Casino Barcelona Review of Casino Barcelona

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WPT Barcelona is a shit show

There aren't enough dealers and the entire thing is so disorganized. I've never seen anything like this.

The waiting list for every WPT500 flight has been 300+ people long. This morning I arrived 40 mins EARLY to register the last flight, and I was alternate number 101. I finally got to play 120 mins into the flight (which was a turbo -- supposed to be 6-max, but we played 10 to a table) with only ~40BB. Once I busted I went over to sign up for cash. I'm number 73 for the 5/5 table....btw there are only THREE 5/5 tables running. Maybe I'll get on a table by tonight?

Said fuck cash, and went to register tomorrow's satty for the ME. But I couldn't. They only allow you to register for satellites one HOUR beforehand. So I'll 100% be on a waiting list tomorrow, no matter how early I show up. Let me put this another way, 300+ alternates is $180k worth of buyins that are unable to sit immediately, bust faster, and possibly rebuy. Anyone given a number over 300 is told that they shouldn't even bother. At this point, the casino has turned away over a million euros for the prize pool for WPT500.

I flew to Barcelona to play poker and have literally been unable to get a seat at the table. In the past, the most I've ever waited as an alternate for an MTT has been 10 mins, even in the shittiest of casinos. I've never seen anything like this. I met someone yesterday who moved his flight up and left this morning because there's just no value in sticking around. Rant over. Hopefully they get their shit together by the ME.
submitted by finallyfabulous to poker [link] [comments]

Why I hate the FIFA community

For the gameplay of FIFA 20. It is people that are playing the game that ruin it. It’s not the games fault. It’s the people that play the negative Mouriño style that destroy it (imo it is because they are incapable of manual defending so they have to defend this way bc learning is too hard lol). The only gameplay issues I see are headers being non existent, passes not going to correct players at times, and near post being way too effective. Oh and btw what are they gonna do take away custom tactics? Make AI defenders completely useless? That wouldn’t just affect the negative sit back players, it would effect the people that play press too. Bc even if you are press player you have to rely on AI controlled defenders at times.
If you are one of the ones that defends people that play 4231 and sit back you are an idiot and probably hypocrite. My solution when I come against these players is to hold possession and swing it back and forth till I find an obvious scoring opportunity. Apparently that is considered TOXIC and that the 4231 players are just doing what works for them (or playing “smart”). That holding up play is toxic. Mannnn wtf. First of all, Many of them don’t play defense at all. It doesn’t take any damn skill to stand a player in front of a striker and wait. These people make the game boring, they are the reason the gameplay is boring and repetitive and why no one enjoys playing anymore (yet they also complain about it). You can easily beat them but the goals you would score are just boring. If they want to play “smart” and boring asf on defence I’m going to do the same shit to them on offense. It is not TOXIC. I am literally doing what they are doing on defense but on offense you morons. I sit there and stand my player and waste their time just like they are doing to me. Also I’m playing SmARt bc holding the possession limits the amount of times that they can counter attack which over the course time you are bound to score from a 3v3 or 3v4 without being that good at the game. So wtf is wrong with me using scummy tactics on attack if you do it on defence. And if you really think about it. YALL fucking praise Barcelona when they do the exact same shit irl (atleast a few years ago they did I don’t watch much anymore). All they did was pass around the back in the midfield bc everyone dropped back in fear of MSN. You are a fucking hypocrite if you think holding possession is toxic and you don’t even press in your own damn half. And most of y’all are hypocrites bc when it comes down to playing a game y’all are so afraid of losing y’all do it too so wtf. I can only understand if you are like up by 2 goals or something
*also just an added note if you say that it is a game not real life. GAMES should have a skill gap and the 4231 bs literally destroys it and allows a trash player be able to compete with some one way better then them with no learning curve. Games should have a skill gap and not have one form of playing the game be so dominant.
All we ever wanted just a few FIFAs ago was the ability to get high rated squads without putting money into the game. Now that we have them all I hear is that you want a reason to play with worse/other players (from nepenthez video) What? Why? Shouldn’t you just try out different players bc Idk YOU want to. Because the game allows you to play with your favorite players. It’s not all about winning if you don’t want it to be. Why tf do you want an incentive to play with a player you don’t care for in the first place. Although I do agree milestones is a good way to do (giving incentives) that and that section needs additions. Like if you get 100 goals with a player you can increase his shooting by 1 or some ish like that
As for the game only attracting sweats nowadays. I feel that every game is getting sweatier since the emergence of esports and cash tournaments like when fornite was a big deal. So the increase in sweaty try hard players abusing the game mechanics was bound to happen anyway. You come across sweats in any sports game not just FIFA.
As for division rivals being sweaty. The reason for it being sweaty is the rewards YALL asked for. I remember years ago YALL asked for a reason to play divisions bc the rewards were not worth it. Now you have a reason play for decent rewards and you still complain. I don’t see why you are mad about 90+ players being there. And for the people that say they are bad rewards bc you can easily have better players on your team for 30k. WTF,THAT IS WHAT IS GREAT. Back in the old FIFAs we would be happy with a gold squad and few informs. The only way i see EA can make those rewards seem more valuable is to make it so that it is not easy to make a mega team next year. Which would be reverting back to the old FIFAs difficulty to make a team able to compete (against Pay to play players). That’s was impossible back in the day. Now it’s honestly not. You can beat players with 99 rated cards. BTW the reason you could run with a silver squad back in the day IS BC NOBODY HAD SHIT. PLEASE go watch the opponents you came up against in those FIFA 16 videos. If the revert were to happen it would repel casual players and many grinders.
Also I heard Nepenthez say that objectives should be removed from division rivals. This is coming from the SAME guy that asked for them in the first place. If those objectives were not there he would be asking for something to play for without a doubt. That if there isn’t a reward for playing division rivals he would not play. Not to mention he also asks for a reason to play with different players (which objectives accomplishes) I wouldn’t have tried out Vardy if the objectives were not out.
Also the game didn’t need the ultimate team of the season pack. That’s just players wanting to pack one of the 97+ players. You want one of those players just handed to you let’s just be honest here. Those players are the chase. Those players are the reason you should continue to play. You want to get enough coins to obtain them. I feel like that is the POV that EA sees it from anyways. Which honestly is not that horrendous. Because it gives you a reason to play the game. Which is what y’all keep asking for some damn reason. Also I mean it is a business so keeping those 99s out of reach is what EA will continue to do. And it fucking makes sense. Let me put it in simple terms you might understand. People that put hard earned money into the game deserve the top tier players. They are spending REAL money (and it’s still a gamble when they do it highkey). Also not everyone needs to get those players. That’s like saying everyone deserves a lambo bc everyone works. Like nooooo that is not how it should work bc then the people that actually pay with hard earned money will feel like they got bullshited out of what they paid for. Again it is a business and it makes sense. And y’all know y’all would be complaining if you were running into the same tots players every game if y’all did have the ability to get them. No one is gonna play ocampos if Messi is obtainable. Lowkey the whole idea of y’all wanting the best possible players seems like some communist type stuff to me. Y’all all want the same stuff as the people that put money into the game and support Ultimate team financially when y’all don’t want to help. As I probably said before you are not entitled to it. Some people just deserve it more. Also I don’t put money into the game and I sure as well know my 190 team can compete against bought teams
The FIFA community will find a way to complain no matter what and it’s starting to piss me off. It’s complaint after complaint and then when they get what they want they complain about that. I hate that this community only knows bitching and moaning.
(This sections is in regards of how people quit rivals when they don’t get their objectives done this section may not be important) I don’t knock youtubers grind they are great and really helpful. I grew up watching them. But a lot of the reasons the game is the way it is due to them. Youtubers teach people how to use 4231 to cover for how bad they are. They teach people to quit out of games early when things get to tough to save time. Honestly A lot of players wouldn’t know to do that if they had to think for themselves, they just follow what YouTubers tell them to. (Btw some people are just gonna quit anyway bc that’s just how they are and we have all done it in rage when we get unlucky but sometimes rebound goals happen it’s whatever)
Another thing, for people that say this game is a cash grab. WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. You can literally have a team full of great high rated players with a week or 2 of work. Showcased by nepenthez in his new rtg series. All you have to do is be smart and don’t mess with the obviously bad SBCs. Like if you choose to waste your coins on horrible SBCs that is your fault wtf. Y’all clearly don’t know how it was in FIFA before where it was just about impossible to build a good end game team at the end of the year if you didn’t trade or were really good at the game. Even then, I would be in the top divisions with a below average team in today’s standards in the final months in FIFA.
Most of the SBCs are set up as a gamble. It’s like trying you luck at a casino. Just don’t do it if you are not prepared to lose those coins. Since when was the purpose of FIFA to just sit in those damn menus for hours on end. Play the game. It should be about the gameplay but the community of players that play it ruined it.
The community itself ruined this game. It really wasn’t that bad. With all the negative players and the ones dropping divisions in division rivals. We made it a mess not EA. Btw I’m pretty sure we asked for a lower barrier of entry for fut champs which is letting this happen. It used to be only if you were in a top division if my memory is correct.
My problems with the game and solutions 1. The drag back is way to effective and any player can do it clean. I think the solution is to make it so that you have to be slowed all the way down in order to do it and the overall the execution should be a tad bit slower since it honestly is difficult to pull off (irl) 2. I think for the objectives they just need to make them a bit easier to achieve. So don’t make it so that you have do complete them in rivals WINS. Make it so that you can work for them even during a loss so that people don’t quit as much. 3. Obviously just bring occasional headers back lol tall physical strikers lost a lot of value because what they should be used for isn’t relevant in the game anymore. 4. The draft should include every player included the ones we missed out on. It shouldn’t pull out the same players all the time. 5. As for the 4231 bs, I think it’s a hard fix. I think one thing that could help is increasing the intelligence of attackers to find the open spots more consistently. Also I don’t think the AI that presses the attacker should be that good. 6. As for long shots not being effective I actually don’t have many issues with them. I score them ever one in a while and they arnt that hard. I think the real issue y’all might be having is the outrageous autoblocks which yeah need a nerf. Players blocking shots not coming at them is a problem.
Oh and if you argue that the game should not have allowed people to use the 4231 bs in the first place bc it was there to abuse. This community chooses to abuse it. You are not being held at gunpoint being forced to use it. Y’all just want to win at all cost then complain that you can’t have a casual gane of fut anymore. Also let’s be honest, for some of y’all the definition of casual=easy. Y’all just want to win without effort. Because as soon as you go down you will start sweating.
There is probably more problems I can add and fixes but I honestly believe no one will read this so I’m over it. Lol also I was gonna look over what I wrote again but I can’t be bothered to. Just to sum it all up I hate the player base of this game bc all they do is complain about stuff get what they want then complain about that. There are obvious problems with the gameplay this FIFA but I feel like a lot of the time is spent complaining on other stuff. Also a lot of the player base complains about the 4231 but they are they same people that use it (and stick to it even against something like a 433) so wtf. Y’all are sitting there with your high rated competitive squads (without spending a dime) and still want EA to give you more. Like bruh just think about it. Not everyone should have the best tots because then you would just come up against the same top tier players every game. Man do I love to ramble on lol byeeeee
submitted by mannnitsme to fut [link] [comments]

