I chose because I was excited to play, my fault I know. Also, I don't know why people thought they would spend "hours" creating their character. The character creator was really not that in-depth, I preferred Fallout 4's one. And, worst of all, I hate that I have to wear the ugliest clothing because it has the best stats. I guess it's a good thing I never see my own character while playing. I still have yet to try gun customization, but in terms of attachments it does the job.
As others have mentioned, these are some extremely simple NPCs that I wouldn't expect in a 2020 game. What happened to a "1000 NPCs with their own daily routines"? It doesn't help that they appear and disappear randomly, don't seem to react much to the world around them (they just crouch when hearing gunfire), and are extremely robotic. Not the smartest AI.
Like I said, almost no game-breaking bugs so far. I've only had the game crash once in 20 hours. Bugs so far have mostly been floating items, UI elements being stuck on screen, etc.. Happened a handful of times and quicksaving then reloading the quicksave fixed it every time. I guess I got lucky, but reviewers did point out they get worse near the end of the game.
submitted by PlundersPuns to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

I Can't Play Video Games Anymore

I like to play video games. I probably spend more time gaming than I should, but life is short, might as well be happy, right? There are people in my life that would say the time I spend sitting in front of the tv, controller in hand, beer at my side, would be better spent learning more practical matters, like how to fix the leaking sink in the guest bathroom, or focusing on advancing my career, this way I could pay someone else to worry about the damn sink. I could be reading in my spare time, they’d say: increasing my vocabulary, fortifying my brain so that the alcohol doesn’t turn it to mush before I reach the age of fifty.
Some people don’t know how to have fun. They think everything needs to be work. Nothing they’ve ever said has done much to convince me that I need to make a change. I got to the point where I thought nothing ever would, either. Then he appeared.
I like to work some variety into what I play. I love sports games, first person shooters, open world stuff. I don’t have a lot of money for new games (as you might have surmised), but that’s okay, I like to really settle into what I play. I particularly like career modes, anything that has a story. Building a character, developing them over time; that’s the stuff that really gets me.
A favorite of mine is NBA 2k17. I could buy the newest one, if I wanted to skip a meal or two a week and save up, but I’ve been playing as the same created character for four years now. I know him. He’s like me in a lot of ways. We’ve been through a lot together.
The other night I was in the virtual gym earning some experience points to increase my stats. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done the same drills, heard the same canned enthusiasm from my virtual coach. I was working on free throws, zoning out, seven beers deep, when I noticed a man leaning against the wall, watching me. He wasn’t wearing a black polo like the other coaches, but a leather jacket. He was bald. His hand was rubbing his chin. I’d never seen him before. Some of these newer games sometimes update and add new features. Weird, I thought, but forget about it pretty quickly.
Later that same night I was playing a game, going for another triple-double. I heard someone jeering from the crowd as I strode to the free throw line for the first time that night. That’s new, I thought. I’ve logged nearly five hundred games and never heard someone haggling from the crowd. I made the first free throw and the camera panned out. The bald guy from the gym was in the crowd, shouting. He was calling to my character using the name I gave him, which is strange because that’s a free text field. You type whatever you want. The commentary refers to you by your nickname, which is a dropdown; only so many to choose from. But he was calling me by my first name, which is, incidentally, my real name. It creeped me out and I decided to call it a night when the match ended.
The following night I took 2k out of my PS4 and decided to play something else instead. Just wasn’t feeling it after what had gone down the previous night. I tried to remember if that had actually happened or had been a particularly lucid nightmare, and decided the safe thing to do would be play something new. I fired up the UFC game and went to my created character, continued my pursuit to win the belt. I loaded up a new fight and my opponent wasn’t anyone I’ve ever seen in real life. The game creates characters, gives them names, skills, but I’ve played long enough to see most of the templates. This one looked like none I’d ever seen. He was bald, and when they showed our two fighters side-by-side, he was smiling. I almost closed the game right there, but I told myself to stop being an idiot. Just a coincidence, I said. The computer knocked me out in the first round. After I went down, my opponent looked directly at the camera, something I’ve never seen the AI do in three years of playing, and pointed. He smiled and pointed right at me.