Inside Boston underground Poker Part 1

Seeing as the NY underground poker posts have been so popular, I figure I can give a bit of a different perspective on the underground scene of the mid 2000s. The Boston scene wasn't nearly as big as the NY scene, but there were still some big games and wild characters involved. I started off in small college games, so if you're only interested in the big mob associated games and stuff like that, this first part will probably bore you. I'm not going to bother changing names in the story. If you knew me from that time, it'll be obvious pretty early on who I am.
Back in 2005 I headed out from California to Boston for college. I'm still not sure why I was so set on going to school in Boston over the beautiful California schools that I had been accepted to, but there I was. Facebook was a really new thing at the time, and you needed a college email address to sign up. As soon as I got my college email in about April, I signed up for Facebook and added every cute girl who was living in the same dorm as me. I also signed up for a bunch of Facebook groups, several about poker games around the campus.
The Moneymaker effect was in full swing at this point, and I had an edge. My best friend at the time's dad had taught us poker when we were 14 or so. We got started playing mixed games, I loved 7 stud variants, but over time we transitioned to NLH. When I left for college I had been a regular in a $0.50/1 NLH game at a house in a rich area that played pretty big, and I had been winning regularly. Between that game and playing online, I had turned $200 I had made from my after school job into a $1500 bankroll.
So I arrive in Boston in August and start going to various games. One was in a nook in the school library, a weekly $50 tournament with no rake, unlimited rebuys and insane players. One was in a frat house with a bunch of drunk bros. Then I found Stevo's game. I think Stevo was a senior at that point, he lived in off campus housing, and he had a professional quality poker table in a side room of his apartment. Besides the nice table and personalized "Stevo's Card Room" chips, what set the game apart for me was that it was the first private game I had played in with a dealer, Erik.
I introduced myself to the other players by my real name, but as became my trademark, people knew me better by my card protector. Bubbles She came from a cake my friends had gotten me for my 17th birthday as a joke, and since her base was perfect for sitting on cards, she became my card protector. I knew some of the guys in the Boston scene for 3 years, and many never knew my real name, they simply knew me as Bubbles.
Stevo's was $1/2 NLH with 75% stack match if I remember correctly. So if the big stack on the table had $1600, you could buy in $1200. The game played pretty deep, and with the same players most nights. Many of them had been playing together for a couple of years, so they knew each other well. The first night I went, me and this other guy Chris were the only freshmen there. It turned out we lived 1 floor apart in our dorm, and we became fast friends.
I bought in for the $300 I had brought with me (lolbankroll) and played my normal, pretty tight style. There were a few crazy bluffers on the table, but one guy Phil really stood out for how often he'd try to steal pots. I played some small pots and was up to around $400 when I looked down at AA. Phil raised $8 from EP, I 3b from late position up to $25 and Phil called. The flop came unsuited low cards and Phil bet $30, I raised to $90 and Phil called. The turn came an 8s which brought a flush draw and Phil checked, I shoved and Phil went into the tank. He flipped up KJss and said he thought I had TT or 99 and so he had lots of outs with his 2 overs and flush draw. He asked me if I wanted him to call and I said absolutely. He eventually called and nailed his flush on the river. I headed to the nearest ATM and bought back into the game. I eventually left with about $500 for a $100 loss on the night, but I was hooked. The action was crazy, I had gotten it in great for an $800 pot and lost, and still only lost $100? I was going to make so much money!
The game ran twice a week, and I was always there. I still played in some random other games, but Stevo's was my main hangout. I became pretty good friends with some of the guys, including Stevo and Chris. Chris and I would regularly skip classes to play on Full Tilt all day. Often on Sundays about 5 of us would go to Stevo's place and grind Party Poker, especially when they had their monthly Party Millions tournament. One Sunday I was playing in a huge $50 online tourney on Party, and ended up going all the way and winning it for $22k. Suddenly I had a great big bankroll! I was consistently winning at Stevo's game, and I had picked up a crazy tell on Phil, the big bluffer. When I left Boston for good 3 years later, I'd finally explain to Phil how I had made so much money off of him, picking off so many of his bluffs he'd made against me. Whenever Phil would make a big bluff with nothing, he'd ask his bet as a question. "300?" He'd say, as if asking "is 300 enough to buy this pot?". I made thousands off of this tell.
As time went on, I wanted more than just 2 nights a week of poker at Stevo's and the crappy other games around campus. Phil had mentioned that they would sometimes go to a game in Chinatown, so one day I asked if he'd take me along.
The Chinatown game ran in an apartment unit above, what else, a Chinese restaurant. It was run by a guy named Jay, who seemed pretty nice, but had a temper at times, and people said was connected to the Triad. Apparently Jay knew the game would eventually get broken up by the cops, but he figured he'd get a few years in prison, but the $500k he planned on making from the game before then would be worth it.
The Chinatown game had 5 tables if I remember correctly. They'd have a tournament at 6pm on most nights, and then a cash game would start around 7 from the people busting the tourney as well as others who came just for cash. At first you could just walk in as long as someone went and introduced you to Jay and vouched for you. They had big screen TVs all over the walls, constantly playing High Stakes Poker, they had food delivered in for the players, fridges full of beer and soft drinks, it was great. Eventually the game would get robbed (although some claimed they thought it was a setup by Jay), and a steel door with an electronic bolt and a security camera would be added.
The game itself was a $1/3nl game with $500 max buyin. It played extremely loose, and I started coming by nearly every night. The players were a mix from all walks of life. Since it was an underground room, there was no age restriction, so some rich high school kids were even in the games. There were tons of college students of course. The Harvard kids always thought they were hot shit, but they always seemed to want to be the table bullies, and I'd pick off their bluffs. The MIT kids were another story, they were nothing short of geniuses, and I tried to stay out of their way usually.
I got a reputation for hitting and running the game, because my goal was to make $1000 and then quit for the night. Often when I'd quit early, me, Jay and some of the others guys would play board games for cash or weird random poker variants. I was making a killing in this game. I went out and bought myself a BMW, I was taking girls from the dorms out to $100 a plate dinners, I thought I was the man. It was 2nd semester, early 2006, and I was also failing out of school. I managed to scrape by first semester with a 2.5, already putting me on probation for my academic scholarship, but I didn't care. I called my mom and told her I was going to make more money than her in 2006.
2nd semester, Chris and I had signed up for many of the same classes with the idea that we'd force each other to go, but instead we enabled each other to skip. One Wednesday morning we were supposed to be going to class, and I don't remember who suggested it, but we ended up instead driving up to Montreal for a 5 day weekend. I got a speeding ticket going 95 MPH through Vermont on the way there, Chris got a ticket driving back through Vermont on the way home, but overall it was a great trip. We played some poker at the casino up there, and I made a few hundred bucks which we blew at the bars and clubs.
A few months after the robbery, the Chinatown game got raided by Boston Vice Squad. Apparently having regular cops there didn't help us out any, they had their money taken along with anyone else there. Jay was arrested, but all of the dealers and players were let go after a bit of harassment. Luckily for me, despite being there about 6 nights a week, I wasn't there for the robbery or the bust. However, unluckily my favorite game and my cash cow was gone.
Now I was back to just 2 days a week at Stevo's. I had met a guy named Rich through the Chinatown game, he was often a dealer there but would also play sometimes. Rich hit me up one day and asked if I was looking for another regular game. I told him I was, and got an invite to a game called The Loft. The Loft was a game outside of Boston in Chelsea. It was in an upscale loft and run by a guy named Moon. Moon was a total character. He was probably around 30, had been an engineer for GE, but quit because he rejected the idea of paying taxes. Moon was a conspiracy nut, and as we became friends he'd tell me all kinds of crazy theories, often involving Jews. As a Jew myself, I told him I was sure upset that all of these fun Jewish conspiracies were happening without me!
The Loft was a good game, but not as juicy as the Chinatown game. There were 2 tables, but usually just 1 ran, and it was often the same people every day. Many of them sucked at poker, so I was still making a bunch of money, but some of the shine had worn off. I completely stopped going to classes around this time, but was still living in the dorms and joined a fraternity. This frat was famous for crazy parties, and we'd sell cups for $5 at the door as admission. Eventually a party got busted up by the cops, and the frat president and a few other guys got arrested for selling alcohol to minors. The mayor of Boston went on TV and made an example out of us, calling us the negative Animal House version of a fraternity and calling for harsher regulations for serving alcohol to minors. The national fraternity revoked our charter, and that was the end of that.
The school year was coming to a close, and I was supposed to go home for the summer. I was done at the university, and didn't really know what I was going to do the next year. I drove the BMW all the way home to California and then went with a bunch of friends to Europe for the World Cup. We spent 5 weeks there, went to the 3 US games, and had a great time. I played some PLO in Barcelona despite not really knowing how to play (that was the only game they had there at the time), and I won $1200 by playing no hands for hours until I hit a full house, then getting paid off by the maniac players. When we stopped in Paris I played at the Aviation Club, the swanky poker club a few blocks from the Arc de Triomphe on the Champs-Elysees. They told me I couldn't come in wearing tennis shoes, so I went across the street and bought $200 loafers at Lacoste, then proceeded to win $5000 over the course of a crazy 24 hour session. My total expenses for the trip were $5500, and I had made $6200 in poker during the trip, life was amazing!
I ended up deciding to sign up for a program where you spend a year in Israel, get some college credits and volunteer. I ended up doing more drinking and partying than volunteering and studying, and got kicked out of the program halfway through.
I came back to California and went to community college for the semester, before deciding I missed the grind and that I was going to move back to Boston for the 2007-2008 school year and go to community college there (yeah right) but mostly get back to the underground poker grind. I had just turned 20, had about $80k and the BMW, and I was ready to jump back in. I talked to Rich, the guy who had gotten me into the Loft game, and he was still dealing poker around town and was looking for a roommate. I told him I was driving out to Boston the next week from California, and that he should find a 2 bedroom for us near campus. Little did I know, Rich was not to be trusted, and I was in for a shitshow of a year...
Part 2:
submitted by robswins to poker [link] [comments]

I will be in Europe for three weeks this summer....

I have to go for work, then I will take one week of vacation. I plan to go to a casino/resort.
Where should I go? Have any of you been?
submitted by scottatu to poker [link] [comments]

Poker - cash games/sit n go/tournaments?

hi all,
is there anywhere in barcelona where you can play poker (nl holdem) aside from the casino down by port olimpic?
i haven't played in years but lately i've had the urge to have a game!
would also be open to any home game invites for anything under than ~50euro buy in
submitted by jaseblenner to Barcelona [link] [comments]

Introducing the 10 stadiums of the Euro 2016 in France!

Welcome to this post fellow redditors! With the Euro 2016 less than 6 months away, it is time to introduce the stadiums that will host the fixtures of this tournament. For each city, you will find an in-depth description of the stadium, a photo album and a link to the city guide made by UEFA. Let me know if I made some mistakes or oversights. I hope you enjoy the reading!
Nota Bene:


City guide
Photo album
Name: Stade de Bordeaux (Matmut-Atlantique)
Location: Cours Jules-Ladoumègue, 33300 Bordeaux, France
Coordinates: 44° 53′ 49″ N 0° 33′ 48″ W
Status: New stadium
Start of construction: 11/04/12
End of construction: 04/30/15
Cost: € 184m
Architect: Herzog & de Meuron
Owner: City of Bordeaux
Tenants: FC Girondins de Bordeaux
Inauguration: 05/23/15 (Bordeaux - Montpellier, 2-1)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 42,000 (42,115)
Attendance record: 42,115 (ASM Clermont Auvergne - Stade toulousain, 18-14, 06/06/15)
Pitch: Hybrid grass AirFibr
Major international football events: France – Serbia (2-1), 09/07/15
Other major sporting events: 2015 French Rugby Championship (Top 14) Semi-finals
Major concerts: -
Group stage
Trivia: The Stade de Bordeaux is a new stadium build for the Euro 2016 and the replacement of the old stadium of Girondins of Bordeaux, Stade Chaban-Delmas, that hosted the 1938 and 1998 World Cup. This stadium is the cheapest of the 4 new stadiums. It has been designed by Herzog & de Meuron, architects of the famous Allianz Arena, and features a "floating" roof supported by 900 stranchions. In september 2015, the stadium has been named "Matmut-Atlantique" for 10 years and a price of € 2m per year.


City guide
Photo album
Name: Stade Bollaert-Delelis
Location: Avenue Alfred-Maës, 62300 Lens, France
Coordinates: 50° 25′ 58″ N 2° 48′ 54″ E
Status: Renovated
Start of renovation: January 2014
End of renovation: July 2015
Cost: € 70m
Architect: Cardete et Huet
Owner: City of Lens
Tenants: Racing Club de Lens
Inauguration: 08/08/15 (Lens – Red Star, 1-1)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 35,000 (33,443)
Attendance record: 48,912 (Lens - Marseille, 2-1, 02/15/92)
Pitch: Natural grass
Major international football events: Euro 1984; 1998 World Cup (Laurent Blanc golden goal leads France to the Quarter-Finals)
Other major sporting events: 1999 Rugby World Cup; 2007 Rugby World Cup
Major concerts: Matt Pokora and Magic System free concert for the RC Lens centenary (07/14/06); Johnny Hallyday (06/06/09)
Group stage
Round of 16
Trivia: The stadium was build back in 1932 by unemployed workers that found explosives shells and grenades during the construction. The stadium can accommodate the whole population of Lens and will still have more than 2,000 empty seats. It has the particularity to be the only stadium in France that has its supporters kop in the side stand and not in the curve as usual. It has been the location of a scene in the movie "Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis", leader of the all-time French box-office, where you can hear "Les Corons", famous song sung by Lens fans.


City guide
Photo album
Name: Stade Pierre-Mauroy
Location: 261 Boulevard de Tournai, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France
Coordinates: 50° 36′ 43″ N 3° 07′ 50″ E
Status: New stadium
Start of construction: 03/29/10
End of construction: 07/15/12
Cost: € 282m
Architect: Valode & Pistre and Pierre Ferret
Owner: Eiffage Lille Stadium Arena
Tenants: LOSC Lille
Inauguration: 08/17/12 (Lille – Nancy, 1-1)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 50,000 (50,157)
Attendance record: 49,626 (France – Jamaica, 8-0, 06/08/14)
Pitch: Natural grass
Major international football events: France – Jamaica (8-0), 06/08/14
Other major sporting events: 2014 French Rugby Championship (Top 14) Semi-finals; 2014 Davis Cup Final (France – Switzerland, 1-3); EuroBasket 2015 knockout stage; 2017 World Men’s Handball Championship
Major concerts: Rihanna concert (07/20/13); Patrick Bruel concert (09/06/14); Johnny Hallyday concert (10/09/15)
Group stage
Round of 16
Trivia: The Stade Pierrre-Mauroy is a new stadium build for the Euro 2016. It is the only stadium in France to have a retractable roof that can be closed or opened in half an hour. It also has a retractable pitch and can be used as a sporting arena. This stadium holds the attendance record for an European basketball game (26,922, Spain - France, 09/17/15) and for a Davis cup game (27,432, France - Switzerland, 11/21/14). The owner of the stadium also own the Millau Viaduct (world's tallest bridge structure and highest bridge in Europe) and the Channel Tunnel.


City guide
Photo album
Name: Stade de Lyon (Parc OL)
Location: Chemin du Montout, 69150 Décines-Charpieu, France
Coordinates: 45° 46′ 01″ N 4° 58′ 52″ E
Status: New stadium
Start of construction: 10/22/12
End of construction: 01/06/16
Cost: € 405m
Architect: Populus
Owner: OL Groupe
Tenants: Olympique Lyonnais
Inauguration: 01/09/16 (Lyon – Troyes, 4-1)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 59,000 (59,500)
Attendance record: 55,169 (Lyon – Troyes, 4-1, 01/09/16)
Pitch: Hybrid grass AirFibr
Major international football events: 2019 Women’s World Cup
Other major sporting events: 2016 Challenge Cup and Champions Cup finals (Rugby)
Major concerts: -
Group stage
Round of 16
Trivia: The Stade de Lyon is a new stadium build for the Euro 2016 and the replacement of the old stadium of Olympique Lyonnais, Stade de Gerland, that hosted the Euro 1984 and the 1998 World Cup. It is owned by Lyon and the only one of the 10 Euro 2016 stadiums to be owned by the football club that play in it. The stadium will be candidate to host the Europa League final in 2018.