I turned the UFC game off and elected to play GTA IV instead. My game loaded my last save point and I immediately stole a car and set off. I didn’t feel like doing any missions, just wanted to drive aimlessly and relax my mind. I was nervous. I didn’t like the bald guy going from game to game, following me, and I liked him pointing at my screen and smiling even less. I had a few more beers, stole a few cars, shot AI pedestrians, and eventually my nerves dissipated. I was feeling good again, laughing at myself for getting so spooked, when suddenly a car pulled up next to me in the game. It was driving fast, erratic, unlike the typical AI. The window rolled down and the person inside started shooting at me. I drove away, but they chased. I’ve been playing GTA IV since it came out in 2013 and not once has that happened. I drove away from the city until I was in the woods; the other car was nowhere in sight, so I bailed from my car and ran deeper into the woods. I watched a car park next to mine. A bald man got out and walked into the woods. He was holding a knife.
At that point I turned the game off. My heart was pounding. It had to be a joke, I thought. Some sort of hack or bug that one of my online friends had found and was using to fuck with me. But how did this guy go from game to game? It made no sense. I went to bed and tried to forget about it.
The next day was my day off. I didn’t much feel like playing any of my games, so I decided to instead go to the gym. It had been a long time. I was tired after five minutes, but forced myself to stay close to an hour, burning off nervous energy. When I got home it seemed that every muscle in my body ached. I took a shower and fell asleep on the couch. I often have vivid dreams when I take mid-day naps, but the dreams I fell into that day were more than vivid. I dreamt that I was a basketball player, working on my jumper in the gym alone. I heard a door slam shut behind me, heard footsteps approaching. I tried to turn around, but the dream changed. I was a UFC fighter now, walking to the octagon. I reached the cage and saw my opponent. His head was bald and he had no face. I screamed until I woke up, or, at least I thought I woke up. I was in LA, and I had a gun in my hand. I stole a car and drove into the desert, checking the pursuit of a dark SUV in the rearview the entire time. It followed me until the sky darkened and then ran me off the road.
I woke up on my couch covered in sweat. My tv had turned itself on, my PS4, too. A game began to load. I didn’t recognize the loading screen. The controller was on my coffee table, and I grabbed it, tried to turn it off but the home button wasn’t working. The dark loading screen disappeared, replaced by a title: ENEMY. The title faded and I was looking at an animated version of my living room. I saw myself on the couch, rendered in high definition graphics. The me on the couch was waking up from a nap; he stretched, yawned, scratched his head. With a loud bang, the front door blew in. The bald man in the leather jacket walked through the empty doorframe. I listened as animated me pleaded with him; watched as the bald man pulled a knife from his jacket and slit my throat. He cut and cut until he severed my head, then turned and faced the screen, holding the head up for me to see. He smiled and pointed. I heard noise outside my front door and ran to the bedroom. I didn’t wait to see what would happen. I climbed out the window and ran to my car. Now I’m sitting in a McDonald’s parking lot writing this on my phone.
What the fuck do I do? I know it sounds crazy, but I can’t go back there. There’s something not right with him. He shouldn’t be able to follow me like this. Do you think if I beat him he’ll go away? I have a few games on my phone, maybe I could try that. But I’m worried about what will happen if I lose.
submitted by _DarkPlaces_ to nosleep [link] [comments]

what do you do if your car disappeared in gta 5 video

How to Get Your Car Back in GTA 5 Story Mode! - YouTube GTA Online: The First 5 Things You Should Do - YouTube GTA 5 - What Happens if you Follow the Money Trucks? - YouTube GTA V - How To Safely Store Cars and Avoid Disappearing ... GTA 5 Get Your Car Out Of The Impound In Under 1 Minute ... GTA 5 - THIS UNDERWATER CAR IS INSANE! (GTA 5 Online ... GTA 5 HOW TO REPLACE CARS IN GARAGES! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ... How to Pick Up Girls in Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA 5) - YouTube GTA 5 - FREE SECRET RARE CARS LOCATIONS IN GTA ONLINE ... 10 Things To Do When You Are Bored In GTA 5 Online That ...