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Name: Stade Vélodrome
Location: 3, boulevard Michelet, 13008 Marseille, France
Coordinates: 43° 16′ 11″ N 5° 23′ 45″ E
Status: Renovated
Start of renovation: March 2011
End of renovation: June 2014
Cost: € 267m
Architect: SCAU
Owner: City of Marseille
Tenants: Olympique de Marseille
Inauguration: 10/19/14 (Marseille – Toulouse, 2-0)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 67,000 (67,394)
Attendance record: 65,148 (Marseille – PSG, 2-3, 04/05/15)
Pitch: Hybrid grass AirFibr
Major international football events: 1938 World Cup; 1998 World Cup (Dennis Bergkamp famous last minute goal against Argentina); Euro 1960; Euro 1984 (France vs Portugal epic semi-final)
Other major sporting events: 2007 Rugby World Cup; 2010 Rugby Challenge Cup final; 2011 French Rugby Championship (Top 14) Semi-finals
Major concerts: Johnny Hallyday (4 times); Pink Floyd (07/12/89); U2 (07/14/93); The Rolling Stones (06/20/90 & 07/05/03); The Police (06/03/08); AC/DC (06/09/09); Paul McCartney (06/05/15)
Group stage
Trivia: The Stade Vélodrome is named after the cycling track surrounding the pitch when it first opened in 1937. The stadium has hosted many sporting events during its history such as tennis, field hockey, boxing, motorsports, handball, boules, greyhound tracks, baseball, US football and cycling. It is the only stadium, beside the Parc des Princes, to have hosted the 5 international football tourmanents in France (1938 and 1998 World Cup, Euro 1960, 1984, 2016). Before the renovation, the stadium was roofless and opened to the elements and to the "Mistral", a famous wind blowing in the southeastern France.


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Name: Stade de Nice (Allianz Riviera)
Location: Boulevard des Jardiniers, 06200 Nice, France
Coordinates: 43° 42′ 18″ N 7° 11′ 33″ E
Status: New stadium
Start of construction: 08/06/11
End of construction: September 2013
Cost: € 245m
Architect: Jean-Michel Wilmotte
Owner: City of Nice
Tenants: OGC Nice
Inauguration: 09/22/13 (Nice – Valenciennes, 4-0)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 35,000 (35,624)
Attendance record: 35,200 (France – Paraguay, 1-1, 06/01/14)
Pitch: Natural grass
Major international football events: France – Paraguay (1-1), 06/01/14; France – Armenia (4-0), 10/08/15
Other major sporting events: RC Toulon rugby matches (6 in total)
Major concerts: -
Group stage
Round of 16
Trivia: The Stade de Nice is a new stadium build for the Euro 2016 and the replacement of the old stadium of OGC Nice, Stade du Ray. The National Sports Museum is located in the stadium and was opened in 2014 after being moved out from Paris. The stadium has been named "Allianz Riviera" for 9 years and a price of € 1.8m per year. It is environmentally friendly with more than 4,000 solar panels and its own geothermal installation for heating drawing over three times its own energy requirements. The stadium also uses rain water channelled from the stadium roof into four collection reservoirs for pitch watering.


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Name: Parc des Princes
Location: 24, rue du Commandant-Guilbaud, 75016 Paris, France
Coordinates: 48° 50′ 29″ N 2° 15′ 11″ E
Status: Renovated
Start of renovation: May 2013
End of renovation: 2015
Cost: € 75m
Architect: Tom Sheehan
Owner: City of Paris
Tenants: Paris Saint-Germain
Inauguration: 05/25/72 (France – USSR, 1-3)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 45,000 (48,527)
Attendance record: 50,370 (France – Wales, 31-12, 02/18/89)
Pitch: Hybrid grass DESSO GrassMaster
Major international football events: 1938 World Cup; 1998 World Cup; Euro 1960; Euro 1984 (Luis Arconada famous mistake in the final against France); 3 European Cup finals (Real Madrid – Reims, 4-3, 06/13/1953; Bayern Munich – Leeds United, 2-0, 05/28/1975; Liverpool – Real Madrid, 1-0, 05/27/1981; 2 Cup Winners’ Cup finals (Anderlecht – Austria Vienna, 4-0, 05/03/1978; Arsenal – Real Zaragoza, 1-2, 05/10/1995); 1 UEFA Cup final (Lazio – Internazionale, 0-3, 05/06/1998)
Other major sporting events: 1991 Rugby World Cup; 2007 Rugby World Cup
Major concerts: Johnny Hallyday (7 times); Michael Jackson (4 times); The Rolling Stones (3 times); Red Hot Chili Peppers (06/15/04 & 07/06/07); U2 (09/06/97); David Bowie (06/14/97); Metallica (06/23/04); Iron Maiden (06/25/05); Robbie Williams (06/27/06); Muse (06/23/07); Genesis (06/30/07); Bruce Springsteen (06/27/08); Mika (07/04/08); Coldplay (09/07/09); Green Day (06/26/10)
Group stage
Round of 16
Trivia: The Parc des Princes used to host the national cup finals and be the national team stadium before the construction of the Stade de France. It also hosted 54 Tour de France finish. The stadium of the Stade Français (Parisian rugby team), Stade Jean Bouin, is right next to the Parc des Princes less than 100 meters away. The Paris ring road goes under the Parc des Princes and the Stade Jean Bouin through the Parc des Princes tunnel. The Parc des Princes pitch has been awarded "Best Ligue 1 Natural Pitch" the last 2 years thanks to Jonathan Calderwood, former Aston Villa's groundsmanager. After the Euro 2016, the Parc des Princes will be extented to a 60,000 capacity.


City guide
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Name: Stade de France
Location: ZAC du Cornillon Nord, 93200 Saint-Denis, France
Coordinates: 48° 55′ 28″ N 2° 21′ 36″ E
Status: Already build
Start of construction: 05/02/95
End of construction: 11/30/97
Cost: € 364m
Architect: Michel Macary, Aymeric Zublena, Michel Regembal, Claude Costantini
Owner: French State
Tenants: The France national football team, The France national rugby team
Inauguration: 01/28/98 (France – Spain, 1-0)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 80,000 (81,338)
Attendance record: 80,430 (South Africa – England, 15-6, 10/20/07)
Pitch: Natural grass
Major international football events: 1998 World Cup (Lilian Thuram 2 only goals in NT career qualify France for the final; Zinedine Zidane brace leads France to their first World Cup trophy); 2003 Confederations Cup; 2 UEFA Champion’s League finals (Real Madrid – Valencia, 3-0, 05/24/00; Barcelona – Arsenal, 2-1, 05/17/06); 2 World Cup qualifiers playoffs (France – Ireland, 1-1, 11/18/09; France – Ukraine, 3-0, 11/19/13)
Other major sporting events: 1999 Rugby World Cup; 2007 Rugby World Cup; 2010 H-Cup final; 2003 World Championships in Athletics
Major concerts: Johnny Hallyday (9 times); The Rolling Stones (5 times); AC/DC (5 times); U2 (5 times); Muse (4 times); Black Eyed Peas (3 times); Madonna (3 times); Beyoncé & Jay-Z (twice); Bruce Springsteen (twice); Paul McCartney (twice); David Guetta (twice); Depeche Mode (twice); The Police (twice); Prince (06/30/11); Céline Dion (twice); Metallica (05/12/12); Red Hot Chili Peppers (06/30/12); Coldplay (09/02/12); Lady Gaga (09/22/12); Rihanna (06/08/13); Eminem (08/22/13); Roger Waters (09/21/13)
Group stage
Round of 16
Trivia: The Stadium was build for the 1998 World Cup and is the biggest stadium in France by capacity. It is the only stadium in the world to have ever hosted a World Cup football and a World Cup rugby final. It has movable seating that can be retracted to uncover part of the athletics track. The locker rooms were designed with the help of Michel Platini. The stadium has been used by Lille and Lens to host Ligue 1 games while their stadiums were being renovated or build. The Stade de France can resist winds up to 145 kph and a software simulating crowd dynamics was used during its conception.


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Name: Stade Geoffroy-Guichard
Location: 14, rue Paul et Pierre Guichard, 42028 Saint-Étienne, France
Coordinates: 45° 27′ 39″ N 4° 23′ 25″ E
Status: Renovated
Start of renovation: May 2011
End of renovation: December 2014
Cost: € 58m
Architect: Chaix & Morel et Associés
Owner: City of Saint-Etienne
Tenants: AS Saint-Etienne
Inauguration: 03/08/15 (Saint-Etienne – Lorient, 2-0)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 42,000 (42,000)
Attendance record: 47,747 (Saint-Etienne – Lille, 1-0, 05/11/85)
Pitch: Hybrid grass AirFibr
Major international football events: Euro 1984 (Michel Platini perfect hat-trick against Yugoslavia); 1998 World Cup (Michael Owen famous goal against Argentina); 2003 Confederations Cup
Other major sporting events: 2007 Rugby World Cup; 2010 French Rugby Championship (Top 14) Semi-finals
Major concerts: Bruce Springsteen (06/25/85); Johnny Hallyday (07/22/03); The Police (06/10/08)
Group stage
Round of 16
Trivia: The Stade Geoffroy-Guichard is named after the founder of the Casino retail chain. The nickname of the stadium is "Le Chaudron" (the Cauldron) due its reputation for the atmosphere. The stadium was build on old mine tunnels next to a steel factory and in the early days of the stadium, fumes from the factory's chimneys were known to drif across the pitch. The "Musée des Verts" located in one of the stadium's stand and showing the history of the Saint-Etienne club is the first museum in France dedicated to a football club. The museum exhibits the famous square posts that deny Saint-Etienne 2 goals (Dominique Bathenay long shot; Jacques Santini header) in the 1976 European Cup final against Bayern München in Glasgow.


City guide
Photo album
Name: Stadium de Toulouse
Location: Île du Ramier, 1, bis allées Gabriel Biénès, 31028 Toulouse, France
Coordinates: 43° 35′ 00″ N 1° 26′ 03″ E
Status: Renovated
Start of renovation: April 2013
End of renovation: December 2015
Cost: € 46m
Architect: Cardete et Huet
Owner: City of Toulouse
Tenants: Toulouse FC
Inauguration: 01/16/16 (Toulouse – PSG)
UEFA Capacity (normal capacity): 33,000 (33,300)
Attendance record: 40,000 (Toulouse – Sete, 0-0, 05/20/51)
Pitch: Hybrid grass AirFibr
Major international football events: 1938 World Cup; 1998 World Cup (Romania beat England 2-1 in the group stage); BONUS: Diego Maradona hits the post in the penalty shootout and qualifies Toulouse for the Second Round of the 1986-1987 UEFA Cup
Other major sporting events: 2007 Rugby World Cup
Major concerts: Michael Jackson (09/16/92)
Group stage
Round of 16
Trivia: The Stadium de Toulouse in located on an island in the center of City on the Garonne river. Since november 2009, the East stand is named "Brice Taton", a Toulouse fan that died in Belgrade in september 2009 from his injuries caused by Partizan hooligans. The stadium is only one kilometer away to the AZF factory, ac hemical plant, that suffered a major explosion in september 2001 damaging the stadium. 6 months of repairs costing nearly € 600K were needed to fix the stadium.
submitted by Meladroit to soccer [link] [comments]

WEEKLY EVENTS 4/1 – 4/11

Saturday is Springtime Tallahassee. Here’s all the info on performers, schedule, etc. I used to throw the greatest parade parties.
This is Tallahassee Music Week and you can find a list of all the events right here, although many are listed on this page as well.
Next weekend is The Word of the South Festival. Look here for details and schedules. Musicians and writers performing for free at Cascades Park. Joan Osbourne, Lisa Loeb, Cap 6, The Currys, and a bunch of other stuff.
Tally’s Independent Cinema and Theater Offerings:
  • Fifth & Thomas: Jazz Brunch. “Enjoy brunch listening to the smooth jazz sounds from Shanice Richards & The Tenbusch Trio! $15 bottomless mimosas and kids eat free (with the purchase of an adult entree).” 10am-2pm
  • Art Alley on Gaines: 100 TPC Soapbox. “We invite poets, writers and performance artists of all styles and experience to stop by, step up and speak out on the 100TPC Soapbox in the Art Alleys! A public and safe space to share your voice!” 2pm-5pm
  • Centrale Pizza Parm and Bar: Oysters, Champagne and Live Music with WilloW. 10am-4pm
  • St. Louis Catholic Church: Sung Latin Mass - Fifth Sunday of Lent. “The liturgy will be entirely Gregorian-chanted in Latin, with easy-to-follow translations of the Mass texts provided for those who do not have their own pew missals.” 10:30am
  • Nefertaris: Latrío. Noon-1pm
  • The Wilbury: Fuzzzy Nickels Brunch. “Vibe out to the sounds of soul, funk, R&B, lo-fi and experimental hip-hop. Good food. Good drinks. Good tunes to dance to.” 2pm-5pm
  • StorQuest Self Storage: Tallahassee Area Foster and Adoptive Parent Association’s Storage Unit Open House. “We are reducing the inventory in our storage unit. Please come "shopping" on Sunday April 2nd from 2-5pm. Items are available to fosteadoptive parents and other substitute caregivers. The address is 2401 Barcelona Lane, Tallahassee. Drive around to the back of the building. Our unit is located inside the first set of glass doors. Knock loudly or call 850-325-0494.” 2pm-5pm
  • St. Mark’s Wildlife Refuge: Edible Plants! “Ranger Scott Davis will tell us all about native edibles and we'll have some samples! Yes, betony is edible from top to bottom.” 2pm
  • Monticello Opera House: Mushroom Growing Workshop. “Join us for a Sunday afternoon in the Opera House garden with mushroom farmers Josh and Tyler of Play of Sunlight Mushrooms (based in Tallahassee). Topics will include three easy ways to grow a variety of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms at home.” 2pm
  • Waterworks: April Shimmy Caravan. “Join us for an evening of dinner, drinks, and belly dance.” 7:30pm/free/21+
  • Growler USA (U Square): Kill the KEG at Growler USA! “It is the start of the week and we need to open up a tap for new beer! $20 all you can drink until the keg is empty, from 8-10pm! Winner(s) will receive a free Growler T Shirt and a 64 oz Growler from select taps! Bring out your team and whichever team goes through the most pitchers wins!” 8pm/21+
  • Under Wraps on the Parkway: Bar Trivia With Hank. “50 questions of friendly trivia. Plus great Mediterranean food, delicious wraps, and beer by the bottle or bucket that won’t kick you in the wallet. $20 tab for 1st place. Near all the state offices – start your week off right.” 7pm/free
  • Blue Tavern (N Monroe St): Lost Mondays with Belmont & Jones. 8pm
  • Waterworks: Patio Theater. 8:35pm/21+
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Karaoke with Nathan. He’s got all the songs. All the songs you want to sing. 9pm
  • Side Bar Theater: Open Mic Mondays with Karaoke and Games. “ Open Mic: Drums, Guitar Amp, and Bass Amp will be provided. (Bring your own guitars and various instruments!) Karaoke, Nintendo 64 ( Mario Kart, Starfox, and more!), Foosball, Cornhole.” 9pm/free/18+
  • Finnegan's Wake: Karaoke With Paul. 10pm
  • The Warrior: Hip-Hop Open Mic Monday's // Dj T Wixx on site // Bring your Tracks. 10pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Bob Dogan. 6pm
  • Growler USA (University Square): Trivia Night. 6pm
  • Madison Social: Trivia Social. They do half and half theme and miscellaneous, so check their FB every week for an event page. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. Check their FB page for the theme. 7pm
  • Northside Pies: Bar Trivia With Hank. 50 questions of sweet, sweet trivia. This is a great geeky date night option. If you’ve got teens or kids that want to go to trivia (hey, nerds come in all sizes), this is a PG/PG-13 night. 7:30pm/free
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Trivia With John Carpenter. Lively and fun. 7:30pm
  • GrassLands Brewing Company: Trivia Factory. 7:30pm
  • Fire Bettys: Now That's What I Call Tuesday! Dance Party. 8pm
  • Fourth Quarter: Trivia With Professor Jim. AUCE wings. Truly a trivia favorite. 8pm
  • Krewe de Gras: Karaoke With Pete. 8:30pm
  • Brass Tap on Gaines: Karaoke with DJRah. 9pm
  • Krewe de Gras: Karaoke With Paul. 9pm
  • The Warrior: Open Mic "SingeSong Writer" Edition. “Full bands welcome. Free Pitcher for a 15 minute or more ORIGINAL Set.” 9pm
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Trivia Tuesday! 9:30pm
  • Applebee’s on the Parkway: Karaoke with Amanda Goram. 10pm
  • Pockets Pool: Karaoke with Dwight. 10pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Roda Vibe - Brazilian Choro Music. 8pm
  • The Warehouse: Brad Watson. 8pm
  • Madison Social: The Booze-ness Lunch: Free Drink During Lunch “If Don Draper did it, why not you. We are introducing the weekly Booze-ness lunch, because one cocktail in the afternoon just makes you more creative and productive (its science). Come have lunch with us, Centrale or Township and enjoy a delicious adult beverage on the house with food purchase.” 11:30am-3pm
  • Bird's Oyster Shack: Lab Sessions with Jim Crozier, featuring Frank Lindamood. 6pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Quizmaster General Knowledge Trivia. “Quizmaster is hosted by Bennett Miller from 7-9pm every Wednesday, and features three rounds of general knowledge trivia (and a weekly food special). It is free to play and teams of up to 6 are welcome. The winner of each round receives a sample flight, and the Quizmaster for the night receives a $25 gift card and serious credit on Geek Street.” 7pm
  • Brass Tap on Gaines: Trivia. Check their FB page for the theme. 7pm
  • Hurricane Grill & Wings: Trivia With Greg. 7pm
  • GrassLands Brewing Company: BYOBG! Bring Your Own Board Game. “Our gracious host, Trevor Bond, will be featuring one game each week. Feel free to bring your own games to play & share.” 7pm/21+
  • Junction @ Monroe: Bike Night, Bingo, and Karaoke. 7pm
  • Proof: Bar Trivia With Hank. Drink delicious brews and show off all those random factoids you thought you’d never use. Local beer, local trivia in the heart of Tally’s Art District. A food truck is always out front for this, too, or you can order and pick up something great at the Crum Box Gastgarden (the caboose in RR Sq). Bar tab for 1st and 2nd place teams. 7:30pm/21+/no cover
  • The Warehouse: Open Mic. “There is a lottery for time slots. Now smoke free!” 8pm
  • El Patron: Karaoke With Big Bob. 8:30pm-11:30pm
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Karaoke. 9pm
  • The Skybox (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Mark. 9pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with Roger. 9pm
  • Corner Pocket: Karaoke. 9pm
  • Bird’s: Comedy Night. I’m pretty sure this is both a performance and an open mic. 9:30pm/free
  • Waterworks: PURPLEPALOOZA 2017. “Join Relay For Life North Leon for an evening of entertainment, fun, food, and LOTS of PURPLE PASSION as we kick off Relay Month!” 5:30pm
  • Blue Tavern: The Lark & The Loon / Kelly Goddard. 6pm/$5
  • Club Downunder: InternatioNole Fusion. “A night where people from all over the world showcase their talent. Dancing, singing, stand up...there's something for everyone. Show FSU your talent and your culture.” 7:30pm
  • Side Bar: The Wailers play Bob Marley's greatest hits featuring YAMADEO, SWAY JAH VU, and JUST CHAMELEONS. 8pm/$23
  • Lake Ella Area: Food Truck Thursday. 6pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Joe Dinkel. 6pm
  • Growler USA (University Square): Wing Eating Contest. “Like wings as much as you think you do? Think that you are a Pro or at least Semi Pro at it? Show off your skills at Growler USA from 6PM-11PM every Thursday. Rules: $20 entry fee per person for all you can eat wings, winner will be anounced on our Facebook page the following day. In addition to gettting to show off and eating a mountain of wings, the winner will receive $25 Gift card and a Free Growler USA T shirt!” 6pm
  • Beef O’Brady’s: AJ Johnson Trivia. 6:30pm
  • Junction @ Monroe: Open Mic Night. “Bring your instruments and play an open slot or just come and be entertained in Tallahassee's best sounding room!” 7pm/free
  • Skybox: $10 Cornhole Tourney. 7:30pm
  • Warhorse: Bar Trivia With Hank: AV Night. “3 rounds of music, 2 rounds of pictures! Happens on the first Thursday of every month. Full bar, fantastic pizza, and fun facts.” 8pm
  • Dux (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Big Bob. $25 bar tab given away every week. 8:30pm-12:30pm
  • Midtown Caboose: Trivia Factory. 8:30pm
  • Unique Wonders: Live Comedy with Big Hou! 8:30pm/$5
  • Pockets: Karaoke Dance Party with Keith Welch. 9pm/21+
  • Brass Tap Midtown: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-Midnight
  • Applebees on Cap Cir: Karaoke with Amanda Goram. 10pm
  • Birds: Karaoke with Nathan. All the songs. $1 Pabst drafts. 10pm
  • Institute for Nonprofit Innovation and Excellence: Relay Royale Gala. “We cordially invite you to relay royale, our first annual gala & casino night! Join us at relay royale for a night of mocktails, hors d'oeuvres, casino games & silent auctions benefiting relay for life of fsu. Come dressed in your BLACK TIE best! OPEN to all FSU students and the Tallahassee Community.” 6pm/$25, survivors free
  • The Side Bar: Sammy Adams: The Senioritis Tour with THE FARROW (from Minneapolis), YBO (from Albany NY) plus locals J. KELLY, TAREEF KNOCKOUT, DA BEAST, RO-THORO & DJ FELIX FLO! 7pm/$20
  • Black Dog on the Square: Literary Night featuring Katie Clark. 7pm
  • The Wolf’s Den: David Dondero with Tragwag & Winded. 8pm/$5/all ages
  • The Warehouse: Faking Jazz / Man-Moth / Ryley Smith. 9pm/$5
  • Fifth & Thomas: Backstage Garden Happy Hour with David Lareau. 5pm-8pm
  • Growler USA (University Square): Live Music. 6pm
  • Hobbit South: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Leggetts: Karaoke with Paul. 8:30pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with Roger. 9pm
  • Skyzone: GLOW- Featuring DJ LooseKid. “Grab all of your friends and get your jump on with live music featuring Dj Loosekid, glow lights & laser beams! Check in early to take advantage of the full 2 hours of jumping! Each jumper must wear a reflective shirt, or purchase a shirt in the park. Due to the popularity of this event and early sell outs- we highly suggest you reserve your tickets online beforehand. We cannot guarantee tickets for GLOW will be available in the park at the time of the event.” 9pm-11pm/$25/no one under 5yo