GTAForums does NOT endorse or allow any kind of GTA Online modding, mod menus, tools or account selling/hacking. Do NOT post them here or advertise them, as per the forum rules. Cars bought, disappearing ? Your cars get lost/get moved to impound if you leave them around. Impound is bugged and your cars aren't guaranteed to go back there. As your car isn't there, it is gone forever, sorry. To protect your cars from being lost in the future, you can use the Single Player Garage mod.  Yes, in between the impound and the parking garage there is an alley you can go into. You can climb the wall and enter the impound and take your car back. But if it's not in there, the police destroyed it (which they tend to do when you leave the game). It should be obtainable again by calling Mors, but if you don't have insurance, it's gone. Grand Theft Auto V. Same thing happened to me with my Adder.It turns out that if you send a ticket to Rockstar they can restore your car or give you the money in order to buy it back.I made a ticket and I'm still waiting for a response.They also said that they are working on fixing this when the next update comes out. 1.Take note of the missing car and leave your garage. 2.Once you can, call your mechanic and have him deliver said missing car. 3.Once he delivers it, leave GTA:Online and rejoin it.(DO NOT RE-ENTER YOUR GARAGE) 4.Check your garage, your car should now appear again. ONLY HAVE THE MISSING CAR OUTSIDE OF YOUR GARAGE, LEAVE THE OTHERS IN. Your car may not be lost. Clear out a garage, and have a friend start the first heist. When the 2 of you start up the mission menu there is a “choose a car” for the first part. Look through that list for your lost car. Mine was there. After months of it being gone. I just ran it back to my garage. The impound will store your last TWO cars and that means ANY(with the exception of personal cars) so for example, you buy a hotknife and modify it, you take it on a mission, the mission forces you to switch to a different car and you have to leave your hotknife behind, the car will then appear in the impound, BUT if you get in ANY two cars that If you just stole it and didn't put a tracker on car, the car is going to dissaper. Try out these tips that maybe would help: 1) Even if you said that it wasn't destroyed, try calling insurance, and see if there is any car. If there a like few wich you can replace ( repair ) do that for one or two, so after that your car can be spawned on the list. No, your car is gone. If it would have been transferred to the other garage, the option would have stated "transfer", not "replace". If there is no more room in your specific garage when you want to store a car there, then you get the option to replace an existing car in the garage. If you "replace" this car, it simply disappears. your friend lost you your car, as im guessing he didn't park your car back in your garage before placing the new one in there, you can only have 1 asset in the game world at a time, as soon as he parked the new car your old one vanished, a friend had the same thing happen the other day, only i was to slow to warn him, i was driving his car he then went and put insurance on a bike and the car

what do you do if your car disappeared in gta 5 top

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How to Get Your Car Back in GTA 5 Story Mode! - YouTube

Hello guys! Chorneful Builds here, and today, I am going to be doing another tutorial video! In this tutorial video, I am going to be showing you how to get ... With so much to do, it's easy to feel overwhelmed in Los Santos. Here's how you should get settled in. gta 5 - free secret rare cars locations in gta online! rare storable car spawns! (gta 5 rare cars) ... Want more GTA V Online? Leave A Like ! GTA 5 Online Multiplayer GameplaySubscribe To The Channel! Twitter:... GTA 5 Get Your Car Out Of The Impound In Under 1 Minute! (GTA 5 Online Tips) More "GTA 5" & GTA Online Videos Please Leave A Like & Comment! Subscribe For... Where do the Money Trucks Drive to? - For MORE GTA 5 Videos, LIKE & Subscribe! HELP US GET 3,000,000 SUBSCRIBERS: me LIVE on Face... • Subscribe: each other in the comments. Spam might resolve in ban. Thanks for all your support Goats,... Today we're checking out our next video which is the new car that goes underwater! It's so cool! GTA 5 Online has been getting more and more awesome with the... 10 Things To Do When You Are Bored In GTA 5 Online That NOBODY Else Does! Cheap GTA 5 Shark Cards & More Games: today’s Gra... Hey guys, I, like many of you, have experienced the unfortunate disappearing car glitch! Even though Rockstar is already working to address this issue, here'...

what do you do if your car disappeared in gta 5

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