  • 926 Lounge (Formerly Pugs): The Friday Night Party. “Get your pre-game on at Happy Hour with Tom from 4-9 and the dance party getting rolling at 10 pm with our favorite house DJs slinging sound all night long. At midnight, join our talented Queens for an amazing show!” 9pm/$5, $7 under 21/18+
  • Stetsons @ The Moon: Karaoke with Devin Cywinski. 10pm/$5/18+
  • Super Secret Bonus Level (RR Sq): Grand Opening. "Come check out the new store and get your retro gaming fix!" 10am
  • Flippin Great Pinball: $5 First Friday. "All you can game from 4pm to midnight."
  • Fifth & Thomas: KING BABY W/ Buck L. Brown. 7pm/21+
  • Junction @ Monroe: FreakAndy with Drummer On The Move. “We will be broadcasting live on 106.1FM from 9:45 to 10:45.” 8pm/$12
  • Bradfordville Blues Club: Rusty Wright Band. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Landon Gay. 8pm/$5
  • The Wilbury: Fake News w/ Buster Wolf, Cat Among The Crows, Cough Drop. 9pm/free
  • Bread & Roses: First Friday Party. “Dance performance: Hannah Schwadron. Visual art: Matthew McCarron. Music: Showtime Goma + Nancyfeast (NYC), blackmoonblacksun (our Chantelle).” 9pm
  • Park at Monroe: The Downtown Marketplace. 9am
  • Corner of Georgia & Macomb: Frenchtown Farmers’ Market. “The Frenchtown Heritage Market offers a wide variety of fresh, naturally grown produce. Live music, cooking demos, fruits vegetables, and honey sold directly by farmers.” 10am – 3pm.
  • Growler USA (University Square): DJ Night. 6pm-9pm
  • Salty Dawg: Karaoke with Paul. Family friendly! 8pm
  • Leggetts: Karaoke with Cowboy Chris. 9pm
  • The Skybox (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Mark. 9pm
  • El Patron: Pasion Latina. Bachata, Merengue, Salsa, Reggaeton. 9pm
  • 926 Lounge: Sanctuary: Tallahassee’s Longest Running Goth Night. 10pm/$5/18+
  • Fifth & Thomas: Gospel Brunch. “Come and have brunch with us and enjoy the beautiful sounds of Gospel music as we have Waddles, Richards, & St. Luc. at FIfth and Thomas. Get ready for our scrumptious brunch menu plus $15 bottomless mimosas and kids eat free with the purchase of an adult entree!” 10am-2pm
  • The Red Shed: 1st Annual Country Market & Craft Fair. 11am
  • 7th Hill Tap Room: Oskar Blues Can'd Aid Foundation Fundraiser Cookout. “Come out and support a great cause, all while drinking beer and enjoying some damn good BBQ. We are making Beer can Chicken with Dale's Pale Ale and a pork butt with a glaze made from Oskar Blue's Old Chub Scotch Ale. Pre-sale tickets are $15 which will get you a heaping plate of BBQ and 2 beers. Tickets day of will be $20. $3 of every ticket sale will go to Oskar Blues Can'd Aid Foundation. This organization has a CAN do attitude when it comes to helping others. But don't just take my word for it, check out their website. Noon-5pm
  • Lake Tribe Brewing Company: Blind Draw Cornhole Tourney. “Blind Draw, $10 per person, throw for the hole jackpot, and wonderful brews.” 1pm
  • Tallahassee Indoor Sports: Tallahassee Roller Girls Season 11 Game 1: Legiskators vs. Sinators. “New Season. New Venue. Same hard-hitting action!! Come see TRG's season opener of 2017 featuring the two home-grown competitive teams: The Legiskators and the Sinators. This will be your only chance to see this match up this year, so be sure to rep your blue or red! Back for the first time in years: Our 21+ fans can now purchase beers available through our very own beer garden! Tailgate starts at 5 pm. Our new venue is full of exciting things: We'll have half time games and high $$ raffle items, just to name a few. This is a family-friendly event: kids 12 and under are FREE! Doors open at 6pm for Superfans and season pass holders, and 6:30pm for general admission. Seating may be limited, but feel free to bring your own chair! Afterparty location: Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack.” 5pm
  • Club Downunder: The Blackout: The Ultimate Multi-Art Experience. “Artist Collective presents the ultimate multi-art experience at Florida State University. This will be a showcase of every form of art. From gallery art to dance, music, spoken words, fashion and more!” 7pm
  • Civic Center: The Price is Right Live. 7:30pm/$29-$49
  • Junction @ Monroe: Dr. Sinn's Freak Island Musical Sideshow/All Strings Considered. “Dr. Sinn's Freak Island Musical Sideshow is a live original music playin’ sexy clown show spectacular from the steamy swamps of Gainesville, Florida. Featuring the good Dr. Becky Sinn, her adopted robot brother Mr. Fiddlesticks, and three dancing clowns: the Harlequin of Heat, Jenny Castle; the Titillating Tapper, Sally B. Dash, and the Princess of Poultry, Henrietta Henhouse! Setting hearts (and other things) on fire with their antics, shenanigans, and general buffoonery. All Strings Considered is a collaboration between lifelong musicians Jim Crozier (of Tallahassee's own The Common 'Taters & the Turn-Ups, Jim Crozier Music & more!) & Don Austin of Dr. Sinn's Freak Island Musical Sideshow!.” 8pm/18+/$12
  • Blue Tavern: John Emil – Slide Guitarist. 8pm/$5
  • Black Dog on the Square: Jazz on the Square featuring the Shawn Villanueva Quintet. 8pm
  • Side Bar: Cow Haus Productions Present Cream Abdul Babar + Black Tusk. “Local legends CREAM ABDUL BABAR reunite for their first Tallahassee show in 10 years along with special guests BLACK TUSK from Savannah GA! To celebrate the 20th anniversary year of Cow Haus Presents, Cream Abdul Babar is playing one show as part of a series featuring reunions of some of your favorite local bands along with bands currently in the FL scene. Black Tusk will open.” 8pm/$20
  • Fifth & Thomas: Young Dubliners. 9pm
  • Bradfordville Blues Club: Jeff Jensen Band. 9pm
  • The Wilbury: Shaken Not Stirred Burlesque. 10pm
  • Gaines Street/Railroad Ave: The Souk – “Come grab brunch from Tallahassee's finest, enjoy local musicians and check out local vendors. BRUNCH! Gaines Street hosts 12+ locally owned dining establishments in a 2 block area - we've got something for everyone! VENDORS! We've got vendors all up & down the block! Have some stuff to sell? Bring it down!. And tons of live MUSIC!” Noon-5pm
  • GrassLands Brewery: Queer Trivia: Let's Get Beers Together. “GrassLands invites the Tally LGBT community and friends to come down and enjoy local craft beer and queer-themed trivia every Sunday. LGBT-themed trivia provided by Trivia With Hank. $30 bar tab for 1st place. Stick around afterward for queers and beers.” 5pm
  • Salty Dawg Pub & Deli: The Famous Acoustic Jam w/ Wayne, Glenn, and Bo. Open mic, free beer for performers. 6pm
  • The Wilbury: Breathe Now tour with Lazarus Wilde/ Brighter Poet and more! 2pm
  • Junction @ Monroe: Second Sunday Blues Jam. “Bring your guitar, harp, voice, and any other instrument and join us every second Sunday for a blues jam. Open at 6pm for dinner, drinks, and player registration. House drum kit and bass rig provided.” 6pm/free
  • Waterworks: Selena Tribute Performance. “Yvette Smith will be celebrating Selena's birthday at Waterworks by performing a Selena Tribute dance routine.” 7:30pm/free/21+
  • Growler USA (U Square): Kill the KEG at Growler USA! “It is the start of the week and we need to open up a tap for new beer! $20 all you can drink until the keg is empty, from 8-10pm! Winner(s) will receive a free Growler T Shirt and a 64 oz Growler from select taps! Bring out your team and whichever team goes through the most pitchers wins!” 8pm/21+
  • Under Wraps on the Parkway: Bar Trivia With Hank. “50 questions of friendly trivia. Plus great Mediterranean food, delicious wraps, and beer by the bottle or bucket that won’t kick you in the wallet. $20 tab for 1st place. Near all the state offices – start your week off right.” 7pm/free
  • Junction @ Monroe: Monday Night Bingo. “Good food, good drinks, good friends, and a chance to win some big cashola! It doesn't get any better than J@M. Every Monday from 7pm-9pm we've got cash payouts up to $250 per game with multiple games each night PLUS a 50/50 drawing each week benefitting the Tallahassee Area Musicians Guild.” 7pm-9pm
  • Blue Tavern (N Monroe St): Lost Mondays with Belmont & Jones. 8pm
  • Waterworks: Patio Theater. 8:35pm/21+
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Karaoke with Nathan. He’s got all the songs. All the songs you want to sing. 9pm
  • Side Bar Theater: Open Mic Mondays with Karaoke and Games. “ Open Mic: Drums, Guitar Amp, and Bass Amp will be provided. (Bring your own guitars and various instruments!) Karaoke, Nintendo 64 ( Mario Kart, Starfox, and more!), Foosball, Cornhole.” 9pm/free/18+
  • The Warrior: Hip-Hop Open Mic Monday's // Dj T Wixx on site // Bring your Tracks. 10pm
  • The Moon: Explosions In The Sky w/Thor and Friends. 7pm/$30/18+
  • The Wilbury: Cat Family Records Presents Tail Light Rebellion with The Rest of Ray Brower, Austin Dienger, & Matt Binder. 8pm
  • Junction @ Monroe: Live Rehearsal Tuesdays. “Tuesdays are Live Rehearsals at J@M. Sponsored by the Tallahassee Area Musicians Guild. Utilize our complete backline and PA for rehearsals, jams, or hold auditions. Up to one hour slots (or more depending on number of signups) per artist/group.” 4pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Bob Dogan. 6pm
  • Growler USA (University Square): Trivia Night. 6pm
  • Madison Social: Trivia Social. They do half and half theme and miscellaneous, so check their FB every week for an event page. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. Check their FB page for the theme. 7pm
  • Northside Pies: Bar Trivia With Hank. 50 questions of sweet, sweet trivia. This is a great geeky date night option. If you’ve got teens or kids that want to go to trivia (hey, nerds come in all sizes), this is a PG/PG-13 night. 7:30pm/free
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Trivia With John Carpenter. Lively and fun. 7:30pm
  • GrassLands Brewing Company: Trivia Factory. 7:30pm
  • Midtown Pies: Trivia and Deliciousness! 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Now That's What I Call Tuesday! Dance Party. 8pm
  • Fourth Quarter: Trivia With Professor Jim. AUCE wings. Truly a trivia favorite. 8pm
  • Krewe de Gras: Karaoke With Pete. 8:30pm
  • Brass Tap on Gaines: Karaoke with DJRah. 9pm
  • The Warrior: Open Mic "SingeSong Writer" Edition. “Full bands welcome. Free Pitcher for a 15 minute or more ORIGINAL Set.” 9pm
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Trivia Tuesday! 9:30pm
  • Applebee’s on the Parkway: Karaoke with Amanda Goram. 10pm
  • Pockets Pool: Karaoke with Dwight. 10pm/21+
  • Fifth & Thomas: The Underhill Family Orchestra w/ Wanderfoot & Lil' Grizzly. 7pm/$12/21+
  • Super Secret Bonus Level (RR Sq): Tournament Tuesday. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Roda Vibe - Brazilian Choro Music. 8pm
Keep checking back, sometimes I update. Got anything to add?
submitted by clearliquidclearjar to Tallahassee [link] [comments]

Gamegear 430 roms

5 in 1 Funpak (U).zip
Aah! Harimanada (J).zip
Addams Family, The (U).zip
Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (U).zip
Aerial Assault (JU) (V1.1).zip
Aladdin (J).zip
Aladdin (U).zip
Alien 3 (U).zip
Alien Syndrome (J).zip
Andre Agassi Tennis (U).zip
Arcade Classics (U).zip
Arch Rivals (U).zip
Arena - Maze of Death (U).zip
Ariel - The Little Mermaid (U).zip
Arliel - Crystal Densetsu (J).zip
Asterix and the Great Rescue (E) (M5).zip
Asterix and the Great Rescue (U).zip
Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (J) (V1.5).zip
Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (U) (V2.4).zip
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (J).zip
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (U).zip
Baku Baku Animal (U).zip
Baku Baku Animal - Sekai Shiikugakari Senshu-ken (J).zip
Batman Forever (U).zip
Batman Returns (U).zip
Batter Up (U).zip
Battleship (U).zip
Battletoads (U).zip
Beavis and Butt-head (U).zip
Berenstain Bears', The - Camping Adventure (U).zip
Berlin no Kabe (J).zip
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S (J).zip
Bonkers Wax Up! (U).zip
Bram Stoker's Dracula (U).zip
Bubble Bobble (U).zip
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (U).zip
Bust-A-Move (U).zip
Buster Ball (J).zip
Buster Fight (J).zip
Caesar's Palace (U).zip
Captain America and the Avengers (U).zip
Car Licence (J).zip
Casino Funpak (U).zip
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (J) [S].zip
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (U) [S].zip
Chakan (U).zip
Chaos 89 (PD).zip
Chase H.Q. (J) [S].zip
Chessmaster, The (U).zip
Chicago Syndicate (U).zip
Choplifter III (U).zip
Chuck Rock (U).zip
Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (E).zip
Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (U).zip
Cliffhanger (U).zip
Clutch Hitter (U).zip
Coca Cola Kid (J).zip
Columns (J).zip
Columns (U).zip
Cool Spot (U).zip
Cosmic Spacehead (E) (M4).zip
Crayon Shin-Chan - Taiketsu! Tankam Panic!! (J).zip
Crystal Warriors (U).zip
Cutthroat Island (U).zip
Daffy Duck in Hollywood (E) (M5).zip
Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck (J).zip
Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck (U).zip
Defenders of Oasis (U).zip
Desert Speedtrap - Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (E) (M5).zip
Desert Speedtrap - Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (U).zip
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (U).zip
Devilish (J).zip
Devilish (U).zip
Doraemon - Waku Waku Pocket Paradise (J).zip
Double Dragon (U).zip
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (U).zip
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (E).zip
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (U).zip
Dragon Crystal (J).zip
Dragon Crystal (U).zip
Drop Zone (U).zip
Dunk Kid's (J).zip
Dynamite Headdy (J).zip
Dynamite Headdy (U).zip
Earthworm Jim (U).zip
Ecco - The Tides of Time (U).zip
Ecco II - The Tides of Time (J).zip
Ecco the Dolphin (U).zip
Ernie Els Golf (E).zip
Eternal Legend (J).zip
Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing (U).zip
Excellent Dizzy Collection, The (E) [S].zip
F-1 (E).zip
F-15 Strike Eagle (U).zip
FIFA International Soccer (J).zip
FIFA International Soccer (UE) (M4).zip
FIFA Soccer 96 (UE) (M4).zip
Faceball 2000 (J).zip
Factory Panic (U).zip
Fantastic Dizzy (U) [S].zip
Fantasy Zone Gear (JU).zip
Fatal Fury Special (U).zip
Fire Track by Ben Ryves (PD).zip
Foreman for Real (U).zip
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (U).zip
Fred Couples Golf (J).zip
Fred Couples Golf (U).zip
Frogs by Charles Doty (PD).zip
From TV Animation - Slam Dunk - Shouri heno Starting 5 (J).zip
G-LOC Air Battle (J) (V1.1).zip
G-LOC Air Battle (U).zip
GG Aleste (J).zip
GG Doraemon - Nora no Suke no Yabou (J).zip
GG Nibbles by Martin Konrad V4 (PD).zip
GG Portrait - Pai Chan (J).zip
GG Portrait - Yuuki Akira (J).zip
GG Shinobi (E).zip
GG Shinobi (J).zip
GP Rider (J).zip
GP Rider (U).zip
Galaga '91 (J).zip
Gamble Panic (J).zip
Gambler Jikochuushin Ha (J).zip
Ganbare Gorby! (J).zip
Garfield - Caught in the Act (U).zip
Gear Stadium (J).zip
Gear Stadium Heiseiban (J).zip
Gear Works (U).zip
George Foreman's KO Boxing (U).zip
Godzilla - Kaiju Dai Shingeki (J).zip
Greendog (U).zip
Griffin (J).zip
Gunstar Heroes (J).zip
Halley Wars (J).zip
Halley Wars (U).zip
Head Buster (J) [T+Eng.99_Chris Covell].zip
Head Buster (J).zip
Home Alone (U).zip
Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dodge Danpei (J).zip
Hook (U).zip
House of Tarot (J).zip
Hurricanes (U).zip
Hyokkori Hyoutan Jima (J).zip
Hyper Chou Pro Yakyuu '92 (J).zip
Ichidant~R GG - Puzzle & Action (J).zip
In the Wake of Vampire (J).zip
Incredible Crash Dummies, The (U).zip
Incredible Hulk, The (U).zip
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (U).zip
Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (U).zip
Itchy & Scratchy Game, The (U).zip
J.League Soccer - Dream Eleven (J).zip
James Bond 007 - The Duel (U).zip
James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish (U).zip
James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (U).zip
Jang Pung II (K) [S].zip
Jeopardy! (U).zip
Jeopardy! - Sports Edition (U).zip
Joe Montana's Football (JU).zip
Judge Dredd (U).zip
Junction (U).zip
Jungle Book, The (U) (Aug 1993).zip
Jungle Book, The (U) (Mar 1994).zip
Jurassic Park (J).zip
Jurassic Park (UE).zip
Kaitou Saint Tail (J).zip
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (U).zip
Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba (J).zip
Kick & Rush (J).zip
Kinetic Connection (J).zip
Kishin Douji Zenki (J).zip
Klax (U).zip
Kuni-chan no Game Tengoku (J).zip
Kuni-chan no Game Tengoku Part 2 (J).zip
Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (J).zip
Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (U).zip
Last Action Hero (U).zip
Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (J).zip
Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (U).zip
Lemmings (U).zip
Lion King, The (E).zip
Lion King, The (U).zip
Lost World, The - Jurassic Park (U).zip
Lucky Dime Caper, The Starring Donald Duck (J).zip
Lucky Dime Caper, The Starring Donald Duck (U).zip
Lunar - Sanposuru Gakuen (J) [T+Eng1.00].zip
Lunar - Sanposuru Gakuen (J).zip
MLBPA Baseball (U).zip
MOD2PSG V1.8 - Secret of Monkey Island (PD).zip
MOD2PSG V1.8 - Shadow of the Beast (PD).zip
Madden NFL '95 (U).zip
Madden NFL '96 (U).zip
Madou Monogatari A - Doki Doki - Bake Shon (J).zip
Madou Monogatari I (J).zip
Madou Monogatari II - Aruru 16-sai (J).zip
Madou Monogatari III - Kyukyoku Joo-sama (J).zip
Magic Knight Rayearth (J).zip
Magic Knight Rayearth 2 - Making of Magic Knight (J).zip
Magical Puzzle Popils (J).zip
Magical Taruruuto-kun (J).zip
Majesco Game Gear BIOS (U).zip
Majors Pro Baseball, The (U).zip
Mappy (J).zip
Marble Madness (U).zip
Marko's Magic Football (U).zip
Megaman (U).zip
Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible (J).zip
Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible Special (J).zip
Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (U).zip
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (U).zip
Micro Machines (E).zip
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (E).zip
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (U).zip
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (U).zip
Moldorian (J).zip
Monster Truck Wars (U).zip
Monster World II - Dragon no Wana (J).zip
Mortal Kombat (J).zip
Mortal Kombat (U).zip
Mortal Kombat 3 (U).zip
Mortal Kombat II (U).zip
Ms. Pac-Man (U).zip
NBA Action (U).zip
NBA Jam (J).zip
NBA Jam (U) (V1.1).zip
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (U).zip
NFL '95 (U).zip
NFL Quarterback Club '96 (U).zip
NFL Quarterback Club (U).zip
NHL All-Star Hockey (U).zip
NHL Hockey (U).zip
Nazo Puyo (J).zip
Nazo Puyo 2 (J).zip
Nazo Puyo Aruru no Ru (J).zip
Neko Daisuki! (J).zip
Ninja Gaiden (J).zip
Ninja Gaiden (U).zip
Ninku (J) [T+Eng0.1].zip
Ninku (J).zip
Ninku 2 - Tenkuryu-e no Michi (J).zip
Ninku Gaiden - Hiroyuki Daikatsugeki (J).zip
Nomo's World Series Baseball (J).zip
Olympic Gold - Barcelona '92 (E) (M8) [S].zip
Olympic Gold - Barcelona '92 (U) (M8) [S].zip
Ottifants, The (E).zip
OutRun (JU).zip
OutRun Europa (U) [S].zip
PGA Tour 96 (U).zip
PGA Tour Golf (U) (V1.1).zip
PGA Tour Golf II (U).zip
Pac-Attack (U).zip
Pac-Man (J).zip
Pac-Man (USA, Europe).zip
Panzer Dragoon Mini (J).zip
Paperboy (U).zip
Paperboy 2 (U).zip
Pengo (J).zip
Pengo (U).zip
Pet Club Inu Daisuki! (J).zip
Pete Sampras Tennis (E).zip
Phantasy Star Adventure (J) [T+Eng1.01_AGTP].zip
Phantasy Star Adventure (J).zip
Phantasy Star Gaiden (J) [T+EngV4.0Smallfont_Magic_Trans].zip
Phantasy Star Gaiden (J).zip
Phantom 2040 (U).zip
Pinball Dreams (U).zip
Pocket Jansou (J).zip
Poker Faced Paul's Blackjack (U).zip
Poker Faced Paul's Gin (U).zip
Poker Faced Paul's Poker (U).zip
Poker Faced Paul's Solitaire (U).zip
Pop Breaker (J).zip
Popeye's Beach Volleyball (J).zip
Power Strike II (U).zip
Predator 2 (U) [S].zip
Primal Rage (U).zip
Prince of Persia (E) [S].zip
Prince of Persia (U) [S].zip
Pro Yakyuu '91, The (J).zip
Pro Yakyuu GG League '94 (J).zip
Psychic World (J).zip
Psychic World (U).zip
Putt & Putter (J).zip
Putt & Putter (U).zip
Puyo Puyo 2 (J).zip
Puzlow Kids (J).zip
Puzzle Bobble (J).zip
Quiz Gear Fight!!, The (J).zip
R.B.I. Baseball '94 (U).zip
R.C. Grand Prix (U) [S].zip
Rastan Saga (J) [S].zip
Ren & Stimpy - Quest for the Shaven Yak, The (U).zip
Revenge of Drancon (U).zip
Riddick Bowe Boxing (J).zip
Riddick Bowe Boxing (U).zip
Rise of the Robots (U).zip
Ristar the Shooting Star (U).zip
Road Rash (U).zip
Robocop 3 (U).zip
Robocop versus The Terminator (U).zip
Ronald in the Magical World (JU).zip
Royal Stone (J).zip
Ryu Kyu (J).zip
S.S. Lucifer - Man Overboard! (U).zip
SD Gundam - Winner's History (J) [T+Eng].zip
SD Gundam - Winner's History (J).zip
Samurai Shodown (U).zip
Samurai Spirits (J).zip
Scratch Golf (JU).zip
Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 (U).zip
Sega Tween (Normal) by Ben Ryves (PD).zip
Sensible Soccer (E).zip
Shadam Crusader (J).zip
Shanghai II (J).zip
Shaq Fu (U).zip
Shikinjou (J).zip
Shining Force Gaiden (J).zip
Shining Force Gaiden - Final Conflict (J) [T+Eng29Nov2005_SFC].zip
Shining Force Gaiden - Final Conflict (J).zip
Shining Force Gaiden II (J).zip
Shining Force II - The Sword of Hajya (U).zip
Shinobi II - The Silent Fury (U).zip
Side Pocket (U).zip
Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The Space Mutants (U).zip
Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The World (U).zip
Simpsons, The - Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (U).zip
Simpsons, The - Krusty's Fun House (U).zip
Skweek (J).zip
Slider (U).zip
Smurfs, The (E).zip
Solitaire Funpak (U).zip
Solitaire Poker (U).zip
Sonic & Tails (J).zip
Sonic & Tails 2 (J).zip
Sonic Blast (U).zip
Sonic Chaos (U).zip
Sonic Drift (J).zip
Sonic Drift 2 (J).zip
Sonic Labyrinth (U).zip
Sonic Spinball (U).zip
Sonic The Hedgehog (U) (V1.1).zip
Sonic The Hedgehog - Triple Trouble (U).zip
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (U).zip
Soukoban (J).zip
Space Harrier (JU).zip
Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (U).zip
Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (U).zip
Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (U).zip
Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball (U).zip
Sports Trivia (U).zip
Sports Trivia - Championship Edition (U).zip
Star Trek Generations - Beyond the Nexus (U).zip
Star Trek TNG - Advanced Holodeck Tutorial (U).zip
Star Wars (U).zip
Stargate (U).zip
Streets of Rage (U).zip
Streets of Rage II (U).zip
Strider Returns (U).zip
Super Battletank (U).zip
Super Columns (J).zip
Super Columns (U).zip
Super Golf (J).zip
Super Kick Off (J) [S].zip
Super Monaco GP (J).zip
Super Monaco GP (U).zip
Super Off-Road (U).zip
Super Return of the Jedi (U).zip
Super Smash T.V. (U).zip
Super Space Invaders (U).zip
Super Tetris (K) [S].zip
Superman (U).zip
Surf Ninjas (U).zip
Sylvan Tale (J) [T+Eng1.01_AGTP].zip
Sylvan Tale (J).zip
Tails' Adventures (U).zip
Tails' Sky Patrol (J).zip
Taisen Mahjong HaoPai (J).zip
Taisen Mahjong HaoPai 2 (J).zip
Taisen-gata Daisenryaku G (J).zip
Tale Spin (U).zip
Tama & Friends - 3choume Kouen - Tamalympics (J).zip
Tanto-R (J).zip
Taz in Escape from Mars (U).zip
Taz-Mania - The Search for the Lost Seabirds (U).zip
Tempo Jr. (U).zip
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (U).zip
Terminator, The (U).zip
Tesserae (U).zip
Tintin au Tibet (E).zip
Tom and Jerry - The Movie (U).zip
Torarete Tamaruka! (J).zip
True Lies (U).zip
Twisty by Charles MacDonald (PD).zip
Ultimate Soccer (E).zip
Urban Strike (U).zip
VR Troopers (U).zip
Vampire - Master of Darkness (U).zip
Virtua Fighter Animation (U).zip
Virtua Fighter Mini (J).zip
WWF Raw (U).zip
WWF Steel Cage Challenge (U) [S].zip
Wagyan Land (J).zip
Wheel of Fortune (U).zip
Wimbledon (U).zip
Windows for GG by Victor Kemp (PD).zip
Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94 (J).zip
Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94 (U).zip
Wizard Pinball (U).zip
Wolfchild (U).zip
Wonder Boy (E).zip
Wonder Boy (J).zip
Wonder Boy - The Dragon's Trap (E).zip
Woody Pop (U) (V1.1).zip
World Class Leader Golf (U).zip
World Cup 94 (U).zip
World Cup Soccer (U).zip
World Derby (J).zip
World Series Baseball '95 (U).zip
World Series Baseball (U) (V1.1).zip
X-Men (U).zip
X-Men - Gamemaster's Legacy (U).zip
X-Men - Mojo World (U).zip
Yuu Yuu Hakusho (J).zip
Yuu Yuu Hakusho II (J) [T+Eng].zip
Yuu Yuu Hakusho II (J).zip
Zan Gear (J).zip
Zool (J).zip
Zool (U).zip
Zoop (U).zip
Zoop'em Up by Martin Konrad (PD).zip

submitted by 1337gfy to Roms [link] [comments]

Casino Barcelona €30 Friday Madness

Has anyone played this tournament before and could tell me something about field size, levels etc? I'm a poor student who has never played at a casino before, thought this could be a fun start as I'm in Barcelona for a month at the moment. Thanks in advance!
submitted by koolsnack904 to poker [link] [comments]

Big changes at the top of GPI leaderboards

The Global Poker Index is expected to undergo significant transformations after the European Poker Tour resumes in mid-August with the Barcelona tournament. Meanwhile, those who are at the top of the leaderboards are trying to consolidate their position, in the wake of some big changes that occurred in late July. Major tournaments are routinely organized by online poker rooms, with the impact of these competitions being considerable. Betfair Poker is one of the places where poker professionals who don't mind making the transition to online gambling can compete against equally competent opponents. The prices are dwarfed by the amounts awarded in major series, such as the WSOP, but those who emerge victorious are still guaranteed to boost their online account. The recent numbers released, show that Alex Bilokur is the leading the 2014 GPI Player of the Year, with 70 points ahead of former leader Keven Stammen. 2014 GPI Player of the Year: 1 Alex Bilokur 1071.07 2 Keven Stammen 1001.05 3 Dan Smith 967.99 4 Scott Seiver 953.71 5 Ole Schemion 951.60 6 Daniel Negreanu 946.18 7 Mustapha Kanit 940.52 8 Byron Kaverman 923.71 9 Jacob Schindler 921.97 10 Matt Glantz 896.51 He was also leading the list one week ago when the latest numbers were announced, but underneath him some changes did occur. Matt Glantz is currently the last one in the top 10 with almost 900 points to his name and he needs to consolidate his position, otherwise he will be overtaken by a new entry. In the other important GPI leaderboard, Ole Schemion has returned to the top at the expense of Dan Smith who sank into second place: GPI Top 300: 1 Ole Schemion 3997.142 Dan Smith 3907.013 Daniel Negreanu 3765.82 4 Scott Seiver 3580.885 Byron Kaverman 3497.086 Jason Mercier 3494.93 7 Paul Volpe 3460.52 8 Erik Seidel 3417.239 Alex Bilokur 3385.8910 Martin Jacobson 3264.77 Although he's far from entering top 10, Brian Hastings can be really proud of his accomplishment, because he was among the most successful players over the last couple of days. He greatly improved his position and entered the top 100, after surging for almost 50 positions as a result of his deep run at the Florida State Poker Championships. In that particular event, he failed to make the final table but finished in the 13th place to accumulate a lot of GPI points, besides the juicy paycheck.
via Casinoreviews
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Key European Poker Tour dates announced

The European Poker Tour is already the most popular competition on the old continent, but this edition promises to be truly special. It will also cross a psychological threshold, as the 100th event will take place in August in Barcelona and records are expected to be broken in terms of attendance and prizes. Last season's attendance offers a taste of what is to come as nearly 10k people participated in one of the events that were a part of the Barcelona Poker Festival. The EPT as a whole was even more impressive and 40,000 bought in one of the festivals scattered throughout the year. 4000 more will lock horns later this month when the Monte-Carlo Casino EPT Grand Final starts, but the best is yet to come. Once Season 11 begins in August, the changes required by poker players will be implemented and more Omaha, HORSE and Stud will be added. Deuces Wild and Crazy Pineapple will be some welcomed distractions from the somewhat stressful main events, while the tournaments dedicated to Women and Seniors are also great additions. The latter are introduced in premiere, while the former were made more accessible by having the buy-in decreased from €300 to €200. Moneywise, players will also be thrilled to hear that the EPT London Main Event will only set them back £4,000 + £250, which is a steep markdown. This festival will start on October 8th and come to an end 10 days later, less than two months after Season 11 kicks off in Barcelona. The first EPT stop will bring players together and will run in parallel with Estrellas Poker Tour, making August a truly special month for poker players. The last important tournament of the year is going to be EPT Prague which runs in December, but 2015 will start on a high note, with the EPT Deauville stop. The European Poker Tour came a long way since its inception and the interest for both the Main Events and side tournaments is still on the rise. The dates for the upcoming tour have been confirmed and these are the ones that poker players should keep in mind: • EPT Barcelona August 16 - 27, 2014; EPT Main Event August 21-27• EPT London October 8-18, 2014; EPT Main Event October 12-18• EPT Prague December 7-17, 2014; EPT Main Event December 11-17• EPT Deauville January 28 - February 7, 2015, EPT Main Event February 1-7• EPT Grand Final April 29 - May 8, 2015 EPT Main Event May 2-5
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Slyde sponsors the European Poker Tour again

Now that the World Series of Poker 2014 has come to an end, it is time for poker professionals to look elsewhere for nonstop action. The first major tournament scheduled for the upcoming months goes by the name of European Poker Tour and stars in Barcelona, in August. It can provide poker fans with another opportunity to put their skills to the test at live tables, after honing them over the Internet. Betfair Poker has announced that this year, it plans on sending a couple of successful members to the EPT tournaments, with qualifiers already running live. Obviously, this is not the only way to book a seat for the European poker tour, as the most obvious solution is to earn the money yourself. The flagship tournaments, such as the main event will set players back a five digit amount, but there are smaller competitions to choose from. The least expensive only cost $1000, with the winner expected to take home in excess of 100,000 but guaranteed prize pool are always exceeded. As the enthusiasm for the upcoming competition is growing, the name of the official sponsor has been unveiled. It is hardly a surprise that Slyde decided to team up with the tour and become the official watch sponsor for the third year in a row. Such partnerships represent a win-win situation for both parties involved, as they are provided with a chance to maximize their exposure, while being a part of something truly important. The watch manufacturer is not the only one to have jumped on the bandwagon, with audio and chocolate companies tagging along. Skullcandy and Suesswaren will be an integrated part of the EPT and in their case, this is the first time that they participate. As for the watch manufacturer, the contribution to the cause is diverse but what players need to know is that winners will receive custom-made watches. The price tag for these works of art range from €5000-€9000 and the ones who emerge victorious, will get to display their poker prowess by wearing a beautiful 'Black and Steel' or a 'Black and Rose' Slyde. It is only fair to assume that the partnership between the European Poker Tour and the watch manufacturer will not come to an end the 2014. Players are thrilled at the prospect of receiving these great watches on top of a significant payout, with the piece of jewelry being an excellent incentive to excel at the tables. Slyde will expand its contribution to all EPT events not only the opening event in Barcelona which is scheduled to begin on August 16th.
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Olivier Busquet wins EPT Barcelona €50,000 Super High Roller

The expectations couldn't possibly be higher for the European Poker Tour and the Barcelona stop was by far the most anticipated event. This was the 100th stop for the prestigious European competition and the fact that it all began with the €50,000 Super High Roller meant a great deal. Regular poker players had no option but to sit back and watch some of the best poker pros in the world compete among themselves, in a dazzling display of skill. There are plenty of side events to participate and qualifiers still run live at Unibet Poker for the main event, so even those who don't have a lot of money could find themselves playing at the live tables in Barcelona. For the time being, Olivier Busquet is the one celebrating, because he became the first player to win a tournament in Barcelona this season, after outshining a total of 77 players. This means that a new record has been set, because last year only 64 players participated and as a result the prize pool grew significantly. The winner was guaranteed an amount of more than €1 million, but players were given the option of reaching an agreement at any time during the final table. This is something that usually happens in major tournaments, because when the stakes are as high as they get, even poker professionals prefer not to let luck decide the outcome. Plenty of pros participated, but only the nine who made the final table finished in the money, with Dan Shak being one of the lucky few. He survived with his dwindling stack long enough to claim a consolation prize of €130,000, with Morten Klein being the next to be sent to the rail. It took a while for the field to be reduced to just three players, but when three handed play began, it was obvious that Olivier Busquet and Daniel Colman were the ones to compete for the trophy. Immediately after Vladimir Troyanovskiy was eliminated in the third place, the two remaining players decided to split the money according to their stacks. Olivier Busquet was ahead and won more, but just as important is the fact that he was also the last man standing after the final hand was dealt. Check out the final table results below: 1 Olivier Busquet €896,4342 Daniel Colman €843,0663 Vladimir Troyanovskiy €473,2004 Scott Seiver €364,2005 Sam Trickett €288,4006 Sven Reichardt €225,5007 Morten Klein €177,5008 Dan Shak €138,600
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Robert Tanita claims first prize in Arizona State Poker Championship

The European Poker Tour is keeping players at the edge of their seats and most poker professionals have traveled to Barcelona. The first tournament has already ended, with players spending a lot of money to participate in the highrollers event and everyone is anxiously waiting for the main event. There are plenty of American players who chose to cross the ocean for this competition, but a handful remained at home, to play in the Arizona State Poker Championship. This is by far the most important event held within the state borders this month and the fact that players only had to pay $1100, added to its popularity. A total of 1460 players tagged along and with many of them deciding to rebuy after suffering an untimely elimination, the winner was guaranteed to take home in excess of one quarter of $1 million. Making the final table was lavishly rewarded, with the one to be sent to the rail first, collecting $18,000. Robert Tanita was the one who emerged victorious at the expense of Jerry Sanchez, two years after playing in the same tournament. Back in 2012, he made the money but he had to settle for less than $700 which represents half of the buy-in. Robert played far more aggressively this time and constantly built his stack, cruising to a career-best paycheck of $257,000. This is how the final table looked like at the Arizona State Poker Championship and the name of the 10 players who got this far. Those who finished on the podium received a six digit amount, but the spoils go to the winner, Robert Tanita. Check out the final table results below: 1 Robert Tanita $257,6902 Jerry "Wolf" Sanchez $175,2003 Brayden Quackenbush $131,4004 Steve Buell $98,5505 Matt Affleck $83,9506 Mark Atanovich $69,3507 Huy "Spike" Le $54,7508 David Williams $40,1509 Kenna James $25,55010 Pierce McKellar $18,250 US-based players have a hard time playing poker over the Internet, but back in Europe, players are competing over the Internet while watching the live action from Barcelona. Betfair Poker has sent a couple of players to this European Poker Tour stop and it usually organizes qualifiers for future events held under the EPT umbrella.
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Chen Qin wins opening event of 2014 Beijing Millions

For more than a month, the United States was the cornerstone of live poker, but action has subsided and professionals are leaving Las Vegas. Europe will become the new gambling hub later in August, as the European Poker Tour will resume in August with the Barcelona tournament. Meanwhile, many poker players have traveled to Asia, for the PokerStars 2014 Beijing Millions and Chen Qin can brag about winning the opening event. PokerStars is playing a significant role in this part of the world when it comes to promoting poker and has established a permanent position in Macau. This year, the prizes for the 2014 Beijing Millions exceeded expectations, with the winner taking home ¥675,000. A quick glance at the standings will reveal the fact that the runner-up won a bit more and the difference between the winner and the one finishing in the third place was just as wide. The reason for why this happened is that the remaining four players decided not to play until the final hand was dealt, but instead chopped the pot right away. This is common practice at both live and online poker tournaments, as the finalists frequently prefer not to allow luck decide the outcome of the game. There is a protocol and players are usually getting a share that is indissolubly linked to the chips in front of them, but then again they have unlimited freedom to proposing alternate deals. In this particular case, an agreement was reached fairly quickly and the top four players claimed the paycheck right away, leaving them to fight for glory alone. Chen Qin persevered and after the deal was made, he shifted into a more aggressive gear, knowing that there is nothing to lose. Yang Zhang proved to be the most difficult competitor, but even though he won more money at the end of the tournament, he was deprived of the honor of winning the event. The Beijing Star Poker Club was the gracious host for the PokerStars tournament, which was the largest outside United States. More than 200 players participated, but only these nine made the final table, not surprisingly all of them being from China. Check out their placement below and the corresponding prizes: 1 Chen Qin China ¥675,0002 Yang Zhang China ¥700,0003 Tong Shen China ¥650,0004 Feng Bai China ¥587,5005 Jing Liu China ¥312,5006 Chen Hao China ¥250,0007 Qiang Liu China ¥205,0008 Hui Xu China ¥162,6509 Yuanye Chen China ¥125,000
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7 big tournaments scheduled for August

Poker doesn't take a break, not even after a massive tournament such as the World Series of Poker has ended, with action continuing nonstop. In the next couple of months, major events are scheduled and they will take place in different parts of the world, with many held by US casinos. It all begins with the WPT Legends of Poker, a tournament that starts on July 28 and last for more than a month. Players are expected to sit down at the tables of the Bicycle Club in Bell Gardens, California and play in various competitions, highlighted by the $3,700 Main Event. This is scheduled for August 23, so there is plenty of time to boost your bankroll by playing live or online poker. Arguably the best thing one can do is to gear up for live action while playing over the Internet and PKR, one of the few poker rooms that focuse on the social nature of the game. Poker players who reside in Europe and have no intention in crossing the Atlantic for live action, will have plenty on their hands by simply attending the GUKPT Reading. This is just the first of the numerous events hosted by the circuit and the flagship tournament is the £550 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event. Action continues in August with the Macau Poker Cup which is of course sponsored by PokerStars and players from all walks of life are expected to attend. Perhaps the most interesting tournament is the HKD$11,000 Main Event, in fierce competition with the HKD$80,000 High Roller that will begin on August 8. There is plenty of money on the table and some of the best highrollers in the world will be here. From August 8, two big tournaments start in Europe, first being the UK & Ireland Poker Tour London which will be hosted by the Hippodrome Casino. The main event will play over three days and players will need to pay a buy-in of £275 to compete for the main prize. A similar amount is expected to be invested by those who plan on attending the Grosvenor UK Poker Tour event between August 10th and 17th in Coventry. One of the most anticipated tournaments of the year is the main event of the European Poker Tour Barcelona and as always, it all begins on poker 16th. For 10 full days, some of the best poker players and plenty of amateurs will be swarming this beautiful city in Catalunya, but only a handful will emerge victorious. Autumn begins with the GUKPT Leeds tournament which starts on August 31 and concludes on September 1, when the winner of the £550 No-Limit Hold'em will be crowned.
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Global Poker Index and Ivey League shake hands

When poker players wants to learn more about their place in the live tournament poker ecosystem, they instinctively visit Global Poker Index. There are basically two leaderboard to compare and all those successful players feature on one of them, with the algorithm used being the most relevant one. Overall, this is the place where success in tournaments is properly quantified and this explains why there are so many interested to establish a lucrative partnership with the GPI. The most recent deal is between the Global Poker Index and Ivey League, with the two companies trying to work together for the benefit of poker in general and players in particular. The idea is to give more exposure the game itself, while making it easy for players to spend time in the spotlight. This is great news for those who play mostly over the Internet, where making a name for itself is far more difficult than building a healthy bankroll. Poker players who have an account with 888Poker know all too well that even successful grinders are bound to spend a lot of time in the shadows. Until you actually make a deep run in a prominent live tournaments, it is unlikely for your peers to get to know you. This is why the recently signed partnership has potential, as in excess of 100,000 fantasy poker manager users will get involved. Ivey League has emerged as a great source of information and most of those who need proper training are choosing them. Everyone who is even remotely familiar with poker now that the league was founded by Phil Ivey himself who is widely regarded as one of the best poker players in the world. He is just as experienced at live tables as he is over the Internet, which explains why so many are willing to learn from the best. It goes without saying that he featured on numerous occasions in the Global Poker Index leaderboards, even though he rarely had a decent chance at winning the player of the year award. The partnership between the two companies was announced and celebrated on the official website and it received ample coverage in all poker newspapers. The results are soon to follow, but the first important tournament that should give the heads-up about what these deal is all about is the European Poker Tour. The tournament resumes in Barcelona for the 100th competition and some of the best poker professionals in the world are expected to travel to Spain. Action shifting from the United States to Europe and for the rest of the year, the old continent would become a hotspot for poker enthusiasts.
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Ihar Soika wins EPT Barcelona High Roller Event

The European Poker Tour Barcelona came to an end and there were plenty of players who made the money, while those who reached the final table were generously rewarded. Contrary to popular belief, the highlight of the tournament was not the main event, but the European Poker Tour Barcelona €10,300 High Roller. It was the last one scheduled and attracted a field of 393 players, which is a record given the fact that each of them had to pay a five digit number. PKR ran qualifiers prior to the beginning of the EPT and even offered a couple of packages to those who were particularly successful online. It goes without saying that these players were presented with the chance to compete in side events, with those aspiring to win the highroller competition having to pay €10,000 out-of-pocket. Unlike regular tournaments, only those who make a very deep run can expect to offset their investment, which explains why everyone was extremely cautious around the bubble stage. Poker professionals and amateurs alike were eliminated over the first two days and only 21 of them made Day 3, with Ihar Soika being among the ones who the stacks. There were plenty of pros left in the competition when the final day of the EPT Barcelona High Roller Event began and action slowed to a crawl when only 15 players were left. In the end, the final table was reached, not before Maxim Panyak was sent home in the ninth place with a consolation prize of €73,000. Soika took advantage of the last couple of hours of play and when the remaining 8 players took their seats at the official final table, he was clearly ahead. With almost a third of all the money in front of him, he had no reason to play it safe and wait for his opponents to eliminate each other. He sent three players to the rail en route to a heads-up that saw him compete with one of the most dangerous poker pros. It was obvious that Jason Mercier will give him a run for his money, but he had the smaller stack and despite his best efforts, the Team PokerStars Pro failed to stage a remarkable comeback. He had to settle for the second place, while the winner took home in excess of €747,000. 1 Ihar Soika €747,2002 Jason Mercier €473,5003 Ismail Erkenov €342,4004 Ami Barer €276,9005 Benjamin Pollak €219,0006 Marc-Andre Ladouceur €168,6007 Stephen Chidwick €125,6008 Carlos Chadha €90,900
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Ryan Foster claims top prize in 2014 GUKPT Goliath Main Event

The vast majority of poker professionals who prefer to compete in live competitions are in Barcelona right now, because this is where the European Poker Tour takes place. This is where the big money will be made and over the next couple of days, the best will compete for money, trophies and glory. This doesn't mean that nothing happens beyond the English Channel, where the 2014 GUKPT Goliath Main Event attracted a massive field of 3394 players. The buy-in for this tournament consisted of £100+£20 which is not a prohibitive amount even for those who compete exclusively over the Internet. In fact, there were many online poker players who spend most of their time at the cash games and tournaments offered by Ladbrokes Poker, who chose to participate. There were a total of six starting flights, which presented players with plenty of time to buy in and even those who were busy elsewhere, found it worthwhile to take a jab at the GUKPT Goliath Main Event. More than 500 players participated in the first day and Mark Adams was by far the most successful one, taking almost 500,000 chips to Day 2. Even more players bought in in the following days and the chip leader changed several times, with Hamed Nikjeh being the temporary winner. Unfortunately for him, he failed to put the full weight of his stack behind his actions in the next few days and didn't even make the final table. His fate was shared by several players who were for a brief period of time the chip leaders and others came strongly from behind. Ryan Foster was one of those who closed the gap separating them from the leading pack and he had high expectations for the final table. He was among the better placed of those 26 who returned on Sunday for the last day of 2014 GUKPT Goliath Main Event and three hours later, the final table was decided. Mark Adams was once again in the spotlights and he did a fine job at the final table, causing several eliminations en route to a heads-up against Ryan Foster. The two players battle the through for a while but in the end Ryan emerged victorious and claimed the first prize of £62,120. 2014 GUKPT Goliath Main Event Final Table Results1 Ryan Foster £62,1202 Mark Adams £40,7003 Neville Price £27,1404 Arjun Ruparel £18,9905 Rodrigo Hernandez £13,5706 Mihaly Jancso £8,8207 Adam Nice £5,4308 Phil Stein £3,3909 Liam Horton £2,710
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Running Aces Harness Park crowns its winner

Only two weeks separate us from the highly anticipated World Series of poker Main event conclusion, with the final table to resume at Rio casino in Las Vegas. Nine players are still in the race and they are going to do everything in their power to win the first prize, because the difference between the top payout and the amount collected by the one to be sent first to the rails is significant. The World Poker Tour runs in parallel, with some of the most important stops being scheduled for October and they will be hosted by casinos in the United States. On the other side of the Atlantic, the European Poker Tour is underway and following the tremendous success of the Barcelona event, the prospects are optimistic to say the least. Things are even better over the Internet, where Everest Poker has unveiled its brand-new lineup of promotions and bonuses for autumn. New members can boost their bankroll by taking advantage of the first deposit bonus and then gradually add funds, as they cash in on reload bonuses. The online poker room will also send a couple of players to live tournaments, with satellites and qualifiers running live on a daily basis. Speaking of live tournaments, the Mid-States Poker Tour's second Season 5 was underway at Running Aces Harness Park in Columbus. A total of 338 players participated and the winner was expected to take home roughly $90,000, with the final table featuring no poker professional. On the other hand, there were more than a handful of experienced amateurs and the vast majority of them had participated at least once in the previous editions of this tournament. Ken Pates made the final table for the first time here, but he got that far in another Mid-States Poker Tour event in 2014. It comes as no surprise that he had no problems in withstanding the pressure and made short work of his competitors. The fact that he was riding a deep stack definitely helped, with Ken starting as he leader and he never allowed opponents to overtake him. In the end, he won $87,000, while Dennis Stevermer finished second to win almost $50,000. 1 Ken Pates $87,6982 Dennis Stevermer $48,7213 Ervin Bjerga $30,3054 Steve Vang $24,3615 Dan Shogren $19,1646 Ben Marsh $15,7537 William Vincent II $12,6608 Jason Seitz $9,5829 Jeremy Dresch $6,49610 Bill Perpich $4,223
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Tom Marchese wins $1.3 million in Super High Roller tournament

Winning the first prize in the European Poker Tour Barcelona was a great deal and the same can be said about those who prevailed in the highrollers tournament. Even making the final table resulted in a huge paycheck, which explains why these events are nowadays regarded as more important than the main events. A new stop of the celebrated EPT is going to bring players on the old continent this month, but meanwhile, action was every bit as intense on the other side of the Atlantic. While regular players are choosing tournaments and cash games over the Internet at Winner Poker, those who prefer to play on big money in land-based casinos were at the Aria Resort & Casino Las Vegas. The reason for why this place became the focal point of attraction for these poker professionals is that it was the gracious host for the $100,000 super highrollers tournament. The size of the buy-in guaranteed a huge paycheck and the fact that only 3 players would make the money didn't have a deterring effect on them. It was obvious that the winner will take home a seven digit amount, with the only thing that could change that was a potential deal. Sometimes when the players make the final tables of tournaments of such magnitude, they agree to split the money evenly or according to their stacks. In this case, no deal was made and as a result Tom Marchese took all the spoilers and the honor of winning the highrollers event. Once the final table was set, the remaining players knew that suffering an untimely elimination was not the worst thing that could happen. With Jake Schindler, Doug Polk, Joseph Cheong, David Sands, Igor Kurganov, Philipp Gruissem and Andrew Robl being already out of the picture, anything could happen. The last three players were decided after Rast caused the elimination of one opponent, but his victory was short-lived, because he ran into Marchese's suited A-10. His weaker hand didn't stand a chance and the heads-up began fast and furious, with Tom riding a bigger stack and playing aggressive poker. He pushed his opponent around, until Katz finally succumbed under pressure and went all in in what proved to be a rather lopsided coin flip. Once again, the better hand held all the way to the River and it was Tom Marchese who celebrated his victory and a paycheck of more than $1.3 million. The last man standing took home almost twice as much as the runner-up.
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Danny Suied wins Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open

The vast majority of those who play at the European Poker Tour in Barcelona have paid the buy-in out-of-pocket, but there are a handful of players who won online satellites. Many poker rooms have organized such qualifiers over the last couple of weeks and a couple of Sky Poker member are now competing at life tables after booking a seat online. There are plenty of online tournaments that have buy-ins comparable to the EPT side events, but it is always nice to have the option of playing at alive money tables. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, American players are busy trying to win as many side events in the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open. The tournament has just begun and there are plenty of events to win, with Event 1 $350 Deep Stack No Limit Hold'em already crowning the winner. It was obvious from the very beginning that a record is about to be set, with a total of 2888 players buying in to create a prize pool of $866k. Under normal circumstances, these local tournaments don't attract many poker professionals, but this time the stakes were higher. As a result, there were plenty of pros who sat down at the tables to lock horns with amateurs and ambitious players who have competed mostly over the Internet. Very few of them made the final table and Danny Suied from Hallandale Florida was the one who dominated the game in the first hours. His aggressive strategy paid off, because once he got in command he never relinquished the lead. The fiercest competitor was David Smith from New York who challenged him in the heads up, but none of the players were particularly interested in the outcome. The reason is that when only four players were left in the game, they decided to discuss the terms of the deal and an agreement was reached shortly. This explains why the difference between the winner and the one who finished in the fourth place was just a bit over $30,000. Those who wonder how exactly the final table looked like at the end of the day and how much money each player got, should simply check the list below: 1 Danny Suied Hallandale, FL $110,3492 David Smith New York, NY $94,5743 Reinaldo Troconis Coral Gables, FL $81,7524 Brett Bader Boca Raton, FL $78,9195 Raminder Singh Delray Beach, FL $44,9836 Glen Cressman Boca Raton, FL $35,8317 Steele Sutter Palm Beach Gardens, FL $26,7658 Michael Tufaro Fort Myers, FL $18,1319 Richard Russ Hallandale Beach, FL $12,951
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EPT Monte-Carlo Casino 2019 ♠️ Final Table Part 2 ♠️ Who ... FINAL TABLE ♠️ EPT Barcelona 2019 - Main Event (Cards-up ... World Poker Tour - YouTube EPT Monte-Carlo Casino 2019 ♠️ Final Table Part 1 ♠️ Ft ... Day 2 (part 2) ♠️ EPT Barcelona 2019 - Main Event (Cards ... CELEBRITY-PRO INVITATIONAL (Cards-Up) ♠️ EPT Barcelona ... Sensational FINAL TABLE World Poker Tour 5 Diamons.High ... EPT BARCELONA Main Event, Final Table (Cards-Up) - YouTube

Casino Barcelona will also play host to the European Poker Tour Barcelona, from August 21 to September 2, offering tournaments and cash games, plus Platinum Pass Packages worth $30,000 each. TAGS; casino; casino barcelona; CEP; EPT; gaming; poker; pokerstars; tour; Previous article Betsson casino deal for Relax Gaming. Next article Athens casino complex given green light. RELATED ARTICLES MORE ... CasinoEuro runs Casino tournaments from time to time where customers compete against each other, the same way as they would in any other type of tournament, be it online slots, live casino or even poker. The terms and conditions of each specific tournament will tell you when it runs from, what you need to do to try to win it, what prizes are up for grabs and other important information to make ... Casino Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Phone: +34 900 354 354 Visit Website » Tournaments; Responsible Gaming ; 24/7 Customer Service ... There's something about Barcelona that makes it the perfect hub for high stakes poker. Call it the climate, the scenery, or just the warm welcome. But whatever it was there were more records broken this year at Casino Barcelona as the PokerStars Championship moved in for nine days. Live Poker. Sebastian Sorensson, playing second ever ... Daily tournaments, both national and international. Which one do you want to win? Mes Poker Barcelona. The two-day tournament is held once a month. Poker In. Bring your best game to the table every Monday and Thursday. Poker Sin Pausa. Mondays and Thursdays. Don´t stop until you win! Sit&Go’s. Edge-of-your-seat poker tournaments are yours to play in every day. Friday Madness. It´s Friday ... Playing poker at Casino Barcelona This Casino is heavily dedicated to the world of poker, offering a variety of poker rooms with Texas Hold’Em NL, Omaha Pot Limit, and Dealer’s Choice. There are also a variety of national and international daily tournaments, such as Friday Madness, Bounty Fever, and Poker Sin Pausa. At the casino Barcelona, poker gets a major role. Indeed, the reputation of its Poker Room is worldwide. European Poker Tour, World Poker Tour, Mega Poker Series, Campeonato de España de Poker, Catalunya Poker Tour are some examples of the national and international tournaments held within the venue. Casino Barcelona has joined forces with the best in European football on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings broadcasting FC Barcelona and Real Madrid matches on a giant screen. Participants in this football tournament can win dinners at the casino or tickets to Champions League matches at the Camp Nou. Thursdays see the DJ Poker & Music tournament. You haven't win in poker until you win in Casino Barcelona! Casino Barcelona Overview Part of Casino Barcelona. There isn't a better place to play poker than at Casino Barcelona. With a wide range of cash games, and tournaments, you will find yourself rushing to the tables to get in on the action. Tournaments run daily with freezeouts, rebuys and sit n go's on the schedule. Both PLO, and NL Hold Em are played in tournaments. Cash games run daily from 4 ...

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EPT Monte-Carlo Casino 2019 ♠️ Final Table Part 2 ♠️ Who ...

POKER STARTS AT 2:00 PLS ENJOY IT AND SUBSCRIBE.The World Poker Tour (WPT) is a series of international poker tournaments and associated television series br... Cards up coverage from EPT Barcelona Main Event Final Table. Watch all the action on Keep it cool, Keep it fun, Play Responsibly: https://www.p... Highlights of part 1 of the Final Table of the EPT Monte Carlo 2019 Main Event. At the table sit Ryan Riess, Wei Huang, Nicola Grieco, Viktor Katzenberger, M... Part 2 of the Final Table of the EPT Monte Carlo 2019 Main Event. At the table start Wei Huang, Viktor Katzenberger, Manig Loeser, Nicola Grieco and Ryan Rie... The World Poker Tour (WPT) is a series of international poker tournaments and associated television series broadcasting the final table of each tournament. Welcome to the official World Poker Tour ... Cards up coverage from EPT Barcelona Main Event day 2 part 2. Commentary by Joe Stapleton and James Hartigan. Subscribe here: Cards up coverage of the chase your dream celebrity-pro invitational at the EPT Barcelona 2019 from Casino Barcelona. Six days of live coverage from the Barc... Highlights from the first half of Day 2 of the EPT Barcelona 2019 Main Event. A star-studded feature table with Maria Konnikova, Joao Barbosa, Kalidou Sow, a... Cards up coverage from EPT Barcelona Main Event FINAL TABLE. Commentary by James Hartigan and Joe Stapleton. An elimination in the first round, a straight on...

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